CHOICE 5: Select and depict twelve or sixteen scenes from ...


Select and depict twelve or sixteen scenes from the play for a multiple panel quilt. Make each panel out of paper. For each panel of the quilt, create an illustration and write a caption which includes the act, scene, and a quote. Create a border for each panel and tie or string the panels together to form a large wall hanging. Acts and scenes must be in order.

Puppet art

Select a scene with a minimum of four characters from the play. Make puppets to represent all the characters in the scene. Puppets may be made out of brown paper bags, construction paper, cloth, felt-tip markers, and other household items. On a poster, draw the background that would be used for the puppet show. Write a one-page paper that includes the act and the scene numbers of the selected scene, a detailed summary of the scene, and an explanation of why you designed the puppets to look the way they look. Present the show to the class. Put feeling and expression and vocal variety into the presentation.

Individual performance. Memorize and perform a monologues/soliloquies. Type a one to two-page paper explaining why these lines are important and explain/paraphrase the lines (tell what the lines mean).

Group performance. Three members may get together and choose a scene and perform it. Each member should type a one to two-page paper describing why they chose to perform the specific scene and why they chose to perform each line the way they did.

Video performance. Use the guidelines for the other performances. You must have a special setting in mind in order to video tape, not just to get out of doing it in front of class.

Design a comic book or an illustrated children’s book that tells the story of Romeo and Juliet. You may use the words of Shakespeare, or you may write and illustrate a more modern version of the story. Type a one to two-page paper which explains why you chose to represent things the way you did. Minimum number of pages for book—15.

Develop a board game based on the story of Romeo and Juliet. Include all game pieces and directions. The game should be enjoyable and educational. You will be expected to demonstrate the game and show classmates how it works.

Write a song about Romeo and Juliet. Display the words of the song on a poster or scroll. You must sing the song to the class.

Create a diary or blog for one of the minor characters in the novel. (10 entries minimum.)

Create a music video combining still and or live pictures with music and words that would fit any of the themes of Romeo and Juliet.

Radio drama/Podcast- You may create a podcast of any scene from Romeo and Juliet. Add sound effects to a dramatic reading of the text. You may work with a partner

for this

Time line

This must be hour by hour

Romeo and Juliet time line. Include the major events (22) in the play.


Create a scrapbook for Juliet include Original poems, artwork, awards, newspaper articles, pictures, etc. (5 pages minimum.)

Get Social

Rewrite the following scenes from the play as if Romeo and Juliet were using current technology. (facebook, twitter, and texting)

• Act 1 Scene 1

• The balcony scene, as if it was text to each other.

• Act 4 Scene 4-5

Create a mix tape for Romeo or Juliet

Create a compilation of 15 songs (both new and old) you feel best represent the most important scenes of the play Put together a report of your songs, including the name of the song, artist, and album the song came from, a copy of the lyrics, and an explanation of why you chose each song to represent a particular theme, and which event or incident the song represents. For example, you may choose a specific song for when Romeo and Juliet first see each other. What song would be appropriate to represent the mood during this scene? Why? 

Romeo and Juliet newspaper

Create a 2-4 Page Verona Paper

Include some of the following regular sections of a newspaper

· Horoscope (all twelve signs)

· 2 news report

· A letter to the editor which expresses an opinion

· Letter to and from Dear Abby with advice for Romeo or Juliet

· Feature story/gossip column

· Police Log (there are several events to post here)

· Wedding announcement

· Comic strip (with humor or commentary about events in the play or about life in Verona)

· Classified Ads

· Obituaries

Develop a project idea of your own. Think computer, website, video, sound recording, etc. Clear the project with me, and then complete the project.

Project is worth 50 points and is weighted the same as a test.

All Projects should be completed by May 17

The 22 major events in Romeo and Juliet

1. Fight in streets,

2. Party at Capulets

3. Romeo meets Juliet

4. Romeo and Juliet Balcony

5. Paris asks for Juliets hand

6. Romeo goes to Friar

7. Rome and Juliet get married

8. Romeo/Tybalt, Mercutio fight

9. Romeo Banished

10. Romeo and Juliet wedding night

11. Romeo goes to Mantua

12. Capulet sets date for Juliets wedding

13. Juliet fight with parents

14. Juliet goes to Friar for help/ they hatch a plan

15. Juliet take poison

16. Nurse/Capulets/Paris find Juliet

17. Romeo finds out Juliet is dead

18. Romeo finds Juliet

19. Romeo kills himself

20. Juliet finds Romeo

21. Juliet kills herself

22. Everyone finds dead children


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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