Song score - XTEC

Song score

Rhythm : 9.1 - Melody : 8.9 - Instruments : 8.8 - Lyrics : 8.9 Vocal : 9.1

This song has been reviewed 13 times. Overall score for this song, 9.0.

Song reviews

[pic] ILoveRandyF 

I lovvvvvvve this song... its a song that u wanna hear over n over even though u got the shit stuck in ur head for dayz... i love 50 holllllla

[pic] Biggy_G 

this song is gr8,

its got alot of feelin init,

(anger/hat n depression)

soooo guuud

so welll dum 50!

[pic] McEmo 

yeah, he gives a lot of himself in this song

its real cool !

cheers [pic]

[pic] shadyfan 

this song is great i was singin it for like 2 weeks cause it was stuck in my head! Keep on rappin 50 u rock [pic]

[pic] kazza123 

noice, different, unuall, go kath and kim and go 50 cent 4 that excellent song, it's mow my fave!!!


[pic] icecream99 


[pic] DannyB 

Yes, i am a big fan of this song.

Says alot about life i'd say..

[pic] Bravesfan 

gotta say, in my opinion this is probably the best pure rap song ever, top 3 at least! 50 Cent is great, best rapper around! [pic]

[pic] HiZiKo 

yeah, i love this song too! [pic]

This is the bests rapsongs ever! [pic]

[pic] kennys_boo 

this is one of 50's best

[pic] Mcflysbabymaker 

Sucha gd song 2 sing 2, love the gun shot sounds inbetween.

[pic] BoomBoxx 

one of 50 cents great songs. definitely better than all the songs where he talks bout sex and shit like that. this ones deeper than crap like that, and its better too.

[pic] chinderella 

I love this song this is one of his best songs ever

[pic] veenzie_cool 

love it

Informal language

Task: find the characteristics that make these contributions look informal:


- No contractions: its

- Shortened words: “u” for “you”

- Contractions of verbs: “wanna” for “want to”

- Omission of letters: “feelin” for “feeling”


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