Language Arts Book Project - Miss Millerd's Language Arts

Language Arts Book Project

In Language Arts this year, you will be required to read at least ONE book independently and complete one of the following book projects FOR EACH QUARTER. Listed below are the dates that your four book projects will be due to me in L.A. You can choose ANY book that you would like, as long as it is appropriate for your reading level!

October 21st , January 6th , March 16th , May 25th

The following are your choices for projects. If you have any questions, please make sure you ask me WELL AHEAD OF TIME, instead of waiting until the last minute. You may only choose a project ONCE during the school year. You will NOT be allowed to repeat book projects, even though they are for different books.

1) Suddenly the book becomes a best seller. Write a letter to a movie producer trying to get that person interested in making your book into a movie. Explain why the story, characters, conflicts, etc., would make a good film. Suggest a filming location and the actors to play the various roles. Make sure you explain ALL of your choices for location and actors. YOU MAY ONLY USE BOOKS WHICH HAVE NOT ALREADY BEEN MADE INTO MOVIES.

2) Write a scene that has been lost from the book. Make sure to stay in the style of the author and in the voice of the narrator. On a separate piece of paper, tell me why you chose to add in this particular scene. Why is it important to the book and what does it add?

3) Read a book that has been made into a movie. (Caution: it must have been a book FIRST. Books written from screenplays are not acceptable.) Write an essay comparing the movie version with the book.

4) Create a myspace or facebook page (not one on the web – must be on paper) for 2 of the main characters in your book. Make sure you include all of the sections you would find on a myspace or facebook page. This includes a profile picture, basic information, a bio, favorite quotes, likes and interests (favorite music, favorite books, favorite movies, etc…), profile wall with comments from other characters in the books. On a separate paper, explain your choices for that character’s favorites, likes and interests.

5) Book soundtrack - divide a book into sections or major scenes and then provide a song to accompany each segment, just as a movie soundtrack provides music to mirror the events of the film. Then write an explanation for why each song fits a specific section of the book. Design a cover for the soundtrack to provide an additional opportunity to show your understanding of the book. Select songs with lyrics that highlight the major plot points and themes of the book, with the exception of classical pieces that can be chosen to evoke the mood of a scene. Must include at least 8 songs. You do not have to physically have a CD that plays music, though it always helps!

6) Character's mix tape - Make a ten song mixed tape or CD for the main character of the novel, if he/she were around today. In a letter to this character, explain why you are including each of the ten songs on the mixed tape. Each song should have a paragraph of in-depth description as to why you think he/she would like it, using evidence you found from the themes, symbols, motifs, and situations that the novel explored. You do not have to physically have a CD that plays music, though it always helps!

7) New book jacket On the front, list the title of the book, the author, and create new cover art – this should represent the story climax or an important symbol in the book. At the bottom of the cover, explain how your picture relates to the book. The picture should not be the same as the current book jacket. Be creative and think about important events in the book to draw. On the back, write a brief summary of what happened in the course of the story as well as two important quotes to get the reader’s attention. On the inside back cover, complete an about the author section (DO NOT COPY THE BOOK). On the front inside cover, create some reviews for your book.

8) Q & A - Pretend you're interviewing a person from the book. Write your interview in question and answer format. You need to have at least 10 question and answers with each response being at least a half page.

9) Write your own test - a combination of matching, multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay. MUST INCLUDE AN ANSWER KEY!!!! You must have a minimum of 10 questions – may be a mix of matching, mult. choice, or true-false questions. You must include at least 3 short answer questions, and at least 1 short essay (1 page).

10) Publish a yearbook based on the people and events in your book. Refer to a real yearbook for ideas on layout and sections. Create a yearbook including the characters from the novel. You can do this on the computer using programs, such as Microsoft Publisher, or by hand, using a binder or scrap book as the structure. Inside, you must include pictures of the characters, as well as quotes and information that are normally seen in a yearbook. Come up with superlatives like we have in 8th grade (best eyes, funniest, etc…) and some extracurricular pages. Really try to capture the “year” – the plot – of your book on the pages. Include captions under each picture describing the event or the person. For superlatives, make sure under each you explain WHY!

11) Recreate the story in a graphic novel (i.e. comic book) format. Choose the most important scenes - in your view - and tell the story. Your graphic novel must include the entire story of the novel and there must be quality / effort put into the artwork. You should use TEXT BASED EVIDENCE (AKA quotes from the novel!) to narrate your story. This option is for the artistic student. If you are stick-figure kind of person, this may not work out very well for you.

12) OTHER – if you come up with another project that you think is a good idea, come and see me! I am open to new projects. You MUST get all new project ideas checked by me before you begin working on them. Some other ideas are listed below!

a. Diorama with explanation of the important scenes

b. Write a play based on the book

c. Create a game

d. Make a video of important scenes and explain why they are important

e. Storyboard with quotes and explanation of scene choices

f. Put someone on trial (video or transcript of trial)

g. Keepsake box – important items to a character with explanation

h. Write your own songs/lyrics for the story

i. Make an edible book project! Create a dish for the book and explain its importance

j. Create a commercial for your book

k. Make a news report for events in your book (video or newspaper)

l. Map out your book or your character’s journey explaining the importance of each place

m. Rewrite the book as a children’s book

n. Create a collage or artwork for the book and explain the importance of the pictures

o. Write a journal/diary as one of the characters

p. Study and report on the time period (historical fiction) and how the book is either true to the time period or completely off base

q. Design costumes for the characters and explain

r. Make a talk show where you interview the characters

s. Write a letter to tell me how this book changed you in some way


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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