The Really Big Fun Bible Quiz! - 144 Bible Quizzes and ...

[Pages:11]The Really Big Fun Bible Quiz!


1: What was the name of the garden where Adam 6: What was the name of Abraham's nephew?

and Eve lived?


Garden of Eden


Garden of Gethsemane


Garden of Babylon


Garden of Paradise

7: What was the name of Isaac's wife?

2: Which creature tricked Eve into eating of the

forbidden fruit?









8: What object featured in Jacob's dream at


3: Who was the first child born?









9: Who did Joseph's brothers sell him to?

4: From what disaster did the Ark save Noah?


Fire and Brimstone







10: How did the angel of the Lord appear to

5: What was the name of the tower that the


people were building when God confused their


In a dream

From within a burning bush

Tower of God

By a well

Tower of Dagon

As a bright light in the sky

Tower of Babel

Tower of Siloam

The Really Big Fun Bible Quiz!


11: What was the first plague upon Egpyt?

Frogs Death of the first born Locusts Water into blood

12: What was the name of the sea that the Israelites escaped through?

Dead Sea Sea of Galilee Red Sea Black Sea

13: How did Moses make the bitter waters of Marah drinkable?

Threw a piece of wood into the water Struck the water with his staff Dipped his hand in the water Waved his hand over the water

14: How did Moses assure victory against the Amalekites?

Laid down his staff in the direction of Amalek Held up his hands Built an altar to God Stood upon a rock

15: How many commandments did God give to Moses on Mount Sinai?

16: What was the name of the ark where the commandments were to be kept?

Ark of the People Ark of the Pentateuch Ark of the Covenant Ark of the Tabernacle

17: What golden animal did the Israelites make as an idol?

Golden Eagle Golden Lamb Golden Calf Golden Serpent

18: How many spies did Moses send out to explore the land of Canaan?

2 5 10 12

19: What animal spoke to Balaam?

Donkey Camel Sheep Raven

20: Who was the successor to Moses?









The Really Big Fun Bible Quiz!


21: What was the name of the woman who hid the spies at Jericho?

26: What did Samson later find in the lion that he killed?

Esther Rahab Ruth Rachel

Milk Honey Water Bread

22: How was the city of Jericho destroyed?

Fire from heaven Earthquake Walls fell down Tidal wave

23: What order did Joshua give to God?

Make the sun and moon stand still Make darkness cover the land Open the ground and swallow the enemies Make the river flood and drown the enemy camp

24: With what object did Jael kill Sisera?

Sword Knife Rock Tent peg

25: What object did Gideon place on the ground to receive a sign from God?

27: Which judge vowed his daughter to the Lord as a burnt offering?

Samson Gideon Ehud Jephthah

28: Who did Ruth marry?

Solomon Boaz Othniel David

29: Who was the first king of Israel?

Saul David Solomon Samuel

30: With what did David kill Goliath?

Fleece Robe Bread Branch

Sword Stone Spear Arrow

The Really Big Fun Bible Quiz!


31: What gift did Solomon ask of God?

Wisdom Wives Money Forgiveness

32: What was Solomon famous for building?

Altar Ship Palace Temple

33: Who brought Elijah bread and meat to eat during the drought?

36: What punishment was given to Gehazi for his greed?

Stoned to death Made leprous Sent into exile He was made dumb

37: How much of Elijah's spirit did Elisha receive?

Double Half Equal None

38: What object did Elisha cause to float?

Priests Shepherds Ravens Angels

Rock Ship's anchor Sword Axe head

34: What test did Elijah set the prophets of Baal, 39: Where were the Jews taken captive to when

but failed, proving their god to be false?

Jerusalem was destroyed?

Lighting a fire Walking on water Raising the dead Healing the sick

Syria Babylon Nineveh Ur

35: Which King took possession of Naboth's vineyard?

40: What was the new name given to Daniel while in captivity?

Ahab Cyrus Zechariah Josiah

Shadrach Meshach Belteshazzar Abednego

The Really Big Fun Bible Quiz!


41: What did Daniel do for Nebuchadnezzar that 46: Who was king when the temple was finally

no-one else was able to do?


Play the harp Interpret his dreams Decipher the writing on the wall Heal his son from leprosy

Darius Artaxerxes Sheshbazzar Cyrus

42: Which of these words did not appear in writing 47: What service did Nehemiah perform for King

on the wall?


Tekel Upharsin Lama Mene

Baker Cupbearer Guard Chef

43: Daniel had a dream about four things. What 48: Which of the following was not a 'friend' of

were they?


Cities Beasts Rivers Chariots

Zophar Nahath Eliphaz Bildad

44: Which king decreed that the Jews could return to their land to rebuild the temple?

49: "The Lord is my Shepherd", is the opening line to which Psalm?

Darius Artaxerxes Sheshbazzar Cyrus

Psalm 1 Psalm 23 Psalm 50 Psalm 119

45: Which of these prophets helped encourage the completion of the temple rebuild after a delay?

Hosea Joel Haggai Habakkuk

50: Which city did Jonah try to run to instead of going to Nineveh as God had commanded?

Jerusalem Damascus Tarshish Babylon

The Really Big Fun Bible Quiz!


51: How long was Jonah stuck inside the great fish?

56: What happened to Jesus on the 8th day of his life?

1 day 3 days 1 week 1 month

He was baptised He was circumcised He was taken back to Nazareth He was given presents

52: Zacharias and Elizabeth were told by an

57: At the age of 12, Jesus was left behind in

angel that they would have a son. What was he to Jerusalem. Where did his parents find him?

be called?

In the temple


In a tent


By a well


In the marketplace


58: What form did the Holy Spirit take at the

53: What punishment was Zacharias given for not baptism of Jesus?

believing the angel?


He was made blind


He was made lame


He was made dumb


He was made a leper

59: Who were the first two disciples to be called?

54: Who decreed that a census of the entire

Roman world should be taken at the time of

James and John

Jesus' birth?

Simon and Andrew

Matthew and Thomas


Philip and Bartholomew



60: What miracle did Jesus perform at the


marriage in Cana?

55: In which city was Jesus born?

Nazareth Jerusalem Bethlehem Galilee

Feeding of 5000 Raising of Lazarus The withered fig tree Water into wine

The Really Big Fun Bible Quiz!


61: Which disciple was a tax collector?

Matthew Judas James Andrew

62: Complete the Beatitude: "Blessed are the meek..."

For theirs is the kingdom of heaven For they shall be called the children of God For they shall inherit the earth For they shall see God

63: According to the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, "a city that is on a hill cannot be..." what?

66: What miracle did Jesus perform just before healing Legion of his unclean spirit?

Calming of the storm Feeding of the 4,000 Raised Lazarus Walking on water

67: At the feeding of the 5,000, what food did they have?

5 loaves and 4 fishes 7 loaves and 2 fishes 4 loaves and 5 fishes 5 loaves and 2 fishes

68: When Jesus walked on water, which sea was it?

Overthrown by enemies Supplied with water Hidden Flooded

Sea of Galilee Dead Sea Red Sea The Great Sea

64: What is the next line of the Lord's prayer after 69: Which of these disciples was not present at

"Give us this day our daily bread..." ?

the transfiguration?

Thy will be done on earth as in heaven Hallowed be thy name And lead us not into temptation And forgive us our debts

Peter Thomas James John

65: In the parable of the sower, what happened to 70: In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who

the seed that fell by the way side?

was the second man to pass by the robbed man?

Washed away Eaten by birds Grew, but withered Choked by weeds

Levite Samaritan Priest Innkeeper

The Really Big Fun Bible Quiz!


71: What job did the Prodigal Son end up taking 76: Which disciple was to deny Jesus three

after he had spent his inheritance?


Dishwasher Pig feeder Street cleaner Stable boy

Matthew Andrew Peter James

72: Where did Jesus find Zaccheus, the tax collector?

77: Which garden did Jesus go to pray in before his arrest?

In the temple On a donkey Up a tree In a boat

Eden Babylon Galilee Gethsemane

73: What did Jesus send disciples to fetch on his 78: What was the name of the servant who had

triumphal entry into Jerusalem?

his ear cut off at the arrest of Jesus?

Water Donkey Money Coat

Didymus Malchus Barnabas Ananias

74: In the parable of the ten virgins, what were they waiting for?

79: Which prisoner did the crowd call for to be released when Pilate asked them?

Christmas Midnight Bridegroom Supper

Bartholomew Barabbas Titus Judas

75: What payment did Judas accept for betraying 80: What was the name of the place where Jesus


Christ was crucified?

Silver Gold Cattle Pearls

Gethsemane Machpelah Golgotha Gerasa

The Really Big Fun Bible Quiz!



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