Marketing 421 Syllabus

Fall, 2001

09:30 A.M. to 10:45 A.M. TH Class: CB 106

12:30 P.M. to 01:45 P.M. TH Office: CB 207 I




Complete Before Class

Read syllabus

Read Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 1, 2

Read Alexander Notes: The Interpersonal Influence Process

Read Alexander Notes: CDP Model

Complete During Class

[T] Student Courses Survey


Expectation exercise

Review syllabus

Discuss Alexander Notes: The Interpersonal Influence Process

Discuss Alexander Notes: CDP model

[H] Quiz on syllabus

Discuss Introduction to Consumer Behavior

Form groups

Discuss how to prepare for and write essay and multiple choice exams

Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 1


Complete Before Class

Send Journal #1

Read Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 3

Prepare for Exam #1: Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 1, 2, 3 ***

Complete During Class

[T] Quiz on steps in the consumer decision process

Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 2

Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 3

Discuss case presentations

[H] Sit for Exam #1: Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 1, 2, 3 ***



Complete Before Class

Read Alexander Notes: Problem Recognition

Read Alexander Notes: Search

Read Alexander Notes: Evaluation of Alternatives

Complete During Class

[T] (09:30 A.M.) Sanjay Patel, ++

Questions for the speaker

(12:30 P.M.) Sanjay Patel, ++

Questions for the speaker

[H] Quiz on Alexander Notes: Problem Recognition

Discuss Alexander Notes: Problem Recognition

Quiz Alexander Notes: Search

Discuss Alexander Notes: Search

Quiz on Alexander Notes: Evaluation of Alternatives

Discuss Alexander Notes: Evaluation of Alternatives


Complete Before Class

Read Alexander Notes: Expectancy-Value Attitudes

Read Alexander Notes: Purchase Decision

Complete During Class

[T] Quiz Alexander Notes: Expectancy-Value Attitudes

Discuss Alexander Notes: Expectancy-Value Attitudes


[H] Quiz Alexander Notes: Behavior Prediction Model

Discuss Alexander Notes: Purchase Decision and Behavior Prediction Model



Complete Before Class

Read Alexander Notes: Consumption

Read Alexander Notes: Post-Purchase Evaluation

Read Alexander Notes: Divestment

Prepare for Exam #2: Alexander Notes—Consumer Decision Process ***

Complete During Class

[T] Discuss Alexander Notes: Consumption

Quiz Alexander Notes: Post-Purchase Evaluation

Discuss Alexander Notes: Post-Purchase Evaluation

Discuss Alexander Notes: Divestment

[H] Sit for Exam #2: Alexander Notes—Consumer Decision Process ***



Complete Before Class

Read Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 4, 5

Send Journal #2

Complete During Class

[T] Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 4

Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 5


[H] (09:30 A.M..) Darlene Feil, Keller Williams Roer Realty ++

Questions for the speaker

(12:30 P.M.) Darlene Feil, Keller Williams Roer Realty ++

Questions for the speaker


Complete Before Class

Read Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 6

Prepare for Exam #3: Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 4, 5, 6 ***

Complete During Class

[T] Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 6


[H] Sit for Exam #3: Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 4, 5, 6 ***


Complete Before Class

Read Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 7, 8

Read Alexander Notes: Life In 2010/2050

Read Alexander Notes: Personality

Read Alexander Notes: Motivation

Complete During Class

[T] Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 7

Quiz on Life in 2010/2050

Discuss Life In 2000 and beyond

Discuss Alexander Notes: Personality

Quiz on Alexander Notes: Personality

[H] Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 8

Discuss Alexander Notes: Motivation

Quiz on Alexander Notes: Motivation


Complete Before Class

Read Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 9, 10

Read Alexander Notes: Knowledge

Read Alexander Notes: Expectancy-Value Attitudes

Complete During Class

[T] Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 9

Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 10

Discuss Alexander Notes: Knowledge

Quiz on Alexander Notes: Knowledge

Discuss Alexander Notes: Expectancy-Value Attitudes

[H] (09:30 A.M.) Scott Holman, Tim Corwin Toyota ++

Questions for the speaker

(12:30 P.M.) Scott Holman, Tim Corwin Toyota ++

Questions for the speaker


Complete Before Class

Prepare for Exam #4: Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 7, 8, 9, 10 ***

Read Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 11

Read Alexander Notes: Subcultures/Microcultures

Send Journal #3

Complete During Class

[T] Sit for Exam #4: Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 7, 8, 9, 10 ***



[H] Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 11

Quiz on subcultures/Microcultures

Discuss Alexander Notes: Subcultures/Microcultures



Complete Before Class

Read Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 12, 13

Read Alexander Notes: Social Class

Read Alexander Notes: Family

Read Alexander Notes: Groups

Complete During Class

[T] Quiz on social class

Discuss Alexander Notes: Social Class Differences in Behavior

Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 12


[H] Quiz on Family

Discuss Alexander Notes: Family

Quiz on Groups

Discuss Alexander Notes: Groups

Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 13


Complete Before Class

Prepare for Exam #5: Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 11, 12, 13 ***

Read Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 14

Read Alexander Notes: Information Processing

Read Alexander Notes: Fear Appeals

Read Alexander Notes: Nudity in Advertising

Complete During Class

[T] Sit for Exam #5: Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 11, 12, 13 ***

Read together the instructions for analyzing the case


[H] Quiz on Alexander Notes: Information Processing

Discuss Alexander Notes: Information Processing

Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 14

Discuss Alexander Notes: Fear Appeals

Quiz on Alexander Notes: Fear Appeals

Discuss Alexander Notes: Nudity in Advertising

Quiz on Alexander Notes: Nudity in Advertising


Complete Before Class

Read Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 15, 16

Read Alexander Notes: Communication Model

Complete During Class

[T] Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 15

Discuss Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 16

Quiz on Alexander Notes: Communication Model

Discuss Alexander Notes: Communication Model

Discuss Nonverbal Communication

Discuss attitude formation and change

[H] (09:30 A.M.) Chuck Chadwick, Kmart ++

Questions for the speaker

(12:30 P.M.) Chuck Chadwick, Kmart ++

Questions for the speaker


Complete Before Class

Prepare for Exam #6: Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 14, 15, 16 ***

Complete During Class

[T] Sit for Exam #6: Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel: 14, 15, 16 ***



Complete Before Class

Send Journal #4

Prepare Case #1: Pick ‘n Pay (510)

Prepare Case #2: Service Corporation International (515)

Complete During Class

[T] Discuss the influence of music on emotions, attitudes, and behavior (name of song, composer/singer, target market, product)

[H] Quiz on Case #1: Pick ‘n Pay (510)

Present Case #1: Pick ‘n Pay (510)

Quiz on Case #2: Case #2: Service Corporation International (515)

Present Case #2: Service Corporation International (515)


Complete Before Class

Prepare Case #3: (520)

Prepare Case #4: Avon (524)

Complete During Class

[T] Quiz on Case #3: (520)

Present Case #3: (520)

Quiz on Case #4: Avon (524)

Present Case #4: Avon (524)



Complete Before Class

Prepare Case #5: The Duck Company (527)

Prepare Case #6: National Pork Producers Council (532)

Prepare Case #7: Destroy-Your- (540)

Complete During Class

Quiz on Case #5: The Duck Company (527)

Present Case #5: The Duck Company (527)

Quiz on Case #6: National Pork Producers Council (532)

Present Case #6: National Pork Producers Council (532)

Quiz on Case #7: Destroy-Your- (540)

Present Case #7: Destroy-Your- (540)

Complete Peer Group Evaluation Form



Complete Before Class

Prepare Case #5: The Duck Company (527)

Prepare Case #6: National Pork Producers Council (532)

Prepare Case #7: Destroy-Your- (540)

Complete During Class

Quiz on Case #5: The Duck Company (527)

Present Case #5: The Duck Company (527)

Quiz on Case #6: National Pork Producers Council (532)

Present Case #6: National Pork Producers Council (532)

Quiz on Case #7: Destroy-Your- (540)

Present Case #7: Destroy-Your- (540)

Complete Peer Group Evaluation Form

Grade Distribution

90% to 100% = A 70% to 79% = C Below 60% = F

80% to 89% = B 60% to 69% = D

Point Totals

Points are assigned on the following basis. These point totals represent approximations only. The total number of points may vary.

1. Exams: 6 @ 100 points 600

2. Quizzes: 20 @ 10 points each 200

3. Journals completed: 4 at 25 points each 100

4. Case writing assignment: 1 @ 100 points 100

5. Case presentation: 1 @ 100 points 100

6. Peer group evaluation 100

7. Questions for the speakers: 4 @ 25 points 100

8. Discussion Questions 10 @ 10 points each 100

Office Hours

T/H: 08:30 to 09:30 A.M.

T/H: 10:45 to 12:30 P.M.

T/H: 01:45 to 03:00 P.M.

Other times by appointment

Contacting Dr. Alexander


218.236.4650 (office) 218.236.2238 (fax)

218.236.7465 (home) web.mnstate.edu/alexand


I use two books and several handouts. The text is Consumer Behavior (9th ed.) by Roger D. Blackwell, Paul W. Miniard, and James F. Engel. I chose the text because (1) it covers the material better than other books, and (2) I think you will find it interesting to read. Further, the book is accurate, timely, organized properly, and as well written as most texts. Note that I used the first edition of this text when I began teaching Consumer Behavior in 1971. The second book is a manual I wrote that you will purchase in the bookstore. It contains my notes.


Please complete Principles of Marketing prior to enrolling in Consumer Behavior. Social Psychology is strongly recommended.

Changes to the Syllabus

Changes to the syllabus may occur for three reasons. First, inclement weather may dictate cancellation of classes and a rescheduling. If the MSUM president cancels classes, any assigned material or exams will be due the next class period held. Note that only the president can order classes canceled. Second, a mistake on the syllabus may require changes. Third, the students and professor may reach a consensus about a need for a change in the syllabus.


Consumer behavior examines the reasons why consumers choose the particular goods and services

they buy. For a marketer to achieve success, she must understand why consumers might purchase one brand over another or from one firm instead of another. This knowledge enables her to better predict her organization's environment.

Special Needs

I have experienced a gradual and permanent loss of hearing and wear amplifiers (hearing aids) to compensate. Unfortunately they amplify background noise as well as individual voices. Please be patient when I ask you to repeat a comment or question. If you possess any type of disability or special need, inform me at the beginning of the semester. The university and I will attempt to handle that special need in a way that maximizes your learning experience.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge. At the end of the semester you will have internalized those concepts relevant to the consumer decision process including the steps in the CDP and how psychological, sociological, social psychological, anthropological, economic, and situational forces act upon the CDP. .

Application. You will have applied what you have learned by analyzing consumer behavior cases.

Speaking. You will have explained the influences upon consumers as they use the decision process to purchase products/services.

Team Building. You will have learned to solve problems as a member of a team. Communication. You will have written journals to your professor on issues and topics of interest to him and/or you.

Self-Directed Learning. You will gain experience in a learner-directed setting and develop life-long learning skills.

Writing. You will write better at the end of the semester than at the beginning.


Exams. Preparations for exams help students internalize the vocabulary and concepts.

Text Reading Assignments and Supplementary Reading. The text and supplementary reading assignments provide students with the concepts and vocabulary used in attempts to understand the consumer decision process. I expect every student to read the assigned material by the dates listed above. The exams cover the text and supplementary readings. Quizzes also cover the supplementary readings.

Lectures. Although I rely heavily on other methods to enhance learning, I occasionally lecture to emphasize points not covered in you text or supplementary readings.

Class Discussions. Please participate in discussions of he assigned material To participate fully, bring questions about the assigned material to class and ask them.

Visuals. Videotapes and overheads deal with consumer behavior concepts and provide a basis for discussion.

Group Activities. In small groups, students will analyze cases, write up the results in standard English, and discuss their cases. These discussions help you to develop your analytical abilities and provide team-building experiences.

Oral Presentation. In a formal setting, group members will present the results of their case analyses. This activity provides experiences in speaking to peers.

Writing Assignment. You will write up a case analysis. In the process you will learn to write better.


1. In the space for Subject include Mktg 421 and the journal number. For example, for the first journal write Mktg 421, Journal 1. Journals without this will be deleted unread.

2. Journals will consist of one full page, double or single spaced. Skimpy journals will not be given full credit.

3. Journals are due on Wednesday of the week listed on the syllabus and must be forwarded by e-mail within 48 hours of the due date. I will not accept early or late journals. Do not ask.

4. I do not evaluate your comments. You may complain, disagree, and/or inform but nothing you say will be held against you or will it affect your grade. You receive credit for completing journals rather than for their content. However, I often respond to journals with comments and observations of my own.

5. Comments in your journals may be used as part of some type of publication. However, you are guaranteed anonymity. Individual names will not be used.

6. I shall do my best to keep your journals private and secure. However, be aware that hackers may be able to access my files.

7. Journal #1 consists of an introduction. Tell me as much about you as you want me to know. Write this journal to help me understand you better.

8. Journal #2 explains what you like to do when not studying or working.

9. Journal #3 answers the following questions. What is the one thing I like most in other people? What is the one thing I dislike most in other people? Also indicate why in both cases.

10. Journal #4 requires a discussion of your advising experiences. What were the positive and negative aspects of advising? How would you change the student advising process?

11. The journals are not graded. If I receive them all, you obtain maximum points. If I don’t, you don’t.

12. Use your own name on your e-mail accounts as it is listed in the Registrar’s office. Do not use some made up name. I cannot file a journal without your name.

13. Do not send journals as an attachment. Because of virus problems, I don’t open attachments.

14. I require journals for two reasons. First, I use them to learn more about my students and their generation. Second, journals provide a convenient and easy way for students to interact with me. A visit to my office would probably be better, but some students have neither the time nor the inclination to visit me personally.

Questions for the Speakers

During a speaker’s presentation, students will write questions on a form provided. Maximum

credit is given for five or more questions.


I shall administer exams on the dates indicated on the syllabus. One exam will consist of essay

questions. The remaining exams consist of multiple choice questions. These exams cover the text, the Alexander notes, and other reading assignments.

I permit two pages of hand-written notes for the essay exam only. However, each student must prepare her/his own for the value of an exam lies with its preparation. Using someone else's notes or allowing someone else to use your notes is considered academic dishonesty and will result in grades of zero for the individuals involved.


The quizzes accomplish two goals. First, they motivate students to read the material assigned.

Second, they evaluate the students’ understanding of the material and provide feedback to me on the degree of understanding.

Make-up Exams

Do not miss the regularly scheduled exams. Note the following points.

1. Only individuals who miss the regularly scheduled exams for reasons acceptable to the university and professor can take a make-up exam. These reasons include your unavoidable illness when verified by a physician and almost no others. Unacceptable reasons include weddings (yours or anyone else), vacations, rides home, lack of preparation, loss of memory, sleeping in, a relative’s illness or death, and most all other reasons of a similar nature.

2. All make-up exams are administered on Thursday of the last full week of class at a mutually convenient time.

3. You must inform me, in writing, of your need to take a make-up exam at least one full week prior to the make-up exam date. The reasons for missing the scheduled exam and the chapters on the exam must be included in the request.

4. The make-up exams are essay.

5. Only one scheduled exam can be made-up. If you miss more than one exam, you will want to drop the class and try again another semester.

6. The last exam can be made up only if the reason for missing it is unavoidable and extremely serious.

1. If your job will take you out of town on an exam date, you may sit for the exam before you leave.

See me to arrange a time.

Case Analysis

1. I will organize you into relatively heterogeneous small groups.

2. Each group will work on the case assigned.

3. Each group will examine the case assigned from all possible perspectives provided by the text and answer the questions at the end. The following tips will help. (a) To analyze the case and answer the questions, pull material from the chapters, the library, the internet, and other sources. (b) Discuss problems in the case and issues you can identify whether they seem to be relevant to the questions or not. (c) Make some judgments about the future and base solutions and answers on your estimate of future events. (d) If you devise solutions, at some point specify which one is best and why.

4. The group members will present to the class their answers to the questions listed at the end plus other relevant information and analyses. You must assume that the class members have read the case and you must not summarize.

5. During the presentation the group will engage as many of the audience’s senses as possible. The following audience stimuli criteria are used for evaluation purposes: (a) dress for success, (b) PowerPoint, (c) video tape, (d) transparencies, (e) handouts, (f) posters, (g) sample of product/service, (h) food/drink, (i) olfactory, (j) involve audience, (k) other.

6. Group members will not read their presentations. Points are deducted for reading the presentation.

7. Each group will take one hour for its presentation.

8. The group members will write up their answers to the questions at the end of the case plus other relevant information and analyses and submit the paper at the time of the presentation. Students will write the paper in Standard English. Papers not written in Standard English will be returned, ungraded.

9. All students will read the case in the text before they come to class and take a quiz on the case.

10. All members of the group who complete the case will receive the same score.

1. Late papers are penalized 10% per day, including weekends and holidays.

Peer Evaluation

Each group member will receive evaluation forms and complete evaluations of him/herself and the

others in his/her group. The evaluations reflect the relative contributions of each member to the group’s overall success. Anyone who does not complete an evaluation at the time and date listed on the syllabus shall receive a zero for his/her own evaluation


You are responsible for all material covered in class whether you attend or not. Students with excessive absences should drop the class. Failure to attend is not an excuse for anything. Students who miss the quizzes/writing assignments or other things done in class can not make them up.

Academic Dishonesty

Instances of academic dishonesty comprise a rare occurrence here. However, acts of dishonesty such as using someone else's notes and/or submitting papers as your own when you have not composed them should be avoided. The penalty for academic dishonesty may consist of a failing grade on the exam, paper, etc. or a failing grade for the course, and/or charges brought before the university administration.


Please do not place your feet on the seats of other desks because people do not wish to sit in the glop your shoes might deposit. You may, however, sit on the floor if you feel extremely fatigued.

Dress for Success

You may wish to consider dressing for success when interacting with others in a public situation.

Bixler (Professional Presence, 1992) suggests that you dress so that your clothes do not attract attention. People will then perceive your face, attitude, and personality rather than your clothes. For example, sweat clothes and a baseball cap don't create the impression you want others to develop of you.

Two reasons exist for removing a cap or hat when inside a building. First, experts on manners inform us that we violate cultural norms when we wear head coverings inside a building. Please do not purposely offend by wearing a hat in class. Second, because I can not see your mouth when you speak I have difficulty hearing you.


Writing Mechanics

1. Print everything submitted.

2. Double-space everything. Double space between sections. Do NOT triple, quadruple or use any other spacing. Double space everywhere.

3. Set margins at one inch.

4. Do NOT right justify.

5. Always make back-up copies of the paper both on floppy or Zip disk and hard copy.

6. Number the pages. Number the pages. Number the pages. Never number the cover page.

7. Use 10 point Times New Roman font.

Writing Organization

1. Use headings, sub-headings, sub-sub-headings, etc. whenever you change the topic. Do not turn in a paper without headings, etc.

2. If necessary, obtain a style manual for heading examples.

3. Indent the beginning of each new paragraph.

4. Attach a cover page. Include the title of the project, your name, and any other information you deem useful on it.

5. Do not write the paper using an outline format.

Common Problem Areas

1. Know the difference between their, there, and they’re, two, too, and to, due and do, hear and here, loan and borrow, etc. and use these words correctly.

2. Spell all words correctly. Your word processing software includes a spell-checking option. Most word processing software have grammar checkers built into them. Use them.

3. A sentence must include only one basic idea. Business readers prefer short, punchy sentences to long, involved, convoluted ones.

4. A Paragraph must contain at least two sentences.

5. A paragraph must include only one basic topic. Business readers prefer short, punchy paragraphs to long, convoluted ones containing several quite different topics.

1. The name of a company is almost always singular.


1. Do not use the word being to mean because. Say, “Because I came to class,” rather than “Being that I came to class.”

2. Punctuate correctly. Refer to Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style if you need assistance.

3. Write in complete sentences. Do not write sentence fragments.

4. Do not write run-on sentences.

5. Do not attempt to convey too much information in one sentence. Rather than write one long, wordy sentence, write several short, clear ones.

6. Avoid writing in the passive voice.

7. Avoid overuse of the verb to be including am, is, are, was, be, been, and being.

8. Do not use there or it or this as the subject of a sentence.

9. Do not begin a sentence with a number.

10. Spell numbers less than 10. Write as a numeral those 10 or greater.

11. Do not use the words got or a lot.

12. Write percentages with a number and percentage sign (58%).

13. Personal pronouns must agree with their antecedents (the nouns they represent) in gender and number.

14. A verb must agree with its subject in person and number.

15. Papers that contain the problems listed above will be penalized up to 50% of the grade.



Upper Division Courses

Upper division courses are numbered 300 and 400. Typically they build on the background of the lower division courses. They may have one or both of the following characteristics.

1. They require analysis, synthesis, and integration of knowledge and skills from several specific

areas in a discipline or from related disciplines.

2. They are built on a foundation of prerequisite lower division courses in liberal studies, a

specific discipline, or a related field of study.

Upper division courses enable students to study a major field in depth by building upon and integrating the knowledge gained in lower division courses. Upper division courses may also serve as an introduction to sub-fields within a discipline.

Upper division courses are characterized by a more flexible structure that allows for a variety of approaches to the subject matter, a wide range of course material, an emphasis on independent study and/or research in the laboratory, library, studio or community.

Students are expected to accept increasing responsibility for their own learning both inside and outside the classroom. Upper division courses typically emphasize comprehension, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application of knowledge. Evaluation of student performance at this level stresses such outcomes as comprehension and understanding of concepts, the ability to solve problems, and the ability to integrate knowledge.


Teaching and Learning Teaching Is More than Lecturing.

Traditionally, before the invention of the printing press, teaching required the instructor to stand in front of a class and read from a book. That is, he/she lectured to his/her students who attempted to remember the material. Even after the printing press became widely used and students bought their own books, faculty persisted in their old habits for at least four reasons.

First, lecturing is easier and consumes less of the faculty member’s time than other methods of teaching. Second, lecturing boosts a teacher’s ego, especially when students pay attention. Third, many teachers do not know what else to do. And fourth, some teachers believe good teaching requires them to amuse their students. Unfortunately no direct correlation exists between student learning and amusing lectures by faculty.

On the other hand, several problems exist with the lecture method that render it inappropriate for general use. First, only a few people can efficiently process information received auditorially, in the form of a lecture. Other people can process better that information presented visually, tactility, or in some other way. The lecture, then, probably doesn’t represent the best method for all people, or indeed for very many people, to receive information.

Second, humans possess a limited attention span, for most people somewhat less than three minutes. After that amount of time a person’s attention deviates from the material being presented. This fact is precisely the reason TV programming and USA Today provide short sound/sight bites rather than long, in-depth analyses of problems and issues.

Third, educators also know that people learn best what they use. Instructors who lecture learn the material well because they use it when they lecture. Unfortunately, students who receive the lecture do not learn the material because they can not use it and, often, can not relate it to any other material stored in memory. It seems that the best way to teach, then, requires the student to use what he/she is to learn. Would the human specie have survived if methods of procreation were taught only through the lecture method with no opportunity for practical experience?

Some Students Prefer the Lecture

If the lecture generally fails to teach, why do some students like it? First, some people like the lecture method because taking notes is easier than thinking. Learning requires the learner to think, to ask questions, and to try and apply the material being presented. Sitting passively in class taking notes seems easier than thinking.

Second, many students are accustomed to the lecture format. Our K- 12 teachers lectured. Many college professors lectured. We like best that with which we become familiar.

Third, we want teachers to separate the unimportant from the important in the text because we don’t want to read the whole thing. Unfortunately, no teacher can know which specific material out of a large volume of material will become important for each student over the next 40 years of his/her work life.

What Is Teaching?

What, then, should teachers do if they don’t stand in front of a classroom of people and talk? If they don’t lecture do they still work?

A teacher’s job is to create an environment within which students can learn. Teachers cannot force students to learn, nor can teachers trick students into learning. Instead, learning is an active, participatory thing, accomplished through commitment and hard work. The most a teacher can do is create a learning atmosphere that does not stand in the way of learning. Of course, a teacher’s job also involves measurement to determine whether that which should have been learned was, indeed, learned.

Once students leave college they will spend the rest of their working lives learning on their own. Their employers will not lecture to them. Instead their supervisors will probably hand them product manuals with instructions to internalize the material in them by the next day. They will internalize the material before they show up for work the next day because they need the information when they call on their first client.

Teaching and Learning Will Change

Professional educators tell us that over the next few years teaching and learning will change. One scenario depicts students sitting in front of monitors interacting with educational software written by teachers. Periodically these students interact with teachers via e-mail. Indeed, this scenario already exists and is used by Capella University, University of Phoenix, and others.

I think additional changes will come soon. For example, virtual reality hardware and software will probably change the nature of teaching and learning within the next ten years. Before long students can experience marketing concepts, for example, directly in a virtual world with virtual consumers buying virtual goods and services.

How to Study

After attending universities for many years, after more than 30 years of university teaching, and after attending a number of seminars in teaching and learning, I can recommend the following study suggestions.

1. Study with other people. Use your team members as a study group or select others in your

class to study with. Of course, prepare answers to the essay exam questions alone, but check your answers with others.

2. Read the text and prepare for the exams when the chapters are due rather than just before an exam.

1. When you read, interact with the text. That is, question what you read. Argue with the material.

2. Bring questions and issues to class for discussion.

3. Outline the chapters by reading a paragraph then summarizing it in one sentence, then reading

another and summarizing it, and so on.

6. Utilize the counseling center’s short seminars on study skills and exam preparation.

Last Word

I shall attempt to create an environment within which you can learn. If the environment isn’t working for you, see me.

School of Business Mission

First, faculty members provide quality undergraduate business education through excellent teaching and appropriate majors in business. We therefore prepare students from the tri-state region for successful and responsible careers in business. Second, we conduct applied and instructional research. Third, we serve our students, Minnesota State University Moorhead, and the community within our region.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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