BIBLE STUDY EVALUATION FORM-304165-45656500Name of the Study: _____________________________________ Which semester? _________Name of the Teacher: ___________________________________ Which year? _________Please answer as thoughtfully as possible while “speaking the truth in love…”1. On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = not helpful 5 = very helpful), please evaluate how well the study accomplished the following: Bible-Oriented (encouraged you to read/understand God’s Word) _____Self-Evaluative (helped you see that you need to work on something) _____Applicable (encouraged you to take action, make a change, apply what you learned) _____Interactive (encouraged you to write answers, make lists, take notes, or journal) _____2. Has this study made an impact on your life, and if so, how?_________________________________________________________________________________3. How was the homework in terms of time requirement?Not Enough Just right for my scheduleToo much for my schedule4. Was the video (if there was one) Helpful? Enjoyable? Boring? A waste of time? Please explain:________________________________________________________________________________5. How would you rate the effectiveness of the teacher?Poor Fair OK Excellent6. Can you provide some specific suggestions or encouragement to help the teacher improve? _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Would you recommend this study to your friends or family?YesNo Why or why not? _________________________________________________________________________________8. What are some other topics or studies you would like to see offered?_______________________________________________________________________________ 9. With training, support, prayerful consideration, and God's calling, would you ever?consider teaching? (If “yes”, please include your name)_____________________________________________________ ................

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