Don’t Give Up, Back Up, Or Shut Up - Sermon Outlines. Org

Don’t Back Up, Give Up, Or Shut Up!

Just Move Forward

Text: Ex.14:13-28–esp. v.15 "Move forward"


➢ In the verse before us Israel was being pursued by the armies and chariots of Pharaoh.

➢ God knew what Pharaoh would do and every move he would make.

➢ God knew just what to do that Israel might be delivered from cruel Pharaoh.

➢ In front of them was the Red Sea, behind them was the pursuing host of Pharaoh.

➢ God made sure that in spite of Pharaoh and his host, the children of Israel could go on into the land of victory.

➢ There is victory for us if we will face the with the right attitude

➢ The attitude we are not going to

o Back up,

o Give up,

o Shut up,

What does moving forward involve?


It is so easy to give in to "unbelief." Unbelief says "God can’t" but faith says "God can."

A. Faith Anchored In His Word

B. Faith Anchored In His Works

C. Faith Anchored In His Willingness


The most important thing is not whether we are pleasing men, but are we pleasing God.

There are several things that living to please man involves.


Luke 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

A. It Is Dangerous-

1. "fear of man..bringeth a snare"- Prov. 29:25

B. It Is Deadly-

1. It will deaden your zeal for God.

2. It will stop bold efforts for the Lord.

C. It Is Degrading–

1. Its not very smart if pleasing man is more important to you than pleasing God.


➢ Israel could go forward because God was going to help them

➢ God give them a strength above and beyond themselves.

➢ You can overcome trouble with courage through the strength and power of God.

A. To Serve- Psm. 118:13 - "the Lord helped me."

B. To Speak- Acts 4:31-"spake word...with boldness."

C. To Sing- Ills.-Paul and Silas in jail at Phillipi (Acts 16)

IV. Conclusion:

Never go backward but move forward to do God’s will for your life.

It can be found in the Bible.

Phi 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

You can make it all the way without giving up, backing up, or shutting up.


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