File: ch03, Chapter 3, Common Ethical Problems

File: ch04.rtf, Chapter 4, Addressing Individuals ‘Common Ethical Problems


Reference: Matching Ethical Type to Example

a) Human resource issue

b) Conflict of interest

c) Customer confidence issue

d) Use of corporate resources

1. Accepting a bribe.

Ans: b

Response: See page 124.

Difficulty: Easy

2. Discriminating against an employee.

Ans: a

Response: See pages 115-119.

Difficulty: Easy

3. A product is unsafe for human consumption.

Ans: c

Response: See page 127.

Difficulty: Easy

4. Providing a personal reference on corporate letterhead.

Ans: d

Response: See pages 123-124.

Difficulty: Easy

5. “How people get along.”

Ans: a

Response: See page 114.

Difficulty: Easy

6. Honestly representing a product in a sales pitch.

Ans: c

Response: See page 129.

Difficulty: Easy

7. Keeping a customer’s information private.

Ans: c

Response: See pages 125; 128.

Difficulty: Easy

8. Sending personal mail through the company mail room.

Ans: d

Response: See page 134.

Difficulty: Easy


9. With human resource issues, the most important word to remember is “fairness.”

Ans: True

Response: See page 114.

Difficulty: Easy

10. Employees do not care about the fairness of the decision making procedure as much as they care about the fairness of the outcomes they receive.

Ans: False

Response: See page 115.

Difficulty: Medium

11. If an organization has 30 employees, it is not required to have a sexual harassment policy or train employees on these issues.

Ans: False

Response: See page 119.

Difficulty: Easy

12. An employer cannot be held liable for an employee’s sexual harassment activities.

Ans: False

Response: An employer may be held liable if the employer had knowledge of the conduct and did nothing to correct it. See page 121.

Difficulty: Easy

13. John works for Kinjo’s Printing Services during the day and Joe’s Diner at night. This is a conflict of interest.

Ans: False

Response: See pages 123; 125.

Difficulty: Medium

Multiple Choice

14. When something is divided between two people according to the worth and inputs of the two individuals, it is said to be ___________ and represents one component of “fairness.”

a) reasonable

b) impartial

c) equitable

d) unbiased

Ans: c

Response: See pages 114-115.

Difficulty: Medium

15. ___________ refers to the fairness of exchanges: “You did this for me and I’ll do that for you.”

a) reciprocity

b) equality

c) impartiality

d) shared resources

Ans: a

Response: See page 115.

Difficulty: Medium

16. Identify the three components that are used to define “fairness.”

a) reciprocity, equality, and impartiality

b) reasonableness, equality, and sensitivity

c) reciprocity, equity, and impartiality

d) joint understanding, equality, and neutrality

Ans: c

Response: See page 114.

Difficulty: Easy

17. Which of the following is true?

a) Discrimination is an intentional bias that affects behavior.

b) Discrimination occurs whenever something other than qualifications affects how an employee is treated.

c) Discrimination is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 against individuals who are under 40 years old against age discrimination.

d) Discrimination is always overt and clear.

Ans: b

Response: See page 115.

Difficulty: Difficult

18. Which of the following is false?

a) Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexually oriented behavior that makes someone feel uncomfortable.

b) Sexual harassment is objective.

c) Sexual harassment is determined from the point of view of a “reasonable” person regardless of the harasser’s intentions.

d) Sexual harassment generally involves issues of power and not romance.

Ans: b

Response: See page 119.

Difficulty: Medium

19. Which of the following is most likely an appropriate “gift” to accept from a vendor?

a) A discount on personal items purchased from the vendor

b) Dinner for you and your wife at Applebee’s

c) Four tickets to the Super Bowl

d) A cash gift of $1,400

Ans: b

Response: See page 124.

Difficulty: Medium

20. When a statement is “off the record,” this means:

a) Anything you told the reporter before you said “off the record” cannot be used in the reporter’s story.

b) Your identity is completely protected; no one will be able to figure out the information came from you.

c) A reporter cannot put any of the information you provided in his or her story.

d) A reporter can use the information you provided in a story as long as the remarks are not attributed directly to you.

Ans: d

Response: See page 134.

Difficulty: Medium

21. Which of the following is true?

a) If you find out that your manager is behaving unethically, you should go directly to the CEO of the company before talking with anyone else.

b) Issues that involve employee or customer rights are not serious enough to consider “blowing the whistle.”

c) Under the False Claims Act, you can receive 15 to 30 percent of whatever damages the federal government recovers if you blow the whistle on government fraud.

d) Most whistle-blowing cases are not resolved until they are reported outside of the company.

Ans: c

Response: See page 143.

Difficulty: Difficult

22. ____________ is a type of sexual harassment wherein a worker is made to feel uncomfortable because of unwelcome actions relating to sexuality.

a) quid pro quo

b) section 7 harassment

c) hostile work environment

d) power-relations

Ans: c

Response: See page 120.

Difficulty: Medium

23. _____________ is a type of sexual harassment wherein an individual believes that sexual favors are a requirement for advancement in the workplace.

a) quid pro quo

b) section 7 harassment

c) hostile work environment

d) power-relations

Ans: a

Response: See pages 119-120.

Difficulty: Medium

Additional Questions

24. The broad categories of typical ethical problems individuals ace in the workplace include all of the following except

a. Human resources issues

b. Conflicts of interest

c. Customer Confidence Issues

d. Use of Corporate Resources

e. Leadership concerns

Ans.: e

Response: See page 11

Difficulty: Easy

25. It is important to avoid romance with anyone you supervise for the following reasons: 1) Your judgment is likely to be compromised by the relationship 2) Coworkers are likely to lose respect for both parties and fear preferential treatment.

Ans.: True

Response: See page 122

Difficulty: Medium

26. Common conflicts of interest include overt or covert bribes and the trading of influence or privileged information.

Ans.: True

Response: See page 124

Difficulty: Medium

27. Accepting discounts on personal items from a vendor is acceptable as it enriches the relationship between the parties.

Ans.: False

Response: See page 125

Difficulty: Easy

28. Transparency is the best policy in holding more than one employment option. Thus, so long as you tell both employers about the work you are doing, the work you perform at either firm is not relevant.

Ans.: False

Response: See page 125

Difficulty: Medium

29. Conflicts of interest erode trust by making it look s if special favors will be extended for special friends.

Ans.: True

Response: See page 126

Difficulty: Easy

30. You should guard your reputation as it is built slowly with countless actions but it can be destroyed in an instant by one foolish mistake.

Ans.: True

Response: See pages 131-132

Difficulty: Easy

31. As a senior executive, it makes sense for you to use the firm’s corporate letterhead to write references for employees leaving the firm who have previously served the firm well.

Ans.: False

Response: See page 132

Difficulty: Medium

32. Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networking sites are immune from ethical challenges as that which you post on these sites is personal and may not be examined by your firm.

Ans.: False

Response: See page 133

Difficulty: Medium


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