Prayer -

The Word of Word- Origin and Inspiration Part-I

The information provided within these files on “Bible Basics” are considered entry level only.

Concerning the amount of information provided in this outline of fourteen files, some folks may

have a different opinion of the exact truth that is provided here-in. In some cases I share these

alternate views to provide a broader look at pertinent facts.

Where did the Word of God come from? How do we know it’s accurate and can be trusted. The

Word of God has been under much scrutiny over the years, however, with the rise of so called

knowledge, it’s under a major attack now. Even people who claim to be Bible scholars are

balking at the accuracy of the Word of God. We would do well to have this issue resolved in our

hearts and minds from the on-set of our walk with the Lord.

A] General facts concerning the early written Word

1] The oldest written Word was actually written on stone tablets: the Ten Commandments. As the first set was broken by Moses, a new set was made.

see Ex. 20:1-17 and Ex 34:1. (are they still around somewhere)?

2] Most Old Testament books were written on animal skins, sewn together in strips to form a scroll. They found that by mixing certain dyes and available materials the letters wouldn’t be absorbed into the skins and would last as long as the scroll itself, (although the skins were subject to deterioration which would require the manuscript to need copying).

The Old Manuscripts were compiled in three (3) categories:

a] The Original Manuscripts- they have deteriorated long ago.

b] The Most Ancient Copies- a large number of these are in existence today. The most common ones that have been found within the last seventy years have been the Dead Sea Scrolls, found in 1947. (they were found in caves, and the scrolls were in clay jars further protecting them from the elements. (these were the copies made from the original copies that have ceased to exist) Do you know what they do nowadays to preserve original copies of documents)? Air tight containers!

c] The Ancient Copies- were copies that were made with the same meticulous care as all the others, teams of people worked at this for a living. By the way if they made a mistake in transcribing the manuscript, they had to throw the whole thing away and start over.

3] What does the Word say concerning itself?

a] Genesis 1:3 God spoke and things happened! The Word declares that God made everything “that is” from nothing. By the Word of His Power!!! This may be hard to comprehend, but that is why God is God. (By the way, Denominations have position papers on this fact).

That’s Good. So now we know when God speaks, we should listen!

b] Hebrews 1: 3 Upholding all things held by the Word of His Power!!!!,

What do you think keeps all planets in their elliptical orbit? (at 66,000 mph)

And with no deviation, years are still 365 days long, incredible. One would think the planets would just fly off into deep space or something.

c] Hebrews 6: 18, That by two immutable (not capable or susceptible to change) things, in which it was “impossible” for God to lie, (concerning the hope we have in Him and everything else). The part to notice is the “impossible to lie part”. Can you imagine, what would happen if God were to be found in a (L’’) The universe would cease to exist. God cannot renege on any of His Word, that means the parts we like and the parts we don’t like as well. God is as good as His Word, bet on it.

That’s one of the biggest reasons God watches over His Word to perform it. See Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death. The wages you earn is the wages you get.

4] The Word itself declares in II Tim 3:16 that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction and instruction in righteousness . (Inspiration = God breathed, this Word is a living Word. also see:

a] John 6:63 These Words (God’s Word) are spirit and they are life. You can take it to the bank! Make note how it works on the devil.

b] II Peter 1:21, Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. God still speaks to and through His prophets and servants today.

c] Jeremiah 36:2, Take thee a roll of a book and write all the words that I spoken unto thee’’’’.

d] Ezekiel 1:3 The Word of the Lord came expressly unto Ezekiel,’’

e] The Bible is a compilation of many writers over a long period of time with the same message to humanity, God loves you and has a plan for your life.

4] Some archeological facts. The accuracy of the Word from outside resources.

a] As was mentioned above the Dead Sea Scrolls seem to have been the find of the century until that point. The Word that was found on the scrolls are exactly as it is in our Bible. When you get it from the original source, what can you expect?

b] Years ago during the “cold war” the U.S. Gov. used to send U-2 flights over communist countries to take pictures of Soviet ground missile bases. When they flew over Turkey, the part with Mt. Ararat, they took pictures and noted of a large boat that was sitting up there, Noah’s Ark. See Genesis Chapters 6,7. (Would you believe it, they made a movie on it, made a believer out of me).

c] Here’s something somewhat more modern. The governments of the world have been grave and tomb robbing (preservation of antiquities) for years. We have the most modern medical equipment the world has ever seen. They have recently performed a modern autopsy on one of the famous Pharaohs of the Old Testament. To their amazement the guy turns out to have been in a terrible accident that brought about his death. They found several broken and/or fractured bones, plus water in his lungs. The experts believe this guy is the pharaoh of Egypt that was drowned in the Red Sea. He should have let Israel go when he had the chance.

d] The Word (Bible) has always talked about people, places and things that only a very intelligent source could know. The archeologists of the world have always tried to discredit the word of truth. No one has ever been able to disprove the Word of God yet, I expect they will keep trying.

By the way the world with it’s kings and rulers keep records also. They often corroborate what the Word has said all along.

e] Here’s one from the Archko Volume, actual letters (written on a papyrus scroll) from the infamous Pontius Pilate (the guy who sentenced Jesus to the Cross) to Caesar, his boss. Actually there were several letters. In one letter He talks of his first meeting with Jesus, in his basilic. He tells Caesar that he trembled in every limb, but the Lord was as calm as innocence itself (his words). In another letter he describes the crowds and reactions to the trial that led to the crucifixion, (when he washed his hands of the affair). In another letter he describes what he thought and felt when the sun quit shinning after the death of Jesus. He even tells Caesar he was mindful to believe this was truly the Son of God! This is faith building material to me, Jesus Was, Is, Is to Come. This is gathered from a book by the late Yacov Rambsel, if any are interested, look on Amazon. A lot of material like this has been digitally photographed and placed in various web sites, you just have to look for them.

The list goes on and on and on.

5] Some words about the Prophetic side of the Word.

a] II Peter 1:21-22 Prophesy separates the Word of God from “words”

“Holy” men of old were moved on by the Holy Spirit to write what told.

b] The Word of God is filled with prophetic words, from Genesis to Revelation.

The Word can be judged by the accuracy of the word given. Long ago you were labeled a false prophet if your words didn’t come to pass as you spoke them.

And more often than not you met an untimely demise. see I Kings 18.

c] The prophetic word has at least three functions in fulfillment:

1] The prophesy has already come to past. such as; Isaiah 53. Jesus is whom this refers to.

2] The prophesy has partially come to past, still more to come. Mathew 24:3 The partial was fulfilled when 40 years later the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.

3] The prophesy has a future time in order to fulfill. Mathew 24:3, A new Temple will be constructed in the not to distant future and prophesy will again be fulfilled


6] This is insightful: From Grant Jeffrey’s book, Signature of God, he has come up with a list of seventeen (17) prophesies that were to be fulfilled at the time of Jesus’ ministry here on earth. There were many more, seventeen is more than enough. There are laws of probably tables that are used to calculate these factors. By the way, these same laws are what insurance companies use to calculate insurance rate tables. As an example; what are the odds of a truck load of car parts being dumped down the side of a mountain and turning into a fully assembled vehicle when it reached the bottom? It can’t happen is the answer. And that’s the point in when considering the Lord’s coming and the fulfillment of each prophesy. But it did happen, exactly as written long before the event, and that is the point.

Ex: This is just one of the seventeen as example.

The 1st Prophesy had to do with Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. In order to calculate, we would count the number of towns in that geographic region, (there were well over two thousand towns and villages at that time). Grant used the arbitrary number of 200 (conservative number of towns that will be used in the calculator, not the estimated 2000 towns and cities at the time of history. The odds are1 in 200 chance of being born in the right place of which you had nothing to do with. As we now know this first prophesy of Jesus being born exactly where the Word said He would be born is historical fact. If He missed this place and was born elsewhere, guess what, He’s not who He says He is. I’ve read there were over 300 prophesies that had to be fulfilled down to the letter. Historical evidence shows each was fulfilled down to the minutest detail. To bet against God’s Word is not a safe bet.

a] Only the Lord knows what the odds are of “all” prophesy (everything within the Word of God) being fulfilled to the letter are. It makes it obvious, you that you can trust the Word of God because God oversees His Word.

b] I wouldn’t bet my eternity on the fallacy that Christ is not who He says He is. John 14:6 Jesus says He is, The Way, The Truth, and The Life. Bet on It!!!!!

c] A lot more time was allocated in this discussion on Laws of probability in

a Bible Study atmosphere than we have covered here.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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