STATION 1 - MUSICTop influential songs compiled by CultureTrip NPR’s Most Influential songs of the DecadeList title and artist for one familiar song. Search and transcribe one stanza. Argue for or against its inclusion on the list (claim + reason)Do the same for one unfamiliar songList one or two other songs that you think should be on the listRank music on a scale of one to five on its potential to change the world; be prepared to defendSTATION 2 - MOVIESReview one of the following lists of top influential movies -- This one by the BBC: this one by the Washington Post: this one by IMDB: the title for one familiar movie. Describe basic plot or theme ?in one sentence. Argue for against its inclusion on the list (claim + reason)Do the same for one unfamiliar movie (read the synopsis or find a trailer on youtube)List one or two other movies that you think should be on the listRank movies on a scale of one to five for their potential to change the world - be ?prepared to defend STATION 3 - COMIC BOOKSReview one of the following lists of top influential comic books by Mental Floss -- the title for one familiar comic book. Describe basic plot or theme ?in one sentence. Argue for against its inclusion on the list (claim + reason)Do the same for one unfamiliar comic book (read the synopsis)List one or two other comic books that you think should be on the listRank comics on a scale of one to five for their potential to change the world - be prepared to defend STATION 4 - VIDEO GAMESReview one of the following lists of top influential video game characters by Time -- one familiar video game character. Describe basic plot or theme in one sentence. Argue for against its inclusion on the list (claim + reason)Do the same for one unfamiliar video game character (read the synopsis)List one or two other comic books that you think should be on the listRank video games on a scale of one to five for their potential to change the world - be prepared to defend STATION 5 - BROADWAY MUSICALSReview one of the following lists of top influential musicals characters by Rolling Stone -- one familiar musical. Describe basic plot or theme in one sentence. Argue for against its inclusion on the list (claim + reason)Do the same for one unfamiliar musical (read the synopsis or watch the trailer)List one or two other musicals that you think should be on the listRank musicals on a scale of one to five for their potential to change the world - be prepared to defend ................

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