Pull-out Lyrics

[Pages:6]Pull-out Lyrics

Best Y Best Y WestWest



Oh, the Deadwood StaOghe, tisheroDlliena'downooovderSthaegepliasirno.llin' on over the plain. Chicks and ducks andCgheieckses abnedttedruscckusrarynd geese better scurry

With the curtains flappWinit'hatnhdetchuertdariinvserfla-psplainp'pain'dththeeredirnivs.er a-slappin' thewrheeinnsI. take you out inwthenSuI trarekye,you out in the Surrey,

Beautiful sky, oh, wonBdeearufutlifdual ys.ky, oh, wonderful day.

when I take you out inwthenSuI trarekye wyoituhotuhteifnritnhgeeSounrrteoypw! ith the fringe on top!

Whip crack away, whipWchriapckcraawckaya,wwahyi,pwchriapckcraawckaya!way, whip crack away! Watch that fringe andWseaetchhotwhait flruintgteersand see how it flutters

Oh, the Deadwood StaOghe, tishecoDmeiand' wonooodveSrtathgeecisrecsotmin' on over the crest when I drive them higwh-hsetenpIpdirniv' esttrhuettmerhs.igh-steppin' strutters.

like a homin' pigeon tlhikaet'sa ah-ohmanink'epriing'eaofntetrhiatst'nseas-th.ankerin' after its nest. Nosey Pokes will peekNtohsreoyugPhoktehsewir islhl puetteekrstharnodutghhetirheyiresshwuitltleprospa!nd their eyes will pop!

Twenty three miles weT'wve ncotyvethreredetomdilaeys, we've covered today,

The wheels are yellowT, htheewuhpeheolslsatreryye'sllbowro,wthne, upholstrery's brown,

so, whip crack away, wshoi,pwchriapckcraawckaya,wwahyi,pwchriapckcraawckaya!way, whip crack awatyh! e dashboard's genutihne dleaasthhbeor ard's genuine leather

with isinglass curtainswyiothu icsainngrloalslsricguhrtadinoswynou can roll right down

The wheels go turnin'Trhoeunwdh,eheolsmgeowtaurrdnbino' uronudn, d, homeward bound, in case there's a changine cinastehethweerea'tshaecr.hange in the weather.

can't you hear 'em humcamn'itny'?ou hear 'em hummin'?

Two bright sidelights Twwinokbinrgigahnt dsidbelilnigkhintgs,winking and blinking,

Happy times are comiHn'afpoprytotimstaeys,ahreeyc!omin' for to stay, hey!

ain't no finer rig I'm a-athinin'tkninogfi.ner rig I'm a-thinking.

We'll be home tonightWbey'llthbeelhigohmt eoftothneigshiltvberyytmheoloignh. t of the silvery moonY.ou can keep your rigYifoyuocua'rnekteheinpkyinogurthriagtiIf'dyocua'rreettohisnwkainpg that I'd care to swap

And my heart's still thAunmdpminy' lhikeeaartm's asntidllothliunma-ppilnu'nlikkien'aamtuaned.olin a-plunkifno'rathtuant esh. iny little SurfroerythwaithshthineyflriitntgleeSounrrteoypw! ith the fringe on top!

When I get home I'm fWixhine'ntoI gsteatyh. ome I'm fixin' to stay.

So, whip crack away, wShoi,pwchriapckcraawckaya,wwahyi,pwchriapckcraawckaya!way, whip crack awaAy!NYTHING YOU CAANNDYOTAHnINniGe GYeOtUYoCuArNGuDnO Annie Get Your Gun

Anything you can do IAcnaynthdiongbeytotuerc, an do I can do better,

WINDY CITY CalamitWy JINanDeY CITY Calamity Jane

I can do anything bettIecratnhdano yaonuyt!hing better than you!

I just blew in from theIwjuisntdbylecwityi,n from the windy city,

No you can't! Yes I canN! o you can't! Yes I can!

the windy city is mightthyepwreinttdyybcuitythisemy aiginh'ttygportewtthyabtuwtethgeoyt.ain't got whaNt wo eyoguotc.an't! Yes I canN! o you can't! Yes I can!

No, siree!

No, siree!

No you can't! Yes I canN, oyeysoIucacnan! 't! Yes I can, yes I can!

They've got shacks upTthoesye'vveengostosrhieacs,ks up to seven stories,

Anything you can be IAcnaynthbiengryeoautecr,an be I can be greater,

never see any morninngegvleorriseesebauntyamstoerpnifnrogmgloouriredsobourtwaasyt,ep from our dosoorwonaey,r or later I'm gresaotoerntehraonr ylaotue!r I'm greater than you!

we got 'em for free! we got 'em for free!

No you're not! Yes I amNo you're not! Yes I am

They've got those minTshtreeyl'vsheogwots,those minstrel shows,

No you're not! Yes I amNo you're not! Yes I am

pretty ladies in their bpigrecthtyaplaedaiues,in their big chapeaus,

No you're not! Yes I amN,oyeysouI a'rme n! ot! Yes I am, yes I am!

private lawns, public pparirvkast,e lawns, public parks,

I can shoot a partridgeI cwanithshaosointgalepacratrrtirdidggeew. ith a single cartridge.

for the sake of civic virftourethe sake of civic virtue

I can get a sparrow wiIthcaanbgoewt aanspdaarrroo ith a bow and arrow.

they've got fountainstthheeyre'vethgaot tsqfouuirnttyaoinus. there that squirt you.

I can live on bread andI ccahneleivse!on bread and cheese!

I just blew in from theIwjuisntdbylecwityi,n from the windy city,

And only that? Yeah! SAoncdaonnalyratth!at? Yeah! So can a rat!

the windy city is mightthyepwreinttdyybcuitythisemy aiginh'ttygportewtthyabtuwtethgeoyt.ain't got whaAt wnyengootte. you can reacAhnIycnaontgeoyohuigchaenr.reach I can go higher.

I'm tellin' you, boys! I'm tellin' you, boys!

I can sing anything higI chaenr tshinagn aynoyut!hing higher than you!

We've got more life inWDee'avdewgotomd CoirteyltifheainniDneaalldowfoIlolindoCisit!y than in all of IlliNnoiyso! u can't! Yes I canN! o you can't! Yes I can!

No you can't! Yes I canN! o you can't! Yes I can!

DOIN' WHAT COMEDS ONIANT'UWRH'LALTYCAOnnMieEGSeNtAYTouUrRG'LuLnY Annie Get Your GNuonyou can't! Yes I canN! o you can't! Yes I can!

No you can't! Yes I canN! o you can't! Yes I can!

Folks are dumb whereFoI clkosmaerefrdoumm, b where I come from,

No you can't! Yes I canN! o you can't! Yes I can!

they ain't had any leartnhieny'. ain't had any learnin'.

Still they're happy as cSatnillbthe,ey're happy as can be, doin' what comes natudro'lilny'!what comes natur'lly! Folks like us could nevFeorlkfusslsike us could never fuss with schools and bookwsitahnsdclheoaornlsina'n. d books and learnin'. Still we've gone from SAtitlol wZe, 've gone from A to Z, doin' what comes natudro'lilny'!what comes natur'lly! You don't have to knoYwouhodwonto't rheaavdeotor wknriotew how to read or write when you're out withwa hfeelnlayinouth're opualtewmitohoanfleigllhati.n the pale moonlight. You don't have to lookYoinuadboono'tkhtaovefintod look in a book to find what he thinks of the wmhoaotnhoertwhihnaktsios fotnhehims mooinndo, r what is on his mind, that comes natur'lly! that comes natur'lly! My uncle out in TexasMcaynu'tnecvleenouwtriinteTheixsansacmane'.t even write his name. He signs his cheques wHiethsiegxnesshis cheques with exes but they cash them jubstuthtehesyamcaes!h them just the same! If you saw my Pa and MIf ayo, u saw my Pa and Ma, you'd know they had nyoule'dakrnnionw'. they had no learnin'.

OKLAHOMA OklahoOmKa!LAHOMA Oklahoma!

Oklahoma where the Owkinladhcoommaews shwereeetphine'wdionwdncothmeepslsawine, epin' down the plain,

and the wavin' wheatacnadn tshuerewsamveinll' swwheeeatt can sure smell sweet

when the wind comeswrhigehnt tbheehwinidndthceomraiens!right behind the rain!

Oklahoma every nighOt mklyahhoomneayelvaemrybnaingdhtI my honey lamb and I

sit alone and talk, andswit atlochnea ahnadwtkalk, and watch a hawk

making lazy circles in mthaeksinkyg. lazy circles in the sky.

We know we belong tWo ethkenloawndw, e belong to the land,

and the land we belonagndtothiseglraannddw, e belong to is grand,

and when we say, `Yeeaonwd!wAhyeynipwioeesea,yy,a`Yy!e'eow! Ay yipioee, yay!'

We're only saying We're only saying

you're doing fine, Oklayhooum'read, oing fine, Oklahoma,

Oklahoma, OK!

Oklahoma, OK!

You're doing fine, OklaYhooum'read, Ooiknlaghfionme,aO, OklKa!homa, Oklahoma, OK!



Still they raised a famiSlyt,ill they raised a family,

doin' what comes natudro'lilny'!what comes natur'lly!

The Deadwood Stage

The Deadwood Stage

Words by Paul Webster Music by Sammy Fain Words by Paul Webster Music by Sammy Fain

Copyright ? 1953 WB Music Corp

Copyright ? 1953 WB Music Corp

Warner Chappell North America Ltd, London, W8 5WDAarner Chappell North America Ltd, London, W8 5DA

Reproduced by permission of Faber Music Ltd Reproduced by permission of Faber Music Ltd

All Rights Reserved.

All Rights Reserved.

Windy City

Windy City

Words by Paul Webster Music by Sammy Fain Words by Paul Webster Music by Sammy Fain

Copyright ? 1953 WB Music Corp

Copyright ? 1953 WB Music Corp

Warner Chappell North America Ltd, London, W8 5WDAarner Chappell North America Ltd, London, W8 5DA

Reproduced by permission of Faber Music Ltd Reproduced by permission of Faber Music Ltd

All Rights Reserved.

All Rights Reserved.

Doin' What Comes Natur'lly

Doin' What Comes Natur'lly

from the Stage Production ANNIE GET YOUR GUN from the Stage Production ANNIE GET YOUR GUN

Words and Music by Irving Berlin

Words and Music by Irving Berlin

Anything You Can Do

Anything You Can Do

from the Stage Production ANNIE GET YOUR GUN from the Stage Production ANNIE GET YOUR GUN

Words and Music by Irving Berlin

Words and Music by Irving Berlin

? Copyright 1946 by Irving Berlin

? Copyright 1946 by Irving Berlin

? Copyright 1946 by Irving Berlin

? Copyright 1946 by Irving Berlin

Copyright Renewed

Copyright Renewed

Copyright Renewed

Copyright Renewed

All Rights for the World excluding USA & Canada AdAmll iRniigshtetrsefdorbtyhUenWivoerrlsdael xMculusdicinPgubUlSisAh&inCgaLniamdiateAdd.ministered by Universal Music PublishingALlilmRitgehdt.s for the World excluding USA & Canada adAmlliRnigsthetrsefdorbythUenWivoerlsdael MxculusdicinPgubUlSisAh&inCgaLnimadiateadd.ministered by Universal Music Publishing Limited.

International Copyright Secured All Rights ReservIendternational Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

International Copyright Secured All Rights ReservIendternational Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

The Surrey With The Fringe On Top

The Surrey With The Fringe On Top



Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II Music by Richard LRyordicgsebrsy Oscar Hammerstein II Music by Richard Rodgers





Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II Music by Richard LRyordicgsebrsy Oscar Hammerstein II Music by Richard Rodgers

Copyright ? 1943 by Williamson Music, a Division oCfoRpoyrdigehrts?& 1H9a4m3mbyerWstielliina:masnoInmMaguesimc,CaoDmivpiasnioyn of Rodgers & Hammerstein: an Imagem CoCmoppaynriyght ? 1943 by Williamson Music, a Division oCfoRpoyrdigehrts?& 1H9a4m3mbyerWstielliina:masnoInmMaguesimc,CaoDmivpiasnioyn of Rodgers & Hammerstein: an Imagem Company

Copyright Renewed

Copyright Renewed

Copyright Renewed

Copyright Renewed

International Copyright Secured All Rights ReservIendternational Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

International Copyright Secured All Rights ReservIendternational Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

You'llYBoeui'nll BMeyinHMeayrtHeart / I'm/OIn'mMOynWMay Way

Come stop your cryingC;oimt weislltboep ayloriugrhctr.ying; it will be alright. Just take my hand, hoJldusit taigkhetm. y hand, hold it tight. I will protect you fromI wallilal rporuontedcyt oyouu. from all around you. I will be here, don't yoIuwcirllyb. e here, don't you cry. For one so small you sFeoermonsoe storosmnga.ll you seem so strong. My arms will hold youM, kyeaerpmysowu isllahfeoaldnydowua, krmee.p you safe and warm. This bond between usThcaisnb'tobnedbbreotkwene.en us can't be broken. I will be here; don't yoIuwcirllyb. e here; don't you cry. 'Cause you'll be in my'Cheauarste, you'll be in my heart, yes, you'll be in my heyaerst, you'll be in my heart from this day on, nowfaronmd ftohriesvdearymoonr,en.ow and forever more. You'll be in my heart nYooum'lal tbterinwmhayththeeayrtsnaoy.matter what they say. You'll be here in my heYaorut'lallbweahyse.re in my heart always.

Tell everybody I'm onTmelyl ewvaeyr,ybody I'm on my way, new friends and new pnleawcefsriteonsdesea.nd new places to see. With blue skies aheadWn iytehsbnluI'me sokniems ayhweaydn yesn I'm on my way and there's nowhere ealnsedtthhaetreI'd's rnaothwehrebre.else that I'd rather be. Tell everybody I'm onTmelyl ewvaeyr,ybody I'm on my way, and I'm loving every satenpdII'tmakleo.ving every step I take. With the sun beating dWoitwhnt,hyeesu, In'mbeoantimngy wdoawy n, yes, I'm on my way and I can't keep this smanildeIocfaf nm'tykfeaecpe.this smile off my face. 'Cause there's nothing'Cliakuesseetehienrgee'sancohtohtinhgerliakgeasiene, ing each other again, no matter what the dinstoamncaettbeertwwheaetnt.he distance between. And the stories that wAentdeltlhweilsltmoraikees tyhoaut swmeiltee,ll will make you smile, oh, it really lifts my heoahrt,.it really lifts my heart.

So tell 'em all I'm on mSyowtealyl,'em all I'm on my way, new friends and new pnleawcefsriteonsdesea.nd new places to see. And to sleep under thAensdtatros,sleep under the stars, who could ask for morweh? o could ask for more? With the moon keepinWgitwhatthcehmovoeornmkee.eping watch over me. Not the snow, not theNraoitntchaensnchoawn,gneotmtyhemrianidn,can change my mind, the sun will come out,thweasituannwdislleceo. me out, wait and see. And the feeling of theAwnidndthienfyeoeulirnfgacoef the wind in your face will lift your heart, youwrihlleliaftrty. our heart, your heart.





'Cause you'll be in my'Cheauarste, you'll be in my heart,

Tell everybody I'm onTmelyl ewvaeyr,ybody I'm on my way,

yes, you'll be in my heyaerst, you'll be in my heart

new friends and new pnleawcefsriteonsdesea.nd new places to see.

from this day on now farnodmfothreisvdear ymoonren.ow and forever morWe.ith blue skies aheadW, yieths,bI'lmueosnkmiesyawhaeyad, yes, I'm on my way

Yes, you'll be in my heYaerst,nyooum'lal tbterinwmhayththeeayrtsnaoy.matter wahnadt tthheeyres'asyn. owhere ealnsedtthhaetreI'd's rnaothwehrebre.else that I'd rather be.

You'll be here in my heYaorut'lallbweahyse.re in my heart always. Tell everybody I'm onTmelyl ewvaeyr,ybody I'm on my way,

Always, always!

Always, always!

and I'm loving every satenpdII'tmakleo.ving every step I take.

You'll be in my heart aYlwoua'yllsb! e in my heart always!

With the sun beating dWoitwhnt,hyeesu, In'mbeoantimngy wdoawy.n, yes, I'm on my way.

And I can't keep this sAmnildeIocfaf nm'tykfeaecpe.this smile off my face.

Tell everybody I'm onTmelyl ewvaeyr.ybody I'm on my way.

You'll be in my heart aYlwoua'yllsb! e in my heart always!

You'll Be in My Heart

You'll Be in My Heart



On My Way

Words and Music by Phil Collins

Words and Music by Phil Collins


? 1999 Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. and Walt Disney?M1u9s9ic9CEodmgparanRyice Burroughs, Inc. and Walt Disney Music Company Words and Music by Phil Collins

All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

? 2003 Walt Disney Music Company

TARZAN? Owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. andTUAsReZdAbNy?POewrmneisdsiboynE. dgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. and Used by PermissAiollnR.ights Reserved. Used by Permission.

? Burroughs/Disney

? Burroughs/Disney

On My Way from BROTHER BEAR Words and Music by Phil Collins

? 2003 Walt Disney Music Company All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

Words and Music by James Papoulis

oh na upendo si mama oh na tamaini si mama oh

oh na upendo si mama 2

mimi kusimama na upendo mimi kusimama na tamaini Mimi kusimama na upendo


mama! mama mimi kusi


oh na upendo si mama oh na tamaini si mama oh

oh na upendo si mama 2

All Rights Reserved Used by Permission Copyright ? 2012 Boosey & Hawkes Inc.

Mama! mimi kusi mimi kusi mimi kusi



Standing tall on the Earth, hey, oh! Here I stand on the Earth, hey, oh!


watoto karibu dunia watoto karibu dunia


yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, hey! mimi kusimama mimi kusimama

Watoto nikari bu dunia

watoto nikari bu dunia


watoto karibu dunia watoto karibu dunia


watoto karibu dunia watoto karibu dunia mimi kusimama na upendo mimi kusimama na tamaini mimi kusimama na upendo


OOddee TToo JJooyy

Words and Music by Pete Seeger Words and Music by Pete Seeger

Build a road of peace before us, ShbpBSeubeuplipueileldiddetldhidtatehiwttrehwowiedaseildedasolkewoaonafwa, npdrn,ededrdmeagedmciueneeipidendbpdaetehnafttoedhnhredeeleoaeslunogtasrgnego,.rgen, .rg, . help the weak and guide the strong.

None shall push aside another, WWorNokroknbnoenbaesnoellisesdnfhioeedsarhelmsloahmplnealu,elellses,alhitessnitatasednstareionosdrtonasehtenaeahdnfnreodfobrratfrblahaolr.lletlol.h.rt,ehresr,s,

all for one and one for all.

Copyright ? Harmony Music Limited, Roundhouse, 212 Regents Park Road, London NW1 8AW All Rights Reserved Used by Permission

Copyright ? Harmony Music Limited, Roundhouse, 212 Regents Park Road, London NW1 8AW All Rights Reserved Used by Permission

mimi kusimama na upendo mimi kusimama na tamaini mimi kusimama na upendo


oh na upendo si mama oh na tamaini si mama oh

Oh na upendo si mama 1

mama! kusi mama mimi 1

mimi kusimama na upendo mimi kusimama na tamaini mimi kusimama na upendo


Words and MuWsiorcdbsyaPnedteMSuesiecgebry James Papoulis

Ode To Joy

All Rights RAellseRrivgehtds RUseseedrvbyedPerUsmiesdsiboynPermission Copyright ? Harmony Music Limited,CRoopuynridghhotus?e,22012 RBeogoseentys&PaHrakwRkoeasdI,nLc.ondon NW1 8AW

mimi kusimallmfaornaonuepaendoone for all. oh na upendo si mama

mimi kWuosrikmbaesmiadnea tmae,msiasitniers and brothhneras,tamaini si mama oh

mimi kusimnaomnaensahaullpleentdaonother fall. oh na upendo si mama

CHORUS help the weak and guide the strong. Speed the slow, remind the eager,

build it wide awnadtodteoekparainbduldounngi.a Build a road owfapteotaocekabriefboureduusn,ia

mimi kusimama na upendo mimi kusimama na tamaini mimi kusimama na upendo


mimi kuCsHimOaRmUaSna upendo mmimimi kiuksuimsimamama naanuaptaemndaoini mmimimi ki ukusismimamamaannaataumpaeinndi o mimiwkuatsoimtoakmaaribnua udpuenniado

wwataottootokakraibriubududnuinaia watoto karibu dunia

Non1e shall push aside another,






mimi kusim1ama na upendo mmimimi kiuksuimsimamama naanuaptaemndaoini mmimimi ki ukusismimamamaannaataumpaeinndi o

oh na upe2ndo si mama oohh nnaa utapmenaidnoi ssiimmaammaaoh ohonha ntaamuapienni sdiomsai mmaamoha

watoto karibu dunia watoto karibu dunia

mimi kusimama na upendo

oh na upendo si mama

watoto karibu dunia



watoto karibu dunia

watoto nikari bu dunia


mama! kusi mama mimi 1

mama! mama mimi kusi


yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, hey! mimi kusimama mimi kusimama

Watoto nikari bu dunia

watoBtoRnIDikGarEi b1u dunia

1 watoto nikari bu dunia m1 imi mmmaikmmaumsai ia kmuasmi a!

2 2kusi mkmmuimasiimmi ai mmamamaa!



Watoto nikari bu dunia


yahW, yaatmmhomm,tiiommyiiammniihkkiiik,uukkyassuuariiissmmhbii,mmaauymmaaadmmhaau,aanyiaah, hey!

yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, hey!


mimi kusimama na upendo mimi kusimama na tamaini Mimi kusimama na upendo





Oh na upe1ndo si mama Oohh nnaa tuapmeanidnoi ssiimmaammaaoh ohonha ntaamuapienni sdiomsai mmaamoha

watoto karibu dunia watoto karibu dunia

Mimi kusim2ama na upendo Mmimimi kiuksuimsimamama naanuaptaemndaoini mmimimi ki ukusismimamamaannaataumpaeinndi o

Standing tall on the Earth, hey, oh! Here I stand on the Earth, hey, oh!


oh na upendo si mamwaatoto karibmu dimuni kiausimama na upendo


watoto karibu dunia



oh na upendo si mama oh na tamaini si mama oh

oh na upendo si mama 2

Here I stanBdRoInDtGhEe 2Earth, hey, oh! HSetraenIdsitnagndtaollnonthtehEeaErathrt,hh,ehye, yo,ho!h! Standing tall on the Earth, hey, oh!





Mama! mimi kusi mimi kusi mimi kusi


mimi kusim1ama na upendo mmmmiimmiimmii kkiiuukksusuiismsmiimmaammaammaaananananauataputmaepmnaedinanodiinoi

oh na upe2ndo si mama ohoohhonhannaantaautmapumaepinaenidninosdiiossmiismmai mmaammaamaoahoah

mimi kusimama na upendo

oh na upendo si mama


mimi kusEi mNDimINi kGusi mimi kusi mimi kusi mimMiakmuasi! mimi kusi


Copyright ? 2012 Boosey & Hawkes Inc. All Rights Reserved Used by Permission Copyright ? 2012 Boosey & Hawkes Inc. All Rights Reserved Used by Permission


mimi kusimama na upendo mimi kusimama na tamaini mimi kusimama na upendo


oh na upendo si mama oh na tamaini si mama oh

Oh na upendo si mama 1

Words and Music by James Papoulis Words and Music by James Papoulis

FrFrigighhtftefsets!t !


I am lyIianmg ilnyimngyibnemd,ywbiethd,twheitchotvheerscovnemrsyohnemady head and maynedymesyaeryeesshaurteasshtuigthatsctaignhbt ec.an be. ThereT'shaemreo'snastmeroonvsteerrtohveerer,tahnedreh, ean'sdsihttein'sgsiottninmgyocnhmaiyr, chair, and I'mansduIr'emhseu'srelohoek'sinlogosktrinaigghsttratigmhte!at me! Ooh, oOoohh,,tohoerhe,'tshseorme'setshoimngetshpionogksypgoiovkinyggmivienagfmrigehat.fright. Ooh, oOoohh,,oorowha, soirtwjuasstitthjuesftilmtheI wfilamtcIhwedatlcahset dnilgahst?night?


I was wI woraksinwgoirnkitnhgeilnabthleatleabonlaeteniognhet night whenwmhyeenymesybeeyheeslbdeahneelderaien seiegrhiet.sight. For mFyomr omnystmerofnrsotmerhfrisomslahbisbselgabanbteograinset,o rise, and suadndesnuldy,dteonmlyy, tsoumrpyrisue,rprise, he didhtehdeimd tahseh!mHaesdhi!dHtehdeimd tohnestmeromnsatsehr .mash. The mTohnestmeromnsatsehr!mItawsha!sIat wgraasvaeygarardvesymaardshs.mash. He didHtehdeimd tahseh!mItacsahu! gIthctaounghint aonflainsha. flash. He didHtehdeimd tahseh!mHaesdhi!dHtehdeimd tohnestmeromnsatsehr!mash!

From Fmroymlabmoyralatobroyraintothryeicnatshteleceaassttle, east, to thetmo tahsetemr baestderroboemdrwohoemrewtherveatmhepivraems fpeiarests. feast. The ghThouelgshaolluclasmalel cfraommetfhroemir hthumeirbhleuambboldeeasbodes to gettao jgoeltt farojomltmfroymelemcytreoldeecst.rodes. They dTihdetyhdeimd tahseh!mThasehy!dTihdetyhdeimd tohnestmeromnsatsehr .mash. The mTohnestmeromnsatsehr!mItawsha!sIat wgraasvaeygarardvesymaardshs.mash. They dTihdetyhdeimd tahseh!mItacsahu! gIthctaounghint aonflainsha. flash. They dTihdetyhdeimd tahseh!mThasehy!dTihdetyhdeimd tohnestmeromnsatsehr!mash!


Well I WsaewlltIhseawthtihneg tchoimngincgomouint gofotuhteosfktyh, e sky, it hadiat hoandealoonngehlonrngahnodrnaaonndeaboigneybei!g eye! I commI ceonmcemdean-csehdakai-nsghaaknidngI saanid `IOsaoiede`!Ooee! It lookIts loikoekas PlikuerpalePuPerpolpelPeeEoapteler tEoatmeret.'o me.' It wasIat wonase-aeoynede,-eoyneed-,hoonrnee-hdofrlyniendgfPlyuinrpglePuPerpolpelPeeEoapteler.Eater. One-eOynede,-eoyneed-,hoonrnee-hdofrlyniendgfPlyuinrpglePuPerpolpelPeeEoapteler. Eater. One-eOynede,-eoyneed-,hoonrnee-hdo, rflnyeindg, fplyuinrpglepuPerpolpelPeeEoapteler,Eater, sure losuorkes lsotoraknsgsetrtaonmgeet!o me!

Well hWe eclalmhee cdaomwendtowEanrtoh Eaanrdthheanlidt ihnealittreine,a tree, I said `IasMaidist`aerMPiustreprlePuPerpolpelPeeEoapteler,Edaotne'rt, deaotnm't e!a't me!' I heardI hheimardsahyiminsaavyoinicae vsoigcerusfof, gruff, `I wou`lIdwno'tueladtny'toeua'tcoyosuyo'cuo'rseysoout'roeusgoht!o' ugh!' It wasIat wonase-aeoynede,-eoyneed-,hoonrnee-hdofrlyniendgfPlyuinrpglePuPerpolpelPeeEoapteler.Eater. One-eOynede,-eoyneed-,hoonrnee-hdofrlyniendgfPlyuinrpglePuPerpolpelPeeEoapteler. Eater. One-eOynede,-eoyneed-,hoonrnee-hdo, rflnyeindg, fPlyuinrpglePuPerpolpelPeeEoapteler,Eater, sure losuorkes lsotoraknsgsetrtaonmgeet!o me!


If therIef'tshseorme'setshoimngetshtrinanggsetriannygoeuirnnyeoiugrhnbeoiugrhhboooudr,hood, who ywouhogoyonunagcoanlnl?aGchaolls?tGbhuostsetrbsu! sters! If therIef'tshseorme'setshoimngetwheinirgdwanedirditadnodni't dlooonk'tgloodk,good, who ywouhogoyonunagcoanlnl?aGchaolls?tGbhuostsetrbsu! sters!

I ain't I'farianid't o'ffraniod gohf noostg! host! I ain't I'farianid't o'ffraniod gohf noostg! host!

If you'Irfeysoeue'rinegsetehingsthruinngnsinrugntnhirnogugthhroyouugrhhyeoaudr,head, who ywouhogoyonunagcoanlnl?aGchaolls?tGbhuostsetrbsu! sters! An invAisnibinlevimsiabnle, smleaenp,isnlegeinpiynoguirnbyeodu?r bed? Who yWouhogoyonunagcoanlnl?aGchaolls?tGbhuostsetrbsu! sters!

I ain't I'farianid't o'ffraniod gohf noostg! host! I ain't I'farianid't o'ffraniod gohf noostg! host!


ConfuCseodn,fumsiendd, mbriunidsebdr,uitisseede,pitssoeuetp. s out. It seepItssoeuetp, sitosuete,pitssoeuetp. s out. Face dFoawcend, hoowmne, htoowmneltoowkns lsooogkrsesyo. grey. LooksLsooogkrsesyo, lgoroekys, lsooogkrsesyo. grey. ConveCxoendv, eyxoeudb, eyonud,btewnisdt, atwndissthaonudts. hout. Twist aTwndissthaonudts, htwouistt, atwndissthaonudts. hout. StandSutpan, bdrupsh, borfuf,sgheotfmf, goevtinmgo. ving. Get mGoevtinmgo, gveintgm, goevtinmgo. ving.

What'Ws thhaatt'scothmaitncgomovienrgtohveehritllh, eishitilal, mis oitnastmero, nissittear, mis oitnastmero?nster? What'Ws thhaatt'scothmaitncgomovienrgtohveehritllh, eishitilal, mis oitnastmero, nissittear, mis oitnastmero?nster? What'Ws thhaatt'scothmaitncgomovienrgtohveehritllh, eishitilal, mis oitnastmero, nissittear, mis oitnastmero?nster? What'Ws thhaatt'scothmaitncgomovienrgtohveehritllh, eishitilal, mis oitnastmero, nissittear, mis oitnastmero?nster?


Little sLhitotlpe, slihttolpe,slhitotlpe oshf hopororof rhso. rrors. Little sLhitotlpe, slihttolpe,slhitotlpe oshf toeprroofr.terror. Call a Ccoapll,alicttolpe,slhitotlpe oshf hopororof rhso. rrors. No, ohN, oo,ho,hn,oo, hn,on. o, no. Little sLhitotlpe, slihttolpe,slhitotlpe oshf hopororof rhso. rrors. Bop shB-obposph, -libttolpe,slhitotlpe oshf toeprroofr.terror. WatchW'eamtchdr'eomp, dlitrtolpe,slhitotlpe oshf hopororof rhso. rrors. No, ohN, oo,ho,hn,oo, hn,on. o, no. ShingS-ah-ilningg-a, w-lihnagt, awchraeteapycrteheinpgy thoinbge htoapbpeehnaipnpge. ning. Look oLuoto!kLooukt!oLuoto!kLooukt!oLuoto!kLooukt!oLuoto!k out! ShangS-haa-lnagn-ga,-fleaenlgt,hfeesltuthrme sutunrdmduranndgdinratnhgeianirt.he air. Yeah, Yyeah, yeah,. yeah. Sha-laS-hlaa,-sltao-lpa,rsigtohpt wrighhertewyhoeurearyeo, udoanre't, dmoonv'tema othvienga.thing. You beYottuerb, eyottuerb, eyottuerb, etetltleinr,'tyeolluin, 'yyoouub, eyottuerbetter tell yotuerllmyoaumramsaomaetshoimnge'tshginogn'nsaggoentnhaegre. t her. She beSthte rb, etvteerry, bevoedryyboetdtyerbbeettwear rbee!ware! Little sLhitotlpe, slihttolpe,slhitotlpe oshf hopororof rhso. rrors. Little sLhitotlpe, slihttolpe,slhitotlpe oshf toeprroofr.terror. Call a Ccoapll,alicttolpe,slhitotlpe oshf hopororof rhso. rrors. No, ohN, oo,ho,hn,oo. h, no. No, ohN, oo,ho,hn,oo. h, no. No, ohN, oo,ho,hn,oo, hn,on!o, no!

Something SSpoomoektyh(ifnrgomSpSopookoyk(yfrSoomngSsp)ooky Songs) Words and MuWsiocrbdys aLinndMMaursihc by Lin Marsh

Copyright ? 2C0o0p8yrFiagbhetr?M2u0si0c8LFtda,bLeornMduosnic, WLtCd1,BLo3nDdAon, WC1B 3DA Reproduced bRyepperromduiscseiodnboyfpFearbmeirsMsiounsicofLFtdaber Music Ltd All Rights ResAelrlvReidg.hts Reserved.

Monster MasMhonster Mash Words and MuWsiocrbdys aBnodbbMyuPsickbeyttBaonbdbyLePoicnkaertdtCaanpdizLzeionard Capizzi

? 1962, 1963?(R1e9n6e2w,e1d9)6G3A(RePnAeXwMeUdS)IGCAPRUPBALXISMHUINSGICCPOU. BLISHING CO. All Rights AdmAilnl RisitgehrtesdAbdymTiMnisMteurseidc LbiymTitMedM. usic Limited. All Rights ResAelrlvReidghUts eRdesbeyrvPedrmUissseiodnby Permission

Purple PeopPleuErpalteerPTMeople EaterTM Words and MuWsiocrbdys aSnhdebMWusoioclbey?Sheb Wooley?

Copyright ? 1C9o5p8yrbiyghCOt ?RD1IA9L58MbUySCICOCROD.IAL MUSIC CO. Copyright RenCeowpyerdig1h9t8R6ebnyeCwHeAdN1N9E8L6MbUySCIHCACNON. EL MUSIC CO. InternationalICnoteprynriagthiotnSaelcCuorpeydrigAhlltRSiegchutrseRdesAelrlvReidgihntcsluRdesinegrvcehdairnacltuedring character

GhostbusterGshostbusters from the ColufmrobmiatMheotCiolnuPmicbtiuarMe oGtHioOnSTPBicUtSuTreERGSHOSTBUSTERS

Words and MuWsiocrbdys aRnady PMaurskiecr,bJyr.Ray Parker, Jr.


All Rights ResAelrlvReidghUts eRdesbeyrvPedrmUissseiodnby Permission

Monster Monster Words & MusiWc boyrdJsam& eMsuFsriocsbt,yRJoambiensHFarwoskti,nRso, bAilnexHaanwdkeirnPse, nAnleiexa&nIdwear nPeGnrnififeit&hsIwan Griffiths

Copyright ? 2C0o0p6yrEiMghI tM?us2ic00P6ubElMisIhMinugsLicimPuitbeldis.hing Limited. InternationalICnoteprynriagthiotnSaelcCuorpeydrigAhlltRSiegchutrseRdesAelrlvReidghts Reserved

Little Shop OLfitHtolerrSohrosp Of Horrors from the StagferoPmrotdhuectSitoangLeIPTrToLdEuScHtOioPnOLFITHTOLERRSOHROSP OF HORRORS Words by HowWaordrdAssbhymHaonwaMrduAssichbmyaAnlanMMuesnickbeny Alan Menken



WordsWanodrdMs uansidc MbyuPsicnkbzyePbirnakzebra

Here'sHyeoruer'ssytoruyr,sletot'rsyb, leegt'isnb, tehgeinw, athteerw's afitneer,'scfoinmee, coonm, deivoen,ind.ive in. The fuTthueref'usthuerree's, iht'esrreig, iht'tsbriegfhotrebeyofourreeyyoeusr. eyes.

Step bSytesptebpyysotue'preyonu'yreouornwyaoyu,rwwealcyo, wmeelctoma ebrtiogahtberrigdhatye. r day. Don'tDyoun'ktnyowu kitnfoewelsitgfeoeolds gtooobde atolivbee. alive.

You coYuoludcboeuladrgberlathrgaenrlitfhea, n life, biggebr itghgaenrtthheawn othrledw. orld.

LivingLoivuint gthoeuhtotpheshaonpdesdraenadmdsreoaf mevseoryf ebvoeyryanbdoyevaenrdyegvirelr. y girl. You coYuoludcfloyuhldigfhlyehr itghhaenrtthheasnktyh, e sky, shine sbhringehtberrigthhatenrtthheasntathrse. stars.

You coYuoludchoauvledahllayvoeualel vyeoruweavnetrewda, nted, shootsthhoeomt tohoenmanodonreaancdhrfeoarcMhafrosr! Mars!

You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud.could.

TimesTaimreecshaarnegcihnagnegvienrgywevheerryew, here, do weddorewaemdarenadmdoanwdeddoawree? dare?

It's upIt'os uyoput,othyoeud,othoer ids ooopreins owpideen. wide. Feel thFeerhl tyhtehmrhsyothf mtosdoafy,toledaaryn, tlehaerpnatrhteapnadrjtoaindthjoeipnltahye. play.

The wTohrledwisohrledreis, lheetsret,alkeetsittafokreaitrfidoer .a ride.

You coYuoludcboeuladrgberlathrgaenrlitfhea, n life, biggebr itghgaenrtthheawn othrledw. orld.

LivingLoivuint gthoeuhtotpheshaonpdesdraenadmdsreoaf mevseoryf ebvoeyryanbdoyevaenrdyegvirelr. y girl. You coYuoludcfloyuhldigfhlyehr itghhaenrtthheasnktyh, e sky, shine sbhringehtberrigthhatenrtthheasntathrse. stars.

You coYuoludchoauvledahllayvoeualel vyeoruweavnetrewda, nted, shootsthhoeomt tohoenmanodonreaancdhrfeoarcMhafrosr! Mars!

You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud.could. You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud.could. You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud.cAouhl.d. Ah.

LargerL,alargrgeer,rlathrgaenr...than... BiggeBr,ibgiggegre, br itghgaenr...than... LivingLhivoinpgeshaonpdesdraenadmdsr,eeavmersy, ebvoeyryanbdoygiarnl.d girl. HigheHr,ihgihgehre, hr itghhaenr...than... BrightBerri,gbhrtigerh, tberrigthhatenr...than... All youAlwl yaonutewdaanntde...d and...

You knYowu !know!

11 LargerL,alargrgeer,rlathrgaenr...than... BiggeBr,ibgiggegre, br itghgaenr...than... LivingLhivoinpgeshaonpdesdraenadmdsr,eeavmersy, ebvoeyryanbdoygiarnl.d girl. HigheHr,ihgihgehre, hr itghhaenr...than... BrightBerri,gbhrtigerh, tberrigthhatenr...than... All youAlwl yaonutewdaanntde...d and...

You knYowu !know!

22 You coYuoludcboeuladrgberlathrgaenrlitfhea. n life.

BiggeBr itghgaenrtthheawn othrledw. orld. LivingLoivuint gthoeuhtotpheshaonpdesdraenadmdsreoaf mevseoryf ebvoeyryanbdoyevaenrdyegvirelr. y girl.

You coYuoludcfloyuhldigfhlyehr itghhaenrtthheasnktyh, e sky, shine sbhringehtberrigthhatenrtthheasntathrse. stars.

You coYuoludchoauvledahllayvoeualel vyeoruweavnetrewda, nted, shootsthhoeomt tohoenmanodonreaancdhrfeoarcMhafrosr! Mars!

11 LargerL,alargrgeer,rlathrgaenr...than... BiggeBr,ibgiggegre, br itghgaenr...than... LivingLhivoinpgeshaonpdesdraenadmdsr,eeavmersy, ebvoeyryanbdoygiarnl.d girl. HigheHr,ihgihgehre, hr itghhaenr...than... BrightBerri,gbhrtigerh, tberrigthhatenr...than... All youAlwl yaonutewdaanntde...d and...

You knYowu !know! You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud!could!

22 You coYuoludcboeuladrgberlathrgaenrlitfhea. n life.

BiggeBr itghgaenrtthheawn othrledw. orld. LivingLoivuint gthoeuhtotpheshaonpdesdraenadmdsreoaf mevseoryf ebvoeyryanbdoyevaenrdyegvirelr. y girl.

You coYuoludcfloyuhldigfhlyehr itghhaenrtthheasnktyh, e sky, shine sbhringehtberrigthhatenrtthheasntathrse. stars.

You coYuoludchoauvledahllayvoeualel vyeoruweavnetrewda, nted, shootsthhoeomt tohoenmanodonreaancdhrfeoarcMhafrosr! Mars!

You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud!could!

3 3 You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud.could. You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud.could. You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud.could.

Ah. Ah. You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud.could. You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud.could. You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud.could.

Ah. Ah. You knYowu kynoouwcoyuolud!could!

CopyrighCto?py2r0ig1h6tP?ink2z0e1b6rPaiPnukbzelibsrhainPgublishing InternatiIonntaelrnCaotpiyorniaglhCtoSpeycruirgehdt Secured Used by PUesremdibssyioPnermission



I am lying in my bed, with the covers on my head and my eyes are shut as tight can be. There's a monster over there, and he's sitting on my chair, and I'm sure he's looking straight at me! Ooh, ooh, there's something spooky giving me a fright. Ooh, ooh, or was it just the film I watched last night?


I was working in the lab late one night when my eyes beheld an eerie sight. For my monster from his slab began to rise, and suddenly, to my surprise, he did the mash! He did the monster mash. The monster mash! It was a graveyard smash. He did the mash! It caught on in a flash. He did the mash! He did the monster mash!

From my laboratory in the castle east, to the master bedroom where the vampires feast. The ghouls all came from their humble abodes to get a jolt from my electrodes. They did the mash! They did the monster mash. The monster mash! It was a graveyard smash. They did the mash! It caught on in a flash. They did the mash! They did the monster mash!


Well I saw the thing coming out of the sky, it had a one long horn and a one big eye! I commenced a-shaking and I said `Ooee! It looks like a Purple People Eater to me.' It was a one-eyed, one-horned flying Purple People Eater. One-eyed, one-horned flying Purple People Eater. One-eyed, one-horned, flying purple People Eater, sure looks strange to me!

Well he came down to Earth and he lit in a tree, I said `a Mister Purple People Eater, don't eat me!' I heard him say in a voice so gruff, `I wouldn't eat you 'cos you're so tough!' It was a one-eyed, one-horned flying Purple People Eater. One-eyed, one-horned flying Purple People Eater. One-eyed, one-horned, flying Purple People Eater, sure looks strange to me!


If there's something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! If there's something weird and it don't look good, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!

I ain't 'fraid of no ghost! I ain't 'fraid of no ghost!

If you're seeing things running through your head, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! An invisible man, sleeping in your bed? Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!

I ain't 'fraid of no ghost! I ain't 'fraid of no ghost!


Confused, mind bruised, it seeps out. It seeps out, it seeps out. Face down, hometown looks so grey. Looks so grey, looks so grey. Convexed, you bend, twist and shout. Twist and shout, twist and shout. Stand up, brush off, get moving. Get moving, get moving.

What's that coming over the hill, is it a monster, is it a monster? What's that coming over the hill, is it a monster, is it a monster? What's that coming over the hill, is it a monster, is it a monster? What's that coming over the hill, is it a monster, is it a monster?


Little shop, little shop of horrors. Little shop, little shop of terror. Call a cop, little shop of horrors. No, oh, oh, no, no. Little shop, little shop of horrors. Bop sh-bop, little shop of terror. Watch 'em drop, little shop of horrors. No, oh, oh, no, no. Shing-a-ling, what a creepy thing to be happening. Look out! Look out! Look out! Look out! Shang-a-lang, feel the sturm und drang in the air. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sha-la-la, stop right where you are, don't move a thing. You better, you better, tellin' you, you better tell your mama something's gonna get her. She better, everybody better beware! Little shop, little shop of horrors. Little shop, little shop of terror. Call a cop, little shop of horrors. No, oh, oh, no. No, oh, oh, no. No, oh, oh, no, no!

CopyRSrieogpmhrtoe?dtuhW2cioe0ndr0gd8bAsSylFaplapnRobedioegrMkrmhMytuisss(usfRisicroeiocbsnmyeLortLfvdSieFn,padLMobo. oenakrdrsMyohnSu,osWincCgL1tsBd) 3DA

Words and Music byMBoobnbsytePricMkeatsthand Leonard Capizzi ? 196A2ll,AR1l9ilg6Rh3itg(shRAtesdnmReewinseeisdrtv)eeGrdeAdRUPbsAyeXTdMMbyUMSPuIeCsrimPcUiLsBismLioIiSntHedIN. G CO.

InternationaCl oCpoypCryoirgpWiyhgrothirRgtdehSPsnetuace?nruwpdr1eelM9edd5u1P8s9Aeib8lcoly6bpRCbyliOgeySRhhCEDtHeasIbtAAReNLWerNsMTMoeEoUrLlvSeMeIyCdU?CiSnOIcC.luCdOi.ng character A?ll r1ig9h8ft4rsoEfmMorAItRhGllAeOWRYLCioDgDorhIlEdOutNsLsmAaTRbOneMidRGasUeCMhMrHSovuIoCeMsstdtiiAUcobdnSbuUmIyPsCstiRieCncedaOtirysubRstrPyePea.rPGeraekdnHredmObr,ySRiJsTAIrsQB.YiUoDMnSIuOTsELiRAcSLMimUSitIeCd

Words & MusicInbtCyeorJpnaymartieigoshnFtar?loCsto2,p0Ry0or6bigEinhMMtHIoSaMnewcsuuktseirincersdP,uAAblellilxsRhainigndhgetrLsiPRmeenisteneridev.e&dIwan Griffiths


Larger Than Life

Words and Music by Pinkzebra

Here's your story, let's begin, the water's fine, come on, dive in. The future's here, it's right before your eyes.

Step by step you're on your way, welcome to a brighter day. Don't you know it feels good to be alive.

You could be larger than life, bigger than the world.

Living out the hopes and dreams of every boy and every girl. You could fly higher than the sky, shine brighter than the stars.

You could have all you ever wanted, shoot the moon and reach for Mars!

You know you could.

Times are changing everywhere, do we dream and do we dare?

It's up to you, the door is open wide. Feel the rhythms of today, learn the part and join the play.

The world is here, lets take it for a ride.

You could be larger than life, bigger than the world.

Living out the hopes and dreams of every boy and every girl. You could fly higher than the sky, shine brighter than the stars.

You could have all you ever wanted, shoot the moon and reach for Mars!

You know you could. You know you could. You know you could. Ah.

Larger, larger than... Bigger, bigger than... Living hopes and dreams, every boy and girl. Higher, higher than... Brighter, brighter than... All you wanted and...

You know!

1 Larger, larger than... Bigger, bigger than... Living hopes and dreams, every boy and girl. Higher, higher than... Brighter, brighter than... All you wanted and...

You know!

2 You could be larger than life.

Bigger than the world. Living out the hopes and dreams of every boy and every girl.

You could fly higher than the sky, shine brighter than the stars.

You could have all you ever wanted, shoot the moon and reach for Mars!

1 Larger, larger than... Bigger, bigger than... Living hopes and dreams, every boy and girl. Higher, higher than... Brighter, brighter than... All you wanted and...

You know! You know you could!

2 You could be larger than life.

Bigger than the world. Living out the hopes and dreams of every boy and every girl.

You could fly higher than the sky, shine brighter than the stars.

You could have all you ever wanted, shoot the moon and reach for Mars!

You know you could!

3 You know you could. You know you could. You know you could.

Ah. You know you could. You know you could. You know you could.

Ah. You know you could!

Copyright ? 2016 Pinkzebra Publishing International Copyright Secured Used by Permission


Words and MusicWbyorWdsillaianmd MBeursriyc,by William Berry, Peter Buck, MichaPeeltMerilBlsucakn,dMMicichhaaeel lMSitlilpseand Michael Stipe

Shiny happy peoSphilneylahuagphpinygp.eople laughing.

Meet me in the cMroewetdm, peeionpthlee, pcreoowpdle,.people, people. Throw your loveTahrroouwnydo, luorvleovmeea,rlouvnedm, leo.ve me, love me. Take it into townT,ahkaepitpiyn,thoatpopwyn. , happy, happy. Put it in the grouPnudt iwt ihnetrheethgerofulonwdewrshgeroewth. e flowers grow. Gold and silver sGhoinlde.and silver shine.

Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse. holding hands. Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse. holding hands. Shiny happy peoSphilneylahuagphpinygpeople laughing

Everyone arounEdv, eloryvoentheeamro,ulonvde, ltohveemth. em, love them. Put it in your haPnudts,ittainkeyoitu, trahkaenidt.s, take it, take it. There's no time Ttohecrey',shnaopptiym, heatpopcyr.y, happy, happy. Put it in your hePaurttwithineryeotuormhoerarrotwwhsheirneetso. morrow shines. Gold and silver sGhoinlde.and silver shine.

Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse. holding hands. Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse. holding hands. Shiny happy peoSphilneylahuagphpinygp.eople laughing.

Doo, doo, doo, dDoooo,,ddoooo,,ddoooo,,ddoooo,,ddoooo,, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, ddoooo,,ddoooo,,ddoooo,,ddoooo,,ddoooo., doo, doo, doo.

Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse. holding hands. Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse. holding hands. Shiny happy peoSphilneylahuagphpinygp.eople laughing. Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse. holding hands. Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse. holding hands. Shiny happy peoSphilneylahuagphpinygp.eople laughing. Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse. holding hands. Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse. holding hands. Shiny happy peoSphilneylahuagphpinygp.eople laughing. Shiny happy peoSphilneyhhoaldpipnygpheaonpdlse! holding hands!



Buddy you're a bBouyd,dmyaykoeua'rebiagbnooyis, emake a big noise playing in the stprelaeyti,nggoinnntahbeestarebeigt, mgoannnsaobmeeadbayig, man someday, you got mud onyyoouugrofatcme,uydoounbyigoudrisfgarcaec,ey,ou big disgrace, kicking your cankiaclkl ionvgeryothuer cpalancael.l over the place.

We will, we will rWoeckwyioll,uw! e will rock you! We will, we will rWoeckwyioll,uw! e will rock you! We will, we will rWoeckwyioll,uw! e will rock you! We will, we will rWoeckwyioll,uw! e will rock you!


This thing calledThloisvethIijnugstccaallne'dt hloavnedIlejuist,t can't handle it, this thing calledthloisvethIimngusctaglledt alorovuenI dmtuositt,get around to it, I ain't ready, crazI yailnit'tlreetahdiny,gcrcaazllyedlitltoleveth. ing called love.

This thing calledThloisvethitincgriecsalilneda lcorvaedliet carlilensiginhat, cradle all night, it swings, it jivesi,tsshwaiknegssa, iltl ojivers,liskheaakejeslalyllfioshver like a jellyfish I kinda like it, craI zkyinlditatleliktehiint,gcrcaazllyedlitltoleveth. ing called love.

There goes my bTahbeyr,e goes my baby, she knows howsthoerokcnkoawnsdhroowll,to rock and roll, she drives me crsahzey.drives me crazy. She gives me hoSth-ceogldivfeesvmere, hot-cold fever, she leaves me inshaecoleoalv, ecos oml eswineatc.ool, cool sweat.

I got to be cool,Irgeloatxt,ogbetehciopo, l, relax, get hip, get on my trackg, teatkoenambayctkrasceka,tt,ahkitecahhbiakcek, seat, hitchhike, take a long ridetoankemaylomnogtorirdbeikoenumntyilmI'motroerabdikye. until I'm ready. Crazy little thingCrcaazllyedlitltoleveth. ing called love.


(There's no chan(cTehfeoreu'ss,niot'schaallndceecifdoerdusfo, irt'ussa. ll decided for us.

This world has onTlhyisonweosrwldeheatsmoonmlyeonnteseswt aeseitdme foomr uesn.t set aside for us.

Who wants to livWe fhoorewvearn?tWs thooliwveafnotrsetvoelri?vWe fhoorewvearn?ts to live forever?



Who dares to lovWe fhooredvaerre?sOtho)love forever? Oh)

Who wants to livWehforwevaenrt?s to live forever? Who wants to livWehforwevaenrt?s to live forever? Forever is our toFdoarye.ver is our today.


(One man. One g(oOanle. Omnaenm. Oisnsieogno. al. One mission. One heart. One sOounleJhuestaortn. eOsnoelusotiuolnJ.ust one solution. One flash of lightO. Yneeafhla,sohnoefGliogdh,t.oYneeavhi,sioonne.)God, one vision.)

One flesh, one bOonnee,floenshe,toruneerbeolingeio, no.ne true religion. One voice, one hOonpeev, oince,roenaledheocpiseio, onn. e real decision. Woah, gimme mWeooanhe, gvismiomne. me one vision.

(No wrong, no rig(Nhot, wrong, no right, I'm gonna tell yoIu'mthgeoren'ns anoteblllayockuathnedren'os nwohbitlea.ck and no white. No blood, no staiNno. blood, no stain. All we need is) All we need is) one worldwide voinsieown.orldwide vision. One flesh, one bOonnee,floenshe,toruneerbeolingeio, no.ne true religion. One voice, one hOonpeev, oince,roenaledheocpiseio, onn. e real decision. Gimme one nighGti,mgmimemoeneonneighhot,pgei.mme one hope.





Just gimme. Just gimme.

Just gimme. Just gimme.

One man, one bOarn, eonmeadna, yo.ne bar, onOendeaym. an, one nOignhet,mheayn,,hoenye, night, hey, hey,

Just gimme, Just gimme,

gimme, gimme,ggimimmmee, gfriimedmceh,igckimenm! e fried chicken!


Don't stop me nDoown. '(tI'smtohpavminegnsouwch. (aI'mgohoadvtinimges,uIc'mh ahagvoiondg taimbae,llI.')m having a ball.) Don't stop me nDoown. '(tIfsytoupwmaennt otowh. a(Ivfeyoaugwooadnttitmo eh)ave a good time) just give me a cajulls. t give me a call. Don't stop me nDoown. 't stop me now. Don't stop me nDoown. 't stop me now. I don't want to sItdoopna't awlla.nt to stop at all. (I'm a rocket ship(Io'mn ma ryowckaeyttsohMipaorns omnyawcaoylltisoioMnacrosuornsea) collision course) I am a satellite, II'mamouatsoafteclolintetr,oI'lm. out of control. I'm a groove maIc'mhinaeg(rroeoavdey mtoarcehloiande)(ready to reload) like an atom bomlikbeaabnoauttotmo boho,mobh,aobho,uotht,ooohh, ,eoxhp,loodhe, .oh, oh, explode. (I'm burning thro(uI'mghbtuhrensinkyg, tyheraohu)gh the sky, yeah) Two hundred deTgwroeehsu, nthdarte'sdwdhegyrteheesy, tchaalltm's ewMhyr tFhaehyrecnahllemite, Mr Fahrenheit, I'm travelling atIt'mhetsrpaveeeldlinogf laigt htht,e speed of light, I wanna make aIswupaenrnsaonmicakweoamsaunpeorfsyoonuic! woman of you!

Don't stop me, dDoonn't'tssttooppmmee,,ddoonn't'tssttooppmmee., don't stop me. Don't stop me, dDoonn't'tssttooppmmee,,odoohn,'ot ostho,poomhe., ooh, ooh, ooh. Don't stop me, dDoonn't'tssttooppmmee., don't stop me. Don't stop me, dDoonn't'tssttooppmmee,,odho!n't stop me, oh!

Oh, burning throOuhg, hbuthrneinskgyt,hyreoauhg, h the sky, yeah, two hundred detgwroeehsu, nthdartesdwdheygtrheeys,ctahlal tms ewMhyr tFhaehyrecnahllemite, Mr Fahrenheit, I'm travelling atIt'mhetsrpaveeeldlinogf laigt htht,e speed of light, I wanna make aIswupaenrnsaonmicakweoamsaunpeorfsyoonuic! woman of you!

Don't stop me nDoown. '(tI'smtohpavminegnsouwch. (aI'mgohoadvtinimges,uIc'mh ahagvoiondg taimbae,llI.')m having a ball.) Don't stop me nDoown. '(tIfsytoupwmaennoawh.a(vIfeyaougowoadntnima eh)ave a good time) Just give me a cJaulls. t give me a call. Don't stop me nDoown. '(t`CsotospI'mmheanvoinwg. a(`CgoosoId'mtimhaev.)ing a good time.) Don't stop me nDoown. '(tYsetso, pI'mmheanvoinwg.a(Ygeos,oId'mtimhaev.)ing a good time.) I don't wanna stIodpoant'tawll.anna stop at all. Don't stop me nDoown!'t stop me now!

Copyright ? 1991 NIGHTCoGpAyRrDigEhNt ? 1991 NIGHT GARDEN All Rights AdministeredAblyl RSiOgNhGtsSAOdFmUiNnIiVstEeRrSeAdLb,yINSCO.NGS OF UNIVERSAL, INC.

All Rights Reserved UseAdllbRyigPhetrsmRisessieornved Used by Permission

We Will Rock You Words and Music by Brian May

We Will Rock You Words and Music by Brian May

Crazy Little Thing Called Love Crazy Little Thing Called Love Words and Music by Freddie MercuryWords and Music by Freddie Mercury

Who Wants To Live Forever Words and Music by Brian May

Who Wants To Live Forever

One Vision

One Vision

Don't Stop Me Now

Don't Stop Me Now

Words and Music byWBroiardnsManayd Music by Freddie Mercury,WBorriadns aMnady,MRuosgicerbTyaFyrleodrdainedMJeorhcnurDye,aBcroiann May, Roger Taylor andWJohrdnsDaenadcoMnusic by Freddie MercuryWords and Music by Freddie Mercury

Copyright ? 1977, 1978 Queen MusicCLotpdy. right ? 1977, 1978 Queen Music Ltd. Copyright ? 1979 Queen Music Ltd. Copyright ? 1979 Queen Music Ltd.

Copyright ? 1986 Queen Music Ltd. Copyright ? 1986 Queen Music Ltd.



Copyright ? 1978 Queen Music Ltd. Copyright ? 1978 Queen Music Ltd.

Copyright Renewed

Copyright Renewed All Rights Administered by Sony/ATVAMlluRsigc hPtusbAlidsmhiinngisLtLeCre, d by Sony/ATV Music PAulbl lRisighhintsgALdLCm,inistered by Sony/ATVAMlluRsigc hPtusbAlidsmhiinngisLtLeCre, d by Sony/ATV Music PAulbl lRisighhintsgALdLCm,inistered by Sony/ATVAMlluRsigc hPtusbAlidsmhiinngisLtLeCre, d by Sony/ATV Music PAulbl lRisighhintsgALdLCm,inistered by Sony/ATVAMlluRsigc hPtusbAlidsmhiinngisLtLeCre, d by Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC,

All Rights Administered by Sony/ATVAMlluRsigc hPtusbAlidsmhiinngisLtLeCre, d by Sony/ATV Music Publi4sh24inCghLuLrCc,h Street, Suite 1200, Nashv4il2le4, CThNu3r7ch21S9treet, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 3472241C9hurch Street, Suite 1200, Nashv4il2le4, CThNu3r7ch21S9treet, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 3472241C9hurch Street, Suite 1200, Nashv4il2le4, CThNu3r7ch21S9treet, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 3472241C9hurch Street, Suite 1200, Nashv4il2le4, CThNu3r7ch21S9treet, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 37219

424 Church Street, Suite 1200, Nashv4il2le4, CThNu3r7ch21S9treet, Suite 1200, Nashville, TNIn3t7e2rn1a9tional Copyright Secured AllIRnitgehrntsaRtieosnearlvCeodpyright Secured All Rights RInetseerrnvaetdional Copyright Secured AllIRnitgehrntsaRtieosnearlvCeodpyright Secured All Rights Reserved International CoAplyl rRiigghhttSseRceusreerdveUdseIndtbeyrnPaetrimonisasliCoonpyright Secured IUnsteedrnbaytiPoenraml iCsosipoynright Secured AllIRnitgehrntsaRtieosnearlvCeodpyright Secured All Rights Reserved

International Copyright Secured AllIRnitgehrntsaRtieosnearlvCeodpyright Secured All Rights Reserved

I CI oCuoldulnd'nt'Dt Do oThTihsisWWithitohuotutYoYuou


You'rYeoluik'reecloikled,ccooldld, cwoaldtewr. ater.

You'rYeowu'areshwinagshoivnegromveer me


ccooYuuYoIIllolddiccukunnooe''rrY''uuYetteaollolddddicaugkuooonnle'e'lrlr''ttendttIeahhnddt,caiiglcessoooeleolvwwlbttndIlehhdrniit,rtteiilcehhssweneovoowweabzleuuedetriirettttde.hhwnreyy,.ooeaoozuueetuuettd...ryy,. oouu..

WordWs D&oarMdnsiueD&sliaPcMnrbiiuedysldiRPcyurb&itdyhdLROayulwa&thjruiLeOgalbMwaajraugiregbtibeMn,aagrbtien,


All Rights for CANAL MUSIC PUBLIISnHteINrnGaPtVioannadl CBoEpSyTriLgAhItDSPeLcAuNreSdMUAlSlIRCiLgThDt.sARdemseirnviestdered by UNIVERSAL MUSIC PUBLISHING LIMITED. International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

) )

AATThhouosuasannddHHaalllelleulauahhs s

CHOCRHUOSROUNSLOY NLY The mThoHHHHHemaaaaamlllllllllleeeeeenoHHHHHllllluuuuutmaaaaajjjjjIlllllaaaaallllleseeeeehhhhhnalllll,,,,.uuuuuwt jjjjjIaaaaayshhhhhoa,,,,.wu. you.

HalleHluajlalehl.ujah. The mThoemmenotmIesnawt I ysoawu. you.

WordWs &orMdsu&sicMbuysiBcebnyEBaernleE&arJleef&freJyefCforehyenCohen


AAlllRl iRgihgthstsfofroKr IADSGYLOOUVWESISMHUMSIUCSLITCDA.dAmdminiinstisetreerdebdybAyTULNAISVMERUSSAILC MPUUBSLICISPHUINBGLISHING LIMITED All RiIgnhtetsrnfaotriAonSaYlOCUopWyIrSigHhMt SUeScICurAeddmAinlilsRteigrhedtsbRyeAseTrLvAeSdMUSIC PUBLISHING International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

SSomomebeobdoydyTTo oLLovoeve


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FFFmmmiiinnneeedddsssmmmooommmeee eeesssbbbooommmooodddeeeyyybbbtttoooooodddlllyyyooovvvtttoooeee...lllooovvveee...

Find Fminedsmome esbomodeybtoodlyovtoe.love.

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FFFmmmiiinnneeedddsssmmmooommmeee eeesssbbbooommmooodddeeeyyybbbtttoooooodddlllyyyooovvvtttoooeee...lllooovvveee...

WordWs aonrddsManusdicMbuysiFcrebdydFireeMddeirecuMreyrcury

Copyright ? 1976 Queen Music Ltd. CCooppyyrirgighhtt?Re1n9e7w6 eQdueen Music Ltd.

All Rights Administered by Sony/ATV Music PublishinCgopLyLrCi,g4h2t4RCehnuerwcehdStreet, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 37219 All Rights AdministerIendtebrynSaotinoyn/aAlTCVoMpyursiigchPtuSbelcisuhreindg LALlCl ,R4ig2h4tCshRuerscehrvSetrdeet, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 37219 International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved

PPOPOPMMeedldleeyy 20220020

ALL AI ALLMIJAeMss GJelyssnGnelynne


Oyoouhd.OyEooovnuhe'tdr. yEbovbenelu'itretybtvebeerlufimletytveeIe,rgbfmleuytetIb,igtbe'esulotttnrbiutge'esslo.ttnrougyeso. tuo, you, Sure,Stuhree,frtehcekflreescoknlesmoynamrmy saprmellsopuetllyoouutrynoaumr en,ame,

MamMa asmaida fsualifdilftuhlefilptrhoepphreocpyh, ecy, be sobmeestohminegthgirnegatgerre, agtoerm, gaokemaalkeegaacleyg. acy. ManiMfeasnt idfeessttidneys, tbinacy,kbinactkheindtahyesdays

real freeeallinfegeslicnogms icnogmthinrgouthgrho.ugh.

we wwaentwedanetveedryetvheirnygt,hwinagn,twedanetveedryetvheirnygt.hing.

'Caus'CeaaullsIekanlloIwknaonwd aalnl dI aamll Iisaymouis. yOoouh. .Ooh.

MamMa asmaida bsauirdnbyuorunryboiougr braiopghrieasp,hies,

YeahY, eaallhI ,kanlloIwknaonwd aalnl dI aamll Iisaymouis. yOoouh. .Ooh.

rewrirteewyroitueryhoisutrohryis,tloigrhy,tluigphyt ouuprywoiuldr ewsitldderestamdrse.ams.

IItE'hmjvuaestrbtyaIItEr'chmjelvtulaaiaeImnstkrbkt'yaiternnceltdlaoIgiaImentwkhmkn'iteninyanydonIgiksettwdi,hmnIl'emaiyanynlnliksctfdIai,eIla'lem,almiInlnlkcfIgianesa,lo,lymiIwonkuginst.,hoyiwos uits.htirsuies.true. I knoIwknyoowu'ryeofua'lrleinfgaltloinog, too, theret'hsenroe'sdonuobdtoyuobut'ryeoaul'lriena. Oll hin.. Oh.

MwMeuamsweMwMaauenuasmmtasweeivdadauincdsmettaovoeivendrdiir'cetdyetsgtovo,hienerviirn'veetyegsgtur,,hiypewvidn,veaiaegtunyr',sypt,wead,daialtiny'test,tvelaeedlrciyteottvlmheeirpncyoglticm.haipnteglidc. .ated. All tieAdll utipe,dnuopm, nooremloovree laonvde Ia'dndhaI'tdehtoatseeteoysoeuewyoauitiwn'a. itin'. TheyTshaeyyits'asyalilt'bseaellnbdeoennedbountetbhuetythhaevyehna'tvseene'tnsteheenbtehset boef smt eo,fem-ee-,ee.-e-e. So I gSootIognoet monoeremrournearnudn iatn'sdgiotn'sngaobnenaa bsieghatstigohsteteo, ese-ee-,ee.-e-e.

If youIfeyvoeur ethveinrkthyionuk'ryeofua'lrleinfga,lling,

Had tHoahdatvoehhaivgeh,hhigighh, hhiogphehsofpoer safloivrinagli,ving,

you kynoouwknI'ollwcaIt'lclhcaytocuhtyooou. Otoooh. ,Oooohh,.ooh.

shoosthinogoftoinrgthfoerstthaersswtahres nwIhceonuIldcno'utlmdna'ktemaakkielliank'.illin'.

'Caus'CeaaullsIeaamll Iisaymouis. you.

SHOSTHGOUTNGGUeNorGgeeoErzgrea Ezra HgSooomtmtaeHgSetooho-hgmtimittrnaoeteghtwh-hegcinithrrnotoaaghwanllecdignghr,eaoaagdtanlooldiigtgrn,t,eaasgtdtheohoeeitirnt,tyaasttothhemhueeeiotlyraastootthpmaeuehdro,ler.asortpeae,hdr,e. re, archiatercchhittuercehtuunrfeamunilfiaamr, Iilciaoru, Ildcogueltdugseetdutsoetdhtiso. this. TimeTfilmiees bflyieisnbtyheinytehleloywelalonwd garnedeng,reen, sTiIuff'etlhnliyecedbolkireeunesTiIufaf'retgl'hrnnnrsliyeicoeddbeeloalkiuiriakeeeunnemnaetrdg'rghnnrsdioaomdeelastiuausihakehenmnnonetdeoghtdmydtoaahmogstyuieaoshnuhuoennootetonuktdnomystahn'uopeglyieloonnu.uostotOwt,hneuknoshaen'uwpelt.lown.hIstOw',hemhehaerawet.dtwhIIIr''mehemllarabeemdteaIIri'.enmlnla.gbemeaoi.nfn,.g of, I'll beI'lrlidbienrgidsihnogtgshuontgun undeurnndeaetrhnethatehhtohteshuont, sun, feelinfegelliiknegaliskoemaesoonmee.oOnhe.. Oh. IufIuf''eellnnlleeddbblliieeeennIufIuf''rreeggllrrnnnnlleeiiddddbbeelllliiiiiiaakkeeeennnneettrrggrrgghhnniiaaddeellssttiissiihhaakkhhnnooeetteeoogghhmmttaahhggsstteeoosshhhhuuooootteeoonnnnmmsstthhuueeggeeoonn,.uuoosttO,,nnonnsshuumee.nn,.esO,,oohnm.ee, osonme,esoonmee.one.

DaHlaiwddantDaHy'tolsaiwhdhhdaanaavty'vdtoesehhhhahaiaagdvivdgheiemh,ha,hhiehgdiiggbihigmhhu,h,htehhihIogbiaogphulphwetheshaIos.ayopflspowehersaas.aydfsloiavhriavnadigslii,avoinvni,gsi,on, didnd'tikdnno'twknhoowwhbouwt Ibaulwt aI aylswhaayds ahafedealinfe'.elin'. I wasI gwoansngaobnenathbaet othnaet ionnaeminilaliomni,llion, alwaaylswhaayds hhiagdh,hhigighh, hhiogphehso. pes. HsDaHdhliaaiwddoddnanottHsDaHd'y'tttoohilsiaainwkdhdohhhddngnaanoaaaovtt'y'ftvvtdtoooweiseenkhrhhhhanghhhatiaaagohdviiofvvdggohweeiweemhhr,has,,hhhhbtiethhghdiioaiugggbiiheirwggtmhhhsu,shhI,,hwtbehtahhaihhIuolhgbiiwraooggtpehsulpphhaIwnewthayeeshhaIIolshss,wayoocpehfflsoppaoowneauhyeerrsdaIlsass,aadycadhffsnollooiiafavv'uherrtdiilavennaamdadilggsnillaniiif,,avv'oekt'.iinevennmil,ggasiani,,okk'.inell,iank'. illin'. I wasI gwoansngaobnenathbaet othnaet ionnaeminilaliomni,llion, alwaaylswhaayds hhiagdh,hhigighh, hhiogphehso, pes, SHUSTHUUPTAUNPDADNADNDCAENWCaElkWThalekMThoeoMn oon We wWeerewveicrteimvisctoimf tshoefntihgehtn,ight, a cheamcihceaml, pichayl,spichayl skircyapl tkorynpitteo.nite. HoDIYwroheeeeu,leaptwplotHoDIYwlioeseoroiheeeeoenskuw,les,akptwyttploetthhlmioooeseroiieueeonssyktwrs,hkfbiyalttseetoehhomoroymrmoieuubeesytrnyrash,fbiaals,sIdeoleornasIdymmotutbsdeaoohrtnyans,nyiacg,sIdndl'ohnasItdekuttsafdkatoohatInnnstnydsicgocanode'oihteiegnkweduaf.ktegaI:ntnsthtdsholchaoieoiegeignewedw.hrefg:,utthtihbl,httioueoghewruhrfae,untpi.b,ttdpuohertuaeonnp.egdpdeet,tontegodeg,tettohgere.ther.

PLAYPLJaAxYJoJanxeJso, Yneeasr, sYe&aYresa&rsYears I usedI utsoebdetosobreesaodyretaodryutno, run, mcoympemchotiylomoposehoctipllooohossyeocdptlooohsnhye'atdtnoloednhtl'eantnomledbtyloenldoomyvbyeo.ldoyve.

`Don`'Dt yoonu'tdyaoruedloaoreklboaockkb, jaucskt,kjuesetpkyeoeupryeoyuerseoynesmoen.' me.' I saidI,s`ayoidu,'`ryeohuo'rledhinogldbiancgkb.' aYcoku.'sYaoidu,s`sahidu,t`suhpuat nudp daanndcdeawnictehwmiteh.' me.' TWWhooisoopTWW,, wwheooiroosoosooop,, ..wwneWWrooissooooomoo..nWW,,yssishhoodmuuooe,,ttsysstuuihhdnppuueyaatts, tnnyuuioddnppuyddaa,saannyannoddiccduddee:saa`wwaWnniiiccdotteehh:o`wwW!mmSiiotteehhho..u!mmtSueehp..uat nudp daanndcdeawnictehwmiteh.' me.'

Don'Dt loent'ittlsehtoitws,hIowwa, nItwitatnot bitetoyobue, yooouh,.ooh. DivinDgivinintog minytoomceyaonc, ean, a braanbdrnaenwd neemwoteimonoctioomn ecotrmuee,toruoeh,.ooh. Don'Dt loent'tthleistnthigishtn,idgohnt,'tdloent'tthleistnthigishtngigoh.t go. HowHloonwgltoilnl gyotiullpyloauy pmlaeythmeestohnegstohnagt wthialltmwailklemmakeebmeleonbgeltoonygotuo?you? Ah, aAhh, a, ahh, a, ahh. , ah. One Odannecdeawnictehwmiythbmabyybtaobnyigthotnaignhdt waned'llwdea'nllcdeatnilcl ethteillntihgehtniisghthtriosuthgrho.ugh. Ah, aAhh, a, ahh, a, ahh. , ah. HowHloonwgltoilnl gyotiullpyloauy pmlaeythmeestohnegstohnagt wthialltmwailklemmakeebmeleonbgeltoonygotuo?you? Ah, aAhh, a, ahh, a, ahh. , ah. One Odannecdeawnictehwmiythbmabyybtaobnyigthotn,iagnhdt, waned'llwdea'nllcdeatnilcl ethteillntihgehtniisghthtriosuthgrho.ugh. Ah, aAhh, a, ahh, a, ahh. , ah.

Shotgun Words and Music by George Barnett, JoelSLhaosltegtut Pnott and Fred Gibson Copyright ? 2018 BMG Rights ManaWgoemrdesnatn(dUMK)uLsticd.b,ySoGneyo/rAgTeVBMarunseicttP, uJobelilsLhainslge(tUt KPo) tLtimanitdeFdraenddGPibrosomnised Land Ltd.

High Hopes Words and Music by Brendon Urie, Samuel HollanHdeigr,hWHilolipamesLobban Bean, Jonas Jeberg,

Jacob WSionrcdlasiar,nJdenMnuysOicwbeynBYreonudnogns,UIlrsiey, SJaumbeure,lLHaoulrleandPerirt,cWhailrldiaamndLoTbabyalanPBaeraxn, Jonas Jeberg, Copyright ? 2018 ListeJnacToobTShiinscSlhahirh, J, eSnlunsyhOiewFeunnYdo, uSnongsg,sIBlsyeyCoJoukbCelra, sLsaiuc,reAnrtPisrtit1c0h1arPduabnlidshTianyglaGProaurxp,

BCMopGyRrights?M2a0n1a8gLeimsteenntT(oUKTh) iLstSdh.,hBhi,gSDluesahl iBeeFautns,dS,iSnocnlagisr BEmy Cpoiroek, BCliagsDsieca,lANrotitsets1,01 Publishing Group, A Song Can Be ABbMouGt RAingyhtthsinMganMaugseicm, eGnirtls(URKa)isLetdd.B,yBWigoDleveasl ,BSeoantsy,/ASTinVcMlaiursEicmPpuibreli,sBhiigngDeLaLlCN, otes, Sparko PhoneAMSuosnicg, CLaonloBperiAtcbhoMutuAsincy, tWhianrgneMr-uTsaimc,eGrilralns eRaPiusbedlisBhyinWgoCloverps,. SaonndyT/aAyTlVorMMuosnicePtuMbulissihcing LLC,

Sparko PhoneAMlluRsigc,hLtos lfooprrLiitsctheMn TuosiTch, Wis aSrhnhehr-aTnadmSelrulashnieePFubnldishing Corp. and Taylor Monet Music Administered WAollrlRdiwghidtes fboyrKLoisbtaelnt TSo nTghsisMSuhshihc PanudblSisluhsinhgie Fund

All Rights for SoAndgmsiBnyisCteoroekdCWlaosrslidcwaniddeAbrytiKsto1b0a1ltPSuobnlgishMinugsiGcrPoubplishing AdminisAtellreRdigWhtosrfldorwSidonegbsyBSyonCogoskOCf lKaosbsiacltanMduAsirctiPsutb1l0is1hPinugblishing Group All RAigdhmtisnfiosrteBrMedGWRiogrhldtswMidaenbaygeSmonegnstO(Uf K)obLtadlt. Music Publishing AdministereAdlbl RyiBgMhtGs RfoigrhBtMs GMRaingahgtesmMeannta(gUeSm) LeLnCt (UK) Ltd.

All Rights for Big Deal BAedamtsi,nSisintecrlaeidr bEymBpMireG,RBiigghDtseaMlaNnoatgees,mAeSnotn(UgSC)aLnLBCe About AnythinAgllMRuigsihctasnfdorGBiriglsDReaaisleBdeaBtysW, SoinlvcelasirAEdmmpiniries,teBriegdDbeyalWNoortdess,&AMSuosnigc Can Be All Rights for Sony/ATVAbMouusticAnPyutbhlisnhginMguLsLicC,aSnpdaGrikrolsPRhaoinsedMBuysWic oalnvdesLoAlodpmrintcishtMeruesdicbAy dWmoirndis t&erMedusbicy SAollnRyi/gAhTtVsMfoursSiconPyu/bAlTisVhMinugsiLcLPCu, b42li4shCihnugrLcLhCS,tSrpeaertk, oSuPihteon12e0M0u, sNiacsahnvdilLleo,loTNpr3it7c2h1M9 usic Administered by

All RigShotns yfo/ArTTVayMloursMicoPnuebtliMshuisnigc aLnLdC,W4a2r4nCehr-uTracmh eSrtlraeneet,PSuubitliesh12in0g0,CNoraps.hville, TN 37219 AdministeArlel RdibgyhtWs afornr eTrayClhoarpMpoenlleNtoMrtuhsiAcmanedricWaaLrtnde,rL-oTanmdoenrl,aWne8 P5uDbAlishing Corp. AdmAinllisRtiegrhetds bRyesWearvrender CUhsaepdpbeyllPNeormrtihssAiomnerica Ltd, London, W8 5DA All Rights Reserved Used by Permission Shut Up And Dance

All I Am

AlCloRpigyrhitgshfto?r B2M0G18RBigMhGtsRMigahntasgMemaneangte(mUKen) tLt(dU.KA)dLmtdi.n, iSsotenrye/dATbVy MBMusGicRPiguhbtlsisMhiannga(gUeKm) eLnimt (iUteSd) aLnLCd Promised Land Ltd.

Words and Music by Ryan McMahoSnh,uBteUnpBeArngderD, SaenacneWaugaman,

Words and Music by Jessica Glynne, JameAslNl IewAman, Janee Bennett,

AllARlilgRhitgshftosrfSoornByM/AGTRVigMhutssicMPaunbalgisehminegnt(U(UKK) )LiLmtdit.eAddamnidniPsrtoemreidsebdy LBaMnGd RMiugshitcsLMtda.nagement (US) LLC

WEloi rMdasiamnadnM, Nuiscihc oblyaRs yPaentrMiccMa anhdonK,eBveinnRBaeyrger, Sean Waugaman,

Sophie CooWkoer,dBsaasntidanMLuasnicgbeybaJesks,iScanGdlynRnivee, rJa,maensdNJeawsomnaSne,aJlaeneee Bennett, Copyright S?op2h0i1e8CBoloakcke,BBuatstteiraMn LuasincgPeubbaleiskh, iSnagnLdtydR.,iJvienraJi,naLntddJ.,ason Sealee Universal Music PubliCsohpinygrigLthdt.?, G2o0ld1f8isBhlaRcekcoBrudtsteLrtdM.,usHicarPiupbalMishuisnicgaLntd.D, Ji iPniuJiSn.LRt.dL., All Rights for BlackUnBiuvtetresraMl MusuisciPc uPbulbislihsihnigngLtLdt.dA.,dGmoilndifsitsehrRedecboyrdBsMLGtdR.,igHhatsriMpaanMaugseicmaenndt D(Ui SP)iuLLSC.R.L. All RigAhtllsRfoigrhJtins fJoinr BLtladc.kABdumtitneirsMteuresidcbPyuUblnisivheinrsgaLl t-dS.oAndgms iOnfisPtoelryeGdrbamy BIMntGerRniagthitosnMala, nInacg.ement (US) LLC All Rights for UniverAslallRMiguhstics PfourbJlinshJingLLtdtd. .AAddmmininisitseterereddbbyyUUnniviveersrasal l--SPoonlgysGOrafmPoIlnytGerranmatIinotnearlnTautnioensa, Il,nIcn.c.

Administered by SoAnllyR/AigThVtMs fuosricSPounby/lAisThVinMguLsLiCc,P4u2b4lisChhiunrgch(USKtr)eLeimt, iStueidtean12d0P0r,oNmaishevdilLlaen, TdNM3u7s2ic19Ltd. Administered by SoAnlyl/RAiTgVhtMs uRseiscePruvebdlishUisnegdLbLyC,Pe4r2m4 iCshsiuornch Street, Suite 1200, Nashville, TN 37219 All Rights Reserved Used by Permission Play

Words and Music by Oliver Thornton, Timucin Lam,PUlzaoyechi Emenike and Mark Ralph CopyrigWhotr?ds2a0n1d8MUNusIVicEbRySAOLlivMeUr STIhCoPrUntBoLnIS, HTiImNGucLiTnDL.,aFmU,NUKzYoeWchOiNETmONenLiTkDe.a, nd Mark Ralph



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All RighAtlsl fRoirgGhtosldfofirsHhaRreipcoarMdsuLsitcdA. AddmmininisitsetreerdedbbyySuUpnrievemresaSlo-nPgoslyLGimraitmedInternational Publishing, Inc.



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