1984 Anticipation Guide (Part I)

1984 Anticipation Guide (Part I)

|Strongly |Agree | |Disagree |Strongly |

|Agree | | | |Disagree |

| | |Anonymous “tip lines” allowing citizens to report suspicious behavior to the government are a good idea. | | |

| | |Books with controversial content should be censored. | | |

| | |Citizens of the United States do not have to worry about abuse of government power. | | |

| | |For an idea to exist, we must have words to express it. | | |

| | |Governments should use security cameras in public places to reduce crime. | | |

| | |If I know something to be true (2+2=4) no one could ever make me believe otherwise. | | |

| | |If the government can prove you were thinking about committing a crime, they should be able to arrest you. | | |

| | |It is appropriate for the government to listen in to my phone conversations – “If I’m not doing anything wrong, I have nothing to worry about.” | | |

| | |It is appropriate to torture a political prisoner if it’s for the good of the country. | | |

| | |It is proper for the government to limit civil liberties at times of war. | | |

| | |It is unpatriotic to question your government during times of war. | | |

| | |Our government is the best source of unbiased news. | | |

| | |Reporters should be required to have their stories approved by the government before their articles are printed. | | |

| | |“The ends justify the means.” | | |

| | |“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” | | |

| | |The government should be able to hold people without charge if they are suspected of being a serious threat to the government. | | |

| | |The right to privacy is more important than our national security. | | |

| | |“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” | | |

| | |To assure our county’s freedom, the government should be able to spy on its citizens. | | |

| | |Torture is an appropriate way to gather intelligence as long as the prisoner does not die. | | |

| | |War is valid means of achieving peace. | | |

Pick three statements you strongly agree or strongly disagree with. Write a paragraph explaining the reasoning behind your stance.

Statement #1: Your Stance:


Statement #2: Your Stance:


Statement #3: Your Stance:



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