The Bronc - PC\|MAC

Thirteen new members inducted into National Honor Societyby Hannah WuerfleinThirteen KHS students were inducted into the Kremlin-Hillsdale Chapter of the National Honor Society on Monday, May 06, 2013. Current members Christina Meyer (president), Ricki Schroeder (vice president), Samantha Stoneberg (secretary), Hannah Wuerflein (reporter), Abby Courtney (Stuco representative), Connor McCollough, Ryan Voth, Ciarra Creel, Liz Elliott, and Karlee Bittle welcomed the new members into the society. The new members are: Cassidy Albert, Braley Bench, Hayden Bonine, Haley Carson, Megan Courtney, Katie Davis, Amanda Hole, Lakan Light, James Olmstead, Jacob Pekrul, Shay Regier, Trev Schoenhals, and John Schrader. Roger Gossen is chapter advisor. The members of the faculty council are David Campbell, Chelsea Edington, Kasey McCoy, and Jenny Smithson. Details about the ceremony are on page 10. A list of all National Honor Society inductees since 1985 is also included on pages 10 and 11. Christina Meyer signs Letter of IntentSenior Christina Meyer signed a Letter of Intent to attend Southwestern College in Winfield, KS, to compete in track for the Moundbuilders. Southwestern Coach Kirkland and KHS Coach McCoy stand behind Christina and her parents, Mark and Jennie Meyer, as a group of fans, friends, and family watched her sign and cheered for her. She joins a successful program which has won 21 of the past 26 conference championships in the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference. Student CouncilKremlin-Hillsdale Student Council elections were held on Monday, May 6, 2013. The 2013-2014 Student Council Officers are:President: Haley CarsonVice-President: Jacob PekrulSecretary: John SchraderTreasure: Lakan LightReporter: Katie DavisThe class representatives for the 2013-2014 Student Council will be:12th Grade Reps: Ciarra Creel and Chantz Tucker11th Grade Reps: James Olmstead and Hayden Bonine10th Grade Reps: Jaden Brinson and Billie-Jo Gabriel9th Grade Reps: Brooklan Light and Joe Keithly8th Grade Reps: Makayla Rauschenberg and Dakota GabrielThe 7th Grade Reps will be elected at the beginning of next year! Thanks to outgoing president Ricki Schroeder and sponsor Kasey McCoy for their leadership of Stuco this past year!Teacher of the YearThree teachers are the finalists for this year’s Teacher of the Year award. They are Pre-K teacher Heather Carson; special ed teacher Janel Powell; social studies/coach Kasey McCoy. The winner will be announced later this week. Watch the Enid News/Eagle for the winner of this year’s Teacher of the Year!SPORTSAthletic Banquet AwardsThe annual Bronc Booster-sponsored Athletic Banquet was held Monday, April 29, at the First Methodist Church in Enid, OK. Booster Club President Dennis Schoenhals welcomed all the students, coaches, parents, and other boosters to the banquet. Roger Gossen gave the invocation and the meal, provided by Ramey’s, was enjoyed by all. The keynote address was given by legendary coach Randy Turney. He told the students many good stories and provided them with three basic keys to success: Priority, Purpose, and Passion. The coaches then introduced each of the teams and presented special awards. Ms. Kelsey Smith presented special awards to her softball seniors Morgan Stevens and Melissa Wallace. She also gave a Lady Bronc Award to Hannah Wuerflein. Coach Terry Fettke thanked his assistant coaches Jeremy Brashears, Jim Harris, and Jim Craig and then introduced the football team. Offensive Player of the Year was Trev Schoenhals; Defensive Player of the Year was Kass Bittle; Player of the Year was Lee Olmstead. He also introduced the players who had made the all district team. Then he introduced the baseball team which finished with a 14-9 record and won two major awards: Cherokee Strip Conference Championship and Skeltur Conference Consolation Championship. Offensive Player of the Year (best hitter) was Connor McCollough and Defensive Player of the Year (best fielder) was Isaiah Norwood. Coach Tana Turney presented several awards to the girls basketball team after mentioning their winning of the Cherokee Invitational Consolation Championship. Katie Davis also was named to the all tournament team for that tournament. Leading rebounder was Mary Mitchell (6.3 rpg); Hustle Award went to Billie Jo Gabriel; Most Improved Player was Hannah Wuerflein (who also was honorable mention all conference); Leading 3 point shooter, leading free throw shooter, and leading scorer (11.l2 ppg) and Offensive Player of the Year was Katie Davis. Defensive Player of the Year was Karlee Bittle; Lady Bronc Pride Award also went to Karlee Bittle. Heather Carson introduced the varsity cheerleaders and noted that Haley Carson was All Conference and Keeley Horning was honorable mention all conference. She then introduced the new cheerleaders for next year. They are Haley Carson, Ryan Voth, Jessica Britton, Braley Bench, Keeley Horning, Amanda Hole, and Jessey Martin. Junior high cheerleaders will be Hannah Carson, Caitlyn Henry, Lauren Bonine, Alice Keithly, Calla Regier, and Meghan Roberts.Coach Brad Hawkins introduced the boys basketball team. Andre Lizar was honorable mention all conference and Connor McCollough was academic all conference. Coach Kasey McCoy finished up the coach’s duties with cross country and track. Since track season was not over, he had “unfinished business” as several KHS athletes competed in the State Track Meet on Friday and Saturday, May 3 and 4. Read on next page for full track results of the state meet. At the Regional meet held at Chisholm on April 28, Christina Meyer was the big winner, winning the 100 and 200 meter dashes (over the defending state champion!) and finishing second in the 400 meter while setting a school record in it. The girls’ 3200 meter relay finished third and also qualified for State. They are Karlee Bittle, Billie Jo Gabriel, Megan Courtney, and Jessey Martin. Katie Davis took third in the discus (going to State) and fifth in the shot put. Jadrien Stubblefield qualified for State in the high jump and long jump, taking second and third in Regionals. Other point makers for KHS were Jessey Martin and Karlee Bittle with 4th and 5th place in the 1600 and Karlee also set a new school record (breaking her own) in the pole vault with a vault of 7’6” good for a fifth place finish. The banquet finished up with the senior athletes receiving their monogrammed blankets from the Booster Club. The seniors honored were Morgan Stevens, Melissa Wallace, Mike Austin, Tanner Sweetwood, Tanner Rogers, Christina Meyer, and Aaron Butler. Jr high & elementary track by Coach McCoyBoth groups went to quite a few meets. We worked hard throughout the season and saw a lot of improvement. We brought home a lot of medals and the future looks very bright for KHS Track and Field!High school track newsby Christina MeyerAnother track season has come and gone…and it has left another trail of success! The High School had a total of seven track members who qualified for the state championships on May 3rd and 4th. At Regionals on April 28, senior Christina Meyer placed 1st in the 100 and 200 meter dash and 2nd in the 400; junior Karlee Bittle, sophomores Jessey Martin and Megan Courtney, and freshman Billie Jo Gabriel placed 3rd in the mile relay; Karlee also placed 5th in pole vault; sophomore J.J. Stubblefield placed 2nd in the high jump and 3rd in the long jump; and sophomore Katie Davis placed 3rd in discus. The results at State were not what we wanted. Everyone felt they could have performed better but the main thing is that we made it that far. Taking into consideration the not-so-pleasant weather conditions that Friday and Saturday, the KH qualifiers performed their best. Christina Meyer placed 6th in both the 100 and 400, and everyone else missed placing by only inches and seconds. Otherwise, a very successful track season for the high school team. Christina Meyer was invited to run on a 400 meter relay team at the Meet of Champions this Tuesday, May 14. The team was compiled by DCLA coach Chad Hutchinson, choosing four of the top class A girl sprinters. They competed against the top teams from 2A to 6A. She also has officially signed to continue her track career at her college this next year. Last Thursday, May 9, she signed a “letter of intent” to be a part of the track team of Southwestern College in Winfield, Ks. Junior high teams compete at OJABA StateThree KHS teams traveled to Norman, OK, on consecutive Saturdays in April to compete in the Oklahoma Junior Academic Bowl Association’s State Tournaments. The 7th grade team finished third on April 14, beating by ten, losing to eventual champion Peggs by 70, and then losing to Leedey in a rematch by ten. The 7th/8th team went the next week in a tournament with 20 teams and had two hard losses to Barnsdall and Cimarron. Peggs again won this level. Last weekend, the 8th/9th team beat Taloga, lost to Leedey, beat Shattuck and Seiling and then lost a close rematch with Leedey to finish third. Josh Reimer, 7th grade team captain, led the team in scoring with 150 points. Other team members are: Ian Franklin (110 points), Cody Bower (100 points), Alice Keithly (50 points), Jazzy Stubblefield, and Tatum Horning. Briley Craig is the 7th/8th team captain and scored 40 points. 7th graders Ian Franklin and Josh Reimer led the Broncs in scoring with 100 and 70 points respectively. Corbin Lunday scored ten points. Alice Keithly and Mikayla Horning played but did not score. Scoring for the 8th/9th grade team was as follows: Captain Jordan Presley, 200 points; Elijah Voth, 220 points; Connor Snapp, 90 points; Corbin Lunday 30 points; Briley Craig, 20 points. Roger Gossen is coach for all three teams and sees a bright future ahead for KHS academics! Pizza Day – Thursday, May 16Academic teams will be serving pizza to students in grades 7-12 as a fundraiser on Thursday, May 16, in the new gym lobby. Students can order pizza starting Monday, May 13. Ricki Schroeder: Academic Bowl All StateKHS senior Ricki Schroeder was honored Saturday night, April 28, at Redlands Community College as one of thirty-six students named as an Academic Bowl All Stater. He is the twelfth student from KHS to have received this prestigious award since 1993. In addition, Ricki was one of four of the All Staters who received a $250 scholarship check for his other endeavors outside of academic bowl, most notably his 4-H involvement. This was announced at the banquet Saturday night. Roger Gossen has been Ricki’s coach for six years. He said, “Ricki has worked hard over the years to be the best academic bowl competitor that he could be and is well deserving of the All State and scholarship awards.” Congratulations, Ricki!The Pride of KHSby Faith Matthews After getting all ones at concert band and tri state we also had 42 ensembles; 38 superior and 4 excellent. D.J got a one at state for his solo and brass large ensemble got a 2 at state. Our outstanding band members are D.J for brass, Hannah for woodwind, Connor for percussion, Christina for outstanding senior, Billie- Jo for outstanding freshman, with Gabby being most improved. The Merit awards went to Faith Matthews, Hope Matthews, Ryan Voth, Katie Davis, and Chantz Tucker. This coming fall the band will have a mud run! It will be a 5k and a mile run. No longer a current member of the Pride now, All five of us senior girls would like to wish next year’s Pride good luck and only the best! Have fun! Band RocksFFA Newsby Brooklan LightThis year our FFA chapter “grew” by participating in many events and contests. We had success in everything from public speaking to livestock showing and animal science quiz bowl teams. This year Lakan Light was our only public speaker, she participated at many competitions and placed 2nd in AG policy at PI and went to get 4th at districts. We also did very well in livestock showing and had many make the big ring at OYE! On top of everything else there was preparation for one of the most important events of the year, the KHS FFA Banquet! As FFA members there were reservations to be counted, decorations to be hung, and most importantly, officer interviews. We had 7 people try out and everyone got an office. After all the preparation was done, it was time for the actual banquet to begin. The food was great and the excitement was even better as you waited to see if your name would be called for the office that you wanted. After the new officers were announced, here is our new team of family members: Lakan Light- President, Elizabeth Elliot- Vice president, Carlee Salisbury- Secretary, John Schrader- Treasurer, Brooklan Light- Reporter, Jacob Pekrul- Sentinel, and Hayden Bonine- Chaplain. Next year’s goal for our officer team is to “grow like that”.Elementary newsby Principal Brad Hawkins The 3rd-5th grades have completed state testing. 3rd and 4th grade both had 100% attendance, and 5th grade had 100% attendance except for one testing day. The enrollment for Pre-K and Kindergarten was April 23 and 25 from 3:30-6:00 pm. The elementary finished their BEAR reading test last week. For Tri-State there were many solos, as well as Honor Band. Enid Library is having summer reading programs that many of our students may be interested in. Also, there is the Wild About Reading field trip, in which 25 students, grades 4-7, will read through 16 different genres. On May 13, the 1st-4th grades went on a field trip; they sang at two assisted living centers in Enid, had lunch at the park, and participated in the Zoo to You program. Also, the elementary will be taking a field trip to Leonardo’s. The 1st-6th grades will participate in the Leonardo’s Art/Science workshop. The Elementary Awards assembly will be on May 17 at 8:30 am. The Teachers of the Month: for March, Mrs. Tucker; for April, Mrs. Highfill; and for May, Mrs. Toelle.Mr. Brady Bond“Bond Voyage!”Brady Bond has been Ag Ed teacher at KHS for almost two years. Currently, Mr. Bond holds the record for the longest tenure of any Agriculture Education Instructor at Kremlin-Hillsdale. He recently accepted the Agriculture Education position at Garber Public Schools. Mr. Bond graduated from Garber in 2005 and felt that this was a great opportunity for him to return to his alma mater. He appreciates all the support the community has shown towards the Kremlin-Hillsdale FFA program while he was here and wishes all the students at Kremlin-Hillsdale continued success in all they do. A Brief Account of my Journeyby Charlotte Lieser My high school counselor told my mother, “If all else fails, I guess Charlotte could teach.” So, of course, I had no intention of teaching. I set off for college on a government grant and the work-study program. My work assignment was in the College of Education working for two professors who were contributing authors for Scott Foresman Publishers (Reading & Math). Now you know where this story is going. For me, teaching has been a calling. And it has been an amazing journey! Learning is so much fun. Dreaming up ways to present a lesson has been exciting. Working to bring out the best in students has been rewarding. As a young teacher, I vowed to bow out when I was at the top of “my game”. That time has come to retire from a full time teaching position. I have been blessed with wonderful friends and opportunities rich in experience and professional growth as I have taught in Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. What a thrill it has been to spend my last seven years here at KHS! My journey has not ended and I’m looking forward to the possibilities that will come. Stay tuned….Words of Wisdom from Some of my Favorite Booksby Charlotte Lieser We can learn so many good lessons from great literature. Will life always be easy? Hatchet by Gary Paulsen: Brian Robeson, stranded in the Canadian wilderness, lays everything he owns out before him and remembers the words of his teacher, Mr. Perpitch- “The most valuable possession you have is yourself.” Will you always be treated fairly or equally? Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry by Mildred D. Taylor: Cassie Logan, pushed to the ground by Miz Lillian Jean, knew that life in 1933 Mississippi was not fair. Papa gave Cassie this advice- “You don’t get to choose your parents, or the color of your skin, or whether you grow up rich or poor, but you can choose what you make of yourself.”Bronc Calendar 2012-2013by Lindsey StaleyMay 12Senior Baccalaureate Service at Kremlin Methodist Church, 7:00 pmMay 13Feed the Hungry Food DriveMay 13Eighth Grade Promotion (sponsored by parents), Commons Area, 6:30 pmMay 15Semester Exams [HS – Red Block]May 16Semester Exams [HS – White Block]May 17Elementary Awards Assembly, 8:30 amMay 17Junior High and High School Awards Assembly, 9:45 amMay 17Busses run at 11:00 amMay 17Senior Commencement, 7:00 pm, GymnasiumMay 22-24Grant County Football Camp at DCLAMay 27Memorial DayMay 28 – 31Drivers Education: Classroom Instruction, 8:00 am – 4:00 pmJune 3 – 30Drivers Education: Driving Instruction (arranged)Chess Tournament The twenty-seventh annual KHS Chess Tournament had nine participants this year. Junior Tim Mardis defeated senior and defending champion Alex Hicks in the finals. Senior Abby Courtney took third over sophomore Jacob Pekrul. Others who participated were senior Tanner Sweetwood, sophomore Megan Courtney, junior Eugene Brooks, and eighth graders Briley Craig and Brandon Butler. In looking back over the past 27 years, there have been many multiple winners and some others who moved up from fourth to third to second to first. Here is a complete list of the top four finishers over the past 27 years.YEARFIRST PLACESECOND PLACETHIRD PLACEFOURTH PLACE1987Scott Turner (sr)Matt Crawford (so)Garry Morgan (jr)Kurt Clark (jr)1988Craig Grider (7th)Brad Chelf (jr)Kurt Clark (sr)Ron Brown (sr)1989Chris Schultz (jr)Chad Johns (sr)Matt Crawford (sr)Brad Chelf (sr)1990Aaron Osborne (fr)Aaron Steele (jr)Chris Schultz (sr)Monty Hayes (sr)1991Bobby Russell (sr)Aaron Steele (sr)Aaron Osborne (so)Mathew Wedel (so)1992Aaron Osborne (jr)Blake Chelf (jr)Sean Nichols (fr)Josh Sohl (8th)1993Aaron Osborne (sr)Sean Nichols (so)Todd Wedel (fr)Blake Chelf (sr)1994Sean Nichols (jr)Todd Wedel (so)Sean Kirkpatrick (jr)Richard Overstreet (so)1995Kyle Wichert (so)Sean Nichols (sr)Josh Sohl (jr)Richard Overstreet (jr)1996Richard Overstreet (sr)Gabe Regier (sr)Josh Sohl (sr)John English (8th)1997John English (fr)Larry Butzbach (jr)Royce Lloyd (fr)Josh Crouch (sr)1998John English (so)Royce Lloyd (so)Larry Butzbach (sr)Russell Rogers (so)1999John English (jr)Russell Rogers (jr)Brad Thorpe (8th)Drew Gossen (fr)2000John English (sr)Russell Rogers (sr)Drew Gossen (so)Brad Thorpe (fr)2001Dakota Ballard (so)Drew Gossen (jr)Sean Burlison (fr)Ryan Wedel (jr)2002Drew Gossen (sr)Dakota Ballard (jr)Ryan Wedel (sr)Pat Toone (fr)2003Dakota Ballard (sr)Isaiah Martin (8th)Pat Toone (so)Chase Sissom (jr)2004Isaiah Martin (fr)Pat Toone (jr)Dusty Blevins (fr)Tyler Billingsly (fr)2005Pat Toone (sr)Taylor Brainard (jr)Michael Schwahn (7th)Arthur Martin (jr)2006Taylor Brainard (sr)Caleb Toews (jr)Arthur Martin (sr)Pete Streck (sr)2007 HSMichael Schwahn (fr)Austin Jones (so)Ryan Johnson (jr)Caleb Toews (sr) JHDillon Jones (7th)Tim Stein (8th)Chris Thompson (8th)Kenny Biby (8th)2008Michael Schwahn (so)Cordell Lloyd (so)Austin Jones (jr)Ryan Johnson (sr)2009Austin Jones (sr)Michael Schwahn (jr)Cordell Lloyd (jr) Dillon Jones (so)2010Michael Schwahn (sr)Cordell Lloyd (sr)Tim Stein (jr)Bailey Craig (jr)2011Tim Stein (sr)Bailey Craig (sr)Tim Mardis (fr)Eugene Brooks (fr)2012Alex Hicks (jr)Tim Mardis (so)Jacob Pekrul (fr)Eugene Brooks (so)2013Tim Mardis (jr)Alex Hicks (sr)Abby Courtney (sr)Jacob Pekrul (so)Junior high band newsby Alice Keithly The junior high band has had a very good Tri State week. In concert and marching band they received ones and had many good scores on ensembles and solos. The band banquet was last Saturday, and ensembles and solos received their medals. The students would like to thank Mrs. Toelle for being such a great and fun band director. We look forward to band next year with her. Have a great summer!4-H newsby Bailey HoeltzelCongratulations to Sr. 4-H member James Olmstead for being elected Garfield County 4-H President! It was really neat to go and be a voting delegate for our club in the county elections. James was also selected to serve as an Oklahoma 4-H Ambassador this past weekend!Our club made smile bags for children in area hospitals. Natalie Haggard, Bailey Hoetzel, James Olmstead, and Ricki Shcroeder helped to deliver them.Ricki Schroeder, James Olmstead, and Bailey Hoetzel attended a Rural Rotary Meeting at the extension center. Ricki talked about his trip to Washington, D.C. James and Bailey gave their speeches.The trio also went to Oklahoma State University for the state meat judging contest. Ricki was 6th, James 8th, and Bailey 18th. There is a new Jr. record book form this year. It can be found on the county website .Senior 4-H Camp will be on June 3 and Jr. 4-H camp is June 25-27. Several of our Jr. 4-Hers attended camp last summer. July 23-26 is State 4-H RoundUp. If you are interested in going, contact Marlys Schroeder at (580) 554-2214. Hope everyone has a fun summer.352425123825WildHorse Gang0WildHorse GangSave those cans: It does make a difference!WildHorse Gang newsby Gini ZaloudekThe WildHorse Gang is Celebrating 20 years and is holding the Annual WildHorse Aluminun Can Round-up on Wednesday, June 5, at 8:30 am at the Farmers Coop corner. We will be serving breakfast and lunch. All of the proceeds go to support the Kremlin Pool. The aluminum can pile is growing and the cans bring in double the price, a great benefit to our community, through the generosity of Jim Holt owner of Southside Recycling and the efforts of several volunteers, with cans coming from Enid and surrounding communities and as far away as Cresent, Guthrie and Dallas, Texas.The last meeting of the school year was held May 7, with plans to deliver pull tabs to OKC Ronald McDonald House. We had two special guests this season. First was Danny Vermillion who is a former resident of the Enid State School and is now living independently and active in the Special Olympics. Visiting and volunteering with the WildHorse Gang is Air Force Lt. Curtis Holtman. Both will be volunteering at the WHG Can Round-up.WHG member Jordan Presley will be traveling with her mom to Europe with the Oklahoma Ambassadors of Music this summer, June 5-21. This is quite an honor she received, being nominated by Kaylene Toelle. WHG presented her with a $100.00 check to help with her trip. We are looking forward to hearing about her experience.Several members assisted with the Midway clean-up and were rewarded with burgers and sodas, compliments of Mr. Lee, operator of the Midway Station.WHG members were guest of the Akdar Shriners at the Tulsa Shrine Circus, ushers for the 2012-2013 Symphony Season and are looking forward to the 2013-2014 season. They also served the Dillards Christmas Gala, the Gaslight Dinner Theatre and the Arts Council dinner and auction.Each year, the $500.00 WildHorse Volunteer Scholarship is awarded to a deserving graduating senior involved in volunteerism and community service. We are happy to announce this year's scholarship has grown to $1500.00 thru the generosity of matching funds from The Bank of Kremlin and former Kremlin resident, Mr. Richard Bogert, owner of BOGO Energy. Mr. Bogert graduated from Spring Valley, Enid High and Oklahoma A&M, now OSU, and has been named an OSU Outstanding Alumni, also serving in the US AIR FORCE. We are proud to announce the 2013 winner is Kremlin Senior, Ricki Schroeder, who will be attending OSU in the fall. Congratulations Ricki!Picture PageKHS Elementary School8th graders, along with Mrs. Highfill, packing bags for Kids Against Hunger5th graders get in on the packing action!Over 21,000 meals were packaged by KHS students in grades 1 – 12 on Monday, May 13. Counselor newsby Jenny SmithsonWell, it is the fun time of the year for all school counselors. Testing started in April and will finally wind down May 10th. Online testing was a bit of a challenge this year as many of you probably saw on TV or the internet. Most Oklahoma schools were impacted by computer issues. CTB, the testing company for Oklahoma, had issues with their servers. This caused many schools to invalidate testing sessions that were interrupted. Kremlin-Hillsdale was very fortunate to have completed all testing sessions in spite of the interruptions. No tests had to be invalidated.Speaking of testing—results for testing should arrive in late July or August. Student reports will be given out to 7-12 grade students when schedules are released during enrollment in August. If you have a student who took the 8th grade reading test, please hang on to the score report. Students must pass this test in order to receive their learner’s permit/driver’s license. I recommend starting a test file for your children in Kindergarten. All state and standardized test reports can be kept in one folder. It is becoming more important to have these tests and to keep track of how many your student passes. It is now a part of the graduation requirements in the State of Oklahoma. This file can come in handy if you move to another state as well. Most states have reciprocity—if you take a test in one state, it usually counts for testing requirements in other states.Pre-enrollment has been completed by high school students. Next year’s 7th and 8th grade students will be receiving their pre-enrollment information the last week of school. So please be thinking about the courses you want to take for next year.Graduation is right around the corner. Congratulations to all of the Kremlin-Hillsdale Seniors! I have so enjoyed getting to help all of you with your planning for the future. I wish all of you the best of luck in your next journey. Work hard, never give up on your dreams, and enjoy what life has to offer you!I can’t believe this year is almost coming to an end. I have loved my first year at Kremlin-Hillsdale. The faculty has been very gracious. And I have to say the students of Kremlin-Hillsdale have been very impressive. I have never had so many students open doors for me in all my life. You are a very well behaved and disciplined student body. Your parents have done a great job with you. Thanks so much for making my transition to Kremlin so enjoyable!!Kremlin-Hillsdale Academic Enrichment Foundationby Leland StreckThe Kremlin-Hillsdale Academic Enrichment Foundation was busy again working hard at providing funds for the pursuit of academic excellence in our school. In 2012-13, twelve grants totaling just over $11,200 were awarded for items including new dictionaries, library books, maps, computer programs, I-pads, microscopes and much more. How does this happen? Through countless generous donors and supporters who attend fund-raisers, donate funds, and give of their time.Our biggest event is our annual Ice Cream Social and Auction. This is held each school year on the first Saturday following school’s start in August. There are numerous items available such as, quilts, woodworking projects, picnic tables, weekend getaways…you get the idea—it’s worth showing up for, so mark August 17th now. Donors can also give to the “In Memory/In Honor” fund where a person can recognize a family member/friend who has passed away or just needs to be recognized. Naturally, unsolicited donations are always accepted and greatly appreciated.Each year, funds that are raised are split—half going into an ever-growing endowment that will provide assistance for years to come and the other share directly made available for the upcoming school year as grant funds.If you’d like to learn more, look for us under the Community Services link on the school website, like us on Facebook, or contact one of the Foundation Board members. We’d love to share with you all that gets done through this team of people…and thank YOU for being a part of this team!KHS Teachers say, “Thank You, KHAEF!”CLASS NEWSSenior newsby Lindsey Staley Well we are almost to the day that will allow us to begin the rest of our lives, Graduation. We had our Baccalaureate this past Sunday and it went very well. Rodney Wardwell spoke for us and Mr. Gossen sang us a great song that he wrote. It’s hard to believe that we have been in school for 13 years and now it’s coming to an end. I think I can speak for all us when I say that even though we have been ready for this day for a long time we’re going to miss it at least a little bit. I’m very glad that I was able to be a part of this class. Let’s make the best memories we can for this last week of our high school career. The rest of the week we will be taking our final semester tests and preparing for graduation on Friday. Junior newsby Karlee BittleThe Junior-Senior Prom was a success this year. Prom was held at Sugar Rush in Oakwood Mall on Saturday, April 13, 2013. We spent the day before prom (a “snow day”) decorating for an “Under the Sea” theme with our class sponsors Mrs. Edington and Ms. Turney. When Saturday night came along, we danced the night away. After-Prom was put on by the Junior & Senior parents at Oakwood Bowl. We spent the rest of the night bowling, playing Twister, and playing on the Wii’s. Thanks to everyone that made After-Prom possible.We had a great year! We’re looking forward to being seniors. Congratulations to the 2013 Seniors! Have a great summer!Sophomore newsby Hayden BonineThe Sophomore class is ending the year on a high note, students excelled this spring in all they competed in, as well as in their classes. Plans are being made for next year’s prom already! As the year comes to a close, the Sophomore class would like to wish everyone a great summer.Freshman newsby Connor SnappThe ninth grade is going to end the year on a good note, with all the testing over and summer almost here. All students participating in fall sports are doing workouts and spring practices for football, softball, and cross country. All students helped with Kids Against Hunger and packaged rice food to send to other countries in need. Several students who were in band competed in concert, ensembles, solos, and marching competitions in the Tri-State Music Festival. 8th grade newsby Paul CourtneyThe eighth grade is finishing hard and strong. Our semester tests were Wednesday and Thursday. Math and History were Wednesday and science and English were Thursday. We are all looking forward to the summer break. Eighth grade promotion was Monday at 6:30 pm. We all had fun throughout the year and are anxious about high school. We know we will have fun in the years to follow, but we will also focus on homework and sports. We are thankful to our teachers and the school staff for supporting us throughout the year.7th grade newsby Alice KeithlyAs the school year is winding down, the 7th graders are very excited for summer. However, their last week will be busy with semester tests, cleaning up and many other things. We have just finished up with marching and concert band in tri-state, and received ones. As the year gets shorter, and the last week of school is near, the 7th graders would like to thank all of their teachers teaching them throughout their first year in Junior high. Have a great summer!Don’t miss the Senior Edition of THE BRONC, also on the school’s website,!National Honor Society newsby Hannah WuerfleinThirteen KHS students were inducted into the Kremlin-Hillsdale Chapter of the National Honor Society on Monday, May 06, 2013. Current members Christina Meyer (president), Ricki Schroeder (vice president), Samantha Stoneberg (secretary), Hannah Wuerflein (reporter), Abby Courtney (Stuco representative), Connor McCollough, Ryan Voth, Ciarra Creel, Liz Elliott, and Karlee Bittle welcomed the new members into the society. The new members are listed below under the year 2013. At the induction ceremony, held in the Commons Area of KHS, three musical numbers were performed: Megan and Cassidy sang “Be Thou My Vision”, Katie Davis sang “Rolling in the Deep “ by Adele, and a brass ensemble performed “Rondeau” . After the candle-lighting ceremony, there was a reception for the new members. While the National Honor Society had been established earlier, it had been non-functional for several years until Mr. Roger Gossen, NHS advisor, reinstituted it in 1985. Here is a list of the members inducted over the years since 1985. 1985Lee Ann CastorGrant HukleTanya JohnsonDelena LangJoyce LeakeColleen RatzlaffLori RogersGary SiebertScott TurnerMonta UrbanRandy WatkinsRandy Wright1986Kim BittleDon BrownRon BrownMelanie DustinLaura GrayChris HonigsbergDale MetzingerTammy MinnickCindy RatzlaffLesa RootShirley Russell1987Brad ChelfMatt CrawfordEric DabneyPaige GuthrieShannon HoldenTrilby LongMaria MetzingerRobert WatkinsJeff Haskins1988Robin BaileyKurt ClarkJohn DoshSuzanne GrayCliff GriderAngela HonigsbergChris SchultzDana Steele1989Dusty BittleLori HoeltzelLance LanceScott MessengerDoug RatzlaffBobby RussellCheri SolorioSandi Watkins1990Shannon BittleKristina GrayMonty HayesShellina MairKennette Ronck1991Janet HillJodi MendenhallShannon MessengerHeather MeyersAaron OsborneYumiko Shimizu (foreign exchange student from Japan)Robert SmithBrooke WatkinsMathew Wedel1992Michelle DabneyJulie HaskinsJennifer HillNichole MaddoxStephanie MessengerJohn RonckTawnia Rowland1993Mandy EvansRosie EvansRobbie GraySara MendenhallMatt ParsleyTara PorterBrad Schultz1994Jason FosterMonica GossenTina MercerRachel OverstreetAmy RoadsJohn RussellTodd WedelHolli Youngblood1995Lena HarrisJanna HenryJamie KuceraCollin MasseyTara McLainRichard OverstreetDavian PorterJamie RidgwayDaniel VothMichelle Wells1996Ashley BowenAlyssa GossenJoey HladikChristie MendenhallJessie Mitchell1997Kristen CampbellKale DittmeyerEly RoadsStacy SteeleKyle WagnerJonathan Walcher1998Katie BrainardRoyce LloydJason MilesCheryl OttAmanda PurdyJacob RegierJon SchultzRachel WuerfleinKelli Youngblood1999Holly BlevinsJohn EnglishGreg HladikMatt ToewsSarah WoffordEva WoleverLauren Wolever2000Casey CampbellDrew GossenKate ShakleeBrandon VerSchuerJoe VothAdrian WagnerJustin WamplerRyan WedelBrandi Wilson2001Jessica BowenJacie BrainardDesi DemetroKelly DittmeyerTara FoxChelsea LloydJeremy MilesMatt MitchellJohnny StreckZach WardHeidi WuerfleinKerri YoungbloodBeate Bernerth(foreign exchange student from Germany)2002Dusti BullerJennifer BullerBetsy JohnsonHan “Bo” MorrisRandi RiddleSarah Kathryn SchmidtHilary Stengle2003Brittany BairdTara LloydJames ProvineTheresa ShakleePat TooneHans Wuerflein2004Katie CulverLyndsie DavisBobbi LakinAllison MilesLaura NewbyBethany SchmidtJames “Pete” Streck2005Dusty BlevinsCaleb Toews2006Walker BrainardBethany DuhonMax FosmireRyan JohnsonJordan RiddleShanleigh ShawMatt StreckLydia Wuerflein2007Danielle CrouseAustin JonesTomi LakinCarley MillerMatt RegierTrever RogersBrett SissomJosh Toews2008Shannen DavisLola Melanie DeWittCordell LloydJake StreckRicky StreckApril Williams2009Bailey CraigLibby FosmireMegan Müller(foreign exchange student from Germany)Ty SchoenhalsTim SteinDanielle Stoneberg2010Jessica CambronTiffany Clement(foreign exchange student from France)Melanie EgelstonFaten El Khechen(foreign exchange student from Lebanon)Devan HarrisAudrey McBrideC.J. RobinoMandy SchroederBritani TaylorGretchen Wuerflein2011Bryce GannonChristina MeyerJennifer PekrulRicki SchroederSamantha Stoneberg2012Karlee BittleAbby CourtneyCiarra CreelLiz ElliottConnor McColloughRyan VothHannah WuerfleinNewest Members2013Cassidy AlbertBraley BenchHayden BonineHaley CarsonMegan CourtneyKatie DavisAmanda HoleLakan LightJames OlmsteadJacob PekrulShay RegierTrev SchoenhalsJohn SchraderKids Against Hungerby Ricki SchroederKids Against Hunger is a nonprofit organization that feeds children around the world. The meals are packaged by volunteers and delivered to starving families. Each package contains 6 servings and each bag can be prepared in less than 20 minutes by adding it to boiling water. The packages are filled with a rice and soy casserole fortified with 21 essential vitamins and minerals, 6 dehydrated vegetables, and chicken flavoring.This past Monday, the students at Kremlin-Hillsdale got the chance to partner with the Kids Against Hunger in Northwest Oklahoma based in Cherokee. They brought a mobile unit so the students could help fulfill the mission, Kids Against Hunger. Jobs included putting the ingredients in the bag, making sure it weighed the right amount, sealing the bags, and putting them in boxes. In all, Kremlin-Hillsdale students packaged 21,188 meals. Thanks to everyone who participated.Pittsburg Math Relaysby Abby CourtneyThe Pittsburg Math Relays this year were on April 16th. The seniors who went this year were Ricki Schroeder, Sam Stoneberg, and Abby Courtney. The juniors were Ryan Voth and Hannah Wuerflein; the sophomores who participated were Megan Courtney, Cassidy Albert, and James Olmstead. Paula Olmstead joined us for the trip also. We left school on April 15th and stayed at a hotel in Independence, Kansas, overnight. We played games in the lobby, and then went to our rooms to rest for the next morning. We drove to Pittsburg, KS. Our tests ran from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Everyone tested in three individual tests and one four-member team test. Congratulations to Cassidy, who placed first in 10th grade Geometry!! She also placed 7th in Algebraic Simplifications and 9th in Computational Math. Sam placed 6th in Logic and Set Theory. The Geometry team (Cassidy, James, Hannah, and Ryan) placed fourth. After testing, we went back to Independence to play at the park and zoo, which is a tradition; and on the way home, we honored another custom: eating dinner at Montana Mike’s, a steak house in Bartlesville.Coach Kasey McCoyCoach McCoy has been at KHS for eight years. He is leaving to take a position as Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade principal at Agra Public School. He, his wife Maddie, and their children Channing and Lincoln, will be moving from Hillsdale to Agra in July. He says, “I have enjoyed my time at Kremlin-Hilldale and know there will continue to be a lot of success here. I am excited about what the future holds for me and my family. Thanks for all the support people in this community have given me over the years.” We wish Mr. McCoy much success in his new role as administrator. ................

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