Master of Research in Medicine (MRes[Med]) 2014-2015 – Research Topics

|Area & Topic of Research |Supervisor(s) |Department(s) |

|Cancer | | |

|Biology of human mesenchymal stem cells |Professor GCF Chan |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|Evaluate the efficacy and mechanisms of novel cytotoxic agents on |Professor GCF Chan |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|neurogenic tumours | | |

|Evaluation of biomarkers in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma |Dr KW Chan |Pathology |

|The enigmatic epidemiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: decoding from the |Dr WYH Chan |School of Public Health |

|molecular to the lifestyle level |Professor TH Lam | |

|Genetic and cell biological studies of gynaecological cancers and |Professor ANY Cheung |Pathology |

|gestational trophoblastic disease: Exploration for molecular biomarkers of| | |

|clinical use | | |

|Investigating the role of SoxE genes (Sox8, Sox9 and Sox10) in tumor |Dr MCH Cheung |Anatomy |

|metastatsis | | |

|Investigation of novel therapeutic agents for Epstein-Barr virus |Dr AKS Chiang |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|(EBV)-associated malignancies | | |

|Small Rho GTPases in cancer metastasis |Dr YP Ching |Anatomy |

|Molecular biology of gastric adenocarcinoma |Professor KM Chu |Surgery |

|Molecular biology of gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) |Professor KM Chu |Surgery |

|Molecular mechanism of HBV and EBV oncogenesis |Professor DY Jin |Biochemistry |

|The Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer |Professor US Khoo |Pathology |

|Biomarkers and chemoresistance in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma |Professor SYK Law |Surgery |

|(ESCC) | | |

|What is the origin of human leukemia? Leukemia stem cells and their |Professor AYH Leung |Medicine |

|regulation | | |

|Novel treatment approach for chemoresistant malignant glioma |Dr GKK Leung |Surgery |

|Identification of novel oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes involved in |Professor SY Leung |Pathology |

|gastrointestinal cancer development and stem cell regulation based on gene| | |

|expression profiling, chromosomal copy number profiling and epigenetic | | |

|studies in genomics scale | | |

|Liver regeneration of marginal graft after liver transplantation – stem |Professor CM Lo |Surgery |

|cells and tissue repair |Professor K Man | |

|Liver regeneration of marginal graft after liver transplantation – stem | | |

|cells and tumor recurrence | | |

|MicroRNA signatures linked to graft injury and tumor recurrence after |Professor CM Lo |Surgery |

|liver transplantation |Professor K Man | |

|Genomics approaches to the study of inherited genetic susceptibility to |Professor ML Lung |Clinical Oncology |

|nasopharyngeal and esophageal carcinomas development and the study of | | |

|tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) contributing to cancer pathogenesis | | |

|Biomolecular studies in gynaecological cancers |Professor HYS Ngan |Obstetrics & Gynaecology |

| |Dr DW Chan | |

|Molecular biology, angiogenesis and novel therapies for liver cancer |Professor RTP Poon |Surgery |

|Cellular and molecular biology of nasopharyngeal cancer |Professor GSW Tsao |Anatomy |

|Molecular basis of cell immortalization and malignant transformation |Professor GSW Tsao |Anatomy |

|Deducing oncogenic pathways of lung cancer through integrated analysis of |Dr JJW Wang |Biochemistry |

|next generation sequencing and GWAS data |Dr MP Wong |Pathology |

|Genome variations in the human 8q24 region and cancers |Dr JJW Wang |Biochemistry |

| |Dr MP Wong |Pathology |

|Study of caner stem cells as new targets of lung cancer therapy |Dr MP Wong |Pathology |

|Targeting ER-stress/Unfolded protein response as a means for annihilating |Dr NS Wong |Biochemistry |

|cancer cells | | |

|Heart, Brain, Hormone & Healthy Aging | | |

|Preventing late-life depression |Dr WC Chan |Psychiatry |

|Neural plasticity during motor learning and navigation |Professor YS Chan |Physiology |

|Molecular signaling of neuronal death in neurodegenerative diseases |Dr RCC Chang |Anatomy |

|Neuroprotective effects of Chinese medicine in neurodegenerative diseases |Dr RCC Chang |Anatomy |

|Early intervention for psychosis |Professor EYH Chen |Psychiatry |

|Effects of ketamine in post-operative pain, side effects, inflammation and|Dr CW Cheung |Anaesthesiology |

|oedema and chronic pain after bilateral third molar surgery under general | | |

|anaesthesia | | |

|Molecular mechanisms of calcium dysregulation in Alzheimer’s disease |Dr KH Cheung |Physiology |

|Functional brain mapping using high resolution electroencephalography |Professor RTF Cheung |Medicine |

|Heart rate variability and autonomic disturbances in stroke patients |Professor RTF Cheung |Medicine |

|Neuroprotection in rodent stroke models |Professor RTF Cheung |Medicine |

|Novel 4-dimensional Echocardiographic Evaluation of Cardiac Function in |Professor YF Cheung |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|Children with Congenital and Acquired Heart Diseases | | |

|Mood and sleep disorders |Dr KF Chung |Psychiatry |

|Pathogenesis of stroke |Professor SK Chung |Anatomy |

|Pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy |Professor SK Chung |Anatomy |

|Molecular mechanisms of dementia associated with aging-related diseases, |Professor SK Chung |Anatomy |

|Alzheimer’s and Multi-infarct | | |

|Pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy |Professor SK Chung |Anatomy |

|Molecular basis of neuronal mitochondria functions in normal aging and |Dr PWL Ho |Medicine |

|Parkinson’s disease using in vitro and in vivo experimental models |Professor SL Ho | |

|Cardiac rehabilitation: diet and exercise, risk and benefit |Dr Leonard Li |Medicine |

| |Professor HF Tse | |

|Assessment of cardiovascular risk in patients with inflammatory rheumatic |Professor CS Lau |Medicine |

|diseases | | |

|Possible links between nitric oxide, cellular transport, and Alzheimer’s |Dr ACK Law |Psychiatry |

|Disease | | |

|Putative neuroprotective properties of antidepressants in cognitively |Dr ACK Law |Psychiatry |

|impaired subjects | | |

|Effects of estrogen on the level and activity of adenylyl cyclase in the |Dr GPH Leung |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

|vasculature |Dr SWS Leung | |

|Effects of testosterone on the level and activity of Rho kinase in the |Dr SWS Leung |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

|vasculature |Professor RYK Man | |

|Cell-based intraocular drug delivery system |Dr ACY Lo |Ophthalmology |

|Neuroprotection in retinal and cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury |Dr ACY Lo |Ophthalmology |

|Pathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity |Dr ACY Lo |Ophthalmology |

|Effects of sex hormones on the development of diabetic-related vascular |Professor RYK Man |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

|dysfunction |Dr SWS Leung | |

|Perioperative coagulation problems |Professor JKF Ng |Anaesthesiology |

|Regenerate motor neurons from spinal cord stem cells |Professor MH Sham |Biochemistry |

|Evaluation of optic nerve damage in non-glaucoma and glaucoma subjects |Dr KC Shih |Ophthalmology |

|undergoing hemodialysis |Professor JSM Lai | |

|A Study on the Effect of Fluctuating Intraocular Pressure on Retinal |Dr KC Shih |Ophthalmology |

|Ganglion Cell Function and Survival |Dr JWY Lee | |

| |Dr ACY Lo | |

| |Professor JSM Lai | |

|The Development of a Novel Intra-arterial Mesenchymal Stem Cell Delivery |Dr KC Shih |Ophthalmology |

|System for Retinal Neuroprotection |Dr ACY Lo | |

| |Professor DSH Wong | |

|Stem cell-based therapy for post-traumatic regeneration of peripheral and |Professor DKY Shum |Biochemistry |

|central nervous systems |Professor YS Chan |Physiology |

|The role of prostaglandin E2 in metabolism |Dr EHC Tang |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

|1. Circulating stem cells in cardiovascular medicine |Professor HF Tse |Medicine |

|2. Outcome prediction of cardiac arrhythmias |Dr CW Siu | |

|3. Heart and hormones | | |

|4. Vascular function and diet | | |

|5. Genetic basic of cardiac arrhythmias and cardiomyopathy | | |

|6. Cardiac stem cell therapy | | |

|7. Modeling of heart disease with stem cell | | |

|Vascular protective functions of the anti-aging protein SIRT1 |Dr Y Wang |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

| |Professor PMGR Vanhoutte | |

|Child neurology (Autism) |Professor VCN Wong |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|Survival and regeneration of CNS neurons after spinal cord and peripheral |Professor WT Wu |Anatomy |

|nerve injury | | |

|Adipokines as diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets for |Professor AM Xu |Medicine |

|cardiovascular complications of obesity and diabetes |Professor PMGR Vanhoutte |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

|Roles of endogenous neural stem cells in neurological diseae and brain |Dr HKF Yip |Anatomy |

|repair | | |

|Role of calcium signaling in leukemic stem cells |Dr JB Yue |Physiology |

|Infection and Immunology | | |

|Stell Cell Immunology |Dr CWY Chan |Anatomy |

|The effects of beta-glucans on human immune system |Professor GCF Chan |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|Basic immunology and immunotherapeutic approaches for Epstein-Barr virus |Dr AKS Chiang |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|(EBV)-associated diseases | | |

|Interferon-antagonizing proteins encoded by human coronaviruses |Professor DY Jin |Biochemistry |

|Development of a novel disease activity state criterion for systemic lupus|Professor CS Lau |Medicine |

|erythematosus (SLE) | | |

|Validation of clinical and radiological assessment of spondyloarthritis |Professor CS Lau |Medicine |

|- Susceptibility genes in SLE |Professor YL Lau |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|- Primary immunodeficiencies | | |

|Lymphopoiesis and apoptosis in the development of autoimmune diseases |Professor LW Lu |Pathology |

|Development of Nucleic Acid Aptamers for Therapeutics and Diagnostics |Dr JA Tanner |Biochemistry |

|Viral infection and cellular stress response mechanisms |Dr NS Wong |Biochemistry |

|Novel pathogen discovery and microbial genomics |Professor PCY Woo |Microbiology |

|Public Health | | |

|Understanding healthcare decisions in older adults with mental health |Dr WC Chan |Psychiatry |

|problems | | |

|Cognitive neuropsychology and psychopathology of psychotic disorders |Professor EYH Chen |Psychiatry |

|Epidemiology and prognostic factors for peptic ulcer perforation |Professor KM Chu |Surgery |

|Communicable disease and environmental risk perception |Professor R Fielding |School of Public Health |

|Environmental health risk factors in Hong Kong |Professor R Fielding |School of Public Health |

|Psychosocial aspects of cancer care |Professor R Fielding |School of Public Health |

| |Dr WWT Lam | |

|Obesity and physical activity in students |Dr DSY Ho |School of Public Health |

|Evaluation of Quality of Care of Multidisciplinary Risk Factor Assessment |Professor CLK Lam |Family Medicine & Primary Care |

|and Management Programme (RAMP) for patients with hypertension in primary | | |

|care | | |

|Clinical and molecular epidemiology of cardiovascular disease |Professor TH Lam |School of Public Health |

| |Professor HF Tse |Medicine |

|Internet-based preventive interventions to enhance family |Professor TH Lam |School of Public Health |

|harmony/resiliency in the Hong Kong Family Project | | |

|Molecular epidemiology study in Guangzhou |Professor TH Lam |School of Public Health |

| |Dr CQ Jiang | |

|Tobacco control in Hong Kong and China Mainland |Professor TH Lam |School of Public Health |

|Using syndromic surveillance data to improve preparedness to surge in |Dr EHY Lau |School of Public Health |

|emergency department demand | | |

|Therapeutic efficacies of psychotropic drugs for Axis I psychiatric |Dr ACK Law |Psychiatry |

|disorders in Hong Kong | | |

|The prevalence of major Axis I psychiatric disorders in Hong Kong |Dr ACK Law |Psychiatry |

|FAMILY Cohort: Exploring factors related to Health, Happiness and/or |Dr MY Ni |School of Public Health |

|Harmony |Dr H Pang | |

| |Professor TH Lam | |

| |Professor GM Leung | |

|Life course influences on health |Dr CM Schooling |School of Public Health |

|Promotion of respiratory health by improving awareness of environmental |Dr CM Wong |School of Public Health |

|exposure to air toxics among school children |Dr HK Lai | |

| |Dr DKM Ip | |

|Public health effects of air pollution on mortality and admissions to |Dr CM Wong |School of Public Health |

|hospitals |Dr TQ Thach | |

|Entering into the new era of Electronic Health Record (eHR) in Hong Kong: |Dr WCW Wong |Family Medicine and Primary Care |

|A population-based study of public attitudes and concerns towards eHR | | |

|To Determine Prevalence and Contextual Risk Factors of Sexually |Dr WCW Wong |Family Medicine and Primary Care |

|Transmitted Infections in Hong Kong | | |

|Reproduction, Development and Growth | | |

|Biology of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) |Professor GCF Chan |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|Genetic manipulation in vivo and in vitro to study neuron function |Dr SY Chan |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|Developmental studies on mouse mutants with inner ear defects |Professor KSE Cheah |Biochemistry |

|Identifying gene regulatory regions in the genome by a literature network |Professor KSE Cheah |Biochemistry |

|approach |Dr B Wong | |

|Role of Sox2 in regulation the stemness of dermal precursors |Professor KSE Cheah |Biochemistry |

|The molecular basis of skeletal dysphasia caused by mutations in Sox9 |Professor KSE Cheah |Biochemistry |

|Intervertebral disc regeneration by allogenic mesenchymal stem cells |Professor KMC Cheung |Orthopaedics & Traumatology |

| |Professor D Chan |Biochemistry |

| |Dr VYL Leung | |

|Analysis of human genetic mutations in patients with growth disorders |Dr PT Cheung |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

| |Professor LCK Low | |

|Development of RNAi technology for functional genomics and drug discovery |Professor DY Jin |Biochemistry |

|Oviductal Secretory Proteins on Embryo Development |Dr CKF Lee |Obstetrics & Gynaecology |

| |Professor WSB Yeung | |

|How are blood cells produced at the beginning of life? Regulation of |Professor AYH Leung |Medicine |

|primitive and definitive hematopoiesis based on the zebrafish model | | |

|Genetic causes of poor ovarian responses to gonadotrophin |Professor EHY Ng |Obstetrics & Gynaecology |

|Live-cell Imaging analysis of abnormal cell migration in enteric nervous |Professor MH Sham |Biochemistry |

|system disorder | | |

|Genetic analysis of complex diseases |Professor PC Sham |Psychiatry |

| |Dr S Cherny | |

|Modulating protease activity in chronic lung inflammation |Professor DKY Shum |Biochemistry |

| |Professor MSM Ip |Medicine |

|Identifying susceptibility genes for degenerative disc disease and |Dr YQ Song |Biochemistry |

|scoliosis |Professor KMC Cheung |Orthopaedics & Traumatology |

| |Professor KDK Luk | |

|Developmental biology, genetics and pathology of Hirschsprung’s disease |Professor PKH Tam |Surgery |

|and related neural crest disorders |Dr VCH Lui | |

| |Dr MM Garcia-Barcelo | |

|Molecular basis of anorectal malformations |Professor PKH Tam |Surgery |

| |Dr MM Garcia-Barcelo | |

|Development of Nucleic Acid Aptamers for Therapeutics and Diagnostics |Dr JA Tanner |Biochemistry |

|How vitamin C influences stem cell differentiation |Dr JJW Wang |Biochemistry |

|Roles of microRNAs in endometrial cells during implantation |Professor WSB Yeung |Obstetrics & Gynaecology |

|Role of MTI-MMP in regulating stem cell self-renewal and differentiation |Dr ZJ Zhou |Biochemistry |

|Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine |

|Modeling Monogenic Vascular Diseases with Human induced pluripotent stem |Professor KR Boheler |Physiology |

|cells | | |

|Surfaceome studies of human induced pluripotent stem cell derived |Professor KR Boheler |Physiology |

|cardiomyocytes | | |

|Promoting maturation of engineered human embryonic stem cells-based heart |Dr WWY Keung |Physiology |

|tissues | | |

|Functionality of engineered human pluripotent stem cell-based cardiac |Dr MCW Kong |Physiology |

|microtissue | | |

|Modeling Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)-associated Cardiomyopathy with |Dr MCW Kong |Physiology |

|Patient-specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-derived Cardiomyocytes | | |

|(iPSC-CMs) | | |

|Modelling inheritary arrhythmias using human pluripotent stem cells |Professor RA Li |Physiology |

|Pluripotent Stem Cell-based Human Heart Tissue Engineering |Professor RA Li |Physiology |

|Others | | |

|The use of mobile devices (such as iPhones or note book computers) in PBL |Dr LK Chan |Anatomy |

|Disciplinary actions against doctors for professional misconduct in Hong |Dr TK Chan |Anatomy |

|Kong, Singapore, and United Kingdom |Dr GL Tipoe | |

|Pathogenic mechanisms of fibrosis in the kidney and other organs |Professor TM Chan |Medicine |

| |Dr S Yung | |

|Immuno-pathogenetic mechanisms in kidney disease of systemic lupus |Professor TM Chan |Medicine |

|erythematous |Dr S Yung | |

|Developing the gene-knockdown epithelial model for the airway infection |Dr JH Chen |Physiology |

|study | | |

|A retrospective study to assess the safety of postoperative acute pain |Dr CW Cheung |Anaesthesiology |

|service: change over the last decade | | |

|A comparison of patient-controlled propofol sedation with |Dr CW Cheung |Anaesthesiology |

|patient-controlled propofol and ketamine sedation |Professor MG Irwin | |

|Clinical studies in chronic low back pain |Professor KMC Cheung |Orthopaedics & Traumatology |

| |Professor KDK Luk | |

|School screening for scoliosis |Dr WY Cheung |Orthopaedics & Traumatology |

|Genomic analysis of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) sequences in EBV infection |Dr AKS Chiang |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

|and associated malignant diseases | | |

|Clinical electrophysiology in orthopaedics |Dr Y Hu |Orthopaedics & Traumatology |

|Intraoperative spinal evoked potential monitoring |Dr Y Hu |Orthopaedics & Traumatology |

|Biomechanical testing of new hand implants and prosthesis |Dr WY Ip |Orthopaedics & Traumatology |

|Motion analysis and electromyography of upper limb in neurological |Dr WY Ip |Orthopaedics & Traumatology |

|conditions | | |

|Propofol Keo |Professor MG Irwin |Anaesthesiology |

| |Dr GTC Wong | |

|Development of buccal/nasal drug delivery system for paediatric and |Dr PCL Kwok |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

|emergency medications |Dr JKW Lam | |

|The investigation of RNAi therapy against infectious diseases: from drug |Dr JKW Lam |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

|delivery aspects | | |

|Neuroprotection for brain injury |Dr GKK Leung |Surgery |

|Bone cement and biomaterial application |Professor WW Lu |Orthopaedics & Traumatology |

|Bone Nano structure and Nano Biomechanics |Professor WW Lu |Orthopaedics & Traumatology |

|Screening of natural products or Chinese herbal medicines in the |Dr JCW Mak |Medicine |

|management of cigarette smoke-induced lung injury using an animal model | | |

|Generation of patient specific induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) from |Professor PKH Tam |Surgery |

|patient with Hirschsprung’s (HSCR) disease |Dr ESW Ngan | |

|The effects of an alpha 2 receptor agonist on perioperative renal function|Dr GTC Wong |Anaesthesiology |

| |Professor MG Irwin | |

|Analysis of cardiac glycoside content of native HKSAR Strophanthus species|Dr AJ Worsley |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

| |Dr S Dufay | |

|Analysis of Tuliposide content of Tulipa genus, and subsequent contact |Dr AJ Worsley |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

|allergen properties |Dr S Dufay | |

|Quantification of quality and quantification of active constituents in |Dr AJ Worsley |Pharmacology & Pharmacy |

|several Traditional Chinese medicines purchased in HKSAR |Dr S Dufay | |

|Analysis of genomic data for clinical diagnosis and personalized treatment|Dr WL Yang |Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine |

| |Professor YL Lau | |

March 5, 2014


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