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FaithWeaver NOW® Bible Curriculum, Grades 5 & 6, Winter

Copyright © 2001 and 2013 Group Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the publisher, except where noted in the text and in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, visit permissions.



When you see the OK TO COPY icon, this means permission to photocopy the page from FaithWeaver NOW® Bible Curriculum for Grades 5 & 6, Winter, is granted for local church use. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc.


Contributing Authors: Jan Kershner, Julie Meiklejohn, Kelli B. Trujillo, Vicki L.O. Witte, Paul Woods Editors: Jennifer Hooks, Lee Sparks, Ali Thompson, Christine Yount Jones

Copy Editors: Erica Feucht, Deborah Helmers, Becky Helzer, Andrea Zimmerman Chief Creative Officer: Joani Schultz

Cover Design and Art Direction: Jeff Spencer

Interior Design Team: Jeff Brunacci, Randy Kady, Rebecca Swain Cover Photography: © Matthew Scherf and Aleks Le Production Manager: Pam Clifford

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

ISBN 978-1-4707-3790-0

Printed in the United States of America.


Introduction 4

The Lessons

Lesson 1: Solomon Tells of Jesus’ Coming—Psalm 72:1-19


Lesson 2: An Angel Appears to Joseph—Isaiah 7:13-14; Matthew 1:18-25


* Lesson 3: Jesus Is Born—Luke 2:1-20; Hebrews 1:1-4


Lesson 4: Foreign Visitors Worship Jesus—Matthew 2:1-12


Lesson 5: Joseph Takes His Family to Safety in Egypt——Matthew 2:13-23


Lesson 6: Jesus Is Baptized—Matthew 3:13-17


Lesson 7: Peter and Andrew Meet Jesus—John 1:35-42


Lesson 8: News About Jesus Spreads—Matthew 4:12-25


Lesson 9: Jesus Gives the Beatitudes—Matthew 5:1-12


Lesson 10: Jesus Teaches That We Are to Be Salt and Light—Matthew 5:13-16


Lesson 11: Jesus Walks on Water—Matthew 14:22-33


Lesson 12: Zacchaeus Climbs a Tree to See Jesus—Luke 19:1-10


Lesson 13: Jesus Blesses the Children—Mark 10:13-16


* Due to the way Christmas falls, we recommend moving the lessons as needed to line up Lesson 3 with the week of Christmas.

Grades 5 & 6

Table of Contents

Winter Quarter

The future of Sunday school + family ministry is NOW.

o doubt about it, the world is changing. Families used to go to church every week. Kids used to have longer attention spans. Teachers used to have more time to prepare. And didn’t our

budgets used to be bigger?

Even the Sunday school Bible curriculum you used just a couple of years ago is already out of date. But there’s one thing that’s never changed: the need to grow families closer to Jesus.

That’s why we created FaithWeaver NOW®, and it’s different from anything you’ve ever seen before!

It combines Sunday school with family ministry.

Sure, you’ve seen Sunday school aimed at families. But FaithWeaver NOW actually hits the target by having everyone in the family learning about the same Scripture each week.

It’s simpler and easier.

Sometimes change is a wonderful thing. Gone are the days when you needed to spend hours preparing your lessons and hunting for supplies. FaithWeaver NOW will have you and your team ready to go in a snap.

It’s made for NOW.

Life is complicated and full of distractions. FaithWeaver NOW keeps faith on track through even the most frenzied lifestyles.

What makes FaithWeaver NOW the perfect curriculum for TODAY’s church?

■ Families learn the same Bible point in age-appropriate ways.

■ Kids don’t just hear the Word. They experience it.

■ Simple and easy lessons fit even the busiest lives.

■ Kids see God in their everyday world.

■ The Scope & Sequence covers the whole Bible in three years.

■ You can customize it however you like, with both print and digital versions.

Plus, FaithWeaver NOW stays up to date. New content, new tools, new mobile apps, and more every year—all to keep the Bible fresh, relevant, and effective.

Create a vibrant family ministry that’s new…that’s wow…that’s NOW. FaithWeaver NOW gives you a fresh strategy for being more successful than ever in bringing families closer to Jesus.

Thom and Joani Schultz

Chairman and Chief Creative Officer Group Publishing, Inc.

Solomon Tells of Jesus’ Coming

Psalm 72:1-19

our kids probably formed perceptions in their early childhood of who Jesus is and what he does. Although those perceptions may be accurate to a degree, they’re

probably not complete. Your kids are old enough to look at the Scriptures and develop a more complete understanding of who Jesus is. This lesson will help kids do this as they examine some prophecies about the great things Jesus would do and how he fulfilled those prophecies.

►Bible Point

Jesus does great things.


Key Verse

“For there is one God and one mediator

between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will reflect Jesus’ actions in their own lives.



|3 |Mediator Madness | | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |(about 10 min.) | | |

| |Play a game in which they |Bible Buzz, paper, markers | |

| |discover what a mediator | | |

| |does. | | |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Choose a Daily | | |

| |Challenge to apply God’s |Bible Buzz | |

| |Word. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | |Tear out the letter to parents from |

| |learned with their |Bible Buzz |each Bible Buzz student book. |

| |families. | | |

Solomon Tells of Jesus’ Coming

Psalm 72:1-19



Writing Psalm 72


Some believe that Psalm 72 was written about Solomon and not by him. It is true that some elements of the psalm could well describe Solomon, but many elements describe a king whose actions go far beyond Solomon’s capabilities. The early church believed that this psalm was written as a prayer for

a king to come in the line of David and Solomon: the Messiah, Jesus. That’s the approach taken in today’s lesson.

The Psalmist

Points Beyond Himself


Some elements of the psalm could indeed describe Solomon. He judged righteously and with great wisdom, as illustrated in the story of the two women who each claimed to be the mother of the same infant (1 Kings 3:16-28). He reigned over a

prosperous kingdom, the wealthiest in Israel’s history. He expanded the boundaries of the kingdom to encompass more territory than ever before. And he was sought by the queen of Sheba, who came to him bearing gifts.

However, much of this psalm points directly to the

The Works of the Messiah


If Jesus is indeed the subject of Psalm 72, it is easy to answer the question: What does Jesus do? Jesus does amazing things for us! He takes care of the needy and their children, and he defeats oppressors (Psalm 72:4, 12-14). He lives forever, despite the fact that he died on the cross for us (Psalm 72:5). When he returns, Jesus will reign over the entire earth (Psalm 72:8). Surely he deserves from us the same kind of praise and honor given in verses 18 and 19!

The Jesus Connection


We’ve learned about many different facets of Jesus’ life and ministry on earth. But let’s never forget what Jesus has done for us. He is worthy of all our praise for that alone.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Jesus?

Who is Jesus to you? A teacher…a minister…a preacher…a martyr…a savior? Concentrate on the last one—savior. Spend two minutes prayerfully considering how Jesus is your Savior. You can write your prayer here.

Messiah. Only Jesus’ kingdom will truly extend to the ends of the earth (Psalm 72:8), and only to Jesus will all rulers eventually bow down (Psalm 72:11). There isn’t a lot of biblical evidence that Solomon cared for the needy and afflicted (Psalm 72:12-14), but Jesus’ life and ministry were characterized by such caring. And while the statement that all nations would be blessed through him (Psalm 72:17) could possibly refer to Solomon indirectly, it definitely refers to Jesus.



Occupation Options


crayons paper

Occupation Options

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went. Then have kids find a partner. Give each person a sheet of paper and some crayons.

Say: When you were a little kid, you probably had big ideas about what you wanted to be when you grew up. Maybe you wanted to be a princess or a pirate. Take a minute and draw something you wanted to be “when you grew up” when you were a little kid.

Give kids a few minutes to draw, and then have partners share their drawings with each other. Then gather everyone’s attention and invite willing kids to share their drawings with the whole group.

Say: Let’s look at the occupations you’re interested in now. Even though you probably won’t be a princess or a pirate, there’s still a huge variety of different things you can do. Think of an occupation you’d like to have when you become an adult. Turn your pages over and draw and write a description of what a person in that occupation actually does. I’ll give you a couple of minutes to draw and write.

After a couple of minutes, have kids share their chosen occupations with their partners. Encourage kids to be specific about what a person working in that occupation actually does. Then gather everyone’s attention and invite willing kids to share their drawings and descriptions with the whole group.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


How do you know what the people who work in these occupations actually do?

■ How important is the work they do for others?

■ What great things have people in these occupations accomplished?

Say: All these people are important, and they accomplish important things, but there’s one person who’s more important than anyone else, and that’s Jesus! Jesus does lots of important things for us. Today we’re going to see what Jesus does, and to do that, we’re going to look at a part of the Bible that was written before Jesus ever came to earth! Before he was born, people knew that ►JESUS DOES GREAT THINGS, and we’re going to see what a difference that makes in our lives.



Jesus’ Roles

What You’ll Do

Say: The Bible contains different types of writings. One kind of writing is called prophecy, in which God had people write about events that would happen in the future. In a minute we’re going to look at a psalm that was most likely written by King Solomon. This psalm is a prophecy about Jesus.

Jesus’ Roles



Bibles Bible Buzz pens

Jesus’ Roles

Easy Prep

Distribute Bibles, and have kids look up Psalm 72:1-19. Have kids form pairs, and then

give kids pens and have them find the “Digging Into the Bible” section on their Bible Buzz page.

Say: We’re going to imagine we’re archaeologists and that we’ve just uncovered this Scripture. You’ve never heard of Jesus before, and you’re going to carefully examine these verses by following the instructions on your Bible Buzz page.

Allow kids several minutes to complete this activity, and then gather everyone’s attention and ask for insights from each pair.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What were the most common roles we found?

■ What surprises you about Jesus’ roles?

■ How does this list compare to or differ from what you knew about Jesus?

Say: From this Bible passage, we’ve learned about some of the many great things that Jesus does, some of which may have even surprised us. Jesus loves us and desires to have a relationship with each of us. We can trust that he has wonderful

plans for our lives, and we can look forward to seeing how ►JESUS DOES GREAT

THINGS in each of our lives! Knowing that, let’s see how we can respond to Jesus.

Because of What He Does

What You’ll Do

Say: Because Jesus has done so much for us, we can trust him and worship him in all we do.

Have kids form groups of three or four. Have each group pick one of the things Jesus does that they listed on the Bible Buzz page. Each group will develop a brief worship

Tear out the Lesson 1 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

Because of What He Does Supplies


Bible Buzz CD player pens

1 copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

Teacher Pack

CD: “Jesus Is All the World to Me” (track 3)

experience based on that one role Jesus plays. For example, groups could choose to lead the group in a song about Jesus, creatively read a Scripture passage about the ways Jesus cares for the needy, write a prayer and lead the group in it, or create a cheer about the marvelous deeds Jesus does.

Say: Use the “Worship Experience” section on your Bible Buzz page to outline what you want to do to lead the rest of the group in worship.

Give kids about five minutes to prepare their style of worship, and then have everyone participate in each group’s worship style.

Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “Jesus Is All the World to Me” (track 3 on the CD). After they listen once, have kids sing along and do the motions if they are comfortable doing so.

[pic] Jesus is all the world to me: (raise hands)

My life, my joy, my all. (hug yourself)

He is my strength from day to day; (flex arm muscles)

Without him I would fall. (arms fall to side)

When I am sad, to him I go. (sad face)

No other one can cheer me so. (happy face)

When I am sad, (sad face)

He makes me glad; (happy face)

He’s my friend. (hug yourself) (Repeat 2x.)

“Jesus Is All the World to Me” by Will L. Thompson.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What did you learn about worship in the experiences?

■ Why is Jesus worthy of worship?

■ What can we do to increase our desire to worship?

Say: Jesus is worthy of our praise, because ►JESUS DOES GREAT THINGS. That’s something to celebrate and thank him for. As Christmas approaches, we tend to hear a lot about people worshipping Jesus as a baby, but we’ve had a chance to worship him here today for who he is now and for all he does for us.



Mediator Madness

What You’ll Do

Say: Jesus does a lot of different things—great things—for us, just as Solomon prophesied he would. One of the biggest things he does for us is the one mentioned in our Key Verse.

Have kids find the Key Verse, 1 Timothy 2:5, on their Bible Buzz page, and read it aloud together: “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”

Say: We’re going to play a game right now to explore what it means to be a mediator.

Have kids form trios. Within each trio, have kids choose a Creator, an Artist, and a Mediator. Send all the Artists to one end of the room, and give them paper and markers. Send the Creators and Mediators to the opposite end of the room.

Say: Each of you has a task. Creators, think of a picture you’d like your Artist to draw. Tell your Mediator one step at a time what the Artist should draw on the paper. Then your Mediator will run and deliver the news to your Artist and tell him or her one thing to draw. Mediators, after giving one instruction to your Artist, return to your Creator for another instruction. Then repeat the process. You’ll have three minutes to complete your picture.

After about five minutes, have groups show what they’ve created.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


In this game, what did the Mediators do?

■ How is this like what Jesus does as a mediator?

■ How is what Jesus does different from what the Mediators did in this game?

■ What makes Jesus’ role as a mediator important?

Say: Jesus is the only mediator between God and us. Jesus came to earth as a baby, lived a sinless life, preached and taught about God, and died for our sins. Because he died for our sins, we can receive forgiveness and have a relationship with God through Jesus. ►JESUS DOES GREAT THINGS, and one of those great things mentioned in today’s psalm is his role as mediator between humans and God.

Mediator Madness



Bible Buzz paper markers



Daily Challenges


Bible Buzz

Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can remember that ►JESUS DOES GREAT THINGS this week this week.

Ask kids to find this week’s Daily Challenges on their Bible Buzz page and choose one to do this week. They can choose one or more of these three options:

Set aside time this week to reflect upon the great things Jesus is doing in your life. Commit to making it the first thing you think about in the morning and the last thing you think about at night.

■ Make some time each day to simply talk to Jesus. Ask him for the things that are on your heart, and ask Jesus to help you see the great things he has planned for your life.

■ Come up with a way you can give Jesus thanks for his love for you.

Journal, write a poem, talk to yourself—whatever you want—just reflect for an hour or so on Jesus’ love for you. Then take time to thank him for his incredible love.

Make sure you choose a Daily Challenge as well, and tell the kids what you chose. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: Today we’ve looked at how ►JESUS DOES GREAT THINGS. Many years before Jesus was born, Solomon gave several prophecies about all the great things Jesus would do. Let’s follow through with our Daily Challenges to see for ourselves the great things Jesus does in our lives.

Weaving Faith at Home

Send the parent letters home with your kids or give them to parents when they pick up their children. This is a great way to show families they’re important to your church and to support their role as spiritual leaders to their children.

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the Daily Challenges they chose and what they learned about how Jesus does great things. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking Jesus for the great things he did while he was on earth. Ask him to open your kids’ eyes to the great things he’s doing today.

Weaving Faith at Home Supplies


Bible Buzz

Weaving Faith at Home

Easy Prep


Tear out the letter to parents from the back of each Bible Buzz student book.


Jesus Is All the World to Me

Jesus is all the world to me:

My life, my joy, my all.

He is my strength from day to day;

Without him I would fall.

When I am sad, to him I go.

No other one can cheer me so.

When I am sad,

He makes me glad;

He’s my friend.

(Repeat 2x.)

“Jesus Is All the World to Me” by Will L. Thompson.



© FaithWeaver NOW™

An Angel Appears to Joseph

Isaiah 7:13-14; Matthew 1:18-25

ifth- and sixth-graders are changing from children to teenagers. That means they’re gradually (and sometimes quickly) moving from a place of trusting authority to

questioning authority. They want to trust others, but resist having to do something just because an adult tells them to. Use this lesson to help kids know that in a world where trust is in doubt, they can always trust God’s plans.

►Bible Point

Trust God’s plans.


Key Verse

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give

you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will discern God’s good plans for their lives and grow in trust of God as they put those plans into action.



| | |markers, tape | |

| | |Teacher Pack: | |

|3 |God’s Blueprint |“God’s Blueprint” poster | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |(about 15 min.) | | |

| |Write what they think |[pic] | |

| |God’s plans for them may | | |

| |be. | | |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Choose a Daily | | |

| |Challenge to apply God’s |Bible Buzz | |

| |Word. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

An Angel Appears to Joseph

Isaiah 7:13-14; Matthew 1:18-25



Ancient Engagement


A Jewish pledge of marriage was a much more

The name Jesus is a form of Joshua and means “the Lord saves.”

A Plan Fulfilled

serious commitment than an engagement is today. It actually involved vows before witnesses, much as

a wedding ceremony does today. When the bride and groom pledged themselves to be married, they were considered husband and wife. The difference between a modern marriage and an ancient Hebrew one is that in the latter a period of time elapsed between the betrothal ceremony and the wife’s transition into her husband’s home. It was during this interval between the exchange of vows and their consummation that Mary became pregnant. Since there had been no sexual relationship between Mary and Joseph, he knew that the child she carried was not his.

Joseph’s Dilemma


Joseph faced a dilemma. No doubt he had looked forward to life with Mary. But because he was a right- eous Jew, it was unthinkable for him to complete

a marriage to someone who had been unfaithful to

Matthew points out that the manner of Jesus’ conception “took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet” (Matthew 1:22). Matthew’s Gospel, written primarily to Jews, was intended to show that Jesus was indeed the Messiah promised by the prophets. No doubt Matthew felt that describing the miraculous virgin birth could help

to convince skeptics that Jesus was the Messiah promised in Isaiah 7:14. Matthew also demonstrated that Joseph was intended to be Jesus’ earthly father by beginning his account with a careful delineation of Jesus’ lineage.

Knowing that this was God’s plan, Joseph’s dilemma was gone. He could complete his marriage to Mary, and he didn’t hesitate to do so. And when Mary’s son was born, they named him Jesus, for he would save us from our sins.

The Jesus Connection

him. He demonstrated his deep love for Mary by his intention to end the marriage quietly. He could have

charged her with adultery, making a public example of her and allowing the law to deal with her. Jewish law would have required that she be stoned to death (see Deuteronomy 22:23-24).

God Intervenes


Joseph chose the most compassionate route for ending the marriage, but before he could take action, God sent a messenger to him. The angel addressed

Jesus encouraged his followers to trust God because he knew God would take care of them—just as God took care of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. Jesus’ life can be an encouragement for us to trust God.

God’s purposes for us are beautiful. Maybe something in his plans doesn’t make sense to you right now. Ask for help, and God will show you in time just how perfect his plans for you are. Don’t be afraid; he will never let you down. You can always count on God. You can write a prayer about God’s plan here.

Joseph as “son of David” (Matthew 1:20), a reminder that the Messiah was to come through David, just as Matthew pointed out in his genealogy. The angel’s announcement harmonizes with the one given to Mary in Luke 1:35: The child would be special indeed!



Change of Plans


paper pens

Change of Plans

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went. Have kids form groups of four. Give each group some paper and a pen.

Say: Today we’re going to start by talking about making plans. Each group is to think of a fictional character and then start making plans for him or her. Let’s say that your character is “Bob.” Think of what Bob plans to be, and then write one or two sentences about Bob’s plans. For example, you might write “Meet Bob. Bob plans to be an astronaut, so he has enrolled in the NASA flight-training program.” You’ll have about two minutes. Ready? Go!

After two minutes, call time. Have each group fold the top of the paper over what they’ve written and pass the paper to the group on the left. Explain that each group should write a sentence beginning with the words “But then” on the new piece of paper, without reading what’s written under the fold. The sentence should describe an event that has happened. For example, a group might write “But then an earthquake happened” or “But then the family moved to Seattle.”

Have each group fold the paper again to cover what was just written and then pass the paper to the left. Continue until each group receives its own paper again.

When groups have finished passing the papers, have each group read its story aloud for everyone. Lead everyone in a round of applause after each story.

Talk With Kids

Have kids discuss the following questions in their groups. After each question, let groups share their answers.


What happened to the plans you originally made for your character?

■ How is that like or unlike what happens to plans in your life?

■ How do you usually react when something comes along to change your plans?

Say: In today’s Bible passage, we’ll meet a man who had made plans for his life, just like most people do. But then something happened that changed his plans in an amazing way. As we go through the passage, see if you can discover why it’s so important that we ►TRUST GOD’S PLANS. Let’s get started.



Joseph in God’s Plans

What You’ll Do

Say: The Bible sets out God’s plans from the beginning to the end of time. One of the many cool things about the Bible is how it shows God’s plans made and then fulfilled. We sometimes call these fulfilled plans “prophecies.” Let’s look how God fulfilled plans in Joseph that he made hundreds of years before Jesus.

Joseph in God’s Plans



Bibles Bible Buzz pens

Joseph in God’s Plans

Easy Prep

Ask kids to find a partner. Have everyone find the “Joseph in God’s Plans” section on

their Bible Buzz page. Make sure each person has a pen and each pair has a Bible.

Say: With your partner, read Matthew 1:18-25 and Isaiah 7:13-14. Remember that Isaiah lived about 700 years before Matthew. Look for ways God fulfilled the plans made in Isaiah through Joseph’s life in Matthew. Then make notes about what you find in each of the four plans on your Bible Buzz page. (You may also glance over Matthew 1:1-17 to see God’s plans fulfilled.)

Give partners several minutes to work through the four plans on their Bible Buzz pages. Then gather everyone’s attention and ask pairs to share what they discovered about God’s plans in the passages from Isaiah and Matthew.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What does seeing the Isaiah passage next to the Matthew passage help you understand about God’s plans?

■ How did Joseph show he trusted God’s plans?

■ How do we know that we can ►TRUST GOD’S PLANS?

Say: We learned in today’s passage that Jesus is the “Immanuel,” or “God with us.” God loves us so much that he was willing to send his Son to live among us and guide us and even have a personal relationship with each of us. Imagine that! Our relationship with Jesus Christ is something we can hold on to and continue to grow in for the rest of our lives! Joseph trusted God’s plans, and we can ►TRUST GOD’S PLANS for our lives, too. Our Key Verse tells us why—let’s look at it now.

Tear out the Lesson 2 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

Plans to Prosper

Plans to Prosper


Bible Buzz CD player pens

1. copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

Teacher Pack

CD: “The Plans I Have for You” (Jeremiah 29:11) (track 4)

What You’ll Do

Have kids find the Key Verse, Jeremiah 29:11, on their Bible Buzz page, and read it aloud together: “ ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ ”

Say: God has plans for everyone, and his plans are always better than anything we could figure out by ourselves. Joseph was making his own plans when God stepped in and gave him an amazing future. Let’s learn a song to help us remember to ►TRUST GOD’S PLANS for our lives, too. Then we’ll talk about what those plans might be!

Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “The Plans I Have for You” (Jeremiah 29:11) (track 4 on the CD). After they listen once, have kids sing along and do the motions if they are comfortable doing so.


“For I know the plans I have for you,” (point to self)

Declares the Lord. (point to heaven)

“I know the plans I have for you,” (point to self)

Declares the Lord. (point to heaven) (Repeat.)

They are plans to prosper you (nod head yes)

And not to harm you, (shake head no)

Plans to give you hope and a future. (nod head yes)

They are plans for good and not disaster. (shake head no)

Why? Because he tells us so. (point to heaven) (Repeat from the beginning; then repeat chorus.)

“The Plans I Have for You” (Jeremiah 29:11) by Ben Glover. © 2005 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

After the song, distribute pens and have kids turn to the “My Diary” section on their Bible Buzz page.

Say: In the “Joseph in God’s Plans” activity, you looked at how God was at work in Joseph’s life. Now write a diary entry about a time you’ve seen God at work in your life. For example, maybe God healed you when you were sick, maybe he taught you something important through a blessing you received, or maybe God protected you in a scary situation. Write what happened and how God had plans for you at that time.

Give kids a few minutes to write; then have them form new pairs. Have partners read their diary entries to each other. Invite willing kids to share with the entire group.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What ways did you see God’s plans at work in your diary entry?

■ Tell about a reason you might’ve had during that time to doubt God’s plan.

■ What hope did God show in today’s Bible passage?

■ How does God’s gift of sending Jesus give us hope and a future?

Say: When we look at what happened in the Bible to Joseph’s family, we can see how God’s plans were in motion. The good news is we can see that God has plans for our lives from the start and that those plans are good. We can always ►TRUST GOD’S PLANS, even when we’re facing something big or challenging.



God’s Blueprint

What You’ll Do

Tape the “God’s Blueprint” poster where everyone can see it. Place markers nearby. Say: This poster represents a blueprint.


What is a blueprint used for?

■ What could happen if builders didn’t use blueprints?

Say: A builder uses a blueprint like this to make sure all the parts of a building fit together. Without a blueprint, the building would be a mess—it would never last. God has a blueprint for our lives. When we trust God’s plans—or blueprint—we’ll prosper and have a good future.

But God also has a plan for building his kingdom. He can see the finished product, and he has a part for each of us to play. In today’s Bible passage, Joseph was making plans for his own life. But God had bigger plans, and Joseph trusted God’s plans. Think for a minute about the plans God may have for you. How can God use you to build his kingdom? Maybe you play a musical instrument and God will use you to write praise songs for him. Or maybe you’re good with little kids and God will use you to teach Sunday school. In a minute, I’ll have each of you come up and write your answer on the blueprint.

Give kids a few moments to think. Then have each person write an answer on the blueprint and sign his or her name. After everyone has finished, read aloud what each person has written.

God’s Blueprint



markers tape

Teacher Pack

“God’s Blueprint” poster

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


1 How are all of our ways to build God’s kingdom like a blueprint of God’s plans?

■ What can we do to learn and accept God’s plans for us?

■ What can we do when our plans seem to conflict with God’s plans?

■ How can you show God you trust and welcome the plans he has for you?

Say: The Bible says that God has good plans for each of our lives. Joseph learned that when he stopped his own plan and followed God’s. We can ? TRUST GOD’S PLANS because they’re what God wants for us. Let’s thank God and trust his plans

each day of our lives.



Daily Challenges


Bible Buzz

Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can ►TRUST GOD’S PLANS this week.

Ask kids to find this week’s Daily Challenges on their Bible Buzz page and choose one to do this week. They can choose one or more of these three options:

2 What are you trusting God for right now? Write down your prayer, pray it every night, and add to it as you discover where God’s leading you each day.

■ Still trying to figure out what God’s plan for you right now is? Talk to a trusted Christian adult or friend, and ask how he or she sees God working in your life right now—and what God might be trying to tell you.

■ Share with a friend how you’re trusting in God, and let that friend know that God has plans for him or her, too. Pray for God’s plan for your friend.

Make sure you choose a Daily Challenge as well, and tell the kids what you chose. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: Joseph is a model for us on how to ►TRUST GOD’S PLANS. He was willing to set aside his own dreams to follow the ones offered by God. Let’s show that we ►TRUST GOD’S PLANS this week by following through with our Daily Challenges.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the Daily Challenges they chose and what they learned about trusting God’s plans. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking God for having plans for us that are way bigger and more wonderful than those we can imagine. Ask for help in trusting God plans as Joseph did, especially when they don’t seem clear.


The Plans I Have for You (Jeremiah 29:11)


“For I know the plans I have for you,”

Declares the Lord.

“I know the plans I have for you,”

Declares the Lord.


They are plans to prosper you

And not to harm you,

Plans to give you hope and a future.

They are plans for good and not disaster.

Why? Because he tells us so.

(Repeat from the beginning; then repeat chorus.)

“The Plans I Have for You” (Jeremiah 29:11) by Ben Glover. © 2005 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



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Jesus Is Born

Luke 2:1-20; Hebrews 1:1-4

tuck between childhood and adolescence, some of your kids may feel as if they’re “too cool” to act excited about Christmas, let alone express wonder or delight! But

the reality is, although they may act like children sometimes, they’re not quite children anymore. So any “childish” approach to the Christmas event will probably flop. Fifth- and sixth-graders need to be challenged to approach Christmas in a new way—to dig into the deeper issues of the incarnation and to determine what it means in their lives.

►Bible Point

Jesus was born to be our Savior.


Key Verse

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’” (John 14:6).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will share the good news of Jesus’ birth with others.



| |Follow Me | | |

| |(about 10 min.) Cross the | | |

| |room blindfolded following| | |

| |their partner’s verbal |blindfolds or scarves | |

| |clues only. | | |

| | | | |

|3 | | | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life | | | |

| | |Bible Buzz, CD player, hole punch, 2 candy | |

| | |canes and 2 small pieces of yarn per | |

| |Giving the Gift of |person, pens, |Separate the “John |

| |Christmas |1 copy per person of the lyrics page (at |14:6” cards. Use |

| |(about 15 min.) Decorate |the end of this lesson) |a hole punch to make a |

| |and give away John 14:6 |Teacher Pack: CD, “John 14:6” cards |hole in the upper left |

| |candy canes. | |corner of each card. |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Choose a Daily | | |

| |Challenge to apply God’s |Bible Buzz | |

| |Word. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

Jesus Is Born

Luke 2:1-20; Hebrews 1:1-4



Toward Bethlehem


These two passages describe the incarnation of Christ in different ways. Luke presents the concrete historical facts, while the writer of Hebrews explains how the appearance of Jesus fits into the big picture of God’s working in and through human history.

Luke 2:1-20 describes Joseph and Mary’s continuing hardships. Near the end of Mary’s pregnancy, she and Joseph had to travel 70 miles from Nazareth to his ancestral home of Bethlehem—probably on foot.

The Savior Is Born


The exact date of Jesus’ birth is impossible to calculate. Based on historical evidence regarding the reign of Herod the Great (as mentioned in Matthew

spoke through the Old Testament writers. Their writings pointed to the advent of the Messiah. With the coming of Jesus, a new era was ushered in as God revealed himself in a new way. In the past he had spoken through faithful people. Now he would speak through the life, actions, and words of his own Son.

Jesus is the very Son of God, not just a servant. He is the Creator of our universe. He shows us the radiance of God’s glory. He is God himself! He continues to hold together all that exists. He brought salvation

for us through his death on the cross. And he is now sitting in heaven with God! Jesus is the living Word of God, who came to show us who God is and to

make it possible for us to live in relationship with God himself. Even the angels, as exalted as they were

in Jewish culture, were a distant second to God’s supreme revelation of himself in Jesus!

The Jesus Connection

2) and the census, most Biblical scholars set Jesus’ birth somewhere between 6 to 4 B.C. Unfortunately,

the date of Jesus’ birth was miscalculated when the Christian calendar was created.

Birth Announcement


It is significant that Jesus’ birth was announced first to shepherds. In those days shepherds were not highly regarded. They were considered so unreliable that their testimony was not accepted in the courts, and they were deemed unclean by the orthodox

Jesus was and always will be the best Christmas gift ever! Share the truth of Jesus with someone else to- day. Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving!

Reread Hebrews 1:1-4 as a way to celebrate the truth of Christmas. Regardless of your thoughts about Christmas, when you make Jesus the focus, it

becomes the best holiday ever. Jesus can fill any void you may feel at this time of year. Make Hebrews 1:1-4 into a prayer for your Christmas. You can write your prayer here.

religious establishment. The fact that Jesus’ birth was announced first to them indicates that Jesus came to earth for those in need of a Savior. It also fore- shadows the common people’s acceptance of Christ and the religious leaders’ rejection of him.

The Messiah Revealed



The significance of Jesus’ coming is described in Hebrews 1:1-4. Prior to Jesus’ incarnation, God



Christmas Cram


CD player shoe boxes

rolls of wrapping paper scissors


Christmas music CD random items from around your room

Christmas Cram

Easy Prep

Set up 3 to 5 stations in the room. Each station should have wrapping paper, scissors, tape, and a shoe box.

Christmas Cram

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went.

When you’re ready to begin, have kids form three to five groups, and send each group to one of the stations you set up beforehand.

Say: Today we’re going to attempt the Christmas Cram Challenge! Here is your challenge: Your team will have just five minutes to gather as many objects as you can and cram them into your shoe box. You can use papers, pencils, books, or even winter coats—the bigger, the better! Your goal is to fit as much as you possibly can into your box and then wrap it like a nice Christmas gift. I’ll give you a warning when there’s just one minute left.

Ask your kids if they have any questions, and then start the game. Play some Christmas music in the background as the kids rush around the room in an effort to stuff their boxes.

When time is up, ask teams to take turns showing the rest of the group how they wrapped their gifts, and then ask them to unwrap their gifts and show the group everything they got into their boxes.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


Were you surprised at how many objects fit into your box? Why or why not?

■ What was something you put into your box that you thought would have been impossible to fit?

■ What objects were impossible to fit into your box?

Say: Though you were able to get an awful lot of things crammed into your boxes, there certainly are things that would be impossible to stuff into a shoe box, such as a car, an elephant, or even a sixth-grader. In fact, it would take an absolute miracle to put a planet in a shoe box. Today we’re going to look at a miracle that only God could perform. As we look at this miracle, we’ll learn why ►JESUS WAS BORN TO BE OUR SAVIOR!



Christmas Curtain Call

What You’ll Do

Say: Today we’re going to take a fresh look at Jesus’ birth. We’ll do this by acting it out.

To perform this skit, have kids form four groups. Assign one of the following Bible people to each group: Mary, Joseph, the angels, and the shepherds. Explain to everyone that this is a group skit and that every single person must act out the part of the group’s assigned person. For example, when the passage says that Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem, all the Josephs and Marys must pretend to go to Bethlehem together. Or when the passage says that an angel appeared to some shepherds, all the angels and shepherds must act it out together. Remember, this is an impromptu performance, so it’s okay if it’s sloppy and funny!

Say: I’ll read the Bible passage and pause after every line. If your person is mentioned in the verse, act out with your group whatever the verse says—this includes speaking the lines!

Read Luke 2:1-20 slowly, allowing plenty of time for the kids to act out each line of the passage. Once the group has finished the skit, congratulate kids on a job well done.

Have them stay in their groups, and then gather everyone’s attention.

Say: You all did a great job acting out this amazing event. Show kids the “Jesus Is Born” picture on the Bible Timeline. Take a moment in your groups to think about the person you represented, and spend a few minutes discussing your person’s role in Jesus’ birth.

After groups have had time to discuss, invite each group to share its answers with the whole group.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What were the most amazing parts of this passage as you acted it out?

■ What things seem odd or strange about the way God came to earth?

■ What are ways you’ve seen people treat Jesus’ birth as not very special?

Say: This is the time of year that we celebrate that ►JESUS WAS BORN TO BE OUR SAVIOR! We’ve learned a little about how Jesus was born. Now let’s take a closer look at what the Bible says about why Jesus was born.

Christmas Curtain Call




Teacher Pack

Bible Timeline

Mysterious Meanings

Mysterious Meanings



Bibles Bible Buzz CD player flashlight

GPS unit or map printed from online hand mirror

pens marker index cards

Christmas music CD Teacher Pack inflatable globe

Mysterious Meanings

Easy Prep


Tear out the Lesson 3 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

Put one of these objects in each corner of the room: a flashlight, a hand mirror, the inflatable

globe, and a GPS unit or map.

On 4 index cards, write “Mysterious Symbol 1,”

“Mysterious Symbol 2,” “Mysterious Symbol

3,” and “Mysterious Symbol 4.” Then place 1 card in front of each object.

What You’ll Do


n What are some of the symbols and objects people commonly think of to represent Christmas?

If kids need some help brainstorming, refer them to the background pictures in the “Mysterious Meanings” section of their Bible Buzz page. Invite them to think of any other symbols that aren’t pictured on the page.

Say: Today we’re going to investigate four mysterious Christmas symbols. With a partner, go to each corner of the room, investigate the object you’ll find there, and see if you can think of something it may reveal about the meaning of Christmas.

You’ll find clues about each object in Hebrews 1:1-4 and John 14:6. After you’ve seen all four objects, select the one you think relates best to the Christmas event. Follow the instructions in the “Mysterious Meanings” section of your Bible Buzz page with a partner as you investigate the meaning of your Christmas symbol.

Play some Christmas music softly in the background as kids go from corner to corner with their partners, investigating the four objects. Make sure that each pair reads the Scripture passages, selects an object and draws it, and then follows the rest of the instructions on their Bible Buzz page.

As pairs complete their investigations, gather all four objects and hold them up so that all the kids can see them.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


Why did you choose the object you did? How does it relate to the Bible passage we acted out earlier?

■ How do the verses you read relate to the meaning of Christmas?

■ What do these objects tell us about why Jesus was born?

Say: Even though these four objects may not be things you’d hang on your Christmas tree, they can be perfect symbols of the miraculous Christmas event, reminding us of why ►JESUS WAS BORN TO BE OUR SAVIOR.



Follow Me

What You’ll Do

Say: ►JESUS WAS BORN TO BE OUR SAVIOR so we could enter into a new friendship with God. Our Key Verse says, “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’ ” (John 14:6). It’s important that we learn to follow Jesus no matter what. But that can be challenging at times. Let’s see what it’s like to follow instructions from someone you can’t see with your own eyes.

Set up a few obstacles on the floor around the room, such as books, chairs, or coats. Have kids form pairs, and hand each pair a blindfold or scarf to tie around one partner’s eyes.

Say: When I say “go,” those of you who haven’t been blindfolded will verbally direct your partner across the room, making sure that your partner does not stumble over anything on the ground or bump into anyone en route. You can use words, but you can’t touch your partner at all. Safety first, of course!

When you get to the other side of the room, switch roles, and those of you who were blindfolded will give the other person a chance to experience what you just did. In turn, you will guide your partner back across the room, avoiding objects on the floor or other people en route.

Have the kids take turns crossing the room, being careful not to stumble or bump into anyone else.

Talk With Kids

After both partners have had a chance to experience both roles, lead kids in this discussion.


What was it like for you to be blindfolded?

■ What was it like for you to be a guide and have to direct the other person safely across the room?

■ Which role did you prefer playing? Explain.

■ How is that like or unlike following Jesus?

Follow Me



blindfolds or scarves

Say: Jesus said that he is the way and the truth and the life, and the only way we can come to God the Father in heaven. Just as it was hard to follow directions when we couldn’t see, sometimes it is challenging to follow Jesus down whatever path he is leading us. But that’s why ►JESUS WAS BORN TO BE OUR SAVIOR—to show us the way to the kingdom of heaven. And the way we follow him is by telling others about him, too. And when we do, we will grow in our faith and in our relationship with Jesus!

Giving the Gift of Christmas Supplies

Bible Buzz CD player hole punch

2. candy canes and 2 small pieces of yarn per person


1 copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

Teacher Pack

CD: “I Am the Way” (John 14:6) (track 5)

“John 14:6” cards

Giving the Gift of Christmas Easy Prep

Separate the “John 14:6” cards. Use a hole punch to make a hole in the upper left corner of each card.

Giving the Gift of Christmas

What You’ll Do

Have kids find the Key Verse, John 14:6, on their Bible Buzz page, and read it aloud together: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ ”

Say: There are lots of carols people like to sing that celebrate the meaning of Christmas. Let’s sing together the words of John 14:6 as our own song of Christmas celebration.

Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “I Am the Way” (John 14:6) (track 5 on the CD).

[pic] I am the way,

I am the way,

I am the way

And the truth and the life.

I am the way and the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me.

I am the way to the Father;

I am the way to the throne of God.

I am the way and the truth and the life.

I am the way (the only way),

I am the way (not another way),

I am the way (that’s the way)

And the truth and the life.

I am the way and the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me.

No one comes by another way,

So come through me, and we’ll celebrate.

I am the way and the truth and the life.

I am the way (the only way),

I am the way (not another way),

I am the way (that’s the way)

And the truth and the life.

I am the way.

I am the truth.

I am the life.

“I Am the Way” (John 14:6) by Dean-o. © 2003 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

As you play the song one more time, give each person a pen, two “John 14:6” cards, two candy canes, and two small pieces of yarn. Have kids look up John 14:6 on their Bible Buzz page and write the words of the verse on the back of each of their cards. Then have them tie their cards to their candy canes.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What did Jesus mean when he said he is “the way”?

■ What do you think he meant by saying he is “the truth”?

■ How is Jesus “the life” for you?

■ How does this verse relate to Christmas?

■ If a friend asked you why Jesus was born, what could you say?

Say: Today we’ve discussed some pretty amazing things. We’ve learned how all of God’s amazing power, love, and knowledge came to us in the tiny package of a baby in a manger. We’ve talked about why Jesus came, and we’ve taken a look at objects that symbolize the miracle of God’s love for us.

Have kids form pairs.

Say: Give your partner one of your candy canes. As you do, tell your partner what Christmas means to you. Explain in your own words why ►JESUS WAS BORN TO BE OUR SAVIOR, and tell your partner the difference that makes in your life.

After kids have traded candy canes with each other, have them share with their partners the name of someone outside of the group that they will give their second candy cane to this week, such as a friend or a family member. Encourage them to share their thoughts about Jesus’ birth and the meaning of Christmas with the person they give the candy cane to.



Daily Challenges


Bible Buzz

Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how this week we can show others that we truly believe Jesus is our Savior.

Ask kids to find this week’s Daily Challenges on their Bible Buzz page and choose one to do this week. They can choose one or more of these three options:

2 Just as Jesus humbled himself to become a child, think of how you can show humility to someone else this week. Perform some chores your parents weren’t expecting, apologize sincerely to a friend or other person you may have hurt, or come up with your own act of humility.

3 Give a present to someone you don’t know very well. Then take some time to explain God’s greatest gift—Jesus—to him or her and what that gift has meant in your own life.

■ Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” This week, write one way that Jesus is for you the way, one way he’s the truth to you, and one way he’s the life for you.

Make sure you choose a Daily Challenge as well, and tell the kids what you chose. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: ►JESUS WAS BORN TO BE OUR SAVIOR. That’s great news! Let’s follow through with our Daily Challenges this week to show our world that we believe Jesus is our Savior.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the Daily Challenges they chose and what they learned about how Jesus was born to be our Savior. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking God for sending Jesus to earth as a baby and asking for help to believe that Jesus is our Savior.


I Am the Way (John 14:6)

I am the way,

I am the way,

I am the way

And the truth and the life.

I am the way and the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me.

I am the way to the Father;

I am the way to the throne of God.

I am the way and the truth and the life.

I am the way (the only way),

I am the way (not another way), I am the way (that’s the way) And the truth and the life.

I am the way and the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me.

No one comes by another way,

So come through me, and we’ll celebrate. I am the way and the truth and the life.

I am the way (the only way),

I am the way (not another way),

I am the way (that’s the way) And the truth and the life.

I am the way.

I am the truth.

I am the life.

“I Am the Way” (John 14:6) by Dean-o. © 2003 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



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Foreign Visitors Worship Jesus

Matthew 2:1-12

ifth- and sixth-graders might surprise you with either their hostility or love toward people who are different from them. You may encounter either of these attitudes, or

perhaps both, in your group. Use this lesson to help kids gain a fuller understanding of what worship is. Help them to understand that while we come from all kinds of different cultures, races, and backgrounds, what binds us and unifies us is our worship of Jesus.

►Bible Point Anyone can worship Jesus.


Key Verse

“For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses

all who call on him, for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’” (Romans 10:12-13).

Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will grow in their desire to worship Jesus and to welcome others to do the same.



| | |Bible Buzz, CD player, paper, pens | |

| | |or pencils, 1 copy per person of | |

| |Worship Commercials (about|the lyrics page (at the end of this| |

|3 |15 min.) Create TV |lesson) Teacher Pack: CD, “People” | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |commercials that |cards |Separate the “People” cards |

|(cont’d) |show how people can | |into 5 piles of 5 different |

| |worship Jesus. |[pic] |cards each. |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Choose a Daily | | |

| |Challenge to apply God’s |Bible Buzz | |

| |Word. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

Foreign Visitors Worship Jesus

Matthew 2:1-12



About the Magi


Contrary to traditional images of the events surrounding Jesus’ birth, the Magi likely did not visit Jesus shortly after his birth, but actually arrived months later and visited Jesus at the house where he and his parents were staying. Common sense tells us that Mary and Joseph could not have traveled the 70 miles back to Nazareth immediately after Jesus’ birth, so they likely stayed in Bethlehem for a few months.

Also contrary to tradition, the Magi were probably philosophers or astrologers from Babylon, not kings. Apparently it was widely thought that a great king

nature, the incense his divinity, and the myrrh (a resin often used in burial) his humanity or mortality.

God had revealed to these non-Jewish seekers of truth the one who would bring peace and salvation to all who believe in him. It is clear from their response to God’s warning that they were more concerned about doing what was right before God than about obeying Herod, who could have had them executed for defying him. Matthew’s report of this story demonstrated to the Jews of his day—as well as to non-Jews today—that Jesus came for all people who place their trust in him.

The Jesus Connection

who would usher in a period of peace would soon be born in Judea. When the Magi saw the unusual star,

their curiosity got the best of them, and they set out for Jerusalem, the Judean capital, to see if the star actually signaled the birth of this great king.

Herod’s Response


When the Magi’s report reached King Herod, he was disturbed at the prospect of a rival to his throne and immediately devised a plan to get rid of the child.

No matter where we are in life, we can worship Jesus. Thank Jesus for his grace, for accepting our worship despite our many sins.

Consider this: What do you think of the way you worship Jesus? We can worship anywhere, any way, anytime we want. What are some areas of your life that need more worship? Talk to God about how you want to worship to show your love and devotion for him. You can write your prayer here.

He planned to use the Magi to gather information for him. So when his advisers told him of the prophecy placing the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem, he passed that information on to the Magi and requested that they report their findings to him. In this way he would be able to find the child and deal with him.

True Worshippers



The Magi followed the star to Bethlehem, where their predictions were confirmed. Indeed a miraculous birth had taken place, and the Magi worshipped the new king joyfully and presented him with precious gifts. Throughout history, different symbolic meanings have been attributed to the Magi’s gifts. One theory suggests that the gold represented Jesus’ kingly



Musical People


CD player

Teacher Pack

CD: “Music Styles” (track 6)

Musical People

Easy Prep

Set up a circle of chairs in the center of the room.

Act It Out


Bibles Bible Buzz

stuffed animal map

gift boxes or gift bags

Act It Out

Easy Prep

Tear out the Lesson 4 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

Musical People

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went.

Place the CD player in the center of the circle of chairs you set up beforehand, and have everyone sit in the chairs.

Say: We’re all created differently and like different things. One of our differences may be the type of music we like. I’m going to play some different types of music. When you hear music you like, stand up. When you hear music you don’t like, sit down. When you hear music you kind of like, stand up halfway.

Play “Music Styles” (track 6 on the CD). After the last style (there are 12), have kids sit down.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


Why do you only like certain types of music?

■ What makes these styles of music so different?

■ What are some ways people are different?

■ How can people’s differences sometimes cause them to not get along?

Say: Everyone has different tastes in music. But there are a lot of other things that can make people different. Sometimes, people aren’t very welcoming to people who are different from them. But today we’re going to look at some people who traveled from a totally different culture so that they could worship Jesus. We’ll find out what kind of people Jesus draws to himself and learn why ►ANYONE CAN




Act It Out

Tip Tradition refers to three wise men, but the Bible doesn’t say how many there were. The activity is written to accommodate three wise men, but more or fewer actors for this role will work. Depending on how many kids you

have, any of the roles can be adjusted. Kids can act out more than one part, or you can create more nonspeaking roles.

What You’ll Do

Have kids find “The (Almost True) Travels of the Magi” drama script on their Bible Buzz page. Assign the following roles: Narrator, Herod, Mary, three Magi, Jews, Priest, and Teacher. Allow kids to get in place.

Have kids act out the script. Following the drama, have kids give themselves a big round of applause.

Say: Great job! Our fun drama was called “almost true” simply because it adds things here and there. Let’s see if you can spot the differences between what really happened and the things we added in our drama.

Form trios, and have kids open their Bibles to Matthew 2:1-12 and compare the drama with the passage, verse by verse, to see what was added to the drama.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What were some differences you noticed between the drama and the real Bible passage?

■ What were the differences between the Magi’s and Herod’s view of Jesus?

■ What’s the meaning of worship, based on this passage?

■ How did the Magi help you to see how ►ANYONE CAN WORSHIP JESUS?

Say: The Magi weren’t Jews, but they knew something about the prophecy of Jesus’ birth. When they saw a special star, they went to worship Jesus. They

experienced how ►ANYONE CAN WORSHIP JESUS, even foreigners like them.

Let’s explore the many ways that people worship Jesus.



Many Ways to Worship Jesus

What You’ll Do

Have kids form new trios, and give each trio an index card and pen. Have Bibles available.

Say: In your groups, choose someone to write what your group talks about and

Many Ways to Worship Jesus



Bibles index cards pens

report to the whole group. Together list as many different ways to worship Jesus as you can think of. You can list anything that you’ve done to worship Jesus.

Also, what ways have you seen or heard of other people worshipping Jesus from other cultures and places in the world? You can look for examples of how people worshipped Jesus in the Bible, too. Come up with as many ways as you can in five minutes.

After five minutes, gather everyone’s attention. Have trios share from their lists, rotating so each trio shares one at a time. After the last trio, thank everyone for sharing.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What similarities of worshipping Jesus did you discover?

■ Which ways to worship sounded unusual or uncomfortable to you? Explain.

■ What are the central aspects of worshipping Jesus that anyone can do?

Say: ►ANYONE CAN WORSHIP JESUS. Not only did the Jews worship him, but also the Magi, who were foreigners, worshipped Jesus. Today, billions of people worship Jesus in countless ways and situations. He’s universal in his appeal. God draws all kinds of people to Jesus to worship him, including us.

Worship Commercials


Bible Buzz CD player paper

pens or pencils

1 copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

Teacher Pack

CD: “Everybody Ought to Know” (track 7) “People” cards

Worship Commercials


Separate the “People” cards into 5 piles of 5 different cards each.

Worship Commercials

What You’ll Do

Have everyone find the Key Verse, Romans 10:12-13, on their Bible Buzz page: “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ ”

Form five groups, and distribute one pile of the “People” cards to each group, along with pens or pencils and paper.

Say: Congratulations! You’re all TV-commercial producers. Your assignment is to create a commercial that would help the viewers on your cards get this message: “You can worship Jesus!” You may choose to create your commercial for one or more of the people on your cards. You might think about the message in Romans 10:12-13. You’ll have five minutes to create your commercial.

After five minutes of preparation, have each group present its commercial to the whole group. After all five groups have presented, say: Let’s sing a song as another way to

send the message that ? ANYONE CAN WORSHIP JESUS. Pass out copies of the

lyrics, and play “Everybody Ought to Know” (track 7 on the CD). Have kids sing along.

[pic] (Chorus)

Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought to know, Who Jesus is.

He’s my Savior, and he loves me, Caring for me every day.

He will never, never leave me. He will guide me all the way. Everybody ought to know!

Everybody ought to know!

(Repeat chorus.)

He’s my Guide, and he will lead me Over any path I go.

He will always go before me. He’s the one you ought to know.

(Repeat chorus.)

Everybody ought to know!

(Repeat 3x.)

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


Who was it easiest to create a commercial for? Why?

■ Who was it hardest to create a commercial for? Why?

■ Why might it sometimes seem like some people are more worthy than others to worship Jesus?

■ Why does everyone need to know that they can worship Jesus?

Say: Some people may be so different from us that we have a hard time relating to them. Maybe you had people like that on your people cards. Maybe Mary and Joseph were surprised that foreigners like the Magi would come and worship Jesus. Yet our Key Verse helps us know that Jesus relates to all people—that’s why ►ANYONE CAN WORSHIP JESUS. We can develop his attitude toward all people and help everyone know who Jesus is.



Daily Challenges


Bible Buzz

Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how this week we can worship Jesus, because ►ANYONE CAN WORSHIP JESUS.

Ask kids to find this week’s Daily Challenges on their Bible Buzz page and choose one to do this week. They can choose one or more of these three options:

Write down some of the ways you’ve treated people differently because they weren’t like you in some way. Then pray to God, asking him to help you deal with your actions and to show you any other ways you may be treating people differently without knowing it.

■ Make friends with someone of a different nationality or background. Take time to listen and understand him or her. Invite him or her to worship Jesus with you.

■ Look at the way you worship Jesus in your daily life. Spend time this week seeking Jesus and worshipping him in a real way.

Make sure you choose a Daily Challenge as well, and tell the kids what you chose. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: The Magi were on a quest to find out what the star meant. When they finally found Jesus, they gave him expensive gifts as an act of worship. They show us that ►ANYONE CAN WORSHIP JESUS. Let’s follow through with our quest to worship Jesus by completing our Daily Challenges this week.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the Daily Challenges they chose and what they learned about worshipping Jesus. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, asking God to help them accept the people Jesus loves and to help them worship Jesus this week.


Everybody Ought to Know


Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought to know, Everybody ought to know, Who Jesus is.

He’s my Savior, and he loves me, Caring for me every day.

He will never, never leave me. He will guide me all the way. Everybody ought to know!

Everybody ought to know!

(Repeat chorus.)

He’s my Guide, and he will lead me Over any path I go.

He will always go before me. He’s the one you ought to know.

(Repeat chorus.)

Everybody ought to know!

(Repeat 3x.)



© FaithWeaver NOW™

Joseph Takes His Family to Safety in Egypt Matthew 2:13-23

ifth- and sixth-graders understand guidance. They have lots of people to guide them in their lives—parents, teachers, coaches, pastors, and you. But it may be hard for

them to see exactly how God, who is unseen, can guide them through the very real problems and struggles in their lives. Use this lesson to help kids trust in God to guide them and to give them refuge when they need it.

►Bible Point

God guides us.


Key Verse “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of

trouble. He cares for those who trust in him” (Nahum 1:7).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will begin to follow God’s leading in their lives as they trust in his love for them.



|3 |Shelter in the Storm | | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |(about 15 min.) Discuss |Bible, paper, pens Teacher | |

| |where they would take |Pack: Teacher Pack box | |

| |shelter in a storm. | | |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Choose a Daily | | |

| |Challenge to apply God’s |Bible Buzz | |

| |word. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

Joseph Takes His Family to Safety in Egypt

Matthew 2:13-23



An Evil Ruler


This passage describes the execution of Herod’s brutal backup plan. He had hoped to single out the baby born in Bethlehem and kill him, but the Magi didn’t return to Jerusalem to report the baby’s whereabouts. So in an attempt to get rid of Jesus, Herod ordered the killing of all the boys in Bethlehem who fell within the age span suggested by the star’s first appearance.

Joseph Obeys God


Jesus’ safety was of utmost importance to Joseph. His faith in God made him realize this child’s significance, and he didn’t hesitate to obey God’s command to flee to Egypt. It appears that as soon as he awoke from his dream, he woke Mary so that they could set out. The order in which the names are mentioned in verse 14—”the child and his mother”— indicates that Jesus was more important than his mother.

Prophecies Fulfilled


In verse 15 Matthew once again refers to Old Testament prophecy, suggesting that God would call the Messiah out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1). This passage from Hosea refers to God’s deliverance of his people, Israel, from Egypt. But Matthew wanted to prove to the Jews that Jesus was indeed the one

they’d been waiting for. Matthew viewed the salvation that God brought to the people of Israel in freeing them from Egypt as a foreshadowing of the supreme

murdered! No number is given, but some estimate that in a town the size of Bethlehem there would have been as many as 20 male infants under the age of 2 at any given time. Matthew’s reference to the prophecy of Israel’s sorrow (from Jeremiah 31:15) suggests that the tragedy in Bethlehem was ultimately brought on by the unfaithfulness of the people of Israel.

Our Everlasting Ruler


It appears that Herod died not long after his brutal act in Bethlehem. Herod was dead, but the child he had tried to kill would live forever! As Joseph and Mary returned to Israel in response to God’s direction, they heard that Herod’s son, Archelaus, had taken Herod’s place. Joseph was apprehensive at the prospect of settling in Judea. God again spoke to Joseph in a dream and directed the little family to go to Nazareth. Thus Jesus survived the evil intentions of wicked kings and grew up in obscurity in a small town in Galilee.

The Jesus Connection


Jesus’ life shows us that God is always faithful to guide us according to his plans and promises. Praise God for his unfailing love and guiding hand!

When has God led you through a tough situation? How did that affect the way you lived your life after- ward? When we’re afraid to trust God, he shows us an absolutely beautiful view of life as he teaches us to trust him. Talk to him about how you need to trust his guidance more. You can write your prayer here.

salvation that would come through Jesus. As Moses went to Egypt to bring his people out of bondage, so Jesus went to Egypt before freeing people from the bondage of sin.

Imagine the terror in the village of Bethlehem as infants were torn from their mothers’ arms and



Quick Trip


index cards pens

Quick Trip

What You’ll Do

Tip Caution kids to be quiet during this activity, and make sure not to enter rooms where you’ll disturb others.

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went. Gather kids in a huddle.

Say: We’re going to take a quick trip around the church. I’ll guide you on this mission, but you’ll have to listen carefully and make decisions quickly during the trip.

Have kids form pairs, and give each pair a handful of index cards and a pen. Explain that as partners travel from room to room, they should listen to your directions and decide together on one object in each room that corresponds to your directions. One of the partners should then write that object on an index card. Tell partners to take turns writing on the cards during the trip.

Then lead kids on a quick trip through your church, stopping at the kitchen, the supply closet, the nursery, and whatever other rooms are available. In each room, give directions such as “Choose an object in this room that you would most like to take with you on a trip,” “Choose an object in this room that would be best to have at night,” or “Choose a food you might find in this room that would be best to take on a long trip.” Give kids only a few moments to survey each room; then hurry to the next room. You’ll want to set a tone of feeling rushed.

When you return to your room, have kids stay in their pairs. Ask each pair to read aloud what they wrote on the cards.

Talk With Kids

Have kids discuss the following questions in their pairs. After each question, invite willing kids to share their answers with the whole group.


What was it like to hurry through our trip?

■ How did you decide what to choose in each room?

■ Tell about a time you had to make quick decisions.

Say: You had to rush and make quick decisions in this activity. That’s kind of like what happened to a family in today’s Bible passage. God told them to take a long trip and to take it right away. In fact, their lives depended on how they responded.

As we go through the Bible passage, look for ways that ►GOD GUIDES US like he guided the family we’ll look at.



Escape to Egypt

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s join Joseph and his family as they escape, with God’s guidance, from a dangerous situation. As we travel on this journey, you’ll have a chance to give a little guidance yourself!

Tape the “Escape Route” map to a table or the floor. Have kids form four groups. Put three cotton balls on the word “Bethlehem” on the map. Explain that the cotton balls represent the three members of Jesus’ family. The goal of the game is to guide the three cotton balls to safety. Each group will pick an “Escape Route” game card and do whatever the card says. The catch is that no one can touch the cotton balls. Kids will have to figure out some other way to move the cotton balls. (If kids need help moving the cotton balls, suggest that they blow on them or make paper fans.)

Have one group draw the first card and follow the directions on the card. Then have the second group draw the second card and follow the directions. Continue until all the cards have been drawn in order. Encourage all group members to follow the directions on the cards. After the game, lead kids in a big round of applause for everyone’s participation.

Talk With Kids

Have kids answer the following questions in their groups. After each question, invite willing kids to share their answers with the whole group.


What was it like to guide the cotton balls without touching them?

■ How is that like or unlike how God guided Joseph and his family?

■ Which is more clear: the way God guided Joseph or the way God guides you? Explain.

Say: God guided Joseph and his family to Egypt to protect them from a dangerous situation. Then he guided them to Nazareth for the same reason. He guided them to safety because he loved them. We may not hear God’s guidance as clearly as Joseph, but we know ►GOD GUIDES US just as we guided our cotton balls. He loves us and wants to keep us safe, too.

Escape to Egypt



Bibles tape markers

cotton balls

Teacher Pack “Escape Route” map “Escape Route” game cards

Escape to Egypt

Easy Prep


Separate the “Escape Route” cards. Stack the cards in order, facedown, with Card 1 on top.

Refuge on the Road

Refuge on the Road


Bibles Bible Buzz CD player pens

fine-tipped markers

1 copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

Teacher Pack

CD: “He Is Good” (Nahum 1:7) (track 8)

Escape to Egypt

Easy Prep

Tear out the Lesson 5 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

What You’ll Do

Have kids find and read the Key Verse, Nahum 1:7, on their Bible Buzz page, and read it aloud together: “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.”

Say: A refuge is a shelter or safe place. So this verse is saying that God is a shelter during times of trouble. We saw how God was a refuge for Joseph and his family. Now let’s think about how God is a refuge for us.

Have kids find the “My Life Road” section on their Bible Buzz page. Set out pens and fine-tipped markers for kids to share.

Say: Think about how God guided Joseph and his family to safety in today’s Bible passage. Then think about what today’s Key Verse says—that God is a refuge in times of trouble.

On your Bible Buzz page, complete a road of your life to show how God has guided you and your family so far. For example, you could draw where you’ve lived, people you’ve known, or objects that show how God has guided you. You can also include times you know you will want to turn to God for refuge in the future, such as when you face tests or hard decisions. You’ll find road signs that will guide you as you work on your picture.

As kids work, play “He Is Good” (Nahum 1:7) (track 8 on the CD) two or three times. Give kids about five minutes to complete their pictures. Then have them form pairs and explain their pictures to their partners. Invite everyone to share their pictures with the whole group.

After everyone has shared, say: Let’s sing about how God has been our refuge in our life journeys. Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “He Is Good” (Nahum 1:7) (track 8 on the CD). Have kids sing along and do the motions if they are comfortable doing so.

[pic] (Verse)

The Lord is good, (point finger to heaven)

A refuge in times of trouble. (arms over head like an “O”) He cares for those who trust in him. (clasp hands in prayer) The Lord is good, (point finger to heaven)

A refuge in times of trouble. (arms over head like an “O”)

He cares for those who trust in him. (clasp hands in prayer)


The Lord is good, good, good, good, good. (point finger to heaven)

He’s good, good, good, good, good. (point finger to heaven) He’s good, good, good, good, good. (point finger to heaven) He’s good, good, good, good, good. (point finger to heaven)

(Repeat from the beginning; then repeat from the beginning again, singing verse and chorus simultaneously.)

“He Is Good” (Nahum 1:7) by Jay Stocker. © 2004 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


How did God provide refuge for Joseph and his family?

■ What does God do to provide refuge for us today?

■ What are ways we can seek God’s guidance when we need refuge from life’s problems?

Say: Joseph and his family couldn’t see everything ahead of them when they escaped to Egypt. They had to trust God and take the journey. When we take a minute to look back on our lives, we can see how ►GOD GUIDES US through our journeys. God doesn’t save us from every problem, but he does offer refuge because he is good. Let’s look at times in our own lives when we can turn to God for help and guidance.



Shelter in the Storm

What You’ll Do

Open your Bible to Nahum 1:7, and read the verse aloud: “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.”

Say: A refuge is like a shelter in the storm. That’s what God is like for us. ►GOD GUIDES US to safety when we’re troubled. Let’s look a little more at that idea now.

Have kids form groups of four. Give each group a piece of paper and a pen, and have kids select someone in each group to be the recorder.

Say: On your paper, write down a list of places where you would seek shelter in a storm. You might include types of buildings, places in the earth—like a cave—or places you would find yourself surrounded by people, like a police station or a shopping mall. I’ll give you a few minutes to complete your lists.

When kids have finished, have recorders call out at random the items on their lists.

Shelter in the Storm



Bible paper pens

Teacher Pack

Teacher Pack box


How much consideration did you give to the kind of storm you were facing as you thought about where to take refuge?

Say: If you were in an earthquake, you wouldn’t want to hide out in a basement as you might if you were seeking shelter from a tornado. The roof could cave in on you! The circumstances of the storm would determine where you sought refuge.


Do you think God’s guidance is dependent upon circumstances? Why or why not?

Give each person a piece of paper and pen.

Say: Think of a trouble that you’re facing. On your paper, draw a picture of the trouble you’re facing as a storm. Maybe your storm is huge, like a hurricane. Or maybe not as big, like a spring shower. Give kids a minute to draw the storm. Then have them share their pictures in their groups. Get the Teacher Pack box.

Say: Our Key Verse reminds us that the Lord is good and a refuge in times of trouble. I invite you to bring the storm you drew and place it in this box to

remember that God provides you a refuge in the time of your troubles. Let kids place their drawings in the Teacher Pack box. When all who want to have placed their drawings in the box, offer this prayer: God, we turn over these storms to you. Thank you for giving us refuge in times of trouble. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Have kids discuss in their groups what kinds of situations they might find themselves in where they would seek God’s guidance. It could involve the storm they drew, or circumstances with a family member, or a situation at school, or a more generalized fear about growing up. Have them brainstorm ways they think God could guide them in each of these circumstances.

Then gather everyone’s attention.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


In what ways do troubles in your life feel like storms?

■ How is God like a refuge from storms?

■ What ideas and ways did you come up with for how God could guide you in your troubles?

■ In what ways can we know that God guides us in any circumstance?

Say: God isn’t held back by our circumstances, and there’s no storm too great for him to handle. God is our shelter in any storm we may get caught in. Joseph and Mary had to trust in a loving God to guide them through many dangers in their journey to Egypt and back. We can be certain of God’s love for us, because in

every situation, ►GOD GUIDES US.



Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can know that ►GOD GUIDES US this week.

Ask kids to find this week’s Daily Challenges on their Bible Buzz page and choose one to do this week. They can choose one or more of these three options:

Commit to reading God’s Word every day. As you read, ask yourself two questions: “What does this passage say?” and “How do I need to change my life because of what I just read?”

■ Where do you need God’s guidance right now? Commit to praying to God each day for that situation. Seek the advice of a trusted Christian adult or friend to help you understand what God’s will might be, and ask him or her to help you keep your commitment to go wherever God leads.

■ Share with someone else how God has guided you in the past. Let that person know that God can provide that same kind of guidance to him or her as well. It will be a good reminder to you of God’s guidance, too.

Make sure you choose a Daily Challenge as well, and tell the kids what you chose. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: Joseph and Mary had to trust God to guide them with his love and power. Let’s see how ►GOD GUIDES US when we follow through this week with our Daily Challenges.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the Daily Challenges they chose and what they learned about God’s guidance. Kids can also do the activities on the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking God for his love and guidance this week, no matter what challenge or storm they may be facing.

Daily Challenges



Bible Buzz


He Is Good (Nahum 1:7)


The Lord is good,

A refuge in times of trouble.

He cares for those who trust in him. The Lord is good,

A refuge in times of trouble.

He cares for those who trust in him.


The Lord is good, good, good, good, good. He’s good, good, good, good, good.

He’s good, good, good, good, good. He’s good, good, good, good, good.

(Repeat from the beginning; then repeat from the beginning again, singing verse and chorus simultaneously.)

“He Is Good” (Nahum 1:7) by Jay Stocker. © 2004 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



© FaithWeaver NOW™

Jesus Is Baptized

Matthew 3:13-17

ifth- and sixth-graders are prone to idolize heroes. The people they look up to may be sports heroes, movie stars, musicians, or almost anyone in the limelight. Some of

those people are positive role models, but many aren’t. Use this lesson to lift up Jesus, God’s Son, as the best role model they can have. And as kids truly follow Jesus, the world will see a positive difference in their lives.

►Bible Point

Jesus is God’s Son.


Key Verse

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”

(John 1:1).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will make daily decisions based on their relationship with God’s Son, Jesus.



| |The Difference Jesus Can | | |

| |Make (about 15 min.) Sing | | |

| |a song about Jesus as | | |

|3 |God’s only Son, and |Bible Buzz, CD player, pens,| |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |examine how believing that|1 copy per person of the | |

| |Jesus is God can |lyrics page (at the end of | |

| |affect various areas of |this lesson) Teacher Pack: | |

| |their lives. |CD | |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Commit to focusing | | |

| |on making areas | | |

| |of their lives more |Bible Buzz | |

| |pleasing to God. | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

Jesus Is Baptized

Matthew 3:13-17



Family Ties


John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin and was sent

present and for those of us who would hear the story centuries later.

3-in-1 God

by God to “prepare the way for the Lord” (Matthew 3:3). When the Jewish leaders—the Pharisees and

Sadducees—came to see John preaching repentance and baptizing people in the Jordan River, John condemned them for their hypocrisy (Matthew 3:7-10). And he told of the one who was coming, Jesus, who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire (verse 11).

John also said that he wasn’t worthy to carry Jesus’ sandals—one of the most menial of tasks. Now Jesus approached him at the Jordan River and asked to

be baptized. John, a sinner, saw a sinless Jesus standing before him and didn’t feel worthy to baptize him. John recognized Jesus’ greatness and thought it would be more appropriate if Jesus baptized him!

Jesus didn’t deny what John was suggesting by his reluctance to baptize him. Instead, he affirmed it, saying in essence, “You’re right, but we need to do this anyway.”

Baptism 1-2-3


Jesus’ baptism accomplished several things. First, it

All three persons of the Trinity were present at Jesus’ baptism. The Son was baptized, showing his dedica- tion to his mission; the Holy Spirit came upon him; and the Father spoke his love and approval. What

a wonderful picture of the God who created us and provided a way for us to have an eternal relationship with him!

The Jesus Connection


In his life on earth, Jesus introduced people to God. After Jesus ascended into heaven, his disciples followed his example and led others to believe in God and in Jesus’ sacrifice.

What makes you thankful that Jesus is the Son of God? What impact does that relationship have in your life? We can be thankful every day for the Son of God—for introducing us to God and for revealing the beauty of a life lived for him. Take some time to be thankful in prayer right now. You can write your prayer here.

announced the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Second, it affirmed that he was who John thought he was— the Son of God—as confirmed by God’s own voice. Third, it allowed Jesus to identify with the sinfulness of human beings though he was without sin. Finally, Jesus’ baptism gave all of us an example to follow.

We don’t know exactly how the Spirit of God resembled a dove as it descended on Jesus. But we do know that those who were there knew it was God’s Spirit. God’s pronouncement from heaven certainly didn’t announce anything new to Jesus. He knew that the Father loved him and approved of him. God’s pronouncement was for the others who were



Famous People Trivia


Bible Buzz pens

Famous People Trivia

Easy Prep

Tear out the Lesson 6 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

Famous People Trivia

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went.

Direct kids to the “Who Wants to Make a Game Show?” section on their Bible Buzz page.

Say: Today we’re going to play Who Wants to Make a Game Show? In this game, you get to create the questions. Think of a famous or well-known person you could write a few facts about. (Example: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States.) Write the person’s name and some of the facts you know about that person on your Bible Buzz page. Don’t let anyone see what you write! Form a question from your facts, and then think of three additional famous people so you’ll have a total of four possible answers. List each person in one of the four spaces marked A, B, C, or D. (Example: Who was the 16th president of the United States? A. Andrew Jackson, B. Theodore Roosevelt, C. Abraham Lincoln, or D. George Washington.) You can list the names in any order you want. Put a mark next to the correct name to help you remember the right answer.

Allow kids about five minutes to create their game questions. Then have kids form groups of four and find the “Game Time!” section on their Bible Buzz page. If you have fewer than eight kids or an uneven number of kids, you may have them form pairs or trios and play two or three rounds instead of four.

Say: Each person in your group will host one round of the game. Each host will read the facts about his or her famous person, the game show question he or she came up with, and four possible answers. The other group members must agree on one person and circle the correct letter on the Bible Buzz page. You may ask a host to repeat the names if necessary. After everyone guesses, the host will reveal the correct answer. Play continues until each group has completed its rounds. Let’s begin with Round 1.

Give kids five minutes to play the game.

Talk With Kids

Have kids discuss the following questions in their groups.


Would you call the people in your game famous? Why or why not?

■ If you had to define the people in your game in one or two words, how would you define them?

■ If these people hadn’t done anything significant, how would that change your opinion of them?

Say: Usually a person has to do something important to be considered famous or well-known. And unless a person does something important, you probably won’t know who he or she is. Today we’re going to look at facts about Jesus before he began his public ministry. Jesus would do many things that would make him famous. But before this happened, there was another way people learned who Jesus is. Let’s explore this as we look at what it means that ►JESUS IS GOD’S SON.



This Is My Son

What You’ll Do

Say: Introducing people is an important custom in every culture. We honor someone by introducing them to others. Let’s look at how we do that and introduce each other. Find a partner and get to know each other a bit more. Then I’ll ask you all to introduce your partner to the whole group, telling us the person’s name, and three things about him or her.

Have kids find partners. Have them each tell each other about themselves. You will also need to have a partner to introduce. Give kids a few minutes to prepare their introductions, and then gather everyone’s attention.

Say: I’ll go first. Both you and your partner stand. This is , and the three things I learned about him/her are .

Your partner will then introduce you, and then you and your partner will sit down. The next two partners will introduce each other, and you will continue until everyone gets an introduction.

Say: Introductions are an important way for people to feel honored and known. It also shows care by the person who’s doing the introduction.

Show kids the “Jesus Is Baptized” picture on the Bible Timeline.

Say: We’re going back to the time of Jesus to see how God introduced him to the world. Close your eyes and pretend you’re in the desert of Israel and you’re part of the crowd following John the Baptist. Listen carefully as if you’re really there. Try to picture John and Jesus, and the scene described.

Play “This Is My Son” (track 9 on the CD).

This Is My Son



CD player

Teacher Pack

CD: “This Is My Son” (track 9)

Bible Timeline

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What was it like to introduce someone and to be introduced to our group?

■ What were your thoughts as you listened to Jesus being introduced?

■ Why is it important for Jesus to be introduced as God’s Son?

■ What are some other important things you could say to introduce Jesus?

Say: Today’s Bible passage points out that ►JESUS IS GOD’S SON. That’s how Jesus was introduced to the world. But can we believe that? That’s a very important question. Let’s explore why.

Who Is He Really?



Who Is He Really?

What You’ll Do

Have groups form trios. Ask them to talk in their trios about how celebrities or other famous people have been caught appearing to be one way, but were really another way. For example, sports figures are often idolized and held up as role models, but many of them were later found to be using performance-enhancing drugs. Give trios a few minutes, and then gather everyone’s attention. Ask trios to share highlights of their discussion with the whole group.

Say: Nobody likes a phony or a liar. Our Bible passage says Jesus is God’s Son. We can look at Jesus in one of three ways: as God, as a liar, or as a crazy man. Jesus taught some great things, but he also boldly claimed to be the Son of God—even God himself. If he lied about being God, he wasn’t a good teacher! Was he out to trick the world into thinking he was God? Was he a crazy person who truly thought he was God but wasn’t really? Or is he truly God, who came to earth to teach us how to live and to rescue us from sin?

Make sure each trio has a Bible. Ask kids to talk about Jesus’ claims in their trios. They can look at Matthew 3:13-17 plus other Scriptures that affirm Jesus as God’s Son, such as Matthew 8:29, Matthew 14:33, Matthew 16:16, Matthew 27:43, Matthew 27:54, Luke 1:35, Luke 22:70, John 11:27, and John 20:31. After a few minutes, gather everyone’s attention.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What were some of the ideas and discussion you had in your trios about Jesus’ claims?

■ What false claims have you heard others make about Jesus?

■ What are ways we can share who Jesus is without getting into arguments with others?

Say: At Jesus’ baptism, God announced that ►JESUS IS GOD’S SON. And he’s not only the Son of God, but God himself. If we truly believe this, we need to ask ourselves another question: How can this belief change our lives? Let’s explore how we can weave our beliefs about Jesus into our lives.



The Difference Jesus Can Make

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s say today’s Key Verse together from your Bible Buzz page: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

This is great news! Let’s sing a song about the claim that ►JESUS IS GOD’S SON.

Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “One and Only Son” (John 1:14b) (track 19 on the CD). After they listen once, have kids sing along and do the motions if they are comfortable doing so.

[pic]The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son. (sway with arms high, and open and close your fingers for “glory”)

The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son.

And we have seen the glory, the glory (form “glasses” with your fingers and look in all directions)

Of the Father’s one and only Son. (point up and then hold up your pointer finger in front of you)

The glory, the glory (sway with arms high, and open and close your fingers)

Of the Father’s one and only Son. (point up and then hold up your pointer finger in front of you)

The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son. (sway with arms high, and open and close your fingers) The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son.

And we have seen the glory, the glory (form “glasses” with your fingers and look in all directions)

Of the Father’s one and only Son. (point up and then hold up your pointer finger in front of you)

The glory, the glory (sway with arms high, and open and close your fingers)

Of the Father’s one and only Son. (point up and then hold up your pointer finger in front of you)

The Difference Jesus Can Make Supplies


Bible Buzz CD player pens

1 copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

Teacher Pack

CD: “One and Only Son” (John 1:14b) (track 19)

The glory, the glory (sway with arms high, and open and close your fingers)

Of the Father’s one and only Son. (point up and then hold up your pointer finger in front of you)

The glory, the glory (sway with arms high, and open and close your fingers)

Of the Father’s one and only Son. (point up and then hold up your pointer finger in front of you)

The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son. (sway with arms high, and open and close your fingers)

The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son. The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son.

“One and Only Son” (John 1:14b) by Jay Stocker. © 2005 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Have kids form groups of four. Ask kids to share one at a time in their groups what a difference believing in Jesus has made in their lives. After a few minutes, allow groups to report highlights of their discussions with the rest of the group.

Say: In today’s Key Verse, John wrote about who Jesus is. He called Jesus the “Word,” which indicates that Jesus is the living Word of God—God’s message in human form. Everything Jesus said and did was part of God’s message for us.


6 What does this verse tell us about Jesus?

■ How do the Key Verse and the Bible passage prove that ►JESUS IS GOD’S SON?

Take time to discuss these questions. Encourage kids to list all the information about Jesus they can find in the Key Verse, located on their Bible Buzz page.

Say: Jesus was around from the very beginning and was with God and is God.

Let’s explore what it means for our lives that Jesus is God. Hand out pens, and have kids look up the “If Jesus Is God…” section on their Bible Buzz page. Ask them to think about each question and write down their answers. When everyone has finished, ask kids to share what they wrote if they are comfortable doing so.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.

1 What kind of impact does that have on you to know that Jesus is God?

■ How does it help you to hear about the difference Jesus has made in others’ lives?

■ What can we do to let Jesus make more of a difference in our lives?

Say: Following Jesus is the most important thing we can do, and it can change every part of our lives. In his baptism, Jesus was introduced as way more than a good person and wise teacher. ►JESUS IS GOD’S SON. As we grow in our friendship with him, we grow in our understanding of just how important Jesus is.



Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can show others that ►JESUS IS GOD’S SON this week.

Now that we’ve looked at the ways our beliefs can affect our lives, let’s each choose one or two areas in our lives to really work on. Instead of a Daily Challenge this week, make a star on your Bible Buzz page beside each area of your life that you really want to focus on making more pleasing to God. Then spend time each day this coming week working on those areas.

When kids have finished, have them form pairs. Ask partners to share with each other one thing they will work on in the next seven days.

Make sure you commit to a way to make your life more pleasing to God as well, and tell the kids about it. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to focus on making an area of your life more pleasing to God? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: In his baptism, Jesus was introduced by God to the world. ►JESUS IS GOD’S SON, his only Son. Let’s show the world and ourselves that we believe in who Jesus really is by following through with our commitments this week.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about their commitment to focusing on making areas of their lives more pleasing to God and what they learned about Jesus, who is God’s Son. Kids can also do the activities on the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, asking God to help us truly believe that Jesus is God’s Son and to help us live in ways that introduce others to Jesus.

Daily Challenges



Bible Buzz


One and Only Son (John 1:14b)

The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son. The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son. And we have seen the glory, the glory

Of the Father’s one and only Son.

The glory, the glory

Of the Father’s one and only Son.

The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son. The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son.

And we have seen the glory, the glory

Of the Father’s one and only Son.

The glory, the glory

Of the Father’s one and only Son.

The glory, the glory

Of the Father’s one and only Son. The glory, the glory

Of the Father’s one and only Son.

The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son. The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son. The glory, the glory, the glory of the Son.

“One and Only Son” (John 1:14b) by Jay Stocker. © 2005 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



© FaithWeaver NOW™

Peter and Andrew Meet Jesus

John 1:35-42

or fifth- and sixth-graders, friends are everything. They’re very aware of who’s friends with whom, and who is on the “outs” at the moment. They’re developing a sense of

loyalty to their friends as they begin the natural process of separating from parents. Use this lesson to show them how Jesus wants to be their friend in a growing relationship and how that friendship with Jesus is something they can share with their other friends.

►Bible Point

Jesus is our friend.


Key Verse

“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will learn how to grow in their friendship with Jesus and invite others to share a friendship with him.



| | | | |

|3 |You’re Invited (about 15 |CD player, paper, pens, | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |min.) Create invitations |markers, envelopes, 1 copy | |

| |to invite others to |per person of the lyrics | |

| |church. |page (at the end of this | |

| | |lesson) Teacher Pack: CD | |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Choose a Daily | | |

| |Challenge to apply God’s |Bible Buzz | |

| |Word. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

Peter and Andrew Meet Jesus

John 1:35-42



Jesus Begins His Ministry


The disciple of John the Baptist who is unnamed in this passage was likely John, the author of this Gospel. This unnamed disciple and Andrew had

been following John the Baptist, but at this point they began to follow Jesus. John the Baptist didn’t try

to persuade the two to stay with him. He knew his place and was ready for his disciples to transfer their allegiance to Jesus.

Jesus Gives an Invitation


The first of Jesus’ words that are recorded by John are found in John 1:38: “What do you want?” he asked John’s disciples. Jesus’ question is significant: He knew these men were looking for something, not really for someone. They responded to Jesus with their own question: “Where are you staying?” On the surface this question may have indicated that they needed to know where Jesus lived if they were to come to him for teaching. Jesus’ response to that

Jesus’ earthly ministry, Peter displayed little of the strength and stability of a rock, however. He was impulsive and impetuous, and in his haste, he often made bad decisions. So the name that Jesus gave Peter was not based on his life up to that point, but on who Jesus knew Peter would become as a result of following Jesus. When Peter got to know Jesus, his life changed. He eventually became a new person; empowered by his faith in Christ, he dedicated his life to spreading the word about Jesus to the world.

The Jesus Connection


Jesus knows us even better than we know ourselves. Thank Jesus not only for being your Savior but also for being your friend!

Think about the time you first met Jesus. How have you grown closer to him since then? What room for growth do you still see in your friendship with him? Over the next week, ask God to help you grow closer to Jesus. You can write your prayer here.

question didn’t give them the answer they may have wanted; it was an immediate invitation for them to follow and learn from him. He didn’t say, “Come tomorrow,” or “I’ll meet you at the boat dock.” Instead he immediately opened up himself and the place he was staying to these first two disciples.

Jesus Changes Lives



After spending a day with Jesus, Andrew knew he had found something special—his first response was to find his brother Simon and tell him he’d found the Messiah. In characteristic fashion, Simon responded quickly and went with Andrew to meet Jesus.

For Jesus, the Son of God, it took only one look at Simon to know who he was and who he was to become. So he gave Simon a new name, Peter, which means “rock.” At that moment and throughout



Who Are You?


Bible Buzz pens

Who Are You?

Easy Prep

Tear out the Lesson 7 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

Who Are You?

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went.

Say: We’re going to start today by getting to know each other a little better. We’re going to find out six things about each of us. To do that, we’ll get up and move around to talk with each other. When you come up to someone, introduce yourself and then ask one of the six questions on your Bible Buzz page. Write the answer in the space provided. Then the other person will ask a question. Then you’ll go to another person and get another answer. If you’ve already been asked a question, have the asker ask a different question.

Have kids turn to the “Who Are You?” section on their Bible Buzz page. Give each child a pen, and have kids take notes as they ask each other the questions on their Bible Buzz page. Give kids about five minutes to work. Gather everyone’s attention. One at time, introduce a person and then ask for anyone to shout out one thing learned about the person being introduced. Repeat until everyone has had at least one thing mentioned about him or her.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What were some surprising things you learned about group members?

■ What ways do we use get to know someone well as a friend?

■ How we can get to know Jesus better as a friend?

Say: Getting to know another is the first step of friendship. In today’s Bible passage, we’ll discover how some of the first disciples became friends with Jesus,

and we’ll find what happens when we, too, know ►JESUS IS OUR FRIEND.



Extra! Extra!

What You’ll Do

Have kids turn to John 1:35-42 in their Bibles. Then have kids form three groups, and give each group a section of the poster. Provide paper so kids can write notes and first drafts as they compose their news articles.

Say: Let’s write some news articles about the first friends of Jesus.

According to a reliable source, these people recognized Jesus as the Son of God: John the Baptist, Andrew, and Simon Peter. Read the passage on your section of

Extra! Extra!



Bibles pens paper scissors

Teacher Pack

“Extra! Extra!” poster

Extra! Extra!


the poster, and create an article based on your news headline. In your article, focus

on what role friendship played in the situation. Make sure everyone in your group is involved. You’ll need a Reader, Researchers, and a Writer.

After you write the article, decide on one person to read it aloud for everyone. As the Reader reads, everyone else in your group will need to pose in freeze frames to represent pictures that go with the article. You’ll have about 10 minutes to write your article and think of a presentation. Remember, your “angle” of the article is to look at how friendship was shown in each situation.

Circulate among the groups to offer help as needed. Encourage kids to imagine what questions they would ask the person in their news headlines. Also encourage kids to include in their articles direct quotes from the Bible passage.

After eight minutes, let kids know that they need to wrap up their work. After two more minutes, call time. Let each group present its news article to everyone else. After each presentation, lead everyone in a big round of applause.

Talk With Kids

Have kids answer the following questions in their groups. After each question, ask groups to share their answers with the whole group.


What were some things you learned about Jesus and his friends?

■ How would you compare the friendships we looked at with your friendship with Jesus?

■ What are some reasons for you to get to know Jesus as a friend?

Say: When we accept the truth that ►JESUS IS OUR FRIEND, something amazing happens. When Andrew, his unnamed friend, and Simon Peter met Jesus and became friends, Jesus changed their lives (and the world) forever. That’s because

Cut the “Extra! Extra!” poster into three sections.

they became children of God by forming a lifelong friendship with Jesus. In fact, that’s exactly what our Key Verse is all about. Let’s look at it right now.

Children of God


Bibles Bible Buzz pens

Children of God

What You’ll Do

Have kids find the Key Verse, John 1:12, on their Bible Buzz page, and read it aloud together: “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”

Say: This verse says that anyone who believes in Jesus is given the right to become a child of God. Let’s explore that idea a little more. Maybe you’ve heard of the United States Bill of Rights. It guarantees certain rights of each U.S. citizen. Let’s take a few minutes to think about the rights of a child of God.

Have kids find the “Child of God Bill of Rights” section on their Bible Buzz page. Then distribute Bibles, and have kids form pairs.

Say: Talk with your partner about what you think it means to be a child of God. Then compose your own bill of rights.

If kids have trouble getting started, encourage them to think about what happens when people make a faith commitment to Jesus: They receive eternal life, they’re forgiven

for their sins, and they receive the Holy Spirit. Also encourage kids to think about the promises God makes to his children throughout the Bible. You might want to direct kids to the following verses: Romans 8:16-17, 1 Peter 2:9, and 1 John 3:2.

Give kids about five minutes to write. Then have partners read their bills of rights to each other. Invite willing kids to read their bills of rights aloud to the whole group.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What were some common “child of God” rights that you came up with?

■ What does the Key Verse mean when it says to “receive” Jesus?

■ What does it mean to you to “become children of God”?

Say: When we believe in Jesus, we’re given the right to become children of God. What an amazing blessing! As we come to believe that ►JESUS IS OUR FRIEND, we’re actually entering into a close relationship with the Creator of the universe!

To become friends with Jesus, you have to know about him. In our Bible passage, John the Baptist told Andrew and another disciple about Jesus. Then Andrew told his brother Simon Peter. The rights we receive as children of God are so great, we need to spread the word.



You’re Invited

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s sing a song that celebrates what happens when we become children of God.

Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “The Spirit Gives Me Life” (Romans 8:10b) (track 10 on the CD). After they listen once, have kids sing along.

[pic] God is with me wherever I go.

Christ is in me, and I know that I know

’Cause he gave his life.

He lived and died.

And now the Spirit gives me life,

It gives me life, it gives me life

Because I have been made right,

I’ve been made right with God.

The Spirit gives me life,

It gives me life, it gives me life

Because I have been made right,

I’ve been made right with God.

Yeah! The Spirit gives me life.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

The Spirit gives me life.

The Spirit gives me life.

“The Spirit Gives Me Life” (Romans 8:10b) by Jay Stocker. © 2007 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Say: To believe in Jesus is the most important thing you could ever do. But you had to hear about Jesus before you could believe in him. At some point in your life, someone told you about Jesus.

Invite kids to share how they first heard about Jesus with the whole group.

Say: One of the places we learn a lot about Jesus is at church. But some kids don’t go to church. And maybe they don’t go because no one ever invited them. That’s where you come in! Think of one person you can invite to come to church or Sunday school with you. Turn to the person next to you and tell him or her the name of the person you want to invite. Then you can make an invitation for that person.

You’re Invited



CD player paper pens markers envelopes

1 copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

Teacher Pack

CD: “The Spirit Gives Me Life” (Romans 8:10b) (track 10)

Set out paper, pens, and markers. Have kids each design an invitation for the person he or she thought of. Encourage kids to write about what Jesus has meant to them and how knowing him has changed them. Provide envelopes, and suggest that kids ask their parents for the recipients’ addresses if necessary.

Have kids form pairs with the people they shared with earlier and read their invitations to their partners.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


1 What does it mean in our song to be “made right” with God?

■ Why is it important to become a child of God?

■ What does it mean to be both a friend of Jesus and a child of God?

■ What makes you hesitant or afraid to invite others into a friendship with Jesus?

Have kids form a circle for prayer. Begin the prayer by thanking God for sending Jesus and for placing people in our lives who told us about Jesus. Ask God to help each person tell someone about Jesus. Let kids share the name of the person they’ll invite to church, if they want to share.

Say: A growing friendship with Jesus is the most important relationship you’ll ever have. Andrew, his unnamed friend, and Simon Peter discovered life-changing moments when they first met Jesus and became his friends. The friendship that

they experienced is available to you, too. ►JESUS IS OUR FRIEND!

Daily Challenges


Bible Buzz



Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can understand more about how ►JESUS IS OUR FRIEND this week.

Ask kids to find this week’s Daily Challenges on their Bible Buzz page and choose one to do this week. They can choose one or more of these three options:

Write down all the ways you can think of that God shows his friendship to you. As you write them down, thank God for each one of those ways. Then share what you’ve learned with someone else.

■ Take time to just listen to someone this week, and build a relationship with that person. Ask questions, listen to that person’s story, and pray for him or her. Be a Jesus kind of friend to that person.

■ Deliver the invitation you made, and encourage your friend to join you for church the next time you come.

Make sure you choose a Daily Challenge as well, and tell the kids what you chose. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: ►JESUS IS OUR FRIEND. Let’s show our loyalty to our friend Jesus by following through on our Daily Challenges this week.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the Daily Challenges they chose and what they learned about friendship with Jesus. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect®” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking God for making us his children when we believe in Jesus and treat him as a friend.


The Spirit Gives Me Life (Romans 8:10b)

God is with me wherever I go.

Christ is in me, and I know that I know

’Cause he gave his life.

He lived and died.

And now the Spirit gives me life,

It gives me life, it gives me life

Because I have been made right,

I’ve been made right with God.

The Spirit gives me life,

It gives me life, it gives me life

Because I have been made right,

I’ve been made right with God.

Yeah! The Spirit gives me life.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

The Spirit gives me life.

The Spirit gives me life.

“The Spirit Gives Me Life” (Romans 8:10b) by Jay Stocker. © 2007 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



© FaithWeaver NOW™

News About Jesus Spreads

Matthew 4:12-25

ifth- and sixth-graders are starting to carry more of their own problems without seeking help from adults. Some of their worries are adult worries, but some kids are

too scared or embarrassed to ask adults for help. They may share their worries with their peers, but their peers may not be able to help. Give encouragement to your kids, letting them know that one of the benefits of following Jesus is that he not only wants to know about their problems, but he’s also able to do something about them. Following Jesus is the best way for your kids to find rest.

►Bible Point Jesus wants everyone to follow to him.


Key Verse

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”

(Matthew 11:28).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will follow Jesus and look to him for comfort and guidance.



| | |CD player, pens, tape, 1 copy per | |

| | |person of the lyrics page (at the | |

| | |end of this lesson) Teacher Pack: | |

|3 |Giving Him Your Burdens |CD, “My Burden” cards, | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |(about 15 min.) Discuss |“Come to Me Cross” poster | |

| |what it means to give | |Separate the “My Burden” cards. |

| |their burdens to Jesus. | | |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Choose a Daily | | |

| |Challenge to apply God’s |Bible Buzz | |

| |Word. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

News About Jesus Spreads

Matthew 4:12-25



Prophecy Fulfilled


After John the Baptist had been put in prison, Jesus moved into a three-pronged ministry: teaching, preaching, and healing. He left his hometown of Nazareth and moved to Capernaum, in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali, thus fulfilling a 700-year-old prophecy from Isaiah (Isaiah 9:1). It was also during this time that Jesus called his first disciples—Peter, Andrew, James, and John.

Jesus Teaches and Preaches


During the week, Jesus preached to large crowds that gathered around him in the open air, and on the Sabbath he taught smaller gatherings in the synagogues. Though not the same as the Temple, synagogues had become the common meeting place for Jews during and after their captivity in Babylon. They met regularly on the Sabbath and

perhaps on other days of the week as well. They held regular services, and guests were allowed to speak, which gave Jesus frequent opportunities to address synagogue gatherings.

Jesus Heals

throughout Syria (the area north of Galilee), drawing even more people to follow Jesus.

Jesus’ Ministry Continues


Jesus’ compassion, as well as his power to heal, drew people to him then and continues to do so today.

However, sometimes Jesus depends on his followers to be the ones to demonstrate compassion and grace to others. We have been empowered by the Holy Spirit to preach and teach the good news about Jesus and the kingdom of God and to offer compassion and grace to those who are hurting.

The Jesus Connection


As an imitator of Jesus, you’ve been called to participate in some part of Jesus’ three-pronged ministry strategy. You find meaning and purpose in your life by obeying your calling.

How do you use your “teacher” role to advance Jesus’ strategy of ministry? What skills do you want to develop to be more effective? Talk to God about what you can learn from Jesus’ teaching. You can write your prayer here.



As Jesus traveled about Galilee, he didn’t just preach and teach. Matthew is careful to point out that no illness or disease was beyond Jesus’ power to heal. The descriptions of the diseases Jesus healed indicate that some were quite severe. Jesus also healed those possessed by demons, those paralyzed by injury or disease, and those having seizures. These miracles of healing grew out of Jesus’ compassion and grace and also served to give authority to the message he proclaimed. Someone who demonstrated God’s power could be trusted to speak for God as well. And with the healings came notoriety. Jesus’ actions became known not only in Galilee but also



Servant Superheroes


Bible Buzz CD player

markers or crayons

Teacher Pack CD: “Crazed Fans” (track 11)

Servant Superheroes

Easy Prep

Tear out the Lesson 8 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

Servant Superheroes

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went.

Say: Superheroes are a huge part of our culture. Each year, Americans spend millions of dollars on superhero movies, comic books, toys, apparel, and other stuff. But not every superhero has to rescue babies, stop speeding bullets, or otherwise save the day. It would be nice to have some superheroes to do everyday things.

Have kids look at the “Servant Superhero” section on their Bible Buzz page. Have them think of and draw a “servant superhero” with crayons or markers. Have kids each find a partner and then present their superhero and explain what beneficial powers the superhero has and why people might be a fan of that superhero.

Ask willing kids to share their “servant superhero” with the whole group. Quietly play the “Crazed Fans” segment (track 11 on the CD) while kids do their presentations to set the tone.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


Explain how popular you think your superhero would be.

■ What is it about superheroes that attracts attention and imagination?

■ Who are some musicians, sports stars, or other “superheroes” you were once “crazy” about following, and why?

■ What are some ways following Jesus is like or unlike following popular stars, celebrities, and other famous people?

Say: All of us are attracted to certain people. We follow them for many different reasons. Today we’re going to discover a variety of people who followed Jesus as we explore why ►JESUS WANTS EVERYONE TO FOLLOW HIM.


Jesus Begins His Ministry Supplies




Jesus Begins His Ministry

What You’ll Do

Say: We’re going to look at what happened when Jesus first started his ministry. Jesus began to travel among the people, preached his first sermon, and called his first disciples. Let’s play a game of Charades to learn about the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry.

Have kids form two groups. Distribute at least one Bible to each group, and assign the following passages.

Group 1: Jesus Begins to Preach (Matthew 4:12-17) Group 2: Jesus Calls His First Disciples (Matthew 4:18-22)

Say: In your groups, read your Bible passage out loud, but not loud enough for the other group to hear. As a group, come up with ideas to give clues to the other group about your passage.

Give kids a few minutes to prepare. Then have all of one group give gestures as clues for the other group. As the other group tries to guess, they’ll copy the gestures of the group giving clues. When Group 1 is done, Group 2 will then lead its Charades.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


How did following the example of the other group help you get the right message?

■ In what ways is Jesus a model for us to know how to follow God?

■ What were some of the things you learned about following Jesus from these passages?

Say: ►JESUS WANTS EVERYONE TO FOLLOW HIM. He came as a way for us to see how God wants us to live. In our Bible passage, Jesus moved from place to place, from person to person, gathering more and more people to follow him. Part of Jesus’ work was his ministry of healing. Let’s see what it looks like to follow a healer.

Help and Healing

What You’ll Do

Have kids find Matthew 4:23-25 on their Bible Buzz page, and ask for a willing person to read the passage aloud.

Then have kids find the “Jesus Helps and Heals” section on their Bible Buzz page, and ask them to follow the instructions. When everyone has finished, ask willing kids to share what they found with the whole group.

Help and Healing



pens Bible Buzz

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


1 Based on what you discovered, what can happen when you follow Jesus?

■ If you could ask Jesus to do anything for you, what would it be?

■ If we don’t receive the healing we want from Jesus, what are the benefits to following him anyway?

Say: According to today’s passage, Jesus went all over the countryside and into towns teaching and preaching. Jesus’ work resulted in all kinds of people following him because they needed his help and knew he had the power to heal. As news about Jesus spread, even more people came to him.

Today is much like it was then. People still need Jesus’ help, and ►JESUS WANTS EVERYONE TO FOLLOW HIM.

Healing Graffiti


Bibles paper markers tape

Healing Graffiti

What You’ll Do

Have students form groups of four. Give each group Bibles, paper, and a marker.

Each group needs to choose a recorder or two to write down the group’s ideas. Ask groups to scan through the headings in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, looking for ways Jesus healed or helped people. As they find examples, the recorders will write brief descriptions such as “fed 5,000 people” or “healed 10 lepers” in a creative way to make a graffiti collage on their papers.

After a few minutes, tape all the papers together into one graffiti poster, and lay it on a table. Ask willing kids to share what they wrote on their part of the graffiti poster.

Say: We’ve discovered some of the people who came to Jesus for healing and help. Now let’s think about people who need help today. Write some needs you or people you know have that Jesus could help with. For example, “healing from cancer.” Allow time for kids to add to the poster individually.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


How are the miracles Jesus did in the Bible like or unlike the miracles people need today?

■ What do you think Jesus can do about the needs you wrote about?

■ What are ways we can know that Jesus still heals and helps people?

Say: Jesus does not discriminate against those who follow him for help and healing. He specializes in helping the needy. ►JESUS WANTS EVERYONE TO FOLLOW HIM and to receive the help and healing they need.



Giving Him Your Burdens

What You’ll Do

Have kids find and read the Key Verse, Matthew 11:28, on their Bible Buzz page: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Say: Let’s sing a song about that.

Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “I Will Give You Rest” (Matthew 11:28) (track 12 on the CD). After they listen once, have kids sing along.

[pic] If you are tired,

If you are worn,

If you’re feeling burdened,

You can come to me for sure.

If you are sad,

If you feel bad,

If you’re feeling weary,

I will always make you glad.

Come, come, come to me,

All of you who are weary and burdened,

And I will give, give, give you rest.

Come, come, come to me,

All of you who are weary and burdened,

And I will give, give you rest.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

Come, come, come to me,

All of you who are weary and burdened,

And I will give, give, give you rest.

Come, come, come to me,

All of you who are weary and burdened,

And I will give, give you rest.

“I Will Give You Rest” (Matthew 11:28) by Ben Glover. © 2005 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Say: In our Bible passage today, we saw how Jesus helped and healed people and took away burdens to give people rest. Find a partner and talk about these questions. Ask the following questions one at a time, allowing time for pairs to discuss each question.

Giving Him Your Burdens Supplies


CD player pens tape

1 copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

Teacher Pack

CD: “I Will Give You Rest” (Matthew 11:28)

(track 12)

“My Burden” cards “Come to Me Cross” poster

Giving Him Your Burdens Easy Prep


Separate the “My Burden” cards.


What do you think this passage means for you and your friends?

■ In what ways do people your age need help or healing?

■ What burdens do people your age need rest from carrying?

Say: Giving burdens to Jesus means that people will stop worrying about their problems and trust Jesus to take care of them. It means believing that Jesus has the power to help them and that he wants to help them.

Distribute pens and the “My Burden” cards. Encourage kids to think about one burden they’re carrying. This could be any problem they have or anything they’re worried about. Have them privately write their burdens on their cards. Assure kids that nobody else will be reading their cards. If they prefer, they may simply draw symbols of their burdens.

While kids are writing, tape the “Come to Me” cross poster at the front of the room. Place some tape beneath the poster.

Have kids close their eyes for a moment while they hold their “My Burden” cards. Say: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


8 When have you felt weary and burdened the way our Key Verse talks about?

■ When have you experienced Jesus giving you rest?

■ What kinds of hard times or burdens did you turn over to Jesus?

■ How can following Jesus help you find rest when you feel burdened by problems?

Say: Jesus can help us, heal us, and give us rest from our problems, if we choose to follow him. Take a few moments now to ask Jesus to heal you, help you with your problems, and give you rest from your burdens. ►JESUS WANTS EVERYONE TO FOLLOW HIM—including you. If you’re ready to come to Jesus and give him your burdens, please come forward now and tape your “burden” to this cross. Turn what you wrote to the inside so no one else can see it.

Give kids a few moments to pray silently and decide if they want to come forward. Help them tape their cards to the cross if they need it. After all the kids who want to have come forward, offer a brief prayer thanking Jesus that they can come to him and give him their burdens.



Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can follow Jesus and give him our burdens this week.

Ask kids to find this week’s Daily Challenges on their Bible Buzz page and choose one to do this week. They can choose one or more of these three options:

Write down the things that are burdening you right now. Then lift up each item on that list to God in prayer, thanking him for his willingness to take our burdens. Then “cast the burdens” on your list into the trash, and trust God to give you rest from them.

■ Keep a journal of how you follow Jesus this week. At the end of your week, review your journal and thank God for leading you through the week.

■ Support someone who’s going through a tough time. Listen to what the person’s needs are, and see what you can do to meet those needs (or find someone who can). Let that person know that Jesus is ready to help anyone with any need.

Make sure you choose a Daily Challenge as well, and tell the kids what you chose. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: ►JESUS WANTS EVERYONE TO FOLLOW HIM. When Jesus first began to preach, teach, and heal, news about him spread quickly. Follow through with your Daily Challenge and help the good news about Jesus keep spreading.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the Daily Challenges they chose and what they learned about following Jesus and giving him their problems. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking Jesus that we can follow him and that he’ll care for us.

Daily Challenges



Bible Buzz


I Will Give You Rest (Matthew 11:28)

If you are tired,

If you are worn,

If you’re feeling burdened,

You can come to me for sure.

If you are sad,

If you feel bad,

If you’re feeling weary,

I will always make you glad.

Come, come, come to me,

All of you who are weary and burdened,

And I will give, give, give you rest.

Come, come, come to me,

All of you who are weary and burdened,

And I will give, give you rest.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

Come, come, come to me,

All of you who are weary and burdened,

And I will give, give, give you rest.

Come, come, come to me,

All of you who are weary and burdened,

And I will give, give you rest.

“I Will Give You Rest” (Matthew 11:28) by Ben Glover. © 2005 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



© FaithWeaver NOW™

Jesus Gives the Beatitudes

Matthew 5:1-12

ince pre-adolescence is a tumultuous time of rapid emotional and physical growth, fifth- and sixth-graders may have a hard time making the best of choices. Their

emotions may change in the blink of an eye, and preteens may often feel worn out because their bodies are growing so fast. Use this lesson to help your kids realize that God is constant even when everything else seems to change, and encourage them to think about whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable.

►Bible Point God blesses us when we choose his ways.


Key Verse “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever

is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will choose God’s ways through what Jesus taught in the Beatitudes.



| |The Beatitudes: Take 1 and| | |

|3 |Take 2 | | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |(about 10 min.) Create |Bibles, Bible Buzz, CD | |

| |dramas about the |player, pens | |

| |Beatitudes and their |Teacher Pack: CD | |

| |opposites. | | |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Commit to demon- | | |

| |strate one of the |Bible Buzz | |

| |Beatitudes this week. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

Jesus Gives the Beatitudes

Matthew 5:1-12



What God Expects…


This passage marks the beginning of a message Jesus preached called the Sermon on the Mount. This particular section of the Sermon on the Mount is called the Beatitudes. These verses describe the

characteristics that Jesus expects of those who follow him. In addition, each description is accompanied by a pronouncement of blessing on those who demonstrate that characteristic. Some of the blessings are worded in the present tense, and others are worded in the future tense, but all are certainties. Some Bible translations use the word happy instead of blessed

in these verses, but happy doesn’t convey the full meaning of what’s intended here. This blessing by God involves joy that doesn’t depend on circumstances but rather is based on what God has done for us.

…Leads to Joy…


Poor in spirit: those who are not proud,

day they will see the object of their worship face to face.

The peacemakers: those who live at peace and seek to make peace among others. They will be called sons of God: By seeking to bring peace to others, they will show that they are God’s children.

Those who are persecuted because of righteousness: people who suffer for standing up for God. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven: Those who endure in faith are assured a place in the kingdom.

…No Matter What


Matthew 5:11-12 expands on the last of the Beatitudes, describing what our attitude should be when we are persecuted: We should rejoice because we’ll be rewarded for our perseverance. What happens to us on earth will seem insignificant in light of the rewards we’ll receive for faithfully honoring God in our earthly lives.

The Jesus Connection

understanding that they can do nothing without God.

Theirs is the kingdom of heaven: God grants them

entry into his kingdom because they trust in him.

Those who mourn: people who are saddened by their own sin and the sin around them. They will be comforted: one day God will dry all their tears.

The meek: those who are humble before God. They will inherit the earth: the arrogant will inherit nothing, but the meek will be honored by God.

Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness:

people who strive to do what is right and pleasing to

Jesus preached in front of a large crowd, but he directed these blessings to his followers. Following Jesus has its price, but it also has great rewards.

Which of these blessings seem most true in your life? Which ones do you need Jesus to make more real in your life? Jesus wants this passage to describe you— so pray about what needs to change for that to be true. You can write your prayer here.

God. They will be filled: God will grant them personal satisfaction as they faithfully seek to serve him. The merciful: those who humbly realize they don’t deserve God’s mercy, but having received it, strive to extend it to others. They will be shown mercy: As they extend mercy to others, God will grant more mercy to


The pure in heart: people who continue to focus on Christ and don’t allow other allegiances to contaminate that relationship. They will see God: One



My Choices Sketches


Bible Buzz pens

My Choices Sketches

Easy Prep

Tear out the Lesson 9 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

My Choices Sketches

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went.

Have kids form pairs. Give each person this week’s Bible Buzz page and a pen.

Say: Every day we make choices about what we do, what we say, and how we react to whatever life brings our way. Whatever choices we make, consequences follow. Think about last week. Think of three choices (good, bad, or somewhere in between) you made in the past week and then fill in the faces on your Bible Buzz page with three expressions that capture the choices you made. For example, if you made a choice to do all your homework on time, you could draw a smiling face. Or if you and a friend had a huge argument, you could draw an angry face.

Give kids a few minutes to draw their three facial expressions.

Say: As I said earlier, consequences always follow choices. In the “shoulders” part of your three expressions, write what consequences followed from the choice made as expressed on the face you drew.

Give kids a few minutes to write the consequences of their choices in the three shoulders areas of the drawings.

Have partners share with each other what they drew and wrote. After a few minutes, gather everyone’s attention and ask willing kids to share what they drew and wrote with the whole group.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What were some of the choices and consequences that helped you?

■ What were some of the choices and consequences that either hurt you or didn’t help you?

■ Who or what tends to influence your choices?

Say: It’s really true that choices have consequences. Today we’re going to look at ways that Jesus taught for choosing God’s ways when faced with choices and challenges. These teachings on God’s ways are called the Beatitudes. Let’s look at them and also learn how ►GOD BLESSES US WHEN WE CHOOSE HIS WAYS.



The Beatitudes and Their Opposites

What You’ll Do

Show everyone the “Jesus Gives the Beatitudes” picture on the Bible Timeline.

Say: When you look at this picture, you see Jesus teaching the Beatitudes as he begins the Sermon on Mount. In the Beatitudes, Jesus reversed the typical ideas of the time that those who were powerful or wealthy received more of God’s blessings. Let’s see how he reversed those ideas and offered God’s ways instead— these same ways that still apply to our lives.

Have kids find a partner, and give each pair a Bible. Have pairs find Matthew 5:1-12.

Say: We’ll read the Beatitude from Jesus. When I say, “Take 1!” you and your partner will present a situation that is the opposite of the Beatitude. I will then say, “Take 2!” and you and your partner will present the same situation based on the Beatitude. You’ll have five minutes to read your assigned verse and plan your two versions of a skit.

Assign pairs the following passages. It’s okay if more than one pair is assigned the same passage or if some pairs are assigned more than one passage.

Matthew 5:3 (“Blessed are the poor in spirit…”)—Act out a scene where you’re a business owner. You’re trying to accumulate more and more wealth for yourself, even at the expense of others.

Matthew 5:4 (“Blessed are those who mourn…”)—Act out a scene where you hear about people suffering, but you just don’t care—not your problem.

Matthew 5:5 (“Blessed are the meek…”)—Act out a scene where you really brag and carry on about something you’ve done.

Matthew 5:6 (“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…”)—Act out a scene where you’re amazingly selfish and you want your way, no matter what.

Matthew 5:7 (“Blessed are the merciful…”)—Act out a scene where you refuse to forgive someone.

Matthew 5:8 (“Blessed are the pure in heart…”)—Act out a scene where you’ll lie, cheat, and steal to get something.

Matthew 5:9 (“Blessed are the peacemakers…”)—Act out a scene where you’re a bully wanting to pick a fight.

The Beatitudes and Their Opposites Supplies


Bibles Teacher Pack Bible Timeline

Matthew 5:10 (“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness…”)—Act out a scene where you enjoy all the luxuries of wealth and power selfishly.

Matthew 5:11-12 (“Blessed are you when people insult you…”)—Act out a scene where you gossip and say mean things behind someone’s back.

After kids have had time to plan out their skits, have them present in order. Start with “Take 1” and have kids act out the negative situation. Then say, “Take 2” and have the same pair act out the actual Beatitude. If more than one pair has the same assignment, give both pairs a turn to present before moving on to the next verse.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


1 What were some of the differences between the Beatitudes and their opposites?

■ In what ways do the Beatitudes upset the world’s idea of what it means to be blessed?

■ In what way do these passages describe how ►GOD BLESSES US WHEN WE CHOOSE HIS WAYS?

Say: In the Beatitudes, Jesus showed how we’re blessed when we choose God’s ways. Those ways won’t always be easy or safe. In fact, they’re often difficult and seem like they don’t matter. But they’re always worth the effort. ►GOD BLESSES US WHEN WE CHOOSE HIS WAYS.

God’s Ways Trophies



Teacher Pack

“Trophy” cards

God’s Ways Trophies


Separate the “Trophy” cards.

God’s Ways Trophies

What You’ll Do

Say: Today we’ll be giving and receiving awards for choosing God’s ways. We just saw several dramas about these choices, and now we’ll have a chance to recognize those blessings in each other!

Give each person a “Trophy” card and a pen.

Have kids form pairs with someone they know fairly well.

Say: Think about a time your partner demonstrated one of the Beatitudes we’ve explored today. This could be something your partner did today or something he or she did another time. When you’ve thought of something, write it on your trophy. For example, you might give your partner the “Peacemaker Award” for defusing an argument between two friends. Or maybe you’d give the “Meekness Award” if your partner made sure to let others be the stars in our skits. Don’t show your partner the award yet.

Give kids time to create their awards, and then have them stand up one at a time and present their awards to their partners. Lead everyone in applause and cheering after each award is presented.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What was it like to receive praise for doing a good job?

■ When we choose God’s ways as shown in the Beatitudes, what rewards can we expect?

■ Explain whether you think the rewards Jesus promised are worth it.

Say: Choosing to live in ways described by the Beatitudes will probably never earn you any kind of trophy, at least not in this lifetime. But you’ll discover something greater because ►GOD BLESSES US WHEN WE CHOOSE HIS WAYS. The blessings Jesus promised are mostly things that will come later. Sometimes choosing God’s ways may seem very unrewarding at first. But hang in there! Your blessing is coming!



The Beatitudes: Take 1 and Take 2

What You’ll Do

Say: Today we’ve created dramas about the Beatitudes and their opposites and given trophies to each other. Now we’re going to dig a little deeper and be a little more personal. This time, it will be about your own personal struggles and triumphs with choosing God’s ways. On your Bible Buzz page, find “Take 1.” In that area, write what you’ve been choosing as your own ways instead of God’s ways.

Give kids a few minutes to write.

When kids have finished, have them read the Key Verse, Philippians 4:8, on their Bible Buzz page: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Have kids find the “Take 2” section on their Bible Buzz page, and make sure each child has a Bible.

Say: First, read about God’s ways in the Beatitudes again in Matthew 5:1-12. Choose a Beatitude that you need to work on. Write it in the “Take 2” section on your Bible Buzz page, and then write down three things you’ll try to do this week

The Beatitudes: Take 1 and Take 2 Supplies


Bibles Bible Buzz CD player pens

Teacher Pack

CD: “The Lord Looks at the Heart” (1 Samuel 16:7b) (track 13)

that would demonstrate that Beatitude. Keeping our Key Verse in mind, you might want to consider how you can use your thoughts to help you make God’s choices.

As kids work, play “The Lord Looks at the Heart” (1 Samuel 16:7b) (track 13 on the CD).

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What do you think our Key Verse mean about choosing God’s ways?

■ How do good thoughts help you make good choices?

■ How does this verse apply to the Beatitudes we learned about?

■ Tell about some of the things you wrote in your “Take 2” section.

Say: Jesus gave us the Beatitudes not to make us better than other people, but rather to better understand how to live by God’s ways. While never easy, God’s ways always bless us and those around us.

Keep a journal on your Bible Buzz page this week of how you lived out God’s way each day from the Beatitude you chose. Be honest about what happens; no one will read your journal. Throughout the week and when you write in your journal, repeat the Key Verse printed on your Bible Buzz page to yourself. Remember, ►GOD BLESSES US WHEN WE CHOOSE HIS WAYS.



Daily Challenges


Bible Buzz

Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can choose God’s ways this week.

Instead of a Daily Challenge this week, make a commitment to follow through on the three ways you’ll demonstrate the Beatitude that you wrote in Take 2 on your Bible Buzz page.

Make sure you make a commitment to follow through on demonstrating a Beatitude, and tell the kids which one you chose and how you’ll demonstrate it. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: ►GOD BLESSES US WHEN WE CHOOSE HIS WAYS. Let’s enthusiastically seek out God’s blessings by following his ways and completing our Daily Challenges this week.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about their commitment to demonstrate a Beatitude this week and what they learned about choosing God’s ways. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking God for the Beatitudes and asking him for help in choosing his ways.

Jesus Teaches That We Are to Be Salt and Light Matthew 5:13-16

ifth- and sixth-graders are just beginning the process of personalizing their faith and differentiating it from their parents’ faith. They’re beginning to understand metaphors

for the Christian life such as “light” and “salt.” They’re also beginning to discover ways to articulate their own beliefs. Use this lesson to help them know that they have power to help others see Jesus.

►Bible Point

Help others see Jesus.


Key Verse

“In the same way, let your light shine before


your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven”

(Matthew 5:16).

Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will begin to reflect Jesus in their relationships as they interact with others in their day-to-day lives.


| |Before and After (about 20| | |

| |min.) Identify areas of |CD player, paper, markers, | |

|3 |their lives that could use|tape, 1 copy per person of | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |more salt and light, and |the lyrics pages (at the end| |

| |then create posters as an |of this lesson) | |

| |act of commitment. |Teacher Pack: CD | |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Choose a Daily | | |

| |Challenge to apply God’s |Bible Buzz | |

| |Word. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

Jesus Teaches That We Are to Be Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13-16



Picture 1: Salt


One characteristic of salt is that it’s distinctive. If Christians are to be salt, it’s important that our words, attitudes, and actions be distinctive from everyone else’s.

Another characteristic of salt is that it enhances whatever it’s added to. Just as salt enhances and changes the flavor of food, Christians are to change the flavor of whatever environment we find ourselves

The light of a city on a hill cannot be hidden, but an individual’s light can. If we want to, we can hide

our light with some kind of covering, something that doesn’t allow the light of Jesus within us to shine. But we are called to let that light shine so that everyone around us can see it.

As people around us are drawn to the light we reflect, we must direct them to the source of that light: Jesus, the inextinguishable light of the world!

The Jesus Connection

in. Instead of being influenced by our culture, we are to influence our culture for good. We can bring out

the best in our culture, just as salt brings out the best flavor of food.

Salt is also a preservative; it prevents food from spoiling. In the same way, we should act as a preservative—examples of purity in a decaying world, arresting decay by our presence.

In addition, salt melts ice. As our world’s salt, Christians can help melt the cold resistance of those

Because Jesus adds salt and light to your life, you have the ability to flavor and illuminate your circles of influence for Jesus.

How is your life like spice? What light have you shone into your relationships lately? Sit silently before God. Ask him to give you the names of two people with whom you can start being “salt and light.” Now make a plan with God to start building salt and light into that friendship. You can write your prayer here.

who haven’t embraced Jesus and cause their hearts to be more open to him.

In verse 13, Jesus points out that salt that has lost its flavor is worthless; it’s good for nothing except to be trampled on. In the same way, our contributions to God’s kingdom are worthless if we’re not acting as salt in our world.

Picture 2: Light



Light drives out darkness. As the light of the sun overcomes the darkness of night, we can be the light that overcomes the darkness of the sin around us. In biblical times, the light from a city drew people from the frightening dangers of the wilderness to safety within the city’s walls. As we hold our light higher for Jesus, more and more people will see it and will run to him for eternal life.



Let There Be Light!


Bible Buzz

Let There Be Light!

Easy Prep

Tear out the Lesson 10 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

Salt and Light?


Bibles Bible Buzz pens

6 eggs bowl jar

pitcher of warm water 2 boxes of salt

2 measuring cups: 1 cup and 1/4 cup spoon

2 buckets

2 towels scissors foam plates tape

aluminum pie tin trash can

Let There Be Light!

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went.

Say: Today we’re going to talk about seeing Jesus and ways we can help others see Jesus. To begin, we’re going to examine the effect light has on different situations.

Have kids form pairs, and assign each pair one of the “Light Scenes” from their Bible Buzz page. It’s okay if a few of the scenes are assigned to more than one pair or if they aren’t all assigned.

Say: Here’s how this will work. Read your scene and make sure you understand it. When it’s your turn, you’ll act out your scene for the group. At some point during your scene I’ll call out, “Let there be light!” Then you’ll need to change your scene to show what it might look like if light were added to it.

Give pairs a minute to read and discuss their scenes. Then ask a willing pair to go first. At some point during the performance, call out, “Let there be light!” Let the pair complete the scene, and then lead everyone in a round of applause. Continue in this manner until all pairs have performed.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What happened when light was added to these situations?

Light helped the characters see. What else is light good for?

When has light been especially helpful to you?

Say: It’s important to see things. Some things are more important to see than others. Today we’re going to explore ways we can ►HELP OTHERS SEE JESUS. We’ll look at how Jesus wants us to be salt and light in the world.

dull or dirty pennies bowl

teaspoon white vinegar

an old or blank CD flashlight

white paper Teacher Pack “Salt and Light” instruction sheet



Salt and Light?

What You’ll Do

Tip For the experiments in this activity, we’ve suggested a few extra eggs in case some break. Also, we’ve suggested using an old CD you don’t want anymore, or buy a blank one as it may get scratched.

Have kids form pairs and read Matthew 5:13-16 together. Ask:

n What does it mean to be like salt and light in the world?

Say: Today’s passage is part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. In this passage, Jesus tells his followers to act as salt and light in the world. Salt has many uses: It’s a preservative, it adds flavor, and it purifies. Light has many meanings: Jesus called himself the light of the world, and light drives out darkness and helps us see. Jesus asked his followers to apply these two common elements as symbols in their own lives; he wanted them to ask themselves how they could tell others about him through what they said and the way they lived.

Distribute pens, and have kids find the “Salt and Light” section on their Bible Buzz page.

Say: You’re all scientists who’ve been asked to conduct a series of experiments on the elements of salt and light. Each experiment must include a part of Jesus’

Sermon on the Mount. The experiments you’ll complete are set up around the room. The instructions you’ll need to follow are at each station. After you complete an experiment, answer the questions about that experiment on your Bible Buzz page. I’ll assign each pair a beginning station; you’ll need to work with your partner to complete the experiment and answer the questions and then move on to the next station. Don’t forget to clean up after you’ve finished the experiment so the next pair can do the experiment. Is everyone ready? Start experimenting!

Assign pairs to a starting station. As kids work, circulate among the young scientists, answering questions and encouraging pairs to work together.

Talk With Kids

When pairs have finished, have them come back together. Process the experience by asking a willing person from each pair to share the pair’s answers to the questions from each station. Ask the whole group for their insights into the experience. Then lead kids in this discussion.


What did you discover about salt during your experiments?

■ What did you discover about light?

■ Why do you think Jesus used these common, everyday objects to get his point across?

■ What other examples help you understand how to ►HELP OTHERS SEE



Salt and Light?

Easy Prep


Set up the following stations:

• Station 1: Place an egg in a bowl. Set out an empty jar, a pitcher of warm water, a

1-cup measuring cup, a box of salt, and

a spoon. Put an empty bucket and a towel

on the floor near the station.

• Station 2: Set out scissors, several foam plates, tape, and an aluminum pie tin. Set a trash can on the floor near the station.

• Station 3: Set out several dull pennies, a bowl, a teaspoon,

a box of salt, a 1/4- cup measuring cup, and white vinegar. Put an empty bucket and a towel on the floor near the station.

• Station 4: Set out a CD, a flashlight, and a piece of white paper.

Cut the “Salt and Light” instruction sheets apart, and place the appropriate instruction sheet at each station.

Say: Jesus asked his followers to act as salt and light in everything they did in their lives. This would help those around them to see Jesus reflected in their actions. As

his followers, we, too, can ►HELP OTHERS SEE JESUS. Now let’s bring a little

more salt and light into our own lives!



Before and After


CD player paper markers tape

1 copy per person of the lyrics pages (at the end of this lesson) Teacher Pack

CD: “Let Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16)

(track 14)

Before and After

What You’ll Do

Say: Today’s Key Verse comes right from our Bible passage—let’s read it together now.

Have kids find the Key Verse, Matthew 5:16, on their Bible Buzz page, and read it aloud together: “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

Say: Our Key Verse tells us how we can ►HELP OTHERS SEE JESUS.

Now let’s sing a song about our Key Verse. As you sing these words, think about how you can let your light shine for Jesus.

Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “Let Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16) (track 14 on the CD). After they listen once, have kids sing along and do the motions if they are comfortable doing so. For this song, simply have kids raise and then open their arms every time they hear “shine” in the song.

[pic] Hey, hey! Yeah.

Hey, hey! Yeah.

Let your light shine before men that

They may see your good deeds and

Praise your Father in heaven.

Let your light shine before men, yeah,

Let your light shine before men.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

Let your light shine before men that

They may see your good deeds and

Praise your Father in heaven.

Let your light shine before men, yeah,

Let your light shine before men.

Let your light shine before men, yeah,

Let your light shine before men.

Hey, hey! Yeah.

Hey, hey! Yeah.

“Let Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16) by Carol Smith. © 2003, 2006 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Have kids get with a partner and spend a minute or two brainstorming ways they can tell someone about what it means to have a growing friendship with Jesus Christ. Have partners pray together for God’s help in lighting the path so that others can see Jesus, too.

Say: There are many ways we can be salt and light and help others see Jesus. Let’s identify some of those ways.

Help kids brainstorm ways they might act as salt and light and show Jesus to others. For example, kids might say, “Ask a friend to come to church with me” or “Stand up for the new kid everyone is picking on.”

Then give each person a piece of paper and markers.

Say: Look at the ideas we brainstormed and then think of a slogan that expresses your commitment to act as salt and light. For example, someone might choose the slogan “Don’t keep it to yourself!” to show that we need to share our light with others. When you’ve thought of a slogan, create a poster that you can hang in

your bedroom or somewhere else where you’ll see it every day. When you see your poster, it will remind you of your commitment to be God’s salt and light in the world.

Give kids time to work. While they work, play “Let Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16) (track 14 on the CD) in the background. When they’ve finished, have kids tape their posters on the walls around the room, and encourage them to walk around and look at each other’s posters.

Talk With Kids

Have kids form pairs and share their answers to the following questions.


What did you learn today about acting as salt and light?

■ Which slogans most challenge you to live as salt or light? Explain.

■ What are some ways people have been salt and light to you?

■ What’s one way you want to be salt and light to someone else this week?

Say: When we weave our faith into life by being salt and life in other people’s lives, we can ►HELP OTHERS SEE JESUS. Let’s not take for granted the powerful effect we can have on their lives. It can make an eternal difference for them! Don’t keep it to yourself!



Daily Challenges


Bible Buzz

Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can be the light of the world and salt of the earth this week.

Ask kids to find this week’s Daily Challenges on their Bible Buzz page and choose one to do this week. They can choose one or more of these three options:

Set a goal of encouraging a certain number of people this week. Reflect on how these encouragements shine the light of Jesus to those you share with.

■ Have you hurt someone else? Get with that person and apologize for your actions, whether they were intentional or not. Let the light of Jesus show in your words and actions toward that person.

■ Start each day by reciting your slogan. When you feel like doing something that might not help others see Jesus, repeat it to yourself and do something different that will shine the light of Jesus.

Make sure you choose a Daily Challenge as well, and tell the kids what you chose. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: We ►HELP OTHERS SEE JESUS by being salt and light in the world. That means we just need to be authentic in the way we live for Jesus. Let’s follow through on our Daily Challenges so others can know how amazing Jesus is.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the Daily Challenges they chose and what they learned about helping others see Jesus. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking God for sending us Jesus Christ—the light of the world—and for help be the salt and light in the world for Jesus.

Make sure kids take home the posters they made in the “Before and After” activity.


Let Your Light Shine (Matthew 5:16)

Hey, hey! Yeah.

Hey, hey! Yeah.

Let your light shine before men that

They may see your good deeds and

Praise your Father in heaven.

Let your light shine before men, yeah,

Let your light shine before men.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

Let your light shine before men that

They may see your good deeds and

Praise your Father in heaven.

Let your light shine before men, yeah,

Let your light shine before men.

Let your light shine before men, yeah,

Let your light shine before men.

Hey, hey! Yeah. Hey, hey! Yeah.

“Let Your Light Shine” (Matthew 5:16) by Carol Smith. © 2003, 2006 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



© FaithWeaver NOW™

Jesus Walks on Water

Matthew 14:22-33

ifth- and sixth-graders are beginning to test their spiritual beliefs against what they’re experiencing in their lives. But they may need help seeing how God’s faithfulness has shown up in their lives. In a culture where people are encouraged to make their own fate,

kids need help seeing that God’s hand of faithfulness is the one ruling in their lives. Use this lesson to help kids uncover how they’ve already seen God’s faithfulness, and you’ll help your kids develop a well-founded belief in Jesus.

►Bible Point

Jesus helps us believe.


Key Verse

“If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself”

(2 Timothy 2:13).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will begin to trust Jesus even in the midst of doubt they experience.



| | |Bibles, CD player, paper, pens 1 | |

| |The Faith to Believe |copy per person of the lyrics page | |

| |(about 10 min.) |(at the end of this lesson) | |

| |Talk about steps of faith |Teacher Pack: CD | |

|3 |Jesus is asking them to | | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |take. | | |

| | |Bible Buzz, CD player, pens Teacher| |

| |He Is Faithful (about 15 |Pack: CD, “Faith Situation” cards | |

| |min.) Learn how the Key | | |

| |Verse applies to real- |[pic] |Separate the “Faith Situation” |

| |life scenarios. | |cards. |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Commit to praying | | |

| |that Jesus would help them| | |

| |believe by faith that |Bible Buzz | |

| |something is true. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

Jesus Walks on Water

Matthew 14:22-33



Prayer and Compassion


After hearing of the death of John the Baptist, Jesus sought solitude but was followed by throngs of people. He took pity on them, healing the sick and feeding the crowd. Evening was approaching when Jesus sent his disciples toward the other side of the Sea of Galilee by boat, dismissed the crowd, and finally retired, alone, to pray. He apparently spent many hours in prayer, because he didn’t approach the disciples’ boat until “the fourth watch” (Matthew 14:25), which would have been between 3:00 and 6:00 a.m.

The disciples’ terror at seeing a figure walking on the water is certainly understandable. They knew no ordinary human could do such a thing, so they assumed the figure must be a ghost. Their cries of

Jesus Shows His Power


What happened next stunned everyone but Jesus. The wind that had been hindering the disciples all night suddenly stopped. Jesus was capable not only of walking on water but also of calming the wind and the waves! John’s Gospel states that the

disciples immediately reached their destination (John 6:21). Jesus could also control time and space! The disciples’ response was only logical: They bowed

in worship before this one who truly was the Son of God. Before this event, they had thought perhaps they knew who Jesus really was, but now they were certain. In this miracle, Jesus rescued Peter when he doubted and then eliminated all the doubts of the others.

The Jesus Connection

fear prompted Jesus’ compassionate response, for he always responded compassionately to people in need.

Stepping Out


Hearing Jesus’ voice, impetuous Peter had a crazy idea: What if Jesus would make it possible for him to walk on the water as Jesus was? So he voiced his suggestion to Jesus, and Jesus took him up on it. Peter’s success and then his failure hinged on his

focus. When he concentrated on Jesus, he walked on

When you trust in Jesus, you can “walk on water.” Jesus gives you the ability to accomplish impossible things, which gives him the attention he deserves.

What overwhelming situations do you tend to look at fearfully? How can trusting Jesus cause you to “walk” over that storm in your life? Jesus will respond to you with the same love and support he gave Peter. Bring him your fears and storms in prayer right now. You can write your prayer here.

water. But when he focused on the wind and waves, he almost drowned.

After pulling Peter from the waves, Jesus said, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31). Some consider this a rebuke. However, it was more likely a gentle encouragement to Peter to have even more faith. After all, Peter was the only one of the disciples who had enough faith to step out on the water in the first place!



I Doubt It!


index cards pens

I Doubt It!

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went. Give each person an index card and a pen.

Say: We’re going to play a game of “I Doubt It!” Here’s how to play: On your card, list two statements that are true about yourself and one that’s false. The rest of us will have to guess what’s false. To make it more difficult for us to guess, try to list things you can really do or have done that no one here may know about. For example, maybe you rode in a helicopter when you were a little child, or maybe you can wiggle one ear. I’ll give you a few minutes to write your list, and then we’ll guess.

After a few minutes, call time. Let each person read his or her list once. Then have the person read it again, letting the rest of the group call out, “I doubt it!” when they hear the statement they think is false. Then let the person reveal which two statements are true and which one is false.

Talk With Kids

After the game, have kids form pairs to answer the following questions. After each question, invite willing kids to share their answers with the rest of the group.


How did you know what to doubt and what to trust in our game?

■ What does it mean to doubt?

■ How do you decide who to believe and who to doubt in your life?

Say: We usually don’t doubt people we know and trust. But sometimes circumstances seem so frightening or overwhelming that we may doubt even the people we normally have faith in. That’s what happened in today’s Bible passage. We’ll learn about a time Peter doubted Jesus. Peter learned the truth about today’s Bible Point: ►JESUS HELPS US BELIEVE.



Captain’s Log

What You’ll Do

Tips Make sure the chair you use is low so kids won’t be injured. Also, make sure everyone understands your signal.

Say: Today’s Bible passage is about an extraordinary event that happened to all of the 12 disciples, but especially to Peter. Jesus had been teaching to a large crowd. Jesus told his disciples to get into a boat and go ahead of him to the other side of the lake. Meanwhile, he went up on a mountainside to pray.

Have kids find the “Captain’s Log” section on their Bible Buzz page. Distribute Bibles and pens, and have kids follow the directions. When kids have finished writing, have them form trios. Ask trios to share what they wrote. Then ask willing kids to share highlights of their discussion and what they wrote with the whole group.

Say: So there the disciples were, adrift on a windy sea with no idea where Jesus was or when they would see him again. But suddenly, an amazing thing happened...

Show kids the “Jesus Walks on Water” picture on the Bible Timeline, and then have trios read aloud Matthew 14:25-30.

Say: Let’s have a chance to experience what it’s like to “sink” into a “lake.”

Gather trios around the “lake” you prepared beforehand. Place a low chair or stool at the edge of the lake facing toward the “water.” Explain that each person will have a chance to be “Peter.” Have trios take turns coming up to the chair. One person in the trio will stand on the chair and close his or her eyes and walk in place. The other two trio members will act as spotters, holding Peter’s arms, ready to assist when he or she steps off the chair.

Explain that the whole group will chant “Walk!” until you signal everyone to be silent. Then everyone should shout “Doubt!” When everyone shouts “Doubt!” Peter should step off the chair into the water. Choose one trio to demonstrate, and make sure that everyone understands your signal and how to spot the person on the chair.

Once everyone understands your instructions, let each person have a turn on the chair.

Say: Now that you’ve had a chance to be “Peter,” let’s see what happened to the real Peter in our Bible passage.

Captain’s Log



Bibles Bible Buzz pens

masking tape low chair or stool Teacher Pack Bible Timeline

Captain’s Log

Easy Prep


Tear out the Lesson 11 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

Make a “lake” by using masking tape to form a large circle in the center of your meeting room floor.

Have kids read Matthew 14:31-33 in their trios. Then gather everyone’s attention.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


1 What was it like being the one on the chair?

■ When has your faith felt like that?

■ What are ways that doubts and fears get in the way of trusting Jesus?

■ What happens when we lose faith like Peter did?

■ When have you responded to Jesus in faith, like Peter did by stepping out on the water and by calling for Jesus’ help?

Say: All of us, at one time or another, face doubts about something. But even when we doubt, ►JESUS HELPS US BELIEVE. Peter had enough faith to get out of the boat, but when he started to doubt, he began to sink. Even then, he knew where to turn for help. When he cried out for help, Jesus saved him.

Today’s Key Verse gives us some further insight into what happens when we doubt. Let’s see what it says.



The Faith to Believe



CD player paper pens

1. copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

Teacher Pack

CD: “He Remains Faithful” (2 Timothy

2:13) (track 16)

The Faith to Believe

What You’ll Do

Have kids look up the Key Verse, 2 Timothy 2:13, in their Bibles: “If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”

Say: When we have faith in someone, we really trust that person and know that the person will do everything we expect him or her to do. When we’re faithless, we doubt that person. With Jesus, however, he remains faithful no matter what. Let’s sing a song about his faithfulness now.

Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “He Remains Faithful” (2 Timothy 2:13) (track 16 on the CD). After they listen once, have kids sing along and do the motions if they are comfortable doing so.

[pic] Uh-oh-oh-way-o (put hands on hips; bounce to beat)

Uh-oh-oh-way-o (continue bouncing)


Oh-h-h, if we are unfaithful, (spin in circle to the left)

He remains faithful, (spin in circle to the right)

For he cannot deny who he is. (cover left eye and then right eye; raise hands to sky)

Oh-h-h, if we are unfaithful, (spin in circle to the left)

He remains faithful, (spin in circle to the right)

For he cannot deny who he is. (cover left eye and then right eye; raise hands to sky)

Uh-oh-oh-way-o (clap twice; then high-five partner with both hands twice)

No matter what I do, (left hand on hip; shake right finger) No matter what I say, (right hand on hip; shake left finger) My God is always here, (tap heart with both hands)

And he is still the same! (raise both hands up to sky) (Repeat chorus.)

Uh-oh-oh-way-o Uh-oh-oh-way-o

“He Remains Faithful” (2 Timothy 2:13) by Jay Stocker. © 2005 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Say: Let’s stand up and talk about taking steps of faith in Jesus. I will ask you a series of questions. If you think faith was involved, take a step forward. If not, just stay where you are. There are no right or wrong answers—just decide what you think.


Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, had to have faith to take that first step onto the moon.

■ Christopher Columbus had to have faith to set sail in uncharted seas.

■ Martin Luther King Jr. had to have faith to march for justice for all people.

■ Abraham and Sarah had to have faith to leave home in their old age to go to the Promised Land.

■ We need to have faith to set foot into a place or situation where God calls us.

Thank kids for their participation and ask them to sit down.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What does it mean for your faith that Jesus will always remain faithful?

■ What step of faith is Jesus asking you to take in your friendship with him?

■ What can you do to have faith in Jesus when faced with doubts?

■ What good things could happen when you exercise faith in Jesus?

Say: 2 Timothy 2:13 says that even if we are faithless, God remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself. In other words, even when we struggle, God is with us, because Jesus lives in us no matter what. ►JESUS HELPS US BELIEVE. Just as Jesus stepped out to Peter and the other disciples on the lake, he knows our fears and doubts, and he gives us faith.

He Is Faithful

He Is Faithful


Bible Buzz CD player pens

Teacher Pack

“Faith Situation” cards CD: “He Remains Faithful” (2 Timothy

2:13) (track 16)

He Is Faithful

Easy Prep

Separate the “Faith Situation” cards.

What You’ll Do

Tip If you have time, let groups rotate cards so kids can discuss more than one scenario.

Say: Even when we lack faith, as Peter did when he doubted, Jesus will still be there for us. God is God, whether our faith in him is strong or weak. He never changes. When Peter called out for Jesus to save him, his faith was faltering and he was sinking. But notice what Jesus did—he reached out immediately and grabbed Peter. Just as the Key Verse says, Jesus is faithful, even when we are faithless. And when we doubt, ►JESUS HELPS US BELIEVE.

Have kids turn to the “Faithful Facts” section on their Bible Buzz page, and then have kids form four groups. Give each group a “Faith Situation” card.

Explain that each card tells about a time it might be easy to doubt your faith in God. Have someone in each group read the scenario aloud to their group. Then have kids individually write their answers on their Bible Buzz page.

Play “He Remains Faithful” (2 Timothy 2:13) (track 16 on the CD) while kids work.

When kids in each group have finished answering the questions, have group members compare answers. Then gather groups together. Ask a willing person from each group to read the scenario and summarize his or her group’s answers.

Have kids find and read the Key Verse, 2 Timothy 2:13, on their Bible Buzz page, and read it aloud together: “If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


How did you incorporate what you learned from the Key Verse in your scenario answers? Give an example.

■ How did you see the Key Verse in action in today’s Bible passage?

■ After reading 2 Timothy 2:13, how would you answer the question “What happens when we doubt?”

Say: No matter what the situation is, Jesus will remain faithful to us. Even when we doubt, ►JESUS HELPS US BELIEVE. And even when our faith is as weak as Peter’s was when he began to doubt, Jesus will be there to lift us out of our doubt.



Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can overcome doubt and believe in Jesus this week.

Say: Instead of choosing a Daily Challenge this week, pray with a partner that Jesus would help you believe by faith that what God says and does is true. Write it in the “Daily Challenge” section of your Bible Buzz page. Then commit to praying each day for Jesus to help you with the fact you need help believing by faith to be true.

Make sure you make a commitment, and tell the kids what you wrote. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to work on believing in Jesus? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: Jesus helped Peter and the other disciples overcome their doubts, and ►JESUS HELPS US BELIEVE, too. Let’s follow through with our commitment and see how we can deal with our doubts.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the commitments they made to pray each day and what they learned about trusting Jesus when they doubt. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking God for being faithful to us even when our faith fails.

Daily Challenges



Bible Buzz


He Remains Faithful (2 Timothy 2:13)




Oh-h-h, if we are unfaithful,

He remains faithful,

For he cannot deny who he is.

Oh-h-h, if we are unfaithful,

He remains faithful,

For he cannot deny who he is.


No matter what I do,

No matter what I say,

My God is always here,

And he is still the same!

(Repeat chorus.)



“He Remains Faithful” (2 Timothy 2:13) by Jay Stocker. © 2005 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



© FaithWeaver NOW™

Zacchaeus Climbs a Tree to

See Jesus Luke 19:1-10

eer influence is quite powerful at this age. Kids think about acceptance all the time.

It affects how kids dress, what extracurricular clubs they join, what they do on the weekend, how they talk, and just about every other area of their lives. Keep in mind that this lesson will be hitting on a subject that rules many of your kids’ lives. Help kids recognize the great freedom they can experience through Christ’s acceptance and that they don’t have to strive so hard to gain acceptance from their peers.

►Bible Point Jesus accepts everyone.


Key Verse

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).


Weaving Faith Into Life

Kids will learn that Jesus accepts and loves everyone who comes

to him.



| |Which Door Can I Choose? |Bible Buzz, CD player, pens, 1 | |

|3 |(about 15 min.) Discuss |copy per person of the lyrics | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |the possible doors they |page (at the end of this lesson),| |

| |choose to find acceptance.|a piece of bruised fruit | |

| | |Teacher Pack: CD | |

| |Daily Challenges (about 5 | | |

| |min.) Choose a Daily | | |

| |Challenge to apply God’s |Bible Buzz | |

| |Word. | | |

| | | | |

|4 | | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) Talk about | | |

| |how to share what they | | |

| |learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

Zacchaeus Climbs a Tree to See Jesus

Luke 19:1-10



Chief of the Despised


Tax collectors are disliked today, but they were even more despised by the Jews of Jesus’ day because they represented Roman oppression. Zacchaeus was not only a tax collector, but also a chief tax collector,

changed heart. Jesus’ declaration that Zacchaeus had received salvation confirmed what had happened in Zacchaeus’ heart and the fact that God would accept even a despised tax collector if he placed his faith in Jesus!

The Jesus Connection

which meant that he dealt and contracted directly with the Romans. This would have made him the richest

and the most despised of tax collectors. He would have been seen as a traitor and as someone who rejected the Hebrew faith and God. Few would’ve believed that Zacchaeus’ sins could be forgiven. Even the wives and children of such tax collectors would have been treated poorly by the Jews.

It was not mere chance that Jesus looked away from the throng of people who surrounded him and looked directly up into the tree at this seeker who wanted to

Read this week’s Key Verse, Revelation 3:20. Jesus stands at the door and knocks—and waits for us to open up our lives to him. How have you responded?

Think about the times when, like Zacchaeus, you’ve pursued Jesus even when others didn’t understand what you were doing. What kinds of reactions did you get? How did Jesus meet you? Then take some time to pray about how you need to see Jesus differently this week. You can write your prayer here.

see Jesus for himself. Zacchaeus didn’t even have to say anything when Jesus spotted him; Jesus already had a plan for Zacchaeus.

An Unlikely Invitation



Jesus’ invitation to Zacchaeus surprised everyone. The people were stunned that Jesus would invite himself to the home of someone like Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was stunned for the same reason! Everyone would have expected Jesus to avoid association with a sinner such as this tax collector. But Jesus wasn’t concerned about people’s errant expectations. He was concerned about drawing sinful people to faith in him.

After spending some time with Jesus, Zacchaeus was apparently convinced that Jesus was who he said he was. Some question if Zacchaeus’ pronouncement that he would give away his riches indicates he was saved by his good deeds. However, we know that salvation is by faith alone. Thus, Zacchaeus’ decision to repay those he had cheated must have been a result of his trusting in God’s grace—a proof of a



Fruits Have Feelings, Too!


various fruits (common and uncommon) cut into bite-sized pieces bruised or unappealing fruit cut into bite-sized pieces

paper plates napkins platter


Fruits Have Feelings, Too!

Easy Prep

Place all the fruit pieces on a platter for kids

to sample. Next to the platter place a sign that says “Please eat!”

Fruits Have Feelings, Too!

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went.

Invite kids to enjoy the fruit you prepared. As they sample the fruit, ask this first question as a fun way to get the group talking.


If you could be any fruit, what fruit would you be and why?

Say: All of you had a chance to enjoy the fruit on the table today. I have a few questions for you about your choices.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


Why did you choose fruit you ate?

■ Did the appearance of the fruit affect your choice? Explain.

■ Why did you reject some of the fruit?

■ Have you ever been rejected? What was that like?

■ How do you decide what kind of people to accept and what kind to reject?

Say: Today we’ll be talking about acceptance and rejection. You might have chosen a fruit because it looked good or because you’d tried it before and knew you liked it. Although our Bible passage doesn’t revolve around fruit, it does revolve around something else that God made. God made people, and we’ll meet a person today who might have compared himself with the bruised fruit in our fruit display. You see, he was rejected a lot. His name was Zacchaeus, and he was a hated man in his community. People compared him to a murderer or prostitute. We will learn today how Jesus reacted to Zacchaeus and see how ►JESUS ACCEPTS EVERYONE.



Who Does Jesus Accept?

What You’ll Do

Tape the “Acceptance?” poster to the wall, and have kids gather around it. Have kids form two groups. Give each group a fine-tipped marker of a different color (such as red and blue).

Say: On this poster are several types of people. With your group, talk about how much you’d really be willing to accept each person by inviting them to your house for dinner. Then use the “Accept—Reject” scale and make a mark to show your group’s answer.

Allow groups about five minutes to discuss the pictures and record their decisions on the poster. Then review the responses recorded on the poster with both groups.


What did you discover about your own willingness to accept everyone? about your group’s?

■ Are some types of people easier to accept than others? Explain.

■ Explain whether you think Jesus finds it easier to accept some types of people than others.

Say: When we look through the Gospels, we often find Jesus reaching out and helping the poor, the sick, or the hurting. Based on these examples, we may think Jesus doesn’t care as much about the rich, famous, or powerful people of the world. Today’s passage may shed new light on this idea. Let’s stand up and take a look at our Bible passage.

Have kids stand.

Say: In Luke 19 we meet Zacchaeus. The Bible says he lived in Jericho and was “a chief tax collector and was wealthy.” The Romans made the Jewish people pay a lot of their own money to the Roman government. To get the money, the Romans hired local men called tax collectors. The tax collectors forced people to pay. Sometimes, they even took extra to keep for themselves. And the Jewish people did not like that at all. As a chief tax collector, Zacchaeus was deeply hated.

Think of this room having an imaginary line sort of like the accept-reject line on the “Acceptance?” poster. One wall is “totally accept” and the opposite wall is “totally reject.” Point to indicate which side represents which level of acceptance. Knowing what you just learned about Zacchaeus, place yourself on the line of acceptance and rejection.

Who Does Jesus Accept?




2. different-colored, fine-tipped markers Teacher Pack “Acceptance?” poster


Give kids time to move to their position on the accept-reject line.

Say: Luke goes on to tell us that Jesus entered Jericho. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus but he couldn’t because of the crowd, so he climbed a tree to see Jesus pass by. One the accept-reject line, move to the place where you accept or reject grown men who climb trees.

Give kids time to move to their position on the accept-reject line.

Say: When Jesus saw Zacchaeus in the tree, he looked up and said, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” Zacchaeus came down and welcomed Jesus. On the accept-reject line, move to the place that shows how you feel toward Jesus for his behavior with the hated Zacchaeus.

Give kids time to move to their position on the accept-reject line.

Say: When the people saw this, they began to mutter that Jesus had gone to be the guest of a sinner. On the accept-reject line, move to the place that shows how you feel toward people who were not happy with Jesus.

Give kids time to move to their position on the accept-reject line.

Say: Zacchaeus told Jesus that “here and now” he gave half of his possessions to the poor and promised to pay back four times any amount that he had cheated anyone out of. On the accept-reject line, move to the place where you are in your view about Zacchaeus’ sincerity in his promises.

Give kids time to move to their position on the accept-reject line.

Say: Finally, Jesus said that salvation had come to the house of Zacchaeus, because he too was a son of Abraham. Jesus concluded by saying, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” On your accept-reject line, move to the place where you are in your desire to reach out to those who are “lost.”

Thank everyone for their participation and ask everyone to sit down.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


1 Explain how you decided to rank your acceptance of various people.

■ When have you made a judgment about someone like the people made about Zacchaeus?

■ How did your view toward Zacchaeus change as he changed his heart?

■ What did you think of the way Jesus accepted Zacchaeus?

Say: Even though it may be easier for us to think Jesus cares more about “good” people, Jesus’ acceptance of a cheating tax collector disproves this idea. ►JESUS ACCEPTS EVERYONE, even those we may have a hard time accepting.

He knows no one is really “good”—we all need his acceptance. Let’s look into Zacchaeus’ life a bit more to see how we can learn to be as accepting as Jesus is.

Before and After

What You’ll Do

Have kids find the “Zac’s Change” section on their Bible Buzz page. Have kids form pairs, and give each person a pen. Have half of the pairs write “Before Zac Met Jesus” as the title. Have the other half of the pairs write “After Zac Met Jesus” as the title.

Say: With your partner, look over Luke 19:1-10. Then, for those of you who

Before and After



Bibles Bible Buzz pens

Before and After

Easy Prep

just wrote “Before Zac Met Jesus” as your title, write in the space provided a

description of Zacchaeus’ life before he met Jesus. Think about what a normal day in Zacchaeus’ life might have looked like. What did he do? Who did he talk to? How did others treat him? End your report right before Zac met Jesus.

For those of you who just wrote “After Zac Met Jesus” as your title, create a report in the space provided describing Zacchaeus’ life after he spent the day with Jesus. Describe his activities. Begin right where we stopped reading in Luke.

Give pairs five minutes to create their reports. Then have each “Before” pair read its piece aloud and then all the “After” pairs read their pieces.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What changes did you notice in Zacchaeus from our Bible passage?

■ How have you seen Jesus change someone’s life?

■ How does Zacchaeus’ life help you understand the value of accepting everyone?

Say: ►JESUS ACCEPTS EVERYONE, even the worst kinds of people. People hated Zacchaeus. He cheated people out of their money. Zacchaeus had done nothing to help Jesus or his followers. Yet Jesus still took time to love him. And it’s a good thing! Zacchaeus never would’ve changed if he hadn’t met Jesus. When we accept others and help them see Jesus, we might see how he changes their lives like he did for Zacchaeus.

Tear out the Lesson 12 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.



Which Door Can I Choose?


Bible Buzz CD player pens

1 copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

a piece of bruised fruit

Teacher Pack

CD: “Your Friend” (track 20), “Knocking Noises”

(track 18)

Which Door Can I Choose?

What You’ll Do

Say: Just as God made all the fruit we sampled earlier, God made all of us. Some fruit gets bruised, dropped, or nicked, which makes it less attractive. This is true for people, too. Sometimes bad things happen to people that make them bitter, sad, or even physically impaired. But that doesn’t stop Jesus from accepting them. Just as he knew Zacchaeus, Jesus knows you and calls you by name. He accepts and loves you unconditionally, no matter how life has treated you.

Have kids fine the Key Verse, Revelation 3:20, on their Bible Buzz page, and read it aloud together: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”

Say: Our Key Verse tells us that Jesus is knocking on the doors of our hearts. God doesn’t barge in. If we open the doors, he’ll come in. Jesus is inviting us to open the door of our hearts. When we do, he’ll be with us always as our friend. And open hearts will attract more people as our friends and friends of God. Let’s sing a song about that now.

Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “Your Friend” (track 20 on the CD). After they listen once, have kids sing along and do the motions if they are comfortable doing so.

[pic] There’s a need in every one of us, (place hands on heart)

It’s written in the code of who we are, (motion as if writing; then place hand on heart again) To know and love each other (point both pointer fingers to head; then hug yourself) With a love that only comes from God’s own heart. (hug yourself; then raise one hand high) There’s so much for you and me (point out, then point to yourself)

When it’s Jesus who we see. (motion “Jesus”; then place one hand above eyes)


I will be your friend (link arms with neighbors and move side to side)

Because the Lord has shown us A love that never ends,

A bond that can’t be broken. (gently try to pull apart to the beat but stay linked)

You can count on me. (point to a partner)

Whatever you need, (link arms again and move side to side)

I will be here for you.

No matter where or when, I will be your friend.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

“Your Friend” by Jay Stocker. © 2005, 2013 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

After the song, have kids find the “Which Door Will I Choose?” section on their Bible Buzz page. Read the first question (On each of the four side doors, write one way you search for acceptance outside of Christ.), and give kids time to write their responses. Have kids turn to a partner and talk with each other about doors they go through to pursue acceptance, other than the door of Jesus.

After a few minutes, play the one-minute “Knocking Noises” segment (track 18 on the CD) and then gather everyone’s attention. Have kids read the second question (What can you do this week to “open the door” to Jesus?) and then have kids write their responses inside the door containing a cross. Have kids turn to a partner and share their responses.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


Based on our song, how can you help show Jesus’ love and acceptance to others instead of trying to get them to accept you?

■ What does it mean for Jesus to be our friend?

■ Why do you want to be accepted?

■ What things might keep us from opening the door of our hearts to Jesus’ acceptance?

After kids share, hold up a piece of bruised fruit.

Say: ►JESUS ACCEPTS EVERYONE. No matter how bruised and battered you might be, what you look like, or what you’ve done in your past, Jesus accepts you. He loves you. He stands at the door and knocks. He wants you to choose him. Zacchaeus ran and climbed a tree to see and hear Jesus. Once he spent time with Christ and accepted him, Zacchaeus showed his love through his actions. Our actions can show a change of heart.

End this activity with sentence prayers. Have kids form a circle and invite them to finish the statement “Thank you, Jesus, for…” by focusing on something they learned from today’s lesson. For example, kids might say, “Thank you, Jesus, for accepting me” or “Thank you, Jesus, for standing at the door of my life and wanting me to choose your love.”



Daily Challenges


Bible Buzz

Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can grow in acceptance of others as modeled by Jesus this week.

Ask kids to find this week’s Daily Challenges on their Bible Buzz page and choose one to do this week. They can choose one or more of these three options:

Think about how Jesus’ acceptance can change the way you view yourself, and write three ways you know Jesus loves and accepts you.

■ Think about how knowing Jesus accepts everyone could change the way you act toward others. Choose one person to treat differently by viewing him or her as Jesus does.

■ Ask a Christian adult to share with you about the moment Jesus’ unconditional acceptance became clear to him or her. Ask how it has affected this person’s life.

Make sure you choose a Daily Challenge as well, and tell the kids what you chose. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: ►JESUS ACCEPTS EVERYONE. Let’s show our commitment to accept everyone—even people like Zacchaeus—by following through with our Daily Challenges.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the Daily Challenges they chose and what they learned about how Jesus accepts everyone. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking Jesus for accepting everyone and asking him to help you and your kids love and accept others as he does.


Your Friend

There’s a need in every one of us,

It’s written in the code of who we are,

To know and love each other

With a love that only comes from God’s own heart.

There’s so much for you and me

When it’s Jesus who we see.

I will be your friend

Because the Lord has shown us

A love that never ends,

A bond that can’t be broken.

You can count on me.

Whatever you need, I will be here for you.

No matter where or when,

I will be your friend.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

“Your Friend” by Jay Stocker. © 2005, 2013 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



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Jesus Blesses the Children

Mark 10:13-16

eing significant is of utmost importance to fifth- and sixth-graders. Key in their development is their feeling of security. In short, for kids to develop appropriately at

this age, they need to know that they’re important to someone. As you teach this lesson to your kids, you’ll help them understand that God thinks they’re significant. If they can grasp this, they’ll have a sense of security as they grow in their knowledge of God.

►Bible Point Everyone is important to Jesus.

Key Verse

“Let the little children come to me, and do

not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these”

(Mark 10:14).

Weaving Faith Into Life

Children will help others see how important they are to Jesus.


| |Important to Jesus |Bible Buzz, CD player, pens, 1 copy| |

|3 |(about 10 min.) |per person of the lyrics page (at | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |Create skits demonstrating how |the end of this lesson) | |

| |everyone is important to Jesus,|Teacher Pack: CD | |

| |and sing a song about today’s | | |

| |Key Verse. | | |

| |Daily Challenges | | |

| |(about 5 min.) | | |

| |Choose a Daily Challenge to |Bible Buzz | |

|4 |apply God’s Word. | | |

|Lasting Impressions | | | |

| |Weaving Faith at Home | | |

| |(about 2 min.) | | |

| |Talk about how to share what | | |

| |they learned with their | | |

| |families. | | |

Jesus Blesses the Children

Mark 10:13-16



The Least of These


Imagine a celebrity today on his way to a big movie premiere. Surrounded by “handlers,” he hurries from his car into the theater, basking in the admiration of fans but not stopping to give anyone special attention. This may be the picture the disciples had of Jesus.

They saw it as their job to keep the masses away from Jesus—especially those as insignificant as children.

After all, Jesus was a very important spiritual leader, and he needed all his strength and emotional energy to fight off the attacks of the Pharisees. He needed to be spending his time with those who were influential and powerful. He certainly shouldn’t be wasting his time with small children.

Jesus Redefines “Important”


As he did many times in his ministry, Jesus challenged the status quo. He ignored what the disciples considered politically important—appeasing the religious leaders of the day—and spent his time blessing children.

The parents had come to Jesus seeking a blessing on their children from this great teacher—perhaps a few words of blessing with his hand on their heads. But

place of insignificance until they grew to adulthood. Instead, we must value and encourage the qualities of children that make them receptive to the grace Jesus offers.

What are the qualities of children that make them well-suited for God’s kingdom? They’re humble and trusting, and so naturally prepared to put their faith in Jesus. Jesus’ message is that, just as children place their trust in their parents, we must be humble and willing to place our trust in God. We can’t work our way into heaven through right actions, as the Pharisees tried to do. We must relax and trust Jesus, as these small children did.

The Jesus Connection


Jesus, the Lord Almighty who created the world and conquered death, cares about each baby, each child, each youth, and each adult—Jesus is passionate about you and wants a friendship with you. Wow!

Can you fathom the depth of Christ’s love for you? Read Romans 8:38-39, and bask in your Savior’s love. Then think about these questions: What does it mean to you that you’re important to Jesus? How can it shape your life? Pray about the second question. You can write your prayer here.

he did more than that; he took the children in his arms and hugged them! And then he blessed them.

In this act of blessing the children, Jesus showed the common person—even the small child—how important we all are to him.

Jesus Provides an Example



Another theme also winds through this passage: To make it to heaven, you must become like one of these small children. What did Jesus mean by that? What makes one fit for God’s kingdom? The religious leaders had it all wrong. They relegated children to a



Kid Stuff


CD player

several coloring books crayons

several storybooks

Teacher Pack

CD: “Kid Songs” (track 2)

Kid Stuff

Easy Prep

Set up the following stations:

• Station 1: Set out some coloring books and crayons.

• Station 2: Set out several storybooks.

• Station 3: Kids will play Duck Duck Goose or Tag.

Kid Stuff

What You’ll Do

Welcome kids warmly as they arrive, and ask them how their week went.

When you’re ready to begin, play the “Kid Songs” segment (track 2 on the CD) as you discuss these questions:


What memories of childhood does this music bring up for you?

■ What are some of the things you liked to do when you were a kid?

Say: Today you’ll have several choices of fun “little-kid” things you can do.

Have kids form three equal groups, and show them the three stations. The first station is “coloring fun,” the second station is “childhood stories,” and the third station is “kid games.” Tell the groups that they’ll have the chance to go to all three stations, and take a few minutes to explain what they’ll be doing at each station. Tell each group what their first station is, and then facilitate rotating groups every few minutes.

When each group has had a chance to “play” at all three stations, gather everyone together.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


What was it like to do these fun activities?

■ Do you still do some of these things even though you’re older? Why or why not?

■ Little kids spend a lot of time just playing. What do they do that makes them important?

■ Who determines who is important and who isn’t? Explain.

Say: Sometimes it might seem like really little kids don’t have much value when all they do is play and color and read silly books. Today we’re going to look at some people who didn’t think kids were all that important. And we’ll look more closely at the importance of everyone—children and adults alike—in Jesus’ eyes. As we do, we’ll explore how ►EVERYONE IS IMPORTANT TO JESUS.



Try to Remember

What You’ll Do

Have kids form pairs, and give each person a “Try to Remember” handout and a pen.

Say: Take some time to remember your childhood. In your pairs, take turns interviewing each other using the questions on your handout. Write your partner’s answers on your handout.

Give pairs a few minutes to interview each other using their handouts, and then have kids come back together as a whole group. Encourage willing kids to share some of the more interesting facts about their partners’ childhoods.


What makes kids feel important?

■ What are some reasons the things you did when you were little were important?

Give each person a Bible.

Assign each pair one person (or set of people) to pay special attention to as the passage is read: the children, the disciples, or Jesus. Repeat assignments as needed. Then

have each pair choose a reader to read Mark 10:13-16 aloud, and encourage the other partner in each pair to follow along in his or her Bible. When pairs have finished reading the passage, direct them to the “Jesus and the Children” section on their Bible Buzz page.

Say: Work together with your partner to write a short monologue from the point of view of your person (or people). A monologue is a short speech in which one person tells about something that happened to him or her. Each person will write the monologue on his or her own Bible Buzz page.

Give pairs a few minutes to write their monologues.

Say: Find two other people who examined different people than you. You’ll form a trio with these new people. Each new trio should have one person representing the disciples, one representing the children, and one representing Jesus.

When trios have formed, have trio members take turns sharing their monologues.

Try to Remember



Bibles Bible Buzz pens

1 copy per person of the “Try to Remember” handout (at the end of this lesson)

Try to Remember

Easy Prep


Tear out the Lesson 13 pages from each Bible Buzz student book.

Talk With Kids

Have trios discuss the following questions and report back to the whole group after each one.


What discoveries did you make about the disciples? the children? Jesus?

■ What does the passage tell you about how important children are to Jesus?

■ What does this passage tell you about how important you are to Jesus?

Say: Our Bible passage today shows us that ►EVERYONE IS IMPORTANT TO JESUS. Read aloud Mark 10:15-16. Just as Jesus welcomed the little children in the Bible passage, he welcomes us into his presence. Jesus doesn’t see some people as more important and others as less important. When he welcomed children, he showed that he values even people others don’t value. Let’s look a little closer at how we’re all God’s children if we believe in him.



Important to Jesus


Bible Buzz CD player pens

1 copy per person of the lyrics page (at the end of this lesson)

Teacher Pack

CD: “Let All the Children” (Matthew 19:14) (track 17)

Important to Jesus

What You’ll Do

Have kids stay in their trios, and make sure each person has a pen. Have kids find and read the Key Verse, Mark 10:14, on their Bible Buzz page: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Say: You’re so important to Jesus that he wants to bless your life, just as he blessed the children in our Bible passage. Jesus said that to enter the kingdom of God we need to believe in God just as a little child does. Let’s sing a song about our Key Verse that expresses that idea.

Pass out copies of the lyrics, and play “Let All the Children” (Matthew 19:14) (track 17 on the CD). After they listen once, have kids sing along and do the motions if they are comfortable doing so.

[pic] Let, let, let all the children…(alternate punching fists on every “let,” spread arms wide for “all the children”)

Let, let, let all the children…

Let, let, let all the children…

Let, let, let all the children…

Jesus said, Let all the children (motion “Jesus”—right middle finger to left palm, then left middle finger to right palm, and then spread arms wide)

Come to me, come to me. (motion “come here” twice)

Jesus said, Let all the children (motion “Jesus,” spread arms wide)

Come to me, come to me. (motion “come here” twice)

Don’t stop them, (place both palms out in front of you)

For the kingdom of heaven (raise arms high)

Belongs to such as these. (point to each other)

Don’t stop them, (place both palms out in front of you)

For the kingdom of heaven (raise arms high)

Belongs to such as these. (point to each other) (Repeat from the beginning.)

Let, let, let all the children… Let, let, let all the children… Let, let, let all the children… Let, let, let all the children…

Jesus said, Let all the children Come to me, come to me.

Jesus said, Let all the children Come to me, come to me.

“Let All the Children” (Matthew 19:14) by Jay Stocker. © 2004 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Assign each trio one of the “Children of All Ages” profiles on their Bible Buzz page.

Say: Each of these people is important to God. Read the profile of the important person you’ve been assigned, and then write things in the space around the person that the person might do or say that would show he or she is important of God. You can make up more facts about your person that go with the profile provided.

Give kids a few minutes to work.

Say: Now, in your trio, create a brief skit in which you introduce your person and demonstrate one of the qualities you listed on his or her profile. You’ll need one person in your trio to play your person and the other two people to play people who interact with your person. Then you’ll need to think of a situation to use

in your skit. For example, if your person is a high school teacher, the other two people in the trio might be students who are discussing a problem with him or her. Take about 10 minutes to create your skits and prepare them to show to the group.

After 10 minutes, call kids back together, and have each trio present its skit to the whole group. After each skit, lead kids in a round of applause.

Talk With Kids

Lead kids in this discussion.


1 What did you see demonstrated in our skits that showed how everyone is important to Jesus?

■ Tell about times when you don’t feel important to Jesus.

■ What can we do when we don’t feel important to Jesus?

■ What do you think Jesus meant when he said “the kingdom of God belongs to such as these”?

Say: ►EVERYONE IS IMPORTANT TO JESUS, and it’s our responsibility to help them know that. The disciples thought that children weren’t important, and they tried to keep them away from Jesus. When we recognize how important everyone is, we can help them see how much Jesus loves them. And every time we let people know they’re important to Jesus, we’re reminded again that we, too, are important to Jesus.



Daily Challenges


Bible Buzz

Daily Challenges

What You’ll Do

Say: Let’s think about how we can know without a doubt that everyone is important to Jesus this week.

Ask kids to find this week’s Daily Challenges on their Bible Buzz page and choose one to do this week. They can choose one or more of these three options:

Write a note of encouragement to a family member, telling the person how important he or she is to you and to Jesus.

■ Bring a friend to church next week so your friend can learn how much Jesus loves him or her.

■ Tell someone that Jesus wants to have a relationship with that person because he or she is important to God.

Make sure you choose a Daily Challenge as well, and tell the kids what you chose. Kids will be more inclined to follow through on their commitments when they see you doing the same.

Talk With Kids


What’s a practical way you’re going to do your Daily Challenge? Share a time, a place, or other ideas. Allow time.

Say: ►EVERYONE IS IMPORTANT TO JESUS. Jesus wants everyone to come to him and receive his blessings. Let’s follow through with our Daily Challenges with the same eagerness as Jesus had to bless the children.

Weaving Faith at Home

Encourage kids to talk with their parents about the Daily Challenges they chose and what they learned about how everyone is important to Jesus. Kids can also do the activities in the “HomeConnect” section of their Bible Buzz page with their families.

Talk to your Director about emailing the FREE FamilyConnect to all your church’s families. Available at digital.

Take a couple of minutes to pray with your kids, thanking Jesus for seeing us all as important.

Try to Remember

What’s your favorite childhood memory? Why?

■ What was your favorite game when you were a kid? Why?

■ What were your biggest frustrations when you were a kid? Explain.

■ Did you feel you were pretty important or kind of unimportant when you were a kid? Explain.



© FaithWeaver NOW™ .


Let All the Children (Matthew 19:14)

Let, let, let all the children…

Let, let, let all the children…

Let, let, let all the children…

Let, let, let all the children…

Jesus said, Let all the children

Come to me, come to me.

Jesus said, Let all the children

Come to me, come to me.

Don’t stop them,

For the kingdom of heaven

Belongs to such as these.

Don’t stop them,

For the kingdom of heaven

Belongs to such as these.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

Let, let, let all the children…

Let, let, let all the children…

Let, let, let all the children…

Let, let, let all the children…

Jesus said, Let all the children

Come to me, come to me.

Jesus said, Let all the children

Come to me, come to me.

“Let All the Children” (Matthew 19:14) by Jay Stocker. © 2004 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



© FaithWeaver NOW™







|1 |Occupation Options (about 15 | | |

|Getting Started |min.) Describe occupations | | |

| |they’re interested in. |crayons, paper | |

| |Jesus’ Roles | | |

| |(about 15 min.) Investigate a| |Tear out the Lesson 1 pages|

| |prophecy about Jesus. |Bibles, Bible Buzz, pens |from each Bible Buzz |

|2 | | |student book. |

|Bible Exploration | | | |

| |Because of What He Does |Bible Buzz, CD player, pens, 1 | |

| |(about 20 min.) |copy per person of the lyrics | |

| |Plan and lead a time of |page (at the end of this | |

| |worship. |lesson) | |

| | |Teacher Pack: CD | |




| |Change of Plans (about 10 | | |

|1 |min.) Create funny stories | | |

|Getting Started |that depict sudden | | |

| |changes in characters’ lives.|paper, pens | |

| |Joseph in God’s Plans (about | | |

| |15 min.) Discover how | |Tear out the Lesson 2 pages|

| |Joseph’s trust played a major|Bibles, Bible Buzz, pens |from each Bible Buzz |

| |part in God’s plans. | |student book. |

|2 | | | |

|Bible Exploration | | | |

| |Plans to Prosper (about 15 | | |

| |min.) Listen to a song, and |Bible Buzz, CD player, pens, 1 | |

| |then write about how they |copy per person of the lyrics | |

| |have seen God work in their |page (at the end of this | |

| |lives. |lesson) | |

| | |Teacher Pack: CD | |





| | |CD player, shoe boxes, | |

| |Christmas Cram |rolls of wrapping | |

|1 |(about 10 min.) |paper, scissors, tape, |Set up 3 to 5 stations in the room. Each |

|Getting Started |Try to put large objects |Christmas music CD, |station should have wrapping paper, |

| |into a small box. |random items from |scissors, tape, and a shoe box. |

| | |around your room | |

| |Christmas Curtain Call | | |

| |(about 15 min.) Perform a |Bible | |

| |skit of the Christmas |Teacher Pack: |[pic] |

| |event. |Bible Timeline | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|2 | | | |

|Bible Exploration | | | |

| | | |Tear out the Lesson 3 pages from each |

| | |Bibles, Bible Buzz, CD |Bible Buzz student book. |

| | |player, | |

| | |flashlight, GPS unit or|Put one of these objects in each corner of|

| |Mysterious Meanings (about|map printed from |the room: a flashlight, a hand mirror, the|

| |15 min.) |online, hand mirror, |inflatable globe, and a GPS unit or map. |

| |Discuss the meaning of |pens, marker, index | |

| |several unique Christmas |cards, Christmas music |On 4 index cards, write “Mysterious Symbol|

| |symbols. |CD |1,” “Mysterious Symbol |

| | |Teacher Pack: |2,” “Mysterious Symbol 3,” and |

| | |inflatable globe |“Mysterious Symbol 4.” Then place 1 card |

| | | |in front of each object. |






| |Musical People | | |

|1 |(about 10 min.) |CD player |Set up a circle of chairs |

|Getting Started |Listen to different music |Teacher Pack: CD |in the center of the room. |

| |styles, and discuss people’s | | |

| |differences. | | |

|2 |Act It Out | | |

|Bible Exploration |(about 20 min.) |Bibles, Bible Buzz, stuffed |Tear out the Lesson 4 pages|

| |Act out a fun drama of the |animal, map, gift boxes or gift|from each Bible Buzz |

| |Bible passage. |bags |student book. |

| | | | |

|3 |Many Ways to Worship Jesus | | |

|Weaving Faith Into Life |(about 15 min.) Explore the | | |

| |many ways people worship |Bibles, index cards, pens | |

| |Jesus. | | |




| |Quick Trip | | |

|1 |(about 15 min.) | | |

|Getting Started |Take a quick trip around | | |

| |the church and decide what |index cards, pens | |

| |they’d need for a journey. | | |

| | |Bibles, tape, markers, cotton balls | |

| | |Teacher Pack: | |

| | |“Escape Route” map, “Escape Route” | |

| |Escape to Egypt (about 15 |game cards |Separate the “Escape |

| |min.) Simulate the trip | |Route” cards. Stack the |

| |that Jesus’ family took to | |cards in order, facedown,|

|2 |escape to Egypt. | |with Card 1 on top. |

|Bible Exploration | | | |

| |Refuge on the Road (about |Bibles, Bible Buzz, CD player, pens, | |

| |15 min.) Create pictures |fine-tipped markers, 1 copy per person|Tear out the Lesson 5 |

| |showing how God guides |of the lyrics page (at the end of this|pages from each Bible |

| |them. |lesson) Teacher Pack: CD |Buzz student book. |




| |Famous People Trivia | | |

|1 |(about 15 min.) Create a | |Tear out the Lesson 6 pages|

|Getting Started |game show about famous | |from each Bible Buzz |

| |people. |Bible Buzz, pens |student book. |

| | |CD player | |

| |This Is My Son (about 15 |Teacher Pack: CD, Bible Timeline | |

| |min.) Look at how God | | |

| |introduced Jesus’ at his |[pic] | |

|2 |baptism. | | |

|Bible Exploration | | | |

| |Who Is He Really? (about | | |

| |15 min.) Reflect on who | | |

| |Jesus is and is not. |Bibles | |





| |Who Are You? | | |

|1 |(about 10 min.) Introduce | | |

|Getting Started |themselves to others, and | |Tear out the Lesson 7 pages|

| |interview others to get to |Bible Buzz, pens |from each Bible Buzz |

| |know one another. | |student book. |

| | |Bibles, pens, paper, scissors | |

| | |Teacher Pack: | |

| |Extra! Extra! |“Extra! Extra!” poster | |

| |(about 20 min.) | |Cut the “Extra! Extra!” |

| |Write and present news |[pic] |poster into three sections.|

|2 |articles about the Bible | | |

|Bible Exploration |passage. | | |

| |Children of God | | |

| |(about 15 min.) | | |

| |Write bills of rights for the|Bibles, Bible Buzz, pens | |

| |children of God. | | |





| |Servant Superheroes |Bible Buzz, CD player, |Tear out the Lesson 8 |

|1 |(about 15 min.) |markers or crayons |pages from each Bible |

|Getting Started |Create “servant superheroes,” and discuss |Teacher Pack: CD |Buzz student book. |

| |who kids are eager to follow. | | |

| |Jesus Begins His Ministry | | |

| |(about 10 min.) | | |

| |Look at how Jesus began to preach and |Bibles | |

| |called his first followers. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|2 | | | |

|Bible Exploration | | | |

| |Help and Healing | | |

| |(about 10 min.) | | |

| |Look for examples in the Bible of how Jesus|pens, Bible Buzz | |

| |helped and healed people. | | |

| |Healing Graffiti | | |

| |(about 10 min.) | | |

| |Create a poster of how Jesus helped various|Bibles, paper, markers,| |

| |people in Bible times and how he helps |tape | |

| |people today. | | |




| |My Choices Sketches | |Tear out the Lesson 9|

|1 |(about 15 min.) | |pages from each Bible|

|Getting Started |Create facial expression drawings|Bible Buzz, pens |Buzz student book. |

| |of their choices last week. | | |

| |The Beatitudes and Their |Bibles Teacher Pack: Bible | |

| |Opposites |Timeline | |

| |(about 25 min.) | | |

| |Create dramas based on the |[pic] | |

| |differences between the | | |

|2 |Beatitudes of Jesus and their | | |

|Bible Exploration |opposites. | | |

| | |pens | |

| |God’s Ways Trophies |Teacher Pack: | |

| |(about 10 min.) |“Trophy” cards |Separate the “Trophy”|

| |Present awards to each other. | |cards. |





| |Let There Be Light! | | |

|1 |(about 15 min.) | | |

|Getting Started |Act out scenes where |Bible Buzz |Tear out the Lesson 10 pages from each |

| |light is added to various| |Bible Buzz student book. |

| |situations. | | |

| | | |Set up the following stations: |

| | |Bibles, Bible Buzz, |Station 1: Place an egg in a bowl. Set out |

| | |pens, 6 eggs, bowl, |an empty jar, a pitcher of warm water, a |

| | |jar, pitcher of warm |1-cup measuring cup, a box of salt, and a |

| | |water, 2 boxes of salt,|spoon. Put an empty bucket and a towel on |

| | |2 measuring cups: 1 cup|the floor near the station. |

| | |and 1/4 cup, spoon, 2 |Station 2: Set out scissors, several foam |

| | |buckets, |plates, tape, and an aluminum pie tin. Set |

| |Salt and Light? |2 towels, scissors, |a trash can on the floor near the station. |

|2 |(about 25 min.) |foam plates, tape, |Station 3: Set out several dull pennies, a |

|Bible Exploration |Use salt and light to |aluminum pie tin, trash|bowl, a teaspoon, |

| |complete science |can, dull |a box of salt, a 1/4-cup measuring cup, and|

| |experiments, and discuss |or dirty pennies, bowl,|white vinegar. Put an empty bucket and a |

| |how people can be salt |teaspoon, white |towel on the floor near the station. |

| |and light. |vinegar, an old or |Station 4: Set out a CD, a flashlight, and |

| | |blank CD, flashlight, |a piece of white paper. |

| | |white paper |Cut the “Salt and Light” instruction sheet |

| | |Teacher Pack: “Salt and|apart, and place the appropriate |

| | |Light” instruction |instruction sheet at each station. |

| | |sheet | |

men, that they may see





| |I Doubt It! | | |

|1 |(about 10 min.) Play a fun| | |

|Getting Started |guessing game. |index cards, pens | |

| | |Bibles, Bible Buzz, pens, |Tear out the Lesson 11 pages |

| | |masking tape, low chair or |from each Bible Buzz student |

| |Captain’s Log (about 25 |stool |book. |

|2 |min.) Answer questions as |Teacher Pack: | |

|Bible Exploration |if they’re on the boat, |Bible Timeline |Make a “lake” by using masking|

| |and walk on “water.” | |tape to form a large circle in|

| | |[pic] |the center of your meeting |

| | | |room floor. |





| |Fruits Have Feelings, Too! | |Place all the fruit |

| |(about 10 min.) Taste fruit, |various fruits (common and uncommon) |pieces on a |

|1 |and discuss the meaning of |cut into bite-sized pieces, bruised |platter for kids to |

|Getting Started |acceptance and rejection. |or unappealing fruit cut into |sample. Next to the |

| | |bite-sized pieces, paper plates, |platter place a sign |

| | |napkins, platter |that says “Please |

| | | |eat!” |

| |Who Does Jesus Accept? |tape; 2 different-colored, fine- | |

| |(about 15 min.) Discuss |tipped markers | |

| |accepting various people, and|Teacher Pack: “Acceptance?” poster | |

| |then explore Jesus’ encounter| | |

| |with Zacchaeus. | | |

|2 | | | |

|Bible Exploration | | | |

| |Before and After (about 15 | |Tear out the Lesson |

| |min.) Look at Zacchaeus | |12 pages from each |

| |before and after his |Bibles, Bible Buzz, pens |Bible Buzz student |

| |experience with Jesus. | |book. |






| | | |Set up the following |

| | | |stations: |

| | | |Station 1: Set out some |

|1 |Kid Stuff |CD player, several coloring |coloring books and crayons. |

|Getting Started |(about 15 min.) Participate in|books, crayons, several |Station 2: Set out several |

| |some fun “kid” activities. |storybooks Teacher Pack: CD |storybooks. |

| | | |Station 3: Kids will play |

| | | |Duck Duck Goose or Tag. |

| |Try to Remember (about 20 | | |

| |min.) Share childhood | | |

| |memories, read Mark 10:13-16, |Bibles, Bible Buzz, pens, 1 | |

|2 |and create monologues from the|copy per person of the “Try |Tear out the Lesson 13 pages|

|Bible Exploration |points of view of various |to Remember” handout (at the |from each Bible Buzz student|

| |people in the passage. |end of this lesson) |book. |






Lesson 1


Winter Quarter

Lesson 1

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 1

Winter Quarter




Lesson 2


Winter Quarter

Lesson 2

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 2

Winter Quarter




Lesson 3


Winter Quarter

Lesson 3

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 3

Winter Quarter




Lesson 4


Winter Quarter

Lesson 4

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 4

Winter Quarter




Lesson 5


Winter Quarter

Lesson 5

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 5





Lesson 6


Winter Quarter

Lesson 6

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 6

Winter Quarter




Lesson 7


Winter Quarter

Lesson 7

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 7

Winter Quarter




Lesson 8


Winter Quarter

Lesson 8

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 8

Winter Quarter




Lesson 9


Winter Quarter

Lesson 9

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 9

Winter Quarter




Lesson 10


Winter Quarter

Lesson 10

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 10

Winter Quarter








Lesson 11


Winter Quarter

Lesson 11

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 11

Winter Quarter




Lesson 12


Winter Quarter

Lesson 12

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 12

Winter Quarter




Lesson 13


Winter Quarter

Lesson 13

Grades 5 & 6

Grades 5 & 6

Lesson 13

Winter Quarter




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