Senior Perspectives Program

Seniors Taking Responsibility Improving Virtually Everything


WHAT IS IT? STRIVE is a scholarship and informational program for the senior class. We’ll be bringing in speakers who will provide you with their perspectives on life and tips as you transition into adulthood. As part of this program, you can also qualify for scholarships! .


• WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Full-time senior students at New Richmond High School. Those planning to graduate early are also eligible. There will be two options to win a scholarship!


All students wanting to be considered must:

➢ Commit in writing to participate in this program.

➢ Maintain at least 90% attendance through their entire Senior year.

➢ Attend at least 6 of the STRIVE Perspectives meetings held on a monthly basis. Students may

attend 1 Rotary Club lunch meeting during Semester 2 to substitute for 1 STRIVE meeting.

➢ Complete 4 hours of ‘Empowerment’ activities (see back of page).

➢ Maintain full-time student status (early grads still qualify)

➢ Pass all courses during the school year, no F’s at major grading periods (quarter or semester).

➢ Cannot incur any major disciplinary infractions during Senior year.


1. All students who complete the above criteria AND improve their GPA by at least .5 credits during the first three quarters of their Senior year (compared to their cumulative GPA from the start of their Senior year) will be GUARANTEED a scholarship! Early graduates’ GPA will be calculated at the end of the first semester.

2. Students who complete the above criteria, but cannot or did not increase your GPA by .5 (such as students with 3.5 or higher, or those who didn’t have GPA increase), there will be an option to submit an essay as part of the local scholarship application to be considered for a STRIVE scholarship. The essay question will focus on how a speaker(s) talk impacted you and how you plan to use this information as you move forward.

WHEN DO I FIND OUT WHO WON? At the end of third quarter, student’s information will be evaluated to determine who won. Students awarded scholarships must make sure they meet all requirements at the end of the year (attendance, no discipline, no F’s at major grading period)

IS THERE ONLY ONE WINNER? NO! All students who complete the requirements will earn at

least a $100 scholarship. Students who make the greatest improvements in their GPA will be awarded the largest scholarships.

WHAT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS? See Mrs. Bartlett with any questions you might have!

Seniors Taking Responsibility Improving Virtually Everything



The Empowerment component of the STRIVE scholarship is an opportunity for students to expand their involvement with community organizations and/or plans for their future. In order for students to be eligible to receive scholarship awards at the end of their Senior year, they must complete at least 4 hours of time in any of the following categories. Students may use a combination of activities (maximum 2) within a category or between two different categories. Students must also complete the Empowerment Activity Verification Form and turn it in to Mrs. Bartlett by the March STRIVE meeting to have their time verified by the April STRIVE meeting.

|Volunteer/Community Service: |Job Shadowing |College Visits |College Research |

|This could be any volunteer activity you|This opportunity can be excellent for |Students should ALWAYS visit the school |Students who are at the very starting |

|participate in on your own or those |students who have an interest in a |that they are planning/hoping to attend |point of deciding where they want to |

|through the Rotary. |particular field of work, or who are |after graduation if at all possible. |continue their education after high |

|You can talk with a Rotary member at |still exploring their interests. Job |Seeing a campus’s atmosphere and |school may choose this Empowerment |

|STRIVE meetings about opportunities to |Shadowing is a great way to see the |environment with one’s own eyes is the |option. Time can be spent with your |

|get connected with a volunteer |reality of a particular job and work |best way to help determine if a |School Counselor and/or using resources |

|opportunity |environment. There are a number of |particular school is the right one for |from the Career Center to help figure |

| |Rotary members with various professions |you! Students get two pre-planned |out what direction you want your future |

| |who would be happy to offer a job shadow|absence days just for this purpose. |to go. |

| |opportunity. If you are interested, you |College visits can be set up by | |

| |can talk with Mike Montello or Mrs. |contacting the school you would like to | |

| |Bartlett. |visit. | |

| | | | |


(some dates may be subject to change)

We will meet in the Auditorium

Monday, September 16th

Monday, October 14th

Monday, November 11th

Monday, December 16th

Monday, January 27th

Monday, February 24th

Monday, March 16th (Empowerment Hours Due March 31!)

Monday, April 20th - Final Meeting


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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