Knowledge Transfer Secondments (KTS) Guidance

-1968503175The wellcome trust issf OUTWARD mobility Scheme APPLICANT GUIDANCE020000The wellcome trust issf OUTWARD mobility Scheme APPLICANT GUIDANCEThis fund supports short term placements that support researchers to gain ‘outward’ based experiences of research and collaborative R&D, policy making and government with industry, HEI, public sector and third sector partners PLEASE NOTE: ALL PROJECTS MUST COMPLETED BY SEPTEMBER 2016.1.0BackgroundThe Mobility scheme provides funding to help ensure the exploitation of the University of Birmingham’s research and expertise in the biotechnology, biomedical and biological sciences. The scheme operates on the principle of encouraging researchers to use the scheme to spend time in industry, HEI, public sector or third sector organisations to gain experience not only of research but also of collaborative R&D, policy making and government. The scheme will operate until September 2016. Application deadlines are provided on the RIS intranet pages. These notes provide some general guidance. Further information can be found by directly contacting Tariq Khan in Research & Innovation Services (Ext: 47093, does it work?2.1OUTWARD MOBILITY funding of up to ?10,000 per project is provided to meet the costs of supporting placements for University staff to external organisations spend time in industry, public sector or third sector organisations to gain experience not only of research but also of collaborative R&D, policy making and government. The scheme aims to provide flexible resources to support a variety of people and projects.2.2The goal of the OUTWARD MOBILITY scheme is to support career development and collaborative R&D and, as such, proposals for projects with the following rationales are welcome:Supporting researchers to gain experience within industry, public sector or third sector organisations.2.3Funding is not intended for general provision of user advice or industrial guidance on identifying and exploiting the results of research; ‘bridging’ of staff between posts; continuation of normal research grants.3.0Is our project eligible?3.1Subject Area3.1.1Funding for Mobility projects comes from the Wellcome Trust. As such, projects must be aligned with the strategic challenges of the Wellcome Trust. Wellcome Trust Strategic ChallengesMaximising the health benefits of genetics and genomicsUnderstanding the brainCombating Infectious DiseaseInvestigating development, ageing and chronic diseaseConnecting environment, nutrition and health3.1.4Projects will also require match funding from University internal investments. Some examples of these areas are listed below; however, this list is not exhaustive and prospective applicants must discuss their projects with their Research Office and/or Directors of Research to establish strategic fit and potential source of match funding, and agree the wording around this. The signature of your College Director of Research will be required to confirm that match funding is in place.Birmingham Strategic InvestmentsBacterial and Viral InfectionStratified MedicineDrug Discovery and ScreeningGenetics and Personalised MedicineCell TherapyTranslational InflammationHealthy AgeingTrauma-related researchCentre for Computational Neuroscience & Cognitive RoboticsBirmingham Fellowships3.2User Organisations3.2.1A User Organisation is one which can benefit from the application of our research or expertise and in the case of the mobility scheme is willing to support the career development of researchers. This definition is not limited to industry and includes spin-outs, government departments, the NHS, charities and other not-for-profit organisations.3.2.2Placements to other universities are permitted where the purpose is specifically to learn new methodologies not currently available within the University that can be embedded locally following the visit.3.2.3User Organisations should normally be based in, and secondments should therefore be hosted in, the UK. Applicants wishing to establish secondments outside the UK should contact Tariq Khan (Ext: 47093, in the first instance.3.3Duration & Intensity3.3.1This scheme aims to support short term placements of up to 3 months in duration. However, somewhat longer periods will be considered if the project involves substantive research.3.3.2Placements may be full- or part-time, but if the latter then only pro-rata funding may be awarded in support of them. A researcher must spend a minimum of one day per week at their host organisation.3.3.3Any number of placements may be included in an OUTWARD MOBILITY proposal but the total costs of the funding requested for any single project must not exceed ?10,000 of grant funding.3.4Applicable candidates3.4.1Outward candidates may be postgraduate researchers, postdoctoral researchers, technical/experimental officers or permanent members of academic staff.3.4.2If the proposed researcher is a PhD student who will be working on their placement more than 20 hours per week, they should have submitted their thesis before the secondment begins but do not necessarily have to have had their viva or been awarded their degree. If it is a PhD student who has not yet submitted their thesis then they should not work more than 20hrs a week as a placement.3.4.4If a proposed candidate for placement is not a UK national then visa considerations may apply. Applicants should contact HR before applying to establish any constraints on employment.4.0Eligible costs4.1Outward Placements4.1.1For outward placements, the following costs may be claimed from the OUTWARD MOBILITY grant: up to 100% of the outward placements salaries, superannuation and NI contributionsreasonable travel and subsistence costs as necessary to support the secondee(s)up to 100% of the costs of consumables 4.1.3OUTWARD MOBILITY funds may not be used for Estates or Indirect costs associated with the secondee(s) or for equipment costs.4.1.4OUTWARD MOBILITY funds are unable to support any costs involved in the management/supervision of seconded staff.4.1.5 The User Organisation is expected to provide appropriate work space and support for the placed individual. 5.0How do we apply?5.1All documents referenced in this section are available on the RIS intranet pages at: completing an application form with a User Organisation, applicants must discuss arrangements for managing Intellectual Property and the working terms and conditions of the placement. In some cases, a commercial agreement and a secondment agreement will need to be in place with the User Organisation before the secondment can commence. Applicants must speak to Tariq Khan in Research & Innovation Services to discuss commercial arrangements before completing an application.5.3It is strongly recommended to contact your local Research & Knowledge Transfer Office to discuss your proposal before submission to maximise your chances of submitting a competitive bid.5.4 The OUTWARD MOBILITY application form is available on the RIS intranet page at the address provided above.5.5Deadlines for applications will occur quarterly, where the deadlines will be published on the webpage. 5.6Applications should be submitted electronically by 5pm on 11/03/16 to HYPERLINK "" . Enquiries about the application process should be directed to Tariq Khan in Research & Innovation Services Research & Innovation Services (Ext: 47093, Assessment process5.8 This is likely to be a highly competitive round. In the first instance, applications will be reviewed by the ISSF Management Group which comprises of academic representatives from MDS, LES and EPS.5.9 Recommendations made by the ISSF Management Group will be considered by the Strategic Block Grant Panel.5.10 The Strategic Block Grants Panel will consider the ISSF Management Group’s recommendations at a meeting taking place in late March / early April 2016. Applicants will be notified as to the outcome of their applications by the end of April 2016. 5.11The panel will review applications according to the following criteria:Quality and feasibility of the proposed projectContribution to funder and institutional research & knowledge transfer objectives and strategyImpact and benefit on career development Impact and benefit on business Impact and benefit to the University5.12The decisions of the panel will be final.6.0What reporting will we have to do?6.1A final project report will be required from all project teams, including inputs from the User Organisation, within one month of project completion. Some awardees may also be required to complete a short interim report. 6.2A post-project follow up report will also be required one year after completion of the project.6.3All reporting requirements will be confirmed on award of funding.6.4 Successful applicants may also be asked to complete a project case study.6.5 As part of the post-project reporting, applicants may be required to take part in a review meeting to help identify next steps and future development routes for the project.7.0Improving the quality of your application 7.1 To improve the quality of your application, please ensure that: Your project is eligible for funding and that you have shown a clear link to previous investment.You have clearly identified a viable business partner and the letter of support reflects their need and the contribution that they will be making to the project.You have discussed your application with your Research Support Office:Francesco Maria Colacino, (x42216), EPSOr Caroline McKay, (x 43463), LESOrKate Bishop,, x(43115), MDS ................

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