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ANNEX to the Commission Decision C(2019)4121 of 11.06.2019Work programme for 2019 for the implementation of the pilotprojects and preparatory action in the field of environmentIntroductionOn the basis of the objectives given in the budget remarks this work programme contains the actions to be financed and the budget breakdown for year 2019 as follows: (a) for procurement (point 2);(b) for other action (point 3).Legal basis: Pilot project and preparatory action within the meaning of Article 58(2)(a)(b) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046Budget lines: 07 02 77 44, 07 02 77 45, 07 02 77 49, 07 02 77 50, 07 02 77 51, 07 02 77 52Objectives pursued 07 02 77 44 ‘Map of solutions, best practices and remedies for Lindane pesticide waste decontamination in the Union’This pilot project will run in parallel with the first pilot project with the same title that was voted under the 2018 budget. The aim of this pilot project is to support public authorities to get a first grip and view on concrete and site-specific problems of Lindane or hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) contamination and to subsequently help them with the development of solutions.07 02 77 45 ‘Operationalising capacity building for programmatic development and mapping objectives in the field of environmental taxation and budgetary reform’This preparatory action will largely run in paralell to the preparatory action ‘Mapping objectives in the field of environmental taxation and budgetary reform: Internalisation of environmental external costs’ voted under the 2018 budget, building on it and completing it. It will look into various types of subsidies where reforms would be important for greening the economy, including grants, tax exemptions, including for corporate taxes, and subsidised loans, together with modelling analysis for issues such as optimum design and compensation for those who lose out as a result of subsidy reform. 07 02 77 49 ‘Development of a European label for Ultra Low Emissions Vehicles (ULEV)’The pilot project intends to explore the feasibility and the possible ways, and to assess options on how to best identify and label vehicles that have low pollutant emissions: clear determination of real pollutant performance levels of the newest vehicles is needed in order to make fair comparisons; first and foremost to ensure clarity for the customers, but also to allow for appropriate air quality measures to be introduced (such as fiscal or charging for the use of infrastructure). 07 02 77 50 ‘Feasibility study on a common open platform on chemical safety data’The objective of this study is to analyse the use cases, and consider contextual, economic and technical feasibility of a common platform providing access to databases, data infrastructures and web services to structured and unstructured chemicals data. This includes hazard and occurrence (monitoring, exposure) data, provided by the regulators, regulatory agencies, industry, academia and other parties with an interest in chemical safety and chemical risk assessment. It should facilitate seamless sharing of data between Agencies and EU authorities and provide public access to researchers, regulators, industry and the public at large, promoting transparency and trust in EU decision making, innovation and research, facilitating predictive toxicology and leading to reduced animal testing.07 02 77 51 ‘Encouraging civil society to share knowledge and best practices in connection with green cities and green urban environments’This pilot project aims at enhancing the use of green infrastructure in urban contexts, with a view to contribute solving many challenges cities currently face. A further goal is to increase scientific knowledge and improve knowledge sharing, tools, methods and innovative approaches to enhance biodiversity and the planning and implementing of green infrastructure. 07 02 77 52 ‘Invasive alien species: improvement of understanding and communication’The objective of this pilot project is to promote the uptake of new practices for the prevention of establishment and spread of invasive alien species (IAS), through increased awareness, understanding and engagement by key stakeholders on IAS related biosecurity measures and the objectives of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on invasive alien species. Expected results 07 02 77 44 ‘Map of solutions, best practices and remedies for Lindane pesticide waste decontamination in the Union’The project will help a limited number of public authorities with specific contamination issues to evaluate the extent of the Lindane or HCH contamination, to assess their options and to design solutions and further actions. Environmental consultancy services and assitance with the management of the problem will be offered to these authorities. 07 02 77 45 ‘Operationalising capacity building for programmatic development and mapping objectives in the field of environmental taxation and budgetary reform’This preparatory action, combining focus and results of the preparatory action with the same title voted under the 2018 budget, will allow providing an appropriate guidance and information to the stakeholders, civil society actors and decision-makers in the field of environmental taxation to be more and better informed and equipped for/in the policy procedures at local, regional, national and European levels. 07 02 77 49 ‘Development of a European label for Ultra Low Emissions Vehicles (ULEV)’The project intends to explore ways and assess a range of options on how to best identify and promote vehicles that have low pollutant emissions. Clear determination of real pollutant performance levels of the newest vehicles is needed in order to make fair comparisons, first and foremost to ensure clarity for the customers, but also to allow for appropriate air quality measures to be introduced (such as fiscal or charging for the use of infrastructure). The main focus will be vehicles compliant with the latest step of Euro 6 (Euro 6d-TEMP or later) or certified to that level after retrofit. Pollutant emission performance of these vehicles in real conditions will be the main parameter used to compare vehicles and explore the feasibility of using various supporting tools designed to rank and incentivise clean, ultra-low polluting vehicles. Interoperable, streamlined methods of exchanging vehicle information among authorities will also be explored, with full regard to data protection safeguards.07 02 77 50 ‘Feasibility study on a common open platform on chemical safety data’The study will assess the options to deliver valuable benefits to the four identified key stakeholder groups (regulators, academia, industry and the public at large) through the development of use cases. It will identify and analyse the different challenges, impediments and finally identify which use cases jutify the development of a common platform, the options for implementation and its sustainable maintenance, describing resource requirements, proposed roles of different stakeholders and the existing information structures, in particular, databases and formats, tools and platforms. The study will correspondingly provide recommendations for the EU legislative authority that would address any present legal and technical impediments and maximize platform utilization. 07 02 77 51 ‘Encouraging civil society to share knowledge and best practices in connection with green cities and green urban environments’The pilot project will improve civil society participation in decision-making, leading to building a vision of the green city of tomorrow shared among civil society, scientists and policy makers. It will create and collect material, best practices and guidelines, also taking into account the materials and methods developed by H2020 projects portfolio on nature-based solutions and distribute the material created to the cities, municipalities and administrators so as to help cities start projects to improve and expand green infrastructure in cities and urban areas. The project will also deliver a roadmap for greening European cities by 2030 and prepare for a possible European Year of Greener Cities 2020.07 02 77 52 ‘Invasive alien species: improvement of understanding and communication’The project will enhance collaboration and exchange of good practices between different sectors, stakeholders and authorities, and will address at an EU-wide scale the understanding of and communication on the challenges posed by invasive alien species. Both are important aspects for the successful implementation of the above-mentioned Regulation (EU) 1143/2014 on invasive alien species. 2.ProcurementThe overall budgetary allocation reserved for procurement contracts in 2019 amounts to EUR 3 635 000. Pilot project - Map of solutions, best practices and remedies for Lindane pesticide waste decontamination in the UnionGeneral description of the contracts envisagedOne contract is envisaged to help local authorities evaluate the extent of the Lindane or HCH contamination, to assess their options and to design solutions and further actions. This will entail: historical investigations or searches in archives; soil investigation and sampling; development of a conceptual site model that describes sources, pathways, transport, exposure and receptors of the contaminants; evaluation of remediation approaches and options; cost estimations of different scenarios. ImplementationThese actions will be implemented under direct management by the Directorate-General for Environment. Preparatory action - Operationalising capacity building for programmatic development and mapping objectives in the field of environmental taxation and budgetary reformGeneral description of the contracts envisagedOne contract is envisaged and the work will cover: mapping of subsidies where reforms would be important for greening the economy, including grants, tax exemptions (e.g. corporate taxes) and subsidised loans; and modelling analysis for issues such as optimum design and compensation for those who lose out as a result of subsidy reform. The results will feed into a guidance to the stakeholders, civil society actors and decision-makers in the field to be more and better informed and equipped for/in the policy procedures at local, regional, national and European levels (developed under the preparatory action with the same title voted under the 2018 budget). ImplementationThese actions will be implemented under direct management by the Directorate-General for Environment. Pilot project - Development of a European label for Ultra Low Emissions Vehicles (ULEV)General description of the contracts envisagedOne contract is envisaged (without any lots) to explore the feasibility of the development of a European label for Ultra Low Emissions Vehicles (ULEV). The implementation of the contract requires different types of expertise (vehicle emissions measurement, clean air policy, urban management) applied in a coherent manner. ImplementationThese actions will be implemented under direct management by the Directorate-General for Environment. Pilot project - Feasibility study on a common open platform on chemical safety dataGeneral description of the contracts envisagedOne contract is envisaged, with the work separated in several tasks. A number of use cases will be developed to enable the mapping of relevant sources, activities and tools, taking into account the legislative frameworks. A semantic, technical and organisational framework proposal for a platform (or several platform options) will then be prepared to address the selected use cases. The analysis should determine the actual benefit for all key stakeholder groups (regulators, academia, industry and the public at large); identify the necessary steps and conditions to establish such a platform, and the proposed roles of different stakeholders. It should also provide recommendation on the potential legislative changes required as well as the governance to setup and maintain such a platform. Stakeholders are expected to participate at the different stages and by different means, from the use case and correspondent mapping of resources, through the contribution in the assessment to the verification of the feasibility study outcomes. ImplementationThese actions will be implemented under direct management by the Directorate-General for Environment that had already formed an inter-service and agency pilot project steering group. This group will collectively prepare the technical specifications for the contract and follow its implementation, ensuring also the adequate access of the contractor to the related activities and tools managed by the Commission and the European Chemicals Agency, the European Food Safety Authority and the European Environment Agency. Pilot project - Invasive alien species: improvement of understanding and communication General description of the contracts envisagedOne contract is envisaged. It will aim to increase understanding by stakeholders of the IAS problem and the required IAS biosecurity measures, but will also aim to increase understanding among natural resource managers and regulators of how to communicate on the IAS problem and the required IAS biosecurity measures with stakeholder groups.ImplementationThese actions will be implemented under direct management by the Directorate-General for Environment. 3. Other action The overall budgetary allocation reserved for other action in 2019 amounts to EUR 700 000. 3.1 Encouraging civil society to share knowledge and best practices in connection with green cities and green urban environmentsGeneral description of the contracts envisaged This pilot project will first involve an administrative agreement between the Commission (Directorate-General for Environment) and the Joint Research Centre. Calls for interest to potential participating cities will then be launched, followed by contracts with the selected entities. ImplementationThis action will be implemented under direct management by the Directorate-General for Environment. The work will be delegated with the means of an administrative agreement to the Joint Research Centre. ................

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