Only Little Once

Good morning girls,I saw you enjoyed reading the story about how Jesus fed thousands! Kares, what a great job you did reading the story all by yourself. Kailani, you were a great listener.I saw yesterday that you did some very kind things. I heard you sharing toys, I heard you letting each other go first. I even saw you holding hands on the playground with each other. Today’s bible verse is from John 15.This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.God loves us all of the time. He loves us when we are cranky, when we are mad, when we are happy, and when we are sad. No matter what, God loves us. This bible verse is asking us to love each other the same way. No matter what! Love your sister, your mommy, your daddy, your friends…Love everyone just as God loves you.Practice this by telling your sister how much you love her and why you love her. Today when you are in the car…remember this verse. Turn on your Veggie Tales songs, I know this verse is one of the songs. Sing it loud and rejoice! God loves YOU and you can show that love to others too!Love,Elfie ................

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