Baptism Study – Week

Baptism Study – Part 1

“It is well known that ablution or bathing was common in most ancient nations as a preparation for prayers and sacrifice or as expiatory of sin…and hence the frequency of ablution in the religious rites throughout the East.” – Smith’s Bible Dictionary

1. Water baptism was not a new concept at the time of John.

a. The origins of the practice trace back to the Old Testament.

i. II Kings 5:10,14

ii. Isaiah 1:16-18 – referenced by Justin Martyr in his writings about Baptism

iii. 1 Corinthians 10:1-2 – symbolism of Baptism also traced back to Old Testament historic events

b. It was already in practice by the Jews as part of their ritual purification when John the Baptist began his ministry.

i. John 2:6

ii. John 3:25

c. The New Testament writers attest to the fact that external washing ceremonies were a part of the Law

i. Hebrews 9:9-10

2. From the time John the Baptist began his ministry, it was made known that there were two forms of baptism

a. Forms of Baptism

i. Baptism with water

ii. Baptism with the Holy Spirit

b. That this distinction between the two forms was upheld by John the Baptist, Jesus, Peter, and Paul

i. John the Baptist upheld the distinction between the two forms

1. Matthew 3:11

2. Mark 1:8

3. Luke 3:16

4. John 1:26,33

ii. Jesus also upheld this distinction, quoting the very words of John

1. Acts 1:5,8

iii. Peter also upheld this distinction, quoting Jesus from Acts 1:5,8

1. Acts 11:14-18

iv. Paul quotes John’s statements from the early Gospels – while he doesn’t quote the portion of John’s statements about the two baptisms specifically, this demonstrates that Paul was no doubt aware of John the Baptist’s words on the subject

1. Acts 13:24-25

c. These two forms of Baptism were separate phenomenon

i. They did not have to occur simultaneously

1. Matthew 3:5-6, Mark 1:5, John 1:35,40, Acts 2:1-4 The 12 apostles and the rest of the 120 believers in the upper room were baptized in the Holy Spirit as much as 3 years after they were baptized in water (by John the Baptist)

2. Acts 8:12-17 baptism in the Holy Spirit did not occur until days after water baptism

3. Acts 19:1-6 baptism in the Holy Spirit did not occur until perhaps as long as a few years after water baptism

4. Acts 10:44-48 baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs before water baptism

3. Same Greek word used throughout the New Testament for both “baptism” in water and “baptism” in the Holy Spirit

a. As it is used in the New Testament this Greek word does not by itself indicate one form of baptism over the other

b. We cannot just assume one form or the other whenever we read this Greek word

i. Matthew 3:11

ii. Mark 1:8

iii. Luke 3:16

iv. John 1:26,33

v. Acts 1:5,8

vi. 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

1. 1722 en (the same in all of the above verses – “by” or “with” or “in”)

4. Terms and Phrases synonymous for “baptism in the Holy Spirit”

a. Acts 1:5, 8

i. “baptized in the Holy Spirit”

b. Acts 2:1-4,17,38

i. “filled with the Holy Spirit”

ii. “pour out in those days of my Spirit”

iii. “receive the gift of the Holy Ghost”

c. Acts 10:44-48

i. “poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost”

ii. “received the Holy Ghost”

d. Acts 11:14-18

i. “the Holy Spirit fell on them”

ii. “baptized with the Holy Spirit”

iii. “the same gift”

e. John 7:37-38

i. “Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive”

ii. “the Holy Ghost was not yet given”


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