Short Stories: Compare/Contrast Paragraph

Life & Death: Compare/Contrast Paragraphs

|TOPIC: Use your knowledge of “The Story of an Hour” and “The Whirligig of Life” to write a short comparison and contrast essay. Your essay |

|should be two paragraphs. One paragraph will discuss the similarities between the stories, and the other paragraph will discuss the |

|differences between the stories. |

| |

|Your discussions in both paragraphs should involve irony and theme. You also should connect the themes of the stories to the life and death |

|theme of this unit. Also be aware that your teacher will be looking for you to communicate your ideas effectively, so this will involve your |

|using complex sentences to vary sentence structures and subordinate clauses to vary sentence openings and add detail to sentences. |


Presentation: Components in the correct order /5

Typed Final draft on top: 12 pt. Times Roman, double spaced

Rough Draft w/ revisions

Grading Sheet on the bottom

Content & Ideas /15

--Three main ideas are presented

--Each idea is developed with supporting details

and explanations

--Paragraph focuses on analysis (comparing/contrasting), not summary

Organization: /15

--Gets reader’s attention, without using a question

--Topic sentence includes story info. and main argument

--Transitional words between ideas

--Clincher statement provides closure to ideas presented

Sentence Fluency: /10

--The writing has an easy flow, rhythm, and cadence.

--Sentences have a strong and varied structure.

--Use of complex sentences.

--Sentence beginnings vary.

Conventions & Sentence Fluency /5

--No 1st or 2nd person pronouns (no I’s or you’s etc.)

--Consistent verb tense: literary present

--Complete sentences

--No spelling mistakes

--Correct use of punctuation and capitalization

Total /50

Compare and Contrast Paragraph

In a compare and contrast paragraph, you write about the similarities and differences between two or more people, places, things, or ideas.

Example:  Write a paragraph comparing the weather in Vancouver and Halifax.

The following words can help you to write a good compare and contrast paragraph:

|Similarities |Differences |

|is similar to |the other hand |

|both |however |

|also |but |

|too |in contrast |

|as well |differs from |

|  |while |

|  |unlike |

Helper Words:


|is similar to |

|Example:   Spring weather in Vancouver is similar to spring weather in Halifax. |

|both |

|Example:   Both Vancouver and Halifax have rain in the spring. |

|also |

|Example:   Halifax also has a rainy spring season. |

|too |

|Example:   Halifax has a rainy spring season, too. |

|as well |

|Example:   As well, Halifax has rainy spring season. |


|on the other hand |

|Example:   On the other hand, winter is much colder in Halifax. |

|however |

|Example:   However, winter is much colder in Halifax. |

|but |

|Example:   Vancouver has a mild winter, but Halifax has a cold one. |

|in contrast to |

|Example:   In contrast to Vancouver, Halifax has a cold winter. |

|differs from |

|Example:   Halifax differs from Vancouver by having a cold winter. |

|while |

|Example:   While Vancouver has a mild winter, Halifax has a cold winter |



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