A Form of a University Staff C

A Form of a University Staff C.V

The Fifth Criterion of Quality Assurance- Professional Development

First: - Personal Data :

|Name |First Name |Middle Name |First Name |

| |Abeer |Abdullah | |

|Name in Arabic |First |Second |Third |Family Name |

| |Abeer | Abdullah |Abdurrahman |A. ALnaim |

|Nationality |Saudi |Sex |Male □ Female √ |

|Place and Date of |Hijrian |1389H |Gregorian |

|Birth | | | |

|Current address |Tel. No. |4623734 |FAX |

|Postal address |P.O. |2104 |CITY |

| |Box | | |

|The Commence of University Teaching Career |From 12/10/1432 H |

Second: - Scientific data

|Degree |Date of attainment |Degree title |Issued from |Dissertation title |

|PH.D |22/11/1430 H |Assistant Professor " |King Saud University|Rules of Preponderance in relation with text for Ibn Ashur in|

| | | | |his interpretation of " liberation and enlightenment" |

|Master's Degree |21/08/1425H |Lecturer |King Saud University|Gaining benefits of the book detailing the sciences of the |

| | | | |revelation of the Holy Quran by Abi Ammar Al Mahdoi |

| | | | |(Investigation and Study). |

|Bachelor Degree |26/11/1410H |Demonstrator |Emam Mohammed bin | |

| | | |Saud Islamic | |

| | | |University | |

Third: - Experiences and Scientific and Administrational Jobs

|Job |Employer |Employment Period |Still on |

|School Teacher |Ministry of Education |From 04/05/ 1411H to 08/05/1421H |□ |

|Assistant Professor |King Saud University |From 18/03/1432H |□ |

|Reporter in the |King Saud University |From 20/5/1432 H |□ |

|Timetables Committee | | | |

|for Public Preparation| | | |

Experience in Public Education Teaching

|Job |Employer |Employment Period |

|School Teacher |First Intermediate School for the Memorization of |From 4/5/1411H to 8/5/1421H |

| |the Holy Koran | |

|School Teacher |The Sixth Intermediate School for the memorization |From 8/5/1421H to 15/3/1432H |

| |of the Holy Koran | |

Teaching Methods used in your University Teaching Career

|Cooperative Education |Inductive Dialogue |Brain Storming |

|Lecture + Discussion |Power point presentations |Flash cards |

| | | |

Technical Methods used

|I pad |Projector |Podium |

|Smart Blackboard |Traditional Blackboard | |

Fourth: - Scientific and Professional Memberships

|Membership Title |Date |Sort of Membership |Institution |Still on|

|Artbitrator in the Holy Koran Competition |1417-1418H |Chairman |Educational | |

| | | |Supervision Office –| |

| | | |South of Riyadh | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

V: Membership Elves

|Membership Title |Date |Sort of Membership |Institution |Still on |

|Follow up of female students participating in the Holy |1417-1418H |Chairwoman |First Intermediate School for |( |

|Koran Competition | | |memorization of the Holy Koran | |

|Reporter in the timetables committee for public |20/5/1432H |Reporter |King Saud University / Faculty |( |

|preparation | | |of Education | |

|Member in Committee no 101 |19/10/1432 |Member |King Saud University / Faculty |( |

| | | |of Education | |

|Member in the committee of students issues |19/10/1432H |Member |King Saud University / Faculty |( |

| | | |of Education | |

Sixth:- Scientific Rewards, Research Grants and Letters of Appreciation

|Type of the Reward |Occasion |Date of Attainment |Place of Issue |

|Certificate of Thanks and |Arbitration in the Holy Koran Competition |1418H |Educational Supervision Office- |

|Appreciation | | |South of Riyadh |

|Certificate of Thanks and |Follow up of female students participating in the |1417-1418H |The First Intermediate School for|

|Appreciation |Holy Koran Competitions. | |the Memorization of the Holy |

| | | |Koran |

|Certificate of Thanks and |Teaching the program of recitation, intonation of |1418-1419-1420H |Educational Supervision |

|Appreciation |the Holy Koran for female teachers for three | |Department – Riyadh Region |

| |consecutive years | | |

|Certificate of Thanks and |Participation in the activities of Al Harmeen |1421H |Al Harmeen Charitable |

|Appreciation |Charitable Establishment | |Establishment |

|Certificate of Thanks and |Efforts exerted in pioneering the classroom |1425-1426H |Sixth Intermediate School for the|

|Appreciation | | |Memorization of the Holy Koran |

|Academic Scholarship for three |Master's Degree Program of Study |1421H |Ministry of Education |

|years | | | |

|Academic Scholarship for four |PhD Degree Program of Study |1426H |Ministry of Education |

|years | | | |

Seventh: - Scientific Visits, Public Lectures and Community Service

|Participation |Date |Place |Sort of Participation |Beneficiary |

|as | | | | |

|Arbitration of the Holy Quran Competition |1418H |Riyadh |Arbitrator |Educational supervision Office |

| | | | |– South of Riyadh |

|Training Course in the recitation of the Holy Quran – |1414H |Riyadh |Student |Educational Supervision |

|articulations and attributes of letters | | | |Department – Riyadh Region |

|Training Course in the recitation of the Holy Quran |1416-1417-1418H |Riyadh |Teacher |Educational Supervision |

| | | | |Department – Riyadh Region |

|Way of Success |1420H |Riyadh |Lecturer |Sixth Intermediate and Secondary|

| | | | |Schools for the memorization of |

| | | | |the Holy Quran |

|Night Prayers |1413H |Riyadh |Lecturer |Fist Intermediate School for the|

| | | | |memorization of the Holy Quran |

|Schools Activities and Ceremonies |From 5/4/1413H to |Riyadh |Chairwoman for the |First and sixth intermediate |

| |15/3/1421H | |preparation and |schools for the memorization of |

| | | |training activities |the Holy Quran |

|This our Beloved Mohammed Allah Peace and Blessings be | |Riyadh |Lecturer |Sixth intermediate School for |

|Upon Him | | | |the memorization of the Holy |

| | | | |Quran |

|Islam and Women |1420H |Riyadh |Lecturer |Sixth intermediate School for |

| | | | |the memorization of the Holy |

| | | | |Quran |

Eighth: - Teaching and Scientific Researches Supervision Experiences

|Already-taught syllabuses |Level |Academic Place |Institution |

|Science of Inheritance |Third Year Secondary |The first and sixth secondary |Riyadh |

| |School |schools for the memorization of| |

| | |the Holy Quran | |

|Recitation of the Holy Quran |First year intermediate |Fist and sixth intermediate |Riyadh |

| |school |schools for the memorization | |

| | |of the Holy Quran | |

|Recitation of the Holy Quran |Second intermediate school|Fist and sixth intermediate |Riyadh |

| | |schools for the memorization | |

| | |of the Holy Quran | |

|Recitation of the Holy Quran |Third Year intermediate |Fist and sixth intermediate |Riyadh |

| |school |schools for the memorization | |

| | |of the Holy Quran | |

|Science of Terminology of Hadeeth |Second secondary school |Fist and sixth intermediate |Riyadh |

| | |schools for the memorization | |

| | |of the Holy Quran | |

|Monotheism |Third year intermediate |Fist and sixth intermediate |Riyadh |

| |school |schools for the memorization | |

| | |of the Holy Quran | |

|Interpretation |Third year intermediate |Fist and sixth intermediate |Riyadh |

| |school |schools for the memorization | |

| | |of the Holy Quran | |

|Hadeeth |First intermediate year |Fist and sixth intermediate |Riyadh |

| | |schools for the memorization | |

| | |of the Holy Quran | |

Eighth: - Teaching and Scientific Researches Supervision Experiences

|Scientific Dissertations |The Degree of the |Sort of Participation |

| |Dissertation | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Ninth:- Professional Development (Attendance and Sharing on Conferences , Symposiums, Lectures and Training Courses)

|Title |Conference/Symposium/ |Date |Place studies and develop |The Organized Institution |

| |Workshop | | | |

|English Language Course |Training Course |21/3/1431H- 6/8/1431H |Riyadh |Al Jazeerah International Academy |

|Jurisprudence of repudiation |Symposium |25-26-27/12/1430H |Riyadh |Emar Charitable Establishment |

|The Effective Investment of Time |Workshop |23/7/1432H |Riyadh |Al Jazeerah International Academy |

|Computer training course from Al Fatyat |Training course |22/5/1420H |Riyadh |Al Fatyat Languages Institute |

|Languages Institute | | | | |

|Neuro linguistic Programming |Diploma |5-9/1424H |Riyadh |Information systems training |

| | | | |institute |

|Compass of thinking |Training course |12/1/1424H |Riyadh |Information systems training |

| | | | |institute |

|Designing and administration of electronic |Training course |21-22/ 6/ 1432H |Riyadh |King Saud University |

|websites | | | | |

|Learning Management system |Training course |22/6/1432H |Riyadh |King Saud University |

|Smart Blackboard |Training course | |Riyadh |King Saud University |

|Training course in the recitation of the |Training course | |Riyadh |Al Harmeen Establishment |

|Holy Quran | | | | |

|Developing the skills of research in the |Workshop |23/4/1432H |Riyadh |The Saudi Scientific Society for |

|Quarnic studies | | | |the Holy Quran |

|Spoken English Language Program |Training course |20/7/1432H |Riyadh |Al Jazeerah International Academy |

|Testing English Language Skill in the work |Training course |23/7/1432H |Riyadh |Al Jazeerah International Academy |

|environment | | | | |

|How to acquire the skill of conviction and |Training course |13/5/1431H // |Riyadh |Knowledge Time for Training |

|effect | | | | |

|First Teaching forum |Symposium | |Riyadh |Deanship – King Suad University |

Tenth:- Writings and Scientific Production

|Serial no. |Title |Type of Production |

|1 |Gaining the benefits of the comprehensive details of the Holy Quran book by Abi Ammar Al Mahdowi |Master's Degree thesis |

|2 |Rules of Preponderance in relation with text by Ibn Ashur in his interpretation ( liberation and |PhD thesis |

| |enlightenment)Ibn Ashor . | |

|3 |Your Veil to where ? |pamphlet |

|4 |Gratitude and thankfulness |Book |

| | | |

Name |Abeer |Department |Islamic Culture |Signature | |Date | | |

Requested attached documents (the best production of teaching staff and his/her students) and (the Scientific Production of the teaching staff member) , electronic form.


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