Start times:

N. America / US West - Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011


US East / Central and South America - Tuesday, May 17th, 2011


Europe / Russia - Tuesday, May 31st, 2011


Asia Pacific / All English Speaking Countries - Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. India Standard Time

12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Singapore Time

2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Australian Eastern Standard Time

Asia Pacific / China - Thursday, June 9th, 2011

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Beijing Time

|Time (IST)|Basics |Advanced |Hands on Lab |Best Practices |Enterprise |

|9:30 – |Conference orientation (in keynote area) |

|9:45 | |

|9:45 – |Keynote: Rich Enterprise Applications |

|10:30 | |

|10:30 – |Rich Web UI made simple - |Developing for Mobile |LAB – Web Applications |Starting an Enterprise ADF |Developing with Oracle |

|11:30 |an ADF Faces Overview |Devices with Oracle ADF|with ADF Part 1 |project |WebCenter |

|11:30 – |Next Generation Controller|ADF Binding Internals |LAB – Web Applications |The bit every one forgets: |Build Killer Sites with |

|12:30 |for JSF | |with ADF Part 2 |Unit testing your ADF |Oracle WebCenter |

| | | | |applications with JUnit | |

|12:30 – |From Forms to ADF - When, |Advanced ADF Faces - |LAB - Web Applications |ADF Security in a |Building Process Centric|

|01:30 |Why, How? |Skinning & Javascript |with Oracle WebCenter |Project-Centric Environment|Applications with ADF |

| | | | |- An ADF Case Study |and BPM |

| | | | | | |

|01:30 – |Survey & Event checkout – On demand mode starts at 2:00pm |

|02:00 | |


Rich Enterprise Applications

|Server side development is often the most difficult, making it easy forget that effective user interface engineering and multichannel |

|delivery can eliminate many adoption barriers for enterprise users.  Improvements in specifications and vendor technology are opening new |

|doors for Java Web Applications to evolve to Rich Enterprise Applications – applications that take a server side approach to Rich Web User |

|Interface.  Enterprise developers must work more efficiently as a team to address these adoption barriers, leverage existing enterprise |

|assets, and the gap between the complexity of technology and the time in which IT has to deliver. |

|Breakout Session or Lab |Abstract |

|Basic Track |Are you looking to build cutting-edge user interfaces for your Web and mobile applications but don't have|

| |the time to learn and overcome the complexity of JavaScript/Ajax development? Attend this session to see |

|Rich Web UI made simple - an ADF|a simpler approach to achieving your goals with a rich set of user interface components and a visual and |

|Faces Overview |declarative development approach delivered through a combination of discussion and live demonstrations. |

| |Learn about the standards-based UI framework Oracle is using for the Oracle Fusion generation of |

| |applications and for various other products, and see how you can utilize them also. |

|Basic Track |Building on top of the JSF controller layer, the Oracle ADF Controller layer enables the creation of |

| |reusable task flows. Learn how to extend page flows into process flows with method calls and decision |

|Next Generation Controller for |points, understand fine grain memory scopes, and extend the reusability of your JSF application with page|

|JSF |fragments and regions. |

|Basic Track |For thousands of customers Oracle Forms is a pillar of their corporate IT strategy.  However, with the | | |

| |advent of Fusion, ADF, JDeveloper and Java, should you be looking at moving your Forms applications to | | |

|From Forms to ADF - When, Why, |Java?  Why might you consider this move?  What skills do you need?  Should you be reusing your Forms | | |

|How? |code?  What is ADF?  Will it help?  This sessions gives you direct facts about migrating applications and| | |

| |skills to Java and Oracle ADF. | | |

|Advanced Track |Learn how to rapidly develop on-device, offline capable, richly functional mobile application using | | |

| |JDeveloper and ADF Mobile Client.  Smart phones and other similar mobile devices are rapidly becoming the| | |

|Developing for Mobile Devices |preferred way to access enterprise data and applications, and with ADF Mobile Client, you can now | | |

|with Oracle ADF |visually and declaratively create mobile applications that extends enterprise data to mobile devices.  | | |

| |Because this framework is based on ADF, you can leverage your ADF expertise to develop a mobile | | |

| |application, without having to learn a new tool or programming language. | | |

|Advanced Track |The ADF Binding layer binds the information coming from enterprise business services to a set of | | |

| |different visual representations exposed to the User Interface. The ADF Model implements the JSR-227 | | |

|ADF Binding Internals |standard by providing technology-specific data controls, that abstract the way business services are | | |

| |implemented and connect this abstract business services to a visual component of the UI, using ADF | | |

| |Bindings. In this session we'll be looking at what are the data controls and their functions, the binding| | |

| |layer itself and the various files that an ADF developer should understand to work with the ADF Binding | | |

| |Layer. | | |

|Advanced Track |ADF Faces allows you to easily build great-looking, highly interactive enterprise applications. But | | |

|Advanced ADF Faces - Skinning & |perhaps your corporate standard uses a different color scheme, or there are client-side functionalities | | |

|Javascript |that you'd like to add to your ADF Faces application. No problem - ADF Faces provides a framework for | | |

| |adding Javascript to an application, as well as customizing the look and feel of an application using | | |

| |skinning. Learn how to modify ADF Faces components to create an application with customized look and | | |

| |behavior. | | |

|Best Practice Track |You have learned ADF technology and can build business components and pages, but how do you go about | | |

| |building an enterprise application? This presentation explains: | | |

|Starting an Enterprise ADF |- Which skills and training you need | | |

|project |- How to structure your code with workspaces and projects | | |

| |- Efficient use of templates, pages and page fragments | | |

| |- Why you need framework extension classes | | |

| |- The hidden power of ADF Libraries | | |

| |- Securing, packaging and deploying your enterprise ADF application | | |

| |See this presentation to get your enterprise ADF project started right. | | |

|Best Practice Track |Many development projects use testing frameworks such as JUnit to automate unit testing of application | | |

| |code. However, when building applications using Oracle ADF, the prospect of using automated unit tests | | |

|The bit every one forgets: Unit |can become quite daunting. Development teams find themselves struggling with questions such as these: | | |

|testing your ADF applications |- How do I integrate JUnit with JDeveloper? | | |

|with JUnit |- How do I test my ADF Business Components (I heard that unit tests shouldn’t require a database)? | | |

| |- How do I write unit tests when most or all of the code being tested is part of ADF? | | |

| |In this session you will learn a practical approach for automating unit testing of your ADF applications.| | |

|Best Practice Track |Classic Environments with investments on Oracle Database, Oracle Forms & Reports are facing some | | |

| |challenges to move to new Fusion development & middleware technologies. One of the major issue in this | | |

|ADF Security in a |move is to establish a roadmap for a smooth transition to FMW technologies for both the end-users and the| | |

|Project-Centric Environment - An|IT team.  Another important one is how to glue the classic and new environment in | | |

|ADF Case Study |a single consistent ecosystem managed and secured.  This presentation intention is to share with you a | | |

| |real life case of a | | |

| |move to Oracle ADF and to focus on the direction and technical solution taken to manage security in a | | |

| |Project based environment. You will be able to learn how Oracle ADF, Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle | | |

| |Single Sign-on and the Oracle Database were leveraged to build a manageable security foundation for per | | |

| |User per Construction Project access control for custom application modules built with the ADF Framework,| | |

| |Oracle Forms & Oracle Reports. We will go through both the Design aspects and the overall security | | |

| |configuration from development to deployment. | | |

|Enterprise Track |This session gives you an overview of how developers can leverage Oracle WebCenter to build social | | |

| |composite applications and portals. You learn about the flexible navigation model and how you can ensure | | |

|Introduction to Developing with |consistent look and feel across your site using page templates and how easy it is to integrate content | | |

|Oracle WebCenter |from your enterprise content management system. You learn what it takes to build customizable enterprise | | |

| |2.0 applications enriched by Web 2.0 services, like threaded discussions, wikis, and blogs. | | |

|Enterprise Track |In this session you will follow a guided demonstration of building the extranet site of a fictitious | | |

| |financial institution from scratch. The demonstration uses Oracle JDeveloper and walks you through the | | |

|Build Killer Sites with Oracle |steps of creating a WebCenter Portal site, managing and securing your pages, and adding external | | |

|WebCenter |resources to your site's navigation. You learn how to tie in your enterprise content management system | | |

| |into your site's navigation. You'll also see how portal administrators can use the Portal Administration | | |

| |Console to manage and evolve a deployed portal by creating and populating pages, editing page templates, | | |

| |modifying existing and creating new navigation models and mashups. You'll also learn how to make portlets| | |

| |available to your application at runtime, and how you can drop portlets on your pages. | | |

|Enterprise Track |Learn how you can use the full palette of model driven technologies including BPMN 2.0, Business Rules, | | |

| |SCA to build process-centric, business-adaptable, collaborative, and insight-driven applications that | | |

|Building Process Centric |integrate with existing applications and technologies. | | |

|Applications with ADF and BPM | | | |

|Hands on Lab Track |In this hands-on lab, you will use the latest version of Oracle WebCenter and Oracle JDeveloper to build | | |

| |out the structure of a custom portal without coding a single line of Java. You will work in both design | | |

|Web Applications with Oracle |time and runtime to understand page hierarchies, pages, page styles, and page templates. You will also | | |

|WebCenter |use Oracle Composer and other Oracle WebCenter components to build out the pages. | | |

|Hands on Lab Track |Learn how to build a rich Internet application that interacts with a database. You'll be using Oracle | | |

| |JDeveloper 11g  and build your first Oracle ADF application,. In the process you'll work with Oracle ADF | | |

|Web Applications with ADF Part 1|Business Components, Oracle ADF Faces Rich Client Components and Oracle ADF Task Flows. | | |

|Hands on Lab Track |Learn how to build a rich Internet application that interacts with a database. You'll be using Oracle | | |

| |JDeveloper 11g  and build your first Oracle ADF application,. In the process you'll work with Oracle ADF | | |

|Web Applications with ADF Part 2|Business Components, Oracle ADF Faces Rich Client Components and Oracle ADF Task Flows. | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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