
DOCUMENTARIES AND MOVIES Audrie and Daisy NetflixIn two towns on different sides of America, two teenage girls pass out while intoxicated at high school parties and, while unconscious, both are sexually assaulted by boys they call friends. In the aftermath, the girls each endure online harassment, both attempt suicide, and tragically, one dies. The film explores this new public square of shame from the perspective of the teenagers and their families -- including the boys involved in the assaults and the girls willing to speak out publicly.The Hunting GroundAmazon Prime & Youtube $3.99An exposé of rape crimes on U.S. college campuses, their institutional cover-ups, and the devastating toll they take on students and their families. Roll Red RollNetlfixAt a pre-season football party in small-town Steubenville, Ohio, a heinous crime took place: the assault of a teenage girl by members of the beloved high school football team. What transpired would garner national attention and result in the sentencing of two key offenders. But it was the disturbing social media evidence uncovered online by crime blogger Alex Goddard that provoked the most powerful questions about the case, and about the collusion of teen bystanders, teachers, parents and coaches to protect the assailants and discredit the victim. As it painstakingly reconstructs the night of the crime and its aftermath, Roll Red Roll uncovers the engrained rape culture at the heart of the incident, acting as a cautionary tale about what can happen when teenage social media bullying runs rampant and adults look the other way. The film unflinchingly asks: “why didn’t anyone stop it?”It Happened HereFree on Tubi & Vudu, $0.99 on Amazon PrimeExplores sexual assault on campuses through the personal testimonials of five survivors who transform their experiences into a springboard for change.In raw and intimate interviews, the students describe surviving sexual assault only to be met with apathy, disbelief, blame and retaliation from the authorities when they tried to report the crime. When they tried to get justice, they were ignored, belittled and shamed, while their attackers remained on campus with impunity. But instead of hiding away in shame, they chose to speak out, and found a way to force institutional change.I am EvidenceHulu, HBO, $3.99 on Amazon PrimeIt is estimated that every year, hundreds of thousands of rape kits are left untested in police storage facilities. This documentary explores the shocking way that sexual assault cases have been historically processed in the United States.UntouchableSlut or Nut: The Diary of a Rape TrialNetflix, Amazon Prime $0.99A documentary following activist Mandi Gray as she navigates the legal system after a sexual assault. The film examines what it is like to report rape and different options for survivors.The Invisible WarYouTube, Google Play, Amazon Prime $2.99A filmmaker explores the ever-increasing incidents of violent sexual assault within the U.S. military.Rape in the Fields Amazon Prime, iTune $1.99FRONTLINE and Univision partner to tell the story of the hidden price many migrant women working in America’s fields and packing plants pay to stay employed and provide for their families.Surviving R. KellyNetflixThis documentary series reveals young women emerging from the shadows and uniting their voices against singer R. Kelly. Celebrated as one of the greatest R&B singers of all time, R. Kelly's career has been plagued with rumors of abuse, paedophilia, and predatory behavior toward women. Now, survivors are stepping forward to detail new allegations about his physical, mental, and sexual abuse. More than 50 interviews with those who include civil rights activist Tarana Burke, musicians John Legend and Sparkle, talk show host Wendy Williams, and R. Kelly's family members shed light on the singer's controversial past.I am Jane DoeNetflixAmerican mothers wage a battle against sex trafficking on behalf of their daughters.Second Assault 12 years, Jillian has been afraid to speak out about her sexual assault after the trauma of reporting it to the police. But in the wake of the "Trump Tapes" and the rising tide of misogyny, she faces her greatest fears head on, embarking on a journey to confront the system that failed her.Untouchable HuluA look at the rise and fall of disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein featuring interviews with former colleagues and those who accused him of sexual misconduct.The Tale (this one is can be super triggering for survivors of childhood/adolescent SA)Hulu, HBOA woman filming a documentary on childhood rape victims starts to question the nature of her childhood relationship with her riding instructor and running coach.TrickedNetflixExamining all sides of America's sex-trafficking trade, which destroys lives as it generates $3 billion a year, and following the Denver vice squad as they pursue sex traffickers and rescue victims of the trade.Bikram- Yogi, Guru, PredatorNetflixTracing from his rise in the 1970s to his disgrace in accusations of rape and sexual harassment in more recent years.Leaving NeverlandHBOAt the height of his stardom, Michael Jackson began long-running relationships with two boys, aged 7 and 10, and their families. Now in their 30s, they tell the story of how they were sexually abused by Jackson.Fallen Angels City in the Philippines is a well-known sex tourism destination. There used to be an American air base here, but now it’s popular among mainly retired men who travel in search of sex for sale. Hundreds of local young women work in the bars and nightclubs offering additional services for the money they desperately need to make ends meet and feed their families. The real victims though are the sex workers’ children, conceived by foreign travelers. These children immediately stand out in the crowd, being of mixed-race here almost certainly means a child is the product of a liaison between a sex tourist and a call girl. They may stand out but they’re not unusual, within their communities there are many children of the sex trade.Short Term 12Free of Vudu & TubiCalm and competent, Grace is a young counsellor at a California care unit for at-risk teens. However, her cool facade begins to crack in the pressure cooker atmosphere as she and some of the unruly residents are reminded of past and present abuses.Abducted in Plain SightNetflixIn 1974, 12-year-old Jan Broberg was abducted from a small church-going community in Idaho by a trusted neighbour and close family friend.RoomNetflixHeld captive for years in an enclosed space, a woman (Brie Larson) and her young son (Jacob Tremblay) finally gain their freedom, allowing the boy to experience the outside world for the first time.Tell Me Who I AmNetflixAlex trusts his twin, Marcus, to tell him about his past after he loses his memory. But Marcus is hiding a dark family secret.BombshellYouTube, Google Play, & Amazon Prime $3.99The provocative real story of three whip-smart, ambitious, strong women who anchored one of America's most powerful news networks -- becoming headlines themselves when they risked everything to stand up to the man who made them famous.SERIES Unbelievable NetlfixBased on the true story of Marie, a teenager who was charged with lying about having been raped, and the two female detectives who followed the path to the truth.13 Reasons WhyNetflixHannah, a young woman who takes her own life. Two weeks after her tragic death, a classmate named Clay finds a mysterious box on his porch. Inside the box are recordings made by Hannah -- on whom Clay had a crush -- in which she explains the 13 reasons why she chose to commit suicide. If Clay decides to listen to the recordings, he will find out if and how he made the list. This intricate and heart-wrenching tale is told through Clay and Hannah's dual narratives.Morning ShowApple TVAn inside look at the people who help Americans wake up each day, exploring the challenges faced by the people who work in morning television.Broadchurch Season 3NetflixAfter a young boy is murdered in the small seaside town of Broadchurch, local detectives Ellie Miller and Alec Hardy are assigned the mysterious case. Season 3 is well done in regards to victim blaming.TED TALKSMe Too is a movement, not a moment - Tarana Burke 2006, Tarana Burke was consumed by a desire to do something about the sexual violence she saw in her community. She took out a piece of paper, wrote "Me Too" across the top and laid out an action plan for a movement centered on the power of empathy between survivors. More than a decade later, she reflects on what has since become a global movement -- and makes a powerful call to dismantle the power and privilege that are building blocks of sexual violence. "We owe future generations nothing less than a world free of sexual violence," she says. "I believe we can build that world."What happened when we tested thousands of Rape Kits in Detroit - Kym Worthy 2009, 11,341 untested rape kits -- some dating back to the 1980s -- were found in an abandoned warehouse once used by the Detroit police to store evidence. When this scandal was uncovered, prosecutor Kym Worthy set a plan into action to get justice for the thousands of victims affected. In this powerful, eye-opening talk, Worthy explains how her office helped develop an innovative program to track and test these kits -- and calls for a national effort to help solve the problem of stockpiled rape kits.Redefining Manhood- One locker room talk at a time - Alexis Jones Jones is throwing in the towel on "locker room talk" -- literally. In this vibrant, funny talk, the advocacy superhero shares stories from her travels speaking to athletes inside locker rooms about sexual harassment and how to better protect and respect the women in their lives from abuse.The Urgency of Intersectionality - Kimberlé Crenshaw more than ever, it's important to look boldly at the reality of race and gender bias -- and understand how the two can combine to create even more harm. Kimberlé Crenshaw uses the term "intersectionality" to describe this phenomenon; as she says, if you're standing in the path of multiple forms of exclusion, you're likely to get hit by both. In this moving talk, she calls on us to bear witness to this reality and speak up for victims of prejudice.The Power of Vulnerability - Brené Browné Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share.Violence Against Women - It’s a mens issue - Jackson Katz women stay silent after sexual assault - Ines Hercovich violence and sexual abuse are often called "women's issues." But in this bold, blunt talk, Jackson Katz points out that these are intrinsically men's issues -- and shows how these violent behaviors are tied to definitions of manhood. A clarion call for us all -- women and men -- to call out unacceptable behavior and be leaders of change.PODCASTSVIDEOSBrene Brown on Empathy is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? In this beautifully animated RSA Short, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities. Chanel Miller reads her victim impact statement powerful letter "Emily Doe" wrote to address Brock Turner went viral around the world. Here she reads the words herself. ................

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