Series: Jesus Said

Series: Daniel September 29, 2019


(Daniel 3)

Central Idea: When we face pressure to compromise what is right before God, we can have confidence that the sovereign purposes of God will be accomplished in and through our lives.

I. The Special Occasion (1-7)

II. The Charge (8-12)

III. The Investigation (13-18)

IV. The Judgment and Punishment (19-23)

V. The Deliverance (24-27)

VI. The Result (28-30)


1. It is wise for us to decide in advance to be committed to doing what is right before God.

2. Our confident trust must be in the Lord, not to remove us from the trial but to see us through it.

3. We must look to God for strength to accept His will for our lives because we do not know how our story ends.

Community Bible Church

Rev. Charles Tschetter, Lead Pastor

This outline is provided to assist you in understanding and applying today’s message. “Uncompromising Obedience” is the fourth message in a series on the Old Testament book of Daniel. This message can be listened to or downloaded at . You may also stream and download CBC podcasts from itunes or google play.


Fellowship Group Discussion Questions

1. Some Christians claim that pain, sickness or difficulty come as a result of sin in our lives or a lack of faith. How does Daniel 3 teach otherwise?

2. Read Isaiah 43.1-2. The verses are addressed to Israel but can be applied to us today. What does God promise and not promise in this passage?

3. How you ever experienced circumstances as a believer when it would have been easier to compromise rather than live for the Lord? Share about it.

4. Note the many uses of “worship” in Daniel 3. Compare this sort of worship with the worship of Daniel’s three friends. How are they different?

5. What advantage is there to determine your course of action before you face the decision to “bow or burn?”

6. In what areas of life do we face the greatest challenge as believers to stand up for what we believe?

7. Reflect on the three principles shared at the end of the message. What would you add or emphasize? Which principle might you struggle with the most?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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