Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School PTA

Policy for Collective WorshipCurrent VersionSeptember 2018Signed __________________________________ (Headteacher)Date: ___________Signed __________________________________ (Chair of Governors)Date: ___________Mission StatementWorking together, learning together on our journey to success.School Aims and VisionTo foster an enjoyment and passion for learningTo be a school which exemplifies and celebrates excellent teaching and learningTo provide an interesting, challenging, broad and balanced curriculum ensuring pupils develop appropriate lifelong skillsTo encourage pupils to be polite and well behaved, respecting each other and all those in the school communityTo create a positive, welcoming and inclusive ethos in which all pupils can achieve their potential in all areasTo offer dedicated, enthusiastic staff working together sharing expertise in a positive mannerTo value parental support ensuring a productive link between school and home with school being at the heart of the communityTo encourage pupils to take care of their environment taking into account sustainability and global citizenshipPolicy For Collective WorshipIn the 1988 Act and its predecessor, the 1944 Education Act, Religious Education and the ‘Act of Worship’ were dealt with together, thereby giving the impression that they were much the same thing. However, current legislation makes it obvious that, in practice, they are to be distinguished. There has to be an act of what is now officially called ‘Collective Worship’ and there must be classroom Religious Education which serves a different, though related, purpose.The Education (Special Educational Needs) (Approval of Independent Schools) Regulations 1994 set out the requirements for collective worship in independent (usually special) schools for pupils who have been placed there by a local education authority. The requirements are: Schools must provide collective worship daily for all registered pupils, Most acts of collective worship in each term should be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character. This means that they should reflect the broad traditions of Christian belief without being distinctive of any particular Christian denomination, Collective worship can take place at any time during the school day, Collective worship can be provided to pupils in any sized group, for example, as a class, a year group, a phase group or a whole-school community, and Collective worship should take account of the family backgrounds, ages and aptitudes of the pupils involved. The Welsh Assembly Government states that schools should aim to:-Provide the opportunity for pupils to worship, to consider moral issues and to explore their own beliefs;Encourage participation and response whether through active involvement in the presentation of worship or through listening to, watching and joining the worship offered;Develop community spirit, promote a common ethos and shared values and reinforce positive attitudes.At Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School, Collective Worship plays a vital role in the moral and spiritual development of the children. It makes an important contribution to the ethos of the school, as well as creating a sense of ‘belonging’ for all. Aims Of Collective Worship At Caerleon Lodge HillTo create an occasion which provides a variety of responses, one of which is worship. By providing different levels of interest and involvement, all children and staff will feel included, whatever their backgrounds of belief;To enable children to develop attitudes characterised by feelings of awe, wonder, deep appreciation, gratitude, respect, caring for others;To encourage the use of silence, reflection, contemplation and prayer;To encourage the development of personal beliefs and respect for the beliefs of others;To develop a sense of community within the school and of being part of a wider community, e.g. meeting, sharing, behaviour, etc.;To celebrate achievement and special occasions in respect of individuals, the school and the wider community;To make explicit and to celebrate what has meaning, value and purpose for the children as individuals for the school and for the wider anisation Of Collective WorshipAll registered pupils attending a maintained school should take part in daily Collective Worship. This does not apply to Nursery Schools or Nursery Classes in Primary Schools. The timing and organisation can be flexible. It does not have to be at the beginning of the day. The |Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, team leaders and other members of staff conduct assemblies on a rota basis. General Pattern of Assemblies:Key Stage 2Foundation PhaseMondayMrs Saville (Headteacher) Christian based-bible stories and stories with a moral / topical theme / current affairsMrs Davies – Christian based bible stories TuesdayMr Smith – SEAL – emotional aspects of learning / values / morals / Christian based-bible storiesMrs Isaac – SEAL – emotional aspects of learning / values / morals / Christian based-bible storiesWednesdaySinging practice Singing practiceThursdayKey stage 2 staff on a rotaChristian based-bible storiesMiss BeynonWelsh myths / legends (one every month) Birthday celebrationsChristian based-bible storiesFridayFamily Celebration Assembly led by HeadteacherPlanned records will be kept in our Collective Worship file with Headteacher.Each term there are special year group themed assemblies which the children lead, writing and performing elements of a topic being studied currently in that year group. These assemblies may include drama, music, art and dance.The Act of Collective Worship The guidance to schools in Estyn’s Supplementary guidance on inspecting collective worship in non- denominational schools’ states that collective worship and assemblies are distinct and different. Collective Worship may take a number of forms but must fulfil the definition and aims, stated above. It may include the following: Reflection – pupils should be encouraged to listen to, watch or reflect on an appropriate stimulus e.g. bible reading or other religious writing, drama sketch, dance, video, song, music, artefact, poem, story, news article, photograph, prayer, question, presentation, visitor. Prayer – pupils may be encouraged to say a prayer aloud or to pray individually in silence. Prayer can be a still and quiet reflection Song – pupils may be encouraged to sing a hymn or other worship song together Music can help set the scene and create an appropriate atmosphere. It can be listened to, so helping pupils to reflect on a theme. Reading – pupils may be encouraged to read an extract from the Bible or other religious writing or a ‘thought for the day’.Reflection TechniquesThere are many ways, other than music, to help create an atmosphere. These include using art or artefacts: using flowers, plants or natural objects; lighting a candle to begin a story or to provide a focus of attention; using photographs, pictures or video.Planning for Collective WorshipIt is important that acts of Collective Worship are carefully planned to ensure a balance in content and approach. relevance to the children’s interests and needs. an appropriateness to their aptitudes and abilities. quality in content, delivery and experiences of the children. A programme of themes for assembly and Collective Worship at Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School has been written both for Foundation Phase and Key Stage Two pupils (appendix A). The Right of WithdrawalThis advice is taken from Welsh Office Circular 10/94: Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School endeavours to be inclusive and sensitive to different religious beliefs and cultures in its Collective Worship provision. However, it recognises that parents have a right to withdraw their children from part or all of the religious worship at school. The school must ensure that this right of withdrawal is freely exercised, and parents are not obliged to state their reasons. Teachers have the right to withdraw from collective worship. However, the school must ensure that collective worship is still provided daily for all pupils. VisitorsLocal clergy are invited into school to lead the collective worship during the year. St Cadoc’s Church, Caerleon, Lodge Farm Church and ‘Open the book’ assemblies.Various guests are invited to attend several assemblies throughout the year, including LEA members, governors, local councillors, parents and grandparents.Collective worship is regarded as an opportunity to open possibilities for engaging individuals and school communities in discovering more about themselves, the world around them and God.Appendix AFoundation Phase Collective Worship Themes Autumn INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page6image3762784" \* MERGEFORMAT Spring INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page6image3707456" \* MERGEFORMAT Summer Week Theme Theme Theme 1 Welcome/ New beginnings A New Year Achievements 2 Welcome/New Beginnings People in the World Feelings Fear/Change 3 Feelings/Other People INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page6image5827280" \* MERGEFORMAT Celebrating Differences INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page6image5826240" \* MERGEFORMAT Involvement/ Belonging 4 Rules Confidence Qualities 5 INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page6image5822704" \* MERGEFORMAT Telling the Truth INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page6image5822080" \* MERGEFORMAT School Life Making Plans 6 Harvest Health School Life 7 INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page6image5816880" \* MERGEFORMAT Families INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page6image5816256" \* MERGEFORMAT Problems Forgiveness 8 Say no to bullying INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page6image5812720" \* MERGEFORMAT Our World INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page6image5811680" \* MERGEFORMAT Qualities 9 Say no to bullying Listening Helping 10 Festivals New Life Sports Day 11 Eid Festivals Mothering Sunday Friendship 12 Diwali Easter Memories 13 Christmas Moving on 14 Christmas Achievement Key Stage Two Collective Worship ThemesAutumn Spring Summer Week Theme Theme INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page7image3731168" \* MERGEFORMAT Theme 1 New beginnings Changes Going for goals New Year’s resolutions Relationships 2 Motivation INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page7image3748016" \* MERGEFORMAT Responsibilities Commitment 3 Empathy Commitment Helping others 4 Self-awareness INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page7image3798144" \* MERGEFORMAT Co-operation Community 5 Relationships Families INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page7image5775696" \* MERGEFORMAT Determination Families 6 Love thy neighbour Coping with different emotions INCLUDEPICTURE "E:\\var\\folders\\7q\\5lphk2d94cdd7vlxc_h6dcqh0000gn\\T\\\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\page7image5774448" \* MERGEFORMAT Differences 7 Making difficult decisions Good to be me Helping others Promises 8 Say no to bullying Responsibilities Self-consciousness Teamwork 9 Honesty Respecting other opinions Changes Motivation 10 Consequences Humility Changes in feelings 11 Eid Forgiveness Fresh starts and new days 12 Diwali Easter Moving away from home 13 Christmas Moving on/Moving up 14 Christmas Achievement ................

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