As a teacher we need to know about many things

Learning and Teaching 1

As a teacher we need to know about many things. Teachers need to know all the types of teaching styles and which one of those styles works the best and for which student. Students also need to know the types of learning and how students learn. Teachers also need to know things that we can do as teachers to help us teach more affectively and in turn increase the amount of learning that goes on in the class room. One of the most important things in today’s society is teachers. This makes teaching an important asset to everyone. There are many different types of teachers and the way that teaching is presented. One way that was very affective on how to teach students was a more hands on approach and students teaching each other students. For example in the article Teaching and Telling: A Story about Labeling it says, “He taught us how to teach each other. It was a very valuable lesson. First make people look, see, think, and describe.” So this was an obvious way of teaching that worked. This is also a great way to get every student involved with the lesson, so no one felt left out. There is one style of teaching that most teachers should stay away from. A teacher should never spend a whole class lecturing the students and having them take notes. Taking notes isn’t terrible just stay away from note taking for a whole class. If a teacher does this they will most likely lose the students’ interest and attention and the amount of knowledge learned is very minimal.

There are millions of things that people can learn, but what is learning? Learning is a long-term change in mental representation or association as a result of experience.

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(Ormrod, 2008) So much knowledge would be wasted if no one learned and retained it. There are many good minds that have all different theories of learning and the best ways to learn. Piaget believed that children construct knowledge from their experiences. This means that children soak in what is around them so if you are filling the kids with knowledge at a young age it will help tremendously. Piaget also believes that interaction with one’s physical and social environment is essential for children’s learning. So if the students have positive social surroundings they will take much more in and learn more. Piaget also believes that a very affective way is the students teaching each other(Ormrod, 2008 pg 29-31).

Vygotsky has another great idea when it comes to learning. His ideas have helped us today with studies on learning. Vygotsky believed that parents play a huge role in the development of children’s learning. If the parents of children get them involved it is more likely the kids will take in all the knowledge. Parents also play a huge factor on how the kids perceive things. If parents are against schooling and object to a lot of things, it is most likely that the child also will be negative. The best way to summarize is that children imitate the parents and believe what they believe. So these are many ways of learning and many different perspectives on what works the best. Through experience I believe that the best way for kids to learn is have them in a hands on environment, where they are teaching one another. This seems to be the most affective and beneficial way of learning.

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Motivation is a huge factor when it comes to teaching students and the amount of learning that takes place in the class. Students definitely need to be motivated in the class room that way they stay positive. In the article “The Importance of Never Making it to

Mars,” it talks about how we have to let kids dream what they want, not put them down and never say they can’t. The article states, “ I worry about how children whose school lives are so confined and whose learning experience are so controlled will remember how to dream of what might be.” I agree with this statement because you should not always follow everything to a “T”. You need to, as a teacher, expand a little bit. Work outside the box that way kids can be kids and still be learning at the same time. If kids are learning while their having fun then they will love it but if you just give it to them straight up they will not enjoy it.

In the article it talks about how some of the teachers would talk about the students as not being achievers. The article says, “ these are the broom pushers and cash register operators of tomorrow.” This is completely the wrong way to go about teaching and thinking about kids. If you view kids as not being successful, and they see that then they will not try. This is the main reason that we must keep motivating the students. The results are so much greater if the teacher motivates the kids and encourages them to strive for success. The bottom line is that if the children are not motivated then it will be hard for them to succeed in the classroom and in life.

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So in closing we as teachers need to take into consideration the styles of teaching, how we should teach, and what will help us succeed. We always need to stay positive with the students. Teachers must always keep the kids involved with whatever activity is

going on. Teachers must always keep the students motivated about learning, and encouraging them to learn. The final and most important thing that teacher should remember is that you as a teacher should always put your students first their learning is the most important thing.


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