PDF SPANISH 1A Student Reference Guide


SPANISH 1A Student Reference Guide

WV Virtual School 2017-2018


?Vocabulario para sobrevivir!

Cortes?a en la clase (Polite Classroom Phrases)

Buenos d?as/Buenas tardes

?como est? usted? Por favor gracias De nada/ a la orden

Good morning/good afternoon How are you? * Formal Please Thank you You're welcome

A la derecha A la izquierda

?d?nde est?? (Where is it?)

Aqu? (here) All? (there) Cerca (close) Lejos (far)



Preguntas y respuestas (Questions and Answers)

?c?mo se dice ____en ingl?s (en espa?ol)? Se dice.... ?c?mo se escribe? ?Qu? quiere decir ________? Quiere decir... ?Qu? ves? Yo veo un/una... ?qu? hay? ?Te gusta? Me gusta/no me gusta/ me encanta ?qu? hacen ellos?

How do you say ____in English (in Spanish)? You say it... How do you write (spell) it? What does ___mean? It means... What do you see? I see a... What is there... Do you like it? I like it/I don't like it/I love it. What are they doing?

lo b?sico (basics)

Abre Cierre Escucha Responde/contesta Preg?ntame/ preg?ntale Un repaso ?comprendes? No s? No comprendo/ no entiendo ?En qu? p?gina? ?cu?l es la fecha de hoy?

Open Close Listen Answer Ask me/ask her or him A review Do you understand? I don't know I don't understand On what page What is today's date?

Los n?meros 1 uno 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro 5 cinco

6 seis 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez

11 once 12 doce 13 trece 14 catorce 15 quince

16 diecis?is 17 diecisiete 18 dieciocho 19 diecinueve 20 veinte

21 veintiuno 22 veintid?s etc.. 30 treinta 31 treinta y uno etc. 40 cuarenta

50 cincuenta 60 sesenta 70 setenta 80 ochenta 90 noventa

100 cien 101 ciento uno etc.

?estupendo! ?fant?stico! ?maravilloso!

WVVS Spanish 1A Notebook Table of Contents


1. Cover 2. Notebook Table of Contents 3. Spanish 1A Content Units 4. Academic Integrity Policy 5. Academic Referral 6. WV Virtual School Grading Scale 7. Speaking Test rubric 8. Writing Test rubric 9. Adobe ConnectTM Instructions in Spanish 10. Spanish Character Codes 11. Study Techniques 12. Rainbow Journal Notes


Spanish 1A Content Units


# Spanish Unit Title 1 Los saludos

English Unit Title 1. Greetings

Grammar Focus Subject pronouns

2 La escuela

2. School

Nouns and articles

3 Las caracter?sticas

3. Characteristics


4 Pa?ses, nacionalidades, y n?meros de 0-30

4. Countries,

Conjugating Verbs Ser (to

Nationalities, Numbers be)


Review & Midterm Test Unit

5 La hora 6 Verbos comunes ? ar

5.Time 6. Common AR verbs

Estar (to be)Adverbs, Negative sentences

Present tense AR verbs

7 Verbos comunes ? er & -ir

7. Common ER & IR verbs

Present tense ER & IR verbs

8 Las estaciones y los n?meros 8. Seasons and numbers Asking questions / dates 30-100


Review and Semester 1 Finals

10 Los pasatiempos

10. Hobbies & Pastimes Gustar

11 La comida (1) 12 La comida (2) 13 La familia

11. Food (1) 12. Food (2) 13. Family

Possessive adj. & de Demonstrative adjectives 2 verb combinations

Review & Midterm Test Unit

14 La Ciudad

15 Animales 16 Las Tiendas 17 El tiempo 18

14. The city 15. Animals

ir + a + infinitive (going to do...), acabar de (just did)

Stem changing verbs

16. Stores

Irregular tense yo verbs

17. Weather

Hay and Tener expressions

Review and Semester 2 Finals


Adapted by WVVS 2016 3a


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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