Sunday Connection: 11.12.2018Light House (P1-P6)Aim: To Learn About the People in the Bible Who Were Waiting for Jesus to Come. To Journey Through the Christmas Story.Bible Passages: Luke 1: 26-38, Matthew 1:18-24, Luke 2:1-5 An Angel Speaks to Mary and then to Joseph; Traveling to Bethlehem. In their Sunday school time, the children are colouring and making themselves a set of nativity characters as they learn the story of the birth of Jesus. When these come home, they will be an excellent way to re-tell the story of Jesus coming to be God with Us!To Chat: How might Mary and Joseph felt with God’s instructions? What questions might they have had? Why do you think they listened to God? What questions do you have? How do you think Mary and Joseph found the journey (a useful MAP)? Youth (P7-S4)Aim: To look at the minor prophets and see how they give us a glimpse of the coming of Jesus. To look at the themes of God’s judgement and hope as they connect to the Christmas Story. This was a variation of a lesson from the Barnabas in Churches Advent Resources.Bible Passages: Micah 6:1-8, Micah 5, 1-5, Luke 2:8-14In Micah 6:1-8, we see God’s sadness and the need for a judgement to take place.To Chat: What in the passage makes you think there was sadness in God's voice?How has God shown his love for his people?How had the people tried to please God in their worship? What was wrong withthis? What sort of worship was God looking for?Key Verse: Micah 6:8, God asks us in all this, to seek his justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with him. As we continue through Micah and through the Christmas story, we discover God’s mercy for humankind and the hope he brings to the people of Israel, despite their circumstances. To Think: Micah 5, 2-5 & Luke 2:8-14. The book of Micah transitions between words of warning and truth for Israel and messages of hope and expectation from God about the future which came to pass in the birth of Jesus Christ. Read the prophecy in Micah 5 and the angels announcement to the shepherds. Wonder together as to how shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and others received this news! Might they have made the connection to Micah’s words right away or do you think they needed some time to figure it out?We didn’t quite get through this lesson, so we will pick up where we left off next week!All FamiliesThe Bible Reading Fellowship’s Parenting for a Life of Faith and Home For Good groups have had some super posts this month, helping families to get the best out of the Christmas season. Three I would like to highlight because I found them insightful are:Finding What Fits Your Family at ChristmasGetting Through Christmas When It’s HardFive Ways to Support Foster or Adoptive Families This Christmas Thinking About Christmas a Bit MoreThe Bible Society has put together these lovely videos to re-tell the Christmas story in really creative ways! Love them all so far!The Great Journey (to the story of ‘We Are Going on a Bear Hunt’)The Well Good News of Christmas (a poem with lovely pictures)The Mystery of the Noisy New Neighbour For Our Teenagers, Young Adults, and Grownups AlikeThe Bible Project has produced some high-quality video word studies for Advent, explaining the words Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy, and what they mean in scripture. The videos as well as the option of some personal Bible study materials can be found HERE ................

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