'The Prolife Blasphemy' Video Series

"The Prolife Blasphemy" Video Series


This series must demonstrate why the political "prolife" claim is blasphemous, since the prolifers claim Bible support. Bible opposes what prolifers claim; when you examine what the Bible does say, you reluctantly realize the prolife claim is blasphemous.

Now, that sounds like a condemnation. But the truth is, the issue of when life begins is a political football in pulpits and Bible translations for the past five centuries. Only since 1850 has the actual inspired Bible text been widely available to the common man, to check against the centuries of misteaching.

Thus one is tempted to excuse prolifers, because how could they know of the blasphemy, if it's not taught? Well the problem is, a few pastors such as my own, have correctly taught the BIBLE doctrine that human life only begins at birth. So the fault is dual: one, most pastors aren't studying and teaching Scripture from the original-language texts, and two, the students don't care about what Bible really says in those texts. So the politically-correct MIStranslations, have been popular.

But that mistranslation trend is changing, here in the 21st century. Only 30 years ago, there were few Bible translations, which would dare to correctly say the BIBLE doctrine that you are not human until BORN, because at that moment God sovereignly and personally creates your SOUL. But here in 2008, in my BibleWorks software -- which pastors purchase -- 30% of the English translations correctly translate the relevant verses, 10-30% of the time. So a) there is some awareness of the error, and willingness to admit it, but b) the SAME HEBREW PHRASE is mistranslated the majority of the time -- clear proof that political games are being played. The word "word" is always translated the same, so why not "from birth"? Well, you know why...

There are hundreds of these verses in the OT, because God is very adamant on how only HE makes you at BIRTH, never before. Every such verse has the same Hebrew phrases, so they should be translated the same way, each time. But they are not. For when "womb" is in a verse, apparently the translating committees for the Bible in question, get nervous. Less nervous today than 30 years ago, but still enough to cause confusion.

GIST: God makes you a "you" at birth, and no one else makes you BUT Him. That's the Bible's constant refrain, and it demonstrates His Absolute Sovereign Love. So the Bible's perspective isn't about abortion, but about God's Personal Creative Act of making YOU at birth. Obviously, though, since that is true, then a) you cannot be evolved, and b) fetal tissue is not human UNTIL born, because c) what makes that tissue HUMAN, is a SOUL God creates.

So in this video series, we'll go through these verses, so you can see for yourself what BIBLE says, versus the mistranslations. It will be a slog to go through all the verses. You will end up learning some Hebrew and Greek as a result: the words are not hard to learn, and will be repeated hundreds of times, so you will find the process rather easy. But you'll have to go through all the videos. And ask GOD, about what you are learning.

I already did some webpages on this topic, but they need to be redone; the videos will go into much more detail than the webpages, since in the pages I only categorize the verses; but the videos will show them. The header webpage for these, is Caveat4.htm .

I'm adopted, so obviously I'm not pro-abortion. In fact, the problem here is that Christians are aborting the Word, and making Christianity into a mockery, giving yet more cause for people to hate God and the Bible, Romans 2 indictment. Upshot of the videos will be to demonstrate that the BIBLICAL position is to be pro-GOD's choice, and leave Caesar out of it.


A for "ALERTS". Certain concepts and Bible verses even in translation should ALERT you to the fact that the "prolife" position blasphemes God.

1. Concepts: just a few of these are listed, to aid one's thinking. As you think them over, you'll realize many other ideas alert you to the fact that there is no soul life in a womb.

a. No baby breathes in a womb. If it's not breathing, it's not alive. The first breath taken is outside the womb, when the fetus' nostrils are cleared -- for they are plugged up, in a womb. We don't consider a fetal kangaroo or kitten to be alive until born, and even have the phrase, "born dead" -- taken from the Bible, by the way -- so why suddenly are humans considered alive in utero? Oh, it's an old pagan myth. More about that, will be in "B", below.

b. Life is an INDEPENDENCE. Death is not. Death occurs when the soul leaves the body. Everyone knows that. So until there is a soul IN a body, it's not alive -- separation of soul and body is the definition of death. So prior to birth, no soul either. Hence the fetal tissue is not alive. It is developing into life, but until birth is not itself alive.

c. God would be a sadist to put a soul in a womb, since then all the developing fetal parts, would be felt by a conscious soul, trapped in there, with no or insufficient brain to process any will. (The brain is the last to develop, as the skeletal cranial cavity is not hardened enough until birth, so that the fetus can exit the birth canal.)

d. God would be a murderer, since every year thousands of spontaneous abortions occur, especially in developing countries, owing to poor nutrition, inherited disease, and other factors.

e. Christ could not stay sinless if His Soul existed inside a womb, so there would be no salvation if soul life was in a womb. In order to stay sinless, He has to have a BRAIN, which can process His WILL as a human being, and He has to have INDEPENDENCE. In the womb, no fetus has independence; it is at the beck and call of the mother's emotions and will. So Christ could not stay sinless, as when Mary sinned, it would pass onto Him, as He'd have no independent ability to resist it. (Hopefully you know that Mary was not sinless; Catholic Church made up that lie hundreds of years later; Bible records her as sinning, and even she calls herself a sinner in the Magnificat. See my "Mary Immaculate Blooper" video.)

f. Bible doesn't call abortion murder, and there have never been civil laws making it murder, until the last 50 years or so. Accordingly, have all the past generations been remiss, not to make a law which prolifers now attempt? Or are the prolifers, in error? When you see Exodus 21:22 in 2d., below, you'll realize why no one in the past tried to make it a civil law for a nation. So then the prolifers, are the ones not reading their Bibles. Catholic Church has always taught against abortion, but it wasn't a law. Yeah, and the Catholic Church correctly translated Exodus 21:22 in its Bibles (covered below).

g. Now, if it's true (and it is) that you're not human until born, then a MOTHER who might die if she gives birth, is being MURDERED if the fetus is given precedence over the mother. Because, she is alive and HAS a soul. Jewish rabbis will counsel, therefore, that you give precedence to the mother. Ask a rabbi, see for yourself. More on this will be said in "B." section, below.

2. Bald Bible verses even in translation: again, these are only a few obvious ones. You'll think of many others, as you go through your concordance on the key words, and think over what the ones below, signify. The videos will cover these, but you can just read them even in most translations, and see the import.

a. Genesis 1:26-27. God decrees that "human" means to be made in God's Image, and God is IMmaterial. So is the SOUL. Therefore you cannot be evolved, since God personally makes you at birth. This is demonstrated in the Genesis video Episode 6c, but you don't even need to see it, just look at any Bible.

b. Genesis 2:7. Adam doesn't become ALIVE, until God BREATHES LIVES (literal Hebrew, "hayyim") into his NOSTRILS, which means AFTER the body is formed. All this is demonstrated in the Genesis videos, Episodes 6c through the end of 7 for the Hebrew, but even though the English verses mistranslate the PLURAL LIVES as singular "living" or "life", you still can see the ORDER -- body first, and only AFTERwards, is the soul made.

c. Genesis 25:22. There, Rebekah ASKS GOD what to do about her pregnancy. Model of what we should do. Asking God, not Caesar, to adjudicate the matter...

d. Exodus 21:22. There, even in translation, you can tell it's a hypothetical court case due to the woman miscarrying, as a result of her trying to stop a fight between her husband and some other person. Bible makes the distinction between whether only the fetus is miscarried (lol the politically-correct Bible translations have problem with that, but even the Douhay-Rheims CATHOLIC Bible correctly translates it as "miscarry"). Or, whether the woman herself is harmed (verse 23). If the latter, it's a CRIMINAL issue for the courts. If only the fetus miscarries, it's NOT criminal, but any damage assessed is to be determined by the woman and her husband. So it's NOT murder, if the fetus aborts, get it?

On this verse, the following English Bibles correctly translate, per my BibleWorks collection: NIV/NIB, but only in the note (if your NIV is annotated), "or she has a miscarriage". NASB 1977 (but not later), Douhay-Rheims 1610 (Catholic Bible), Bible in Basic English, New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible, Revised Standard 1989 and 1952, 1985 Jewish Publication Society Tanakh. By the way, the Latin Online Vulgate seems to get it right, too. Non-English Bibles tend to copy whatever English Bible they used as a translation device, rather than going by the original-language texts (i.e., French Bible Jerusalen copies from the English Jerusalem Bible). By contrast, check out the Spanish Reina-Valera (1909, 1960 and 1989, 1995, editions are in my BibleWorks collection) -- it gets the translation right.

e. For, it's Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God, what is God's. This refrain is famous, we all know it, yet we don't think about what it means. Christ gave it as a principle, in Matt22:21, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25 -- three Gospels record it, to stress its importance. Paul covers the same doctrine at length in 1Cor6 (why Christians shouldn't sue each other), 1Tim2, Romans 13-14. Tie-in OT doctrine is the warning not to go to Egypt, and "cursed is the man who makes his flesh, his strength".

f. Ecclesiastes 12:7 -- body returns to the earth, but the soul returns to God. Only God gives life. So you cannot be alive in the womb, because biological life is not from God, but produced intermediately via pregnancy.

g. "Time to be born, time to die", Ecc 3:2. So conception isn't birth.

h. Bible reckons life starting at birth and then ending at death, pan-Bible. You don't see Genesis 5 say, for example, "And Adam caused the CONCEPTION of Seth", etc. Rather, you see Seth's BIRTH being given as the beginning of his LIFE. Everywhere in Bible, the beginning of a person is stated as his BIRTH.

i. "Born again", John 3, Titus 3:5. Conceiving the Gospel, doesn't save you.

j. Sin doesn't exist until BORN -- Job 15:35, Psalm 7:14, Isaiah 33:1, 59:4, James 1:15. This should be obvious. Temptation is merely the CONCEPTION of sin, but until you say yes to the temptation, you've not sinned. Man's biology is tainted in Adam, Romans 5:12, 1Cor15:22. So therefore NO soul is in the womb, since there would be no ability to resist temptation from the mother. Again, Christ's Soul couldn't stay sinless if He were trapped in a womb, since every human being BUT Him, is born in fallen Adam, ibid.

B for "Biology" befuddling us. Biological life has been deemed human life by pagan cultures, and THAT is where we get the idea of life being in the womb.

1. Pagan cultures attributed magic properties to blood, to the heart, to the head. For example, if you wanted to gain your enemy's brains, you ate his brains; his courage, you ate his heart; his strength, you ate the body part you wanted to make strong. Royalty was given magic blood properties, so it became important that a son from the loins of the king father, be ruling. All these magical ideas didn't make the distinction that to be human was strictly an immaterial act by God, since God was rejected. You can look up any ancient culture you like on the internet, and find these biology-magic ideas in it. So when a fetus was in a womb, it was attributed as being alive.

2. Under the Mosaic Law, it was never said that a fetus was human, but rabbis in the Talmud began to consider that 40 days after conception, "life" was in the womb. So they would counsel against abortion. After all, God might want to make that fetus come to term, so we shouldn't mess with God's Will. Ask any rabbi today, and you should get an answer similar to the one you just read. So it was an application of Genesis 25:22 and other verses -- the idea being, GOD should decide if a fetus is to be born -- but not actually a Bible doctrine, itself. Not a bad application, though, huh...

3. Catholic Church developed and grew, by accommodating many pagan beliefs. The goal was to get people to believe in Christ and into the 'fold' of 'mother church', and then hopefully the pagan beliefs would diminish over time. So if people believed that a fetus was alive, well and good. Moreover, Catholic Church had to adopt some of the paganism, to claim that Mary was Immaculate -- see my "Mary Immaculate Blooper" video, because it couldn't explain the Virgin Pregnancy. But precisely BECAUSE Christ wouldn't be Christ until BORN, His Body could be conceived and developed in a womb by means of the Holy Spirit, rather than tainted-in-Adam, human sperm. But they didn't understand all that back then. Now, hundreds of years later, it's too late, I guess, to admit the error.

4. Modern science also erroneously thinks that human life is strictly biological, having no stomach to admit the IMmaterial nature of thought. Synapses can only be read for electrical impulses; when you cut the halves of the brain or a patient has a stroke, you can tell what parts of the brain affect what sorts of reasoning, memory, emotion, stimuli -- but you cannot read the actual thoughts, themselves. So man today is just as dumb as the pagans, considering himself as Feuerbach quipped, "man is mass in motion, without a soul". This too, contributes to the lie that humanness is strictly biological, so of course a fetus in the womb, would be considered alive.

5. Evolution hangs on the claim that human life is strictly biological, so that's why it looks at similar arms and legs of monkeys, and thinks we came from them.

6. It's natural to consider a POTENTIAL life as alive. Ask any mother when the fetus kicks. :)

C for Corrupted Bible translations. These result from "A" and "B".

1. Because we ignore the common-sense and Bible warnings in "A", and because we naturally buy into "B", especially since respectable people buy into it, we do "C", corrupt Living Word into dead words. The videos will cover most of these mistranslations, so you see the pattern. It's really bald, how the Bible is mistranslated. Proverbial hand in the cookie jar, like the Vulgate masking the difference between Greek petros and Petra, to pretend that Peter instead of Christ, is the head of the Church -- to pass off its pope myth as valid. (See my "Petros Life" and "Rock is Christ" videos on that; videos walk you through the Bible verses in Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English.)

2. Political-correctness is the objective of REVERSING what Bible says, in the translation of "womb" verses. Again, 30 years ago Bible mistranslation was even worse than today. Especially, the Hebrew phrase "mi beten" and "me rechem" are both mistranslated "from the womb", when instead the Hebrew preposition "min" stresses SEPARATION FROM the object. So "separated from the womb", "away from the womb", "beyond the womb" should always be the translation of that Hebrew. Hebrew preposition "min" is used thousands of times in the OT, and always has a birthing connotation. The stress on separation is important, for example, to understanding why God begins to number the days of Adam, in Genesis 3:22. Isaiah 53 uses the preposition to stress Christ's Humanity and how He was yet beyond-human at the same time, by repeating the preposition and by repeating its SOUND. Scholars know this well, as do pastors. What pastor doesn't stress the BEYOND-HUMAN torture Christ went through, when covering Isaiah 52:14? "Beyond" is Hebrew preposition "min". Dr. Saenz-Badillos of the University of Madrid wrote a book on A History of the Hebrew Language; he covers how "min" developed as a separative, partitive preposition; I got my copy at Amazon. You can also look up "min" in TWOT lexicon (Theological Workbook of the Old Testament), which is also online (as well as in BibleWorks), to see this essential meaning.

So it's bald politics, to reverse "min" in "womb" verses, by clever truncation to "from the womb": which in English, means from INSIDE. Proper translation should be, "from birth". It will take many videos to go through all these verses.

Again, today more Bible translations correctly say "from birth" than was true in yesteryear. For example, in a simple string search on "from birth" in the most popular English Bibles, the Hebrew phrase "mi beten" is properly translated 10-30% of the time as "from birth" in NIV/NIB, New Living Translation, Revised Standard, Bible in Basic English, Geneva 1599 Bible, Webster 1833, New American Standard, English Standard Version, 1917 Jewish Publication Society Tanakh, New Jerusalem Bible, even New King James. Compare Psalm 71:6 in different Bibles, to see something of the variance, here. It's typical of the dispersion of translations in the other verses using the very same Hebrew phrase.

Think about that. The EXACT SAME HEBREW PHRASE, "mi beten" -- literally, "beyond the womb", "separated from the womb", "outside the womb" -- is used well over 16 times in the OT (beten is used a total of 73 times, but not all reference the womb). So then it always means the same thing, as it's a literal physical expression of BIRTH. So then why isn't it always translated the same way? Why sometimes and not others, since in the context the meaning is always the same? After all, you are born or are not. There's no "semantic range", no gray area of interpretation, here.

A synonym for "beten" in Bible is Hebrew "rechem", which also means "womb". There are at least 12 of these verses (76 total, but not all reference the womb); included among them, is the "womb to tomb" wish of Job (Job 3:11, 10:18), demonstrating that Job wasn't alive until born -- and wishing he'd immediately DIED after birth. In this group is the always-misread Jeremiah 1:5, people forgetting that Omniscient God knows someone before he exists, so instead of reading THAT correctly, they misuse the verse to claim Jeremiah WAS Jeremiah "in" the womb.

Then there are thousands of birthing references which just use the Hebrew "min", or synonyms, to show when human life begins. Many of these are wordplay, so instead of being translated "born", they are translated in other ways. So of course the videos will have to cover at least some of these other instances, as well; thus you can see the pattern.

3. So you miss the many verses where God says HE makes you a "you", at birth. This is the main theme in the Bible regarding birth, that you're not alive until God makes you alive. So, then you need to be re-born, spiritually, which God alone also makes. Series' videos will cover these verses. God's Sovereign SELECTION of your existence, upfront and personal at birth, is an important doctrine to know. Unbelievers are also chosen to exist; God wants NO one to go to hell, 2Pet3:9. But you can't know all that, if you don't know that God personally makes you a you AT birth, huh...

4. Tie-in verses to the difference between biological life and soul life, therefore must be covered. Since most of Christendom is very confused about man's essential TRI-partite nature when saved, versus his DUAL nature if unsaved (never mind clear passages like Hebrews 4 and 1Cor2), videos on this topic are needed. These will be the hardest videos to do, as so few pastors even teach the tri-partite nature of man: human spirit is life/relationship with God, soul life is for other souled creation (humans, and in eternity, angels), and biological life is a kind of house you live in.

5. Special passages in Job, Psalms, the prophets, Paul, James, and the Lord's statements in the Gospels, will get special videos. These passages use the fact that you are not human until born, to express other doctrines or appreciation. For example, Christ doesn't say you must be conceived again to be saved, in John 3; because, conception is not life. James says that sin has to be born, too. Paul likens our current status to a fetus, waiting to BE born, in Romans 8 and elsewhere. Job wishes he'd never been born -- "from womb to tomb", as my pastor quipped, when exegeting Job. David marvels that God would decree his birth, noting that his body is only a dead house, in Psalm 139 -- which of course is horribly mistranslated, see my "Don't Abort My Word" table in NoWombLife.htm. Some of the prophets also have special passages on the topic. Videos will cover some of them, enough to convey the pattern of Bible exposition.

6. So-called "problem passages", like Luke 1:15 and Elizabeth's phrasing of the 'baby leapt' will get videos, too. Frankly, once you see the previous videos, you'll understand most of these passages are not problems. The problems, are the people eisegeting them. ("Eisegesis" is a fancy term for fancying something in Bible, which isn't there.)

D for Deus Decides.

1. At root, the issue of when you become a you, is solely a matter of Sovereign Divine Decision. After all, the soul lives forever and therefore God has been 'listening' to it since eternity past. Every breath you take is courtesy of God, for He holds everything together; there is no automatic pilot. Your free existence and free will must be ordained, or you never will exist in the first place. Lots of Bible verses on this, and some of them -- enough to establish the rhetorical pattern the Bible uses -- will be covered in the videos. Really, this is the heart of the issue: GOD must decide. What makes the prolife position blasphemous is that prolifers want to allocate that role to Caesar.

2. It's a juridical issue, too: a fetus is not alive, so not guilty of anything, even though tainted in its biology, with Adam's sin. That's why it must be BORN: if born, it BECOMES a juridical issue, will God make it alive, or not? Just as in Genesis 2:7, God could have stopped at forming Adam's body. In which case, Adam wouldn't have ever become "Adam" (clever wordplay, since adamah means earth, so the Earth Man made out of the Earth).

3. So the issue for us, is to be pro- God's Choice. If a woman loses a fetus, then it was God's Choice that the fetus never come to term. Trust God to have good reasons for that, since HE has to live with the decision since eternity past. If a woman is sterile, same thing. If a woman is pregnant but doesn't want to be, well -- what does God think about that? Of course, the unbeliever doesn't ask the question, but like Rebekah did in Genesis 25:22, we Christians sure should.

E for Election Time: what to do with this information?

1. Talk to God, obviously. Life comes from God, so God has the right to say if a fetus will be a human being.

2. Abortion is not murder, because one has to be a human being, alive, to be murdered; in a womb, there is no life yet, whether animal or human.

3. So don't campaign for Federal Laws to make abortion murder. That's giving to Caesar, what is God's; it's also a lie against the Bible which says abortion is NOT murder. Were abortion murder, then the Mosaic Law would have verses saying so. Yet rather, you have Exodus 21:22, as mentioned in "B", above.

4. So don't conclude that Bible is pro-abortion, either.

5. Best of all, learn how God intimately chooses your own existence, whether you ever believed in Christ or not. For the soul was ransomed by Christ, and lives forever. Your choice, WHERE that forever-life after this body ends, will be.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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