Show Hall and Hotel Accommodations: The Show Hall and ...


January 11-13, 2019

Name: Phone (home):

Address: Phone (work):

City: State: Zip: E-mail:

Benching Request (Only one will be honored):

please check here if you are supplying your own cage/tent. Please NOTE that if you are bringing a security cage for a single entry, you must purchase the extra 1/2 cage. We cannot bench security cages in single cage spaces.

SUPER EARLY BIRD (postmarked and paid by October 24, 2018)

3 Cats, same owner-2 double spaces- 3 Days/5 Sessions $290 $

1st 3-day/5-session entry $100 $

Additional 3-day/5 session entries $95 $

EARLY BIRD (postmarked and paid by December 3, 2018)

3 Cats, same owner-2 double spaces- 3 Days/5 Sessions $315 $

1st 3-day/5 session entry $115 $

Additional 3-day/5 session entries $110 $

3 Cats, same owner- 2 double spaces- 2 Days/4 Sessions $252 $

1st 2-day/4-session entry (can be any 4 sessions) $92 $

Additional 2-day/4-session entries (can be any 4 sessions) $88 $

REGULAR ENTRIES (by January 7, 2019 at 9PM or when full)

3 Cats, same owner-2 double spaces- 3 Days/5 Sessions $335 $

1st 3-day/5 session entry $125 $

Additional 3-day/5 session entries $120 $

3 Cats, same owner- 2 double spaces- 2 Days/4 Sessions $268 $

1st 2-day/4 session entry (can be any 4 sessions) $100 $

Additional 2-day/4 session entries $96 $


End of Row (free to handicapped exhibitors) $20 $

Extra Half Cage $25 $

Grooming Space/Sales Cage (double space) $40 $

Additional Catalog $5 $

Marked Catalog (E-mail only) $5 $

Ring Sponsorship $50 $

Sponsorship Message

Donation to Central Jersey Cat Fanciers (Thank You!!) $

Catalogue Advertising: $

Total Payment: $

****Note: Payment at the door must be with PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE ENTRY CLERK and must be in CASH.

We will charge an additional $20 fee for payment at the door.

Make checks payable to Central Jersey Cat Fanciers. Mail Entry, Summary Sheet and Payment to:

Cheryl Leigh Chamberlin, 1512 Berkley Pl, Willow Grove, PA 19090

Phone 215-738-3767, email entryclerk@

OR pay with PayPal to NYCSA@


Inside front cover @ $75.00 Full Page @ $50.00

Half Page @ $30.00 Quarter Page @ $18.00

Business Card Size @ $6.00

Note: We will call collect (if necessary) to clear up any questions regarding your entry.

A fee of $25.00 will be charged on all checks returned for any reason

Please check here if you are available to clerk:

[ ] Fri. [ ] Sat. [ ] Sun.

Which Judge: _________________________

Please check here if you are bringing someone who is able to steward ($20/day):

[ ] Fri. [ ] Sat. [ ] Sun.


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