Bible Quiz

Bible Quiz

Our Attitude Towards Others

From the handout material

1. A right attitude is the utmost importance to whom?


2. If our attitude is poor, we will have a difficult time learning and may reject what?


3. List three attitudes from scripture we are to have towards “one another”

a. _______________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________

c . ______________________________________________________________

From Luke chapter 10

4. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who came to Jesus with a question

regarding eternal life? _______________________________________________

5. What was Jesus response to the question?


6. The man mentioned in the parable went up from Jerusalem to Jericho.

True or False

7. What did the Samaritan show to the wounded man the others didn’t?


8. Fill in the different attitudes toward the wounded man:

a. ___________________________,the wounded man was a subject to discuss.

b. ___________________________ ,the wounded man was someone to use and exploit.

c. ________________________,the wounded man was a problem to be avoided.

d. _________________________, the wounded man was a customer to serve for a fee.

e. _________________________,To, the wounded man was a human being worth being cared for and loved.

The expert - To the robbers - To the religious men - The innkeeper The Samaritan

9. What was Jesus towards all? _________________________________________

10. According to Micah 6:8 what three actions of attitude should ours be?

a. _______________________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________________

c. _______________________________________________________________

From John chapter 4

11. Why did Jesus have to go through Samaria? ____________________________


12. Why were the Samaritans so dislike by the Jews? ________________________


13. What name did the Pharisees call Jesus to insult him? _____________________


14. What four stages came out in the interview about Jesus with the woman at the


a. ____________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________

d. ____________________________________________________________

15. What were the disciples doing at the time Jesus was talking to woman at the

well? __________________________________________________________


16. According to the women where did she state the Samaritans worship and where

the Jews worship? ________________________________________________


17. What did the woman say about the coming Messiah? ____________________


18. What was the response of the disciples when they came back to the well?


19. Whom did the Samaritans see Jesus as? _______________________________


20. When the woman left the well, who did see bare witness to? ________________


21. How long did Jesus stay at the well to witness to the Samaritans? ____________


22. Why did the woman leave her waterpot at the well? ______________________



23. Why did so many of the Samaritans believe? ____________________________



24. What did Jesus say the difference was between His water and the water from

the well was? ? ___________________________________________________



25. Jesus came from _____________________ to _____________________ then to



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