1 Peter 1:13-25

1 Peter 1:13-25


Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13-25

Memory Verse: “..be holy, for I am Holy.” 1 Peter 1:16b

Lesson Focus: As children of God we are to obey our Father and become more like Him!

Activities and Crafts: Coloring pages, cross word puzzle

1st and 2nd Grade Craft: “Bee” Holy

Introduction: Game: “Skirt” relay: need large pieces of material from the resource                                        room; scooters(behind the sound booth)

1. Divide the kids into teams

2. Line them up and give each line a scooter and a large piece of cloth

3. Tell the kids that they will need to wrap themselves with the cloth and then use the scooters to go back and forth

4. When they get back to their line they need to give the next child the cloth and the child must wrap them selves in the cloth before they use their scooter

5. the team that gets through the first wins.


1 Peter 1:13: “Get Ready!”

√ What do you do to get ready in the morning for school?

√ What happens when you don’t eat breakfast?

Today we are going to talk about how we are to get ready to serve Jesus.

Here is what Peter tells us to do:

1. “Gird up our loins of our mind.” That means to get ready. This phrase refers to the ancient oriental custom of pulling up the robes that they wore and gathering them between their legs and tying them up so that they could run. They were getting ready for the race ahead. When you played the relay race with the big piece of cloth, you did not do well if you didn’t prepare and bunch up the cloth. If you tried to race your scooter with the cloth going everywhere you had some trouble. We need to take the time to get our minds ready to walk with God. Peter is telling us that if we are to live the “true” Christian life then we have to get our minds ready. Just like we get ready in the morning by eating breakfast and preparing for the day, we need to make sure that we are asking God to help our minds think about and live for Him.

2. “Be sober:”

√ What does it mean to be sober? It means to not be drunk. We are to be clear headed. When people are drunk they cannot think straight. Their actions and everything they do is affected by the drink they have consumed. It changes their behavior and their thinking. Peter is telling us to be “clear thinking.”

3. “Rest your hope fully upon grace.” Peter tells us that as important as it is to get our mind set on God and to be clear thinking, we are also to “rest.”

What happens when you rest?

When we rest we take a break and rejuvenate our bodies and mind. Resting is stopping what you are doing and stay in one place for awhile. We are to “rest” or stop and know that our hope is fixed upon all that God has done for us. Grace is what God has done for us that we don’t deserve. Ephesians 2: tells us that we “are saved by grace, and that not of ourselves it is the gift of God.” God offers the gift of Jesus’ death on the cross freely for the payment of our sins…all we have to do is believe. So we can rest, we can stop and know that our salvation from sin and our future salvation into eternity all are complete because of what God has done for us through Jesus.

√ Do you ever say “I hope that this or that will happen?” This hope that we      have in God is not a wish. If you know Jesus as your Savior you will be in      heaven with God for eternity. You don’t have to wish you can know!

Now these three things all have to do with our minds. That our minds are ready, sober and hope in God.

√ Why is the mind so important to Peter?

Brain facts:

How do you remember the way to your friend's house? Why do your eyes blink without you ever thinking about it? Where do dreams come from? Your brain is in charge of these things and a lot more. In fact, your brain is the boss of your body. It runs the show and controls just about everything you do, even when you're asleep. Not bad for something that looks like a big, wrinkly, gray sponge.

When you were born, your brain came with all the neurons it will ever have, but many of them were not connected to each other. When you learn things, the messages travel from one neuron to another, over and over. Eventually, the brain starts to create connections (or pathways) between the neurons, so things become easier and you can do them better and better.

Think back to the first time you rode a bike. Your brain had to think about pedaling, staying balanced, steering with the handlebars, watching the road, and maybe even hitting the brakes — all at once. Hard work, right? But eventually, as you got more practice, the neurons sent messages back and forth until a pathway was created in your brain. Now you can ride your bike without thinking about it because the neurons have successfully created a "bike riding" pathway.

• The human brain is like a powerful computer that stores our memory and controls how we as humans think and react.

• The brain is the center of the human nervous system, controlling our thoughts, movements, memories and decisions.

• The human brain has become more and more complicated; many of its interesting properties are still not well understood by scientists.

• The brain contains billions of nerve cells that send and receive information around the body.

• The human brain is over three times as big as the brain of other mammals that are of similar body size.

• Each side of the brain interacts largely with just one half of the body, but for reasons that are not yet fully understood, the interaction is with opposite sides, the right side of the brain interacts with the left side of the body, and vice versa.

• The largest part of the human brain is called the cerebrum.

• The human brain is protected by the skull (cranium), a protective casing made up of 22 bones that are joined together.

• The brain of an adult human weighs around 3 pounds (1.5 kg). Although it makes up just 2% of the body's weight, it uses around 20% of its energy.

It is very important that we train our brain to think about the things of God. If you are a Christian and you go through your day…playing, studying for school, eating, playing sports and you don’t take any time to read God’s Word and think about the things of God then you will not be ready to live the life God wants you to live. What we think about is who we are!

1 Peter 1:14-17: “Be Holy”

√ Is it fun to obey? Why or why not? Usually we don’t like to obey because we don’t always get what we want!

Peter tells us to be “obedient children.” He refers to anyone who is a Christ follower as a child. And just like we obey our parents we are to obey our Heavenly Father. When we accept Jesus as our Savior we are born into God’s family. The Bible tells us that we are to call God our “Father.”

Romans 8:15, “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.”

When I accepted Christ as my Savior I had a new “heavenly” Father. Maybe some of you do not have an earthly Father or one that is not around very much. Do not compare your dad on earth to your “Dad” in heaven. Because God is God and creator of everything and yet He wants to love us and knows what is best for us when we follow Him. We have a heavenly Father that will never go away. We have a heavenly Father that will always be ready to listen to us when we come to Him in prayer. We have a heavenly Father that gave us the Holy Spirit to live inside of us so that we can be guided through this life. We have a heavenly Father that gave us His Word so that we can follow Him. So the phrase “child of God” is not just a description it is a reality! It is our place in the family of God.

√ How are we to obey?

1. To not be conformed to the things that we used to do. In other words if you use to cuss before you knew Jesus don’t start doing it again. See the word conformed means to press you into a mold. If you let the things that others do affect how you act, you are letting them press you into their mold and not into Gods.

(Teachers: It would be good to have some playdoh and use it to press images into it. Explain to the kids that this is what happens when we conform to the things that we used to do or to what other do. We start to look like them.)

2. Be Holy! √ What does the word “holy” mean? (separation or perfect)

√ How are we to be perfect? √ Is it hard to be perfect? √ Does anyone here think that they are perfect?

We are to be “perfect” because we follow a God who is perfect! Holiness is part of God’s character. Everything about God is holy and perfect. As we follow Him and train our minds to think about God we become more and more like Jesus. Peter uses an Old Testament verse from Leviticus 11:44 where God commanded His people to be holy and to be separate from the world. We are not supposed to look like everyone else in how we behave. As his kids, should we not want to grow up and act like Him?

If we are not motivated to be “holy” like God because of who God is then maybe we will be motivated by the fact that God is also the judge of the world. He will judge everyone’s actions

1 Peter 1:18-20 “The Reason”

The reason is Jesus! The reason that we are to be obey God in how we live and think is because of what Jesus did for us:

1. Saved by the precious blood of Jesus

2. A lamb without blemish or spot (Jesus never sinned)

3. It was planned by God since the beginning of the world

1 Peter 1:21-25 “The Result”

1. We need to believe in Jesus who was raised from the dead.

2. We need to obey God with the help of the Spirit.

3. We need to love one another.

4. We need to realize that the Word of God is true and will never fail.

Conclusion: There is no “lazy” in being a follower of Jesus. We belong to a new family and we need to be like our heavenly Father. So get ready!



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