
Grosmont Events - Minutes of meeting 22/12/2018


Jan Chatfield (Co-Chair) Richard Brown (Co-Chair)

Alex Minford (Treasurer) Jo Whittaker (Communications)

Martine Powell (Secretary) Trevor Woolnough (Committee)

Mike Noakes (Committee) Jean Price (Committee)

Lucy Gable (Committee, Young Mum’s rep)

Also present:

Witek Mintowt Gaynor Henshall Michele Villiers

Mark Whitaker Gilliy Burgess

Jan thanked those present for attending and confirmed that this meeting would not run over one hour (to allow attendance at the Grosmont Events Carol Singing evening.

Minutes of previous meeting:

The notes were accepted; beyond the noted error regarding the date of the meeting (24th November not December)

Outstanding actions were reviewed:

• Finances: Alex was in the process of changing the bank account name and was working with Lloyds bank.

• Drop box and electronic records: Martine was reviewing the details in DropBox and the future approach to managing information. It was confirmed that all minutes were being sent to committee members, meeting attendees, copied to the Angel folder and posted in the Grosmont village website.

Highlight details are being posted on the village notice board. Meeting minutes were not considered appropriate for inclusion in the Parish Magazine (Church Link) by the publishers; in a similar fashion to Council minutes. A summary can be issued for publication of details of events and events are also being listed in the calendar.

ACTION: Martine to progress Dropbox review

• Inventory and Stock take: Thanks were given to Jan and Stuart Chatfield for initiating the stock take on their own! The cupboard has been reviewed, this requires additional focus.

• Young People: no progress at this time. Hopefully Lucy could provide an update on the young people’s survey previously mentioned

Outstanding ACTION: Jan to speak to Zoe Harding to see if she could help

ACTION: Lucy to provide feedback on survey

• Carols Round the Tree: Thanks have been posted on the village notice board for the provision of the tree (thanks for poster to Lucy). Jean Price has organised mulled wine and mince pies for after the carols in the Town hall.

ACTION: Jan to organise a thank you bottle of wine for the tree to Russell.

• Quiz, Cheese and Wine event: Town Hall booked for Friday 18th January; with a start time of 7:30pm. Bill Pascoe has agreed to host.

ACTION: Subcommittee - Jean, Jan and Martine.

• Burns Supper: Agreed GE would not progress this for 2019, but would consider for 2020.


A letter has been received from Llewelyn Morgan regarding traffic through the village. This will be discussed later in the meeting.

Agenda Items

1. Feedback from the Community Council (CC)

Jan raised a question with regards to whether a commercial contract for redecoration had already been agreed. Witek confirmed that the CC accepted GE’s offer to decorate the hall, however the walls by the stairway will require repair first. Note: the contract was not previously offered externally. Materials will be provided to GE by the CC; however timing is to be confirmed. In thanks for carrying out the decorating, the CC has offered the use of the Town Hall to GE for any event or meeting for 12 months free of charge.

2. Inventory / Stock take

See minutes above; only partially completed

ACTION: Next date for ongoing stock take: Saturday 12th January 10:30am.

3. Cycle Race

The minutes of the first Cycle Race subcommittee had been provided and circulated to GE committee members; with copies available during this meeting and placed into the Angel GE folder. No further updates to report. A future subcommittee meeting was planned for January. The focus will be on children’s events from a village perspective.

4. Funding for Website

GE committee members were contacted outside the meeting requesting support for funding of the Grosmont Village website. This was time sensitive (to obtain a financial deal) and agreed; with a cost of around £90. The website has been updated with notation to show “Supported by Grosmont Events”.

5. Quiz night

See minutes above. This requires raffle prizes and Witek offered a Hamper for example.

6. 1920’s Night: “Strictly Come 1920’s”

Gilliy provided an explanation of how she has seen this run before; including 2 alcoholic “teapot” cocktails (Gin and Vodka or Whisky) plus a “virgin” option. Food could be provided along the lines of a finger buffet.

Guests should dress up; with tickets sold to include food and limited alcohol. Children would also be welcome (with virgin drink options). Prizes for best dressed individual/couple and dancers were suggested.

It was suggested that the Nave would be the better venue due to potential numbers and requirement for space for dancing. {Mike and Gilliy to review date}

ACTION: Subcommittee - Gilliy, Jan and Mike

7. Gazebo

Katie has offered a gazebo to GE; which we have accepted with thanks. Richard is reviewing this to see if the slight damage is repairable. GE do also have another gazebo, however the location of this is not known at this time.

8. Traffic and Parking

A letter was received from Llewelyn Morgan and also a Facebook posting from Marty Jones regarding traffic and parking. {Note: letter scanned and sent to GE committee members with minutes}

Richard defined the aspects of concern regarding events such as the village market in three parts: 1) Parking of cars for Stall Holders, 2) Parking for Visitors and 3) One way traffic concerns and access for emergency access vehicles.

Jan: Parking is not an aspect of GE focus unless linked to specific concerns linked to GE events. GE events are those for the community, rather than those attractive a wider audience such as markets, Christingle and Nativity events. It was agreed that the Community Council is responsible for resolving any parking requirements within the village.

Witek also agreed but recommended that GE write to the CC expressing concerns and asking for a proactive review.

Alex agreed that GE should not be involved in responsibilities linked to village infrastructure but could help mitigate issues.

Mike expressed concern that the Xmas market was seen as a focus for complaints regarding parking and access, as this was not a ‘normal’ event. Events such as this and Christingle/Nativity are seen as part of the different and positive aspects of village life.

It was suggested that stall holders for the village market park towards the outskirts of the village, with local transfer, to ease parking. It was also highlighted that GE and local public have no right to prevent individuals parking on the public highways.

The GE Events Risk Assessment should however be updated to include a requirement for event organisers to include consideration for access and parking for their events.

Overall: CC responsible for infrastructure whilst GE and event organisers could address traffic management.

ACTION: Jan and Richard to write CC regarding concerns over parking and access

ACTION: Risk Assessment form to be updated (Jo?)

ACTION: Jan and Richard to contact Llewelyn and Marty, inviting them to the next GE mtg; similarly for the organisers of the village market


Meeting ran out of time

NEXT Mtg: Saturday 26th January 5:30pm; Town Hall




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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