Occult Holidays Or God's Holy Days - Which

Occult Holidays or

God's Holy Days--Which?

by Fred R. Coulter

York Publishing Company Post Office Box 1038

Hollister, California 95024-1038

Unless otherwise noted, all Scriptures used in

this book are quoted from The Holy Bible In Its

Original Order--A Faithful Version With Commentary ISBN 978-0-9675479-9-2

About the Cover

The cover was designed by Curley Creative. The picture of the human skull, provided by , symbolically depicts the way of man that leads to death. The emblem of the Ten Commandments symbolizes God's way to life--"If you desire to enter into life, keep the commandments" (Matt. 19:17).

ISBN 978-0-9675479-7-0 Copyright 2008 First Edition 2006 Second Edition 2008, 2010 York Publishing Company Post Office Box 1038 Hollister, California 95024-1038

All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means-- electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems.

Table of Contents

Foreword ....................................................................... i About the Author .............................................................. ii Acknowledgments ............................................................ iii Other Works by the Author................................................... iv Preface .......................................................................... v

PART ONE - Secrets of Halloween and Other Occult Holidays

CHAPTER ONE - How the "Christian" World Has Been Deceived


CHAPTER TWO - The Occult Origins of Halloween, Heathen

Gods and Goddesses ........................................... 8

CHAPTER THREE - Halloween and Orthodox Christendom ....... 15

CHAPTER FOUR - Secrets of the Occult Saturate the World Today ... 23

CHAPTER FIVE - The World of Entertainment: Vehicle of

the Occult ...................................................... 49

CHAPTER SIX - The Origins of Other Occult Holidays

Observed in Christendom .................................... 66

PART TWO - Survey of Occult Holidays and Practices in the Bible CHAPTER SEVEN - "Learn Not the Way of the Heathen" ........... 82 CHAPTER EIGHT - Sunday--an Occult Day of Worship or a Christian Day of Worship--Which? ........................ 94

PART THREE - God's Feasts and Holy Days Inset - Who and What Is a True Christian? ....................................... 114 CHAPTER NINE - Which Day of Worship Did God Make Holy? .. 119 CHAPTER TEN - A Survey of God's Feasts and Holy Days in the Old Testament ................................................. 137 CHAPTER ELEVEN - A Survey of God's Spring Feasts and Holy Days in the New Testament ........................... 156 CHAPTER TWELVE - A Survey of God's Fall Feasts and Holy Days in the New Testament ........................... 177 CHAPTER THIRTEEN - God's Greatest Mystery of the Ages Revealed in the Eighth Day--the Last Great Day ....... 197 CHAPTER FOURTEEN - CONCLUSION ............................. 218

PART FOUR APPENDIX A Understanding Paul's Difficult Scriptures Concerning the Law and Commandments of God .... 228 APPENDIX B How Did Jesus Fulfill the Law and the Prophets? ... 279 APPENDIX C Halloween and the Flood of Noah-- Is There a Link? ........................................... 287 APPENDIX D The Weekly Sabbath and Annual Feasts and Holy Days ........................................... 289 APPENDIX E The Biblical Truth about Sunday-Keeping .......... 291 APPENDIX F Rome's Challenge to the Protestants .................. 293 APPENDIX G The Biblical Truth about Sabbath-Keeping ......... 316 APPENDIX H Rome's War Against the Christian Passover, God's Sabbath and Holy Days ........................ 319 APPENDIX I Fourteen Rules for Bible Study ........................ 323 APPENDIX J The Eucharist--Sacrifice of the Mass ................. 327 APPENDIX K What Happens to the Dead? ............................ 334 APPENDIX L What Is the Unpardonable Sin? ........................ 342 APPENDIX M Binding and Loosing in the New Testament .......... 346

Bibliography ................................................................... 349


Confused and disillusioned, many today are wondering, "Is there a God? Where is He? What, if anything, is God doing?" Mankind sees scant evidence in religion of God's direct involvement in the course of humanity. Shackled by tradition and religious myths, even professing "Christianity" gropes in a vacuum of ignorance regarding God's true plan for mankind.

Why? Because man has (for the most part, unknowingly) rejected the key to that plan--the knowledge of the seventh-day Sabbath and holy days of God. Instead, traditional holidays--including Sunday--have been adopted and accepted as "Christian."

Declaring the "end from the beginning," the true God of the Bible is actively involved in the affairs of man, ordering events according to His master plan as outlined by His Sabbath and feast days. Obviously, Satan the devil hates God's plan--for it also pictures his ultimate removal as the "god of this present age."

In what is perhaps one of the greatest conspiracies in the history of mankind, Satan has devised a cleverly disguised counterfeit "Christianity" to blind men from the knowledge of God's true plan. Analogous to King Jeroboam of ancient Israel--who substituted false "feast days" in place of God's true holy days--Satan has deceptively ensnared an unsuspecting world into believing that pagan occult holidays are acceptable forms of worship toward God.

In Occult Holidays or God's Holy Days--Which?, Fred R. Coulter brings to light this satanic conspiracy, uncovering in detail the occult roots of today's so-called "Christian" holidays--Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc.--proving that such holidays are, in reality, a form of Satan worship.

Mr. Coulter demonstrates how God's seven annual holy days form a type of framework upon which are hung the various aspects of God's plan as they are fulfilled over time. This publication fully illustrates how God's seventh-day Sabbath and holy days picture His plan of salvation for all of mankind, concentrating on the establishment of the Kingdom of God and the eternal rule of Jesus Christ.

For a materialistic generation surrounded by religious indifference, intolerance and confusion, this book provides vital information. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the God of truth cannot be worshiped with pagan lies, myths and forms of worship, as God can only be worshiped "in spirit and in truth."

In a world of relativism where the line between right and wrong, good and evil are increasingly blurred, Occult Holidays or God's Holy Days-- Which? pulls no punches. Fred Coulter has captured, in a single book, the crux of the matter: Will we worship the true God, as He instructs--with the understanding of His true plan for mankind--or will we continue to look to myths, fables and false forms of worship that are of no avail?

The reader, indeed, will be compelled to choose--Which?

Philip Neal May 2006



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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