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Large Web Community for World’s Largest Airline

A merger on Aug 1, 2009 of RSP and Delta Retired Pilots Communication Network 

High Life

For all Delta people who have truly touched the High Life/

Dear PCN,

Group Section……

Mark’s Remarks:

Ever hear your teenager say “PSYCH?”

Here is the urban dictionary meaning; A slang term that began in the late 70's. The word psych is used to negate what ever statement might have come before it. It basically means, "just kidding" or "yea, right".

Well, the major goof up that concerns the open enrollment has been what amounts to a “psych.” A real mind blower. A company published offering of opt-back-in for lifetime COBRA, with HCTC eligibility, only to learn it was never IRS approved. All, I can say is, WOW!

Here is link to Kight’s “oops” letter:

Here is an excerpt from Kight’s oops letter:

“The Policy Director told us that they had received a copy of our letter and reviewed it at high levels

within the Internal Revenue Service, the agency with ultimate jurisdiction over eligibility for the

HCTC. Delta does not know why the letter was supplied to the HCTC Program and escalated within

the government. Nevertheless, we have spent the last week exploring any and all options pursuing a change in this decision by the IRS.” Rob Kight, VP – Compensation, Benefits & Services

Editor: In the above excerpt, it is more than a little disappointing to me that since a concerned pilot showed an HCTC official his Sept 28th letter from Kight, that the HR VP focuses on that, rather than the failure to get the program approved. One would think that before offering a program of this expanse, you would jump over the right hurdles. Apparently, to many of our chagrin, that did not happen.

NOW HEAR THIS! If you have made your opt-back-in election in open enrollment. And regardless if you chose Age65 COBRA or DFCMP you will default into DFCMP. Further, you will be forced to pay 100% of the premium with NO HCTC subsidy for either. You must revise your election.

Changes can be made up to the enrollment deadline!

Please don’t forget the DAL Benefits - Open Enrollment deadline of Nov 17th.

See more about insurance in that section below.

Mark’s Tidbits:

Reminder on REPLY inside the google group notices. Please do not reply to the notices since it goes to a manager account that is not so accessible as straight email or PCN forms are.

Posts to group were under an Index page but am starting to use brand new thread post so as to control content of subject line for readers quick perusal. Only down side is that the archive section of our group will (in time) become quite lengthy. Will deal with that later.

Picasa 3 – Neat photo management program - free from google.

News Section……

Delta News (Recent stories of interest): Yahoo, AJC

Delta deal best way to keep flying high

By Andre Jackson

Editorial Board

Sunday, November 08, 2009

It is in everyone’s best interest if an agreement on a new lease with the airline is approved by City Council before Franklin leaves office at end of year.

Anyone who’s ever bargained hard with a salesperson knows successful negotiations are often not easy. The degree of difficulty in reaching common ground often increases with the complexity of the deal or the amount of money involved.

That realization puts in context the city of Atlanta’s haggling with Delta Air Lines over a new lease at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. Reaching a mutually agreeable pact governing the most-active airline at the world’s busiest airport is no small matter, even during the best of times. Factor in the Great Recession that’s thrown gale-force turbulence at the airline industry and negotiations become even more of a high-stakes give-and-take. In a real sense, the traveling public and our regional economy have a lot riding on the outcome.

Read More:


Delta's October traffic fell 6.5 percent

Delta Air Lines says October traffic fell 6.5 percent as capacity dropped 8.3 percent

• On 12:40 pm EST, Thursday November 5, 2009

ATLANTA (AP) -- Delta Air Lines Inc. said it cut its flying capacity by 8.3 percent in October, as traffic fell 6.5 percent from October 2008.

The world's biggest airline operator said it and its Northwest and regional airline subsidiaries flew 15.3 billion revenue passenger miles, or one paying passenger flown one mile. That was down from 16.37 billion revenue passenger miles a year earlier.

Capacity fell to 18.18 billion available seat miles, from 19.82 billion a year earlier.

With capacity falling faster than traffic, Delta's planes were 1.6 percentage points fuller, at 84.2 percent.

Read more:


Airplane part falls onto NY home's front lawn

Exhaust cone falls off Delta jet headed to Tokyo, lands on lawn of NY home

• On 1:53 pm EST, Friday November 6, 2009

ROOSEVELT, N.Y. (AP) -- An engine tail cone popped off a Delta airlines jet shortly after takeoff from New York's Kennedy Airport. It plummeted thousands of feet into a Long Island neighborhood before landing harmlessly on someone's lawn.

FAA spokeswoman Arlene Salac (SAHL'-ak) said Friday the jet doesn't need the part to fly and passengers weren't in any danger.

Neither the pilots nor people on the ground noticed the mishap when it happened Thursday evening.

The flight continued to its destination. Salac says Delta personnel reported the part missing after the plane landed in Tokyo.

The 20-pound part measured 4-feet long and 3-feet in diameter. A resident spotted it hours later and called police.

Delta says an investigation is under way.

Other Airline News (Recent stories of interest):

American Airlines attacks Delta-JAL venture

By Justin Baer in New York

Published: November 8 2009 22:35 | Last updated: November 8 2009 22:35

[pic]American Airlines’ top executive has delivered his most pointed attack yet on Delta Air Lines’ bid to form a joint venture with Japan Airlines, arguing that Delta would face an uphill battle in convincing US regulators to approve the partnership.

American, the world’s second-largest carrier, is seeking a venture of its own with JAL, its partner in the Oneworld alliance and a vital link to Asian destinations. JAL, mired in a complex restructuring plan, is in talks with both US carriers to strengthen ties before the US and Japan agree to ease airport access to foreign carriers next year.

Read More:


American making financial case to woo JAL

American Airlines tells Japan Airlines that siding with Delta would be risky

• By David Koenig, AP Airlines Writer

• On 6:04 pm EST, Friday November 6, 2009

DALLAS (AP) -- American Airlines is turning on the charm as it attempts to persuade Japan Airlines Corp. to strengthen their relationship instead of running off with a new suitor, Delta Air Lines Inc.

In recent days, the CEO of American parent AMR Corp. visited Tokyo to meet with his JAL counterpart, and the chief financial officer will go there next week, AMR officials say.

American's pitch is simple: Stay with us and things will get better. Go with Delta and you never know what might happen.

American says if JAL switches from the oneworld alliance of global airlines to Delta's SkyTeam alliance, it would cost JAL up to $500 million in lost revenue in the first two years after the changeover.

That figure assumes Delta initially will only be able to replace about half the revenue-sharing and other money that JAL currently gets from its oneworld partners, including American, based in Fort Worth, Texas.

Read More:


Nov. 6, 2009, 1:18 p.m. EST

British Airways' shares gain in the wake of quarterly results

By Steve Goldstein, MarketWatch

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- British Airways reported Friday a wider second-quarter loss as the airline, facing a potential cabin-crew strike, saw its revenue hemorrhage as business travel slumped and cargo prices skidded.

British Airways (LSE:UK:BAY) (NQB:BAIR.Y) had a loss of 102 million pounds ($169 million) during the three months ended Sept. 30, compared to a loss of 69 million pounds during the prior-year period.

Quarterly revenue dropped 51% to 1.22 billion pounds.

During the first half of the carrier's fiscal year, average fares slumped 12%, helping to drag passenger revenue down by 14%, reflecting in particular declining demand for business travel.

Cargo revenue was even worse, skidding 31% on an 8% drop in traffic and a 25% drop in prices.

Read more:

Finance Section (section containing items with financial consequence to our group):


Remaining financial items for retirees to watch:

After Aug 2007 these are retirement items remaining with financial consequence. 

1. PBGC 2nd look re-calc at qualified annuity benefits - completed 8/24/07

2. PBGC make up lump payment for underpayments since termination:  most reported received 1/31/08

3. Final claim distribution by DAL through BSI - pending (now likely in '10 according to Kight)

4. Class Action suit against DAL concerning 5 yr look-back worth in excess of $100 million - withdrawn

5. Final PBGC re-calc "determination" of qualified annuity (likely after claim stock sale) - pending

6. Pension reinstatement/contribution request by DP3 representing the retired pilots. very long shot....pending

7. Roth IRA creation as per Worker, Retiree, and Employer Recovery Act of 2008 - deadline June 22nd, 2009

8. Expiration of HCTC 80% premium subsidy will expire on December 31, 2010.


William Kerschner (Thanks Bill)


Subject: USAA CEO Announces Expanded Member Eligibility

Dear Colonel Kerschner:

I hope you agree that all men and women who have honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces deserve to do business with a financial services company that understands their unique needs, appreciates their service and does the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

Your USAA Board of Directors believes so, and I am very pleased to let you know that USAA membership is now open to anyone who has honorably served in the U.S. military.

Starting with our first eligibility expansion in 1923, the USAA family has grown by embracing an ever-larger portion of America's active duty, retired and separated military members. Each time, we have been careful to ensure that USAA has the financial strength, the staff and the technology to maintain our high standards for exemplary member service, competitive pricing and value. Opening our doors today to all veterans who have honorably served, regardless of dates or length of service, fulfills our mission and leaves no one behind.

If you know veterans who honorably served but haven't become USAA members, please share this news with them by clicking on the "Share USAA" button so that they may know the value of USAA and, by joining, their spouses and children can enjoy the benefits of membership as well.


Josue (Joe) Robles Jr.

Maj. General, USA (Ret.)

President and CEO

Link to USAA:

Insurance (issues about health, life or disability that are of interest):

Special Note: Some of the emails and responses posted below concern the situation with open enrollment BEFORE we learned of the withdrawal.


DP3 FAQ’s for 2010 Open Enrollment

Yet to be revised in light of the benefits goof up, but still informative!


Correction: In HL 013 I stated the following in error. “Editor:……. On the “after 65 Cobra”, it is my understanding that it is “secondary” insurance, much in the same mode as a Medicare supplement plan.”

Terms and titles are a never ending struggle to understand the healthcare insurance thing. The company has one name, the insurance company another, etc.

Some of us are eligible to opt back in to Lifetime or Bankruptcy COBRA.

The only plan that qualifies is the DFCMP Standard Option. UHC call this a PPO plan.

There is a special name for the above who are on Lifetime COBRA – “Age65 COBRA”.

Age 65 COBRA is actually the name of the plan for those pilots who chose to take advantage of this one time offering to opt back in. So my silly understanding of what is called “age” 65 COBRA is really our bankruptcy or lifetime COBRA that pilots opting in would choose.


Comparing Medical Plans

I don’t know why comparing medical plans are so difficult. Cost, coverage, quality, propensity for cost increases, risk of plan change or termination (with the potential advent of a gvt option) are all to be considered. But before you can do that, you have to find the cotton pickin’ plan details. Not an easy task. Should be the first thing that is on the web page but you have to hunt and peck. Here are the two main Delta brochures that will help you find the info needed to compare before you make an open enrollment decision:

2010 Benefits Overview

2010 Healthcare Benefit Handbook (incl. Medical Plan Options)


[pic]From: Tim Carman

Date: 11/3/2009 1:46:27 PM

To: mark@

Subject: Cobra Coverage

 Hi Mark,

    I’ve been reading through the emails concerning the new Cobra plan being offered to retirees. I am one of those pilots that can benefit from the plan.

    I am currently enrolled with the HCTC and use Blue Cross Blue Shield for medical coverage as it is the only state qualified plan that the HCTC recognizes in Texas. I have  $1000.00 deductible with $25.00 co-pays for the most part. I do not have access to mail order drug plans. My monthly cost using the HCTC is about $230.00.

    With the new Delta Cobra plan I can gain access to United Health Care and have a $650.00 deductible, $30.00 co-pays plus 100% coverage for preventive care such as physicals etc. This is something that I haven’t had access to under my old plan. I also have an improved drug plan which includes mail order coverage. The cost to me will be essentially the same at $231.00

    In that I am already registered with the HCTC, I simply have to send in a registration update form, a copy of a full month invoice, which I can print online on the Direct benefit website, and a cobra enrollment form which the ESC says will be sent to me shortly after our enrollment period closes.

    For me the new option seems to offer me more with no increase in cost.

    Hope this helps some retirees out.

Tim Carman


Editor: While I have cautioned about jumping with both feet into the window to opt back in to bankruptcy COBRA, one has to consider many things. There is a political risk that one must also consider. If national health care is adopted there may be some impact on all plans, but especially the HCTC approved state qualified plans. That could force current insured into some form of public option. Jumping back now into the bankruptcy COBRA may be a strategy, especially if it is not too expensive. It would allow one to lock in, for the next few years, the COBRA DFCMP with the ability to always opt back out. Just another thing to consider.


Email   wjjp@

Issue Area -- Insurance

Comments --- I spoke with the "My Delta" folks today (nov5) to ask about the one time cobra choice we have. Our letter from Mr Kight of Oct 5 says coverage extends to spouses, survivors and dependent children. The woman I spoke with said that coverage did not extend to dependent children. Can anyone get a definitive answer before the Nov 17th deadline? I have started a case with Delta but who knows when I will get an answer. This will have a major impact on my health care choices going forward.


Bill Pantesco

Editor: Bill, I responded to you and asked a couple of my friends to help out with an answer. Here is Denis and Bob’s help below:


Don't know the answer but would like to find out myself. The ESC also told me children

were not authorized for the Cobra and my open enrollment choices do not have that

option listed for my daughter. It is a deal breaker for me also. All other Cobra plans

that I am aware of DO allow children up to 23 years old if in college or 19 if  not in

college. With Delta being self-insured I'm not sure if any State or Federal regulations

would apply or what recourse one would have to enforce them. Another good deal from

Delta. If you find anything more out let me know also as this is a deal breaker for me also.


Mark and Bill,

Here is what DP3 is saying about this situation in their FAQ's:

26. I see the COBRA option for myself and my wife on the Delta Benefit site, but not for my dependent children. My understanding is they can also be included in HCTC, but wouldn't that require a children COBRA option?

Remember that the COBRA is offered to you as a retiree. Whichever offering you, the retiree, chooses will be the policy under which dependents are included - if you so desire to include them. Your dependents, whether they be a spouse or eligible children or whatever, are included under your election. Mr. Kight's memo is specific: "In these cases, this election will also be extended to such pilot's eligible spouses, survivors, and dependent children." Looking at it another way, you can't choose COBRA for yourself and DPMP for your children. You will be buying one policy for all of your family.

27. I've heard that some retirees do not see the COBRA option in their paperwork and some do not see listings for dependents. Are there any glitches in the online enrollment process?

Some retired pilots are not showing the COBRA option on their paperwork - if you think you are eligible and do not have the option, call the Delta ESC. Also, when switching from the HVO to the Age65 COBRA option, sometimes you cannot de-select the HVO option, and it appears you are signing up for both. It has been reported to us that simply continuing the process will present the correct information at the end of the registration process, but we recommend that you call the ESC to ensure you have completed the selections properly. Finally, some members are reporting that they do not see enrollment options for their dependents - see answer number 26 above, and call the ESC to ensure your coverage selections are actually available and properly confirmed.


(with regard to Bill’s dependent question) I have heard that this has happened to others - and it is evidently a mistake in how his information was loaded.  He needs to call the ESC at 800 MYDELTA and start a case number.



From: MD8T8DRVR@

Date: 11/6/2009 1:51:37 PM

To: mark@

Subject: Re: Stand by

Hey Mark;


Thanks for getting back to me.


I have been on a state approved Blue Cross plan here in GA for about four years. It's a full coverage PPO plan that costs my wife and I appx. $1700 per month before the HCTC credit or $344 out of pocket. I will probably stay where I am but this is not good news for guys that wanted some option. It appeared the Cobra was going to be more expensive anyway.


Thanks for all the info.




From: Don Piltz

Date: November 7, 2009 10:32:28 AM EST

To: PCN Dir

Cc: will.buregey5@

Subject: Cobra & HCTC Reversal


What an incredible scam/hoax or incompetent blunder at the very least.  The thought of not 'pre-qualifying' something of this importance with the IRS is arrogant or yet again .. incompetent.

According to Mr. Kight's latest letter the default coverage for any of us having chosen "Age 65 Cobra" will be DFCMP Standard at 100% premium; far greater than DPMP @49% subsidy. Anyone who made their selection & blindly went on vacation will have a nice surprise from Mr. Kight upon return. I certainly hope an HCTC qualifying VEBA plan becomes available in 2010 and allows us to switch in mid-stream (mid-stream seems unlikely with Delta). What a cruel enrollment period this has become for some of us.


Don Piltz

retired DAL

Will’s Respone:



To say that I share your frustration with this annual benefit enrollment period for Delta retirees would be the understatement of the year!


To begin with, many of us feel that Delta did a poor job of explaining the various benefit options, and the label they choose for the one time “COBRA” offering was not a very good description of the program.  This led to much confusion among retirees and scores of DP3 members wrote to us asking exactly what plan included the “one time COBRA” offer.


When we first started to hear rumors that Delta had not pre-qualified this plan with the IRS I was incredulous.  Giving Delta the benefit of the doubt, I did not pay much attention to the rumors until we discovered that indeed, the IRS had determined that the Delta offering of a one time COBRA option was not a recognized COBRA policy by the IRS and the HCTC program.  In spite of the problem that changing these options in the middle of the enrollment has created, I can only imagine the confusion and economic harm that would have resulted if hundreds of retirees had selected this program only to have their applications for the HCTC denied in January because the program was not eligible for the tax credit.


I agree that Delta’s proposed solution for those who had initially selected the “one time COBRA” is inadequate, and after we receive sufficient input from DP3 members we will ask that Delta extend the enrollment period and come up with a better solution for those who do not update their selections following Delta’s announcement that the COBRA offering was rescinded.


Thanks for your support as an Honor Roll member of DP3.


Will Buergey

Chairman, DP3  



Editor: I ditto Will’s comments to Don.

On another point, I had a nice phone conversation with Will the other day and learned more of his dedication and direction for the DP3. I am personally very impressed with Will’s motives and dedication and that goes for the rest of the current team at DP3. I urge those who may have dropped, for one reason or another, to re-consider and support the DP3. I don’t get paid or encouraged to give this endorsement, it is coming from my own convictions. Let’s stay connected, but also let’s support one another in our collective efforts. The DP3 is earning our support.


From: Barry Boustead

Date: 11/8/2009 6:35:45 AM


Any chance we can go after Kight's job for gross incompetence? After Richard Anderson's words regarding professionalism in the NW pilot fiasco, I think we need to hold his boys to the same standard. The enrollment date should be extended and Delta should have to eat the 80% until they get it straightened out. This is beyond incredible.


Barry Boustead barry_boustead@

Reply to Barry:

From: Michael Cox

Date: 11/8/2009 11:39:44 AM



“The enrollment date should be extended and Delta should have to eat the 80% until they get it straightened out.”

True,  but it won't happen because they're the ins and we are the outs. I did an in-depth look at Delta's financial position and history since deregulation (1978) for one of my Master's classes. Delta now owes more money than the total it has made since it's founding. In the last 3 years debt has become exponential. Even if the economic times were good right now, Delta would have a tough road to regain profitability. Their only option is a "Continental" - that is a second bankruptcy to clean up the mess they are now in. It's imperative that we push DP3 to extract our final disbursement from the BK settlement before Delta can erase that in BK2.




My Enrollment Choice ….. None - by Mark:

I was going to opt-back-in, but because of recent developments, I will remain out of the DFCMP and in the state qualified HCTC plan (by Anthem-Blue KY) until I grow up and turn 60. At that time, I will re-evaluate options comparing the then DPMP with my state qualified plan.

This is all subject to review if a VEBA (by efforts of our DP3) gets created or if national health care changes the rules of the game.

Mark Sztanyo



Commercial Section……

Investment (Legitimate firms that have helped our groupare encouraged to contact PCN to add articles here):

Section reserved for future content.

Travel & Non-Revving (share a quick reco):


Life Section…

Cares and Concerns:


Misc Posts:

Ted Langworthy Email   flybear@

Issue Area -- General

Comments -- on the death notices, I would like to see the most recent listed first as do most of the guys I've asked. Otherwise, you're scrolling through 15 that you've already read.--thx,Ted

Editor: Yeah, I would like that too, however Google doesn’t allow me that option. I am experimenting with creating a “new discussion” thread for each death notice. In that way they most recent would always be at the top and in addition the subject line would contain the person’s name. I would appreciate your comments on that method.

As to archiving death info, I will ask our death notice manager to help keep up a spreadsheet that compiles all the info that we have on the subject. That has been and will continue to be a very useful tool.


Mark: FYI, I just spent the afternoon trying to find out about the free "Identity Protection Plan". After I talked to three different people none of them knew anything I was talking about. I finally was told to go on line to fined out about it. None of them ever heard of DALRC Group

Geo. Baker Machgun4@



Thank you for this very timely and helpful information.

DAL, as usual, appears to have no interest in helping their employees (particularly retirees) with any questions or issues that may arise.

The company attitude seems to be "you find it, you figure it out, good by and good luck"!

The Delta Employee Service Center is a joke.

Without the PCN we would all be "out of luck" with few if any place to turn for helpful information regarding DAL.

Thank you!

Bill Rice




The 2010 Healthcare Benefit Handbook download File/G2F.pdf, cover

page, says effective Jan 1, 2008.

Larry O

Editor: Thanks Larry, but that is the handbook that is still out there and most is still current. Maybe it is too expensive to update the revision date. Oh, well, it is what it is.


[pic]From: Tim Carman

Date: 11/6/2009 12:05:33 PM

To: misc@

Subject: Thanks!



  Thank goodness that we have the communications network to spread the word about this ridiculous faux pas by Kight and Delta Airlines. Had I not been a member of the network I would never had know about the lack of IRS approval for the "Age 65 Cobra Standard Plan".



Human Interest:

From: Jean Cinotto

Date: 11/3/2009 7:38:05 PM

To: misc@;  mark@

Subject: Wheels for Warriors


You have such an extensive network of pilots and retired pilots that could make such an wonderful impact. I would welcome any help in trying to get this off the ground and a van to at least one our severely wounded military. Thank you so much.

Jean Marie Cinotto (spouse of retired pilot and active flight attendant)

Wheels for Warriors 

Airline employees regularly transport people from point A to point B. We can help transport the most deserving―our wounded warriors of the U.S. Military―on a daily basis through Wheels for Warriors. Conversion vans are given to our seriously wounded soldiers that will need permanent transportation in specially-outfitted vans.  

Presently, our wounded military get approximately $11,000 as a one-time, lifetime payment for a van and $28,000 one-time, lifetime payment from the VA to get the conversions. A converted van with many of the special items for specific needs costs around $50,000. The nominal payment these brave men receive for their lifetime falls short of what is needed, especially given their sacrifice.  

Our airline and other airlines have the opportunity to help. Send your donations to the following address and write in “Airline.” A van from airline employees and retirees will be given to one of the many deserving men. Two vans were given at an Army-Navy game and one was recently given to a Marine by the USNA Class of 74. See the story at  

November holds special significance with Veterans Day. We can make a difference and continue to transport.

Two ways to donate:

1. Online by credit card at the secure credit card site at

Please specify VAN and AIRLINE in the message box when making an online donation to Wheels for Warriors.

2.  Send your donation to:

Operation Support Our Troops

P.O. Box 404

North Kingstown , RI 02852

Note VAN and AIRLINE on your check 

For more information, go to



Wheels for Warriors is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are processed through West Point-Org which is operated by volunteers serving the Long Gray Line.


SHHH ... it's a SURPRISE for !


For Christmas, I am secretly compiling a scrapbook of memories of my daddy (Captain Walter L. Wright) for my mom.

In that we will have the tendency to mope and be sad that this is the first Christmas without daddy, I would like to give her a gift of fun great happy humorous stories of daddy to make her laugh instead of be sad .... and also for the kids to show later to their kids so that they can remember their daddy and "Captain."

I am asking ANY and ALL of you who knew my father, to PLEASE write down your favorite story/memory of daddy and send it to me.  I'd also like a picture of you and daddy if you have one.  I would like to have as many pages as possible of fabulous funny and loving memories of my daddy and his fabulous friends, family, parishoners, mates put together in this scrapbook as possible.

PLEASE forward this email to ANYONE and everyone who knew my daddy.

Please forward any and all stories to me at im52ioblu@

or by snail mail to Meredith MaGuirk; 2855 Sutherland Drive; Thompson's Station, TN 37179. 

I can also be found on facebook as Meredith Wright MaGuirk.  I need ALL entries no later than December 10th to get it all together.

Thank you in advance for helping me with this fabulous Christmas suprise!  Again, PLEASE keep this a secret!  THANK YOU!

Meredith MaGuirk

Ring Leader of Circus MaGuirk




Blood  Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the  Tongue


Please read:


During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and  took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine  (they offered to call paramedics) .she said she had just  tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening

Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ.. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR. Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

STROKE: Remember  the 1st Three Letters....S.T.R.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three  simple questions:

S  *Ask  the individual to SMILE.

T  *Ask  the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE  (Coherently)

(i.e. It is sunny out  today.)

R *Ask  him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE:  Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other, that  is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

Good Read (Good book recommendation & community author’s blurbs):

Event Announcements (Click here for PCN Org & Groups Page): to post pcn.calendar@

2009's Hangar Party

This year we wish to add something extra prior to the start of our annual hangar party.......and that is a special memorial service at 11:00 in remembrance of our good buddy Capt. Bruce Cave. 

A gathering of friends feels like the right time not only to remember Bruce but also to honor the memories of those friends that have gone on before us.  As you know Capt. Cave passed away in August and our gathering affords us the opportunity to honor Bruce with a special memorial service, something informal but from the heart.  

Although Bruce's passing prompts our actions to hold this service, we have not forgotten the loss of Jan's husband and our host Capt. Don Thompson who passed away in March, our dear friend Betty Gates Karr who left us in April,  and another good friend Capt. Brad Onion who died in a plane mishap in May. 

We offer this memorial service in their memories.


The memorial service is planned for 11:00, with lunch and visiting to follow at noon.  Plans are the same...that is side dishes appreciated, coffee/plateware/utensils all provided.   Your attendance at 11:00 will be greatly appreciated especially by Bruce's wife Claudette, Jan, and myself.  But, if for any reason you feel uncomfortable with a memorial service, then please join us at noon.  One request, if you could please RSVP, that would be greatly appreciated this year.  

E-mail myself carol.n.frank@ or Jan at MEANWHILEBAR@ 

As always, your support and participation is genuinely appreciated!!

Thank you and see you there!




2009's Hangar Party is now scheduled!  Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 14th.  Brisket BBQ and WAL memories hosted by Jan (Capt. Don) Thompson at their "Wally Bird" hangar near Cottonwood, Arizona, on

Saturday, November 14th, at Noon

Memorial Service at 11:00 A.M. 

Please bring a sidedish or dessert to share.  Plastic/paperware will be provided.  Jan will have the coffee pot on but please bring any other beverages that you care to drink.  Bring your best airline story and/or pictures and memorabilia to share!!   

Here's how to get there: 

I 17 North, exit left Cottonwood/Camp Verde

Left on 89A 

Left at the first red light (Walgreens is on the corner of where you will turn)

Left on Mingus (which is about four red lights, Maverick gas station will be on your right)

Stay on Mingus until you see the airport entrance. Drive in to the airport, Thompson's hangar is the third one on the right, it is marked Hangar D. They will have the door up.

If you get lost, here is Jan's cell # 928 301-4361 and my cell # 480-510-5076.


We are going to have a blast so I hope that you can join us!  Questions?  Give us a call or e-mail me.  Many thanks to Don (yes, Don is smiling down!) & Jan for being our hosts, and do spread the word as all are welcome!  Thank you!




Frank 'n' Carol Ann (Legge Wichterman) Faulkner

*Carol...DOE 03-24-69/ Ret. 11-01-02/ MSP-PHX-SLC-PHX

*Frank...DOE 07-21-58/ Ret. 04-01-01/ IDA-PIH-HNL-PHX

WA/DL retirees & DL Pioneers Arizona Sun Catchers Chapter

480-345-2677   carol.n.frank@  2698 W. Bentrup St., Chandler, AZ 85224-1004

Good Deal/Bad Deal (Share a quick good deal or bad deal you have found – no commercials here!)

Hangar Flying (Share a bit of ole hangar flying with the net) :

Exclusive Club: 


We all know that the silk worm club is an exclusive group.  Not many of us have ever pulled the eject handle.  Equally the V1 Cut club is also an exclusive group.  I dare say many of us completed a long career without an engine failure let alone one at V1.  This week in ORD, a MD88 had compressor stalls just after V1 to the tune of rolling the engine back and damaging the fan blades.  Just so happens my son was flying the bird.  Like to say chip off the 'ole block, but I never had one.  He took it around the patch and landing without incident.  Exactly what we spend sooo much time training for and fortunately see so little of in real life.  When you run in to Mike, give him an atta-boy.  I already did.  Mark



Canaveral Launch Pics of the Ares I-X (Thanks Roger- nice!)

Humor/Sobering or Fun (Share some “vulgarity free” humor with the net):


(Thanks to Al & Ken Melnick for this laugh).

Al Lee Email   al@

Issue Area -- Humor

Comments -- Good Morning:

My good friend Bill Voigt (767 ER retired) sent me the below humor. I think I have seen it, but thought I would send it to you for inclusion in your next issue of "High Life".

I appreciate your hard work - Thanks a million!

Al Lee

767 ER retired 2000


This is from a retired Airline Captain friend and could easily be a true story.

Miss flying ?

We have a cockpit mock-up in our house.

When I mention to my wife that I miss flying, by being retired, she puts me in the mock-up around bed time for 8 hours.

She has a chair in a closet, puts on the vacuum cleaner to simulate cockpit air noise, has a dim nite-lite to simulate cockpit lighting, serves luke-warm chicken with cold vegetables on a tray.

When I get sleepy and attempt to doze off, she knocks twice loudly on the door to simulate the F/As entering the cockpit. Then after 6 hours she turns on a flood light directly in front of me to simulate the sun coming up when approaching 20 west. I then get a cup of coffee that has been in the coffeemaker all night. Finally she lets me out and I have to get in the back seat of her car while she runs morning errands to simulate the bus ride to the hotel. When we get home I tell her I am ready for bed and the bedroom door is locked for an hour to simulate the hotel rooms not being ready.

When I promise to never "complain" about being retired, I am allowed to enjoy my "layover" and go to bed. Oh, and one more thing, she talks to her friends loudly outside the bedroom door to simulate the hotel maids chattering in the hall in their native language. After two hours of sleep she calls the phone next to the bed from her cell and says this is crew scheduling, you are junior manned!!!, we are adding another day to your schedule.  You can only hope you have another clean shirt and shorts.....

I can remember the maids trying to suck the dust out of the carpet in my room by standing in the hall and attempting to suck the dirt from my room through the crack under the door...and they seem to try for hours.

Gee, I miss flying ϑ


Subject: The Lost Bagpiper (Thanks Dennis)

As a bagpiper, I was asked by a funeral director to play at a

graveside service for a homeless man who had no family or friends. The

funeral was to be held at a cemetery in the remote countryside and

this man would be the first to be laid to rest there.

As I was not familiar with the backwoods area, I became lost and

being a typical man, did not stop for directions. I finally arrived an

hour late. I saw the backhoe and the crew who were eating lunch but

the hearse was nowhere in sight.

I apologized to the workers for my tardiness and stepped to the side

of the open grave where I saw the vault lid already in place.

I assured the workers I would not hold them up for long but this was

the proper thing to do. The workers gathered around, still eating

their lunch. I played out my heart and soul.

As I played the workers began to weep. I played and I played like I'd

never played before, from Going Home and The Lord is My Shepherd to

Flowers of the Forest . I closed the lengthy session with Amazing

Grace and walked to my car...

As I was opening the door and taking off my coat, I overheard one of

the workers saying to another, Sweet Jeezuz, Mary 'n Joseph, I have

never seen nothin' like that before and I've been putting in septic

tanks for twenty years..



Mark Sztanyo, PCN Dir

Pilot Communication Net

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