MESSENGER - Pritchard at South End Church


Volume 54 Issue 7

July 2019

Monday, August 5-Friday, August 9

Cost: $250 (Deadline to register is July 15)

MANDATORY PARENT/CAMPER MEETING: Sunday, July 28 at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall

Rev. Bobby Morrow



There are periods of time in every church's life where the congregation and staff need a spiritual boost, a revival of the original joy that we first had when we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. For some of us, there needs to be a return to the commitment we made when we realized the depth of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. If we were still the church of 30 years ago, we would schedule a revival. A revival was a series of services led by a visiting Pastor that was designed to help us evaluate our current level of spiritual fervor. It was meant to challenge us to recommit our lives to Christ and to bring those who don't know Jesus into a saving relationship with Him. We have discovered though, in recent years, that it no longer fits the lifestyle of today's families. Family schedules and commitments make it impossible to get a significant number of church members to commit to attend multiple services. Living in the city of Charlotte makes that even more difficult: traffic, competing events, etc.

So how is it that we can accomplish what the revival did years ago in the church? Our staff believes that one of those ways is through the study of "Experiencing God." Stan, Kristen and I are leading an overview of the course this summer on Wednesday nights. This is in an effort to let you see the potential that taking the "Experiencing God" course can have in helping us to grow spiritually. We believe this 13 week course has the possibility of igniting a fire in our congregation. The reason we can all three say that, is that it has lit a fire in our lives in the past. Each of us participated in "Experiencing God" at different times in our lives and it had a profound effect on us. During our time together on Wednesday nights, we will discuss what we are learning. Each participant will have a workbook that provides a daily devotional. Supplemental material by Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby and Claude King will challenge us to look at our relationship with God in a new way.

We believe this course can have a profound effect on our church and it's mission. We believe that with the spiritual awakening of many of us, God will use that to bless Pritchard. I know He will also use that to bless us personally. We want as many of our members as possible to take this course. Because of that, we are going to offer it at multiple times. Our August Messenger will contain a listing of all of the times that this course will be offered. I pray that you will make a commitment now to participate in whatever times fits your schedule. This can be life changing for our church.

I want to emphasize that taking this course will call for a commitment and a sacrifice on your behalf. I want to assure you though, that it will be worth the time, effort and energy that you put into it. God has made it clear that He wants us to make our relationship with Him the number one priority in our life. If we do that, we can experience blessings that we would receive no other way in this life. Will you show Him that you are willing to make the sacrifice to grow spiritually? I'm expecting more people to be enrolled in this course than any other course we have offered in my 14 years here at Pritchard. I hope you will commit to making that come true!

In His Love,

Blessing of the Backpacks

On August 25th, we will be observing something that has become tradition for us at Pritchard, the Blessing of the Backpacks. During this service, we pray for all of our students, teachers, administrators and school personnel asking God to bless them during the new school year. We also invite our ministry partner, Barringer Academic Center to join us on that Sunday. We have many families from Barringer and a large number of teachers with us in worship.

It has also become tradition for us to collect school supplies and backpacks during the summer to be presented to Barringer on that day. We want to get an early start on collection this year. Collection bins are available now for you to drop your supplies in when you come to church. The Missions Committee wants to encourage our congregation to collect our largest number of supplies ever in anticipation of this special day. In addition to school supplies, we will collect socks and underwear. These turn out to be useful items for the school to have on hand during the year. Add school supplies to your shopping list and help us to make our annual Blessing of the Backpacks our best ever!

2019 Scholarship Awards

We extend congratulations to the following seniors for their achievements at church and school: ? Carolyn Bryant Scholarship was awarded to Garrett Elder. ? Carolyn Bryant Scholarship was awarded to Grace Grady. ? Arzelle Mitchell/Claude Harris Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Ashley Sipe. ? Mary Hendrick Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Jordan Sykes. ? Jack & Margaret Gilbert Scholarship was awarded to Ashley Sipe. ? Jack & Margaret Gilbert Scholarship was also awarded to the following college student: Madison Walker.

We wish our seniors well as they pursue the education that will help them meet their career goals.

Note of Thanks

To the Pritchard Family, We want to thank you for your help and kindness to our

family during the past weeks. The service for Bill Bigger was a real blessing to Leigh and us.

May God bless you, Dan and Sara Thompson and Family

Rev. Kristen Tucker

Associate Pastor, Spiritual Development

and Communication


HAPPY SUMMER TO YOU ALL! We are so excited to offer a "special studies" option on Sunday mornings (9:1510:10 AM) for the month of July and August. This would (like we have done the last 3 years) take place during the SS hour where any adult can attend. It integrates all ages and really has been a great experience. We will be meeting in Williams 306-310 each morning and hope you will join us, whether you are currently in a class or not! Below is the list of who is teaching each Sunday:

July 7 ? Wayne Ballard July 14 ? Millie Creech July 21 ? Keith Davis July 28 ? Amanda Beatty August 4 ? Ken Edahl August 11 ? Tim Stewart August 18 ? Jeff Rogers August 25 ? Rick Kisiah

Camp Ridgecrest

Want to come for lunch or dinner? If you are coming up for a meal at camp, please call the church office by Wednesday, July 31. We need a headcount for meal purposes.

If you have fresh fruits or vegetables (especially cucumbers and tomatoes), please consider donating them to the campers who are going to Ridgecrest. You may bring your `goodies' to the church office no later than Sunday, August 4 as the campers leave by 9:00 AM Monday, August 5. Thank you in advance!

WMU Festival of Tables & Annual Meeting

This special event will take place Saturday, August 3 at 9:30 AM at the Metrolina Baptist Association (1324 The Plaza, Charlotte, NC 28205). Guest speaker will be Phyllis Elliott Elvington and musical guest will be Jacob Garcia. Don't forget to bring your Bible! Donations will be received for the Heck-Jones Offering which helps support the missions and ministries of WMU NC. Contact Marilyn Billmeyer (704-525-3986) or Lisia Shaw (704-900-9857) if you would like to attend.

Rev. Stan Heiser

Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care & Senior Adults


It can happen in the smallest of moments....when your

child reaches up to hold your hand; when a shooting star flashes across the night sky; when you wake up and realize you have several more hours you can sleep. These little everyday events light up your heart and your face, and another miracle smile!

But did you know that all of these precious life moments hidden throughout your day are not mere accidents or even coincidences? You have a heavenly Father who has giftwrapped each of these treasures for you to discover. Why? Because your delight makes God smile.

In fact, you make God smile! On your up days and your down; on good hair days and bad; when you're serving and singing and blessing others; and when you feel like hiding from the rest of the world. God's answer to you is always yes! So no matter what today holds, remember your Father is holding you in His everlasting arms....and smile! Because God already is. Always remember....WHEN GOD THINKS OF YOU...HE SMILES!!!!

Special thanks to ALL who helped make our NCBAM Celebration a big success!

Thank you to our staff who jumped in and helped in so many ways, making my job in hosting more relaxing. Thank you to those who were greeters throughout our campus with a smiling face, a warm welcome and a helpful spirit to get our guests where they needed to be Monday night. Thank you to Sandy Childers and her decorating team for making the Fellowship Hall look as beautiful as any 5-star restaurant in Charlotte. Thank you to David Crowell, Chris Wallace and David Bailes for running the sound and video in the Sanctuary making everything sound great! Thank you to our Sunago Singers, under the leadership of Nona Thompson and Lori Williams, for their presentation on Tuesday morning that made everyone want to join them in singing. The evaluations that NCBAM received shared how wonderful all of you were. Several said "we have heard Stan share glowingly about the staff and members of his church for many years. We thought he was speaking ministerially. Now we have seen firsthand that everything he has ever said is true...and then some!" I am so proud of all of you and I love you for being you!!!!

SummerFest Week 2: August 12-16 Come join the fun and inspiration of SummerFest at Fort

Caswell Coastal Retreat and Conference Center. Thirty-two (continued in next column....)

of our members did in May, even a couple of them will be returning in August because they want to do it all over again! So far, I have 22 signed up to go in August. You probably have heard some of the wonderful stories of the week already. The cost is $340 per person. Half of that is due now. Contact me if you have any questions. For those who have already signed up, you will be receiving a letter from me at the end of July with all the information you need to have a great week there!

Have a wonderful summer Blessings, Stan

Ever wish your spouse came with an instruction manual?

"He doesn't listen to me..." "I don't understand her..." "We know we could do more with our marriage."

If you've ever found yourself saying things like these, you're invited to spend an evening with Enneagram experts, Beth and Jeff McCord, so you can begin to understand why you both naturally respond the way you do.

With an astonishing kind of clarity through the lens of the Enneagram and the Gospel, you'll leave with practical tools to help you avoid marital landmines and make the most of a marriage God wants for you.

Your date night includes three hours with Beth and Jeff as they give an honest - and often humorous - sneak peek into their own marital pitfalls to help you improve your own marriage. They break down the evening into four parts....An Overview of the Enneagram, A Look at How You've Been Communicating, A Path to Understanding Each Other Better, and Practical Tools for the Marriage You Want.

Make your reservations now for Saturday, July 27 from 6:00-9:00 PM (doors open at 5:30 PM) at Pritchard. Attendees will receive more than $60 in free bonuses and a free pre-release copy of the McCord's marriage book coming out in the fall. Use promo code PRITCHARD to get $5 off. Feel free to invite friends and family! For more information and to purchase individual, couples and VIP tickets, visit live.

Stewardship Committee Update

Pritchard Memorial Baptist Church Revenues & Expenses ? Summary

May 2019

MTD Actual

MTD Budget

YTD Actual

YTD Budget

Total Revenues Total Expenses Net Total

$103,097 $119,169 ($16,072)

$115,532 $133,139 ($17,607)

$599,750 $524,767 $74,983

$536,662 $571,110 ($34,448)

Pritchard Memorial showed a loss of $16,072 for the month of May. However, May is one of the two months we have 3 payrolls. Our year-to-date Net Total is a positive $74,983.

VBS Thank You

Thank you to everyone who made this VBS week so awesome!! We had awesome volunteers who did worship rally, registration, greeting, recreation, crafts, snacks and Bible story.

We averaged 79 kiddos and had a blast teaching them about Jesus. We also had the privilege of having some of our friends from Parkview Ministries join us as well.

Pray for the children who heard about the stories of Jesus and the gift of salvation for the first time; that these seeds of faith will take root and grow a harvest for God's glory. Pray for those who have heard it many times, that they will continue to grow deep roots of faith.

Blessings, Sherry Shaw

Make It Take It Camp

Monday, July 22-Thursday, July 25 9:00 AM-3:00 PM

For rising 1st grade - completed 5th grade Cost: $15. Register online!

Blanket America Ministries Pick-Up

Blanket America Ministries is scheduled to pick-up our donations Wednesday, July 31 at 9:00 AM. We should fill their large truck again, thanks to all who have donated items. We are still accepting donations through July. We will be closed the month of August, but will reopen Wednesday, September 4.

Upcoming Events:

? Tuesday, July 9: Carowinds, Taco `Bout It Tuesday, Dinner at Sabor ? Monday, July 15-Thursday, July 18: Youth Local Missions Week ? Tuesday, July 23: Taco `Bout It Tuesday, Dinner at Sabor ? Wednesday, July 24: Youth Missions Report (Youth Missions Week and SonPower presentation)

If you have questions or need more information, please contact Brack Ballard at 704-376-1571 ext. 111 or email him brackballard@

Quarterly Report

Our next Quarterly Report is Wednesday, July 17 at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. The following committees and chairpersons are on the agenda:

Campus Connect - Alice Yadon Christian Education - Kristen Tucker Community Connect - Melissa Wisor Endowment - Dan Chang Facilities and Property - Marilyn Withrow Mission - Bryan Wallace Nominating - Ginger Thompson Personnel - Debbie Price Stewardship - Matt Rhoten Vision - Matthew Rogers Weekday Early Education - Debbie Smith Worship - Evan Whitehead Church Clerk - Bob Morgan

Afternoon Bible Study Group

The Afternoon Bible Study Group will meet Tuesday, July 2 in the home of Peggy Spence at 3:00 PM. Kristen Tucker will lead our Bible Study time.













Sanctuary Flowers

Sunday, July 7 The flowers are given by the Happy Hearts Sunday

School Class to the glory of God and in honor of their teachers, Peggy Spence and Jim Seagraves. We celebrate Peggy's birthday July 13 and we celebrate Jim's birthday July 21. How thankful we are for their love, teaching, leadership and dedication! Our thanks also to Vickey Arroba for arranging the flowers. Thanks be to God!

Sunday, July 14 The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of

God and in loving memory of Mary Elizabeth Harper, mother and Tommy Harper, brother of Ginger Thompson on their birthdays.

Sunday, July 21 Flowers provided by Sarah and Dan Chang

Sunday, July 28 The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of

God and in honor of the Hope Sunday School Class. They are placed with love by Angela Owens.

From the Media Center

When you are ready to tackle a DIY project, stop by the Media Center before visiting the hardware store. We have several good DIY books that cover any project you might need to tackle.

Reader's Digest New Complete Do-It-Yourself Manual - This book covers any projects you might want to tackle, as well as the tools you will need to do them. There are 528 pages and 4,000 illustrations, most in full color.

Home Repair Without Despair - You won't need professionals to make improvements to your home and yard with this handy guide. You can easily do them yourself without any special skills. Handy Ma'am - Home repair and DIY projects are not just for men. This book is packed with projects and tips that every household can use. There are projects that involve the whole family, including projects for children. Household Hints and Handy Tips - This is a well-organized guide for DIY individuals and is filled with how-to facts and shortcut methods. Colorful illustrations make it fun to browse. Home Landscaping Southeast Region - DIY projects are not just for houses. This book is filled with landscaping ideas, descriptions of more than 200 plants for your region and instructions for building everything from structures to ponds. When you are ready for a DIY project, either inside or outside of your home, stop by the Media Center and check out one of these books!

Pritchard's Office Assistant

Katrina is our new part-time Office Assistant who works at the front desk. She attended UNC Charlotte and Central Piedmont Community College. A fun fact about Katrina is she was supposed to be born in Germany. Her dad was in the Army and that is why she has a German name. Her name means Catherine in German. Her favorite color is green. Welcome Katrina to Pritchard! You can call her, email her katrinagore@ or come by the church office to meet our new friendly face!

Monday, July 1 9:30 AM-4:30 PM-- Fine Arts Dance Camp Tuesday, July 2 9:30 AM-4:30 PM-- Fine Arts Dance Camp 3:00 PM--Afternoon Bible Study Group (Spence home) Wednesday, July 3 6:30-7:30 AM--Men's Prayer Breakfast at Tryon House 9:30 AM-4:30 PM-- Fine Arts Dance Camp 11:00 AM-5:00 PM--Thrift Store open 4:00 PM--Knit Wits Thursday, July 4.....INDEPENDENCE DAY Church office/campus closed Friday, July 5 Saturday, July 6 Sunday, July 7 9:15 AM--Bible Study 10:30 AM--Worship Service Monday, July 8 Tuesday, July 9 9:30 AM-4:30 PM-- Fine Arts Dance Camp Wednesday, July 10 6:30-7:30 AM--Men's Prayer Breakfast at Tryon House 9:30 AM-4:30 PM-- Fine Arts Dance Camp Thursday, July 11 6:30 AM--Men's Prayer Breakfast at Americana 9:30 AM-4:30 PM-- Fine Arts Dance Camp Friday, July 12 Saturday, July 13 Sunday, July 14 9:15 AM--Bible Study 10:30 AM--Worship Service Monday, July 15 6:00 PM--Deacons Meeting 8:00 AM-5:00 PM--Youth Missions Week 9:00 AM-3:00 PM--Children's Missions Week Tuesday, July 16 Wednesday, July 17 6:30-7:30 AM--Men's Prayer Breakfast at Tryon House 8:00 AM-5:00 PM--Youth Missions Week 9:00 AM-3:00 PM--Children's Missions Week 11:00 AM-5:00 PM--Thrift Store open 4:00 PM--Knit Wits 6:00 PM--Quarterly Report Thursday, July 18 6:30 AM--Men's Prayer Breakfast at Americana 8:00 AM-5:00 PM--Youth Missions Week 9:00 AM-3:00 PM--Children's Missions Week Friday, July 19 7:30-9:00 AM--Free Coffee Friday Saturday, July 20

Sunday, July 21 9:15 AM--Bible Study 10:30 AM--Worship Service 11:45 AM-2:00 PM--Enneagram Study 11:45 AM--Happy Hearts Sunday School Class Lunch Monday, July 22 9:00 AM-3:00 PM--Make It Take It Camp Tuesday, July 23 9:00 AM-3:00 PM--Make It Take It Camp Wednesday, July 24 6:30-7:30 AM--Men's Prayer Breakfast at Tryon House 9:00 AM-3:00 PM--Make It Take It Camp 6:00 PM--Youth Missions Report Thursday, July 25 6:30 AM--Men's Prayer Breakfast at Americana 9:00 AM-3:00 PM--Make It Take It Camp Friday, July 26 Saturday, July 27 6:00-9:00 PM--Enneagram Marriage Night Sunday, July 28 9:15 AM--Bible Study 10:30 AM--Worship Service 11:45 AM-2:00 PM--Enneagram Study 6:00 PM--Mandatory Parent/Camper Ridgecrest Meeting Monday, July 29 Tuesday, July 30 Wednesday, July 31 6:30-7:30 AM--Men's Prayer Breakfast at Tryon House

Weekly Sunday Activities

8:30-9:15 AM--Orchestra 8:45-10:15 AM--Media Center open 9:15 AM--Bible Study 10:30 AM--Worship Service 11:45 AM--Handbells

Weekly Wednesday Night Activities

5:00-5:50 PM--Fellowship Dinner 5:40-5:55 PM--Announcements/Prayer 6:00-7:00 PM--Special Programs 6:00-8:30 PM--Childcare 7:00-8:30 PM--Adult Choir Rehearsal

Media Center Summer Hours

The Media Center is closed on Wednesday nights through the end of August. Please visit us on Sunday mornings from 8:45-10:15 AM.

Holiday Schedule

The church office/campus will be closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day. We wish you and your family a happy and safe 4th!

We Express Our Love & Sympathy to:

~ Kristen Tucker and family in the passing of her aunt, Wanda Seate. ~ The family and friends in the passing of Margaret Alston. ~ The family and friends in the passing of Lorraine Henderson.

Wednesday Night Meals

In order to be good stewards of our resources, we are going to begin a Wednesday night reservation system in September. We have several issues that are driving this decision. ? We are having a great deal of leftover food because we never know how many to fix for. ? We have several who are bringing their own meals, but then are eating the salad bar and desserts. ? We have recently experienced some who are eating, but failing to pay.

We provide these meals as a convenience for those who would be unable to eat and participate in our Wednesday evening activities if we didn't provide it. We want to be able to continue to provide this, but the church should not have to lose a great deal of money doing it.

We will give more details about the reservation system before September. There will be a way to secure a permanent reservation as well as extra meals provided for guests and emergencies. Our meals make Wednesday evening a great time for fellowship around the table. We want to continue to provide that in the future. We believe this will help sustain that program.

Staff Anniversary

Congratulations to Bobby Morrow, our Pastor, who is celebrating 14 years at Pritchard. He joined our staff on July 5, 2005. Bobby, thank you for your leadership and the love you show to the Pritchard family. We love and thank God for you!

"We give thanks to God always for you...." 1 Thessalonians 1:2

in Q's Kitchen

July 3: Hamburgers, potato salad, slaw, baked beans, corn, chicken breast, ice cream bar July 10: Pepper chicken, rice, salad, rolls, cheesecake July 17: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, rolls, salad, dump cake July 24: Orange marmalade chicken, squash, herb rice, rolls, salad, lemonade cake July 31: Beef tips, rice, gravy, okra, rolls, chocolate cake


Adult: $7, Child (under 12): $5, Salad & Dessert ONLY: $3

Family (living under one roof): $30.00 Please pay the cashier at the entrance of the serving line

BEFORE dinner. A ticket is required to get a plate.

Services Streamed LIVE Online!

Pritchard streams our Sunday Service LIVE! It's another way to carry the message of Christ to a wider audience. So, pass the word to former members, those who live in another city, and your friends and neighbors. Links will be posted and go live around 10:25 on Sunday mornings.

You can view the service three different ways: 1) YouTube Channel: Search Pritchard South End. (If you

have a YouTube account, you can subscribe to our channel and get notifications when the stream is starting.) 2) Facebook: 3) Twitter:

South End Fine Arts Academy

Pritchard is proud to be the home of the South End Fine Arts Academy. The Academy offers private music lessons, group dance classes and intro to music classes. For more information, please contact Melissa Wisor.


Pastor...............................................................................................................Rev. Bobby Morrow Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care & Senior Adults................................Rev. Stan Heiser Minister of Music & Outreach.....................................................................Rev. David Bailes Associate Pastor, Spiritual Development & Communication.....Rev. Kristen Tucker Minister to Students.............................................................................Rev. Brack Ballard Minister to Children & Families....................................................................Sherry Shaw Financial Manager......................................................................................Doug Burkhart Administration & Education Secretary..........................................................Lynn Plyler Media Center Director..............................................................................Linda Robinson Office Assistant...............................................................................................Katrina Gore Maintenance..................................................................................................James Phillips

1117 South Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28203 CHURCH OFFICE: 704-376-1571 FAX: 704-376-6304 Dial-A-Prayer: 704-334-2332 Child Development Center 704-343-2944


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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