Project Name - British Columbia


[note: Fill in File/Properties on this Word document for Project Name, Project Number & Author]

Ministry of

Project Name

Master Project Plan

Project #: Project Number

Author: Project Manager's Name

Creation Date: [Date]

Last Updated: April 30, 2018

Document Number: 6450-20/Project Number/PM.020

Security Classification: Medium

Version: 0.1


|Project Business Sponsor |Signature |Date |

|Project Sponsor's Name | | |

|[Title] | | |

|[Organization] | | |

|Director Application Management Services |Signature |Date |

|[Signatory Name] | | |

|[Title] | | |

|[Organization] | | |

|Education Sector CIO |Signature |Date |

|[Signatory Name] | | |

|[Title] | | |

|[Organization] | | |

Purpose of Document

This document is the major deliverable of the Project Planning Phase. It describes how the project will be managed. It is based upon the Project Initiation Document produced in the Project Initiation Phase. The detailed MS Project Workplan (see Appendix H) is a companion to this document.

The Master Project Plan is expected to change as the project progresses. These changes will be reflected in the Project Workplan, which will undergo modifications periodically during the project. Major changes will be approved through Change Control.

Table of Contents

Approvals 1

Purpose of Document 2

Table of Contents 2

1.0 Project Purpose 4

2.0 Background 5

3.0 Objectives 6

4.0 Scope 7

4.1 In Scope 7

4.2 Out of Scope 7

5.0 Major Deliverables 8

6.0 Stakeholders 9

7.0 Links and Dependencies 10

8.0 Issues and Constraints 11

9.0 Assumptions 12

10.0 Approach 13

11.0 Project Development Documents 14

11.1 Project Management 14

11.2 Procurement Documents 15

11.3 System Development 15

12.0 Milestones 19

13.0 Budget 20

13.1 Development Costs 20

13.2 Operational Support Costs 20

14.0 Resource Requirements 22

14.1 Internal Resources 22

14.2 External Resources 23

14.3 Special Committees 23

14.4 Hardware/Software Requirements 24

15.0 Organizational Structure, Roles & Responsibilities 25

15.1 Project Organization Chart 25

15.2 Roles and Responsibilities 25

16.0 Project Control 30

16.1 Integration Management 30

16.2 Scope Management 31

16.3 Time Management 31

16.4 Cost Management 32

16.5 Quality Management 32

16.6 Human Resource Management 32

16.7 Communication Management 33

16.8 Procurement Management 33

16.9 Risk Management 34

17.0 Project Infrastructure 35

17.1 Tools 35

17.2 Work Environment 35

17.3 Services Assistance 36

17.4 Technical Environments and Special Requirements 36

17.5 Other Requirements 36

18.0 Project Review and Completion Criteria 37

Appendix A: Level of Project Management 38

Appendix B: Privacy Impact 39

Appendix C: Application Portfolio Management System Update 40

Appendix D: Communications Plan Matrix 41

Appendix E: Risk Identification & Mitigation 42

Appendix F: Configuration Management 43

Appendix G: Budget Plan 44

Appendix H: Workplan 45

Reviews and Document Control 46

[Note: The first eight sections are also found in the Project Initiation Document (PID). It is expected that the section details will be copied from the PID and expanded upon as required.]

This template contains sample wording which may be changed to suit the project or as the author chooses.

Note: All projects should have an MPP that includes most or all the major section headings of this template. Large projects will have considerably more detail than smaller projects and may be required to develop additional plans for communications, risk and/or quality management.]

1.0 Project Purpose

[Copy from Project Initiation Document.]

The purpose of the project is to

2.0 Background

[Copy from Project Initiation Document.]

Type background information here

3.0 Objectives

[Copy from Project Initiation Document.]

The objectives of the project are to:


4.0 Scope

4.1 In Scope

[Copy from Project Initiation Document. May expand, based on Work Breakdown Structure performed in the Planning Phase]

The scope of the project includes:


4.2 Out of Scope

[Copy / expand from Project Initiation Document]

The following items are out of scope and provided here to help clarify the scope boundaries of the project:


5.0 Major Deliverables

The major deliverable products for this project are listed below. A comprehensive list of specific deliverable documents to produce these major deliverables is provided in Section 11 (Project Development Documents).

[Copy from Project Charter]


6.0 Stakeholders

[Copy / expand from Project Initiation Document]

The following stakeholders’ (internal and external) interests must be considered throughout the project:

|Stakeholders |Interests |

| | |

| | |

7.0 Links and Dependencies

[Copy / expand from Project Initiation Document]

This project is dependent on the following:

Projects that depend on this project include:

Success of this project is linked to the following:

Future work dependent on the completion of this project include:


8.0 Issues and Constraints

[Copy / expand from Project Initiation Document]

Issues and constraints that could impact project success include:


9.0 Assumptions

[Document all assumptions, including those used to build the MPP and project workplan. Typical assumptions might be the use of tried and true technology or an off-the-shelf solution, availability of key people, that a related project will complete its contribution to this project’s work, access to funding, etc.]

[Note that any change in assumptions will probably result in a change to the workplan and possibly the MPP]

[Assumptions are used in the Risk Identification and Mitigation section of the MPP, Appendix E.]

The following assumptions have been made for the project:



[This is a high level description of the direction being taken and activities that will be performed to achieve the project’s objectives. If using a methodology such as a Systems or Product Development Life Cycle, then describe how it will be used, including it’s major phases as appropriate. Include any contracts, prototyping, pilots, training, subprojects, etc.]

Type approach description here…

11.0 Project Development Documents

[This section provides a detailed list of the documents resulting from the project and system development processes, in order to produce the major product deliverables listed in Section 5.]

[Add or subtract deliverables to suit the project as required. Note that changes must be negotiated with the IT Quality Assurance Group.]

[Note: The Project Workplan must include these deliverables as separate task items.]

The deliverables of the project will be produced using IMG standards, unless otherwise agreed and documented here. The following table lists the deliverable documents and identifies which individuals or organizations will produce, review and approve them.

11.1 Project Management

|Deliverable Documents |QA Process |Provided by |Reviewed by |Accepted by |

|Project Charter |Review Document |Project Manager |IT Portfolio Manager |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Quality Assurance |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Director |

| | | |Business Owner |Sector CIO |

|Master Project Plan |Review Document |Project Manager |IT Portfolio Manager |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Quality Assurance |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Director |

| | | |Business Owner |Sector CIO |

|Quality Management Plan |Review Document |Project Manager |IT Portfolio Manager |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Quality Assurance |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Director |

| | | |Business Owner | |

|Risk Management Plan |Review Document |Project Manager |IT Portfolio Manager |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Quality Assurance |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Director |

| | | |Business Owner |Sector CIO |

|Communication Plan |Review Document |Project Manager |IT Portfolio Manager |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Quality Assurance |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Director |

| | | |Business Owner | |

|Project Workplan |Review Document |Project Manager |IT Portfolio Manager |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Quality Assurance |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Director |

| | | |Business Owner |Sector CIO |

|Project Evaluation Document |None |Project Manager |N/A |Accepted on delivery |

|(PM.200) | | | | |

|Project Completion Checklist |None |Project Manager |IT Portfolio Manager |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | |Business Owner |Director |

11.2 Procurement Documents

|Deliverable Documents |QA Process |Provided by |Reviewed by |Accepted by |

|Request for Proposal |Review Document |Project Manager |IT Procurement |Business Sponsor |

| | | |Administrator |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | |IT Portfolio Manager |Director |

| | | |IT Quality Assurance |Business Management |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Director |

| | | |Business Owner | |

|Service Contract |Review Documents |IT Procurement |Project Manager |Business Sponsor |

| | |Administrator | |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | | |Director |

| | | | |Business Management |

| | | | |Director |

|Purchase Order |Review Documents |IT Procurement |Project Manager |Business Sponsor |

| | |Administrator | |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | | |Director |

| | | | |Business Management |

| | | | |Director |

11.3 System Development

[Adjust the table to match the actual documentation that will be produced.


|Deliverable Document |QA Process |Provided by |Reviewed by |Accepted by |

|Business Requirements Document|Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Client Lead | |

| | | |Business Owner | |

|High Level Business Function | | |IT Quality Assurance |Business Sponsor |

|Model | | |IT Client Lead |Data Architect |

| | | |Business Owner | |

|Initial Business Data Model | | |IT Quality Assurance |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Data Architect |

| | | |Business Owner | |

|Glossary |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Data Architect |

| | | |Business Owner | |

Analysis & Design

|Deliverable Document |QA Process |Provided by |Reviewed by |Accepted by |

|Application Architecture |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |IT Quality Assurance |

|Document | | |IT Client Lead |IT Client Lead |

| | | |Project Manager |Project Manager |

|Application Design |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |IT Quality Assurance |

|Deliverables (as defined in | | |IT Client Lead |IT Client Lead |

|Application Architecture | | |Project Manager |Project Manager |

|Document) | | | | |

|Module Functional |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |IT Quality Assurance |

|Documentation | | |IT Client Lead |IT Client Lead |

| | | |Project Manager |Project Manager |

|Module Technical Documentation|Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |IT Quality Assurance |

| | | |IT Client Lead |IT Client Lead |

| | | |Project Manager |Project Manager |

|Data Conversion Strategy |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |Data Architect |

| | | |IT Client Lead |IT Client Lead |

| | | |Project Manager |Project Manager |

|Logical Database Design |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |Data Architect |

| | | |IT Client Lead | |

| | | |Project Manager | |

|System Data Model |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |Data Architect |

| | | |IT Client Lead | |

| | | |Project Manager | |

|System Function Model |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |Data Architect |

| | | |IT Client Lead | |

| | | |Project Manager | |

|Technical Architecture |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |IT Quality Assurance |

|Document | | |IT Client Lead |IT Client Lead |

| | | |Project Manager |Project Manager |

|Testing Strategy |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |IT Quality Assurance |

| | | |IT Client Lead |IT Client Lead |

| | | |Project Manager |Project Manager |

|Training and Support Strategy |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Client Lead |Strategic Initiatives |

| | | |Project Manager |Director |

| | | |Business Owner | |

Build, Test Implement

|Deliverable Document |QA Process |Provided by |Reviewed by |Accepted by |

|Application Source Code | | |IT Quality Assurance |IT Quality Assurance |

|Runtime Meta Data | | |IT Quality Assurance |IT Quality Assurance |

|Conversion Modules | | |IT Quality Assurance |Data Architect |

|Converted and Verified Data | | |IT Client Lead |Business Sponsor |

| | | |Data Architect | |

|Physical Database Design | | |IT Quality Assurance |Database Administrator |

|Production Database DDL | | |IT Quality Assurance |Database Administrator |

|Operations Support Guide |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |IT Service Manager |

| | | |IT Client Lead | |

| | | |IT Service Manager | |

| | | |AMS Service Manager | |

|Unit Test Results | |Development Manager |IT Quality Assurance |IT Service Manager |

| | | |IT Client Lead | |

| | | |IT Service Manager | |

| | | |AMS Service Manager | |

|System Test Results | |Development Manager |IT Quality Assurance |IT Service Manager |

| | | |IT Client Lead | |

| | | |IT Service Manager | |

| | | |AMS Service Manager | |

|Load Test Results | |Development Manager |IT Quality Assurance |IT Service Manager |

| | | |IT Client Lead | |

| | | |IT Service Manager | |

| | | |AMS Service Manager | |

|User Acceptance Test Plan | | |IT Quality Assurance |IT Quality Assurance |

| | | |IT Client Lead |IT Client Lead |

| | | |Development Manager |Business Owner |

| | | |Project Manager | |

|User Acceptance Test Results | |User Acceptance Test |Project Manager |Business Sponsor |

| | |Team |Business Owner |IT Service Manager |

| | | |Development Manager | |

|Training and Support Materials| | |IT Client Lead |Business Sponsor |

| | | |Project Manager | |

| | | |Business Owner | |

|Implementation Plan |Review Document | |IT Quality Assurance |Business Sponsor |

| | | |IT Client Lead |IT Service Manager |

| | | |IT Service Manager | |

| | | |AMS Service Manager | |

12.0 Milestones

[This section lists the major milestones for the project and the schedule at which each of these milestones must be met. Milestones mark the completion of deliverables, or phase completions. Also list any review points at which the project requires further authorization.]

[Divide by Phases as appropriate.]

The major project milestones are:

|Milestone |Target Completion Date |Actual Completion Date |

|Project Initiation Document approved. | |[ insert actual date ] |

|Master Project Plan and Workplan completed for approval |[ insert expected date ] | |

|Business Requirements Document completed for approval |[ insert expected date ] | |

|[ etc. ] | | |

[Alternatively, you may present the milestones in two parts such as the following….]

Milestones for the first phase of the project (Project Planning and Business Requirements), as specified in the Workplan, are:

|Milestone |Target Completion Date |Actual Completion Date |

|Project Initiation Document approved. | |[ insert actual date ] |

|Master Project Plan and Workplan completed for approval |[ insert expected date ] | |

|Business Requirements Document completed for approval |[ insert expected date ] | |

Estimated milestones for subsequent phases follow. These will be updated when the scope of work is more fully understood and the project workplan has been refined for these phases. The range for Optimistic and Pessimistic Schedule is based on 80% to 125% of Target, and assumes the Business Design will be completed by the above dates. [note: adjust range according to the risk of the project.]

|Milestone |Target Date |Optimistic |Pessimistic |

|[name of second phase or significant milestone] | | | |

|Complete | | | |

|[name of third phase or significant milestone] | | | |

|Complete | | | |

|[name of fourth phase or significant milestone] | | | |

|Complete | | | |

|[ etc. ] | | | |

|Project Closure / Evaluation Complete | | | |

|Post Implementation Review | | | |

13.0 Budget

The project budget is summarized below. The Master Project Plan identifies development costs (costs that will be managed during the project) and future operational support costs (costs that will be managed by the ITMB client manager).

13.1 Development Costs

The following are the estimated development costs for the project:

|Item Detail |FY 2010-11 |FY2011-12 |FY2012-13 |Total |

|Capital Costs | | | | |

|Project Management Fees |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|PM Expenses |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Developer Fees |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Developer Expenses |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Etc. |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Etc. |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Sub-Total |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|PC Capital Costs | | | | |

|Desktop Hardware |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Desktop Software |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Sub-Total |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Non-Capital Costs | | | | |

|Pre-project Management Fees |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Pre-project Management Expenses |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Requirements Analysis Fees |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Requirements Analysis Expenses |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Trainer Fees |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Training Materials |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Etc. |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Sub-Total |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Project Total |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

| | | | | |

|ITMB Staff Travel |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|Client Staff Travel |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

|ITMB Staff |# FTE |# FTE |# FTE |# FTE |

|Client Staff |# FTE |# FTE |# FTE |# FTE |

13.2 Operational Support Costs

The table below summarizes the estimated operational support costs for the project. The table includes estimated amortization costs, contracted application support costs and staff administration costs. The amortization period for mainframe capital costs (application development) is five years. Amortization costs are charged to the operating account beginning in the year of system implementation.

[State the expected costs to operate the product or system once it is in production. If there are operational savings, such as the retirement of an older system, provide operational savings.]

[If you cannot estimate the operational costs, then choose a percentage (suggest 15%) of development costs annually and state that assumption here.]

[Include amortization and state the target implementation date.]

The target implementation date is [mmm dd yyyy.]

| |Year 0 |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 |Year 4 |Year 5 |

|PC Capital Amortization |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 | | |

|Total |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |$0 |

| | | | | | | |

|Client Staff |# FTE |# FTE |# FTE |# FTE |# FTE |# FTE |

14.0 Resource Requirements

[This section describes the resources (staff and contractors) required for this project, based on the project workplan.]

[Note: this should match Section 13 Budget for Labour (capital + non-capital), the project workplan in Appendix H, and Section 15 Organization Roles & Responsibilities. Add/change as required]

The following table shows the expected resource requirements for the project. This table summarizes the resources documented in the workplan (see Appendix H). As the project progresses and the workplan undergoes change, this table may also change. See next section for the Organization Structure, Roles and Responsibilities.

14.1 Internal Resources

Estimated resource requirements from [your organization name] include:

[Sample resource roles follow. Make sure the responsibilities for the roles identified in sections 14.1 to 14.3 are described in Section 15.]

|Resource Role |Resource Name(s) |Org |Effort (in days) / |

| | | |Timeframe |

|Project Manager | | |[Define most likely range |

| | | |of effort.] |

|Project Team Leaders | | | |

|Analysts (e.g. business, policy, | | | |

|technical, legal ...) | | | |

|Experts (e.g. business, technical | | | |

|…) | | | |

|Technical Resources | | | |

|Communications Staff | | | |

|Business Area Test Team | | | |

|Technical Writer / Documentation | | | |

|Analyst | | | |

|Trainers | | | |

|Project Team Scribe | | | |

|Specialists [name of specialties] | | | |

|(etc.) | | | |

|Total Effort | | |[Provide approximate total|

| | | |effort to complete |

| | | |project] |

[Present a range of effort depending on the level of risk, organization and project policies. An example could be 70% for optimistic and 140% for pessimistic. The ranges should be noted in the budget where applicable.]

Based on the calculation of 70% for optimistic and 130% for pessimistic, the estimated range of effort for internal resources required for this project should be between yyy and zzz months.

14.2 External Resources

Resources from outside the organization/unit include:

[Sample resource types follow.]

|Resource Type / Source |Why Needed |Effort / Timeframe |Estimated Cost |

|Other Government Organizations | | | |

|Non-Government Organizations | | | |

|Client Representatives | | | |

|External Consultants | | | |

|Vendors and Suppliers | | | |

|(etc.) | | | |

|Total | |[Provide approximate total |[Provide total estimated |

| | |effort to complete project]|cost] |

[or, if none:]

No additional resources are anticipated.

[Present a range of effort depending on the level of risk, organization and project policies. An example could be 70% for optimistic and 140% for pessimistic. The ranges should be noted in the budget where applicable.]

Based on the calculation of 70% for optimistic and 130% for pessimistic, the estimated range of effort for external resources required for this project should be between yyy and zzz months.

14.3 Special Committees

The following committees will be necessary for this project:

[examples follow, use as applicable]

|Committee |Purpose of Committee |Membership |Timeframe / Frequency |

|Steering Committee |Provides project direction & guidance |Project Sponsor (chair) | |

| |Ensures stakeholder interests |[positions likely to be | |

| |Discusses/resolves issues |included] | |

| |Reviews/approves changes & deliverables | | |

|Advisory Committee |Provides expert advice to sponsor [and/or |[external and internal | |

| |steering committee] |representatives] | |

| | |[may or may not be | |

| | |stakeholders] | |

|Working Committee |Provides expert advice to the project manager |[internal experts] | |

| |[and/or specific project teams or groups] |[may or may not be | |

| | |stakeholders] | |

|[etc] | | | |

14.4 Hardware/Software Requirements

[Include what is required as part of the deliverables in Section 5 and what is required to do the project. Include the costs in the budget in Section 13.]

|Resource Type |Why Needed |Timeframe |Estimated Cost |

| | | |$0 |

| | | |$0 |

| | | |$0 |

|Total | | |$0 |

[or, if none:]

No additional hardware or software resources are anticipated.

15.0 Organizational Structure, Roles & Responsibilities

15.1 Project Organization Chart

[A sample organization chart is provided. Develop an organization chart to match the actual project reporting structure.]

The following illustrates the reporting organization of the project.


15.2 Roles and Responsibilities

[Add/change this table as appropriate. The following list provides boilerplate responsibilities for roles that may contribute to a project, particularly an IT project. This table should match Section 14 Resource Requirements.]

The following descriptions define the general roles and responsibilities of the resources to support this project.

|Role |Responsibilities |

|Project Sponsor |Responsible for the project |

| |Establishes business objectives |

| |Confirms and approves project scope |

| |Acquires and ensures sufficient funding is obtained |

| |Acquires and ensures sufficient program resources |

| |Chairs Steering Committee |

| |Promotes project |

| |Monitors overall progress |

| |Approves major deliverables |

| |Ensures major objectives are being met |

| |Reviews and approves Change Requests |

| |Provides direction to project manager and client manager |

| |Resolves issues arising from the project |

| |Responsible for final sign-off of the project. |

|Project Steering Committee |Provides project direction and guidance |

| |Ensures stakeholders interests are maintained |

| |Discusses and resolves project issues |

| |Reviews and resolves scope and change requests |

| |Ensures that all acceptance sign-off activities are completed or returned within |

| |[one/three/five] business days. |

| |Reviews regular project status reports |

| |Reviews and approves major project deliverables |

|Advisory Committee |Provides expert advice to the Sponsor and Steering Committee |

|Project Manager |Responsible for the delivery of the final product and all interim deliverables as agreed in |

| |this MPP and by subsequent change control. |

| |Plans and controls all project activities. |

| |Identifies and acquires resources. |

| |Attends all Joint Application Design, project status and review meetings as detailed in the |

| |project plan. |

| |Completes the assigned tasks at the scheduled time as indicated in the project plan. |

| |Manages issues, decisions, changes, and problems to resolution. |

| |Communicates status and project information to sponsor, committees, and project stakeholders |

| |on a regular basis as agreed. |

| |Ensures all project tasks and deliverables conform to Quality Management standards where they|

| |exist and are appropriate to the project. |

| |Manages the project team including contributing to performance processes. |

| |Monitors contract(s) and ensures that contracted deliverables meet the specifications defined|

| |in Schedule A of the contract |

|Working Committee |Provides expert advice to the Project Manager and Team Leaders. |

|Client or Business Area Manager |Responsible for defining business requirements |

| |Responsible for business process re-engineering |

| |Defines acceptance criteria |

| |Responsible for acquiring business area expertise |

| |Participates in planning processes |

| |Attends all Joint Application Design and review meetings as detailed in the project plan |

| |Completes assigned tasks at the scheduled time as indicated in the project plan |

| |Verifies that the business analysis and business requirements truly meet the business needs |

| |Identifies issues, impacts and remedial actions |

| |Reports user status to sponsor and steering committee |

| |Communicates project status and business concerns to the project team |

| |Reviews and approves interim project deliverables |

| |Recommends sign-off of project deliverables to the Steering Committee |

| |Responsible for user documentation |

| |Responsible for acceptance testing |

| |Assists with final implementation [ note: may manage the implementation] |

|[Name of Contract Company] Project|Manages the production of all [contractor] deliverables |

|Manager |Ensures deliverables are completed on time, within budget and working according to |

| |specification. |

| |Communicates project status to the Project Manager. |

| |Receives and acts on any Change Requests from the Project Manager. |

| |Identifies and participates in the resolution of problems and issues |

| |Ensures all specifications defined in Schedule A of the contract are met. |

| |Ensures skills’ transfer training to technical and/or business area staff |

|Team Leader of Project |Provides first point of contact for communication with the sub-component project team |

|Sub-Component |Negotiates delivery dates with project manager |

| |Produces and validates sub-component plans |

| |Ensures production of sub-component deliverables |

| |Manages and motivates the project team on a day-to-day basis |

| |Ensures all resources are supplied on time |

| |Confronts issues and escalates problems |

| |Monitors standards |

| |Performs inspections and acceptance as required by quality management plan |

| |Provides advice to the Project Manager as required. |

|[Senior] Business Analyst |Identifies, collects and ensures priortization of business requirements |

| |Documents clearly and consistently the business requirements |

| |Ensures the business requirements truly meet the business needs as defined by the Client |

| |Manager |

| |Ensures the conceptual design meets the requirements |

| |Completes assigned tasks at the scheduled time as indicated in the project plan. |

| |Identifies and participates in the resolution of problems and issues |

|Business Expert(s) |Defines business requirements |

| |Defines acceptance test scenarios and cases |

| |Provides business expertise |

| |Verifies the documented business requirements |

| |Develops user documentation |

| |Reviews and approves acceptance test results |

| |Identifies and participates in resolution of problems and issues |

| |Participates in development of user training |

| |Liaisons with external business areas |

|Policy Analyst |Identifies policy requirements |

| |Analyzes existing policies |

| |Develops / revises policy statements |

| |Develops policy communication and implementation plans |

|Technical Coordinator |Ensures consistency of design with existing standards |

| |Ensures that all technical components are compatible with others |

| |Provides a centre of expertise for the use of the tools in the project |

| |Manages and directs the use(reuse) of generic code, objects and components |

| |Establishes and ensures use of naming conventions, coding standards, field lengths etc |

| |Organizes and runs technical review sessions as required by product descriptions |

| |Monitors Configuration Management, version control and change control during development |

|Lead Developer |Provides a first point of contact with the technical development team |

| |Negotiates delivery dates with the Team Leader |

| |Produces and validates development plans |

| |Motivates technical development team |

| |Designs and builds product deliverable(s) according to specifications |

| |Communicates with User representatives |

| |Confronts issues and escalates problems |

| |Attends workshop sessions to input or demonstrate as required |

|Developer / Contractor Development|Provides input to planning processes |

|Team |Designs and builds product deliverable(s) according to specifications |

| |Plans, runs, records and acts upon results of Unit Tests |

| |Implements determined standards |

| |Communicates test results to Technical Coordinator |

| |Communicates with User representatives |

| |Advises Technical Coordinator on implementation issues |

| |Attends workshop sessions to input or demonstrate as required |

|Client / Business Area |Responsible for defining business requirements |

| |Responsible for business process re-engineering |

| |Defines acceptance criteria |

| |Completes assigned tasks at the scheduled time as indicated in the project plan |

| |Verifies that the business analysis and business requirements truly meet the business needs |

| |Reviews and approves interim project deliverables |

| |Recommends sign-off of project deliverables to the Sponsor |

| |Responsible for user documentation |

| |Responsible for acceptance testing |

|Acceptance Test Team |Executes the User Acceptance Test Plan |

| |Documents the results of the tests |

| |Re-tests as required. |

| |Identifies and participates in the resolution of problems and issues |

|Implementation Team |Installs and implements client software (including documentation) into production |

| |environment. |

|Project Team Scribe |Acts as configuration librarian to ensure Configuration Management, version control and |

| |change control |

| |Documents review and records change requests |

| |Ensures documents and models are retained in accordance with product descriptions and quality|

| |standards |

| |Produces workshop materials |

| |Ensures timely distribution of documentation to workshop attendees, reviewers, management etc|

| |Creates and maintains project directories |

| |Updates Project Journal |

|Workshop Facilitator |Provides skilled, disinterested workshop facilitation as required |

| |Prepares for and follows-up facilitated workshops |

| |Ensures production of facilitated workshop documentation and materials before, during and |

| |after workshops |

|Specialist – Database |Establishes and maintains project environments, including Development, Test, Production and |

|Administrator |Training |

| |Manages system/application security |

| |Provides access as required |

| |Migrates system/application from Development to Test, Test to Production, and Test to |

| |Training as required |

| |Provides technical advice within the scope of database administration |

|Specialist – Quality Assurance |Reviews project deliverables and provides advice with regard to ministry standards |

|Specialist – Standards and |Provides guidance to the project as required with regard to ministry standards |

|Architecture |Reviews project deliverables and provides feedback |

|Specialist – Project Management |Provides guidance to the project with regard to project management and project management |

|Office |documentation |

| |Reviews project management documentation and provides feedback |

|Trainers |Develops training material |

| |Trains user staff in the use of the system. |

|Technical Writers / Documentation |Develops technical documentation |

|Analysts |[and/or] Develops user documentation |

16.0 Project Control

This section describes how the project will be managed. It has been subdivided into the 9 Project Management “Knowledge Areas” defined by the Project Management Institute “Project Management Body of Knowledge” (PMBOK().

[Sample paragraphs have been written in each section. Use and change as appropriate.]

Based on the Government project management guidelines, where project triggers and risks are assessed in order to determine the Level of Project Management (LOPM) required, the project has been ranked ‘[low/low-medium/medium/medium-high/high] (xx [lopm score])’ for project complexity. See Appendix A for the detail analysis.

[Note any special concerns about project priority here.]

16.1 Integration Management

[The processes required to ensure the project is properly coordinated. Discuss Project Change Management and Configuration Management here.]

16.1.1 Project Co-Ordination

The project will be coordinated using a combination of the [name of methodology if using one], Government/Organization Project Management standards and guidelines, and general management principles. The project workplan (Appendix H), developed in MS Project, will be baselined and approved as part of this MPP.

The project plan, combined with the issue management system, will drive the project and will be monitored closely by the project manager.

Prior to the start of each major project phase, the MPP and workplan will be reviewed and revised, based on the information and experience of the previous phase and any new information.

Progress will be reported to the Project Manager [and/or the PMO] regularly as tasks are completed, enabling the workplan to be kept up to date. During the project, short (1-hour) team leader meetings will be held every week [name day] where issues, action items and progress will be discussed. In addition, full project management meetings will be held [weekly/bi-weekly [name day] to focus on milestones, action items, issues and concerns.

16.1.2 Change Management

During the project, any stakeholder may request a change to the project definition (scope, deliverables, schedule, cost) or to a previously approved project deliverable. A Change Request will be created, analyzed for project effect, and reviewed by the Project Management team.

All change requests will be logged [if using a software tool, name it here], assessed for feasibility and impact, reviewed for approval, and a resolution put in place. The resolution may result in changes to the workplan, master project plan, budget, contracts, or previous deliverables. The change process will be managed by the project manager.

16.1.3 Configuration Management

The Software Configuration Plan in Appendix F describes how the software items will be managed to ensure that they are always at a known state of development, review, acceptance or use. This includes requirement specifications, technical design specifications, tools, test data generators, procedures, management plans, systems and user documentation.

The [name of tool, e.g. Oracle SCM ] change management tool will be used to support versioning and configuration management.

16.1.4 Documentation Management

The Project Manager will manage the production of all documentation deliverables. Government / Organization standards will be used where standards exist.

The Project Manager will oversee the review and approval process for all documents. Project Management documents (such as the MPP) will be reviewed and approved according to the process established by the Project Support Office. Other documents will be developed with the participation of users and therefore reviews will be an iterative process throughout the creation period. Final reviews will thus be a confirmation, from both project and user communities, of the documents’ contents.

Approved Project Management documents will be stored with the Project Support Office and available on the PSO Web site. Other documents will be controlled by the Project Manager, and critical documents will be posted on the Web. Deliverable documents will be stored on the [name of drive] under the [name of subdirectory]. All logical database design details will be recorded in the Ministry [name of repository, e.g., Designer 6i ] repository.

At the completion of the project all documentation deliverables will be provided to Records Management for long term storage and maintenance. All project documentation will be archived using standard government and organization procedures.

16.2 Scope Management

[The processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required to complete the project successfully.]

The review and approval of the MPP and workplan will confirm the project scope. All changes to the scope will be handled through change control.

16.3 Time Management

[The processes required to ensure timely completion of the project.]

Planning is an iterative process involving all members of the project team. The major planning for the project has been done in conjunction with this MPP, and is detailed in the project workplan (Appendix H). Subsequent planning will be done with project team members prior to the beginning of each phase of the project and for project change requests.

The workplan will be maintained by gathering progress information on a [weekly/bi-weekly] basis [describe the method for doing this] and by updating the workplan accordingly. The schedule will be reviewed with the client sponsor and steering committee [weekly/bi-weekly/monthly] [describe the method for doing this].

Any changes to the schedule which affect major milestones or the final completion date will go through change control, resulting in a new baselined version of the project workplan and possibly a revision or new version of the MPP.

16.4 Cost Management

[The processes required to ensure that the project is completed within the approved budget (resources and dollars).]

The detailed project budget [has been developed using MS Excel and] is included as Appendix G. Monthly financial records will be collected throughout the project [describe the method for doing this] and compared to this budget. The budget will be reviewed with the client sponsor and steering committee [weekly/bi-weekly/monthly] [describe the method for doing this].

Any changes to the budget which affect the approved budget limits will go through change control, resulting in a new baselined budget and possibly a new version of the MPP.

16.5 Quality Management

[The processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken).]

[Ensure workplan includes time for review and approval processes, and time for rework]

All project deliverables will be subject to a review and approval process and will be signed off by the project sponsor and stakeholders with a vested interest in the particular deliverable.

Peer reviews will be held for business design and technical design documents, and code-walkthroughs for non-generated code. [for non-IT, adjust this sentence accordingly.]

In the interest of maintaining the schedule, tasks dependent on deliverables in the approval process will be started. The risk associated with this method will be mitigated by including the recipient of the deliverable in the review process.

Five levels of project testing will take place: unit, integration, system, system integration, and user acceptance. At the end of system integration testing the system should be ready for user acceptance testing. [for non-IT, adjust this sentence accordingly.]

Defining a test strategy has been scheduled in the Business Design phase. This strategy will include the development of test scenarios, test cases and a detailed test plan.

An acceptance test task is included in the workplan to enable the business area to test the final product in a production-like environment prior to implementation. The initial requirements for this acceptance test will be documented during the business design.

All system and application deliverables will be signed off prior to migration to production.

[A separate Quality Management Plan [has been/will be] developed that documents the quality management plan for this project.]

16.6 Human Resource Management

[The processes required to make the most effective use of the people involved with the project.]

The resource requirements for this project are documented in Section 14 of this MPP and in the project workplan (Appendix H).

The acquisition of internal resources will be negotiated with each department manager well in advance of the requirement for the resource. Similarly, all contract resource requirements will be planned and the acquisition procedures implemented well in advance of the specific need. The project workplan will be the major input for establishing each resource requirement.

As new people join the project team, they will be given an orientation including meeting other team members, an overview of the project, [the team charter], and prerequisite documentation to allow them to quickly become productive. When people leave the team, an exiting procedure will be followed which includes providing information for performance reviews.

All-team meetings will be scheduled periodically, which will provide a forum for project management information exchange and team building.

16.7 Communication Management

[The processes required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage, and ultimate disposition of project information.]

[If a separate Communications Strategy and Plan Document is being produced, refer to it here. Otherwise, describe how the project will communicate with stakeholders, other projects and the project team.]

[Ensure the workplan reflects communication tasks, such as special meetings, demos, etc.]

The Project Manager will produce a monthly status report, which will summarize major work completed, in progress and due to start, and major issues and concerns. In addition, the project manager will provide monthly status to the Project Support Office for updates to the Project Dashboard Report.

The Project Manager will chair [weekly, bi-weekly] status meetings with the project team to track progress and discuss outstanding issues.

The Project Manager will ensure that minutes are taken and distributed for every project meeting.

A matrix illustrating the Project Communication Plan is detailed in Appendix D.

16.8 Procurement Management

[The processes required to acquire goods and services from outside the performing organization.]

[For each procurement/contracting requirement, include statements for soliciting, selecting, negotiating, purchasing, administering, and completing]

[Include contracts, software and hardware leases, warranties, etc.]

[Refer to the Financial Management Operational Procedures (FMOP) and the General Management Operational Procedures (GMOP) for more information]

[If Procurement processes will be complex, include details as an Appendix or develop a separate document.]

[If none, say Not Applicable. ]

16.9 Risk Management

[The processes concerned with identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risk.]

The project has considerable risk associated with it, and risk management will be a primary focus of project management. The project workplan and budget have been developed with some contingency to allow for both known risks and unknown risks.

16.9.1 Risk Identification and Mitigation

Refer to Appendix E for a Risk Analysis of the project. The project manager will be continually assessing and reviewing project risk to develop contingencies and to determine the best courses of action. At the start of each project phase, the Risk Analysis will be repeated and the project plans adjusted.

16.9.2 Problem Determination and Resolution

Examples of problems might be failed test cases, unclear interpretation of specifications, difficulty in obtaining resources, facility problems, etc. Most problems will be resolved within the project team and will not result in the creation of an issue. However, for the short-duration project phases, some problems may escalate into issues rapidly. Therefore, problem management will be very important and essential to the resolution of issues and/or problems. [note: larger projects might consider a separate problem tracking system].

16.9.3 Issue Management

An issue is any concern that, if not resolved, can jeopardize the success of the project in terms of schedule, cost or quality. Issues may be raised by any member of the project team. All issues will be logged [if using a software tool, name it here]. The project manager will review all issues daily to ensure they are being dealt with in a timely manner. Outstanding issues will be discussed [daily/weekly/ at each status meeting] and resolved as quickly as possible. Major issues will be raised to the project sponsor and/or steering committee, and may result in a change request to be initiated.

17.0 Project Infrastructure

The project infrastructure includes all the services, tools and work environment facilities available to the project team to allow them to do their work.

[Change the following as appropriate]

17.1 Tools

The project will use the following automated tools:

MS Office Products for project/system documentation and communication;

MS Project for workplan creation, tracking and reporting;

Oracle Designer and Developer for storing requirements, and to design and develop the system;

Oracle Forms and Reports for report generation;

[name of tool] for issue and change management;

[name of tool] for tracking system and acceptance testing;

Ministry standard suite of products for communications (e-mail, meeting scheduling, Web access);


17.2 Work Environment

The project will use and/or require the following facilities:

Project team members will work from their standard office space

[Name of Contractor] project team members will provide their own office space.

[Will there be any special workstations set up for the contractor?]

[Will there be a special workspace needed for the team?]

All technical personnel on the project will require personal computers that can support Oracle Designer/Developer

All project members will require access to the [name of LAN directory & subdirectories.]

Security access cards for all project team members.

The project team will use existing [name of organization ] facilities for meetings.

Occasional use of special equipment such as a LCD will be arranged through Audio Visual services.

[Any special needs for meetings elsewhere, or for communications to stakeholders?]

Standard printing, photocopying, etc.

17.3 Services Assistance

The project will use and/or require the following special services:

The Project Support Office will provide assistance to the project manager in the creation and storage of project management documentation, including workplans and the MPP.

The [name of group] will provide assistance in the creation and administration of a quality management plan and deliverables acceptance plan.

Technical Writing assistance (for technical and user documentation) from ….

Training support from ….

Administrative support from ….

Communications support from …..

Contract development and management support from ….

Publishing support from ….


17.4 Technical Environments and Special Requirements

The project will require the following special technical environments:

Dedicated LAN Server space for project team use and for storage of project documentation

Dedicated Web page and Web support

Development / test / acceptance / training environments

Training facility to conduct classroom and workstation training

Environment to demonstrate the system to clients

Compliance environment

Establishment of permanent environments for production systems


17.5 Other Requirements

[Any special requirements not covered elsewhere]

18.0 Project Review and Completion Criteria

[It is important to know up-front (1) “when you are done”, (2) “when you have won”, and (3) “who gets to decide”. Develop the completion criteria with the client, stakeholders and team members early in the project so that everyone will know when the project is complete. Use this section to define the criteria for project completion. Some sample statements follow (add/modify/delete as needed) ]

The [name of group] will conduct a brief post project evaluation review to assess the project management of the project, to identify any “lessons learned” and improvements to methodologies and procedures, and to identify potential enhancements to the final product.

[For a long project, periodic interim project reviews should be held.]

[Consider using an exit-survey for each project team member to provide input to the project review process, rather than leaving it all to the end of the project.]

A Post-Implementation Review will be held three to six months after implementation to assess the system in full production.

The project will be deemed successful when all the objectives have been met.

The project will be deemed complete when:

all tasks in the project workplan have been completed;

all project documents are complete and signed off by the project sponsor;

all project issues have been addressed;

the project evaluation has been completed;

the post implementation review has been scheduled;

all project staff and physical resource release activities have been completed;

all project-related contract finalization activities have been completed; and

all project files are completed and documentation archived.

Appendix A: Level of Project Management

[Redo LOPM based on new knowledge acquired while preparing the MPP. If the score has changed, explain the differences.]

Based on the Government project management guidelines, where project triggers and risks are assessed in order to determine the Level of Project Management (LOPM) required, the project has been ranked ‘[low/low-medium/medium/medium-high/high] (xx [lopm score])’ for project complexity.

The following is the detailed result from the LOPM Analysis:

[Include report from LOPM tool by copy/pasting the e-mail note generated from the tool.]

[Hyperlinks to Level of Project Management Tool and Assess Level of Project Management Required on the Ministry project management Web Site.]

[Note: The LOPM is only a guide for project complexity and does not consider priority. If the project has a particularly high management priority or significance, discuss here.]

Appendix B: Privacy Impact

A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is a foundation tool/process designed to ensure compliance with government’s privacy protection responsibilities and is a requirement under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act section 69(5). The PIA is intended to support government business objectives, including electronic government initiatives. If used as part of normal business processes, the PIA can ensure that privacy requirements are identified and satisfied in a timely and cost efficient manner. It is important that a PIA be completed during the early developmental stages of any program, system or other initiative as a component of the project/business plan.

Please answer the following questions regarding the product to be produced by this project. If unsure about how to answer any of the following questions or if the answer to any of the following questions is "yes," contact the information and privacy coordinator at If the answer to all of the following questions is "no," further assessment is not required.

The process to complete a PIA involves answering a series of questions according to a pre-set template which can be viewed at .

Branches or program areas need to designate a staff person to work with Privacy and Records Management Branch staff to answer the questions about the program and input the information. Contact the information and privacy coordinator at for more information.

|No |Yes | |

| | |Is personal information being collected? |

| | |Is personal information being used? |

| | |Is personal information being disclosed? |

| | |Is personal information being stored? |

| | |Are you planning an Information Sharing Agreement with another body that involves the collection, use, |

| | |disclosure or storage or personal information? |

| | |Are you planning a research agreement with another body that involves the collection, use, disclosure or |

| | |storage of personal information? |

| | |Are you contracting out a portion of you program, initiative, system development that requires the collection,|

| | |use, disclosure or storage of personal information? |

| | |Are you designing a new computer system to store personal information? |

| | |Are you amending legislation that deals with the collection, use, disclosure, or storage of personal |

| | |information? |

| | |Has anyone raised a privacy concern or question that relates to your legislation, program, initiative or |

| | |system? |

Appendix C: Application Portfolio Management System Update

The Application Portfolio Management System (APMS) is an information system aimed at providing an accessible source for:

• Management data for application planning.

• Application operational and infrastructure information.

• Application technology information.

These objectives are met only when sufficient application information is captured in APMS for the applications.

APMS data capture is a distributed activity - not a centralized activity within ITMB. It is intended to do the data capture at source. APMS is now an integral part of the application development and change management processes.

If this project will create a new application system or substantially alter the business function, infrastructure or technology architecture for an application, answer “yes” to the following question (otherwise answer “no”):

APMS update required? Yes No

If APMS update is required, specify when the update will be made and to whom the update task will be assigned.

APMS updated/to be updated on (date):

APMS updated/to be updated by (name):


Appendix D: Communications Plan Matrix

[Provide a schedule of communication activities or events that will be performed during the project. The activities should identify the audience and describe how the communication will be done and what will be communicated. Indicate who is responsible for delivering the communication. Indicate when the communication should take place (e.g., weekly, September). These activities should be incorporated in the project workplan.]

The following table shows the communications activities that will be performed during the project.

| |Activities |Responsibility |Audience |Method |Date |

|2 |Status Report |Project Manager |Sponsor |MS Word document |Monthly |

| | | |Stakeholders | | |

|3 |Milestone Report |Project Manager |Sponsor |MS Project |Monthly (with status rpt) |

| | | |Stakeholders |Report | |

| | | | |Review Mtg. | |

|4 |Report Project Status |Project Manager |ITMB Management |MS Project Report |Monthly |

|5 |Information Bulletins |Communications Manager |Stakeholders |Web |Quarterly |

| | | |Public | | |

|6 |(etc.) | | | | |

Appendix E: Risk Identification & Mitigation

[All projects experience a degree of risk. Risk is usually lower for projects that have clear and visible sponsorship with accountability for results. These projects tend to stay on track and achieve their objectives. Risk identification is conducted with members of the project team, project management and stakeholders.]

[Risks are associated with the assumptions that have been identified for the project. For every assumption that doesn’t hold true there is a risk of project delay or failure. The project manager should regularly review these assumptions and assess their status against the workplan, budget, scope and quality, and make adjustments where necessary.]

The following Risk Assessment has been developed by consensus by a combined ITMB and Client group, and reflects the risks as known at the date below. Risks change on a regular basis, and this Risk Assessment will be repeated at periodic intervals throughout the project.

Date of Risk Assessment: [insert date]

|ID |Rank |Risk Statement |Probability |Impact |Mitigation |

|2 | | | | | |

|3 | | | | | |

|4 | | | | | |

|5 | | | | | |

Appendix F: Configuration Management

The Software Configuration Management Plan describes how the project will manage the software items to ensure that they are always at a known state of development, review, acceptance or use. The following table presents the configuration management standards for the deliverables of this project. Where the configuration management has not been completed, it will be addressed in a later stage of the life cycle.

[Sample Configuration Management matrix follows. Expand and change to suit the project]

|Deliverable |Configuration Plan |

|Project Management Documents |Produced in Microsoft Word |

| |Revisions indicated by Version Number |

| |Signoffs retained by the PSO |

| |Final documents filed with PSO (electronic and paper) |

|Project Management Workplan |Produced in Microsoft Project |

| |Approved revisions will be baselined and indicated by Version # |

| |Minor revisions (status, resource changes, minor date changes) will not be versioned. |

| |Baseline versions retained by the PSO |

| |Non-baseline versions retained by the Project Manager. |

|Specifications (Business Design / |Documented in Oracle Repository, with supplementary documentation in MS Word. |

|Requirements) |Revisions will be reflected in the Repository, and documented via Change procedures. |

| |Signoff of approved spec’s will be retained in project files. |

|Specifications (Technical Design) |Documented in Oracle Repository, with supplementary documentation in MS Word for user |

| |interface (screen and report layouts) and any other specifications not stored in the |

| |repository. |

| |Repository will be versioned when the logical data model and function hierarchy are |

| |finalized. |

| |Versions of textual documentation will be based on Update date. The final version, with |

| |signoff form, will be retained in project files. |

|Infrastructure (Oracle, SAS, SQL, etc.) |No changes of versions are expected during the project. |

| |Database configuration changes are identified in the workplan and will be monitored there. |

|Hardware |New hardware configuration changes are identified in the workplan and will be monitored |

| |there. |

|Operations and Systems Documentation |To be developed in MS Word. |

| |Standard configuration management [name product] will be used. |

|User Documentation |To be developed in MS Word. |

|(etc.) | |

Appendix G: Budget Plan

[The project budget plan should show estimates of expenses by month. The workplan will be the major input to know which month to apply the budget amounts]

[The budget plan that is approved with (or before) the MPP is referred to as the Baseline Version 1.0 budget plan. After approval, it must be saved in the Project Library in both soft and hardcopy form. All subsequent approved budget plans will be given a new version number and must also be saved in the Library.].

[During the project, actual monthly expenses should also be recorded and compared to the budget plan. At project closing, the Project Evaluation will compare original budget, revised budget and actual cost.]

The project budget by month is provided below, and is summarized in Section 13 (Budget).

During the project, actual monthly expenses will be recorded and compared to the budget plan. At project wrap-up, the Project Evaluation will compare original budget, revised budget and actual cost

| (Value in $thousands) |Apr yy |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Project Management

|Name |Position |

| | |

|[name] |Project Manager |

| | |

| | |

Document Control

[Drafts start at 0.1 whereas a document ready for signature becomes version 1.0. ]

|Date |Version |Change Reference |Reviewed by |

| | | | |

|[date] |1.0 |Original document | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


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