“In The Beginning God”-Gen

“In The Beginning God”-Gen.1:1

tremendous statement……staggers the human

mind……little teacup to God’s ocean of

truth……foundational statement……a bridge

with no support……believing the Bible……….

a single atom of a particle of matter…It

would take a book of 200 pages to fully

explain and amplify all that is found in

a single atom……..God brings all of crea-

tion together in one verse……a simple st-


common people………profound statement: 3

great questions……who am I,where did I

come from,where am I going……..**********

little boy-dust under bed:either coming

or going***

1-a declaration of truth:God’s first and

final answer concerning the matter of

origin…….It is diametrically opposed to

what evolution has to say about it……………

Bible says:”In the beginning God”…evol-

ution says:in the bginning a single cell

……Bible:a God who is personal(real)………….

evolution:there was a pool of green slime

and one brainless,toothless,hairless cell

………take your pick!……can’t believe Gen.1:1

you can’t believe John 3:16……can’t trust

the Bible here,how can we trust it when

it says the only way to heaven is a

personal relationship with Jesus!

2-a refutation of error:refutes atheism………

apolytheism:many gods………pantheism:God is

in everything……fatalism:man is an accide-

nt……evolution:man ascended from lower

forms of life

3-an affirmation of faith:accept this verse

by revelation……God is revealing this to

man………Heb. 11:3 - - - ***mirror-evidence

of food….calories……

I-God is Personal (v.1)

A-God is a real Person (ELOHIM)

1-a Hebrew word which emphasizes God’s maj-

esty and power

2-a mind which can think……emotions which

can feel,will which can act v.4,6,10,11,


B-God is a revealed Person

1-in nature:Ps. 19:1-3 (Ashevile-India)***

2-in a Book (v.7)***Love letter

3-in His Son (Heb. 1:2) - - -

II-God is Powerful (v.1)

A-God has originating power (“created”)

1-“Bara”God is always the subject of this

verb………always refers to something God


2-one moment there was nothing,the next

moment there was something!

3-man makes things but God alone creates


4-just finding God’s recipes and using His



B-God has terminating power (2:1))

1-law of thermodynamics:there is no more

energy being created……not gaining new

energy nor are we losing old energy

2-one amount of energy has been created

one amount of matter has been created

3-it may be changed from one form to

another to produce useful work!

III-God is Purposeful (v.1)

A-for man’s good Is. 45:18 - - ---

B-for His glory Rev. 4:10-11 - - -

1-God wants to have fellowship….have pleas-

ure in man……wants man to love Him like

He loves man!

Close:3 conclusions:God takes responsibility.

man is accountable….salvation is avail-

able……”a new creation”



FREEDOM:4-14-02 S.N.


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