Strategic Plan

600075-457200Hampton-Newport News (H-NN) (VA)Alumni ChapterKappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, IncorporatedHampton-Newport News (H-NN) (VA)Alumni ChapterKappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated-1028700-60007500Strategic Plan2013-20181 October 2013 1. Purpose, Scope: a. Purpose: To provide a road map to lead the Hampton-Newport News (H-NN) (VA) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated [herein after referred to as the Chapter] from where it is now, to where it desires to be in the next five years; how the chapter will get there and how it will determine if goals and objectives are achieved. b. Scope: This strategic plan:Establishes realistic and measurable goals and objectives that provide guidance, focus and priorities for decision making for allocation of chapter efforts and resources consistent with the chapter’s mission and capacity for municates those goals and objectives to the chapter’s membership.Establishes a bridge between chapter objectives and the objectives of Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity, Inc. as well as incorporates the mandates of the Eastern Province of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.Serves as a flexible guide for the near and long term implementation of chapter programs and activities; integrates and builds continuity between chapter programs and the Achievement Foundation supported programs and activities; and provides evaluation and measurement criteria as to how to measure the effectiveness of these programs in order that adjustments can be made when and where necessary.Reflects the desires and needs of the chapter's membership and outlines efficient and effective ways and means for meeting these desires and needs.Reflects community service commitments in support of the H-NN (VA) Kappa Alpha Psi Achievement Foundation. 2. Organization: The Chapter: The fundamental purpose of the chapter is Achievement. The Chapter was chartered as an alumni chapter by the Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity, Inc on August 4, 1945. Geographic domain of the Chapter includes: Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg, Yorktown, James City County, Poquoson and Gloucester. Chapter membership is not limited to Brothers from these areas. The Chapter’s mailing address is: The Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., P.O. Box 8135, Hampton, Virginia 23666. The Foundation: The charitable arm of the Chapter is the H-NN Kappa Alpha Psi Alumni Chapter Achievement Foundation. The Hampton-Newport News Kappa Alpha Psi Achievement Foundation mailing address is: P.O. Box 7487, Hampton, VA 23666-0487.The website for the Chapter and the Achievement Foundation is . Vision statement: Achieve excellence, worthy of emulation, in every chapter endeavor. Chapter excellence will be achieved and maintained by accomplishing the 7Ks: Kommitment, Kharacter, Kooperation, Konsistency, Kommunication, Konfidence, and Karing remains the focus of what we do with the addition of making the best unknown chapter in Kappa Alpha Psi the best known chapter and to provide a basis and continuity for the next leadership team. 4. Organization Values: Achievement, commitment, character, cooperation, consistency, communication, confidence, caring brotherhood, integrity, service, responsibility, ambition, individuality, equality, respect, dedication, diversity (respective to younger and older brothers), loyalty, credibility, honesty, initiative, innovativeness, teamwork, excellence, accountability, empowerment, quality, efficiency, dignity, stewardship, empathy, courage, wisdom, challenge, influence, learning, discipline, generosity, persistency, optimism, dependability, and flexibility.5. Mission Statement: The Chapter will support communities within the Chapter’s geographic domain through the Achievement Foundation; sponsor a Guide Right Program that focuses on preparing young men for leadership roles by exposing them to positive educational, civic, recreational and social teambuilding opportunities in community settings; foster and encourage achievement of its members through every field of human endeavor.6. Internal and External Communications: A. Internal and External Communications: The purpose of this paragraph is to outline key source information/documentation that provides guidance and establishes continuity for the effective operation of the Chapter. This paragraph is intended to accomplish the following: To identify the Fraternity's core objectives that are linked to each of Chapter's goals and objectives beginning with paragraph six (6) below; To define the two key documents that provide direction for day-to-day chapter operations and establish procedures for continuity between the Chapter and the Achievement Foundation; and to bring awareness to the purpose and relationship between the Chapter and the Achievement Foundation. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. five (5) core objectives. These are enduring objectives. All Chapter goals and objectives will be linked to one or more of the Fraternity objectives below.To unite college men of culture, patriotism and honor in the bond of Fraternity.To encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor.To promote the spiritual, social, intellectual and moral welfare of members.To assist the aims and purposes of colleges and universities.To inspire to service in the public interestChapter Bylaws and SOP: Both documents can be found on the Chapter's website at under Member's Area.Bylaws: Considered a legal document that dictates how the Chapter will be managed and governed. SOP: Serves to facilitate and bring a level of consistency in the day-to-day operations of the Chapter through a set of detailed processes, procedures and best practices. The SOP is a living document and will be updated as needed. The SOP supports and complements the Chapter Bylaws but should not duplicate the Bylaws. The SOP also establishes procedures for communications between the Chapter and the Achievement Foundation for the handling of non-profit/tax exempt matters. H-NN (VA) Kappa Alpha Psi Achievement Foundation Bylaws/Articles of Incorporation. The Bylaws/Articles of Incorporation can be found on the Chapter's website at under Member's Area. The Achievement Foundation serves as the charitable arm of the Chapter but is a separate organization from the Chapter. All charitable and tax exempt correspondence and requests received by the Chapter will be directed to the Foundation IAW procedures outlined in the Chapter SOP. The Chapter provides support to the Foundation charitable efforts. The Foundation Bylaws/Articles of Incorporation establishes that the Achievements Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit tax exempt organizations. 7. Supporting Goals and Objectives and Measurements of Success: a. The H-NN Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc. goals and objectives will support but will not be limited to the Fraternity’s Core Objectives described in 1c above, International Headquarters and Eastern Province objectives/directives at Appendix A and B respectively. b. Measurement of Success: This section follows each objective and will indicate the committee listed at Appendix D that is responsible for this level of effort to achieve success. This level of effort compliments and further defines the duties and responsibilities outlined for each committee as reflected in the chapter bylaws that will be issued under separate cover. The chapter’s Long Range Planning Committee will conduct two assessments a year, a mid-term and an end-of-year assessment. These assessment reports will measure success in terms green, amber or red. Green = met objectives), amber = did not meet but progressing toward meeting objectives, and red = did not meet objectives and no progress toward meeting objectives. Note: See Appendix (D) for individual committee reports detailing their level of effort on how they plan to accomplish the goals and objectives for the current operating year. c. Goal #1: Sustain a Fraternal infrastructure that will support a large chapter status. (Large Chapter = 70 plus active Brothers). Intent of this goal is to attract brothers that have the desire and skills to strengthen the chapter and Kappa Alpha Psi. This goal supports Fraternity Core Objective 1. (1) Objective 1: (a) Track gains and losses in appropriate areas necessary to provide visibility and take appropriate actions to sustain the chapter’s large chapter status (approximately 125 brothers) to meet Eastern Province and Grand Chapter goals and objectives. This balance will consider the right mix of younger and older brothers necessary to ensure chapter viability in the long term. Tracking gains and losses will be the responsibility of the Long -6667590487500Range Planning Committee supported by the Keeper of Records and Exchequer. *Deployed: Denotes those members deployed but still active with the chapter.Focus of growth/sustainment efforts will be in the areas listed in (1.1) below with emphasis on areas listed in (1.2) below.(1.1) Objective growth/sustainment goals:New brothers via Membership Intake (3)Reclaimed brothers: A brother that has not been financially active in any alumni chapter for one or more years –not to include Senior and 50 year old brothers (9)Senior and 50 yr. old brothers (1)Others: New brothers to the chapter that do not fit in the above categories, i.e. transitioning from undergraduate chapters and brothers moving into the area (3)(1.2) While chapter growth is important, the quality or health of the chapter is equally or more important. The chapter needs to have various activities (bonding) that make Brothers want to become more involved and provide the physical support needed to sustain chapter programs. This process will allow brothers to take ownership of chapter activities/programs and promote bonding and closeness and familial spirit. A strong chapter is a direct result of solid sustainment programs that encourage brothers to get involved, thus, creating environments conducive to developing strong social bonds. Both retention and reclamation will be key focused areas, and, when and where needed, MOIP. (b) Measurement of Success: Maintain accurate growth figures for gains and losses for each year by categories as identified in the above growth matrix. Based on gains /loss figures as of June 30 of each year and the level of interest shown by prospective intake candidates, the MOIP committee chairman will make a recommendation at each annual retreat as to whether the chapter should conduct intake for the upcoming operating year. Reclamation Committee will determine and Eastern Province reclamation goals/requirements levied on the chapter and develop a strategy/plan to meet Province’s reclamation goals/requirements. (2) Objective 2: (a) Increase chapter members’ support to and/or participation in chapter activities (i.e., social events, fundraisers, fraternity sponsored civic and social events) to include 60% of the active membership. To accomplish this, the committee must develop methods to determine level of participation. (Development and Programs Committee) (b) Measurement of Success: Achieve 60% chapter support to and/or participation in chapter activities. This calculation may be through acts such as member’s support through sale of tickets, getting sponsorship or actual attendance to the event. (3) Objective 3: (a) Encourage qualified and worthy brothers to seek elective and appointed offices, commissions and positions of greater responsibility in the local community, Fraternity, state and nation. (Polemarch, 1st & 2nd Vice Polemarchs, Chapter Mentors) (b) Measurement of Success: Assess upward mobility of individual members in the Chapter, Fraternity, community and in their respective professions. Assess progress of Membership Development program as to its impact on Brothers’ upward mobility. (4) Objective 4: (a) Continue to recognize chapter members who make significant achievements and contributions in every field of human endeavor through chapter and fraternity awards as well as through local and International Headquarters media. (Achievements and Awards Committee) (b) Measurement of Success: Ensure all Chapter Brothers are knowledgeable of award criteria. As a minimum, conduct one event annually where deserving brothers are recognized. Ensure chapter award submissions for Province and National level awards meet established timelines. (5) Objective 5: (a) Conduct activities which fosters greater social interaction between Brothers and provides a sense of Brotherhood: (Fellowship has lead for items #1-3 supported by Development & Programs Committee, and Membership Services and Members Benefits Committees has lead for items #4-5.) (b) Measurement of Success: (1) External: Support at least one external social activity (i.e. joint event). Internal: (2) Sponsor at least one internal activity for new and reclaimed Brothers (i.e. cookout or tailgate focusing on new and reclaimed Brothers); (3) conduct at least one road trip where brothers and/or spouses/significant others can socialize; (4) send birthday cards to Brothers for their birthday, and (5) continue budgeting for the $50 savings bond for any brother who has a new baby during the current operating year. (6) Objective 6: (a) Enhance Senior Kappa and 50 yr. Brothers Program by encouraging Senior Kappa participation in chapter programs. Conduct special activities to keep Senior Kappa’s informed on chapter events, especially those unable to attend chapter meeting, and make special arrangements to afford them the opportunity (i.e. transportation, telecom, VTC) to attend/receive chapter and committee meeting information. Recognize Senior Kappa’s for their continued commitment to service. (Senior & 50 yr Brothers Committee supported by Exchequer) (b) Measurement of Success: Reclaim or gain through progression at least (1) Senior or 50yr. brother per year; conduct or take advantage of an appropriate forum to recognize 50yr. brothers annually. Ensure at least one 50 yr. Brother is on each committee. Establish and maintain a viable transportation plan to get senior Kappa’s, that desire to attend meetings but are unable to on their own or develop a method by which Senior Kappas can view or hear the conduct of monthly meetings. (7) Objective 7:Establish and implement a plan to track Hampton University (HU) and William and Mary (W&M) Chapters brothers staying in the area and encourage them to matriculate to alumni chapters, specifically, the H-NN Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. (Collegiate Chapters Advisory Committee Chairs supported by Reclamation). (b) Measurement of Success: During years where HU and W&M Chapters has brothers graduating and those brothers remain in the area, encourage those brothers to join alumni chapters but work to, as a minimum, to attract at least one (1) member from each chapter to join the H-NN Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. (8) Objective 8: (a) Ensure widows of Brothers receive correspondence on activities commensurate with their status. Further, ensure that widows of Brothers are recognition at Kappa events when appropriate. (Membership Services-Lead) (Chaplain-support). (b) Measurement of Success: Identify and maintain a list of all widows of deceased Brothers to include addresses. Ensure list is current at all times and ensure correspondence is sent prior to the occasion in question. Responsible for inviting widows to appropriate Kappa functions. When appropriate, responsible for ensuring a house call is made, to include arrangement for repast (must budget for the repasts), to a widow upon the transition of a brother to the Chapter Invisible.(9) Objective 9: (a) Coordinate chapter level visits to Brothers in the Hampton Veterans Hospital (Membership Services Committee) (b) Measurement of Success: Develop a plan to that will allow the chapter to become aware when a Brother is admitted to the Hampton Veterans Hospital. The plan should also address provisions for visiting any Brothers in the Hampton Veterans Hospital at least once visit per year. (10) Objective 10: (a) Coordinate for repast, delivery, and setup serving line and arrange for cleanup for each monthly repast. When appropriate, provide meals for chapter planning events such as retreats (Hospitality Committee) (b) Measurement of Success: Timely planning for and execution of repast to include set up, serving of the meal and clean-up for each monthly meeting, annual retreat, and other chapter sponsored activities as designated by the BOD. (11) Objective 11: (a) Incorporate Leadership and Mentorship into the Membership Development Program to prepare new and existing Brothers for positions of increased responsibility internal and external to the H-NN Chapter. (The Membership Development Program Committee has lead supported by the Polemarch, 1st & 2nd Vice Polemarchs). (b) Measurement of Success: Finalize Membership Development Program Document NLT Nov 2011. Document should identify formal procedures for implementing Leadership Training and the Mentorship process into the Program, although the execution of these processes may through informal means. Conduct, as a minimum, one (1) training activity quarterly.(12) Objective 12: (a) Expand current chapter programs and activities within the chapter’s geographic domain with specific focus on the Denbigh and Williamsburg area. (Outreach Committee). (b) Measurement of Success: Expansion initiatives must be in line with and support current chapter programs and should be integrated into standing committee’s programs and associated budget lines as soon as possible. All new initiatives will be presented at the annual retreat, and when needed, periodic progress reports will be provided to the BOD and brothers at the appropriate chapter meeting. (13) Objective 13: (a) Leverage technology and the power of social media to enhance strategic communications (internal and external) and the achievement of Chapter goals and objectives. (Public Relations Committee supported by all other committee chairs). (b) Measurement of Success: Marketing of Chapter activities, and where appropriate Achievement Foundation activities, through electronic and social media to cut cost, increase visibility of chapter activities and support and improve the quality and scope of information dissemination. The Chapter's initial approach will consists of efforts to further publicize Guide Right Program activities and to support Chapter’s Fund Raising activities in support of Achievement Foundation charitable activities. (14) Objective 14: (a) Contribute to Piney Woods School and Other Charities and Non-profit efforts as determined at the annual offsite. (All). (b) Measurement of Success: (1) Piney Woods: Conduct a special collection at each chapter meeting for Piney Woods. This event will be added to the chapter agenda. (2) Other Charities and Non-profit Efforts: During the annual retreat, Chapter leadership will, to the best extent possible, identify charities and non-profit efforts the chapter will support during the operating year. To support this effort, several actions will be taken prior to the retreat to determine the best way to budget to support these efforts. The following information will be available at the retreat. (a) Corporate Donations and Ads: The Exchequer will develop (1) a list of corporate donors – include amount of donations and (2) other organizations that have made contributions to the Chapter or taken out ads for souvenir booklets during the past year – include amount of contribution/donations. (b) Chapter Ads and Donations: The Exchequer will develop a list of ads and donations (to include amounts) that the chapter has made to other organizations. d. Goal #2: Ensure full commitment to the Guide Right Program Kappa Cardinals Sports Programs. Supports Fraternity Core Objective 1. (1) Objective 1: (a) Continue current Guide Right and Kappa sports programs to develop and promote the cultural, social, and academic education of young men (build whole person characteristics). Continue to work with the H-NN Alumni Chapter and the Achievement Foundation to ensure these programs are adequately supported and funded. (Guide Right Program Committee supported by the Achievement Foundation) (b) Measurement of Success: Guide Right and sports programs continue to attract and develop young males of varying ages in the chapter’s operational domain. Ten percent of these young men continue to contribute positively to the community and go on to further their education. e. Goal #3: Become a role model for other Greek lettered and social organizations regionally and the Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity, Inc. Supports Fraternity Core Objective 3, 4, 5. (1) Objective 1: (a) Keep chapter members informed. (Public Relations Committee) (b) Measurement of Success: Publish Chapter Newsletter quarterly, and brochure, article/picture submitted for inclusion in each issue of the Kappa Alpha Psi journal. Keep chapter website current, Quarterly distribution of an electronic copy of the updated membership roster and social roster semi-annually. (2) Objective 2: (a) Maintain the working relationship with the Hampton - Newport News Silhouettes in support of Chapter Programs and activities. (Silhouette Liaison Officer) (b) Measurement of Success: Liaison Officer will coordinate with Silhouettes at least monthly and keep the chapter BOD and membership informed on those topics of common interest. (3) Objective 3: (a) Continue partnerships with the community and other fraternities and sororities to sponsor spiritual, social, intellectual activities for our members (i.e. conduct of educational, economic, cultural, and political forums or programs). (Social Actions Committee-Lead), (Public Relations, Pan-Hellenic Representative, Chaplain-and Outreach Committees support). (b) Measurement of Success: Obtain a copy of the Pan-Hellenic calendar prior to Chapter Retreat. Review calendar at retreat. Conduct a chapter sponsored church visit semi-annually. (5) Objective 4: (a) Inform communities within the chapter’s geographic domain on chapter scheduled activities and events and achievements(external) as well as maintain visibility of and inform brothers on chapter community service projects(internal) (i.e. chapter newsletter, Daily Press & other local media) (Public Relations Committee) (b) Measurement of Success: Publish at least one Guide Right article per season per major sporting event (i.e. basketball, football and baseball). This seasonal publication requirement may consist of submitting articles to the local newspapers or the Kappa Alpha Psi Journal. If either of the articles is provided to the Kappa Alpha Psi Journal, this submission will suffice for the Journal quarterly submission requirement. Note: Submission of seasonal sporting event articles to local media will not suffice for the quarterly submission to the Kappa Alpha Psi Journal. Ensure the newsletter gets disseminated throughout the chapter’s geographical domain. Ensure the H-NN website is current and relevant. f. Goal #4: Provide a facility that will support operations for the H-NN Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi. Key operation functions include, but not limited to, chapter monthly meetings, committee, program and Board of Directors meetings, Guide Right Program activities, and when requested, the Annual Planning Retreat. Supports Fraternity Core Objective 1 & 2. Objective: (1) Ensure a facility is available on a near term basis (3-5 years) and long term (5-10 years) to support chapter operations for the activities identified in the goal above. (Housing Committee - Lead) (Guide Right Program Committee -support) (2) Measurement of Success: The Housing Committee maintains visibility on decisions made by the Boys and Girls Club and Hampton City recreation decisions that affect the H-NN Alumni Chapter’s use of current facilities. Further, the Housing Committee has a short term and long term plan that will support chapter operations and secure chapter archives in the event that the Boys and Girls Club facility is no longer available to the H_NN Alumni chapter. . g. Goal #5: When and where feasible, provide financial support to the H-NN Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Achievement Foundation to assist the Foundation in executing its community service programs. . Supports Fraternity Core Objective 1, 2 & 4. (1) Objective 1: When and where feasible, provide support to the efforts of the Achievement Foundation through financial contributions and voluntary assistance to support various fund raising activities. (Special Committee appointed and led by the Vice Polemarch). (2) Measurement of Success: The H-NN Chapter will consider Foundation request for support only when the Foundation has exhausted its ability to execute its community service program within the scope of its charter. Any request for support will be formally made at the Chapter Annual Retreat. Upon approval of the Foundation’s request for financial support, the H-NN Chapter will incorporate approved funding level into its fundraising programs. Upon receipt of funding, the Foundation will provide, as a minimum, quarterly updates to the Chapter BOD meetings and when requested, at the Chapter’s monthly meetings. h. Goal #6: Establish/support, and publicize community and other organization's health awareness, political, educational and social programs. Supports National Objective 5 and Kappa’s Commitment #5 (1) Objective 1: (a) Ensure Prostate Cancer Awareness through partnerships with local American Cancer Society, local hospitals, medical centers and doctors. (Social Actions Committee). (b) Measurement of Success: Sponsor or co-sponsor at least one Prostate Cancer Awareness event annually. (2) Objective 2: (a) When appropriate, conduct voter registration and “Get Out and Vote” Campaign, These activities may be conducted in conjunction with other local political organizations . (Social Actions Committee). (b) Measurement of Success: Sponsor or co-sponsor at least one “get out to vote” event during each local in the chapter’s geographic area. (3) Objective 3: (a) Conduct a blood drive geared toward members of the Hampton Roads community. This activity/event may be conducted in conjunction with the Pan Hellenic Council, American Red Cross or another organization. (Social Actions Committee). (b) Measurement of Success: Sponsor or co-sponsor at least one Blood Drive annually (4) Objective 4: (a) Provide assistance to needy families in the chapter’s geographic area. (Social Actions Committee). (b) Measurement of Success: Conduct at least one family assistance effort annually (i.e. Thanksgiving or Christmas Basket Program). (5) Objective 5: (a) Sponsor/co-sponsor political forums with other community organizations to inform members on key issues involving state and national elections. (Social Actions Committee). (b) Measurement of Success: Sponsor or co-sponsor at least one Political Forum annually during an election within the chapter’s geographic area. (7) Objective 6: (a) Assist Province and Grand Chapter in meeting its Fund Raising goals. (Exchequer supported by Development & Programs Committee from a fund raising perspective). (b) Measurement of Success: Ensure the chapter meet or exceed Grand Chapter and Province goals set for support to designated programs. Note: These fund raising programs should be identified prior to or during the chapter’s annual retreat. Funding of these programs should be included as part of the chapter’s annual budget. APPENDIX AFRATERNITY CORE OBJECTIVES1. To unite college men of culture, patriotism and honor in the bond of Fraternity2. To encourage honorable achievement in every field of human endeavor3. To promote the spiritual, social, intellectual and moral welfare of members4. To assist the aims and purposes of colleges and universities5. To inspire to service in the public interestAPPENDIX B-1The FraternityThe following are excerpts taken from the Grand Polemarch’s message that should help to shape our chapter’s way forwardThe theme: “100 Years and Building: The Journey Continues.”It is our time, as One KAPPA, to reexamine the bridges that have brought us to this place. It’s our time to make sure that each bridge is sound enough to carry the traffic that will be coming in our second century. It’s our time to recognize where we are in the mainstream of America, and what we need to do move more intimately into the decision making of our nation and the world. It is our time to determine what the next step is in the building process. How will we grow our Kappa brand? How will we discharge our fiscal strategies to continue to increase our solvency?How will we increase our relationships with Corporate America?Who should we add to our list of organization partners? What should we do to make sure that our infrastructure fits our policies and programs? What are the desires of the brothers for the future of our International Headquarters, short and long term?APPENDIX B-2The Eastern ProvinceObjectivesTBDAPPENDIX C: Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni ChapterKappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.P.O. Box 8135Hampton, Virginia 23666 May 20, 2013Dear Brothers,My vision for the Hampton Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter is to continue to serve our community with a strong focus on our Guide Right program, Kappa League, other youth activities, and our Social Action programs. The bond of this Fraternity and our chapter should be the driving force to motivate each and every one of us to commit our time and effort to our programs and activities. Our objectives for this fraternal year 2013-2014 are:Maintain an award winning Guide Right Program. All members dedicate time or money to our Guide Right or Athletic Programs. Eight hours. Guide Right supported by AllPromote all activities that impact or affect our communities and our chapter. Social Actions. All others support. Improve our attendance at local chapter meetings/events to share and receive new ideas and use these activities to strengthen our “Bond”. All. Encourage and build strong relationship with our collegiate brothers, providing mentoring and support, establish one event that we can host together. Undergraduate Advisory. PDC, Social Actions and all others support. Continue to improve our chapter internal operations:Update standard operating procedures (SOPs) as needed: LRPC. All others support.Establish timelines for reports, correspondence, and other business practices. 1st & 2nd Vice Polemarch. Committee Chairs support. Continue to expand our community service activities to the Denbigh and Williamsburg communities to include exploring Ft Eustis activities: Outreach Committee. Continue to make Casino Night the premier summer event for Hampton Roads and capitalize/explore other creative fundraising opportunities. PDC. All others support. Continue to improve the Branding of our Chapter through the use of our website, social media, and Public Relations. Public Relations CommitteeSupport the Hampton-Newport News Kappa Alpha Psi Achievement FoundationSupport through individual membership of $25 or other donation amount: AllAssist the foundation in gaining Corporate Sponsorships and contribute donations commensurate of large chapters to the Kappa Foundation, Piney Woods and other charities. PDC. Finance, Public Relations support. Brothers All, “102 Years and Building: The Journey Continues” we’ve had another great fraternal year. I ask each and every one of you to take time out and thank the outgoing chapter leadership; especially the 35th Polemarch for his guidance and leadership for the past five years. I look forward to seeing all of you at our Planning Retreat. If you have ideas or programs you would like to see our Chapter engage in, please contact the appropriate committee chairs so that it is evaluated for inclusion in their program briefed at our retreat. On behalf of all the officers of the Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter, thank you for your support. “Many are call, but few are chosen”.Yours in the Bond,Linwood J. Smith, Jr.Linwood J. Smith, Jr.36th PolemarchHampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni ChapterAPPENDIX D: Committees, Programs Chairs, and LNOs D-1 Development & Programs: (Darryl Robinson) D-2 Membership Development and Intake, and Orientation Program: (Eric Hairston) D-3 Guide Right: (Arthur Price)D-4. Social Actions: (Bob Ayers)D-5. Historian / Reporter: (Duron Shearn)D-6. Undergraduate Chapter Advisors: D6a: Beta Chi: (Gary Hunter)D6b: XI Theta: (Van Jones) D-7. Finance: (Gerald Bell)D-8. Long Range Planning (Strategic Plan): (Chuck Holden)D-9. Member Services and Benefits: (Norris Lamb)D-10 Public Relations: (Rick Watson)D-11 Achievement and Awards: (Reggie Bowens)D-12 Internal Audit Committee (Aaron Giles)D-13 Senior & 50 yr Brothers: (William Revells)D-14 Silhouette LNO: (Chuck Simmons) D-15Housing: (Steve Morgan)D-16Membership Development: (Clifford McMillan)D-17Bylaws: (Roland Thompson) D-18 Hospitality: (James Swann) D-19 Nomination: Appointed by Polemarch D-20Reclamation: (Ken Romney)D-21Fellowship Committee: (Chuck Boaz) D-22 Pan-Hellenic Council LNO (Keith Davis)D-23 Outreach Committee: (Tony Garner)D-24 Achievement Foundation-Draft Budget: Roland White (Information purposes only)D-1 Program and Development Committee 2013-2014 Committee Chairman: Brother D. RobinsonCommittee Members: Brothers: Gerald. Bell, Chuck. Boaz, Reggie. Bowens, Gary. Cobb, A. Giles, C. Holden, M. Marble-Howard, Dave. Johnson, Eugene. Johnson, Howard. McCord, Joseph. Mingo, Polemarch Clifford. McMillan, Ross. Snow, Reggie Stanley, Greg Price, Marquis Norton, Kirk Reed and R. Williams. Purpose: Provide information concerning accomplishments for FY 12-13 and the development plan for 2013-mittee Functions: This committee is responsible for development, planning and execution of Chapter fund raising events and activities. It develops and plans Chapter activities such as Chapter retreat, and Chapter social events. Committee Objectives: Provide planning, coordination and development of fundraising and social programs to generate financial support from donors (individuals, churches, businesses, organizations and the chapter).To meet the fundraising requirements as established by the Chapter to support our Guide Right, Food baskets (Thanksgiving and Christmas), Social Action Committee, Scholarships, Tutoring programs and Athletic Association. Provide social activities to enhance the Bonding and Fellowship of the chapter.Raise $18,500.00 during FY 2013-2014.-647700398145000-647700-67627500-647700-66738500-647700386715000-752475356235000-752475-60007500-752475-67691000-752475412369000-790575-58102500-790575407670000-742950399097500-809625-64770000D-2 MOIP Committee 2013-2014Committee Chairman: Brother Eric D. HairstonPurpose: To initiate and indoctrinate men for life time financial membership in to Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, mittee Functions: The committees specific objectives are to-Indoctrinate and instruct a new member in the customs, traditions, laws, history, and administration of the Fraternity at all levels of involvement-national, province and local;Provide insight into the what, and how of a formal organization and administration consistent with acceptable parliamentary procedures;Develop in a new member the desires to insure the dynamic and progressive continuance of Kappa Alpha Psi as a first rate fraternity; andCommence the promotion of being a member of a group while retaining individuality.Mission: To provide effective program management for the Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter in order to protect all stakeholders from financial, political or physical harm; to include, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Current Year 2012-2013 Accomplishments: Initiated two men and both are active members of the chapter. The new members have membership on a least three standing committees and currently serve on the Hospitality Committee.Year 2013-2014 Goals and Objectives: To initiate a minimum of five men and pair each new member with a Kappa sponsor. Each new member must work on at least three standing committees. Committee Budget: FY 2013-2014: $ 500.00Food cost for Interest Meeting and Administrative Meetings $ 500.00Total:$ 500.00 BOD Recommendation: Approved ______ Disapproved ________ Tabled __________ D-3 GUIDE RIGHT COMMITTEE2013-2014Committee Chairman: Brother Arthur PriceCommittee Members: Brothers Jimmie Williams, Chris Belton, Joseph Mingo, Van Jones, Eugene Johnson, Gregory Price, Jason Little ?Current Year 2012-2013 Accomplishments:Chapter Guide Right Program Awarded 3rd Place in Jay Crosby Award Competition Brother Arthur Price Named Eastern Province Kappa League Coordinator Kappa Leaguer Timothy Parker Won Eastern Province Student of the Year Competition Kappa Cardinals Midget Football Team Won 2012 Hampton City Championship Kappa Cardinals Intermediate Football Team Was 2012 City Championship Runner-Up Kappa Leaguers Attended “The Black Nativity” at Hampton University. Kappa Cardinals Crimson Intermediate Basketball Team Won City Championship Twenty Kappa Leaguers Attended Annual United Nations World Youth Conference Six Kappa Leaguers Received High School Diplomas Four Kappa League Seniors Recognized by 200+ Men for Academic Achievement Timothy Parker Achieves Eagle Scout Rank. (First African American in Troops History.) ?2012-2013 Goals and Objectives: Establish Guide Right Website Maintain Working Relationship With Newport News Chapter of LINKS, Inc. Conduct Fall College Tour Proposed Budget for 2013-2014 : $6500.00Cultural Outings & Links Support $ 2,000.00Fall College Tour 2,000.00Kappa-Knight Breakfast 500.00Apparel (New Logo Applications) 1000.00Sports Outings 500.00Kappa Baseball Cardinals Expenses 500.00? The proposed budget assumes the implementation of an agenda of activities, workshops and programs similar to those provided during the 2012/2013 fraternal year. D-4 SOCIAL ACTIONS COMMITTEE2013-2014Committee Chairman: Robert D. Ayers, Jr - Chair Committee Members: Keith A. Johnson (Co-Chair), John A. Moore, Reginald A. Stanley, Khalid Ali, Gary Hammond, Tommy Selden and William Pinckney Mission: The Social Action Committee plans and coordinates all programs that serve the public interest. The Committee will submit all correspondence to the Chapter's Keeper of Records for official release on Chapter letterhead. 2012-2013 Accomplishments:Supported voter registration; discriminated information on the election process and encouraged the community to "get out the vote." Participated in the Southeast Community Day Parade. (Kappa Cardinals Baseball Team) Donated 100 pillow cases for Dresses for Haiti Project Supported the Alopecia Foundation with planning and administrative services Provided 20 Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets to needy families Participated in Kappa's Virginia Legislative Day in Richmond, VA Support P.I.C.H and the 100 Black Men's Health Screening2013-2014 Goals and Objectives: Support voter information and "get out the vote" efforts; provide individual support for Kappa candidates Support/Participate in the Southeast Community Day Parade Support Dresses for Haiti Project Support Alopecia Foundation (Donate wig and stands) Provide Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to needy families (Brothers bring can goods to September, October, November and December Regular Chapter Meetings) Participate in March on Washington scheduled for August 24, 2013 Provide support for the Health and Fitness initiatives (e.g., 100 Black Men, P.I.C.H.) Adopt Tucker Family Cemetery; work with the City of Hampton to clean and maintain (Note: This cemetery has the FIRST documented African-American born in North America buried here.)Projected Budget: Support of the voting process$ 0.00 Southeast Community Day Parade$ 100.00 Support Dresses for Haiti Project$ 0.00 Support of Alopecia Foundation$ 200.00 Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets$ 0.00 Support March on Washington$ 500.00 Support for Health and Fitness Initiatives$ 0.00 Adopt Tucker Family Cemetery$ 200.00 Total:$1000.00D-5 HISTORIAN – REPORTER2013-2014Committee Chairman: Stephen PennYear 2012-2013 Accomplishments:Continued to collect and compile the necessary materials to record the activities and achievements of this Chapter and its members.Utilized an organized group effort to maintain an accurate documentation of the Chapter by taking pictures that capture the majority of the chapter’s events.Continued the effort to supply the chapter website and newsletter with said pictures.Generated a streamlined standard procedure for getting photograph albums that document the chapter’s primary events on the chapter website much more quickly.Enhanced the chapter newsletter with help from newer brothers and (re)introduce new sections (business advertisements, chapter spotlights, words of advice, etc) Budget Allocation: $550.00Amount Expended: $0Year 2011-2012 Goals Identify new plan for to collect, compile and store the necessary materials for recording the activities and achievements of this Chapter and its members as identified in the Chapter Bylaws (potential new committee). Continue to utilize an organized group effort to take pictures that capture the majority of the chapter’s events, most notably this year’s Founders’ Day activities.Continue the effort to provide the Province with news and information on the chapter each month.Continue the effort to supply the chapter website and newsletter with said pictures.Solicit information from chapter members to enhance the chapter newsletter and potential feed the introduction of new sections (business advertisements, words of advice, etc) Potential long-term project to coordinate with other local chapters to consolidate information and make the history of Kappa on the Peninsula more easily accessible to the membership and to the public.Expected Budget (Itemized):ITEM ESTIMATED COSTPhotograph paper $ 150.00Photograph Binders $ 25.00Other Production Costs $ 75.00Total: $ 250.00Comments: The $250.00 will be included as an item in the Public Relations Committee budget, just as the 2011-12 budget was.BOD Recommendation: Approved ___ Disapproved ____ Tabled ____ D-6a Undergraduate/Collegiate Advisory Committee - Beta Chi2013-2014Committee Chairman: Brother Gary B. HunterCommittee Members: Brothers Reginald Bowens, Van Jones, Arthur Price, Thomas Selden, James Sears, Gregory WilliamsOn-Campus Advisor: Brother Joe KingPurpose: To provide general advice and counsel to the undergraduate chapter and Brothers, in both a fraternal and personal way. Committee Functions: To assist the Chapter Advisor in the supervision of the undergraduate chapter which he acts as the Liaison between the Province Polemarch and the Chapter. Specific roles are the Advisor and the Advisory Committee are:To advise the undergraduate ChapterTo establish continuity between the Chapter OfficersTo ensure that Chapter Bylaws, Fraternity Constitutions & Statues are carried out correctlyTo monitor the Chapter operations to see that Grand Chapter and Province policies are carried outTo ensure the Chapter members adhere to the policies of the UniversityTo strive continually to help the Chapter become as self-sufficient as possibleTo encourage individual and chapter academic achievement that culminates with matriculation in four years or as the requirement of their particular degreeTo promote the growth of all chapter members in leadership, finances, planning, and executionTo inspire lifelong service to the community and the FraternityMission: To provide effective supervision and guidance to the Beta Chi Chapter in order to protect all stakeholders from financial, political or physical harm; to include, the Beta Chi Chapter, Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter, Hampton University and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. Chapter Achievement Report 2012 - 2013 :Chapter received its’ Certification for the 2012-2013 in September 2012.Nine candidates were initiated into the Bond during the Fall 2012 MOIP Intake Program held at Frostburg State University in November 2013.Chapter brothers attended the all required workshops/meetings and conferences for FY 2013-2013 as required by IHQ and the Province.Membership Report: Beta Chi remains one of the largest undergraduate chapters in the Eastern Province; having 29 fully financial members for FY 2012-2013.Guide Right Program – Continued the partnership with Cooper Elementary Magnet School assisting in the tutoring of students on a bi- weekly basis.Chapter held regularly monthly chapter meetingsThe Chapter conducted or participated in several successful seminars throughout the year such as the YMCA’s Bright Beginnings- Clothes for Kids, “Kappa Knott” Drive; World AIDS Day Awareness; HU Café Appreciation Day, the Martin Luther King Day Program and the Dr. Seuss / Read Across America Campaign.The Chapter accepted a request from Brother Errol Duplessis to be ushers during his wife’s Celebration of Life which was held on Easter Sunday.The Chapter received the Greek “Chapter of the Year” Award from the HU Pan-Hell Council.Chapter held a successful Kappa Week April 14 – 20, 2013Chapter Officers were elected for the coming FY 2013-2014.10 Brothers received their undergraduate degrees; 2 graduated with honors.Eight Brothers were on the Dean’s List for the Spring Semester 2012.Nineteen Brothers are scheduled to return for the Fall Semester 2013.Year 2013 -2014 Goals and Objectives:Conduct a successful Fall 2013 Intake ProgramCampaign to have a member of the Chapter as Undergraduate Board Member Region VStrengthen the Bond of the Chapter by conducting chapter workshops/sessions focusing on fraternity and brotherhoodWin Chapter of the Year Award at Hampton U. and the Eastern Province Develop and Implement a productive Right Guide ProgramEncourage HU Chapter graduates to join H-NN Alumni or an alumni chapter in the city/area where they will be livingCommittee Budget: Fiscal Year 2013 – 2014 : Officers Workshop Lodging and Registration$150.00CRWLC Lodging and Registration$325.00Province Council Lodging and Registration $525.00Total Expenses$1000.00BOD Recommendation: Approved ______ Disapproved ______Tabled _______D-6b Undergraduate/Collegiate Advisory Committee - Xi Theta2013-2014Committee Chairman: Brother Van JonesCommittee Members: Brothers Earl Granger, William Pinckney, Chris Belton and Lashae McMillan Purpose:To provide general advice and counsel to the undergraduate chapter and Brothers, in both a fraternal and personal way. Committee Functions To assist the Chapter Advisor in the supervision of the undergraduate chapter which he acts as the Liaison between the Province Polemarch and the Chapter. Specific roles are the Advisor and the Advisory Committee are:To advise the undergraduate ChapterTo establish continuity between the Chapter OfficersTo ensure that Chapter Bylaws, Fraternity Constitutions & Statues are carried out correctly.To monitor the Chapter operations to see that Grand Chapter and Province policies are carried out.To ensure the Chapter members adhere to the policies of the University.To strive continually to help the Chapter become as self-sufficient as possible.To encourage individual and chapter academic achievement that culminates with matriculation in four years or their degree requires. To promote the growth of all chapter members in leadership, finances, planning, and execution.To inspire lifelong service to the community and the Fraternity.MissionTo provide effective supervision and guidance to the Xi Theta Chapter in order to protect all stakeholders from financial, political or physical harm; to include, the Xi Theta Chapter, Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter, College of William & Mary and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. 2012 - 2013 Goals and Objectives:Establish an infrastructure to ensure sustainability through mentoring and leadership conferencesCreate an operating plan that focused on academic enrichment, campus involvement, and community serviceDevelop a viable Guide Right ProgramParticipate in the Spring 2012 MOIP Intake ProgramEstablish and maintain a relationship with former Xi Theta members and the Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter?Current Year 2012-2013 ReportTwo young men were initiated into the Xi Theta Chapter during the Spring 2013 MOIP bringing the total number of members to 12. Three chapter brothers degree was conferred in May, 2013. One brother is scheduled to graduate in the Summer 2013. There will be 9 brothers on campus at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. Brothers facilitated campus forums on male/female relationships and resume writing during Xi Theta Kappa Week in February, 2013Collaborated with the Beta Chi Chapter (Hampton University) to host a party in the Fall of 2012 Hosted first ever Activity Hour on campusBrothers Ethan Lee, Ryan Smith and DeAndre Houston-Carson went to Nicaragua in the Spring 2013 for a week to work in an munity Service:Co-sponsored Red Rover Field Day with the Delta Sigma Theta Chapter (College of William & Mary)Collected can food for the local shelterSponsored shoe drive for children in Nicaragua (Collected over 120 pairs of shoes)Participated in Basketball Tournament entitled Midnight Madness with proceeds going to cancer researchCoached Neighborhood Basketball League Mentoring Diamonds/Guide Right 2013 - 2014 Goals and Objectives:Continue financial and membership sustainability through visibility and campus activitiesBuild and maintain a strong relationship with alumni brothers through mentoring and leadership conferencesIncrease involvement within the school and Williamsburg communityParticipate in the Fall 2013 MOIP Intake ProgramCommittee Budget: FY 2013-2014 Eastern Province Officer Workshop $ 140.00Registration and LodgingCRWLC at Old Dominion University $ 330.00Registration $ 50.00Lodging (Two nights)$ 280.00 Eastern Province Council $ 530.00Registration $ 240.00Lodging (Two nights)$ 290.00Total:$ 1,000.00BOD Recommendation: Approved __Disapproved ______Tabled __________D-7 Finance Committee & Budget Report 2013-1024------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finance Report – Past Year2012-2013Committee Chairman: Brother Gerald BellCommittee Members: Brothers: Eugene Johnson (AKOE), and Aaron Giles (Auditor)1. Purpose: To provide summary information concerning the Finance actions for FY 12-13. 2. Committee Functions: The finance committee shall process and handle the receipt of all income and payment of all expenses of the Chapter.3. Mission: The mission of the finance committee is to provide consistent application of conduct and proper internal controls to ensure prudent use of the chapter assets, as the duties described in the bylaws are performed. All income and funds dispersed by Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter will comply with the guidelines of the Internal Revenue Service codes for a 501(c-3) tax-exempt organization.4. ?Current Year 2012-2013 Accomplishments:a. ??The annual budget was adopted by the chapter on October 6, 2012. The budget structure is broken into three categories the estimated income, estimated expenditures for the FY, and Fenced Funds. The estimated incomes and expenditures for the chapter are the Dues & General Operating Expenses and Fund Raising Activities & Contributions. The Fenced fund accounts list those items that are fenced for future obligations within the current FY.b. Completed monthly internal audit for this FY. All accounts balanced and three comments concerning administration practices (receipt submissions, tracking monthly internal audits and voucher signatures from Polemarch and KOE for processing repayment actions). c. No updates made to the KOE SOP (latest update submitted on 22 October 2011 to the LRPC for the Chapter’s SOP document). Plan to update during FY 13-14. d. Membership status for FY 12-13: The categories are listed as Life Members (LM), Subscribing Life Members (SLM), Province Life Member (PLM), Non-Life (NL) Annual Dues Payment (ADP), Retired Members (RET), NL/PLM, Recent College Graduate (RCG), LM/Northern PLM (NPLM) and Deployment. The total does not include “K13” since they did not provide any dues during this FY. The FY 12-13 financial status for the chapter: e. Dues & General Operating Expenses for FY 12-13: The Dues were maintained at the same level as the previous year to support committee requirements. The operating budget was based on 98 brothers (life/Non-Life) paying $220.00 and 26 Brothers (Retired Life/Retired non-Life) paying $160.00 for local Chapter dues to meet the approved budget of $25,720.00. The Chapter collected $23,605.00 (92%) of the approved budget amount. This reduction in collected dues required an adjustment in funding allocations for five of the approved accounts. However, we were still able to meet funding requirements for FY12-13. f. A total of 21 line items were funded. The Development & Programs and Historian lines were not funded. Two accounts received revenue during the FY which increased the balance total Member Services (tailgate donations) and UnderGraduate Assistance Accounts (were repayment for Insurance and donation payments by the chapter). g. Dues & General Operating Expenses: Dues: $31,865.00; GC: $3,900.00 (Amt paid $3,750.00 to IHQ. Will apply remaining $150.00 to next year payment to GC); Province: $ 4,360.00 (Amt paid $4,240.00 to EP remaining $120.00 will be submitted next FY)Local:$ 23,605.00 (25,720.00 budget amt = 92% collected same as last year) h. The line items supporting the fund raising activities, contributions and donations received during this FY 12-13 are listed below. The Sep AWP and Red Carpet Jam were not conducted this FY. A total of 10 fundraisers were conducted. One event out of the ten events did not meet profit goals and the VDS was cancelled this year due to poor support by the chapter. Only one assessment event is still open, but coordination with the Chapter member to close this account is projected for payment at the August’s meeting. Ticket money from Day Party, Kasino Night and “AD” money for the Souvenir Booklet are still outstanding, but members have been notified and payment dates set. A fundraising goal of $18,500.00 was exceeded with a projected total of $18,529.75 was raised to support FY 13-14 funding requirements (listed in red on the chart below). The accounts’ summaries are:i. The Fenced Funds that were used during the FY are listed below. Several accounts were closed out (St Jude, Habitat for Humanity and MOIP “11”) during this FY. The Public Relations line was added due to the repayment of the Conclave’s Journal Advertisement. The Fenced Funds accounts are: 5. Audit Requirement: An internal audit was conducted monthly by the audit committee and results provided at the BOD sessions. The audit was performed in accordance with accepted auditing standards, the standards set forth for financial audits in the Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non Profit Organizations; and the State Single Audit Guidelines issued by the Virginia Department of Administration. The initial observations from the audit:a. Receipts not filed with reimbursement vouchers. Out of the 83 vouchers filed a total of four vouchers did not have the supporting receipts needed to complete the reimbursement actions. Line items A3 Hosting, A8 CRWLC, and A9 Hospitality accounts did not have the required receipts for receiving reimbursements. b. Internal audit needs to be maintained on a monthly basis as listed in KOE SOP document. No record for the month of January, April, and June for the conduct of the monthly audit.c. Obtaining the Polemarch and KOR’s signatures to complete voucher actions.d. Excellent tracking documents for check transactions, deposits, account management, program, and accountability of all chapters’ funds were maintained to the accepted audit standards as required. 6. Comments: The Exchequer is still working account(s) and report actions with Brothers E. Johnson with strong support from Brother Aaron Giles. Several requirements to include the internal audit (conducted during the FY 12-13 summer periods), reconciliations, account management and procedures will be completed after the off-site session. It is still our intent to change our current account from a personal account to a business account. This change will provide the Chapter with the flexibility to manage accounts, obtain a credit card, and received a higher annual percentage yield for fenced funds. Monthly reports will be provided to the Audit Committee for review and approval. These reports are intended to ensure that the required spending regulations are being adhered to, and to make any adjustments in regular payments to account for budget shortfalls or other financial requirements. The Audit and Finance committees will conduct monthly internal audit to verify compliance. All reports are available as standard reports using the Micro-soft office suite. The chapter will change over to the Quick Books accounting system for this FY 13-14 to be in compliance with the Eastern Province’s guidance. The committee is open to the membership of the chapter and support is always needed to meet the execution requirements of this activity for the FY 13-14. 7. 2013-2014 Budget: Contingency Fund - $500.00 (same as last year)BOD Recommendation: Approved ______ Disapproved ________ Tabled _____________Budget - Current Year2013 - 2014 -857256032500-763905-62928500-352425404812500-838200292417500-571500-66675000-333375369570000-542925-65722500-457200378142500-657225-43815000D-8LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE 2013-2014Committee Members: Committee Chair: Charles “Bad Chuck” Holden:Co-Chair: Al Knight: Curt Johnson Keith Anders Rodney HawkingVictor MoodyKeith LovickMission: In support of the Polemarch’s vision for the Chapter, develop a comprehensive long range plan with goals and objectives that are realistic, substantive, and measurable. Purpose: To provide structure to the chapter’s approach to accomplishing its goals and objectives outlined in the Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc. Strategic Plan. This approach will ensure everyone is focused on the same set of goals and objectives. The goals and objectives contained in the Strategic Plan will support the vision, goals and objectives of the Eastern Province and Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc. The Plan must: Provide guidance and continuity over a five-year period to include the current operating year. Be reviewed by and receive input from Chapter Program Chairmen.Serve as a living document, and will be reviewed by the Long Range Planning Committee and briefed to the BOD twice a year (in Feb & Jul). Where feasible, be linked to Eastern Province and National Objectives of the Fraternity, and inform Chapter programs. The plan will be presented to the Polmarch prior to the Annual Retreat and will become part of the Retreat Agenda. The plan will serve as the basis for the previous year’s assessment, and the upcoming year’s objectives and guidance provided by the Polemarch. Year 2012-2013 Accomplishments:Conducted quarterly meetings to address Chapter long range goals and objectives and conducted semi and annual assessments of the Chapter’s goals and objectives. Worked closely with the Nomination and Election Committee to ensure at least 98% of the standing committees have Co-Chairs to provide depth and continuity for chapter operations. Updated the Chapter SOP and worked with committee and program chairmen to standardize procedures for conducting chapter internal operations. Budget Allocation: $0 Amount Expended: $0. A limited number of copies of the Strategic Plan for brothers without print capabilities will come from the chapter’s administrative budget.Year 2013 - 2014 Goals and Objectives:Update five year plan to focus on enhancing internal operational procedures rather expanding the scope of chapter except through our current Outreach Committee efforts. Continue to revise and update the Chapter SOP to ensure it provides continuity for chapter internal day-to-day operations.Work to ensure the Polemarch goals and objectives for 2013-2014 are integrated into respective committee reports to include supporting activities/actions. (Where applicable)Consistent with large Chapter operations and responsibilities, continue to assess chapter growth/losses numbers to provide visibility as to possible reasons for gains/losses. Implement Transition Plan to transfer the roles and responsibilities of Long Range Planning Committee to younger brothers while providing the appropriate level of guidance to keep the Chapter moving forward.Continue to conduct meaningful mid and end-of-year assessments on Chapter goals and objectives.Expected Budget (Itemized): $0BOD Recommendation: Approved _____ Disapproved ________ Tabled D-9 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES AND BENEFITS2013-2014Committee Chair: Norris E. LambCommittee Members:Co-Chair: John A. Moore Other members: William Revells, James Swann (Repast and Retreat)Gary Hunter + Roland Thompson (Tailgating)Purpose:To assure all brothers classified as sustaining members enjoy all the rights and privileges appertaining to such membership.Mission: Coordinate the tangible and intangible benefits that members receive by joining and supporting the Chapter. Responsible for the planning and conduct of chapter tailgates. Committee Function: Coordinates the tangible and intangible benefits that members receive by joining and supporting the chapter. Establish that:There is a member need for serviceThe service is unique and available to members onlyFunds are available to defray the administrative cost of the serviceCurrent Year (2012-2013) AccomplishmentsMailed bereavement cards and sent flowers to families of deceased or sick brothers.Sent Valentine cards to widows of brothers of the Hampton-Newport-News Chapter.Assisted Senior Kappa’s in Sponsoring Chapter’s Cookout.Proposed Activities for fraternity year 2013-2014Compile, refine, and maintain a current list of widows of bereaved brothers of Hampton-Newport news Chapter. Further, in coordination with the Chapter Chaplain, ensure a house call is made, to include arrangements for repast (must budget for the repasts), to a widow upon the transition of a brother to the Chapter Invisible.Send condolences and get well wishes in the form of cards or flowers as needed.Repast: Ensure that meals are provided during monthly membership meetings and other designated chapter sponsored events, such as the annual retreat, as needed.Social Activities:Organize and execute tailgates and other activities as designated by the Board of Director/Chapter.In coordination with the Keeper of Exchequer, present a $50 (fifty dollars) savings bond to each new born child born to a member and his spouse.Make a contribution of $50.00 gift to newlywed brothers.2012-2013 Budged: Allocated budget $2,700.00; Revised amt: $2,200.00\Expenses: $2,316.24Revenue (TGs): $ 409.00Bal: $ 292.76Requested budget for FY 2013-2014Bereavement$ 600.00Social Activities 2000.00Savings Bonds – Newborns (2 ea @ $50) 100.00$2700.00BOD RECCOMMENDATION:APPROVED_____DISAPPROVED_____TABLED_____D-10 PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE2013-2014Committee Co-chairs Rick Watson & Keith DavisCommittee members: Chris Belton, Richard Giles, Ron Bush, Irvin Crudup, Eric Hairston, Tommy Selden, Roland Thompson, David McClenney, Reginald Stanley, Duron Shearn, Peter Ford, Kelcey McDonald Mission: To monitor and coordinate information that is communicated to the membership and the public as it relates to the Hampton-Newport News Alumni chapter.Purpose: To develop and facilitate an efficient communication plan within the chapter to attract quality members and to provide a broader venue to showcase our fraternal service to our community stake holders. The committee exists to execute an effective communication plan which is based on the following objectives.Enhance the image of the chapter to our community stake holders and among our chapter membership.Maintain an effective line of communication in the chapter.Increase a broad understanding of the chapter’s mission to the public.Maintain a data base of local businesses, media, governmental, pan Hellenic officers, and individual sponsors in our community.Develop strategies to promote the accomplishments of our chapter and the services we provide to the community at large. (This is done through our website, chapter newsletters, the local newspaper, brochures, souvenir booklets, and the national chapter journal). Year 2012-2013 Accomplishments: Submitted a one page AD for the 2013 conclave souvenir bookletPublished two chapter newsletters for the fraternal yearProduced a souvenir booklet for the 2013 Kappa Kasino KnightTransitioned to a new website Produced high quality Ads for community organizations and eventsProduced a slide show for Founder’s day and Kasino KnightSubmitted monthly reports for Region VKept local, national and community stake holders informed of our purpose and mission through newsletters, chapter brochures, newspaper, face-book and the website Developed and produced an Ad for the Region V souvenir bookletYear 2013-2014 Goals and Objectives:Continue to maintain and update the chapter website.Publish the Kappa newsletter four times a year and continue to brainstorm new ideas to keep it interesting and informative.Look for innovative ways to keep our chapter members and community stake holders informed of the services we provide within our community and assist with reclamation efforts.Continue to provide Region V monthly reports, submit information to the local newspaper and keep our members informed through brochures, newsletters, face book, website and journal when possible,Investigate the feasibility of creating a chapter email domain.Investigate the value of designing and using a QR reader for the chapter.Expected Budget: FY 13/14: $ 2,000.00 Web Site Maintenance: Printing and copying cost for newsletters, brochures, Souvenir booklet and newspaper.Color Laser Ink Jet cartridgeAD production costBOD Recommendation:Approved:_____ Disapproved:_____ Tabled:_____D-11 ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS PROGRAM COMMITTEE2013-2014Committee Chairman: Brother Reginald BowensCommittee Members: Brothers Fred Barnes, Miles Davis, Perry Fontenot, Corey Gordon, Curt Johnson, Joseph Mingo, William Revells, Thomas Selden, and David Spratley Purpose: The Achievement and Awards Program is designed as an incentive to members of the Chapter by recognizing Brothers who continue to excel annually in selected fields of human endeavor. Additionally, this program is intended to assist the Chapter in providing role models for our international Training for Leadership initiative. Committee Functions: This committee shall consist of a chairmen appointed by the Chapter Polemarch and members selected by the Chairman. One of the main functions of the committee is to encourage the participation of all Brothers in the awards process by submitting petitions to the Achievement and Awards Committee (A & A Committee) before the established deadline. The A & A Committee shall examine the petitions to determine the qualifications of the candidates. Awards shall be determined by a majority vote of secret ballots cast by the members of the committee present and voting.The committee established the minimum criteria for recognition and evaluation of candidates approved by the Board of Directors as follows:The candidate must have been financial with the Chapter during the Fraternity year of selection.The candidate must have actively participated in and supported Chapter meetings, programs and activities, and assigned to at least one Chapter committee throughout the year.The candidate must be nominated by their committee chairman or other financial Brother. The attached form entitled Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Nomination For Award, must be used by Committee Chairmen and other Brothers to nominate candidates for any category of award.The committee shall identify appropriate categories of awards from the listing provided by the Eastern Province Achievement and Awards Committee to be recognized at the Chapter level. Accordingly, the categories for awards presented at the chapter level shall be as follows:Brother of the Year Award (selected by Chapter Polemarch)Community Service AwardProfessional Service AwardFraternity Service Award*Note: Brothers selected as Brother of the Year and top honorees for each of the above 3 categories will represent the Chapter at the Province level.Mission: In support of the Polemarch’s vision for the Chapter, solicit from Committee Chairmen and individual Chapter Brothers nominations of Chapter Brothers who have excelled in the appropriate categories for awards. Current Year (2010-2011) Accomplishments: Presented certificates for citations in all the categories for Chapter- and Province-level awards at the Chapter’s annual Achievement and Awards Program reception held on7 August 2010 at the Embassy Suites, rmation on Brothers receiving achievement awards for the year 2009-2010 was provided to the Public Relations Committee for publication.Additional verbal and written information regarding available achievement awards at the Province level and the criteria for selection was provided verbally during monthly Chapter meetings and via e-mail to the general membership as well as committee chairmen. Chapter representative attended the 2010 Province Achievement and Awards Committee meeting held at VCU on April 3rd.Submitted partitions to Province for the Jay Crosby, Bert Wadkins, and Leon W. Steward Awards, resulting in the Chapter winning the awards in all 3 award categories. We also submitted the 3 petitions to Grand Chapter for consideration. (Winners will be determined at the 80th Grand Conclave meeting in July 2011. We will update this report after the Conclave.) Budget Allocation: $500.00Amount Expended: $988.88* * An additional $500.00 was provided by the Public Relations Committee to defray expenses incurred in preparing and shipping Guide Right petitions to Grand Chapter.Goals for 2011-2012:Increase participation of Chapter members who nominate Brothers to receive achievement awards at the end of the Fraternity Year. To assist in the achievement of this goal, a baseline achievement scorecard will record Brothers’ (potential candidates) attendance at Chapter and committee meetings and their participation in achieving Chapter’s goals and objectives listed in the Strategic Plan.Continue to coordinate newsworthy achievement and awards incidents with the Public Relations Committee for publication Chapter in our PHYNOOPY NEWS newsletter, local newspapers and the Kappa Journal.Encourage Chapter Brothers to draft petitions for Province awards in the following 2 categories:William L. Crump History AwardDonald Murphy Military Achievement Award Provide representation at the 2011 Province Achievement and Awards Committee meeting for selecting candidates for Province-level awards Provide for Chapter representation at the 2012 Province Achievement and Awards meeting for selecting candidates for Province-level awards.Continue to implement and improve the Achievement and Award Program.Expected Budget (Itemized):ITEM ESTIMATED COSTCertificate Frames for Province-level awards (3 each X $ 20) $60.00 Certificate holders for 20 Fraternity Service awardees $40.00Parchment paper for awards $18.00Plaque (Citizen of the Year) $110.00Color Laser Jet ink cartridge $39.00B/W Laser Jet ink cartridge $33.00Travel Expense (Province Achievement andAwards Committee Meetings) 60.00 Total: $ 360.00 BOD Recommendation: Approved ____ Disapproved ____ Tabled ____D-12INTERNAL AUDIT2013-2014Committee Members: Aaron GilesGerald BellMission: A monthly formal examination of the financial books and records of the component association to determine their accuracy and completeness, to detect and recommend correction of errors, and to assure the board and membership that the records are correct.Purpose: Adequate explanation of expenditures is confirmed so that it can be understood by anyone looking through the records.Frequency: Internal Audits on financial records will be conducted monthly.What does an internal audit involve? An audit should involve following all financial transactions through the records to be sure that receipts/bills have been properly accounted for and expenditures made as authorized by the Board of Directors and in conformity with the bylaws, policies and procedures, and budget limitations. Adequate explanation of expenditures is confirmed so that it can be understood by anyone looking through the records.What is needed to do an internal audit? All of the financial records shall be provided by the exchequer for the audit, including the checkbook register, bank statements, canceled checks, deposit slips, treasurer’s reports, expense vouchers/warrants with bills/receipts, the annual report, etcYear 2012-2013 Accomplishments: No discrepancies were notedBudget Allocation $0 Amount Expended $0BOD Recommendation: Approved _____ Disapproved ________ Tabled D-13 SENIOR KAKPPA/50-YEAR BROTHERS RECOGNITION 2013-2014Committee Chairman: Brother Bill Revells “Father Time”Core Committee members: Brothers William Revells, Irving Crudup, Norris Lamb, Augustus Owens, Jimmie Williams, Jr., Curtis Johnson, and Thomas Holloman. (All Senior Kappas/50-Year Brothers are members of this committee by authority of the Chapter bylaws.) Purpose: To increase the involvement/participation of Senior Kappas through outreach and recognition activities, by planning and executing special programs. These are in coordination with the province Senior Kappa Committee representative, and approval of the Chapter’s Board of mittee Functions: The basic function of this committee is to extend the Bond of Fraternity to reclaim those Senior Kappas in the Greater Virginia Peninsula area who are inactive. Supportive functions include encouraging inactive Senior Brothers to “Come back to Kappa”; seek and implement activities, such as Kappa Toys, that appeal to Brothers sixty years and older; and to discover ways and means to publicly recognize Senior Kappas for Achievements through longevity.Current Year Accomplishments (2012-2013):Provided more than 100 toys for Christmas to students at Magruder Primary School in Newport News.Planned and sponsored the Senior Kappa Cookout that was held May 18th at the Boys and Girls club. This event was attended by Senior and non-Senior Chapter Brothers.Provided funds for the $500 Senior Kappa Scholarship in support of the Social Actions Committee program.Supported the Guide Right Athletic Association Program by having at least one Senior Kappa Brother assist with the concession stand operation at the football games held at Gosnold’s Hope Park, and Lindsay Middle School.Projected Activities for Fraternity Year 2013-2014:Sponsor a Senior Kappa Reclamation Breakfast with a goal of reclaiming at least one (1) inactive Brother.Continue to provide Kappa Toys to students at Magruder Primary School. (Partnering with the U.S. Marine Toys for Tots program, if possible).Sponsor the Senior Kappa/50-Year Brothers Recognition Program Day cook out at the Boys and Girls Club during the third week in May 2014.Raise funds for the 2014 Senior Kappa Scholarship in support of the Social Actions Committee scholarship program.Support the Guide Right Athletic Association Program by attending baseball, basketball, and football games. Commit to a day of total support for the Kappa Concession operation at Gosnold’s Hope Park.Plan to recognize one (1) new Senior Kappa with a membership certificate.Support Kasino Night by purchasing a full page ad.Support the Kappa Golf Tournament by providing logistical support.Expected Budget for FY 2013-2014: $835.00 Certificate Holders $ 60.00Senior Kappa/50-Year Brothers Program celebration day 700.00Administrative Supplies (postage, cartridges, paper, etc.) 75.00D14 SILHOUETTE LIAISON2013-2014Committee Chair: Charles “Chuck” Simmons Committee Members: Eugene Johnson, Curtis JohnsonMission: To facilitate communication between the Silhouettes and the Brothers of the Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and to leverage their involvement as the auxiliary organization of the chapter to enhance and support the chapter’s Kappa League and Kappa Cardinal programs.Year 2012 - 2013 Accomplishments:1. Communication: a. Met with the Silhouettes as a group to provide information on potential areas of support for the Hampton Newport News Alumni Chapter, and maintained open communication dialogue with the Silhouette President. b. An active Kappa member facilitated three sessions to enable the Silhouette membership to define their goals, objectives, and yearly activities.2. Activities: a. Supported the Silhouettes in the planning and execution of the annual Christmas Party. b. Assisted the Silhouettes by providing space for conducting a silent auction fundraiser at the Kasino Night event. c. Three (3) Silhouettes registered and attended the Province Council. d. Three (3) Silhouettes are registered for the 45th National Silhouette Meeting to be held during the 2013 Conclave. e. A Silhouette holds a Province Silhouette office (Financial Secretary). f. A Silhouette holds both a National and a Province Silhouette office (Financial Secretary and Province Coordinator). 3. Support Community Service/Chapter: a. The Silhouettes donated $200.00 in support of the chapter’s Kappa League Student of the Year (SOY) selectee who was also selected to represent the Province at the national SOY completion during Conclave. A Silhouette provided air fare for the student’s mother to accompany him to the national completion. b. Silhouettes purchased a full page ad for Kasino NightYear 2013 - 2014 Goals and Objectives:1. Support the Silhouettes, as appropriate, in meeting their goals and objectives.2. Silhouette goals include: (1) increase Silhouette membership and participation; (2) host a Widow's tea; (3) host a Children's Christmas Party in addition to the adult party, (4) provide additional support of the Kappa League and Kappa Cardinals, physically and financially.3. Encourage open communication and provide bi-monthly reports to the Brothers of the Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter on the goals and activities of the Silhouettes.4. Facilitate and assist in the development and the defining of a solid support vision.Expected Budget:$100.00: Support of the Children's Christmas Party and/or the Widow's tea.BOD Recommendation: Approved ____ Disapproved _______ Tabled ______D-15 HOUSING COMMITTEE REPORT2013-2014Committee Chairman: Stephen Morgan Committee Members: Eugene Johnson, III, Kelvin Blue, Kennith Swanson, Clarence Bazemore, Perry Fontenot, Ryan Smith (Xi Theta) and Bryan Goodman (Beta Chi)Committee Mission: This committee is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Frat room at the Boys and Girls club. In addition, the committee is responsible for identifying secondary meeting sites when the Boys and Girls Club is not available. Current Year 2012-2013 Accomplishments:Repaired toilet, install weather stripping, repair crack at door, repair roof leak and installed blower motor for HVACInitiated HVAC inspection (determines bad boards and flow switch prior to completing testing). AC and Heat are now working.Requested Smith & Keene assist with HVAC services with support from Brother Stephen Morgan during repair and testing. Visit and troubleshooting at no cost.Lubricated draft motor and allowed system to operate until new parts were received Installed draft motor and igniter repair cost parts only Smith and Keene Built three (3) benches for all Kappa Cardinal football helmets and pads with purchased lumber2013-2014 Goals and Objectives:Replace water heater …………….……………………………………..$325.00Install pest control fy 2013/2014…($10.00/month @12 months) …….$120.00Cleaning Supplies………………………..………………………………$50.00Install additional lighting fixtures bathrooms ……………………….….$75.00Purchase floor standing cabinet for plastic cups and paper products….$130.00Install Cox Cable TV and internet service for wireless internet (approx. $40/month depending services selected)………..…………………...…$500.002013-2014 Budget: $1,200.00D-16 MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEE 2013-2014Committee Chairman: Clifford McMillan Committee Members: Roland Thompson, William Baker, Reggie Stanley, Gerald Bell, Maurice McMillan, Victor Moody, Jerry Little, Arthur Price, Kirk Johnson, Frank Smith, Rodney Hawkins, James Sears, Eric HairstonCommittee Mission: To provide mentorship and other related services to the membership in an effort to foster personal, professional and fraternal growth including the spiritual, social, intellectual, health and moral welfare of members.Current Year 2010-2011 Accomplishments:Conducted online resume writing workshop Emailed slide presentation on how to avoid back pain to members Attempted to get leadership to utilize yahoo group to communicate Provided consultation to new collegiate advisors2013-2014 Goals and Objectives: Embed membership development in all chapter activities Conduct various seminars for all chapter members (finance, health, social media, event planning, etc) Facilitate the use of collaborative tools and teleconference as routine businessAdopt the Kappa Riders under the Membership Development Program to promote rider coaches for new chapter riders2013-2014 Budget: N/AD-17 BYLAWS 2013-2014(Issued under separate cover)See Current Bylaws on Web Site at Chairman: Roland ThompsonCo-Chair: Reginald A. Stanley Committee Members: Recommended - Linwood Smith, Richard Giles, Clifford McMillan, Rodney Hawkins. Mission: In support of the Polemarch’s vision for the Chapter, develop and maintain the Chapter Bylaws that shall govern the conduct and management of Chapter business throughout the Fraternity year. Current Year 2012 - 2013 Goals and Objectives: Work with the Polemarch and Board of Directors to ensure the Bylaws are consistent with (i) The Constitution of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.; (ii) the Statutes of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc; (iii) the Ritual of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc; (iv) Robert’s Rules of Order; (v) the Long Range Planning Strategy; (vi) the Chapter Standing Operating Procedures and (vii) such other regulations as may be established by the Grand Board of Directors of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.To ensure accuracy and currency in the Chapter Bylaws.?Current Year 2012-2013 Accomplishments: Maintained cognizance of required changes to the Chapter bylaws. Represented the Chapter on the Eastern Province Bylaws update initiative Year 2012 - 2013 Goals and Objectives: (Continued) To update the Chapter bylaws to conform with changes to the Province bylaws and decisions made during the national conclave. To review, accept and process Bylaws changes IAW Article VIII of the Chapter Bylaws.To educate the Chapter (Board and members) on the Chapter bylaws and their intent and meanings. Expected Budget (Itemized): NoneBOD Recommendation: Approved _____ Disapproved ________ Tabled D-18 HOSPITALITY 2013-2014Committee Chair: James SwannCommittee Members: Neophyte MembersPurpose:To assure all brothers enjoy the hospitality given by the members of Hampton/Newport News Alumni Chapter by making visitors feel that they have a home away from home. Committee Function: Is to make sure everything is in place prior to the start of the meeting per the guidelines of Kappa Alpha Psi. Committee members are to make sure that everything is in order for Repast and Retreat. Coordinate with committee members to share the following duties. Establish duties are:Setting up tables and podium for chapter monthly and retreat meeting sessions. Preparing special section for 50 year members (Available to 50 Year members only)Receiving, displaying and serving food for chapter monthly meetings, retreat and / or special functions. Ensure condiments are available for meetings/retreat and special functions, to include drinks, ice, cutlery, plates, napkins, etc. Additionally, ensure funds are available to purchase these products.Current Year (2013-2014) AccomplishmentsMaintained the set-up for the 50 year Brothers designated tablesPrepared special desserts for chapter members Maintained the set-up for the head tables for the officers to include red & white tableclothsMaintained the buddy system to have break-down and kitchen patrol run smoother.Continued to cater to the 50 Year Brothers tables to make sure their needs are meetThe K-10 line was trained on expectations for repast and setup.Proposed Activities for fraternity year 2013-2014During repast continue to play the KAPPA Songs, show power point slides of activities the Hampton-Newport News Chapter is involved in. Increase the number of members to attend the Kappa Cook Out. (Although well attended, it would be great if the numbers were a lot higher, by having brothers bring another brother as we do for chapter meetings) Repast: Ensure that meals are provided during monthly membership meetings and other designated chapter sponsored events, such as the annual retreat, as needed.Reminder to members during the chapter monthly meeting repast that repast starts at 6:00 pm and ends at 7:00 pm. This should help ensure all brothers have eaten prior to the meeting and minimize disruption of the meeting. Continue to provide hospitality to Kappa Brothers who visit with us for our monthly chapter meetings. In the proposed budget add funds for Kappa Aprons for the Brothers that serve. (10 Aprons at $20 for a total of $200) (Did not occur during year 2009 - 2010Continue to take advantage of sale prices when its time to replenish supplies and drinks. Celebrate 50 Year Brothers Birthday Month with a small snack (cupcake, or ice cream, etc)Work with Housing and Exchequer to get storage cabinets in Frat Room to store hospitality suppliesRequested budget for FY 2013-2014Repast (to include retreat $500)$5,500.00Aprons + 200.00 $5,700.00Comments:Estimated cost for Hosting based on a possible increase anticipated from the Food supplier. (Due to increased prices of food & increase in membership & visiting Brothers)We expect a growth in Chapter membership and participation.We want to partner with the Senior Kappa’s to sponsor a Chapter wide Cook-Out.Budget Allocation – 2013-2014:$5,700.00BOD RECCOMMENDATION:APPROVED_____DISAPPROVED_____TABLED_____D-19NOMINATION COMMITTEEAppointed by Polemarch during Election ProcessEnduring Duties and ResponsibilitiesCommittee Name: Nomination Committee Chairman: Appointed by the PolemarchCommittee Members: Designated by the Polemarch and the Committee ChairmanAuthorization: By-Laws, Article VIIPurpose: The committee reviews and makes recommendations regarding chapter member nominees who are qualified to serve as chapter officers, board members, and committee chairmen. The committee chairman will present a report to the membership concerning nominations and elections.Procedure: The members of the Nominations and Elections Committee are selected by the Polemarch at the February regular meeting. The Polemarch will also select seven sustaining members to form the mittee Chairman’s ResponsibilitiesFebruaryReview the Policies and Procedures for the Nomination Committee with the committee members.Develop a schedule to include receipt of nominationsnotification of candidates of the election daterefer names of members not selected to the Polemarch for consideration for committee assignmentCommittee Responsibilities:MarchReview a “short list” of candidates for each position.Develop a slate of qualified candidates to be presented at the April regular meeting.Consider the discussions related to potential nominees to be confidential. Committee members are prohibited from disclosing information pertaining potential and final nominees to the membership.Elections: Process will be conducted IAW Chapter Bylaws.Candidates shall be elected at the May regular meeting by plurality of votes cast.Criteria for Selecting CandidatesCandidates for a chapter position must be financial and in good standing.Candidates must have the skills needed for the position and demonstrate a commitment to the chapters’ mittee must look for a mix of “senior” and new members.Candidates must be available to attend regular or call mittee members are not eligible for an office during their tenure.Only one candidate shall be selected for each position.Candidates for Exchequer need experience with financial plans, worksheets, and budgets.SUGGESTION Encourage new brothers to serve on committees and become candidates for elected positions. (A wonderful professional development opportunity.)D-20 RECLAMATION COMMITTEE2013-2014Committee Chairman: Brother Cletus I. K. RomneyCommittee Members: Brothers Ike Jones, Asa Jenrette Mission: Support of the Polemarch’s Vision for the Chapter to increase membership, by reclaiming 10 inactive Brothers annually with the support of membership. Contact recent college graduates and invite them to join the chapter. Purpose: The objective of the Reclamation Committee is to develop and initiate a reclamation program that identifies inactive Brothers, target them, and invite them back into the fold. Our goal to maintain a record of those contacted for future reference. To accomplish this objective, the committee identifies important steps for the process of the reclamation effort to include: identifying inactive Brothers, developing a tracking mechanism for inactive Brothers, establishing contact with said Brothers, and closing out the reclamation process once the Brother is reclaimed. Committee Functions: This committee shall consist of a chairmen appointed by the Chapter Polemarch and members selected by the Chairman. One of the main functions of the committee is to encourage the participation of all Brothers in the reclamation process by requesting that they submit names of inactive Brothers in the Greater Virginia Peninsula Area or who have recently moved into the area. An “Inactive Brother “is defined as a Brother who has not been active at either all or at least one level (levels: Grand Chapter, Province, or Local). The committee will also focus on recent graduates who will be remaining in the area for employment or graduate studies after graduation. Reclamation Process: The committee has established a two prong approach to reclaiming inactive Brothers and inviting recent college graduate Brothers to join the fraternity, which are: the “Reclamation of Inactive Brothers” and the “College to Alumni Transition Forum.”Reclamation of Inactive BrothersIdentify Inactive Brothers The initial step in the reclamation process is to canvass the Chapter membership for the names of Brothers in the Greater Virginia Peninsula Area who have recently moved into the area. The information collected includes names, telephone numbers, home and email addresses. This information is shared with the Keeper of Exchequer who verifies the potential Brothers’ validity as a member of Kappa Alpha Psi.Establish Contact Initial contact is made by committee members via email, telephone, and/or sending a reclamation packet to each Brother identified in the first objective above. Each packet contains a:Formal welcoming letter;Reclamation Memo (requesting member Fraternity number, chapter from which initiated;An annual schedule of activities;Calendar showing all meeting dates, dates of scheduled meetings, dates for chapter and chapter-related events, etc.; Schedule of the Fraternity’s annual fund raising events; andCopy of the Chapter’s latest Phinoopy News Newsletter, containing letters from the Polemarch and Editor, functions sponsored and/or attended, and chapter/individual member accomplishments during the quarter. Inactive Brother Tracking Mechanism From the contacts made, a data base is established to include the Brother’s member number, name, address, phone number, profession, email address, and notification of scheduled events. Once established, the following actions are taken:Enter the inactive Brother’s name and date once the information packet is mailed to himFollow up by telephone or email to ensure inactive Brother received the packetContact inactive Brother at least monthly with a reminder email sent by the Keeper of Records containing date, time and place of the next Chapter meeting; and helpful announcements/information to assist the Brothers in deciding to attend the next meeting. We contact each inactive Brother several weeks before all scheduled fund raising events and Guide Right events (Kappa Leadership League and Kappa Kardinal Athletic League activitiesMaintain copies of the mail-out reclamation memorandum; andUpdate the data base on a periodic basisReclamation Close-outThe final objective to close-out the reclamation process is to confirm with the Keeper of Exchequer that the inactive Brother has initiated the dues payment plan or has paid dues in full. Provided at least one dues payment is made, the reclaimed Brother’s name is transferred to active status. The final step consists of sending a letter of congratulations and welcome to the reclaimed brother.College to Alumni Transition ForumUndergraduate AdvisoryWith the assistance of the Undergraduate Advisors, establish a list of Juniors who will graduate in the upcoming year from the local universitiesHost a College to Alumni Transition Forum for the universities in the greater Peninsula area to expose and address the benefits of joining an Alumni chapter immediately after graduationProvide guidance, mentorship, leadership and support to the undergraduate Brothers who are staying in the area and to those departing the area. Current Year (2012-2013) Accomplishments: Contacted in excess of 30 potential reclamation candidates based on the names submitted by the membershipProvided reclamation packets to all potential reclamation candidates Reclaimed three Brothers for this year Budget Allocation: $200.00Amount Expended: $200.00* * Budget Allocation has been used for the “College to Alumni Transition Forum; however, the Reclamation Committee did not host the forum this year.Goals for 2013-2014:Increase the number of reclaimed Brothers for the year to meet and/or exceed the annual number of reclaimed Brother mandated by International HeadquartersContinue to encourage members to submit names of potential reclamation candidatesHost the College to Alumni Transition Forum for the Greater Virginia Peninsula AreaWork diligently with the Keeper of Records and the Keeper of Exchequer to identify potential reclamation candidates and reclaimed Brothers Projected Budget (Itemized):ITEM ESTIMATED COSTCollege to Alumni Transition Brochure $60.00 Refreshments10.00Sandwich Tray15.00Fruit Tray15.00Condiments 5.00Folders 30.00Packet Printing30.00Total: $ 165.00 BOD Recommendation: Approved ____ Disapproved ____ Tabled ____ D-22 PENINSULA PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL(PPHC) REPRESENTATIVE2013-2014Peninsula Pan-Hellenic Council Rep: Keith Davis Current Year 2012-2013 Accomplishments:Excellent turn-out to the Pan Hell awards banquet to honor our Chapter Man-of-the-year.5 Chapter members at the Hampton Town Center Holiday bell-ringing12 Chapter members participated in Pan-Hell Cookout. Best turn-out to date.2013-2014 EventsPPHC Awards banquet: November 2, 2013-Point Plaza HotelPPHC cookout – June -June 1, 2014, Loc. TBD. 2013-2014 Budget: Annual Dues $75.00Hosting- $75.00Tickets for Chapter/Greek Man-of-the Year awardee and guest for the Pan-Hell awards banquet $80.00Estimated budget $ 230.00ISSUE: We need to find a new Chapter Pan-Hell Representative D-23OUTREACH 2013-2014Committee Chair: Anthony GarnerCommittee Members: support as required for specific eventsMission/Purpose: Continue to serve the community and expand the influence and visibility of our Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter, KAPPA ALPHA PSI Fraternity, Inc. through community service and other activities in the Denbigh and Williamsburg communities. Remain focused on our Guide Right program and work within existing committees to establish enduring partnerships with civic, commercial, charitable, and other organizations to build a better community and advance the long term goals of our great fraternity and local chapter.Vision: The Outreach Committee will seek opportunities to serve our community and advance the long term goals of our chapter through the development of partnerships with key education, civic, and other organizations either by expanding upon existing programs such as the Guide Right, Public Relations, and Programs and Development or recommending and developing new programs to achieve our agreed upon goals. Through initiative and action the Outreach Committee will demonstrate to all our commitment to improve the Denbigh and Williamsburg communities and therefore enhance Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter influence and visibility.Engagement Plan: To ensure all activities contribute to the positive growth of the Denbigh and Williamsburg areas by first understand the environment and needs of the local community, building rapport and support through actions not words, earning the trust of the community through deeds not words, and establishing a sustainable outreach program. Actions shall include coordination and action with the following: Charity OrganizationsAdopt or assist four sheltersExample would be holiday baskets, time, or simple donations such as hygiene products (soap and shampoo)Kappa coat drive to support sheltersStrategic Engagement EventsCoordinate participation in community events such as the March of Dimes parade, Breast Cancer Awareness walks, and other charitable eventsParticipate in any community midnight watch eventsWounded Warrior ProgramParticipate in two Wounded Warrior events or activities Chapter VA Hospital visitCurrent Year (2012-2013) AccomplishmentsBig Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Virginia Peninsula Bowling fundraiserShelter gift bags (approximately 25 bags given to three local shelters)Shelter Fund Raiser – support given to cooking fundraiserProposed Activities for fraternity year 2013-2014:Plan, prepare, and execute at a minimum one event per quarterStrengthen the partnership with the Wounded Warrior ProgramAdd a fourth shelter to support with Holiday donationsIntegrate the Outreach Committee calendar with all other committees to ensure there are no conflicts or unnecessary financial or other strain placed on the chapterDevelop a professional partnership with key civic and community leaders – seek an opportunity for the Chapter and Guide Right to participate in a community paradeRequested budget for FY 2013-2014Registration for parades and other high value events:$100Supporting one to two events at homeless shelter:$200Supporting Wounded Warrior Program:$200Supporting one event at a local boys & girls club:$100Administrative support:$100Community event: $100 Total: $800Comments:Existing committee coordination and support required to execute FY14 plan. Budget Allocation – 2013-2014:_____________BOD RECCOMMENDATION:APPROVED_____DISAPPROVED_____TABLED_____D-24 ACHIEVEMENT FOUNDATIONCHAPTER REQUIREMENTS ONLY2013 – 2014President: Roland WhiteStatus of Chapter Support to the FoundationBeginning Balance: $22,438.42 Income:Contributions: 21,408.76Interest (savings): 17.06Total Income and funds available: $43,864.24 Chapter Expenses:Guide Right/Kappa League: 3,243.75Athletic Association: 5,490. 00Scholarships: 10,056.69*Baskets: 1,750.00 Other (DST R&W Cotillion) 150.00Total Charitable Mission: 20,690.44? Other Expenses: 235.81 Total Expenses 20,926.25 ? Total Income minus Total Expenses $43,864.24- 20,926.25 =22,937.99 Balance at the end of the year: 22,937.99IncomeEarned Income: $18,500.00 Fund Raising: $18,500.00 *Investments & Other Earned Income-$0Expenses: $18,500.00 ProgramsGuide Right/Kappa League $ 6,000.00Kappa Kardinals (BB) $ 500.00Scholarships $ 5,000.00*** Kappa Kasino Night Advance Pmt. $ 3,500.00Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets $1,700.00Allied Programs Requested Donations $ 1,000.00Administration $ 800.00 ???* Chapter Fund Raising Activity – Kasino Nigh/Souvenir Book Ads and Golf Tournament*** Includes $2,000 Endowment; Supported Scholarship: Suber: $1,000; Felton: $500, Lamb: $500; Walker: $500; Wyatt: $500; Fraternity Year 2012-2013*Chapter Donation: $12,700Funds were expended on scholarships, Guide Right (Kappa League), Athletic Association, Thanksgiving/Christmas Basket*Underwrite 2013 Kasino Knight ($3,500)Funding Request for Fraternity Year 2013-2014Requested chapter funding - $18,000Funds will used to: Support scholarships, Guide Right (Kappa League), Athletic Association and Thanksgiving/Christmas Baskets, Contributions toOther Organizations, Administrative Spt. ................

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