University of South Florida

Teaching Democracy and Diversity:

A Summer Seminar for Caribbean Teachers

University of South Florida

By: Fermín Medina Paredes


The Importance of Tourism in the Dominican Republic

Main Idea of Lesson:

At the beginning of the lesson, students will view and analyze pictures which depict places related with tourism in the Dominican Republic. Based on a lecture and articles, students will determine how the tourist industry has grown and learn about some of its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, students will have the opportunity to explore the rich history and culture within these interesting cities.

Intended Grade Level:

12th grade

Infusion/Subject Area(s):

Geography and World History

Instructional Objective:

Students will:

• Analyze videos in order to identify interesting places in D.R and to recognize the identity of Dominican people.

• Discuss, in groups, various articles regarding tourism in the Dominican Republic. Students will then analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of the tourist industry.

Learning Activities Sequence

a) Set Induction/Lesson Initiating Behavior:

• The teacher will display an array of pictures from interesting places. Students will then describe what they see in each photo and explain which of the destinations they like the best and why.

b) Learning Activities:

• The teacher will show a video about Group Metro (Development Show 2007). The video will help students recognize some of the most beautiful resorts of Juan Dolio.

• The teacher will display the map of Dom. Rep. and have students, in groups, identify the vacation destination.

• After viewing a five-minute video music called Quisqueya, students will create advertisements and brochures which display Dominican culture and promotes tourism to the country.

• In small groups, the teacher will ask the students to read and discuss the article “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” It deals with transnational desires and sex tourism in the Dominican Republic.

• Students will complete a T-Chart which has been written on the board. Students will proceed to list all the advantages and disadvantages regarding tourism in the Dominican Republic.

c) Closure:

• The teacher will ask the students to select their favorite tourist destination and express why they prefer that place.


The students will write a letter to the Tourist Police Department with some suggested solutions to help deal with the problem of sex tourism in the Dominican Republic; while simultaneously highlighting the positive aspects of the tourism industry.

Materials and Resources:

1. Boards, markers, posters related to the topic

2. Handouts, laptop, internet

3. Pictures

4. Videos

5. T-chart



Cruz, B & Thornton, S. (2009). Teaching social studies to english languages learners, New York: Routledge Tailor & Francis Group. 70-72-73-74-75.

Millet, R, & Will, M. (1979).The restless Caribbean, New York: Praeger Pubilshers.

Santos, C. (2004). Industrias culturales, Santo Domingo: Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo.

Web Pages:

Altos de chavon dominican republic-google-search.(n.d). Retrieved July 20, 2009. From:

Attraction_Review-g147292-d149775-Reviews- Altos_de_Chavon_Village-La_Romana_Dominican_Republic.html

Boat.jpg. (n.d). (Photograph). Whale Samana – When the Season Starts. Retrieved July 20, 2009. From: newseason.html

Burbuja02. (2008, January 12). Rebublica Dominica-Quisqueya. Youtube. Accessed July 20, 2009,from: .

Cabarete WaveDance. (n. d.). Retrieved July 20th from: .


Jrufino 366, ( 2008, February 18). Metro Juan Dolio Real State...Dominican Republic, Group Metro Development Show. Accessed July 20, 2009, from: watch?v=3nlVh5QaM98.

Puntacana-Dominican Republic. (n.d) Retrieved July 20, 2009. From:


Towne, B. (2004, July1). Denise Brennan, What‘s love to Got to do with it. Transnational desires and sex, tourism in Dominican Republic. Accessed July 15. 2009) from: doc/1G1-119613712.html.


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