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Lesson Plan: Present Simple 1.1 Routine, Facts & OpinionsIntro and revision (PPP): 3 minutesPractice (Discussion): 9 minutesFeedback & conclusions: 3 minutesTeacher's Goal:Have the student practice the Present Simple and acquire 5 new vocabulary wordsTarget Language:Present Simple Explanation We use the present simple to discuss something that happens in general (routine, habit, hobby, repeated scheduled event, etc.) We use time expressions such as usually, always, sometimes, every day/month/year, seldom, etc. In the present simple we add an “s” after the action word (the verb) when speaking about he, she, or it (third person)Example: Moshe eats pizza for dinner every night. PRESENT “Good morning/afternoon/evening Moshe! Today I want to speak with you about something we call the present simple. I’ll give you an example of what is sounds like.”Examples:I teach English every day.I drink coffee sometimes.Concept checkingWhat do these sentences mean?Rationale We use the present simple when speaking about routines, habitual actions (habits) and our thoughts/opinion.When we speak like this we also need to add an ‘s’ to the end of our action words (verbs) when we talk it the 3rd person (he, she, it)Examples:She teaches English every day.He drinks coffee sometimes.PRACTICE Let's practice talking about our routine in today’s lesson, are you ready?In order to improve your fluency skills it's important to review your target language. Remember, practice makes perfect!Please complete the sentence with the correct action word (verb).If you have any questions, I am here to help plete the sentence: Moshe ______ English every day. (learn) I usually _______ football with my friends. (play)PRODUCE Great, now that you can use the sentence structure, you can try make your own sentences!Please give me an example of a sentence for each one of the following questions.What do you eat for breakfast every day? For example: I eat salad for breakfast every day.What does someone else do every day? For example: My brother learns English sometimes. DISCUSSION Let's try and use the present simple during our conversation today in order to improve your conversational skills.Let's start, please ask me questions if you don’t understand something during our conversation.Hobby / Interests: What are your hobbies and interests? Are they the same as your friend/family’s hobbies and interests? How often do you do that activity? What do you enjoy about it? Do you think you must have the same hobbies as your friends/family? Why?Vocabulary: hobby / spend time / entertainment / fitness / keep in shape / enrichment / free time / leisure / obsession / passion / pleasure / relaxation / retirement / skills / ability Weather: Do you enjoy summer or winter more? Why? What is your favorite thing about that season? What do you dislike about the other season? What activity do you always do in summer or usually take part in during winter? Vocabulary: vary / downpour/ clear blue skies / heat wave / freezing cold / get caught in the rain / weather forecast / climate / heatstroke / blanket of snow / air conditioner / humidity / sunscreen / thunderstormChildren and Education:What's the most important thing to teach your kids? What’s the best way for teachers to teach children? What’s the best way for parents to teach children? What's the best way for teachers to punish students? What’s the best way for parents to teach children? Are teachers too nice today?Vocabulary:Formal education / collective punishment / bullying / lectures / rational / academic / social skills / curriculum / behavior / nurture / enrollment / qualifications / condemn / approve / discipline FEEDBACK Give your student positive feedback about their progress with 1-2 specific examples if possibleEx: Moshe, you expressed yourself wonderfully about the topic and you learned a lot of new vocabulary. You also used the present simple very well today.Ex: Moshe yot said X and Y in the present simple very well todayEx. Moshe, I can hear you are really starting to understand the present simple. When you said Target languageReview the corrections the student made during the conversation.Give the student three examples → example: In order to improve your fluency we need to work on the following sentences. Please correct the following sentences:Let's practice one more time before your next lesson.Please make sentences with some of the new vocabulary words you learned today. Try to make sentences in the present simple.SUMMARYYou did a great job today and your fluency is improving in the Present Simple.During your next lesson the teacher will review the Present Simple and new vocabulary words with you.I will send you an email with your corrections and vocabulary for next lesson.Have a great day and I hope to speak with you again! Homework To Be Sent: 1.0 Present Simple Rational 1.1 Present Simple Positive ................

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