Both Primary and Secondary Super-cultural ... - Bible Query

Athanasius’ Teaching – June 26, 2021Athanasius taught everything in bold. Italicized was taught only before Nicea. Athanasius taught 607 out of 1,160 teachings.BIBLE IMPORTANCEBi1. Study or obey God's Word as an authority Bi2. Old Testament has God’s words; study it Bi3. New Testament has God’s words; study it Bi4. Scripture is called the word of God Bi5. Divine Scripture Bi6. Scripture is holy / sacred Bi7. We are to believe Scripture Bi8. We can understand Scripture Bi9. Meditate on God’s word/commands Bi10. Search the Scriptures Bi11. Scripture or its writers were inspired Bi12. ? Canon [of Scripture/truth/the church] Bi13. Dual meaning of some prophecies Bi14. Unbelievers don’t understand OT/scripture Bi15. Veil on many when read Moses/OT Bi16. Some parts of the Bible are allegorical Bi17. Lion both good and bad in scripture Bi18. Don’t twist/corrupt meaning of scripture Bi19. Acknowledge Bible textual variants Bi20. Some corrupted [copies of] scriptureOLD AND NEW TESTAMENTSOnt1. The Law was excellent or good Ont2. ? The Law is/was spiritual Ont3. Law a shadow of gospel/things to come Ont4. Jesus superseded some Old Test. laws Ont5. Scripture/law/prophets was fulfilled Ont6. The prophets were until John Ont7. The O.T. said the Messiah had to suffer/die Ont8. Old Testament has types of Christ Ont9. Melchizedek was a type of Christ Ont10. Joshua was a type of Christ Ont11. Old and/or New CovenantOLD TESTAMENT CANONOTc1. The Law and the prophetsOTc2. Genesis is scriptureOTc3. Exodus is scripture or God saysOTc4. Leviticus is scripture or God saysOTc5. Numbers is scripture or God saysOTc6. Deuteronomy is scripture or God saysOTc7. Joshua is scripture or the Lord saysOTc8. 1 or 2 Samuel is scripture or God saysOTc9. Reference to 1 or 2 Kings as KingsOTc10. Reference to 1 or 2 Chr. as ChroniclesOTc11. Job is scripture or the Lord saysOTc12. Psalms are scripture or God/Spirit spokeOTc13. Proverbs are scripture or Lord saysOTc14. Isaiah is scripture or Lord/Spirit saysOTc15. Jeremiah is scripture or the Lord saysOTc16. Ezekiel is scripture or the Lord saysOTc17. Daniel is scripture or God showedOTc18. Hosea is scripture or God/the Word saysOTc19. Joel is scripture or God saysOTc20. Amos is scripture or God saysOTc21. Micah is scriptureOTc22. Habakkuk is scripture or God saysOTc23. Zechariah is scripture or God saysOTc24. Malachi is scripture or God/Spirit saysOTc25. The Twelve [Minor Prophets]OTc26. Use of the term “Old Testament”OTc27. The Old Testament is scriptureOTc28. The Ten Commandments / DecalogueNEW TESTAMENT CANONNTc1. Matthew is scriptureNTc2. Mark is scripture or God saysNTc3. Luke is scripture or God saysNTc4. John is scriptureNTc5. Acts is scriptureNTc6. Paul’s letters are authoritativeNTc7. Romans is scriptureNTc8. 1 Corinthians is scriptureNTc9. 2 Corinthians is scriptureNTc10. Galatians is scriptureNTc11. Ephesians is scriptureNTc12. Philippians is scriptureNTc13. Colossians is scriptureNTc14. 1 Thessalonians is scriptureNTc15. 1 Timothy is scriptureNTc16. 2 Timothy is scriptureNTc17. Titus is scriptureNTc18. Revelation is scripture or Lord saysNTc19. Using the term “New Testament”NTc20. The “New Testament” is ScriptureOLD TESTAMENT AUTHORSOTa1. OT has writing in HebrewOTa2. Moses wrote the Law [Pentateuch]OTa3. Moses wrote GenesisOTa4. Moses wrote ExodusOTa5. Moses wrote LeviticusOTa6. Moses wrote NumbersOTa7. Moses wrote DeuteronomyOTa8. David a writer of PsalmsOTa9. Solomon a writer of ProverbsOTa10. Solomon wrote EcclesiastesOTa11. Isaiah wrote or said IsaiahOTa12. Jeremiah wrote or said JeremiahOTa13. Ezekiel is by EzekielOTa14. Daniel spoke or wrote DanielOTa15. Hosea wrote or spoke HoseaOTa16. Joel wrote JoelOTa17. Amos wrote AmosOTa18. Micah wrote or said MicahOTa19. Habakkuk wrote HabakkukOTa20. Zephaniah is by Zephaniah/SophoniasOTa21. Zechariah wrote ZechariahOTa22. Malachi wrote MalachiNEW TESTAMENT AUTHORSNTa1. At least 1 NT word originally in GreekNTa2. Matthew wrote the Gospel of MatthewNTa3. Mark wrote the Gospel of MarkNTa4. Luke wrote the Gospel of LukeNTa5. John wrote the Gospel of JohnNTa6. Luke wrote ActsNTa7. Paul wrote RomansNTa8. Paul wrote 1 CorinthiansNTa9. Paul wrote 2 CorinthiansNTa10. Paul wrote GalatiansNTa11. Paul wrote EphesiansNTa12. Paul wrote PhilippiansNTa13. Paul wrote ColossiansNTa14. Paul wrote 1 ThessaloniansNTa15. Paul wrote 2 ThessaloniansNTa16. Paul wrote 1 TimothyNTa17. Paul wrote a 2nd letter to TimothyNTa18. Paul wrote TitusNTa19. Peter wrote 1 PeterNTa20. John wrote 1 JohnNTa21. Jude wrote JudeNTa22. The evangelists [gospel writers]MESSIANIC PROPHECIESMp1. The Old Test. prophesied about JesusMp2. Genesis 49:10 prophesies of Christ Mp3. Deuteronomy 18:15 prophesies of Christ Mp4. Psalm 2 prophesies of Christ Mp5. Psalm 22 prophesies of Christ Mp6. Psalm 45 prophesies of Christ Mp7. Psalm 110:1-2 can only refer to Christ Mp8. Isaiah 7:14 prophesies of Christ Mp9. Isaiah 9:9 prophesies of Christ Mp10. Isaiah 11 prophesies of Christ Mp11. Isaiah 62:1-2 prophesies of Christ Mp12. Isaiah 53 prophesies of Christ Mp13. Isaiah 65:1-2 prophesies of Christ Mp14. Jeremiah 11:19 prophesies of Christ Mp15. Daniels' 70 weeks messianic prophecy Mp16. ? Joel 2:28 prophesies of Christ Mp17. Micah prophesies of Christ Mp18. Zechariah 9:9 prophesies of Christ Mp19. Zechariah 12:10-12 prophesies of Christ Mp20. Mal 3:1-2 prophesies of Christ Mp21. Psalm 16:8-11 prophesies of Christ GOD’S TRANSCENDENCEG1. There is only One True GodG2. Living GodG3. God / Jesus before birth was incorporealG4. God is holy, good, or pureG5. God does not speak lies / is TruthG6. God is a FatherG7. The Trinity: one God in three 'Persons'G8. God is the Father of all [things]G9. The Father/God is perfectG10. Sun / beam / ray analogy of the TrinityG11. Majesty or glory of GodX G12. God is a jealous GodG13. Genesis 1:26 refers to Father and SonG14. God is LightG15. God of Jesus/ChristG16. God's Holy NameG17. The GodheadG18. God is a consuming fireG19. God is blessedG20. God is SpiritG21. Fragrance of Heaven/God/Christ/Holy SpiritG22. God is not in everything; pantheism is wrongG23. God fills heaven and earthGOD’S ETERNAL POWERGe1. God is everywhereGe2. God is almighty (omnipotent)Ge3. God is sovereign / God's sovereigntyGe4. Most High GodGe5. God is above allGe6. God or His power is incomparableGe7. God does not change / is unchangeableGe8. God is uncreatedGe9. God is eternalGe10. God had no beginning / was unoriginatedGe11. God is incorruptibleGe12. God is the Ancient of DaysGe13. God / Jesus is immortalGe14. God is inscrutable / unsearchableGe15. God knows all / even the secret thingsGe16. God is all-seeingGe17. God is invisibleGe18. God is Lord of heaven and earthGe19. Calling God “I Am”GOD’S IMMINENCEGi1. God is worthyGi2. God needs nothing from usGi3. God is just / not unjustGi4. God will judge/reward people’s secretsGi5. God punishesGi6. God is not mockedGi7. God sends evildoers delusion(s)Gi8. God can be offendedGi9. God is mercifulGi10. God wants repentance not sinner’s deathGi11. God / Christ is heals /is healerGi12. God is our protectorGi13. God is our refugeGi14. God is our delivererGi15. God/Christ rejoices over usGi16. Calling God Abba FatherGi17. God of AbrahamGi18. God of IsaacGi19. The God of JacobGi20. God of IsraelGi21. God is patient or long-sufferingGi22. God is compassionateGi23. God loves us or is kindGi24. God avengesGi25. Christians & Jews worship same GodGi26. Abraham’s [three] visitorsGi27. The Lord / God is faithful / trustworthyGi28. the Creator is Our / the True GodGi29. God is the LawgiverGi30. God has numbered the hairs on your headGi31. The Holy One of IsraelGi32. God of the livingGi33. God resists the proudGi34. God is generousGi35. ? All nations blessed through AbrahamGi36. In God we live and move and have our beingTIMELESS TRUTHS OF JESUS CHRISTT1. Jesus is the Son of GodT2. Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of GodT3. The Deity of Jesus our LordT4. Jesus is the Word of GodT5. The Son existed from ages pastT6. All things were created through Christ / the Son of GodT7. Jesus obedient or subject to the FatherT8. Worship, praise, or glorify JesusT9. Inseparable/Father in Son or Son in FatherT10. Christ at right hand of God/the FatherT11. No one knows the Father except the Son & those revealedT12. Father and Son are distinctT13. The Word was distinct from the Father at CreationT14. Son in the bosom of the FatherT15. An Equality of the Father and SonT16. God the SonT17. Specifically “Jesus” is the Only-Begotten / Son / Word / Son of manT18. Specifically “Jesus Christ” is the Only-Begotten / SonT19. Specifically “Christ” is the Only-Begotten / Son / Son of manT20. Specifically the Son is GodT21. The head of Christ is GodT22. Christ had the Spirit of wisdom and understandingT23. Jesus and the Father are OneT24. Jesus [Ad]ministered His Father’s willT25. Jesus anointed with the oil of gladness/joyJESUS BEFORE MINISTRYJb1. Virgin birth of ChristJb2. Incarnation of the Word/JesusJb3. Christ emptied HimselfJb4. Jesus took the form of a servantJb5. Word was made/became fleshJb6. Jesus humbled HimselfJb7. Jesus Christ was a real, sinless manJb8. Jesus of the tribe of JudahJb9. Jesus was born in BethlehemJb10. Jesus brought up by JosephJb11. Jesus’ earthly father was a carpenterJb12. Jesus [and His family] went to EgyptJb13. Jesus from GalileeJb14. Jesus on earth was plain-lookingJb15. Christ/Logos/Son was obedientJb16. Jesus was baptizedJb17. Jesus fasted for 40 daysJb18. Jesus hungeredJESUS’ MINISTRYJm1. Jesus went to CapernaumJm2. Jesus found/called NathanaelJm3. Jesus ministered in GalileeJm4. Jesus calling the TwelveJm5. Jesus went through Samaria/Samaritan womanJm6. Jesus said to destroy this temple in 3 days…Jm7. Jesus’ answer to JohnJm8. The TransfigurationJm9. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkeyJm10. Jesus drove out the money-changersJm11. Jesus was questionedJm12. Last SupperJm13. Jesus prayed that this cup would passJm14. Jesus arrested / seizedJm15. Jesus washed His disciples’ feetJm16. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kissJESUS’ PASSION AND BEYONDJp1. Some despised ChristJp2. Jesus was mockedJp3. Jesus was crucified or died on the crossJp4. Cross’s shape or outstretched armsJp5. Jesus was hung on a tree [the cross]Jp6. The wood of the crossJp7. Sign of the crossJp8. Calling the crucifixion the PassionJp9. Christ’s crown of thornsJp10. Jesus was beaten/scourged/whippedJp11. They cast lots for Jesus’ clothesJp12. Jesus given vinegar and gall to drinkJp13. Thief/robber on the cross in ParadiseJp14. Jesus asked why God had forsaken HimJp15. Darkness or earthquake at Jesus’ deathJp16. Veil of the Temple torn when Jesus diedJp17. Jesus’ bones were not brokenJp18. Jesus rose from the deadJp19. Jesus rose on/in three daysJp20. Jesus ascended to heavenTIMELESS TITLES OF JESUSt1. Jesus is the/our Lordt2. King of Kings and/or Lord of Lordst3. Jesus is the Alpha and Omegat4. Jesus is the Door or Gatet5. Christ is the Image of Godt6. Jesus is the/our Rock/Stone/Cornerstonet7. Jesus is the Light or Light of Lightt8. Jesus is our Shepherdt9. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of Godt10. Jesus is a Lion / as a lion’s whelpt11. Son/Jesus was/was begotten before the morning start12. Jesus/cross the wisdom & power of Godt13. Christ is the Holy One of Godt14. Jesus / the Son is the Logost15. [Christ] the King/Lord of gloryINCARNATE TITLES OF JESUSi1. Jesus is the first-born (not just of Mary)i2. Christ is the Second/Last Adami3. Jesus called Emmanuel (God with us)i4. Jesus is our High Priesti5. Jesus is our Physician/Doctori6. Jesus is the Wayi7. Jesus is the Truthi8. Jesus is our/the Lifei9. Jesus is the Bread or Bread of Lifei10. Jesus is the Vinei11. Jesus is the Messiahi12. Jesus a star rising out of Jacobi13. Christ is of the root of Jessei14. Jesus is the descendent/seed of Davidi15. Jesus of Nazarethi16. Jesus is the first fruitsi17. Jesus is a son of Abrahami18. The sign of Jonah refers to Jesusi19. Christ is the/our BridegroomPURPOSE OF THE LIFE OF JESUSp1. Jesus sent by the Fatherp2. Jesus saved us/is our Saviorp3. Jesus was temptedp4. Jesus came to suffer [for us]p5. Christ is the end/fulfillment of the lawp6. Jesus/Son of man is Lord of the Sabbathp7. Jesus is our Redeemer / redeemed usp8. Christ finished His workp9. Jesus forgives us / remits sinsp10. Jesus: the/One Mediator (between God & man)p11. Jesus bore our sins/infirmitiesp12. Jesus bore the curse for usp13. Christ suffered shame/disgracep14. Jesus was a ransomp15. Christ reconciled usp16. Christ overcame/triumphedp17. Grace and truth by Jesus Christp18. Jesus revealed the Father to usp19. Jesus the Paschal Lambp20. Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit & firep21. Jesus provided purificationp22. Jesus gives us living waterp23. Jesus came to save the lostp24. Jesus/Christ rescued usp25. Do the will of the One who sent Himp26. In 1 Jn 2:1 Jesus is our sins’ propitiationp27. The Son / Jesus gives lifep28. Jesus called sinners to repentancep29. Jesus came to save His people from their sinsTHE HOLY SPIRITH1. Mention of the Holy SpiritH2. The Holy Spirit is GodH3. Person of the Holy SpiritH4. Glorify/worship the Holy SpiritH5. The Holy Spirit is distinctH6. Holy Spirit called Spirit of truthH7. Holy Spirit addressed as “He”H8. Sevenfold spirit or seven spiritsH9. The Holy Spirit/Comforter was promisedH10. Jesus sent the Holy SpiritH11. Paraclete or Holy Spirit already presentH12. Blasphemy against the Holy SpiritH13. Holy Spirit dwells/lives in usH14. Live in the SpiritH15. We can grieve the Holy SpiritH16. The Divine SpiritH17. Spirit was poured out on believersH18. The Holy Spirit known in the OTTHE HOLY SPIRIT’S WORKHw1. The Power of the Holy SpiritHw2. God’s Spirit moved over the abyss/watersHw3. The Holy Spirit spoke ScriptureHw4. Sword of the Spirit is the word of GodHw5. Christ born of Mary by the Holy SpiritHw6. Holy Spirit appeared as a doveHw7. Holy Spirit came down at PentecostHw8. Holy Spirit gives giftsHw9. The Holy Spirit is a giftHw10. Fruit of the SpiritHw11. Baptized/washed with the Holy SpiritHw12. The Holy Spirit seals believersHw13. Filled with the Holy SpiritHw14. The Holy Spirit directsHw15. Holy Spirit taught usHw16. The Holy Spirit gives knowledgeHw17. Spirit gives us guidance/understandingHw18. The Comforter/Holy Spirit comforts usHw19. Disciples received the Holy SpiritHw20. The Holy Spirit witnessesHw21. Under trial Spirit gives us words to sayTHE WORK OF GOD IN GENESISWgn1. God made all things in heaven and earthWgn2. Heaven and earth were created goodWgn3. God created things from nothingWgn4. Six days of CreationWgn5. God blessed the Seventh DayWgn6. God imparted the breath of lifeWgn7. Garden of EdenWgn8. Four rivers leaving the Garden of EdenWgn9. Tree of knowledgeWgn10. Eve from Adam’s ribWgn11. Enoch was translated without dyingWgn12. Noah’s arkWgn13. Judgment of Noah’s flood / delugeWgn14. God confused/altered the languagesWgn15. Scattering after the Tower of BabelWgn16. Abraham’s seed like the stars of heavenWgn17. Judgment against Sodom or GomorrahWgn18. Lot’s wife a pillar of saltWgn19. Jacob’s ladderWgn20. Jacob wrestled with God/an angelWgn21. ? The seventh day is holy / sanctifiedTHE WORK OF GOD IN THE OLD TESTAMENTWot1. God’s appearances in the Old TestamentWot2. The earth is God’s footstoolWot3. God sends the rain on everyoneWot4. The burning bush of MosesWot5. Plagues of EgyptWot6. The firstborn of Egypt perishedWot7. Cloud and/or pillar of fireWot8. Crossing the Red SeaWot9. Water from the rockWot10. [Moses] battling the AmalekitesWot11. MannaWot12. Ark [of the Covenant]Wot13. Bronze/brazen serpent in the wildernessWot14. Hezekiah and the Assyrian armyWot15. Elisha did miracle(s)Wot16. Christ with the 3 youths in DanielWot17. Daniel in the lion’s denWot18. Joshua [Jesus son of Nun] crossed the JordanWot19. ? Joshua’s long day [sun stood still]THE WORK OF GOD IN THE NEW TESTAMENTWnt1. Zechariah was made mute [temporarily]Wnt2. The star [of Bethlehem]Wnt3. Jesus performed miraclesWnt4. Jesus at Cana or turning water to wineWnt5. Jesus calmed the stormWnt6. Jesus fed the 5,000Wnt7. Jesus walked on water/waves/deepWnt8. Jesus healed a leperWnt9. Jesus healed the paralyticWnt10. Healing the flow of bloodWnt11. Raising the widow’s sonWnt12. Raising Lazarus from the deadWnt13. The apostle(s) worked miraclesWnt14. Ananias or Sapphira killedWnt15. Jesus healed the blindPEOPLEPe1. People are made in the image of GodPe2. Our bodies die but our souls are immortalPe3. People were made from dustPe4. Our bodies will return to dustPe5. People are like clayPe6. Soul shares body’s pain and feelingsPe7. People have the will to choosePe8. We should tremble at God’s WordPe9. Do not trust in manPe10. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weakPe11. Don’t gain the whole world to lose soulPe12. Positive mention of non-Biblical JewsPe13. Even the elect can be deceivedPe14. We are God’s workmanshipPe15. People were given dominion over the earthSINSi1. Man fell when Adam and Eve ate the fruitSi2. Adam & Eve covered themselves for shameSi3. We have or inherited a sinful natureSi4. All have sinnedSi5. Those who sin are sin’s servants/slavesSi6. People have guiltSi7. Reason/understanding was darkenedSi8. People are corrupted / corruptibleSi9. People are hardenedSi10. Idolators/sinners are shamefulSi11. The sinful provoke GodSi12. We were dead in sinSi13. The conscience of some is searedSi14. Hardness of people’s heartsSi15. Works of the flesh / sinful natureSi16. Ezekiel 18 referring to an individualSi17. World’s wisdom is foolishness to GodSi18. Cross/resurrection is foolish to the worldSi19. People deceive othersSi20. Some people deceive themselvesSi21. People themselves have broken cisternsSi22. People are enslaved by sin / lust / the devilSi23. Kept from the wise and given to babesSi24. Don’t be double-minded / double-heartedSi25. [Many] Jews rejected Jesus as the MessiahSALVATIONS1. O.T. pointed to salvation in Christ in NewS2. Salvation is a gift of God’s graceS3. Jesus’ death paid for our sinsS4. Saved by Jesus’ blood or dying for usS5. Even Jews who reject Jesus will perishS6. Believers are God’s electS7. The reprobate (non-elect) will be lostS8. Some elect died before knowing SaviorS9. Some follow Christ for a time, yet perishS10. Not saved if living in sinS11. Adoption as sons of GodS12. We need to have faithS13. Live by faithS14. We are like God’s chickensS15. Shipwrecked faith/salvationS16. Confidence or assurance of salvationS17. Hope in God or ChristS18. Our faith is preciousS19. God’s great, glorious, precious promisesS20. Mystery of the Lord/faithS21. Be born againS22. The precious blood of ChristS23. Heirs of salvation / Christ / the LordS24. God has called usS25. Predestined or PredestinationS26. God can raise Abraham’s kids from stonesS27. Jesus bestowed remission of sinsS28. Many are called but few are chosenS29. Narrow is the gate to lifeS30. No way of salvation apart from ChristS31. Salvation/church for all kinds of peopleEND TIMESE1. The Antichrist will come -after 125 A.D.E2. Heresies & persecution before Antichrist or Christ’s returnE3. Before this will be many lesser antichristsE4. Jesus will return in glory -after 125 A.D.E5. Rapture of believersE6. Resurrection of believers / allE7. Christ will judge all / quick and deadE8. Believers will judge the world or angelsE9. Believers are sons of GodE10. Believers will reign with ChristE11. Jesus returns in [literal] cloudsE12. The Tree of LifeE13. Fulfillment of the Cosmos has come to usE14. The End times tribulationE15. Every knee will bow to JesusE16. Moon will turn to bloodE17. Abomination that causes desolationE18. God’s future temple on earth/in JerusalemE19. Christ’s coming like the days of NoahE20. Meeting the Lord in the cloudsE21. The endtime [sound of the] trumpetREVELATION SPECIFICR1. Seven churches in RevelationR2. Two witnesses come before Christ returnsR3. The Book of Book of Life / the LivingR4. The Beast or his markR5. The Millennium or the 1,000 yearsR6. Devil and followers cast in Lake of FireR7. Heavenly (24) elders in RevelationR8. Woman Babylon in RevelationR9. Two-edged sword out of Christ’s mouthR10. Souls under the altar [in Revelation]R11 John was exiled to PatmosR12. Jesus rides the white horse in Rev 19:11-16R13. The Second Death in Rev 2:11; 20:6,14ULTIMATE THINGS - HEAVEN AND HELLU1. The Kingdom of GodU2. Inheriting the Kingdom of GodU3. Description of God’s throneU4. Reincarnation (transmigration) is wrongU5. Believers who die are with God foreverU6. Believers have rewards in HeavenU7. All who die rejecting Jesus go to HellU8. Unquenchable/eternal fireU9. The worm of the lost does not dieU10. Church/believers are Christ’s brideU11. Paul went up to the third heavenU12. Some lost have more severe judgmentU13. Believers have crownsU14. Those who die are with ChristU15. We will put on incorruptionU16. The earth shall pass awayU17. Abraham’s bosomU18. Flesh & blood not inherit God’s kingdomU19. The wedding banquetU20. New Heaven and New earthU21. New/heavenly JerusalemU22. Outer DarknessU23. Gates of Hell/Death/HadesU24. Entering the Kingdom of GodU25. Many mansions in heavenAngelsUa1. Angels are servants of GodUa2. Holy angel(s) Ua3. The heavenly hostUa4. The archangel MichaelUa5. The angel GabrielUa6. Four Living Creatures / SeraphimUa7. CherubimUa8. Guardian angelsUa9. Angelic / Heavenly powersUa10. Angels worship/praise God/JesusUa11. Angels rejoiceUa12. Angelic hymns / choir(s) Ua13. Angels visit shepherds at Christ’s birthUa14. Angels announce/preach the gospelUa15. An angel spoke with CorneliusDEMONSUd1. Satan / the Devil / LuciferUd2. Satan/demons fell from heavenUd3. Satan deceivesUd4. Serpent beguiled EveUd5. Satan is a serpentUd6. The Serpent was cursed at the fallUd7. Enmity between serpent and Eve’s seedUd8. Satan is a dragonUd9. The prince of this world/air is evil/SatanUd10. Satan, a murderer from the beginningUd11. Satan looks like an angel of lightUd12. Wiles/Craftiness of the devilUd13. DemonsUd14. Power/principalities of darknessUd15. Demons are worshipped by pagansUd16. Demons deceive / delude peopleUd17. Devil/demons tempt peopleUd18. Demons vex/cause harm to peopleUd19. Demons tremble at/fear ChristUd20. Demons subject to ChristUd21. Satan can have lying wondersUd23. Beelzebub/BaalzebubUd24. Satan sought to sift Peter as wheatUd26. The Devil/Satan is a personal beingUd27. There are doctrines of demons/devilsUd28. [Demons are] unclean spiritsUd29. The devil had envy / jealousyPATRIARCH INDIVIDIUALSPat1. Adam and/or EvePat2. Cain murdered his brother/AbelPat3. Seth [son of Adam and Eve]Pat4. EnochPat5. Noah got drunkPat6. Ham [son of Noah]Pat7. Shem [son of Noah]Pat8. Japheth [son of Noah]Pat9. Canaan [son of Ham]Pat10. Job and is sufferings/patience Pat11. Abraham, friend of GodPat12. Sarai / SarahPat13. Lot or his wifePat14. HagarPat15. IshmaelPat16. IsaacPat17. Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrificePat18. Rebecca [wife of Isaac]Pat19. Laban [Jacob’s father-in-law]Pat20. JacobPat21. Rachel [wife of Jacob]Pat22. Leah [wife of Jacob]Pat23. EsauPat24. Joseph or his brothersPat25. BenjaminPat26. Dan (patriarch or tribe)Pat27. Ephraim (patriarch or tribe)Pat28. Judah (patriarch or tribe)Pat29. Levi (patriarch or tribe)Pat30. Manasseh (patriarch or tribe)Pat31. Naphtali (patriarch or tribe)Pat32. Zebulun/ZebulonPat33. The patriarchsPat34. The twelve tribes [of Israel]EXODUS TO SOLOMON INDIVIDUALSES1. Moses led the Israelites out of EgyptES2. MiriamES3. Aaron, brother of MosesES4. Pharaoh during the ExodusES5. KorahES6. Balaam or his donkeyES7. Joshua conquered CanaanES8. Rahab of JerichoES9. Jephthah [the judge]ES10. GideonES11. SamsonES12. Eli [mentor of Samuel]ES13. SamuelES14. Saul [son of Kish]ES15. David was godly (except adultery)ES16. [King] Saul persecuted DavidES17. Nathan [the prophet]ES18. Tamar / ThamarES19. Uriah [the Hittite]ES20. King Solomon was wiseES21. Hannah [mother of Samuel]ES22. Jesse [father of David]ES23. Dathan and AbiramES24. ? Hiram [King of Tyre]DIVIDED KINGDOM ON TO INDIVIDUALSDK1. JeroboamDK2. AhabDK3. Elijah was a godly prophetDK4. Hezekiah [the godly king]DK5. ElishaDK6. Naaman [the Syrian leper]DK7. Jonah in the fish or warned NinevitesDK8. SennacheribDK9. Josiah the godly kingDK10. Jeconiah/JechoniahDK11. Nebuchadnezzar [King of Babylon]DK12. ZedekiahDK13. EzekielDK14. DanielDK15. The 3 youths in DanielDK16. Cyrus [King of Persia]DK17. Darius [King of Persia]DK18. Artaxerxes [King of Persia]DK19. Ezra the scribe/prophetDK20. ZerubbabelDK21. Joshua the high priest (in Zechariah)DK22. Antiochus [Epiphanes] of SyriaDK23. The prophets are holyGOSPEL INDIVIDUALSGo1. Mary mother of Jesus was blessedGo2. Elizabeth [mother of John the Baptist]Go3. Zechariah, husband of ElizabethGo4. John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth’s wombGo5. Shepherds at Jesus’ birthGo6. The Magi came to ChristGo7. Simeon [at Jesus’ dedication]Go8. Anna [at Jesus’ dedication]Go9. Herod’s slaughter in BethlehemGo10. John the Baptist was a godly forerunnerGo11. Andrew the disciple/apostleGo12. Peter the disciple/apostleGo13. Philip the disciple/apostleGo14. Thomas the disciple/apostleGo15. James son of Zebedee, the disciple/apostleGo16. [Samaritan] woman at the wellGo17. Mary MagdaleneGo18. Jesus’ seventy disciplesGo19. MarthaGo20. ZacchaeusGo21. Judas betrayed JesusGo22. The High Priest Caiaphas tried JesusGo23. Herod tried JesusGo24. Pontius Pilate sentenced JesusGo25. BarabbasGo26. John the Baptist was beheadedGo27. Annas the former high priestOTHER NEW TESTAMENT INDIVIDUALSN1. MatthiasN2. James the Lord’s brother was godlyN3. The Ethiopian eunuchN4. Stephen the martyrN5. Cornelius the centurion who was savedN6. Saul of Tarsus persecuted the churchN7. Paul was a godly apostleN8. Barnabas, companion of PaulN9. Silas, companion of PaulN10. ApollosN11. Paul was in prison/bondsN12. Paul was persecuted besides prisonN13. Timothy the individual (not just the book)N14. James [the disciple] was beheaded/slainEXPERIENCING GODX1. God/Christ lives inside of ChristiansX2. Our bodies are God’s temple/templesX3. Christians escape corruptionX4. Believers are set freeX5. God renews usX6. We are children of lightX7. God strengthens usX8. We are friends of ChristX9. Pure in heart will see GodX10. None shall separate us from God’s loveX11. The Lord disciplines or corrects usX13. Please the LordX14. Glory in the LordX15. Seek wisdom from God or His wordX16. Be peaceful, kind, or goodX17. Be strong / strengthenedX18. God’s people mournX19. Fear/reverence of the Lord/GodX20. We adore/glory in the crossX21. God’s holy peopleX22. Speaking of shameX23. Put unrighteousness/adversary to shameX24. Do not be ashamed of the cross/ChristX25. Flesh and spirit war against each otherX26. The peace of GodX27. Blessed are the poor in spiritX28. There is sin unto deathPRAYER AND FASTINGPr1. Prayer to God is importantPr2. Pray to the FatherPr3. Pray to JesusPr4. Pray at all times or in any placePr5. Pray dailyPr6. Praise GodPr7. Thankfulness/gratitude to GodPr8. Confess to GodPr9. Forgive us as we forgive othersPr10. Not into temptationPr11. Deliver us from evilPr12. The Lord’s PrayerPr13. Lift up hands to GodPr14. Bless or pray for your persecutorsPr15. Pray for rulers and those in authorityPr16. Incense of the prayers of the saintsPr17. Pray that God’s kingdom comePr18. Pray in secretPr19. Pray for God’s mercy for usPr20. Fasting to God is goodPr21. Pray in secretPr22. Pray together (2 or 3)NOT OF THIS WORLDn1. We need to repent and come to Godn2. Love Godn3. Obey Godn4. Follow Jesus, or His examplen5. Bear/Take up the cross, and follow Christn6. Struggle to live a victorious lifen7. Put on the armor of God/righteousnessn8. Faithful Christians still get sickn9. Suffer persecution or martyrdomn10. No sorcery, witchcraft, or magicn11. Exorcism or casting out devilsn12. Live a worthy lifen13. Mortify earthly nature/deeds of the bodyn14. Be clothed with/in Christn15. You cannot serve two mastersn16. Martyrs are blessedn17. Losing your life and finding itn18. Believers are servants of Godn19. We must perseveren20. We are the light of the worldn21. We wrestle against the devil or sinn22. Keep away from works of darknessn23. We are aliens awaiting our eternal homen24. Don’t be bittern25. Believers are transformed [now]n26. The Kingdom of God is within youn27. Walk in newness of lifen28. Some are worthy of martyrdomINDIVIDUAL PRACTICEI1. Do not worship other godsI2. Stars have no influence on peopleI3. Have patienceI4. Don’t let the sun go down on your angerI5. Do not make/invent any idolsI7. Do not get drunkI8. Eating meat is fineI9. Do not be a glutton or slave of your bellyI10. Vanity, or avoid vain thingsI11. Virtue of prudenceI12. Do not provoke GodI13. Work hard, don’t be lazyI14. Be godlyI15. Be gentle or meekI16. Eating meats forbidden to Jews OKI17. Depart from evilI18. Worship God in spirit and truthI19. Keep the commandments of Christ/GodI20. It’s bad to be a hypocriteI21. Do not worship any images or idolsI22. Rule of faith / truthI23. Submit to GodI24. Have self-controlSPEECHSp1. Have pure speechSp2. Forsake liesSp3. Do not be a gossip or chattererSp4. Don’t use flattery (on others)Sp5. Slandering people is badSp6. Confess your sins to othersSp7. If we deny Christ He will deny usSp8. Don’t swear false oaths / falselySp9. Don’t boast about yourselfLOVING OTHERSL1. Love all / your neighbor as yourselfL2. Forgive others/enemiesL3. Do not get revengeL5. Do to others as you would them do to youL6. Do not murderL7. Abortion is evil/murderL8. Care for the sickL9. Practice hospitalityL10. Love covers a multitude of sinsL11. Show mercy to othersL13. Should be peacemakers or seek peaceL14. Cruelty is badL15. Visit those in prisonL16. Do not hold a grudgeL17. Love your enemiesL18. Clothe the nakedL19. Turn the other cheekL20. Must not poison othersMONEY AND CONTENTMENTMo1. Do not love moneyMo2. No stealing or financial dishonestyMo3. Help the poorMo4. Help widowsMo5. Heavenly treasure; don’t fear earthly lossMo6. Do not envy or be jealousMo7. Do not covetMo8. Be humble or not proudMo9. Be content with what you haveMo10. We rejoice when afflictedMo11. We rejoice – besides being afflictedMo12. No selfish ambitionMo13. No bribesMo14. No usury / lending to needy with interestMo15. Don’t be wise in your own eyes/conceitMo16. Cannot serve both God and MammonMo17. Love of money root of all evilsMo18. Strive for godliness, not gainMo19. Lazarus and the rich manMo20. Offering money/possessions to GodMo21. God’s house not to be a den of robbersMo22. Blessed are the poorMo23. Give in secretMo24. No rivalryMo25. No strife / striving in the fleshMo26. Don’t worry about tomorrow/lilies of the fieldMo27. Help orphansMo28. Feed the hungryCHURCH ASSEMBLING TOGETHERCa1. Christians met together on SundayCa2. Sing hymns to God, the Father, or JesusCa3. Practice water baptismCa4. Observe the Lord’s SupperCa5. No more animal or blood sacrificesCa6. No need to celebrate the Sabbath (except can fast)Ca7. Learn from prior church writers/councilsCa8. Cheer up/encourage other believersCa9. Correct other believersCa10. Calling ourselves ChristiansCa11. Mention of Easter/Pascha[l]Ca12. Calling the Lord’s Supper the EucharistCa13. Shun alleged believers persisting in sinCa14. The Church is the body of ChristCa15. FootwashingCa16. Baptize in the name of the Father, Son, Holy SpiritCa17. We are the flock of ChristCa18. Musical choirCa19. Church(es) of GodCa20. Church(es) of ChristCa21. Holy church(es)CHURCH LEADERSHIPC1. Obey authority of godly church leadersC2. The Church/Christians should have unityC3. Excommunicate or separate from hereticsC4. Bishop(s)C5. Church leaders should accept each otherC6. Reject unchristian church leader authorityC7. Remove leaders fallen in gross sin/heresyC8. Concept of one universal churchC9. Churches should greet other churchesC10. Tradition of the apostles or the churchC11. Ordination [of bishops]C12. Priesthood of all believersC13. Christ the head of the churchC14. Church leaders are shepherdsC15. The episcopate [office of bishop]C16. Elders/presbytersC17. DeaconsC18. Sub-deaconsC19. CatechumensC20. Must be worthy of being a bishop/priestC21. Priests [in the church]FAMILY AND MARRIAGEfm1. Honor marriage, no extra-marital relationsfm2. No divorce, except for unfaithfulnessfm3. We should be purefm4. Do not watch violent or lewd showsfm5. No homosexualityfm6. We should honor our parentsfm7. Cherish and nurture our familyfm8. Having kids is fine within marriagefm9. Celibacy is better than marriagefm10. Remarriage OK after death of spousefm11. No incestual relationsfm12. Do not love family more than Jesusfm13. Do not kill/expose infantsfm14. Two become one fleshfm15. Do not lust (sexually)fm16. We should be modestfm17. Train your kids in the Lordfm18. Eve was Adam’s bone and fleshfm19. No gladiatorsGOVERNMENT AND LAWSGv1. Honor the king or governmentGv2. Obey government [when not against God]Gv3. Do not aid in persecuting ChristiansGv4. Pay taxesGv5. Citizens of HeavenGv6. Christians should not be in lawsuitsGv7. Officials ought to be justGv8. Disobey or change unjust lawsGv9. Providence, or God governing the worldGv10. Christ is king, or kingdom of ChristGv11. The Kingdom of heavenKERYGMATIC AND IRENIC EVANGELISMk1. Preach the gospel to othersk2. Bold proclamation of truthk3. Quoting God’s word to unbelieversk4. Sharing personal testimoniesk5. Creative allegories or metaphorsk6. Quoting poetry to share truthk7. Promises of heaven or God’s lovek8. Threats of Hell or God’s wrathk9. Mortal life is fleeting/shortk10. Martyrs blood is a testimonyk11. Use of Catena of 3 or more versesk13. The cross / Christ a stumbling block to Jewsk14. Christ or us speaking in parablesk15. Parable of the sheep and the goatsk16. Parable of the prodigal sonk17. Parable of the wheat and taresk18. Faith/kingdom of Heaven as a mustard seedk19. Parable of the persistent/importune widowk20. Parable of the fig treek21. Parable of the good Samaritank22. Parable of the lost sheepk23. Parable of the lost coink24. We want non-believers to get savedAPOLOGETICS EVANGELISMAp1. Answering questions of othersAp2. Answering alleged contradictionsAp3. Answering false moral accusationsAp4. Using questionsAp5. Nature witnesses to GodAp6. Appeal to scienceAp7. First Cause (cosmological argument)Ap8. Only One is supremeAp9. Appeal to historians Ap10. Using chronology in apologeticsAp11. Moses is older than HomerPOLEMIC EVANGELISTIC METHODSPo1. Be on guard against errorPo2. Debate and argument in witnessingPo3. Showing misconceptions/contradictionsPo4. Morality vs. evil in other religionsPo5. Do not judge/condemn othersPo6. Do not throw pearls before swinePo7. Don’t give what is holy to the dogsPo8. Beware of wolves/false prophetsPo9. Calling other beliefs delusion(s) Po10. Humor or wit in witnessingPo11. Harsh rebuke in witnessingPo12. Calling people namesPo13. Ridicule or sarcasmPo14. Calling other beliefs fablesPo15. Calling other beliefs superstitionsPo16. Calling false teaching / heresy poisonREFUTE GNOSTIC-TYPE TEACHINGGn1. The Creator is goodGn2. Do not call matter evilGn3. Avoid Docetic belief – not suffer in fleshGn4. Against CerinthusGn5. Against the NicolaitansGn6. Simon Magus and his heresyGn7. Against Carpocrates (from Simon)Gn8. Against Gnostic Menander, Simon Magus’ DiscipleGn9. Against MarcionGn10. Dispute Against Valentinian GnosticsGn11. Against the Valentinian Gnostic HeracleonGn12. Dispute Against Sephtian/Ophite GnosticsGn13. Against the Gnostic heretic ApellesGn14. Dispute Against Encratite GnosticsGn16. Against the Encratite Saturninus/SaturnilusGn17. Dispute Against Other GnosticsGn18. The [Gnostic] Demiurge is FalseGn19. The [Gnostic] Ogdoad is FalseGn20. The [Gnostic] Pleroma is FalseAGAINST PAGAN RELIGIONSPg1. Speaking against human sacrificePg2. Dispute against the Magi/ZoroastriansPg3. Against Mithras / a sun-godPg4. Dispute Druid or other European mythsPg5. Dispute against Indian Bra[c]hmansPg6. Dispute Chaldean/Babylonian religionPg7. Dispute Egyptian religionPg8. Against the religion of ScythiansPg9. Against Syrian religionPg10. Against Arabian religionPg11. Against the [Phrygian] Great MotherPg12. Dispute against Greco-Roman paganismPg13. Pointing out adulteries of Greek godsPg14. Incest of Zeus/JupiterPg15. Apologetic use of Jupiter’s tombPg16. Thyestean [Cannibalistic] banquetPg17. Mention of OedipusPg18. Cannibalism of Kronos/SaturnPg19. Bloodthirsty Mars, pest/bane of mortalsPg20. Against BacchusDISPUTE AGAINST OTHER RELIGIONSOr1. Religion can be badOr2. No mixing Christ and other religionsOr3. Dispute against JudaismOr4. Errors of the PhariseesOr5. Errors of the SadduceesOr6. Sadducees wrong to deny the resurrectionOr7. Dispute against Sabellian OnenessOr8. Against the EbionitesOr9. No Spiritism or the OccultPHILOSOPHY THAT DENIES ONE GODPh1. Dispute philosophy that denies one GodPh2. Apologetic use of Plato’s TimaeusPh3. Against PythagorasPh4. Errors of AristotlePh5. Against StoicsPh6. Dispute Against EpicureansPh7. Against Cynic PhilosophyPh8. Against Pyrrho the philosopherPh9. Socrates even said he had a demonPh10. We are not ruled by fatePh11. Chrysippus [the Stoic] was wrong on some pointsMANY CHRISTIANS WOULD AGREEma1. God is timeless or before/ beyond timema2. Jesus appeared on earth prior to His birthma3. Mention of the laity / clergyma4. The church can be called the city of Godma5. People have free will / choicema6. Babylon refers to Romema7. There are greater/mortal &lesser sinsma8. Christians can lose their salvationma9. God knows all things in the futurema10. Jesus preached to the deadma11. Religion is/can be goodma12. Drinking wine is OKma13. No food sacrified to idolsma14. Christ died for all peopleDISPUTED PARTSdi1. Miracle healings in post-Acts churchdi2. Seventy Septuagint translatorsdi3. God is not compositedi4. God is impassible (without passion)di5. Some fallen angels sinned with womendi6. Against jewelry or false/dyed hairdi7. Christians must fast on certain daysdi8. No drinking or eating blooddi9. No worshipping true God with imagesdi10. Prophets proclaimed 2 advents of Christdi11. Prophesy in the church after Actsdi12. Number of nations according to angelsdi14. Tread on serpents and scorpionsdi15. God is ineffable or indescribabledi16. The angel Raphaeldi17. People can have a worthiness related to salvationdi18. Tobiasdi19. Susannahdi20. Multiple archangelsdi21. Wisdom in Prov 8 refers to the Word of GodERRORSer1. Incorrect references to Bible verseser2. Misquoted or unknown Bible verseser3. Over-allegorical Bible interpretationer4. Four elements make up the world.er5. Atoms do not really exister6. Errors on hyena, phoenix, or other animalser7. Errors on geography or tribeser8. Collective guilt of the Jewser9. Errors on peopleer10. Other errors on scienceby Steven M. Morrison, PhD. ................

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