Progress Test 2

Name ________________________________ Date __________ Period ________

Introduction and Research Methods Test


Directions: Place write the correct letter in the space provided.

1. ______ A researcher is interested in whether people talk when they are riding in elevators, so she and her research assistants spend many hours riding in elevators and unobtrusively noting when they hear a conversation. This researcher is using

a. naturalistic observation                                  b. experimental research     

b. correlational research                                   d. case study research

2. _______ An experimenter who decides to repeat the essence of an earlier study using different participants is

a. replicating the previous study. c. wasting his time.

b. Doing a meta-analysis. d. Conducting a correlational study.

3. ______ Researchers using a form of descriptive research have found that the bigger a person’s line of credit, the more money he or she is likely to owe. The researchers have found a  _______________ between the size of credit line and the amount of debt.

a. positive correlation c. negative correlation

b. cause-and-effect relationship d. zero

4. ______ Mary is interviewed in depth, and her friends, family, and coworkers are contacted for further information. She also takes a number of psychological tests, and her behavior in various situations is observed. This is an example of

a. a survey b. correlational research c. the case study method d. experimental research

5. ______ Behaviorism and psychoanalysis dominated psychology for many decades early in the twentieth century, but in the 1950s a new school of thought emerged, _______________, which  emphasized conscious experience, each person’s unique potential for psychological growth, self-determination, and free will.

a. Structuralism c) functionalism

b. humanistic psychology d) cross-cultural psychology

6. ______ Both researchers and participants in a study examining the effects of marijuana on memory are unaware of which subjects actually received the active ingredient and which were given a placebo. This study involves the use of

a. replication c. the single-blind procedure

b. the double-blind procedure d. correlational techniques.

7. ______ In conducting research on the effects of a new memory-enhancing drug, Dr. Simpleton used the double-blind technique. The purpose of doing so was to guard against the possibility that the researcher will inadvertently display

a. expectancy effects (reduce biases) c) demand characteristics

b. placebo effects d) ethnocentrism

8. ______ In order to find out students’ opinions about the recent cutbacks at her university, Gira sent a questionnaire to every twentieth person on the list of currently enrolled students. Gira used the technique of

a. replication c) meta-analysis

b. random sampling d) interviewing

9. ______ A researcher is interested in how sleep deprivation affects performance and cognitive abilities. She proposes that there is a relationship between the amount of sleep deprivation and the ability to solve complex mental tasks; the  more sleep-deprived people are, the more mistakes they are likely to make. She has

a. developed a theory. c. formulated a hypothesis.

b. produced empirical evidence. d. merely stated the obvious.

10. _____ Compared to clinical psychologists, psychiatrists are more likely to

a. prescribe drugs and other medical procedures for their clients.

b. Assume that psychological disorders result from unconscious conflicts.

c. Use a cognitively based therapy rather than a biologically based therapy

d. Favor a humanistic perspective rather than a psychoanalytic perspective.

11. ______ Who founded the school of psychoanalysis?

a. B. F. Skinner b. John B. Watson c. Sigmund Freud d. Wilhelm Wundt

12. ______ In an experiment designed to test the effects of alcohol on motor coordination, group 1 participants are given a precise amount of alcohol in a mixed drink and group 2 participants are given a drink that smells and tastes exactly like the alcoholic drink but contains no alcohol. Which of the following is true?

a. Group 1 is the control group. c. Group 2 is the experimental group.

b. Group 2 is the placebo control group. d. Group 1 will have much more fun than group 2.

13. ______ Gathering information by asking people directly is generally done in a

a. laboratory observation. b. case study c. natural observation. d. survey.

14. ______ In an attempt to understand how traumatic brain injuries affect behavior, Dr. Nicolai extensively and carefully observes and questions three accident victims who had suffered brain injuries. Which research method is Dr. Nicolai utilizing?

a. naturalistic observation                 b) experimental research

b. correlational research                d) the case study method

15. ______ In an experiment, children were randomly assigned to a group that watched a violent video or to a group that watched a nonviolent video; later, the level of aggression in both groups was measured under controlled laboratory conditions. In this example, the measure of the children’s aggression was the

a. Dependent variable c. Independent variable

b. Control variable d. Naturalistic variable

16. ______ Research showing that students with the highest GPAs study approximately twice as many hours per week as those with the lowest GPAs would indicate that

a. there is a positive correlation between study behavior and GPA

b. there is a negative correlation between study behavior and GPA

c. high GPA causes good study behavior

d. that the correlation coefficient would probably exceed +1.50.

17. ______ Ethical principles developed by the American Psychological Association require psychologists to

a. always tell the participants the exact nature of the experiment and inform them of the hypothesis that will be tested.

b. never, under any circumstances, use deception with potential participants.

c. Withhold all information about the nature, results, and conclusions of the study because of the confidentiality principle/obtain informed consent and voluntary participation of potential participants.

d. Obtain informed consent and voluntary participation of potential participants

18. ______ Dr. Joyce supports the view that the goal of psychology should be to discover the fundamental principles of learning and that psychologists should focus exclusively on overt behavior rather than on mental processes. Dr. Joyce would be classified as a ______________ psychologist.

a. Behavioral c. cognitive

b. Psychodynamic d. humanistic

19. ______ If researchers wanted to discover the extent to which education level can be used to predict political preferences, they would most likely use

a. correlational research c. naturalistic observation

b. experimental  research d. a natural experiment

20. _____ Dr. Levine adheres to the theory that emphasizes the role of unconscious conflicts in determining behavior and personality. This view point is most consistent with ____________

a. philosophers c. psychoanalysts

b. humanists d. psychics

21. ______ Dr. Marlow is interested in drinking and driving behavior and wants to know the frequency with which people will drive after receiving feedback from a breathalyzer. In one condition, she sets up her equipment in a bar and administers test to patrons who are leaving and planning to drive and then observes wither or not feedback on their level of intoxication influences their decision to drive. Dr. Marlow is using __________ research

a. Experimental ( in a natural setting ) c. correctional (in an alcoholic setting)

b. Naturalist observation d. surveys

22. _________ Dr. Scott believes that if you constantly reward good behavior it will be repeated. Dr. Scott is most likely to be from what perspective?

a. Biological c. social –cultural e. psychoanalytic

b. behavioral d. cognitive f. humanistic

23. _________ Jane knows that if she drinks too much it will affect her behavior. She is mostly likely to buy into what perspective?

a. Biological c. social –cultural e. psychoanalytic

b. behavioral d. cognitive f. humanistic

24. _________Striving to reach your full potential is a main idea of this perspective

a. Biological c. social –cultural e. psychoanalytic

b. behavioral d. cognitive f. humanistic

25. _________ Sally changes her behavior every time she gets around a different group of people. What perspective can explain this behavior

a. Biological c. social –cultural e. psychoanalytic

b. behavioral d. cognitive f. humanistic

26. ________ Austin can not understand why he does what he – there is some unconscious conflict going on. What perspective explains this?

a. Biological c. social –cultural e. psychoanalytic

b. behavioral d. cognitive f. humanistic

27. _______ Aaron interpreted the situation as funny so he laughed, Joey interpreted as mean so he threw some punches. What perspective explains this?

a. Biological c. social –cultural e. psychoanalytic

b. behavioral d. cognitive f. humanistic

28. _______ Psychology can be best defined as

a. A scientific hoax out to get people to do what you want

b. A class about learning and memory of earlier childhood events

c. A scientific study of behavior and mental processes

29. _________The four basic goals of psychology are:

a. to make your brain hurt, your eyes sore, your feet smell, and get you grouchy.

b. to study crazy people, make your mom feel badly about your childhood, explain all of your hang-ups as a child, help you get through your unfinished stages according to Freud.

c. to describe, predict, control, and explain behavior and/or mental processes.

d. to help you control your behaviors, control your mental processes, to control other’s behaviors, to control other’s mental processes

30. ______ Behaviors are:

a. Observable actions in the study of psychology.

b. Not important in the class of psychology.

c. Best left to psychiatrists—teenagers don’t know how to behave.

d. Only of interest if there is no mental process involved.

31. ______ An example of a mental process would be:

a. Students coming into the classroom.

b. Mrs. Andes making up the quiz for the day at her desk.

c. Your nightmare about the quiz that Mrs. Andes made up for your class.

d. Your tears hitting the paper the quiz was on as you take it.

32. ______ The biological perspective would say that if someone you know, not yourself of course, has ingested a substance that intoxicates them, they have:

a. Broken the law because they are under 21.

b. Used an intoxicating substance because they want to be “cool” with their friends.

c. Been working out their problems caused by unresolved issues when they were little (like during potty training).

d. Created a chemical imbalance in their brains which will cause them to act in a manner which is not normal.

33. ______ The term “scientific study” implies that

a. People can randomly assign importance to information.

b. Scientists must follow specific guidelines to run experiments and produce data that will lead to generally accepted ideas and more experiments that will try to replicate or disprove findings.

c. People can run experiments using their own methods to produce statistics, which other people will use in their own studies.

d. Scientists will conduct studies that will yield data that everyone will use as the truth for future studies.

34. _____The fact that you act differently in the classroom than when you are on a date with that special person has to do with the

a. Psychosexual perspective.

b. Biological perspective.

c. Cognitive perspective.

d. Social- cultural psychology.

Matching – match the person with his / her characteristic

| | |

|_____ Wilhelm Wundt |I was the first to discuss the unconscious part of mind. I said your childhood greatly affects you. (I am, also, |

|_____ Titchener |Mrs. Andes whacked out hero.) |

|_____ William James | |

|_____ Sigmund Freud |I am an American behaviorist who studied reinforcement and punishment in the behaviors |

|_____ Carl Rogers | |

|_____ Abraham Maslow |I was the first American psychologist and I wrote the first psychology textbook – founded functionalism |

|_____ B.F. Skinner | |

|_____ Ivan Pavlov |I developed the theory of motivation that emphasized psychological growth. (I have a hierarchy of needs) |

|_____ John B. Watson | |

| |I am a physiologist who discovered classical conditioning. I really like dogs, bells, food, and salivation. I am |

| |cruel at times – cutting holes to see salvation |

| | |

| |I officially started the school of behaviorism. If you can’t see it, you can’t study it. I also did mean things to |

| |babies. Baby Albert is by far the most famous. |

| | |

| |I developed the theory emphasized self-determination, free will and the importance of choice in human behavior. I also|

| |think when you go to therapy it should be about you. |

| | |

| |I was the first to have a "school of psychology" it was structalism. Some say I may have a tick. |

| | |

| |I am the "father of psychology".  I opened the first psychology lab. I am German. |

MATCHING: Match the correct term with each description. Write the letter of the term in the space provided.

a. random sample b. mental process c. single-blind study

d. psychology e. double-blind study f. replicate

35. ______ A study in which both participants and experimenters are unaware of who has obtained the treatment

36. ______ A study in which the participants are unaware of the treatment they received. Experimenters know what the participants studied.

37. ______ The scientific study of behavior and mental processes

38. ______ Private mental processes, such as dreams and thoughts

39. ______ To repeat a study

40. ______ Individuals selected for a study by chance from the target population


Decide which type of research would be best to use

A. Naturalistic observation B. survey C. a correlational study D. A case study

41. ______ Mr. North wants to see if there is a relationship between teacher moral and student performance

42. ______ Sara wants to understand why her brother is the way he is. She asks her parents, teachers, his friends, etc. in hopes of finding some information

43. ______ Mrs. Dorman wants to know what teenagers do when no one is monitoring.

44. ______ The Prom Company wants to find out how the senior feel about the dances, especially the prom. They want to get all the seniors opinions

Ethical principles Matching Match the correct term with each description. Write the letter of the term in the space provided. (Each principle will be used twice)

a. Informed consent b. Right to be Protected from Harm and Discomfort

c. Right of Confidentiality d. Right to a debriefing

45. ______ You can not fail because you refuse to take part in the caffeine experiment.

46. ______ In the caffeine experiment, you have a right to know if you received the alcohol or not. (this would be after the fact.

47. ______ The right to not have your arm cut off in the name of an experiment

48. ______ The right to your privacy

49. ______ A researcher has a responsibility to protect you and make sure that no pain will come your way

50. ______ The right to know if the study is going to involve peanuts falls under what ethical principal

51. ______ If John Wayne cried during the experiment, he knows that his name will be left out of the results.

52. ______ The right to know what happened during the experiment



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