
Results of Assessment of Bio 10004 for student outcomes using sample questions.Outcomes listed on the syllabus:Develop and utilize critical reasoning skills,understand and apply the scientific method,enhance and expand their knowledge base of biological principles, with a special emphasis on human anatomy and physiology,Recognize pseudoscience and be able to evaluate potential candidates on the basics of scientific reasoning, process, and scientific legitimacy,explore practical and ethical issues of contemporary biology,be able to understand the principle of “informed consent” and improve skills in dealing with the medical community.Develop and utilize critical reasoning skillsA normal couple has just had a child with cystic fibrosis. ?What are their chances of having a second child with cystic fibrosis? ?A.? 0%???? B.? 25% C.? 50% D.? 75% E.? 100% In the class response, 58% selected the correct response, but 76% of the top 27% of the class was correct.Class response: AB*CDE5532545 .Outcome 2 Scientific method:?Which of the following statements is a hypothesis??A.?If a student buys a meal plan he/she will eat more vegetables. B.?Ginny gained 5 lbs her freshman year.C.?Blake failed the test. D.?There are more calories in french fries than in colas. E.?I like my biology class better than my other classes. 89% of the class picked the correct answer and 100% of the top 27% of the class got it correct.A*BCDE11020101Outcome 3 Human anatomy and physiology: Students had no preconceived notion about blood flow1. A person who sits for hours?on a long airplane flight will have problems with blood pooling below the knees. ?Why? ?A.? The valves in the leg veins don't work above a certain altitude. B.? Blood pressure drops on long airplane flights. C.? The respiratory pump is not helping blood return to the heart. D.? The capillaries expand at high altitudes. E.? The skeletal muscle pump below the knees is not helping blood return to the heart. 56% of the class selected the correct answer and 68% of the 27% of the class got it correctABCDE*720141368Outcome 3 human anatomy and physiology: This question required them to “unlearn” an incorrect preconception..? Type II diabetes is characterized by ______. ?A.? a loss of sensitivity to insulin by the body's cells B.? the inability to make insulin C.? destruction of part of the pancreas by the body's immune system???? D.? lack of response to glucose blood levels E.? onset at an early age 49% of the class chose the correct answer and 79% of the top 27% students got it correctA*BCDE60457100Goal 5: Explore practical and ethical issues. According to the short film on religion and science, ?A.? science is responsible for the development of ethics and morality B.? religion is incompatible with science C.? most scientists are atheists D.? science and religion don't conflict because they deal with different parts of human life E.? the Bible says that the earth is only 6000 years old55% of the class chose the correct answer and 75% of the top students got it correct.ABCD*E102486611According to the CUNY IRB, what are your professors forbidden from doing? ?A.? including parents of students in research studies. B.? paying the student for participation in an experiment. C.? having students handle laboratory animals. D.? making a student's participation in an experiment part of their grade in a course. 57% of the class got the correct answer and 57% of the top students were correctABCD*E8405700Goal 6: Understand “informed consent”The purpose of informed consent is: ?A.?to determine whether a patient is acceptable for a particular study. B.?to ensure that the doctor does not know which patient is receiving the treatment. C.?to decide whether a patient goes into the test group or the control group. D.?to ensure the patient knows the risks and is volunteering. E.?to determine whether the treatment works.97% of the class got the correct answer and 100% of the top students got it correct. ABCD*E1031190 ................

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