St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Maumee, Ohio

St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Maumee, Ohio

June, 2013

Inside this issue:

Congratulations to our Confirmands ........ Pg 2 Gluten-free wafers ...... Pg 2 Support Group ........... Pg 2 Directory photos ........ Pg 3 "Health Matters" ........ Pg 3 Temple Talks..............Pg 4 Altar Flower dates ...... Pg 4 Children's Ministry .... Pg 5 "Letter To God" ......... Pg 6 Shawn's Book of the Month ......................... Pg 6 Condolences ............... Pg 6 Thrivent Night at the Mudhens ..................... Pg 7 Newly Baptized .......... Pg 7 Outreach MAT News Pg 7 New Members ............ Pg 8 "Luther's Corner" ...... Pg 8 Notes of Thanks and News ........................... Pg 9 Deadline!................... Pg 10 Special Gifts .............. Pg 10 Directory Changes ... Pg 11 Defend against Identity Theft ........... Pg 11 Designated Benevolences............. Pg 11 Mission Statement .... Pg 12 Who We Are ............ Pg 12

Jones'n for Jesus

By Pastor Jason

Paah-sssssst! I love that sound. It tells me my tongue is about to dance with the melodic flavor I often crave. The taste is sweet, fizzy, and oh so yummy. Really, it's no secret; I'm just not a coffee kind of guy. I prefer to kick-start my day with a diet cola in lieu of a latte or coffee or other such brew.

You know, many of us prefer a little bump in the morning. We tell ourselves that we function better after we've jolted our veins. This, despite all that health experts have decreed: that if we only hydrate ourselves with lots of water, we wouldn't need a dose of caffeine. I know this to be true; yet, still, like a lot of you, I prefer my morning jolt.

Many of us join the daily chorus, singing a similar tune. Millions chant, "I need caffeine" throughout our land--sometimes more than once a day. However, some hipsters express this notion with a bit more... color. In urban slang, the trendy declare, "I'm Jones'n for Java. I'm going to Georgette's to awaken my brain."

Now, this term, "Jones'n" can't be found in a collegiate dictionary. It's an urban expression that means to "crave heavily." I crave a lot of things, including God's Word. What about you? What do you crave? Are you Jones'n for Jesus as much as you crave your morning blend?

The Apostle Peter said, "Like newborn babies, crave pure

spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your

salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is

good" (1 Pe 2:2?3). Peter's words go well with a Java-

Joe. Wouldn't you agree? His words bear repeating,

urbanized with some slang to stimulate your brain. "As

you get out of bed, be jones'n for Jesus as much as your

morning-blend--so that you will grow up and be strong

in the Lord. You know how good He is; so drink-in Jesus

every day."

(Continues on Page 2, Column 2...)


The Communicator

June, 2013

God bless you always, Confirmands

Warmest congratulations to our 2013 Confirmation Class. Confirmation took place at the 11:00 am worship service on Sunday, May 19th! These youth confirmed their faith that day:

Keith Brennan Nathan Brennan

Drew Buehrer Garret Camp Carter Crum Andrew Farren Joel Gleason Megan Gribble Megan Grudzinski Lauren Ketterman

Erin Leupp Amy Lohse Jacob Miller Makenzie Olson Amanda Overy Austin Overy Jennifer Schaller Ethan Schneiderbauer Evan Scott Maddie Silveous Chase Tishler Emily Tuskan Jaiden Valare Corinna Wolfe

Jones'n for Jesus (Continued from first page)

Sadly, though, many Christians forget to sip on Jesus' goodness throughout the week --except on Sundays when we "lift up the cup." I've often wondered: how might the church be if we poured some "spiritual milk" into our weekday routines. I bet we'd be happier throughout our day. Certainly, we'd be more energized to take on anything the world throws our way.

You know as I do--life is busy. Our jobs and families pull us in many ways. The demands of each day drain our energy with every passing day. Like me, I know you are working hard. We all count the hours until finally 5PM on Friday arrives. So, if we're easily drained, why not energize our day by sipping on Jesus to start the day?

I have many friends who start out their days in this way. Each morning, they read from the Bible as they sip their cups of Joe. My friends' faith is evident and strong. Many of them exude Christ with almost everyone they meet. The reason they do is less about the Joe; their jazzed for Jesus because they daily crave His goodness, along with their blend. Like them, we can all aspire to crave more of Jesus every single day.

This month, I'd like to invite you into a "Jones'n for Jesus Challenge". As you fill up your morning cup, also drink-in Jesus to awaken your day. I know that, if you do, you'll be jazzed all the more and your faith and energy will grow. You know Jesus--He's the best Java Joe. He's the true Source of energy that's healthy to crave.

COMING SOON: Gluten-Free Communion Wafers

We know of at least one person in our congregation who is highly allergic to wheat products. There may be others who have similar sensitivities and are not able to take communion. For that reason, we will soon provide an option of gluten-free communion wafers in order to make communion available to all.

Support Group to meet

The Ecumenical Bereavement Support Group will meet on Tuesday, June 4th, at 3:00 pm at St. Patrick of Heatherdowns Parish, Emmaus Room, 4201 Heatherdowns Blvd. The speaker will be Rita Hoff, of the St. Rose Parish & Bereavement Team and her topic will be: "Circle of Grief". If you have questions, contact Rita Hoff (419-724-4675.)

June, 2013

The Communicator


Smile and



As was announced in last month's "Communicator," the church office is busy making plans to produce our own pictorial church directory. One of the big benefits of "doing-itourselves", is that your photos will be taken on Sunday mornings when you're already here. No appointments needed!

Our first "Picture Sunday" will be June 23rd. If you are here with your whole family, plan to find one of our photographers who will take a "head shot" of your family. The photographer's assistant will also make sure we have up-to-date address, phone number and other information on your family.

If that date isn't good for you, don't worry. Another "Picture Sunday" will be scheduled again soon.

It will also be possible for you to submit a recent digital photo (in jpeg format) to the church office if you can't be present for any of our "Picture Sundays."

Watch for more information coming soon!

Health Matters

Paul Doerfler, R.N., Pastor of Congregational Care

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men...." COL 3:23

Scripture is chock full of wisdom when it comes to helping us choose a healthy mindset, the outlook we embrace each day to tackle whatever it brings. "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" says PS 139:14. What a great message of encouragement to start each day out with! I employ it often.

"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God with-

out fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe..." adds PHP 2:14-15. Wonderful advice to inspire us to shine some of that light of Jesus into each day; light into the dark lives of folks in the community around us.

As we ponder who or what we might be facing ahead, this Philippians' passage reminded me that the going often isn't all that smooth; surely, many times not all that easy. Especially when one is committed to the Lord to do the right thing day in and day out. God's thing, that is. This last verse speaks of the degenerate, broken world each of us faces. And regardless of our present roles in life, it's nearly impossible to bypass the depravity that is continually all around us.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" said Jesus in MT 5:3. Of course, the "poor in spirit" are those people who are aware of their own unworthiness to be in God's presence based on anything they are able to say or do. They're the folks who depend on God's mercy and grace for obtaining anything of lasting substance in life. In response to Jesus' words, our challenge as Christ followers is to be humble in heart and to not lean on our sense of goodness, our possessions and/or understanding of God's approval, affirmation or blessing.

Jesus taught us that humility is a great thing to have in our mindset each day. So, instead of seeing the plentiful material possessions we have as being belongings we've somehow earned and deserve, these things become our tools, a means of furthering the calling which God has put on our hearts. It's through this humble mindset that we can more easily recognize that voice within that reminds us of our own

(Continues on Page 4, Column 2...)


The Communicator

June, 2013

How to schedule your "Temple Talk"

St. Paul's MATS and organizations are welcome to give Temple Talks on Sunday mornings at the announcement time. These talks need to be scheduled with Becky in the Church Office (419893-0205) as there can only be one Temple Talk per Sunday.

That Sunday, please come prepared and have what you plan to say written down as Temple Talks need to be kept to no longer than 2-3 minutes and are to be presented at all three worship services. Thank you.

There are two open

altar flower dates

in June

Sundays, June 23rd and 30th, are still open on our flower calendar. If you are interested in placing flowers on the altar on either of those Sundays, please call the church office (419-8930205). As a reminder, the cost is $20.00.

Health Matters (Continued from Page 3, Column 2)

unworthiness in God's sight. The Christ-like humility that comes in is an offshoot of our sincere appreciation for what Jesus has done for each of us.

I'm one that's big on striving toward having an attitude of gratitude as much as possible. I've noticed, inasmuch as I have this same kind of outlook each day, the Lord continues to bless me with a sense of fruitfulness as a result. Not in the way of gaining anything of personal benefit, but God provides me with a sense that the efforts of the day have resulted in something that transcends me, some good has happened that has benefited His Kingdom.

It never ceases to amaze me how eventually science so often ends up affirming the deepest truth and some of the greatest wisdom found in God's Word. In a November 2010 article in the Wall Street Journal there was an article that summarized some research done on the benefits of one having "an attitude of gratitude":

Adults who frequently feel grateful have more energy, more optimism, more social connections and more happiness than those who do not, according to studies conducted over the past decade. They're also less likely to be depressed, envious, greedy, or alcoholics. They earn more money, sleep more soundly, exercise more regularly, and have greater resistance to viral infections.

Now, researchers are finding that gratitude brings similar benefits in children and adolescents. [Studies also show that] kids who feel and act grateful tend to be less materialistic, get better grades, set higher goals, complain of fewer headaches and stomach aches, and feel more satisfied with their friends, families, and schools than those who don't.

This article was quite timely for the Thanksgiving holiday that year. It rightly concluded that one's choice of the type of attitude taken into each new day is vital to our well-being. It is critically important to our ongoing health. The piece then concludes that we would be far better off to be more consciously aware of the impact of our daily attitudes beyond the holidays.

(Continues on Page 5, Column 1...)

June, 2013

The Communicator


Health Matters (Continued from Page 4, Column 2)

As citizens of heaven living temporarily on this earth, it is good for us to enter each day mindful of what is most important--and that is what qualifies us beyond today for a continued citizenship in God's Kingdom. In essence, it is our attitude toward the righteousness and holiness we find solely in our Lord Jesus Christ. It's all about our humility and our gratitude.

"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus..." PHP 2:1-5 Amen?!

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."

--Winston Churchill

Children's Ministry Summer Schedule


Nursery and preschool children will continue to meet in their rooms across the Gathering Space from the Sanctuary. Children who are currently in the Kindergarten class (4 & 5 year olds) and Kingdom Quest (grades 1-4) will begin the service with their families in the sanctuary. At the beginning of the Pastor's sermon, these kids will be dismissed to "Kids Church". They will go down to the Fellowship Hall for a time of teaching, games and/or crafts that will follow the same theme as "Big Church". The children will return to the sanctuary during the closing worship song to find their families. Activity Bags will be available outside the sanctuary doors for kids attending the worship service. A sign-up sheet for volunteer help is located on the Welcome desk. Two volunteers are needed each Sunday to be an extra pair of eyes and hands during "Kids Church". No teaching is required. Kids Church begins Sunday June 2 and runs through the end of August.

11:00 SERVICE:

Nursery care will be provided all summer. Kingdom Kids will also be offered all summer for kids 4 years old through 4th grade. Kids begin in the sanctuary with their families and are dismissed to Kingdom Kids before the lessons are read.


Kingdom Rock Family VBS will be held Sunday, August 4 ? Thursday, August 7, from 6:30-8:30 pm. Watch the Messenger for more details coming later this summer!

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers -- so many caring people in this world.

--Fred Rogers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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