Grammar Summary - Neshaminy School District

Grammar Summary

Spanish 2 Unidad 3 Etapa 3

Describing the Weather

A. To talk about the weather in Spanish, we often use the verb hacer:

|Hace (mucho) calor |It's (very) hot |

|Hace (mucho) fresco |It's (very) cool |

|Hace (mucho) frío |It's (very) cold |

|Hace (mucho) sol |It's (very) sunny |

|Hace (mucho) viento |It's (very) windy |

|Hace (muy) buen tiempo |It's (very) nice weather |

|Hace (muy) mal tiempo |It's (very) bad weather |

B. When you talk about the sun or the wind, you can also use hay:

Hay sol y hay viento = It's sunny and it's windy

C. To talk about raining and snowing, use the verbs llover (o-->ue) - to rain and nevar (e --> ie) - to snow:  Llueve mucho en el oeste del estado de Washington.  Nieva mucho en la montaña Rainier.

D. To say that it's cloudy, use the expression está nublado.  (TRIVIA QUESTION:  Why is it está nublado and not es nublado?  See the answer at the bottom of the page.)

Special Expressions Using tener

You have already learned that someone is hungry or thirsty and to tell a person's age using the verb tener.  It is also used in many other "idiomatic expressions."

|I'm hungry = Tengo hambre |

|I'm thirsty = Tengo sed |

|I'm 16 years old = Tengo 16 años |

|I'm hot = Tengo calor |

|I'm careful = Tengo cuidado |

|I'm cold = Tengo frío |

|I'm afraid = Tengo miedo |

|I'm in a hurry = Tengo prisa |

|I'm right = Tengo razón |

|I'm sleepy = Tengo sueño |

|I'm lucky = Tengo suerte |

|I feel like dancing = Tengo ganas de bailar |

Direct Object Pronouns

A "direct object" is a word that receives the action of a verb directly.  (In the sentence "Paco buys shoes" the action of buying goes directly from Paco to the shoes.)   An "indirect object" is a word that indirectly receives the action of a verb.  (In the sentence "Paco buys shoes for us" the action of buying goes directly from Paco to the shoes and then indirectly to us, because we end up wearing them!)  Right now we are concerned only with direct objects.

A direct object answers the questions "Whom?" or "What?" as in "Whom do you see?" or "What did you buy?"   Nouns used as direct objects can be replaced by direct object pronouns:


|me = me |us = nos |

|you (fam.) = te |you (fam. pl.) = os |

|him, it, you (formal)(Masculine)= lo |them, you (pl) (Masculine) = los |

|her, it, you (formal) Feminine) = la |them, you (pl) (Feminine) = las |

The direct object noun is placed after the conjugated verb, but a direct object pronoun is placed before the conjugated verb OR after the infinitive if there is one:    Yo compro la blusa.   Yo la compro.  Yo la voy a comprar/Yo voy a comprarla.

Saying What is Happening 'Right Now':   Present Progressive

The Present Progressive is the equivalent of using -ing in English when you want to talk about what is happening "right now."   ("We can't play baseball right now.  It's raining!")   The Present Progressive is a two-part construction, using the present indicative tense of estar + the present participle of a verb.  To form the present participle, drop the infinitive ending of the verb and add -ando for -AR verbs and -iendo for -ER/-IR verbs.  When the stem of an -ER/IR verb ends in a vowel, the spelling of -iendo changes to -yendo. (leer - leyendo, oir - oyendo, creer - creyendo)

|-AR Verbs like MIRAR | |

|I'm watching = Estoy mirando |We're watching = Estamos mirando |

|You (fam.) are watching - Estás mirando |You (fam. pl.) are watching = Estáis mirando |

|He, she, it, You (formal) is (are) watching = está mirando |They, you (pl.) are watching = están mirando |

|-ER Verbs like COMER | |

|I'm eating = Estoy comiendo |We're eating = Estamos comiendo |

|You (fam.) are eating - Estás comiendo |You (fam. pl.) are eating = Estáis comiendo |

|He, she, it, You (formal) is (are) eating = está comiendo |They, you (pl.) are eating = están comiendo |


|-IR Verbs like ESCRIBIR | |

|I'm writing = Estoy escribiendo |We're writing = Estamos escribiendo |

|You (fam.) are writing - Estás escribiendo |You (fam. pl.) are writing = Estáis escribiendo |

|He, she, it, You (formal) is (are) writing = está escribiendo |They, you (pl.) are writing = están escribiendo |

ANSWER TO THE TRIVIA QUESTION:  It's está nublado because estar is used for temporary conditions.   Even in Washington state cloudy skies are only temporary!

|Spanish 2 Unidad 3 Etapa 3 | |

|¿Qué tiempo hace? |What is the weather like? |

|Está nublado |It's cloudy |

|Hace buen tiempo |It's good weather |

|Hace calor |It's hot |

|Hace fresco |It's cool |

|Hace frío |It's cold |

|Hace mal tiempo |It's bad weather |

|Hace sol |It's sunny |

|Hace viento |It's windy |

|Hay sol |It's sunny (there is sun) |

|Hay viento |I'ts windy (there is wind) |

|las estaciones |seasons |

|el invierno |winter |

|el otoño |fall, autumn |

|la primavera |spring |

|el verano |summer |

|tener calor |to be hot ("to have heat") |

|tener cuidado |to be careful ("to have care") |

|tener frío |to be cold ("to have cold") |

|tener miedo |to be afraid ("to have fear") |

|tener prisa |to be in a hurry |

|tener razón |to be right |

|tener sueño |to be sleepy |

|tener suerte |to be lucky |

|tener ganas de...(+ infinitive verb) |to feel like... |

|creer |to think, to believe |

|Creo que sí/no |I think so/I don't think so |

|el abrigo |coat, overcoat |

|la bufanda |scarf |

|el gorro |cap |

|el impermeable |raincoat |

|los shorts |shorts |

|el traje de baño |bathing suit |

|con rayas |striped |

|de cuadros |plaid, checked |

|el bronceador |suntan lotion |

|las gafas de sol |sunglasses |

|el paraguas |umbrella |

|sacar fotos |to take pictures |

|tomar el sol |to sunbathe |

|el bosque |forest |

|el desierto |desert |

|el lago |lake |

|el mar |sea |

|la montaña |mountain |

|la playa |beach |

|el río |river |

|el árbol |tree |

|la flor |flower |

|la planta |plant |


Grammar Summary

Spanish 2 Unidad 4 Etapa 1

The Verb decir - to say, to tell

Decir is an irregular verb, with many spelling changes.  Note that decir que (que has no accent mark) means to say that (Digo que mi novia es más bonita - I say that my girlfriend is prettier.)

|DECIR - to say, to tell |  |

|I say = Digo |We say = decimos |

|You (fam.) say = dices |You ( say = decís |

|He, she, you (formal) say(s) = dice |They, you (pl.) say = dicen |

Using Prepositional Phrases to Express Location

When you talk about where things are located use prepositions.   Use de when the preposition is followed by a specific location.

|cerca (de) |near (to) |

|delante (de) |in front (of) |

|a la derecha (de) |to the right (0f) |

|detrás (de) |behind |

|enfrente (de) |facing, across (from) |

|entre |between |

|a la izquierda (de) |to the left (of) |

|al lado (de) |beside, next to, to the side (of) |

|lejos (de) |far (from) |

Regular Affirmative tú Commands

To tell a person to do something, use an affirmative command.   Tú commands are used with family and friends (anyone you would speak to as "tú").  The regular affirmative tú command is the same as the él/ella form of the Present Indicative Tense:  ¡Habla!  You could also think of it as being the same as the tú form, but without the "s."

Walk! = ¡Camina!    Eat! = ¡Come!    Open! = ¡Abre!

If you use an affirmative command with a direct object pronoun, attach the pronoun to the end of the command:    ¡Abre la puerta  -->  ¡Abrela!

If needed, add an accent mark when you attach a pronoun in order retain the original stress.  (Remember that if not marked with an accent, a word that ends in a vowel or the consonants n or s is stressed on the next-to-last syllable.)  ¡Escribe!  ¡Escríbelo!

|Spanish 1 Unidad 4 Etapa 1 | |

|el aeropuerto |airport |

|el banco |bank |

|la carnicería |butcher's shop |

|el centro |center, downtown |

|el centro comercial |shopping center |

|el correo |post office |

|la estación de autobuses |bus station |

|la farmacia |pharmacy, drugstore |

|el hotel |hotel |

|la iglesia |church |

|la joyería |jewelry store |

|la librería |book store |

|la panadería |bread bakery |

|la papelería |stationery store |

|la pastelería |pastry shop |

|la plaza |town square |

|la tienda de música y videos |music and video store |

|la zapatería |shoe store |

|la avenida |avenue |

|la calle |street |

|el camino |road |

|la dirección |direction, address |

|a pie |on foot |

|el autobús |bus |

|el avión |airplane |

|el barco |ship |

|el carro |car |

|el metro |subway |

|la moto(cicleta) |motorcycle |

|el taxi |taxi, cab |

|el tren |train |

|Perdona(e), ¿cómo llego a...? |Pardon, how do I get to...? |

|¿Puedes (Puede usted) decirme dónde queda...? |Could you tell me |

|¿Queda lejos? |Is it far? |

|acá / aquí |here  (over here, around here / here) |

|allá / allí |there (over there, around there / there) |

|¡Cómo no! |Of course |

|Lo siento... |I'm sorry... |

|cerca (de) |near (to) |

|cruzar |to cross |

|la cuadra |city block |

|delante (de) |in front (of) |

|a la derecha (de) |to the right (of) |

|derecho |straight ahead |

|desde |from |

|detrás (de) |behind |

|doblar |to turn |

|enfrente (de) |facing, across from |

|entre |between |

|la esquina |corner |

|hasta |until, as far as |

|a la izquierda (de) |to the left (of) |

|al lado (de) |beside, next to |

|lejos (de) |far (from) |

|quedar (en) |to be (in a specific place, to agree on) |

|la cosa |thing |

|decir |to say, to tell |

|manejar |to drive |

|el mapa |map |

|por |for, by, around |

|salir |to go out, to leave |

|viajar |to travel |

|el viaje |trip |


Grammar Summary

Spanish 2 Unidad 4 Etapa 2

Stem-Changing Verbs (o --> ue)

Remember "boot" verbs like pensar, where the spelling in the stem alternates between e and ie?  There is also a group of verbs in which the spelling alternates between o and ue.

|ALMORZAR (o--> ue) - to eat lunch |  |

|I eat lunch = Almuerzo |We eat lunch = Almorzamos |

|You (fam.) eat lunch = Almuerzas |You ( eat lunch = Almorzáis |

|He, she, you (formal) eat(s) lunch = Almuerza |They, you (pl.) eat lunch = Almuerzan |

Other (o--> ue) verbs in this unit are:  devolver - to return an item, encontrar - to find, to meet,  recordar - to remember, poder - to be able to, can, volver - to return, to go back

Indirect Object Pronouns

A "direct object" is a word that receives the action of a verb directly.  (In the sentence "Paco buys shoes" the action of buying goes directly from Paco to the shoes.)   An "indirect object" is a word that indirectly receives the action of a verb.  (In the sentence "Paco buys shoes for us" the action of buying goes directly from Paco to the shoes and then indirectly to us, because we end up wearing them!)  You have already learned about direct object pronouns.  In this unit you learn how to use indirect object pronouns.

An indirect object tells "to whom/what" or "for whom/what" an action is performed.  Notice that indirect object pronouns use the same words as direct object pronouns, except for le and les.  (Trivia question:  What are the direct object pronoun equivalents of  le and les?  See the answer at the bottom of the page)

|Indirect Object Pronouns |  |

|(to/for) me = me |(to/for) us = nos |

|(to/for) you (fam.) = te |(to/for) you ( = os |

|(to/for) him, her, you (formal) = le |(to/for) them, you (pl.) = les |

An indirect object pronoun can replace or accompany an indirect object noun.

|Accompanies |Replaces |

|Rosa le compra una olla a su madre. |Rosa le compra una olla. |

|Rosa buys her mother a pot. |Rosa buys her a pot. |

Since the pronouns le and les can refer to different indirect objects (him, her, you) they are often accompanied by a + name, noun, or pronoun in order to clarify the meaning:    Yo le compro flores=I buy her flowers.  Yo le compro flores a mi novia=  I buy my girlfriend flowers (and not that other girl-big trouble if the meaning is not clear!)

To add emphasis, you can add the phrase a + pronoun to a sentence that uses an indirect object pronoun:    A mi me compro un carro rojo = I'm buying myself a red car.

Placement of Indirect Object Pronouns

How do you know where indirect object pronouns go in a sentence?  They work just like direct object pronouns.

The indirect object pronoun is placed before the conjugated verb OR after the infinitive if there is one:    Yo me compro la blusa.     Yo voy a comprarme la blusa/Yo me voy a comprar la blusa. If there are both an indirect and a direct object pronoun, the indirect object pronoun goes first.  Yo me la compro.  Yo voy a comprármela/ Yo me la voy a comprar.


TRIVIA QUESTION ANSWER:  The direct object equivalents of le are lo or la and the equivalents of les are los or las.

|Spanish 2 Unidad 4 Etapa 2 | |

|el anillo |ring |

|el arete |earring |

|el collar |necklace |

|las joyas |jewelry |

|el oro |gold |

|la plata |silver |

|la pulsera |bracelet |

|el casete |cassette |

|el disco compacto |compact disc (CD) |

|el radio |radio |

|el radiocasete |radio-tape player |

|el video |video |

|la videograbadora |VCR |

|el videojuego |video game |

|la artesanía |handicraft |

|los artículos de cuero |leather goods |

|la bolsa |handbag |

|las botas |boots |

|la cartera |wallet |

|la cerámica |ceramics |

|el cinturón |belt |

|la jarra |pitcher (to hold liquids) |

|la olla |pot |

|el plato |plate |

|¿Cuánto cuesta(n) |How much does it (they) cost? |

|¡Es muy caro! |It's very expensive! |

|Le dejo...en... |I'll give ... to you for ... |

|Le puedo ofrecer... |I can offer you... |

|¿Me deja ver... |May I see...? |

|regatear |to bargain |

|dar |to give |

|el regalo |gift |

|barato(a) |cheap, inexpensive |

|la calidad |quality |

|cambiar |to change, to exchange |

|caro(a) |expensive |

|demasiado(a) |too much |

|el mercado |market |

|perfecto(a) |perfect |

|el cambio |change, money exchange |

|el dinero |money |

|el dólar |dollar |

|el efectivo |cash |

|pagar |to pay |

|el precio |price |

|la tarjeta de crédito |credit card |

|juntos |together |

|para |for, in order to |

|almorzar (o-->ue) |to eat lunch |

|contar (o-->ue) |to count, to tell or retell |

|costar (o-->ue) |to cost |

|devolver (o-->ue) |to return an item |

|dormir (o-->ue) |to sleep |

|encontrar (o-->ue) |to find, to meet |

|poder (o-->ue) |to be able to, can |

|recordar (o-->ue) |to remember |

|volver (o-->ue) |to return |

Grammar Summary

Spanish 2 Unidad 4 Etapa 3

Using gustar to Talk About Things (nouns) You Like

You've already learned how to say you like to do something:                                               Indirect Object Pronoun+gustar+infinitive verb    Me gusta patinar

To say someone likes a thing or things (noun), use the same construction, but remember that the thing one likes is the subject of the sentence ("French fries please me") and so control the conjugation of the verb gustar: Me gustan las papas fritas.  If the thing you like is singular, use the singular form of the verb -  Me gusta la salsa.  But if the thing you like is plural, use gustan.

Affirmative and Negative Words

When you want to talk about an indefinite or negative situation, you use an affirmative or a negative word:


|algo - something |nada - nothing |

|alguien - someone |nadie - no one |

|algún/alguno(a) - some |ningún/ninguno(a) - none, not any |

|siempre - always |nunca - never |

|también - also |tampoco - neither, either |

Notice that alguno(a) and ninguno(a) must match the gender of the noun they replace or modify.  Alguno and ninguno have different forms when used before a masculine singular noun.  La chica quiere algún postre, (postre is a masculine singular noun) pero el chico no quiere ningúno. (the word postre is omitted, so the form remains ninguno).

When a verb is preceded by no, words that follow it must also be negative.  A double negative is required in Spanish when no comes before the verb:               No quiero nada - I don't want anything (I not want nothing).  However, if a negative word, such as nunca or nadie, comes before the verb, a second negative is not needed:  Nadie quiere postre.  Las chicas nunca comen postre.

Stem-changing Verbs (e-->i)

You have already learned about verbs that have a spelling change in the stem from e to ie, or from o to ue.   These (e-->i) verbs change in a similar pattern:

|Verbs like pedir (e-->i) |  |

|I order = Pido |We order = pedimos |

|You (fam.) order = pides |You ( order = pedís |

|He, she, you(formal) order(s) = pide |They, you (pl.) order = piden |

Verbs like pedir in this lesson are:    servir - to serve, repetir - to repeat, seguir - to follow or to continue  (seguir changes its spelling because of Spanish spelling rules:  The yo form drops the "u" because he sound "go" is spelled sigo.  the other forms retain the "u" because the sounds "geh" and "gui" (as in "guitar) are spelled with a "u": sigues, sigue, seguimos, siguen.

|Spanish 2 Unidad 4 Etapa 3 | |

|¿Me ayuda a pedir? |Could you help me to order? |

|¿Me trae...? |Could you bring me...? |

|el menú |menu |

|pedir (e-->i) |to ask for, to order, to request |

|Quisiera... |I would like |

|el (la) mesero(a) |waiter (waitress) |

|el restaurante |restaurant |

|servir (e-->i) |to serve |

|traer |to bring |

|la cuchara |spoon |

|el cuchillo |knife |

|la taza |cup |

|el tenedor |fork |

|riquísimo |very tasty, very rich |

|¿Cuánto es? |How much is it? |

|¿Cuánto le doy de propina? |How much do I tip? |

|la cuenta |bill, check |

|La cuenta, por favor |The check please |

|Es aparte |Separate checks |

|¿Está incluido(a)...? |Is...included? |

|la propina |tip |

|Fui.../Fuiste... |I went.../you went... |

|caliente |hot, warm |

|delicioso(a) |delicious |

|dulce |sweet |

|picante |spicy |

|rico(a) |tasty, rich |

|vegetariano(a) |vegetarian |

|el arroz |rice |

|el azúcar |sugar |

|el bistec |steak |

|la carne |meat |

|la enchilada |enchilada |

|la ensalada |salad |

|la lechuga |lettuce |

|el pan |bread |

|el pollo |chicken |

|el queso |cheese |

|la salsa |salsa, sauce |

|la sopa |soup |

|la bebida |beverage, drink |

|el café |coffee |

|la limonada |lemonade |

|el té |tea |

|el flan |caramel custard dessert |

|el pan dulce |sweet roll |

|el pastel |cake |

|el postre |dessert |

|algo |something |

|alguien |someone, somebody |

|alguno(a) |some |

|desayunar |to have breakfast |

|el desayuno |breakfast |

|la lengua |language |

|listo(a) |ready |

|nada |nothing |

|nadie |no one, nobody |

|ninguno(a) |none, not any |

|poner |to put |

|poner la mesa |to set the table |

|el pueblo |town, village |

|sin |without |

|tampoco |neither, either |

|todavía |still, yet |


Grammar Summary

Spanish-1 Unidad 5 Etapa 1

Describing Actions That Involve Oneself:  Reflexive Verbs

To describe people doing things for or to themselves, use reflexive verbs.  Examples of reflexive verbs are brushing one's teeth or combing one's hair.  Reflexive verbs are used with a reflexive pronoun to indicate that the subject of the sentence receives the action of the verb.  When a reflexive verb is conjugated, the reflexive pronouns go before the verb.   For example, with the verb lavarse - to wash oneself

|yo me lavo la cara |nosotros nos lavamos las caras |

|tú te lavas la cara |vosotros os lavais las caras |

|él, ella, Ud. se lava cara |ellos, Uds. se lavan las caras |

Notice that the people say they wash themselves "the face" and not "my face" or "your face," etc.  This is because reflexive pronouns already include the concept of possession.

When you use the infinitive form of a reflexive verb after a conjugated verb, there are two options for where to place the reflexive pronoun.  It can go either before the conjugated verb or after (and attached to) the infinitive:

|Before the Conjugated Verb |After the Infinitive |

|Me quiero lavar la cara |Quiero lavarme la cara |

Some verbs have different meanings when used reflexively:

|Non-reflexive |Reflexive |

|dormir - to sleep |dormirse - to fall asleep |

|ir - to go |irse - to leave, to go away |

|poner - to put |ponerse - to put on (clothes) |

Irregular Affirmative Tú Commands

Remember how to form regular affirmative tú commands?  You use the present indicative tense tú form, but drop off the "s":  ¡Habla!   ¡Come!  ¡Abre!  Some verbs have irregular affirmative tú command forms:

|Infinitive |Affirmative tú command |

|decir |di |

|hacer |haz |

|ir |ve |

|poner |pon |

|salir |sal |

|ser |sé |

|tener |ten |

|venir |ven |

Remember that when you use a pronoun with an affirmative tú command, you attach the pronoun to the end of the command:  ¡Hazlo ahora!

Negative Tú Commands

When you tell someone what not to do, use a negative command.  Negative commands are formed by starting with the yo form of the present tense, dropping the o and adding the appropriate ending:

|Infinitive |Yo form Present Tense |Negative Tú Command |

|hablar |hablo |¡No hables! |

|comer |como |¡No comas! |

|venir |vengo |¡No vengas! |

Notice that the vowel in the ending changes to the "opposite" of that of the infinitive.  An -AR verb's vowel changes from "a" to "e" and -ER/IR verbs change from "e" or "i" to "a."

There are a few irregular negative tú command verbs:

|Infinitive (yo form) |Negative Tú Command |

|dar (doy) |¡No des! |

|estar (estoy) |¡No estés! |

|ir (voy) |¡No vayas! |

|ser (soy) |¡No seas! |

With negative tú commands, pronouns are always placed before the verb:

¡No lo uses!   ¡No la escribas!

|Spanish-2 Unidad 5 Etapa 1 | |

|acostarse (o-->ue) |to go to bed |

|afeitarse |to shave oneself |

|despertarse (e-->ie) |to wake up |

|dormirse (o-->ue) |to fall asleep |

|ducharse |to take a shower |

|lavarse |to wash oneself |

|lavarse la cabeza |to wash one's hair |

|lavarse los dientes |to brush one's teeth |

|levantarse |to get up |

|maquillarse |to put on makeup |

|peinarse |to comb one's hair |

|ponerse la ropa |to get dressed |

|secarse |to dry oneself |

|el cepillo (de dientes) |toothbrush |

|el champú |shampoo |

|el espejo |mirror |

|el jabón |soap |

|la pasta de dientes |toothpaste |

|el peine |comb |

|el secador de pelo |hair dryer |

|la toalla |towel |

|la boca |mouth |

|el brazo |arm |

|la cabeza |head |

|la cara |face |

|el cuerpo |body |

|el diente |tooth |

|el estómago |stomach |

|la mano |hand |

|la nariz |nose |

|la oreja |ear |

|el pie |foot |

|la pierna |leg |

|hacer la cama |to make the bed |

|lavar los platos |to wash the dishes |

|limpiar el cuarto |to clean the room |

|limpio(a) |clean |

|los quehaceres |chores |

|quitar la mesa |to clear the table |

|sucio(a) |dirty |

|la cama |bed |

|el despertador |alarm clock |

|duro(a) |hard, tough |

|irse |to leave, to go away |

|la manta |blanket |

|ponerse (ropa) |to put on (clothes) |


Grammar Summary

Spanish-2 Unidad 5 Etapa 2

Using Pronouns with the Present Progressive

Remember how you use the present progressive to describe actions in progress?  When you use pronouns with the present participle, you can put them in one of two places:

|Before the Conjugated estar |After the Present Participle |

|lo estoy esperando |estoy esperándolo |

Remember that when you attach pronouns to the end of a verb form, you may have to add an accent mark in order to retain the original stress of the verb (as in the example above).

Some verbs you know have irregular present participle forms:

|  |Verb Infinitive |Irregular Present |

| | |Participle |

|When the stem of an -er or -ir verb ends in a vowel, |leer |leyendo |

|change the -iendo to -yendo |oir |oyendo |

| |traer |trayendo |

|e-->i stem-changing verbs have a vowel change in the |pedir |pidiendo |

|stem of the present participle |servir |sirviendo |

|Some other verbs also have a vowel change in the stem |decir |diciendo |

| |dormir |durmiendo |

| |venir |viniendo |

Using the Verb deber to Say What You Should or Ought to Do:

Use the conjugated form of deber with the infinitive of another verb:

|Yo debo barrer el suelo |Nosotros debemos ir a escuela |

|Tú debes estudiar |Vosotros debéis comer |

|Él, ella, Ud.  debe venir |Ellos, ustedes deben hablar |

Using Adverbs That End in -mente

To describe how something is done, use an adverb.  Many adverbs in Spanish are made by changing an existing adjective and adding the ending -mente, which is the equivalent of adding -ly in English.

|  |Adjective |Adverb |

|When an adjective ends in e, l, or z, |reciente |recientemente |

|simply add -mente to the end | | |

|  |frecuente |frecuentemente |

|  |fácil |fácilmente |

|  |normal |normalmente |

|  |especial |especialmente |

|  |feliz |felizmente |

|For adjectives with -o or -a endings, add |cuidadoso(a) |cuidadosamente |

|-mente to the feminine form | | |

|  |rápido(a) |rápidamente |

|  |lento(a) |lentamente |

|  |tranquilo(a) |tranquilamente |

When you use two adverbs, drop the -mente from the first one:

Ella entra en la clase lenta y tranquilamente.

|Spanish-2 Unidad 5 Etapa 2 | |

|cuidadosamente |carefully |

|cuidadoso(a) |careful |

|deber |should, ought to |

|especial |special |

|epecialmente |especially |

|facilmente |easily |

|felizmente |happily |

|frecuente |frequent |

|frecuentemente |frequently, often |

|lentamente |slowly |

|lento(a) |slow |

|normal |normal |

|rapidamente |quickly, rapidly |

|rápido(a) |quick, fast |

|recientemente |recently, lately |

|tranquilamente |calmly |

|el baño |bathroom |

|la cocina |kitchen |

|el comedor |dining room |

|la habitación |bedroom |

|el jardín |garden |

|la pared |wall |

|la puerta |door |

|la sala |living room |

|el suelo |floor |

|la ventana |window |

|el armario |closet |

|la lámpara |lamp |

|la mesa |table |

|los muebles |furniture |

|la silla |chair |

|el sillón |armchair |

|el sofá |sofa, couch |

|el televisor |TV set |

|barrer el suelo |to sweep the floor |

|mover (o-->ue) los muebles |to move the furniture |

|ordenar (las flores, los libros) |to arrange (the flowers, the books) |

|pasar la aspiradora |to vacuum |

|planchar la ropa |to iron (the clothes) |

|quitar el polvo |to dust |

|sacar la basura |to take out the trash |

|abierto(a) |open |

|cerrado(a) |closed |

|la llave |key |

|olvidar |to forget |

|si |if |

|las aceitunas |olives |

|los calamares |squid |

|el chorizo |sausage |

|el jamón |ham |

|las tapas |appetizers |

|la tortilla española |potato omelet |

|la fiesta |party |

|la invitación |invitation |

|sorpender |to surprise |

|la sorpresa |surprise |


Grammar Summary

Spanish-2 Unidad 5 Etapa 3

Talking About Extremes:   Superlatives

When you want to say that something has the most or least of a certain quality, use a superlative.  The most common way to make an superlative in Spanish is to add the words más or menos to the word that describes the quality.

|The Most... |The Least... |

|el más famoso |el menos famoso |

|el chico  más famoso |el chico menos famoso |

|los más cómicos |los menos  cómicos |

|los hombres  más comicos |los hombres menos cómicos |

|la  más bonita |la menos bonita |

|la chica más bonita |la chica menos bonita |

|las  más feas |las menos feas |

|las  blusas más feas |las blusas menos feas |

|When you refer to an idea or concept, which has no gender, use |Lo menos creíble |

|the neuter article lo: | |

|Lo más increíble | |

Remember that these irregular froms are used when referring to the best, worst, oldest and youngest:

el mejor, el peor, el mayor, el menor


Talk About the Past Using Regular -AR Preterite Verbs

The preterite tense tells what happened or what you did.  it is used when the action described has already been completed.   Regular preterite verbs, like present indicative tense verbs, are formed by adding tense endings to the stem:

|  |-AR Verbs |

|yo |hablé |

|tú |hablaste |

|él, ella, usted |habló |

|nosotros(as) |hablamos |

|vosotros(as) |hablasteis |

|ellos, ellas, ustedes |hablaron |

Be sure to include accent marks where necessary, as they are important to the meaning and to avoid confusion with other verb tense forms.!

Preterite Tense Verbs and Spelling Rules

The sounds "kay" and "gay" are spelled "que" and "gue" in Spanish.  Therefore when you spell the preterite yo form of -AR verbs (that have an "eh" sounding ending) you must watch your spelling.  Also verbs whose stem ends in the letter "z " change the "z" to a "c" before the letter "e":


|sacar |yo saqué |

|jugar |yo jugué |

|almorzar |almorcé |

Some verbs like this are: buscar, practicar, tocar, llegar, pagar, empezar, comenzar

Irregular Preterite Verbs ir, ser, hacer, dar, and ver

These irregular verbs do not follow the regular ending pattern.   Sometimes the stem of the verb changes a little bit, and sometimes it changes a lot.  There are several other irregular preterite verbs you will learn later that are like hacer, and they all have the same ending pattern as hacer.

|ir-to go |ser-to be |hacer-to do |dar-to give |ver-to see |

|fui |fui |hice |di |vi |

|fuiste |fuiste |hiciste |diste |viste |

|fue |fue |hizo |dio |vio |

|fuimos |fuimos |hicimos |dimos |vimos |

|fuisteis |fuisteis |hicisteis |disteis |visteis |

|fueron |fueron |hicieron |dieron |vieron |

No, it's not a mistake.  Ir and ser do have the same preterite forms!  Use context to tell the difference between the two.

|Spanish- 2 Unidad 5 Etapa 3 | |

|apagar la luz |to turn off the light |

|¡Cállate! |Be quiet! |

|¿A Cuánto está(n)? |How much is (are)...? |

|el aceite |oil |

|la carne de res |beef |

|la cebolla |onion |

|el cereal |cereal |

|la crema |cream |

|la galleta |cookie, cracker |

|la harina |flour |

|el helado |ice cream |

|el huevo |egg |

|la leche |milk |

|la mantequilla |butter |

|la pasta |pasta |

|la patata |potato |

|el pescado |fish |

|la pimienta |pepper |

|el puerco |pork |

|la sal |salt |

|la salchicha |sausage |

|el tomate |tomato |

|la verdura |vegetable |

|el yogur |yogurt |

|la zanahoria |carrot |

|el zumo |juice |

|la botella |bottle |

|la lata |can |

|el paquete |package |

|cuarto(a) |quarter |

|la docena |dozen |

|el gramo |gram |

|el kilo |kilogram |

|el litro |liter |

|medio(a) |half |

|el pedazo |piece |

|doscientos(as) |two hundred |

|trescientos(as) |three hundred |

|cuatrocientos(as) |four hundred |

|quinientos(as) |five hundred |

|seiscientos(as) |six hundred |

|setecientos(as) |seven hundred |

|ochocientos(as) |eight hundred |

|novecientos(as) |nine hundred |

|mil |one thousand |

|un millón |one million |

|anoche |last night |

|anteayer |day before yesterday |

|el año pasado |last year |

|ayer |yesterday |

|el mes pasado |last month |

|la semana pasada |last week |

|la estrella |star |

|sabroso(a) |tasty |

|cocinar |to cook |

|el congelador |freezer |

|la estufa |stove |

|el frigorífico |refrigerator |

|el horno |oven |

|el lavaplatos |dishwasher |

|el microondas |microwave |


Grammar Summary

Spanish-2 Unidad 6 Etapa 1

Talking About the Past:  The Preterite of -er and -ir Verbs

Notice that -er and -ir verb endings are the same in the preterite:

|Comer:  Yo comí |Comer:  Nosotros comimos |

|Vivir:  Yo viví |Vivir: Nosotros vivimos |

|Comer:  Tú comiste |Comer:  Vosotros comisteis |

|Vivir:  Tú viviste |Vivir:   Vosotros vivisteis |

|Comer:  Él, ella, Ud. comió |Comer:  Ellos, Uds. comieron |

|Vivir:   Él, ella, Ud. vivió |Vivir:  Ellos, Uds. vivieron |

Preterite Verbs with a Spelling Change and Irregular Verbs in the Preterite:  hacer, ir, ser

|Spanish-2 Unidad 6 Etapa 1 | |

|ancho(a) |wide |

|antiguo(a) |old, ancient |

|el edificio |building, edifice |

|enorme |huge, enormous |

|estrecho(a) |narrow |

|formal |formal |

|informal |informal |

|lujoso(a) |luxurious |

|moderno(a) |modern |

|ordinario(a) |ordinary |

|sencillo(a) |simple |

|tradicional |traditional |

|el (la) arquitecto(a) |architect |

|la arquitectura |architecture |

|el (la) bombero(a) |firefighter |

|el (la) cartero(a) |mail carrier |

|la cámara |camera |

|la compañía |company |

|el (la) contador(a) |accountant |

|el (la) editor(a) |editor |

|el (la) fotógrafo(a) |photographer |

|el (la) gerente |manager |

|el (la) escritor(a) |writer |

|la grabadora |tape recorder |

|el hombre de negocios |businessman |

|la mujer de negocios |business woman |

|el (la) operador(a) |operator |

|el (la) periodista |journalist |

|la profesión |profession |

|el (la) recepcionista |receptionist |

|el (la) secretario(a) |secretary |

|el (la) taxista |taxi driver |

|Vamos a... |Let's... |

|la contaminación del aire |air pollution |

|decidir |to decide |

|estar de acuerdo |to agree, to be in agreement |

|el (la) ganador(a) |winner |

|ofrecer |to offer |

|el tráfico |traffic |


Grammar Summary

Spanish-2 Unidad 6 Etapa 2

Pointing Out Specific Things Using Demonstratives

A demonstrative adjective or demonstrative pronoun are used to point out specific things.  A demonstrative adjective describes the location of a noun in relation to a person you are talking to.  A demonstrative pronoun refers to the same noun, but without mentioning it.

|Masculine Demonstrative Adjectives |Feminine Demonstrative Adjectives |

|Singular |Plural |Singular |Plural |

|este cerdo |estos cerdos |esta mesa |estas mesas |

|this pig |these pigs |this table |these tables |

|ese cerdo |esos cerdos |esa mesa |esas mesas |

|that pig |those pigs |that table |those tables |

|aquel cerdo |aquellos cerdos |aquella mesa |aquellas mesas |

|that pig over there |those pigs over there |that table over there |those tables over there |

Notice that the only difference between the demonstrative adjective and the demonstrative pronoun is that the pronoun has an accent.

|Masculine Demonstrative Pronouns |Feminine Demonstrative Pronouns |

|Singular |Plural |Singular |Plural |

|éste |éstos |ésta |éstas |

|this (one) |these |this (one) |these |

|ése |ésos |ésa |ésas |

|that(one) |those |that (one) |those |

|aquél |aquéllos |aquélla |aquéllas |

|that (one) over there |those  over there |that (one) over there |those  over there |

Ordinal Numbers

When you talk about the order of items, use ordinal numbers.  When used with nouns, they must agree in number and gender, just like an adjective.  But unlike most adjectives, ordinals are placed before nouns.  Primero and tercero drop the o before a masculine singular noun.

El primer año     La última vez     El tercer piso    La quinta chica

Irregular Preterite Verbs

|dar - to give |decir - to say, to tell |venir - to come |

|di |dimos |dije |dijimos |vine |vinimos |

|diste |disteis |dijiste |dijisteis |viniste |vinisteis |

|dio |dieron |dijo |dijeron |vino |vinieron |


|tener - to have |estar - to be |

|tuve |tuvimos |estuve |estuvimos |

|tuviste |tuvisteis |estuviste |estuvisteis |

|tuvo |tuvieron |estuvo |estuvieron |

NOTE:  Do not use the preterite of estar to talk about feelings in the past.   You will use the Imperfect Tense for that.

|Spanish-2 Unidad 6 Etapa 2 | |

|aquel(la) |that (+noun) over there |

|aquél(la) |that one over there (no noun mentioned) |

|aquello |that over there (gender undetermined) |

|ese(a) |that (+noun) |

|ése(a) |that one there (no noun mentioned) |

|eso |that (gender undetermined) |

|este(a) |this (+noun) |

|éste(a) |this one (no noun mentioned) |

|esto |this (gender undetermined) |

|primero(a) |first |

|segundo(a) |second |

|tercero(a) |third |

|cuarto(a) |fourth |

|quinto(a) |fifth |

|sexto(a) |sixth |

|séptimo(a) |seventh |

|octavo(a) |eighth |

|noveno(a) |ninth |

|décimo(a) |tenth |

|el (la) artesano(a) |artisan, crafts person |

|el (la) ganadero(a) |farmer |

|el (la) pastor(a) |shepherd(ess) |

|el caballo |horse |

|la cerca |fence |

|el cerdo |pig |

|el corral |corral, pen |

|la gallina |hen |

|el gallo |rooster |

|la granja |farm |

|la llama |llama |

|el toro |bull |

|la vaca |cow |

|abajo |down |

|arriba |up |

|debajo (de) |underneath, under |

|dentro (de) |inside (of) |

|encima (de) |on top (of) |

|fuera (de) |outside (of) |

|el campo |countryside, the country |

|darle(s) de comer |to feed |

|la lana |wool |

|el taller |workshop |

|las tijeras |scissors |

|último(a) |last |



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