Policy and Procedures for PHA Vehicle Use

Policy and Procedures for PHA Vehicle UseBACKGROUND INFORMATIONPHAs should generally minimize the number of vehicles that are owned or leased by the PHA. In determining the number of PHA vehicles, the PHA should consider the authority and program’s needs for a vehicle to conduct PHA business and the available program funding. For PHA-owned units, maintenance staff will generally require the full-time use of a PHA-owned truck that is assigned to a property or is shared between properties. Similarly, the HCV program may have a vehicle that is used for HQS inspections. In contrast, management or administrative staff may need use of a PHA-owned vehicle only from time to time to conduct PHA business.PHAs also should consider the following items in developing their vehicle use policy.PHA-Owned Vehicle for Executive Director or PHA Senior Management. Best practice is not to provide the Executive Director or other senior management with a PHA-owned or leased vehicle. PHAs are reminded that employees’ use of a PHA-owned vehicle for transportation to and from work or other personal reasons are subject to IRA tax regulation regarding commuting / personal use. Where the Executive Director or other PHA personnel require the use of a vehicle for PHA business (for example, out of town travel for PHA business), the more cost-effective option is for the PHA staff to check out a PHA vehicle, rent a vehicle, or use their personal vehicle and request reimbursement from the PHA based on the standard mileage rate permitted by the IRS.PHA Vehicle Insurance Policy. The PHA should review their vehicle insurance policy when developing the vehicle policy and procedures. Most insurance companies require or consider the following in determining the auto insurance premium for a PHA.Require that only PHA personnel operate a PHA-owned vehicle. Note – Insurance companies do not consider temporary staff to be PHA personnel and therefore, temporary staff usually are not covered under the PHA’s vehicle insurance policy.Require that the operator of the vehicle have an acceptable driving record (e.g., does not have pending legal / court proceedings or have had his or her license suspended for any moving violation within a certain number of years, has had his or her driver’s license revoked for other than administrative reasons for a certain number of years, or has a pending driving under the influence (DUI) charge). PHA’s personnel policy may also require as a condition of employment for certain positions that the PHA employee or applicant have a valid driver license and acceptable driving record at time of appointment and throughout employment. The PHA should also review that the vehicle use policy is consistent with the personnel policy.Insurance companies may not cover and/or may assess a higher premium if a PHA-owned vehicle is parked overnight at another location than a PHA property.The use of PHA-owned vehicles is a high-risk area for most PHAs. Therefore, PHAs should properly control and monitor the use of a PHA vehicle and ensure the vehicle is used only by authorized personnel carrying out PHA business.This document provides a sample of a PHA vehicle use policy and procedures.All PHAs. This sample provides an example vehicle use policy and procedures for all PHAs, regardless of size or complexity.PHAs can simply cut and paste the sample into their policy and procedures documents and modify as needed.ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATIONThe following provides items that the PHA needs to consider when developing the policy and procedures for PHA vehicle use and the major assumptions that were used to develop the sample policy and procedures.Assumption – The vehicle is used for the appropriate program that the vehicle was charged against.Reminder – The size and complexity of the PHA will determine who in the PHA shall review and monitor the various activities and controls associated with the use of a PHA-owned vehicle.Reminder – The PHA should also consult its vehicle insurance carrier and personnel policy regarding what constitutes an acceptable driving record and other requirements in the development of the PHA’s vehicle policy and procedures.Assumption and Reminder – It is assumed that the PHA utilizes a gas credit card. The management of the gas credit card will vary depending on the size of the agency; however, the use of the gas credit card should be consistent with the PHA’s credit card policy regarding staff use and management oversight.SAMPLE 1 – ALL PHAsVEHICLE USE POLICYThe PHA will only purchase vehicles for programs as necessary, considering how the use of the vehicle may benefit the program while remaining mindful of the PHA’s budget and program funds.A PHA-owned vehicle can only be used for authorized PHA business activities. The vehicle may only be used by the program that funded the purchase of the vehicle. Employees should only use PHA-owned vehicles when it is more cost effective to do so. Operators of the vehicle will use the vehicle in a safe and responsible manner at all times.This policy applies to all PHA-owned vehicles.VEHICLE USE PROCEDURESA copy of the PHA’s vehicle policy and procedures should be provided to each authorized vehicle operator. The operator shall sign and date the document showing that the vehicle use policy and procedures was provided and that they have read and understand the policy and procedures. The original signed copy shall be placed in the employee’s personal file and a copy shall be provided to the employee.The following procedures for PHA-owned vehicles are to be followed: 1) Requirements for vehicle operators; 2) requirements for vehicle use; 3) mileage log; 4) gas credit card/gas log; and 5) vehicle maintenance.Operators of PHA-Owned VehiclesThe following requirements apply to any authorized individual that operates a PHA-owned vehicle.The operator must have a valid driver’s license to operate such vehicle.Staff who have committed the following acts are not allowed to operate a PHA-owned vehicle:Pending legal/court proceeding for suspension of driver’s license or has had his or her license suspended for any moving violation within the last XX years.Pending driving under the influence (DUI) charge or has had a DUI conviction within the last XX years.Applicant has had his or her driver’s license revoked for other than administrative reasons, within the last XX years.Contractors, temporary staff, and family members may not operate a PHA-owned vehicle at any time.Use of PHA-Owned VehiclesThe following requirements apply to the use of a PHA-owned vehicle.The vehicle may be used only for official PHA business.If an employee uses a PHA-owned vehicle for transportation to and from work or other personal reasons, the IRS regulations for taxation related to commuting / personal use will be followed.The vehicle will be operated in a safe and responsible manner at all times and the operator will obey all traffic and parking laws.Any traffic violations will be the responsibility of the operator. The operator must notify the PHA of all traffic violations.If the operator is involved in an accident in the PHA owned vehicle, the operator will promptly contact the PHA.The vehicle shall be locked and parked in a secure area at all times.Unless expressly permitted for unusual circumstances, the vehicle shall be parked overnight at a PHA property.The operator and all passengers will wear a seat belt when the vehicle is driven and the operator will not use a cell phone or similar device during operation of the vehicle.There is a no smoking policy in the vehicle.The operator will ensure that the vehicle is free of trash after each use.Mileage LogThe following requirements pertain to the mileage log for a PHA-owned vehicle.A mileage log shall be kept for all PHA-owned vehicles.The mileage log will be kept in the vehicle at all times.The operator will complete the mileage log each time they use the vehicle.The log will detail the operator’s name, date and time of use, beginning and ending mileage, and purpose of trip. All mileage should be accounted for on the logs.As part of the monitoring process, the vehicle log will be signed off as approved by the Executive Director, program manager or Board member on a monthly basis. Note – The named position will be based on the size and complexity of the PHA. The PHA reserves the right to install a GPS device on the vehicle.Gas Credit Card / Gas LogThe following requirements pertain to the use of a gas credit card and gas log for a PHA-owned vehicle.The PHA will obtain a gas credit card for the purchase of gasoline for the PHA-owned vehicles.The credit card will be kept in a secure location (e.g., locked drawer, file cabinet, etc.) by the Executive Director/program manager.Any vehicle operator needing to use the gas credit card will sign the card out and back in when they are finished using it.A gas log will be kept with the gas credit card.For each use of the credit card, the operator will complete the gas log.The gas log will detail the vehicle, operator’s name, date and time of use of the credit card, name/location of gas station, number of gallons purchased and cost of purchase.All gas receipts will be turned in to the Executive Director/finance department for reconciliation of the credit card statement.The gas credit card log, mileage log and a credit card statement will be reviewed on a monthly basis to determine whether the credit card charges are reasonable for monthly PHA activities.An employee may be denied access to the gas credit card and may be subject to further disciplinary action if it appears that they are making personal gas charges on the card or are driving the vehicle for personal use.Vehicle MaintenanceMaintenance of the PHA owned vehicle, such as oil changes or tire replacement, will be an expense of the PHA. However, non-routine charges such as auto detailing are not allowed without prior written authorization and management-level approval.A preventive maintenance schedule and record should be completed for all vehicles to ensure maximum reliability and use of the vehicle.An annual review of the vehicle’s physical condition, location and useful life should be conducted by the program manager and confirmed/approved by the Executive Director. Refer to PHA’s Inventory Policy regarding non-expendable property. ................

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