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Act IReading QuestionsWhat important information is revealed in the third paragraph of the stage direction?In what way does the information Miller provides in these essay-like passages differ from the typical stage direction or dialogue?Why is this background information about Salem important to your understanding of the play?What is a time-honored activity among the people of Salem?What do you learn about Tituba’s motives?What accusation surfaces among the residents of Salem?Based on what stage directions have revealed about Abigail’s personality, what can you conclude about her “worry” and her “apprehension”?Why is Parris so quick to dismiss the possibility that Betty’s ailment is the result of “unnatural causes”?What do Parris’ references to his “enemies” reveal about his personality?What did Abigail and Betty do in the forest with Tituba?What does Miller tell you about Putnam’s motives?Why has Parris sent for Reverend Hale?What does the conversation between Abigail and Mercy (after Parris leaves the room) reveal about the two young women?What are the contrasting character traits of Mary Warren and of Mercy Lewis?Why do the Putnams believe there is witchcraft in Salem Village?What does Miller reveal about Proctor through the dramatic exposition that starts on page 20?What does Mary Warren insist the girls do? How does Abigail react?What important information about Abigail’s behavior and emotions is conveyed through stage directions? (pgs. 21-22)What is revealed about Abigail’s motivations? (pg. 22, bottom)How are you made aware of Mrs. Putnam’s eagerness to see signs of witchcraft?What effect does the psalm have on Betty? Why?What do the Putnams suggest by their remarks? (pg. 28)What is Rebecca Nurse’s effect on Betty? Why?Of what charge does Parris accuse members of his congregation? What does this accusation reveal about him?How does the playwright (Miller) indicate that Parris interrupts Proctor? (pg. 30)What does the dialogue between Proctor and Giles (pg. 31-32) reveal about the mood and atmosphere in Salem?How do Proctor’s and Parris’s beliefs about authority differ?Why does Giles feel a sudden “will to work”? (pg. 32)In the dramatic exposition beginning on page 33, what important information does Miller provide about his view of the world?What is Reverend Hale’s experience with witchcraft?What motivates Reverend Hale to study and expose witchcraft?What is the “armory” Hale brings with him to Salem?What does Hale’s speech about the devil’s precision reveal about Hale’s understanding of human nature?What does this dialogue (between Ann, Parris, Rebecca, and Hale) reveal about Ann Putnam’s character and judgment?Which details given in the background information beginning on page 40 explain Giles Corey’s remarks about his wife, Martha?How does Rebecca’s concern for the children compare to Hale’s and Parris’s?In what ways do Hale’s questions to Betty suggest the answers he wants to hear?Why does Hale want to speak with Tituba?What important details does Parris add to Abigail’s story? How does she explain them?What do you think Abigail is trying to do in accusing Tituba of making her “laugh at a prayer”?What does the dialogue beginning on page 43 reveal about the motives for Tituba’s sudden confession?What techniques does Miller use to indicate that Tituba is making things up?To what does Tituba confess in this dialogue?Who is the first person to name specific individuals?What do you think motivates Hale to speak “kindly” to Tituba? ................

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