Testimonials - Sofislife


Relief from Sinus Infections and Bronchitis

May, 2002 - Before Beta Glucans I was s ick with either sinus infection or chronic bronchitis every other m onth. If s om eone I was in contact with had a cold, I was bound to catch it. Especially teaching in s chool with lots of children around, I was getting sick often. I could never get over the infection/cold. The colds would progress so quick that I would have bronchitis in 3 days and 3 days later be progressing to pneumonia. I could not beat a cold/infection without being on an antibiotic. I was on antibiotics so much that I was building up a resistance to them. At one point I had to be on 1800m g a day. I bas ically could not fight any colds /infections on m y own.

Since I been on Beta Glucans , I have not had a single sinus infection or any bad colds . For the first tim e in 30 years , I did not get bronchitis in January. I use to always get sick in January and April. I am an asthm atic or should I s ay was an asthmatic until I started taking Beta Glucans. I am no longer on an inhaler or steroid. I consider Beta Glucans, a miracle drug. I take two every day and will continue this regim ent as long as I live. I feel great.

Irma O'Connell, Acworth, Georgia

Lung Cancer Tumor Shrinks

Reported on Septem ber 28, 2000, Interviewed by Haru Mizuno I had a lung cancer and the tum or size was 3.5cm . I took the first round of chem otherapy for consecutive 5 days s tarting August 27th. Since then, I had had pain in m y arm as a side effect of chem otherapy. My younger s ister found a book for Beta-1,3-D glucan and was shocked page by page in the book. She was guided by the Institute (author of the book) to Taiyo Bussan and she im m ediately purchased a bottle of Beta Glucan (500m g 60 capsules). She sent m e the bottle with an instruction that "You should take 3 capsules a day". I (fortunately after all) m isunderstood her instruction and s tarted Beta Glucan 3 times a day, 3 capsules each time (9 capsules of 500mg a day). I continued the same dose for 5 days (Sept 19th to Sept 24th). My arm pain was disappeared. By chance, I was appointed by the hos pital to have CT s can check for m y tum or on Sept 25th. Both m y doctor and I were as tonis hed at the CT s can film s . Becaus e, the we could not find the colony of tum or in m y lung but could find only a thin contour in the place where we expected to find the 3.5cm tumor. I was supposed to take second round of harm ful chem otherapy which costs $100.00 per shot along with im m unotherapy with Lentinan twice a day which costs $50.00 per shot throughout the stay in the hospital. Thos e costs were after m edical ins urance. But, I did not expect clear im provem ent in m y lung cancer. Only 5 days with 4,500m gs beta a day! (although the dos e am ount was m y m isunders tandings ), I found (also m y doctor found) that the tum or was alm os t away from m y lung. I appreciate m y sister, I appreciate the book and I m os t appreciate "Beta Glucan"!

Sayuri Miyanaga, 30 years old women, lived in Saitama Pref., Japan

Relief of symptoms from Systemic Lupus

Three years ago when I was 22, I was diagnosed with systemic lupus. I don't have a lot of symptoms except that I do get sick quite often and s om etim es I feel really run down. Lupus just sucks m y energy away. Being as young as I am , I exercise and I'm a vegetarian so I should have a lot more energy.

My bos s kept telling m e I needed to try beta glucan. I was getting m onthly s inus infections and then I got som e s ort of flu s train that was jus t awful. I knew people who had this flu and they were in the hospital with IVs .

So I finally took m y bos s 's advice and s tarted taking beta glucan. Just a few days after starting on beta glucan I felt 100 tim es better. I have s een a s ignificant change in m y energy level as well. Beta glucan actually even decreased m y appetite, which is a good thing. And I'm able to think m ore clearly as far as thinking on m y feet or doing a lot of critical thinking ? which is a requirem ent of m y job.

When I don't feel good and I'm really tired, it's hard to m otivate m yself m entally and physically. Beta glucan really helped with both of those. Beta glucan has given m e som e peace of m ind, and I really feel like it's giving m e the boos t I need.

Susan Kulonda, Orlando, Florida

Freedom from Colds

I have always been in good, general health, but I was often getting colds and flu. I began taking beta glucan about a year ago and I noticed positive changes in just a couple of weeks. I was hoping that it would im prove m y im m une s ys tem in order to com bat colds and it has done s o very well.

I travel a lot by air and often develop a nasty cold, sore throat or flu a few days after flying, which is very inconvenient when I have m eetings to attend. After taking beta glucan I have had only one cold in the las t year and that was not as severe as previous ones. If you travel a lot and have the same problem I would recommend taking beta glucan. I also noticed s om e unexpected benefits like healing from m osquito bites within an hour as opposed to a day or two. The freedom from illness has im proved m y life.

Richard Guile

Root Canal Infection

I had a root canal done four years ago and since then I kept suffering from an undiagnosed infection that left me hous ebound for four years . I was s o sick that m y left kidney s topped functioning in Chris tm as of 1999. I was having adrenal failure all from a high white blood count infection. I also had two sinus surgeries, but I was still miserable. And nobody could pinpoint what was going on.

I was finally referred to a dentis t who believed that the root-canalled tooth was the source of m y problem s and was willing to take it out. But he had me start taking beta glucan before taking out the tooth.

At that point I had been taking a prescription painkiller every 3 to 4 hours for jaw pain. But I had run out of it and felt too bad to go to the pharm acy to pick up another pres cription. So I had been taking codeine at night just for the pain. After the beta glucan cam e, I rem em ber taking two of them in the afternoon and that night I put m y codeine out to take before I went to bed. I got up the next morning and I realized I had not taken the codeine. And I have not had one painkiller since because m y jaw does n't hurt anym ore. For the firs t tim e in four years I was able to go to church, go s hopping, and jus t do norm al things. I have been going ever since. Beta glucan really m ade a dram atic difference. I will be without food before I will be without a bottle of beta glucan.

Mary Gerrald, Manning, South Carolina

Benefits of a Healty Immune System

I have rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson's disease. So was looking for help when I acquired knowledge about beta glucan while researching on the internet in 1999.

I had no expectation for beta glucan. But I noticed a change in m y general health within one week after us ing beta glucan. And I noticed an im m ediate im provem ent in m y s kin. I have less pain and m y recovery tim e from physical exertion is s horter. My allergies to pollen and other yearly allergies have com pletely dis appeared as well.

I've had one cold s ince s tarting m y daily beta glucan regim en, and it was the m ildes t cold I ever had. It was m ore like an annoyance than a cold, and it only las ted 2 days .

Last month after working in the garden and doing a lot of kneeling down ? something I should never do because I'm a candidate for total knee replacem ents ? one of m y legs from the knee down becam e inflam ed and edem atous . It appeared to be som e sort of cellulite infection and within hours had spread from m y knee down to m y ankle.

I us ed som e beta glucan and the res ults were am azing! I could actually s ee the redness s tart to disappear and the whole area cleared up within three days.

I can't im agine going a day without us ing beta glucan for protection and for pain relief for m y joints , back, and neck. I highly recom m end beta glucan to everyone. Beta glucan should be taken every day to m aintain a healthy im m une s ys tem and safely prevent natural and m anm ade toxins that initiate diseas e proces ses.

Bob Guidice, Kentfield, Califormia


In 1998 I was diagnos ed with breas t cancer. I had s urgery, chem otherapy and radiation to fight it. I am still on a highdose chem otherapy treatm ent, but I have been cancer-free for three years.

In the m eantim e I developed a very rare blood dis order called m yleofibros is . My doctors believe I got it from doing so much chemotherapy. Myleofibrosis is scar tissue in the bone marrow. Bone marrow should be spongy, but mine is very brittle. I refer to it as s om ething like a clogged sink. My body m akes all the cells I need, but they get clogged in m y bone m arrow.

I have blood drawn three tim es a week and m y hand is the only place where anyone can get a vein. Som etim es it would take s om eone three to four s tabs to get blood. So m y hand started looking really old with all this seeping blood underneath.

I went to a health food store and I looked up support for myleofibrosis. And there in the immune deficiencies was beta glucan. I found all this different inform ation and gave it to m y doctor. She read it and told m e s he had no problem with m e trying beta glucan.

I s tarted taking beta glucan and within jus t a couple of days I looked down at m y hand and all that dead blood was gone. I don't see any seeping anym ore.

Now when they draw m y blood three tim es every week, they can actually get the needle into a vein the first tim e. I would say that nine out of ten tim es they get the needle in im m ediately.

So I take m y beta glucan every day. I won't go without it. I really won't.

Joan Hill, California

Menieres Disease

I have always been in pretty good health, but like anyone els e, I s till catch a cold or flu every once in a while. I was n't feeling well when a friend gave me beta glucan to try. I wasn't sure what beta would do, but I tried it anyway. Three days later I couldn't believe the results . I felt better beyond m y expectations .

Now if I ever do catch a cold or flu, I can get rid of it in a day or two instead of a week or two. Bes ides that, I don't get s ick as often. Everyone should take beta glucan if for no other reason than to keep colds and flu at a minimum.

I've found that beta glucan is extrem ely helpful for other things, too. I have developed Menieres Disease, which affects the ears and can cause deafness, ringing in the ears, dizziness, and nausea. The first time I showed complications from the disease I tripled m y dose of beta glucan and within three days the sym ptom s subsided. The sym ptom s stayed away for a full year, and when the symptoms recurred I started taking more beta. In a week's time I was showing no symptoms again!

I will absolutely continue taking beta glucan.

Chris Njirich

Scars Healing, Radiant Skin

ALTHEA TAYLOR * I'm entering m y fifties and I wanted to m ake s ure that I could prevent any problem s with m y health. Although I had fairly good health, I'd had s om e accidents that caus ed a lot of s car tiss ue on m y face. I didn't like the s car on m y eye becaus e it took away from m y appearance.

I found out about beta glucan when a cus tom er cam e in to m y health food s tore. She told m e, and I learned from other sources too, that taking beta glucan could reconnect and regenerate tissues.

Beta glucan m ade m y skin and m y overall body look radiant. My scars are healing. They're getting s m aller and s m aller. The s car that was on m y eye had gathered up m y s kin in the corner. I kept us ing the beta glucan and one night I felt s om ething pop on the s ide of m y eye. The tis s ue popped loose and m y eye went back to norm al shape.

I also had a scar on m y jaw. It left a hard knot that is now gone. The vis ible scar was about half an inch and now it's down to the width of m y little finger. And childhood scars that I had on m y legs and the stretch m arks I got from pregnancy are all disappearing as well.

I'm m uch happier now becaus e I don't have the s cars on m y face. I feel good and not jus t because m y scars are disappearing. I feel good all over thanks to beta glucan.

Althea Taylor, Coral Hills, Maryland

Eczema Under Control

I wanted to talk jus t a little bit about beta glucan and what it has done for m e. I suffer from eczem a of m y hands , wris ts and stomach area. When I first ordered Beta Glucan, I wanted it for another condition for which I suffer that I'll tell you about in another em ail. I have happily dis covered that when I com m enced m y regim en with beta glucan, I noticed that m y eczema disappeared, which was at an acute stage then.

Through experim entation with the s upplem ent, I stopped taking it and, low and behold, m y eczem a cam e back, not as

strong but it did com e back about a m onth after not taking the beta glucan. When I began to take it again, m y eczem a dried up and I am now eczema free.

Thanks to beta glucan, I don't have to s uffer the em barras sm ent of thos e ugly dry and darkened areas of m y s kin. Anyone who suffers from eczem a really should stay on beta glucan. Now, I'm not sure how long I will have to keep using it, but I realize that not only does it help m y eczem a, but I have not been s ick one day s ince us ing it. Everyone in m y household was sick with the dreadful virus going around this winter but not me and I hold beta glucan responsible for newly developed strong im m une sys tem . I'm a true believer...

A Davis , Atlanta, Georgia

Kidney Failure Headed Off

I am living proof that your product works ! In March of 1995, m y cholesterol was at 325. My fam ily doctor started m e on a s trict diet, but m y choles terol level was s till ris ing. By Augus t 1995, m y feet and legs were swelling very badly. My doctor said it was just part of aging and being a fem ale. In Novem ber of 1995, after pushing m y doctor for an answer, he finally s ent m e for an ultra s ound tes t on m y legs . There was no blockage, and m y doctor could give m e no ans wers. Finally, in December of the same year, I changed doctors!

My new doctors ran tes ts and found a big kidney problem . He s ent m e to a Nephrologist. In March of 1996, a biopsy revealed Mem branous Glom erulo-Nephritis . The doctor s aid I would likely have kidney failure within five years. He wanted m e to take two cancer drugs and Prednisone to see if this would help m y situation. I did not want to take this s tep unles s I abs olutely had to.

By the tim e I heard about Dr. Rozem a and Dr. Shortt, m y choles terol level was 506 and Triglycerides were 1816. New tes ts revealed that I had food allergies and m ercury toxicity. In July 1996, I m et Dr. Tate. Together we have been working on m y problem s ever s ince.

Dr. Tate started m e on Beta-1, 3-D Glucan in May 1997. Since then m y cholesterol is down m ore than 100 points and triglycerides are half from last year! Best of all, m y feet and legs are alm ost down to norm al. The swelling in m y face and hands are com pletely gone. I no longer have to wear long dres ses to hide m y feet and legs.

My Album en went from a very low 1.4 to 2.5. Norm al range is 2.9 to 5.5. My total blood work has im proved im m ens ely! My s trength has im proved 100%. No longer do I get worn out from cleaning the house.

Thank you for this wonderful product and a very special thanks for a very caring Dr. Tate!

Betty Jean Inm an

Skin Cancer Vanished

Two years ago I was diagnos ed with s kin cancer. A tum or was rem oved very s hortly afterward. Nine m onths later the tum or reappeared and was very s ore to the touch. For several m onths I took nutritional products to try to rid m ys elf of the cancer. Nothing s eem ed to work. I once again was considering surgery to rem ove the tum or. It was then that I was introduce to your product Beta Glucan. After taking it for about four weeks , to m y am azem ent the cancer had com pletely dis appeared.

Thanks for a great product!

Billy Ledford


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